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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 1

Detroit, Michigan
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i PART ONE PART ONE 19 VERY LATE IN COMING a 5 TO 0 9 1 i Cl xlll RESULTS: GAMES I LT MUST HIS tt OUTLINE ITS PLAN CASH stop i 1 (1 4 hi May i 60c 'Or Griswold1 (apt Lenily Eipects to Conclude Government's Case To morrow EMPRESS HAS NOT BEEN OR GETUL DURING PAST YEAR He Had Been Given Several Hlnta to Cease His Speecb CAPTAIN RYAN MEN BEATEN BY SCORE 'K EXTRA DUTY QN RUSSIAN SUGAR DECLARED LEGAL INERENCE DRAWN ROM BROD i "RICK'S RECENT SPEECIL BILLER HAS OREVER SHAT TERED HIS REPUTATION 51 NORTHWESTERN AND rPONTIAOi MEN SAID TO HOLD BACK' Big Syndicate May iHavc toSShovr i Mticli'LongGreen' Exclusive ranchise of English? Company Hold: t' ATTY GEN KNOX ADVISED DE LAY IN THE MATTER COMPLETE LINE TO PHILIPPINES i AND CONTINENT WANTED SITUATION BRITISH CONSID' ERED DESPERATE EW CONTENTION TO BE MADE BY COUNSEL RAYNER THINKS THEY WILL MAKE THE EMPIRE IT TOLD SPANISH PRESENCE AT SANTIAGO rE DETROIT MICHIGAN MONEY ALSO NEEDED TOCLOSEi ypsi ann 'deal Baltimore October Judge Morrisin the United States District Court' decided this afternoon that the extra tariff duty levied on sugar' imported from Russia into the United is legal' The decision was rendered in the case of A Downs against the government in which it was contend ed that no bounty was paid' by Rus sia on sugars manufactured there Judge decision hold that the Inducements to refiners held out by the Russian government are equiva lent to bounties It MIGHT IN CASE WAR NEED'TO CONTROL IT Inmbia let and post 1 BONDHOLDERS DECLINE TOAC CEPT NEW BONDS OEijEp' st left left tackle left guard centerrighi: guard right tackle'' right end qnarter left half right half faBbackvU CECIL RHODES EMPIRE WHO IS PORTED ILL IN LONDON PETER NISSEN WHO WENT SAELY THROUGH THE WHIRLPOOL RAPIDS IN LITTLE STEAMER THE ef Ji PRICE: IVE CENTSL REGENTS9 IELD A SEA NfUD AND dO WASHANDICAPED HEBOIiTELL WILLMLSO WORK TOhlAVE IIULLED 1 ft I TRAMPS PUT 'V Xj? IN THE STOCKS 1 AT WAUKEGAN 4f Waukegan Ill' October 12? The police of this city have revived the stocks of colonial days for the benefit of tramps who refuse to work out their sentences The legs apd arms of recafcitrants are thrust 'through the bars of the cell and shackled Tile pjanisnowbe Ing tried on Arthur Skrene and Anthony? Haber rwho were ar rested and fined for stealing a ride on a freight train They refused to work and re 7 main in the stocks until they 'changeftheirrninds A rnPATUnES TO THE COMMO PORE WERE NOT HURRIED dispatch dated beached SCHLEY JUNE 10 REPiVWA SMITH ISSTRONG ORiX'V its 'abrogation QUeMion ot OpenliigPekin to or cign Trade io'Bc Taken Up 'X ISSE PACIIC CABLE CO MAYX GET RIGHT TO LAND 1 Commander Staunton told of going ashore May 20 when the fleet was at West and receiving the informa tion that the Spanish ships were at Santiago having reached there Mayjo His testimony on this poinjxwas tlie same as that of Capt Chadwick given yesterday He then stated that on the next morning May 21 the fleet proceeded to the blockade of Havana Admiral Ptmpson being satisfied that tlie information concerning the pres ence of the fleet at Santiago was cor rect The admiral accordingly had called up Hie Hawk and forwarded his dispatches toCommolore Schley He said tlie dispatch drawn up in his presence ly Capt Chadwick was the on known as the memorandum that accompanied dispatch No 8 There Was Some Delay Mr Rayner asked: Hawk car ried No 8 Is that right?" captain of the Hawk was ailed on board and I remember his iost ruciions were to proceed with all speed until lie met the Vesuvius and transmit the dispatch to her as she was a faster vessel As to whether No 8 was inclosed with this I was 'rotary and did not inclose When did the Hawk She left Hie Havana blockade some west of Havana about dusk 21 probably about halt past you received this information al 8:30 in the morning and Dr Step'henson has returned find Opened offices at the Utopia His friOAda say baby is safe