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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 2

Detroit, Michigan
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DAILY REE PRESS LOCAL MATTERS THURSDAY MORNING OCTOBER 14 Drinotralic Nomination refer knew bow to thank him MARTHA WHITNEY I porta nt secret longer depending upon the measures of the politician 263 Broadwav New Yorr £ommerritil department a sove our io in like circumstances would feel hi 13t years lc47 Canal 200 491426 Bar! At Wool The receipts ot corn thus far exceed by 360107 1 bti the entire me June 4Mb9ii64 32667256 i6 A A 1000 lbs fresh made and packed to order for sale by 4 HILL 10 lour Ibl WIw'mI ba 40 150 50 100 65 10 10 April 16 lOvulU 1516014 in has 793934 c7 J913U122U 491156 541 20 40 70 0 96 hhd 1' Sngrir brown and white Haranna fo double refined Lnaf bbU single do do crushed and lowdered "vod IL Tea Good brands in Iota brought 34 9Q(a 195 from agou ith considerable coming in armers seem di'poM to ax ail tbetn selveof th presedt advance in price and an? bringing forward their cmp as fast as possible 5 lau eastern market news than was given yesterday morn ing She feels had To think that you are gone so fare SMEDLEY Auctioneer CATALOGUE SALE: Lots oreign and Domestic SNOW Genera! Agent for foe Co 50 90 60 100 160 ll0 50 2050 100 50 50 160 100 5O0 1U) 100 30 ROM NEW YORK has located permanently Jz in Detroit urfiee i Jefferson Avenue Ladies of respecta bility will receive his services at their by requcM Or ders left al Uie Post Office ill receive his attention Dcnirifrirrs ana urusnea Kepi constantly on hand iveierenrrs nan at tits office do do do do bn iPEBS JSINULASS for sale bv a ocM PARKER BRO paiiioii By Dr A Mavrxceav Professor ot DUeas ot Women 49y735u 12609035 ChJI for Vol unlerrvM iehigan probably in cl tided i Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun Washington Oct The Call for Volunteers I presume the de tail of the contemplated call for additional troops is not yet completed but judging from the number al ready in service under the law of 13th May lb46 authorizing the enlistment of 5000v men 1 venture the opinion that requisitions for more than 2000 or 3000 will not be issued or these the eve of the Secretary of War will necessarily be directed to ward distant states Michigan and Wisconsin ear nestly claim attention and other states in the west and south west have long desired an opportunity to vindicate their country's cause Does not every A merican heart heat high at the glow of patriotic ar dor which animates our countrymen from the Aroo stook to the Rio Grande MONEY MATTERS WEST The prospect of a short supply of breadstuff's reaching the cast ibi foP coupled wilhjhe universal disposition of our farmer? not throw tlieir wheat un th market in a hui ry has caue 1 an advance in price Within the pat three some twenty east ern have apjearel in this city Tlk are from Boston New York Albany Utica Rochester Geneva Lockport and Buf falo Allure well surfeited with undoubted eastern acceptances certificate of dejoite in eastern banks hank drafts on York nre and Boston We yesterday saw a gentleman ho liad certificate of dejosite in eastern bank? to the amount of near which he brought hre to purchase produce But it scm lie cannot get cu rrency for them as our banks and bro rsnave not got it We must be allowed to say a beneficial word to our produce customers bring currency with you instead of hank certificates Some ojx rators have cone to Canada and sold their eastern bank ight oLltgauou at a premium for Canada nou Our reader mut recollect that the Canada hanks are mm extended We cannot commend their circulation only at the price that the receiver can immediately convert them into wliear we shall part no mor lor about bear menny uen I and menny du me but among them al leant be pleest like I waspleot with tint 70 565 27731 ANOTHER EXTRAORDINARY CURE i BurrAtc May 1547 i i er price? I A USE fr Detroit the attention of dealer and coi th following ftrticb's in that line which be is enabled to offer at ven 100 HAMBlCG CHEESE on hand and fur sale hv ep3O HILT JAMES McMAHoN rom Sawyer Health Depot Dr Your Vermifuge is ell liked by tliose who have given it a fair trial I gave one boule of it to a child of mine a bout two years and three montlis old and lie passed a Lzrre mum her of larje worms I recommend your Vermifuge before all my vermifuges: although I make less cn it because 1 consider it efficacious The bent and Meekly Yewspa per in the I nited state i "The lag of Our I to Ijome'tir and 'ortitrn dhratiireW irt irtaiul tmujein nts INDEPENDENT PARTY (sHT Mason and Dixon's Line As early as 1682 there was a dispute between William Penn and Iord Baltimore respecting the construction of their respective grants the debateable land being one de gree or 69 English miles on the south line of Penn sylvania and extending west as far as the State it self The matter was in litigation over sixty years when Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon were ap pointed to run the line in dispute This line the boundary of Pennsylvania and Maryland is the fa mous Mason and line 1 19 41D T3r 2093 witiMtio i sa a 3 130 latter left at I knov wiran no mor return but if tin's should your fortune bee fc yon come UCTIQNMJL OR GOVERNOR EPAPHROBITS RANSOM KALAMAZOO of knowledge whereby the sufferings to which a wife a mvther or a Dter may be uhject may be obviated Copies will lc sent Ly Mail free of char pc Over ten thousand copie have bee fent by mail within three month with perfect safety and certainty In no instance has a remittance tailed to reach the publi her or die book those to horn it ha been directed On the receipt of Ont Dollar the "Married Private Medical will be sent free of postage to any part ol the United States All letter must be addressed (pot paid)to Dr A Mauriceau Box 1224 New York PuLIishlng office heer containing celebrated pictures of Gen Tay bombardment of Vera shillings and The