IlVl Cura Dyspepsia Ed StorrUich Troubles: hen cii Ma i i Hawk left al dusk May is Tl witness saiI in reply to ques tions that memoranda beginning: iie enclosed instructions will reach 'm" had not been sent by the the dispatch was dated May 21 and t'w left on the day previous Mr Raynor: not the first vessel that carried that mem 'To the best of rny knowledge the Hawk was the first and only vessel that arr'ed that re po 1 the witness "The Hawk left on May 21 and the in i information you had was about or 9 on May 20 When did on get this second confirmatory in mation you I got it on shore at Key West about 7 o'cloek on the evening of May Iluvk YVent rom Havana TiP ii the confirmatory dispatch' as 1 mm i sland it was received some 24 'itrs before tiie Hawk left with this morandum to Commodore Schley ASHINGTON Oct Tho Schley court of inquiry but one session to day ad journing at 1 until Monday in order to give those en gig' in connection with the inquiry an opportunity for recreation Capt Chadwick concluded his testimony be gun yesterday and Lieutenant Com mander Sidnev A Staunton who served on the New York as assistant to Cupt Chadwick as chief of staff Admiral Sampson and Lieut Na ihan Twining formerly of the Iowa were Introduced as new witnesses Lieut Twining said that while the flying squadron occupied a position of from three to live miles out from Cien fu gos during the day time the dis tance was increased to from seven to nine miles at night He was in charge of tho 8 inch guns during the bombard ment of tho Cristobal Colon on and he said that all the shots from the American Heet fell short of the a 4 BIRTHDAY CALLED ORTH WORDS PRAISE i There is no secret in raaklndgood beer It takes the best of malt and Jiops and plenty of them Thia with im proved and' skilful methods of manu picture have given Beer its andsjt universal reputation IPhone Slt ior a case 1 rr Mrs Mnrdacfc fctiarantees immediate ANSING Mich (Special) 1 7 Oika" gridiron knee deep fnmud and 'duringa vrainstonn' the A eleven iwent'down before the Lansing the score being 5 to 0 Thef scorg small but hdt smaller than the playing of the eleyena merited Both sides fumbled extensively owing to? the wet condl fion ofthe5lbs(lUandfinuchJofl! side playing was ihoUceable td theSOO spec tators Lansing put wak team against the this time On the con trary Lansing played a fast and snap py game'and seemed 'accustomed to thomud1 The interference was very goodconsiderlng the heavy gridiron and Lansing warriors gained a hard fought victory and lack of co bperdtion in defense and of fense prevented! A from scoring while slow play at Important stages entered into the result to 'no small sum it I up short Lansing proved to be: better than the AlC i Although A line showed more aggressiveness breaking througTi and tackling backfield did better work Allard luck was 'with Reid every timehe got the ball ho was pulled back five 'tot ten vards instead of a The' tackling of Lansing was good and hard and al was brought down the runner Wid man however was the only big ground gainer for the'D A two his end runs netting forty fivb yards 4 'A gained ground fairly con sistently' through tho': by means of the plunging plays and by running the end 41 rush fumbles would lose the ground gained and it the Deltas jnot a little top when the ball was worked within hailing distance was? to lost either on a fumble '6r bn downs i Lansing gained grounds steadily by using the "revol ving the same play that5Alma used again St Deltas lastSaturday Thei Jin this particular was on the brilliant order South Bend players Wagtier Studebaker" and Koehler were on Lansing 'line up and added much 'ginger to the Capt Dud work at ery good'2and time and he brought down dangt rous runners by fast tack ling rv Wuthrich Land Nilesw we'reithe bther 'Larisjng men to do good work both making Tiig ga ins at times i The redeeming feature of the A was tiie work of Eberts Murray Widman Ryan and CotHfiM Eberts and Coffin were foremost in breaking? in terference antf were invariably at the bottom of the scrimmages Widman has no