follow ing table shows the amount received for tolls al Rochester for ach month from the commencement of navigation to die 3uih of Septe mber inclusive during the years 1:45 H4d and 1547: I bought some time ago a bottle of your celebrated die compound luid Extract of ink Root and 5nna rea hing homrt I accidentally broke the bottle and lot all but tw easpuonful: this 1 gave to a daughter of mine a child five years of age wlien he passed se ven large worms I had previously ffiven about twelve bottles of ahnestock's Vtrmtruge withou effect auH JACQUES DRUCILLARD Sugar do do small loves dO calling at the Music Store A LGOYQI IY 7IIYIYG COUPA2WY Notice is Tl hereby given that at a regular meeting of die stiareholders of ai 1 company held in the city uf Detroit on the fffst instant pur suant to public notice an assessment of one dollar per share was laid ou IIk shares thereof and made payable oue half thirty and one half in sixty days from the 1st inst at die office of 1 Webb president of said company in the city of Detroit By order ot the Board of Trustees ociJ WEBB ros Detroit Market ree Press Office Detroit Oct 14 l17 5 Tue market opened yesterday morning with a slight advance from re iuvs quotations and exhibited considerable activ ity du ring the day The firmness and advance in the to with the appearance of several eastern buyers had the ef fort to advance prices materially The market opened with the sale of bbls Livingston" in tore at $L7: 65 bbls goo 1 brand at depu IS 100: 101 bbls mixed Crrjscu and Clarkson £5 on boad 5u0 bi 1 nit 5 1UU bbls Byron S5V6j ou board: and tkK) bbia Calhotm and limner on boord at an advance from the last quota tion pree hat made public We learn that large eastern orders wen in the market fur lots uf straight brands at prices beluw our Terms Ail sums under cash without discount Sums over gtufi and under iOO three over S2VO and untie £5mi four months over S5tXJix months credit will be given for a proved endorse 1 notes payable at bank in this city Discount fur cash attiieraU uf rperct annum This sale presents a rare chance to those who wish to purchase heir ail £uxk as the catalogue will compri'e a large andextensive assortment ot fresh and seasonable Dry Goods ex pressly adapted for rill and winter trade ami are princifiallv un consignment from manufacturers and other conisting in part of l)0 Receipts of Merchandize October 13 New Reilly Const 19 Leseur A Arbor 3 Loridge A 1 Lew lxmsin A A 11 Stafford Mitchell Const 3 Williams ED Ladd Mar 1 Reuben Batlby Jack 1 Stevens Concrd I AS Jenness Ahnont 1 Chamberlain KaJ Marsh 11 Andrews Orion 9 A Beak School craft I VVebb Skinner 41 A Bns II White Bushnell Alhmn 35 lz wis Bower A A Parker 4c Pettyman do 2 Hunt Jc Rubertsun Mt Bridge Parson Goodrich hJ W47wing Barre 2: Hester A A Crombie do 1 11 Giles 1 White Bothvdle Albion 2: Kimberloe Btshop Schoocraft 5 Eastman Williams Mt 1 Dyer Al mont 2 Smith Groldney Romeos Brewster Dudgeon Whitwood Dex 95 I Opinion of Newspaper Postage It is a well known tact that Jenerson oppo ea there bein? a postage on newspapers 4 The following is an extract from his message to the llouseof Representatives in 1801 After speak ing of the prosperity of the country and of the pro prietv of doing away with the duty on sugar and several other articles he says: To which the postage on newspapers may be added to faciliate the progress of information and the remaining sources of revenue will be sufficient to provide for the support of Government But thingshave changed light and knowledge have been increasing a little too fast for the benent of modern despots and Alexander was in iavor ot darkening the true doctrines the modern would be Alexanders are in favor of crippling the energies of the press The people are taxed enough without being taxed for the privelege of reading a paper liostun Jnrestiirator The trade supplied on the usual term? or salt? by all the principle book sellers in the United States Agent in Detroit MORSE ASON jy3d3m Michigan Bookstore Jeff Aven Groceries at Wholesale JOHN TRl'AX 1 Wardell's Block raer of Wood ward avenue and Woodbridge street would respectfully invite umers ot irucene? generally to low prices having been purchased entirely ith Cash viz: rurn'ni respiring much tuning than thoe with the mall plate' The demand for Ufix cia of trumeri ha increased snie 166 per cent during the pa two year? A continue uual to manufacture a class of Piano ortes ithout the men lie frnm at prices varying from £1 0 to the Metahc rame from 250 to $50 ix and seven octaves Ree Wool Black Walnut and Mah einy wither without the sliding deskof the newest patterns All of which warranted 7 lai to any in the Union: should they pruve ollierwi5 they can be returned and die purchase money with expenses uf tran jortatio Ac ill promptly refunded TjrThe mot eiten ive assortment of beet Mu ic in this city together with Mekdeuns lutes Guitars Aecurde and other musical instruments constantly on hand Yew and armers Though wheat is coining in very freelyyat all the ports on Lake Michigan such is imt the fact on Lake Erie Ohio farmers are idently holding back for higher prices and keeping the wheat in their own granaries The receipts of new wheat 'at Cleveland and Sandusky Milan and Toledo are unexpectedly light The high prices of last year make them feel able to hold on for some time Michigan is sending a fair proportion of her crop but not by any means xvhat she could send lour in New York isnow about 550 a barrel It requires a priee of at least $6 to force forward the new crop to market A few more arrivals from Europe will determine the prices there for the win ter and whether the potatoe rot is likely to prevail again Of course if that miidew re appears it would chknge the stagnation of the grain market into one of great activityf In this ebuntry the rot has only appeared in particular localities and per haps it may be the same in Europe If soothe level of prices cannot go higher in this country