equal on the team as a ground gainer though weibup in this respect when Jic is himself J)ebo madelils debut at fullback and showed' up well 1 was scored in the i'tlrst half Capt Ryan won the toss and' chose the east AVidmati ran kick back ten yards but the Deltas 'lost the balli when Reid 'fumblbdWagner gained five yards on a rra 1 1 1 Lil irvviviHS jncuf)L nuu a lost five yards mdre sfor off side work Wagner ballagaln and he advanced it'eight yards A plunge through center: was? stopped but onanother attempt Koehler was pushed a totichdown after exactly four minutes pf play There were no goal1 posts on "the gridiron owing to the fact that the race! course grounds were too' wet play juonand the 'city lot was selected the firsttouchdown D1 AC took a big brace and repeated line bucking on the pm Lansing availed them nothing When time was" called the ball as on 20 yard line A outclassed Lansing In seconds half A and fumbles would' have surelymade a touchdownCapt Ryan' tried "several new plays and good gaite were realized Lan sing never got the ball in the A territory and the balW was within 10 yards of goal when time was calledrf? The teitms were somewhat pamper ted by the spectators tThey flocked on the gridiron every time there was any wrangling done by the captains and interferedy with vhe plays on more than occasion The lineup fol lows: Hutchinson Coni i King Murray Nanneley Downing Rysui (Capt) neld Wldinan Dhn 'si 1 Koohletft fe' Hf I A THE XEXT CONGRESS MAY MAKE 7 BIG CUT IN osfs1 Men Cinched Game in irst Haff Scoring 23 Chinese to collect duties ROM OREIGN MERCHANTS LANSING linger WagnerNeumann ColaStudebaker DudleyThompkinsWuthrichEdgar Koch ier inn Irec Partfee leeea and ASHINGTON October Attorney General Knox had a longconference with Pres ident Roosevelt to day in re gard 'to: the' application of the Pacific 'Commercial Cable Co lay a cable from the United States to thePhilipv ipines? by wayJof Hawaii fandGuamMr Knox advi'd the preMflent to (take no action at present but to awaitf urtheir information as to thp purpose'f" the its cable was completed to 'ft fie Philippines 4 It is deemed desira to know Iwiiether'iti wouldextend itslown line to China or 'would makesome ar? rangement with theEnglish company that already has a cable' from Hong Kong to Manila The attorney gener Al regarded It as very important that there should" bp a completeJine fromthe fitted to land continent Asia 'as in case of wartTrnlghl necessary' for t'he United States' not finljA to4 coritrpl a cable' line to4 'the Pfiilibpines but 'also to controp line from the Philippines to China or sortie other point in' Asia The matter of the Spanish conces sions 'granted in 5 1898 ledmpany giving it rhn tchlse for cable Icorinections in the was 'carefully "consideredAttorney Khox advised the incident thp this exfiluslve' franchise (would not holdl'Ho citfed the recent (action of the Trans Vaal? commissionWWldhr field that the' edrbytthe Boer government yin the (Transvaal would not bprecogpized as valid by the British government probability "is that' no definite (action will be taken by thbpresident in' relation toth proposi tion 'until the company shall made clear its intentions regarding the' iihe between China' TO CONSIDER MA TTERO Gorged jc bZ tickets I out that the remarks of the British is war secretary Mr Brodrick and tne chancellor of tho exchequer Sir Mi chaei Hicks Beach furnish proof of the desperate situation of the British and show 'there is still hope tho Boers Tho Deutsche Zeitung closes an ar tide on the? subject' as follows: whole civilized world thinks of the Boers with pride" and hopes for in? tercession Our greetings arid our thoughts are with the aged Mr? Kruger who has lost his wife and fa yorite son and with Hhe iron willed Steyn and Botha and the other fighters The Kreuz Zeitung eulogizes the heroismof the Boots in the following words: tha moral momen turn of the desperate struggle of I the pastoral tribes with the great powter Even? the struggle of the Netherlands against: Spain cannot be compared with it They (the Spaniards) were