than thev are now Yet the uncertainties of the produce mar ket have been such during the last two years that it seems litterally to defy all If sin' and what Stores of every pattern front several oi our teriay wa in stopping have Com pound Extract of Pink root and Senna The rapidity with whch tbi preparation bxS attained its pres ent opularity ill nut cem surprisiu? when we conidrr its immense 3U riority toother anthelmintics Being pleasant to the taste its administration to children i comparatively easymnd in eonqmnee of pnraiirr prop riy iht of haring rtrourfe io a pumative after in administration i obviated Iu employment ria? been proposed by phjaiciam as a valuable means of facilitating the diagnosis and consequently of dwrminin the treatment uf cacs presenting the symptoms of verminous irrita tion which are obscure in their character If this medicine hav ing been exhibited orms be nut expelled the cae may be deter mined to be one eimulatin a verminous affection Even in th' cases is highly valuable by it alterative and purgative proper ticc The following are a few of die cases in which it has lacen exhibited with die happie si effect: Thomas razer (civil engineer) purchased a Lottie for a little daughter of his who had fur some lime been troubled idi symp toms of its operation was mot efficacious many iarge worms were expelled soon after its administration an 1 die child restored to heal di Dr Desnoycrs Dear Sir A child of mine being exceed ingly unwell and suspecting ihe cause of its TH health to be worms I determined to try your Compound Extract of ink Root and nna of die efficacy uf which I liad hear much said: it succeed ed bevond all expectations expelling a numlter of worms and re storing the child to health gj fob KALE 1 he Ilouie and Lot near ihe Capitol formerly occupied by the Ute Mur Anderson It is nowwSfeurtered on very favorable terms Tlie owner is in town and wilt remain a frw days in order to dispose of this propertv Ap plv at office over Mich Ins Bank orlUdlw CRANE WESSON seplMSmislm The Copartnership heretofore exirini scribers under the name and firm ot Ua Due 4: Eldred as this day dissolved by mutual consent ranci Eldred and Andrew La Due are duly authorized to settle ult demand in favor of and pnv all the debts arainst the late firm Octroi Srpc91 ISIT A LA DUE ELDJtgJ) i fi rent utues wMi it ilurln ci Isrc qeantitic of Moral Esauer Tlu: boue Ixuuc and the child tjk fr wn her ral pieces of her shin tone ne pi' non tn my po svssion about 2 inches long and of an inch wide much re mbhng Los ey comb Dunne this time from aisueit fex hounrin girt she was reduced to a mere skk ton Dr JS Trowbridge auetv4 her from tlw cutiunencemenu for 3 mouth and he was vtted bv tierce do bbls Winter Sperm hl do Spirits loxes Cincinnati Mould CamUes Adamantine do Star do Raiin Scaled Herring Pepiwr and Spice CT ID Entffih kees a or ted Juniata Nail doz eastern made Buckru fall of It looks xery it more so shape Total Iris opposed that about thirty seven or thirty eight millions buvhels of grain were sent from the United States from the 1st of September Ia46 to the early part of last month This was worth at a fair average about $45009960 Shvlby and Iletroit Railroad SEALED Pidlpo'ALS wanted fur removing tle rwewnt wxien wjrstructure and all ki frotn the craije of the Shel by and pit Railroad from it intercuvn with the Pontiae Eailrnad to I ties a distance uf venten miles The nut xnal removed must be deported nt a twmtv feet from either ol tlie erade Tiw inrty to the proposition which may be accepted will re quired to execute the contract ithin thirty dav after the ac nt aneuf the wme I raposiiiun will opened on tie 15th dav of November next All communication to he addressed to Homan Secreu ui uir iimri iwtroii 0C13Jaw Extracts varnilla nectarine rose Bitter Alinomi for rale by ocl 2 PARKER A BRO Proprietors iou in elmwood cemetery who are ck siroua of improving their lou are informed that the Trustee have urchared luuU Evergreens which will be disposed of at low rates on application to the Superintendent 'oeltdlwMp Oysters! Oysters! Oyster! CHEAIIER THAN EVER GUL HEAKIl would respectfully inform xJ Oyster and Oyster Eater that he is now re Jcdvin vrry day resh Shell Cau and Keg Ovatersl fruin Yrk and nn arv quantity the barrel hc can 160 cr doz and will warrant them to please all who buy rom his exprience of 12 years in tlie busine at hw present standhr frel ire he can offer greater inducements to oyster dealers than any one else this tide of New ork 1 heceleLrattil Bltimure Oyster put up in gal and cal can he at the atuni liin luw price of 15U a i jal ami lower than that io wholesale cutomeri Al that ry low price they are dieapur titan chickens for family ur icklrd Tnpe and fur sale bv the keg AU orders from city or country promptly attended tn GEO BEARD JC Under Kink's Gorhcr munitv were assured alumuteiy of uccc in wbicii tliey luv not teu: disappointed Th rapid increase of our buinc and the constant demand fur Plano orte warranted us in exten iin our premise by erecting an additional buildiim in which we have a team engine planing and other necessary machinery for manufacturing Piano fortes surpassing any other establishment in this city hich enables us turn out from three five instrument weekly he feels a confidence in the resource of hia own in genuitv and the cunning of his own hands Never at anv previous time have manutacturing processes been improved to a higher degree or their number so rapidly multiplied and at no time have the pub lic placed that confidence in their success as since the period they have relied upon the secure basis oi their own skill and not upon fluctuating and mis taken legislation The protection afforded to our manufacturers by our present revenue tariff' has in factbeen less during the present year than it will be ordinarily The amount of our exportations to Eu rope reduced the rate of exchange four per cent be low par and to that extent practically reduced