never len to one as is the casevln South Africa Though England wastes milliards and sends armies against them ths Boers resist and in fact they gain ground The question is raised beyond the channel how will! it? BULLERS TALKING HA? PROVED HIS RUIN Lansing Turned the ''Tables On ithe I i ERLiIN October Most of the newspapers have referred feel ingly to Mr Kruger's birthday They also comment with sym nqfhv mi tiie two vearswark pointing HOPE'rOR REVENGE 1 DECISION RENDERED BY JUDGE AT BALTIMORE At 'Ann ArborMichigan 33 Indiana 0 'At Lansing AC 5 A At? AlbionM A C11 Albion 0 19 Nebraska stTChicag6 Chicago 5f Purdue 54 'V Atilthaca Cornelh 24 Union 0 'At Northwestern 2 Notre Dam 0 At West West Point 17 'Trinity At Harvard 18 Columbia 0 At Syracuse Lafayette 5 'Syracuse 4 I Philadelphia Pennsylvania 26" Brown 0 yt Princeton Princeton EDICT SAYS REORMS DECREED MUST BE ENORCED ii GERMAN EKIN October 12 Then dowr agerrjempress' has issued tWo edic sone which' establishes three new boards and abolishes many mtnbrjoffices Thepthej admon ishes the 'ofliclalsfto' erifprep thej re forms decreedin'rtecent edicts says: arid' the I the past year on Wotnwood and eaten (A Chinesemfitapfior reYenge)' The edict 'goes 'Jon to say that the board onaUonal adrninlstratlop Yung Lu controllergeneral of the revenue board' and others urgd the 'court to infrom? thp wholeempire that determined to execut reforms and joins officials to and adoptilhe methods recommended by Viceroys Liu KunJYiand Chang Chili Tung 1 trifling says the edict restore'prosperity The destiny of the government whether for' destruction is in volved in these reforms will make' China The foreign ministers? at a meeting to lav determined foreign merchants occupying: houses without the consent of the owners The Chi nese do not desircito' disturb those who'! established before the siege It was decided also that thq question of opening Pekin to' foreign trade shall be taken up when commer cial treaties are negotiated and that meanwhile the Chinese shall collect an? octroi equivalent to the transit dues of 21 per cent on goods not pay? ing the latter uure MyBpepwi lU XIVMMW i NN October 'f(8pfgial)' With' the natural'con against the Ann Arbor to day iMichigan defeated the University Indiana by the crushingscoreot 33 to 0 I Ithadbeen raining steadily for twenty four hours and Shield waSa sea of mud so that wjifphfs lighter up" "superior "avoirdu pois tho Hqosiprs the formertwere was theop portunity her fast play' into correct inotibnvbut her great kteani work not heip but count first jew minutes of I the garne'VltLdnly became a ques tion of the size 'of the it had a dry dajihere is telling what size score wewould hatfb" rim after the game magnificent de fense4 vTHt 'ptit to he test severely to day and she riot only held Indiana for downs on occasions ''but forced her 'jO punt eight Mimes Only once outside of tho first couple of mihutt's AY game when Indi ana made a tdfal of 20 yards omeight trials was there: Mhyw doubt about a yellow and blue stone walk Indiana did not make five yards at one trial during ggmox outside of punting Michigan demonstrated her' offensive plav 'Only once held for downs and only once forced stopu nt was her ''1 EULOGY BOERS Redncr On ot the'StaKHalfbacfcs record to day However she' made three bad fumbles and was penalized bv theoffiCialS'jQflr times for bping off side and fofit times for (he line StiU dier goyj line was never in danger Indiana muffed the toss backs t) ice and was guiltyof being 'off side but'ftWIce Sco e'fl'2 irst Half In the first half Michigan put up her Strongest game And "scored 23 points In soon as any man signs! pf injuries? instead of keeping him in tthe game he was taken out: and replaced by substitutes Tostialso ordered a kicking game in th? second half so as to escape as far as possible the injuries possibleunder Michigan's mass interference 1 The feature ofc the game was the rur back oX a punt by Weeks He made dodging good inter? helped along Tho mdficie f' itrfwhich gnow Shorts and Redden helpe'd along Shaw for the last