the amount of duty paid by the importer on foreign goods It was also vehemently contended by our political opponents that the adoption of the sub treasury particularly if it contained what is known as "the specie clause" would derange our currency disturb our exchanges and produce general embarrassment and distress Since its adoption and the commence ment of its practicie working the voice of oppo sition has been silenced Our currency was never in a sounder condition onr exchanges more easy or economical or our country more prosperous If it is urged that the anticipated results have been de layed or prevented by the recent importations of the precious metals in return for onr produce opponents must admit that the public demand for specie inconsequence or the war with Mexico volving the expenditure of vast sums of money more than counterbalanced the amount imported and it is to be borne in mind that it was objected to the sub treasury that it would be particularly in the event of war What will be the next hobby of our opponents is more than we can tell A hobby they must have or the party orginization will be broken up As they have no principles of their own it is their prov ince to take opjHisite grounds to those advocated by the democracy Since the complete success of all the measures we have contended for it has left the whig party in what is called tight place" (Ulf the correspondent of the Advertiser who signs himself "an anti slavery farmer" and dates his epistles at Bloomfield knew with what contempt his communications were read by the party'' he would throw off" his hyprocritical garb and sign himself a or a and done with it It is useless for the whig politicians to attempt deception in this way Their tricks on the Abolitionists in 14 are not forgotten besides this correspondent writes from the county where origina ted the Birney if not from the very room We should not be surprised if the very ink used in writing his letters is taken from the same bottle as that used in writing the names of Birney Garland and others in 1844 Hunter's Daguerrean Room Third loor Odd etter Hall Jw HI XTER Ai CO respwifully return their thank to the cHizen and puMic generally for their liberal putrcn nge since then commencement in bum new in this city and with treasure announce to the public that they have made diwn verics in the art wliich enable them to do xvtwk unurpaerd br other artists Their xxn ill be kept at all of the day to wait on that may favor them a call and no pains will Uf spared to make their work admired all Likenesses can be taken iu a clear nr dav in a few sec cn i with great ease and comfort to the sitter retaining a prrtrci ly natural expression Ukeue uf Uece ued persons taken at their residency Painting or Daguerrean Likenees arcuritely copied Tber aU' nu 'H in Lreasi pms and socket in the nitt finuhed tvle Houses or land ape? taken on the Uiorut notice Children can have their likenesses taken tium four iu eight set ondsma clear day if keja fetiH Ladies and Gentlemen will 4ease call and examine fori them uivrtuU(y that we claim over other artisu 's Liberal discount made to families nnd groups Jninicton giv en on muderattf lenns cl HUNTER Cp rench EngLti and German Broadcloth American wool black indigo blue and brown do black and mixed beaver cloths heavy English gentin Ila blue coatings sujier and medium black casimeres new styles suter and medium fancy do fine black and indigo blue satinets cadet oxford mixed and sheeps grey do heavy grev and mixed cloths and cassim re gala plaids plaid lining and iiuseys new styles vx or sled alencia and cashmere xetin super Ilain and am silk and tm do silk alpitcca and cruna mth black and colored ajpaccas super plaid and silk Mripd do mohair and silk warp do English and American ginghanw new style! cashmeres and de lames fancy and blue prints black anc colored cambrics and silicias bleached sheetings and long cloths super Irish linens of May 1 17 lefore me cire Ltman IVhituey and Martha Whithey hi daughter both to me known and tn my prsnre subscribed to the forejoinc certificate8 and beirjby iwom did use and ay dial me tact tht reiu et forth are tre HoKATIo VCALKR IWrd CAUTION The iMibiic wtD Le careful nor to confound Ik tol2 ith the various nuuru aJvrrtUed under the Lead of Sarturilla nor lured into the belief uf getting reistf from tle variuu Sjruys tliat offered fora dollar a irt ErL the old na! article that perfrrnK all the worxleriut Uie others are jor imiuthx: got up on the reputation of the genuine article see that the num of Brist4 is over ile cork of die bottle Price One Ifoiiar jr txjule or sn buttie fur five ar ale by jy2 6VEX A CO Baltimore Sun says no fears are enter tained about Gen safety even if Peredes should actually be at the head of several thousand guerillas at or near Puebla The two brigades which must now be on the inarch from Vera Cruz to join Gen Scott will be more than a match for him (EZThe Union contains a letter from Commodore Perry announcing the death of Passed Assistant Surgeon Howard Smith lately attached to the steamer Spitfire Cameron gives notice in a Canada paper that himself and others will apply at the next sessionof Parliament for a charter of a railroad company from London to Port Sarnia Ths Potato Rot appears to be still extending in Massachusetts the potatoe in some sections being tainted on every farm and on many entirely destroy ed 'The same appears to be the case throughout Carolina and in the Western portion of the State hardly enough will be saved for seen and it is our opinion those should not be used for that purpose Thanksgiving Gov Young of has ap pointed the 25th of November as a day of public Thanksgiving and prayer Another attack with fire arms The Buffalo Courier of Monday has the following: learn that on Saturday afternoon between 5 and 6 a young man whose name has not come to our knowledge entered the store of Knapp Gillett and commenced a conversation with Mr Lyman Knapp with reference to some subject about which there had been a difference between them inthe forenddn of that day and which Mr Knapp sup posed was amicably settled After some conversa tion had passed between them Mr Knapp ordered the young man to leave the store whereupon he drew a pistol from each pocket and it is said or sup posed attempted to discharge them but Mr Knapp seized him by the arms and held him until the pistols were wrenched from him and he was secured He was immediately arrested and attempted to escape hie way to jail but was finally secured Metamorphosis Longfellow's beaut ful phrase and be strong" is now familiarly rendered and bear The Spirit of Poktry An Irish servent girl in New York applied to a druggist a few days since for six cents worth of the of rhyme' She had been sent for Chloride of lime! It would seem that there is to be no limit to the business of buildinr in this county IS have turned out foar boats as good as any that ever deck ed the water this season and we already hear of a number more that are to be undertaken immediate ly The Wards are intending to build this winter a steamer of the largest class The engine is already contracted for 63 inch cylinder: and all eLe about the boat it intended shall be upon a scale equally grand and massive Mesr Ward Gallagher of the Huron have completed arrangements for a new boat for the river trade She will be 130 feet long 21 feet beam and 7 A feet hold: will be built and tini hed in the be stvle and out in time for the spring business We are pleased with this evidence that success has re warded our enterprising friends Wedonotknow of two more deserving young men in the whole circle of our acquaintance Messrs Kelsey we learn will build a propeller of about 250 burthen for the lumber trade We al hear it rumored that the keel of a new boat of the inamoth order is soon to be laid in the vard jii vacated by the rlmerica Pt Huron Observer PIANO OBTES BOARDMAN A GRAY PIANO IOKTE MANUACTO RY ANO Ml SIC WARE ROOMS Nos 4 asd 6 North Tear! and 79 Suu Albanv under the Old Elm The Grand A Piano ortes manttfacuircd at tin inent have continued tuutnin their former reputation an I hne obtained a celel riy for their N4j rionty 'm of tune ebs tiritr of action lichmc of touch an I durability or the pa eleven At have by their untirm effort and ccn tan: endeavord to manufacture sticli in and uch onlv a were dning public patrona Having uu reason to statement and nve i to her After bad taken four Ic fout she wx gy bled out of foM After she took th urth forties he sun i on her feet and uuu 2e taken thiru en boak all and i eut rely cured new bone "rowing in pLce of During the time tc uk be no other a simple form of dnssing ta ulcer and a uf casnfo xtp IYMAX WHITNEYw No 4 Harrington Uo'irt I have lieard tle above statement read and know the cme ii a5 true only it dots not tell huw much I have ide red and I am slaff that I have cr wdl by taking Erito medicine I I fThe creat druxand for thD mol important work (of which thousand wre old) ha compelled theUsue uf another edi tion It is intends! specially for the married a it discloses im which should be known to them prrticularly fie can disco er the causes and the efficient remedies and most certain mode of cure in eve ry complaint to which her sex is sabjeet Married fomalts will here learn the art whereby they ould re tain their vouth vijor beauty elasticity of body and buoyancy of spirits to an advanced aze instead of being afflicted as hundred? and thousands are into whose hands this bock has not yet talk a Thio work is destined be in the hands of every and mo tiierwhu has a recard fur her own health and welfare well as thatuf her husband revelations contained in its have already proved a bk'ssU to thousand? as the innumerable letter? by tb author will attest It is of course to convey more fully in a public jour nal the various subject treated ot as they are ot a nature intended for the married or thoae conkunplaring marriage neith he following uible show the quantity of some of the principal article of produce left at tide ater from the commencement of ji'ivigiuon to the 7th of October inclusive during (176 days) (175 days) and J17 (190 days) 1 45 April 15 575131 2 936 374323 23352 Highway Robbery The Buffalo Express of a A mo daring highway robbery was committed in the town of Aurora in this coiin tv onTm sday evening last on Wm Hardy The facts are there a we learn from Mr Hardy him 'lt: Mr II resides in the county of Wayne Michigan had been to Arcade Wyoming co in thi State to collect some money and was on his wav to this city on his return home anil when a bout a mile and a half this side of the tavern called the "North Star" on the Reservation about 7 o'clock in the evening two men accosted him and demand i i his monny a scuffle ensued and they secured I him took all his money which was little over two hundred dollars tied his hands ami feet together and relied him down a bank where he remained until about 8 o'clock next morning He left town last evening with one of our Police officers in search of tho villians" Third edition mj pp price 2jXX ecpies sold in three months EASTERN MONEY MARKET The croaker of Wall street are uniule to keep up the panic In spite of them money has become easy in the a port cities Till predicted The New York Express a whig organ says there i a want of prime paper to us the fund offering at 5 to 7 per cent In all New England good pa is sought lor by the banks at regular interest Prune paper in Boston can tie negotia ted at 5j f' cent Government stock security will bring money Schmidt Bailey and tlwrs who one mJ all gave up all hope acute Hr Trowbrii'or axe it as hi decided opinion on curnul tations that eould get no relief i iVu leg was taken off and that she might get but had some doubts if she wouM ive and that lie crarhl do nothing ire for Sull ccnnnei ta tier I cd without any liopes ot relief and the supjosttuan of a can being out of tie question in my tnmd by ns re