touchdown a)so 'Stood out bright ly They literally dragged him along for nearlv 30 It was a clean game with the' exception? of Railsbapk whirls unexperienced and who was ruled rnffs the field for slug ging McGuginxVrijef officials were as competent jiwer seen here Scoring Of the Toochdowas After the tfidU bCk to cgtfter? field andthat Waa Defeated the Heavy InaianaJIeven 33 to 0 1 I But' Trust Controlled Articles Arc NotLilkely to ree List Ji' i ftf ASHINGTONZ October MHiS AfSpccfaljIIt is? riot expected iWlf: tfiat' so ''radicala'proposition as is proposed by Represen ts tive'Babcock' article manuficiqred and controlled byitrusts ori a trust i onyf the free? list will be Adopted se'sSion t0f congress' if ever yet it is vident that sojme'riegigiaiionw iik be enacted next ihter that will raakequitea but into taxes and to be a pay: the': taxes i 'Representative 'Henry Boutell the able Aridrtrievdrheaded'' membemctef lithe iheiweek at the capital 'has vsotne strong" ideas upon the of what' congress undrno doubt iwlljJTdOfat sion and he thusexpYcssbs himself 'arejit wo matters am interested seeing! copgress consider thk: said Mr" of these is thorev enue At tfio jlut Speech laying 'down the'lines oniwhich 'L'belieyed tipii shotil rie: if my plan hadr beent'f fol towedvt ho result would have "been satisfac tory The act of last winter has not red treed' the amount of revenue as much as: was1 clairrfed some Jegislation in tlie same direetlon is in diSpenslble latth'c coming session'4 Rcprescn'tative than continued Mr 'Routel! hope to the "Rush iBagot convention' with Crept Britain iby we are prohibited? frombdiKling? warships on the' great lakes abrogated' have had something to say oiPthat'isubject in times gone by We'ouftht)to have thefright 'to build jVYarshlps on the great lakesOur ship yards there entirely Competent to construct warships ofthe classes including torpedo I It will bb recalledthat Represen ta tive William'Alden Smith of Jfichl gani and a 'feyv others in congress have been the abrogation of the treaty referred to by Mr Bou tell for "several xyearsi Indeed to 1 creditibe it said that was pnwof'the earliest important subjects' tackled by the young Michigan mem ber when hef flrst entered the house bight years ago That objectionable and artiquat cd' treaty fb bound' to be abrogated at' an early date now seems assured 4 SUNDAY OCTOBER PAGES PARTS MORE WARSHIPS i SYNDICATE MUST PAY REPEALED re THATx IS ABOUT BOT CQNVENTIOY Wy 1 Washington October It its prob juXr able that a liberal building policy withT respect to naval ships will be urged upon 'congress the a pproachlng seg sion No authorization for new con Aw' struction was given by? congress at'the last session owing in part to' a dis SSh agreement as to the prospective merits of single and superposed turrets' Con gress contented itself with a to the navy department to submit full plans for two battleships and armored cruisers to'it at the approach ing session so that the body couldlt self'' choose between the designs Secretary 'Long' however does eSo regard himself 'stopped by this di Zf rection from reconimendlng tije cqn jfS struction of additional warships and full: year has been 'lost in execution of the naval building 'scheme 7s laid down by the policy board and asmorc time has been lost through the great delay in construction of the aljeady authorized and con "rf 'traded for owing toithe steel strike a considerable increase must be recom mended in order to vpfd falling hope lessly behind in the A erection of ideal American navy OLD TIMK SATURDAY NIGHT 1 DANCES Supt order that I dances where beer is furnished jt to the participants must stop had a marked last'night thls 'morning inquiry in' the several 'police precincts showed that so far? as the po i lice were' aware there was not a 1 single Saturday nlghtdance XroLthe rough type in thecityj 5 TT HERE were reports enJ Griswold' street yesterday that the'big'rey organization plan of thc' Everett Moore syndicate 'by means of which it is proposed toy cover the DetroitUnitcd lines and Jhe? vari ous suburban