chais Robert Ik st i of th city calfo! at my horn and on eholdng Ce child said to me Why don't von tlie child Br tofi QJMr Horton late clerk of the steamer Empire ha? purchased the steamer Lexington and means to take command of her War and Poetry A Buckeye girl writes to I bor "true lore in Mexico a long letter closing bonds in tull but that any impartial ami well intorm a Vere of poetrv SI 753 100 25 rn nr a iwr inigi uidCK wigiiw "an'es lardmll hnon thread spool cotton Italian sewings Kack Italian cravats super fancy silk and satin do bundana pon rand cotton flag hdkfs cashmere fancy and xvool plaid shaxvls cornterters limbs' wool wraptK rs lim n'losom and calico smrts I suspenders Instring motiairan 1 twist buUonseotubs needle pins kc Sec Also a quantity of laces niustin Sec ndt A 4IXX1 Turner's Rough and Readv Uavid rocket and Comic Almanacs lor Isfo for sale at Dotv Al boiS S' A 4000 L'THOGKAPHIC PRINTS highly col sV 'VdVr ored luite Battles in Mexico Chinese Junk Por trait Of tenerals Scott Taylor ic for sale cheap bv the hundred at tfoty A Abbot a Auction Rpom oct) Military Posts The Baltimore Sun has the following from it Washington correspondents The government has resolved on establishing mili tary posts all along the road from Vera Cruz to the capital ami to garrison them permanently This i verv well in itself but might we not expect some additional stringent measures for the protection of our troops and the peaceful traveler and merchant The Spaniards having a proper estimation of the leading features of their own character cruelty and revenge never consider a province subdued till it is disarmed that is till the inhabitants are deprived of the means of doing mischief or this purpose military police measures are a dopted and one of the first and most prominent of these is always a requisition on the part of the mil itary commander of the province upon the inhabi tants of the country to deliver up their arms within a spicified period after which those on whose prem ises arms are found are treated as rebels or out laws and punished with the utmost severity Such a measure is eminently calculated to prevent blood shed and ought at once to be resorted to by the com manders of our armies The whole country ten leagues on each side of the road from Vera Cruz to Mexico ought to be thus disarmed and subjected to the most stringent military police regulations We owe it to the safe ty of the brave hearts that fight the battles of our countrv not to expose their lives wantonly to the vengeance or barbarity of the midnight assassins It is time that the number of our men murdered on the highways should not exceed those who have fal len in battle Ietter from Mexico The following extracts are taken from a private letter written by an officer who wt wourded in the two last engagements in Mexico addressed to his familv in this city dated at Azotla A everything connected with arinv movements are of interest we solicited them for insertion Our division marched from Puebla on Saturday the 7th of August made a short march of about 10 miles and encamped at the Ven ta San Antonio: on the btii marched about the same distance and encamped at San Martin on the 9th marched about the same distance and encamjied at Puenta Tesnuoheca a beautiful bridge We leave the two snow mountains Topocatapetl and the other on our left ami are gradually winding round them We have rain reguiarly every afternoon We pas through the most beautiful country I have ever seen On the luth we made a very early start marched about IU miles and encamped at the Venta de Cordova passing over very high moun tain the mountain pa of Rio rio ami others which the Mexicans commenced fortifying but abandoned During the day we obtained some beautiful views of the valley and plain on which Mexico is situated and lakes Tercuco Chalco San Christoval and Jochomilco and the many villages which cover the plain On the 11th we advanced to Azotla within about 15 miles ofthe Halls of the Montezuma the capita! of Azteca all the ap proaches to which are strongly fortified We have been making reconnois ances to observe their strength and select the best point of attack On the morning of the 12th I with several other offi cers ascended a high hill some three mile from our camp and here we had a most beautiful view of the valley and the city of Mexico with the strong mountain fortification El Pirn I s1xv enough of it to show me that if we have to storm it we shall lo very many of our officers and mr ii I pray God in his providence to order it otherwise anil to spare us furtiier loss of life but His will be done in all things I have written several small letters by private and secret expresses (Mexicans) We are more comfortable in our tents (ami sheds made of mats for the men) than you would imagine We were so restricted in our transpor tation that we were obliged to leave most of our bag gage at VeraCrtiz could bring but three tents to a company for officers and men Aug 15 'Phis is Thursday a few of us met in Gardner's tent where we hud service Maj Gardner and Brown Capts Penrose and Casey Davidson and myself We have received an order this morning to move as follows: Worth's division (the 1st) and the brigade of cavalry at 3 o'clock this afternoon all the rest at 5 o'clock to morrow Every one has the utmost confidence in the skill and prudence of the General in chief We feel assured that he will not sacrifice one single life more than is abso lutely necessary Hence he reconnoitres thorough ly before he makes a move I hope he is not mis taken now for a mi take here would ruin ib all Am' 29th I am confined to my bed with two wounds and only write a few lines to allay vour apprehension We have had some bloody fighting and are entirely victorious Thanks to our God He in his mercy spared my life when others were cut down Ur iripler attend and says my wounds improve every day" kpL Bwion I'owd tes Bar Ijad awcnnM Shot frum Xo 10 to buck rt'ailisi NSHjrtOil SI7r