slincs acquired with a'l $60000000 is ini danger of sibeing knocked ktout Under reorganization plan thel holders of bonds of" the VariousToads are asked to exchange lheir securitics forbonds of the proj poped i new but it ls said that someofi the' holders' Of bonds of "aridi the Northwestern their 1 present holdings 4 eVeriT though7 they are offered a greater face of new bonds for tfielr old securities' It sls said that it was thisj'condition that" led to therecent appearance of Messrs Moore in Detroit and that the difficulty witntnei oona holders as the?" long conferences isasserfedthat the way fbr "the Everett Modre' people to ry2 will be to retire the bonds held by the ob jectlng bondholders' cash5 and that it will take 000000 in ready: money to do this The inability oftthe Everett Moore people to offer iswhatprevtented their getting hold of the Detroit ypsi lantl Ann Arbor it is said Messrs? Hawks 'ancUA ngus wotild not agree to 'takethelrynayi'in bonds'i' It is therefore problematical whether the Everett Mooie crowd will be able to the money necessary to! put through" thir big 'reprganizatlpnrplan JOUR ROADS WENT (A1 'Z 5 A OICERS ELECTED ORIfAKE SHORE ELECTRIC RY October 12 AnoUi'er step was the Moore" syn dicate towards bigiclec 'tricM'railway system to day when'lhc representation xof 'fourim''oftant'jsu iriirban railways met' in thiscitj iand exchanged theirseoiirities the ptock and of' the Lake Shore Electric Railway Co LThe following officers were elected: Barjtev Mahler president Jj HiHan iiuarid I vice presidenfs k' Stewart treasurer and Os Ccfen secretary Danforth will be generals manager a nd Stout general superintendent Three million 41 2 percept pondsof the? Detroit? Toledo Shore linewere recently sold jQ New York city i 1 'r''vWalash Gets tiie Ron Omaha October Special Master in Chancery Robert Kern at noon' to day the franchises and property? of? the St Louis irailroad for sale at pubjio auc tion there was but one bidderEdWiiT 'Sheldon of New York represent ing Emlen Roosevelt chairman of the 1 comfiiittee offered' $1 25OX) for the property and it was knocked down to him at that price The road wilt be turned? over to the Wabash Railroad company and will be operated in the future' bythat road More Boers Banielied Pretoria Eighteen mpre Boer cfiptured since peptem her 15 have been permanently ba nish edifrom the? country aKTI ACHE Cures rhead heuralgU etc Druggists sell It Eds I Rodgers Mfsnr Port Huron Vllck Ay Chas BCX St Co tailor? John fol nier5y Stvith Lynch cutterJ3 PORTO RICANS VISIT 1 4 DELEGATION WILX SAIL OR TUESDAYS fi' San Juan PR October 12 ifteen representative merchants of this city and a delegation of Porto Ricans and Americans selected from' various parts of the island wllPsni! for tne United States next Tuesday They will be guests of the New York Chamber of Commerce Starting from New York they will make a tour of the most Important cities east of St? Louis vn der the auspices of Maj ish back the Porto Rican commissioner ex to the' Buffalo exposition 1 Tha locale Chamoer ot vommerc nanica tne abl egates 'and the governor appointed them sex i AecorA Am Phonograph Co 106 Woodward LU If need TREATY WILL RE "Vis al Key West and' the Hawk' fin from you glvenie any subsequent Ia ches or memoranda that passed 11 a on Admiral Sampson and Cdm ip'dire Schley in references to the i squadron" being at 1 do not think I can refer you to After Admiral Sampson heard the fleet of Commodore i Schley not left Cienfuegos in other' is after he got a the "rnmander of the flying squadron he th Wasp think about May 267 the old Bahama channel to Clen i with an additional dispatch she of course did not arrive there ffidil Commodore Sc hley had left for'intiago and do not remember what 1 ioso dispatciu I 1 understand thaf betweeri! yen time the Hawk carried this'in rtnation to Commodore Schley at Hisk ou the evening of May Hand the when this dispatch was sent from Bahama channel on May 26 there tn) communication Jjetween Ad Sampson and Commodore Schley? i ten neo to the Spanish squadronntiago Was 1 thought I replied there was no i "Jituuity for 'u irst Knowledge Hut lurther effort on Mr I it to elucit information as' to "cor mdence between" the two(com 'ins and objection on the part 'of to bringing' in dispatches dd no immediate bearing upon re conduct Mr Ray there was no communication them between May 21 27 He then quoted of May 27 as the knowledge conveyed? ni dore Schley of the presence: of vis iV Santiago This dispatchi as follows: a States lagship New Yorkst Ji Channel May 27 1898 ey report and particularly 5 confidential reports received at Havana state Spanish bquauion has been in Santiago from Continued on Page Part WEVHING BROS Jt CO A Manufacturing jewelers cutters for1 Mttmatea and designs 12ri and badges of every de and Elk jewelry at reasonable prices ine fop Huntington Clark 'make a specialty5 London October The Soxth Xfrl can campaign has a curious effect on: British generals Public at tert ion Is" centered on Gen extraordi nary while society is gossip Jng about the remarkable action of another general This one is a knfghV' comniaiider of the bath holding a highY command in South Africa "He Is overjN 60 years age has been 'a' widower for two years and has engaged' him self by letter to marry a woman df 50 whom he has not seen for '20 years The? bride' elect who is an Irish worn an? is preparing to go out to Africa 1 Gen Buller 'he seems to hav forever shattered every vestige of his reputation' A of the Associated Press learns that previous to speech of Thursday he had received several plain hints from the war office expressing the hope that hel would accept Invitations to make speeches His appointment to the command 'off an army corps was madein a of generosity It was thought that Gen Buller could not do much harm in the two years remaining before he retired ailure to appoint him would have signified a public disgrace which the war office was not willing to flict on him believing that Gen Buller had done the best he could Brodrick Conferred With Kihg i London October The war tary Mr Brodrick arrived at moral to day on a visit to King Ed Wward I Both Sdes Jumbied Ex tensively Xjwmg to i i the Wet Ball 7 Hitch reported" in everett MOORE MtOHIGANMADE GR AND SHOWING 7 1 '1 BUILDING THEM WIIZG? 10 URGED ON CONGRESS' 1 long iWifi Recommend aZ Considerable Addition' to Navy i Denver "October James Charlton 'chairman of tho Transcontinental Pas senger rissociatloil issued a call to day fol A meeting the: association at St' lJouis" November 19 fthattimp the "'matter? of the' recently dis covered forgeries a of tickets of thc "Cleveland "arid 'Buffalo Transit Com pany willJbe considered 'The' forged tickets read from land to Arcadia Y' originally In 'handa (of the 'forgers they were made to read from StjPaul to Seattle romOtnaha to Srancisco 'and from York to honored respectively by the Northern Pacific iUnionPacIflc and Erie railroads5l 5 VINETA INCIDENT MADELIGHTO Berlin' October The papers make Jlight' of "the cruiser Vineta Incident at Porto Cabello Venezuela Na tional Zeitung Undoubtedly (Venezuela wjU js1ve satisfaction The cause of the conflict is likely to Have been a fight in which sailors' are fre quently involved ashore iThpj attack on the German "merchant vessel obvi 'ou si places the blame on Venezuela here no importance 4s attached to the incident as nothing been heard from the captain of the the subject Wiiy Not Ent lont Sunday Dinnert New Grill Room Hotel Metropole 5:30 nt'to i Special music Lunch 11:30 to 3 Popular pricea VOL 67 NO rV A Ai A fi 1 2 vs Illi k4 rvinv Na 'rvwxy ign A nr aa vw nm a BOB i 'x im raa itai ips es iki mb hi xr irea xm rnaa MA MP 'A IBB IliKZ IM IH BB IS IB IM Cv IkS IH lEfeE xBmsT Jin 11 BL B' Hr IM IB iH 19 IM A a tJTji jffTjyLr JBL ziKl link feu jn iKBu IH IK I BL I ML I Ed IM 9 a ZyrM I Ml f' iLw i 1 I'' 'l'V 1 A f' 3 lt 3IAY sir "'Vv i 1 gsSgSBggsgjafcBagggais 7 'V MM 1 5 Si tVM rS 1 'xe 3 i SX Bfcr CffNESE I vr I' 1UI JR 7 1 A SiTys i v' ri1 '4 Mi wH iy i 9 yjr millRwu v' a iZ 'sV ii i si ri1 Vz yx vas MBaMagafemg a WO" A.

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