find rrr Idkriing I Jiri Tocether with Nutsot all kinds Candie Sr cts IVJjin Irad (dry and srroundA landed Oil Winfo GUs A The unprecedented iecv of thi ably conducted and handotnely printed amily New spajicr ha induced th proprietor in make jsuch outlays as to render the the dw worthy of pairnnaj of any periodical in th United a repuutoa indeed hich it already acquired amorj the many hr have ecn so fortunate a to obtain it To substantiate this fa fully in the minds of all we ha a only to state that it has already ar qutred a circulation of 32000 hnd it i now inrreafiin th ratio of at least ire Hundred per This ctrcutetfon ba not en obtained by any extra xertiun but is to attnbeterf solely to approbation of the paper in the minds of an enlitt cued and intelligent cuitimunhy Orifrinal $1OO Prize Tales from the pens of foe most pujwilnr authors of the day wit! alw ays form an attrac tive feature of the pa Aho all the Dramatic and Musical News together witli the general intelligence of the day and an almost endless variety uf items cm all ubject9 Grave LivelySatirical Comic ami Sentimental combined io make tt a ptjr calculated to everyone Terms Tw Dollars pur annum or One Dollar for six months invariably in advance Ttiuse in the country wlo wish to become obrr ibers to tlie by enclosing the amount of subsc riplion i a letter Iot aid)m2y depend upon receiving their papr regularly eve ry week and iu due time Now is thMim to sen! in your subscription as for this week Contain? the siwihize Tale entitled The Secret Service Ship Or THE ALL SAN JEAN a thrilling ta of tiie Mesic tn War written expressly for lag of our Averill Any wishing to obtain snhsribers for the will plesv prt nv tne a pruspvetus and write to me for terms and a fio paid) x'lWiitwi SAMUEL RENCH Publisher OR LIEUT WILLIAM ENTON GENESEE 1 000 BEKT BAGCISC for sMe at 1 BEECH I' Nu I Jeff rson axe GEORGE GRISWOLD CHARLES A LOOMIS ot VX avne I of (flair Representatives VKDR EL I AMBROSE YOVNI7 JED I VLM'NS I HOWARD BETIIL'EI NOYES HIRAM SToNK Auditor WILLIAM HUNT Beef and Pork Inspector THOMAS GALLAGHER Inspector of Leather LEWIS RANKIN Whig far to Ke belie ed The predictions of the whigs respecting the tnriffi were melancholy and alarming We were present ed with pictures of ruined factories distrer ed ox'r atives and wide spread pecuniary di tre and want Yet never have our factories been more prosperous or increased more rapidly Throughout the wholes range of mechanical pursuits the greatest activity prevails The manufacturer relying confidently! upon existing laws because they are not obnoxious jo just complaint and released trom his entangle 1 meat with political agitation devotes his energie and attention to his pursuits He relies for uc cess upon his industry skill and ingenuity No Jonathan great pictorial battle a copv of lor storming of Cruz See Buy it you will nnd more than 121 I cents worth of information a iffe from the pictures 1 that are worth double the price to paper a fire board Three of the g'hals Caroline ry Mary i Coquelard and Mary Percey were taken to the Blue Eagle for lodgings in consequence of kicking up a row Bad girls these Ye tenlay we had a sli our citv just enough to say sc i like winter however I the large quantities and size exhibited in ware store The enough to justify house keeper i crowds to look at them to our advertising columns for their whereabout Wc would cal! attention to the advertisement of the celebrated manufacturers ot Piano Board man Sc Grav of Albanv Their Pano fortes are well known to musicians New Clothes The Buffalo Courier is out in a beautiful new dress and has otherwise been much improved Its matter is good and wo are pleased to ee its commercial Departments so well conduct ed It's the best lotiking paper in the xvest except our's of course Coos Stock alling Looking from our of fice window vesterday we observed one ot tho "same old coons" of whom our whig friends used to sing about paraded upon an stand 2 going to the highest bidder The enthu siasm amongst the buyers was not of the same kind it was in the davs of "Tip and Ty" and after dwel ling on his merits for a long time the auctioneer was finally obliged to pronounce him gone coon to the highest bidder for five pence here was Levi? 7733650 213V 767 96993 1 n673Gt4 G7'5UV Reducing the wheat to Hour foe quantity uf the tide water this year compared with th curresjMjndnu period of lat year bvw an eice fqual to 110 096 bbh dour and a de uf eic since our statement of week of 22635 bbl? of 30 bale? various styles brown sheeting a hirln brown drilling? 3 4 and 6 1 ticking twilled and plain scarlet flannel 1 ALSO: bales batts 20 Uirir xx Azi A xltltMS BY CO1T 1RVH4M tlieirStun 16 Main Street Butfalo THURSDAY Oct 21 I sale to commence at 10 a Goods rcaly for examination foe day previous to foe sale PNPIt bbls prime Turkey Opium for ale tv fc HIDL AXACEA a celebrated remedy for Coe 41 ntmption fornle by H'pflU Gt Jg HILL ed journalist should apply the term "repudiation" to our case scnm rather an unwarranted and impro per use of the term We do not repudiate one cent of what we really and honorably owe: xve have agreed to receive aad have received (as far as offered) the part paid bonds at the pro rata amount paid upon them: and this we have done not as matter of strict right or legal obligation but as a matter of honorable dealing on the part of a reign State which should not cendescend to take advantage of technical violation of contract for I understand that it has been the uniform opinion of committees of both branches of the legislature and others who have investigated the subject that i as between individuals the State would not be strict'v liable in law for the first cent on these part 1 paid bonds The twenty five per cent damages claimed by the legislature of 1S42 whilst smarting under all the financial evils and embarrassments arising from the failure of the Bank might to be sure by some be deemed excessive or be thought entitled to the term of partial repudiation but the legislature of 1 'lo providing for the sale of the Central and Southern railroad reduced that rate of damages to three per cent the amount payable by individuals or drafts on New York lee and the rate which the State herself had actually allowed and paid on cer tain drafts on the instalments due from tiie bank At all events let London or New York papers or British Peers or British presses call us what they mav I for one think we have so far as we have acted in regard to the part paid bonds done all that anv people called upon to do: and as a considerable portion of them have been paid in at the rates fixed by the le gislature of 1846 that rate may be considered as a settled matter and as what the State will overpay or acknowledge due upon them: and there can be lit doubt that the State will go on to provide for the balance of them at that rate And I apprehend that neither our course hitherto nor any that will be taken can fairly entitle us to be classed as but on the contrary that it will when the matter is fully understood be allowed that we have done all that the honor and character of a sove reign State demanded of us and as promptly as our circumstances would permit I believe that if mo ney could be realized for that purpose that the tax nave rs of this State would be willing to vote enough of ther property to pay off the whole balance of our State debt at once even as a matter of self interest in dollars and cents because they would feel that the ninetv eight or ninety nine hundreths which would be left would be better either to keep or sell with our State debt extinguished than the whole is with our present debt hanging over us Many at least have expressed themselves to that effect and not one as far as I have heard to the contrary The people at any rate are ready to do as has been done in Ohio Maryland and some other indebted States to meet the annual interest and provide some surplus as a sinking fund for the gradual extinguish ment of the principal of all that we honorably owe or are in any manner honorably bound to pay OHO DOZ llttCK M1TTKNS for sleVUlowby BEECH EB oe 132 Jeff Avenue RA ININ'S 130 whole Iialf and qr lore Iresh ral mr S'11'' fry "C'i BARKER Se BRO REMOVAL THE SI rSCRiBER Inx ing removed to Use new brick store lour door above his old stand xvould respecuiillv solicit tlie attention ot bis triends and the public an examiXnhl Pafotl onu Drugs 'fedieik Whcb fosnd xery complete and sold low for Cusu or npprovctl crotiil ROBERT DER MONT Qcu National Hotel Buildings Woodward Avenue rTO our small dwelling in the ifth Ward 1 are enlaely new and convenient tor smallMfctiuuhes Apply to the Undersicned at office oxer Michicm Ins Bank pcpjdtf ILLIAM WESsief Mr Bristol The cure cf langhter Manhaj 14 yir bas bet'll the subject of much olcicudc on th pan of ajV fnervD and in answtr to many itnpurmnii I leel bound to vrai a tateinent of another eitraordnary cure performed by tivj patent medicine In Jme 1 16 afjrr tuvins enyned unparaBdfsj he'dih and net hav ing lut Lui a ssnte local uf io tuj knowledge and never Iwaany symptom of I attached iih a welliDjf ua foe shin bon ot her les rortimied and excruciating pain which confined herfo 'her 4 tur'i iu uksiurh th time he as awndd bv and tliu hy securing for them the enure confidence of the eom 1 physicians and surgeons and hxd her lance 1 four on State Dr bl Mr Editor: i i 1 Iu the New York Herald ot tne 2d instant there in is a long editorial on the subject ot estate debts and the finances of several of the indebted States which although written a regards this State evidently with a better knowledge ofour financial position and in a better tone as regards this as well as other indebted States than has been generally exhibited by the papers of tbe eastern cities yet I think de serves a passing remark or two on some points The writer savs that there are four repudiating States and four other delinquent States: and clas ses Michigan amongst the former So far as I am anv judge of public opinion in this State upon the subject of our State1 indebtedness and 1 think I have had some opportunity of knowing what it is there is certainly an entire aversion to taking any stand or adopting anv course of policy that can with any justice be termed repudiation The interest on our general fund our penitentiary and university stiicks I has been I believe paid regularly and promptly tor I four or five years past: and some other stocks issu ed to meet delinquencies ot taxes have been paid up principal and interest and cancelled Ihe State al six has thu far met the interest on the tull paid five million loan bonds as promptly as arrangements for that purpose could he made In the money arti of the verv same number ot the A Herald above mentioned there is a notice that the last cou pons for interest on the above bonds will be paid on presentation at the hu nix Bank in that city i The charge ot repudiation is made against us from the fact that we do not recognize and agree or make arrangements to pay the full face of certain of the' five million loan bonds obtained by the late Bank dirotre collision with its tender the Morris' Cana! Company and all of which although hypothe cated a collateral security with some of the credi tors of the bank in Europe remained amongst the assets of the bank until last year if not yet except some 262000 disposed of to tlmir London agent Morrison Sons in June 1843 In regard to these part paid bond it was to be expected that the or 1ran of the bank or its creditor either in this coun try or in Europe would call out repudiation or! even the more fool hardy like Lord Palmerston 1 threaten war or reprisals or whatnot with a view to coerce us into the acknowledgement of these I JM5 1 46 147 £2 0 19 13 179977 439213 MJ 4H7M 7W389 254724 25 349915 46 594931 2144 1 4 2 V3J3 47 4 6219 270 U5 52 27? 790 16 421 375025 3 33 6 72 451.

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