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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 24

Detroit, Michigan
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NEWS AND LETTERS ROM CORRESPONDENTS IN OREIGN CAPITALS PATRICK ARKINS IERCE DS! OR 65 YEARS SIR DEREK KEPPEL STATE RAILWAY SWISS PREPARE PROVES BURDEN OR GREAT WAR SURGEON GRATS NEW THIGH BONE in and to re SAHARA ACTORY CENTER UTURE WORKHOUSE AIDS MANNERS win wood BRITAIN LAGS PLACE IN DUEL ex IN AVIATION Must LIES STARS AND STRIPES WANT COMMERCE ACULTY minister of justice beseler glK marked talent 'King Carl and Painted and wrote poetry In Ing several volumes under an Iren Hal wt a out The younir prince Eutren4 fa married tn a Russian DESIRE EMALE SLEUTHS Strange Burglary despite the protests' i George Threaten! to Tata More Active Measures Again! Misdoera Than Did His ather Geneva ebruary 8 A strange burglary Is reported from Zurich and ud th14 The Legations Abroad Are Turned Into oreign Correspondents Move to ight Socialism Danish Specialist Tells of Re' markable Operation That Saves a Leg AITHUL MAID SERVES A AMILY Border Activities Inspire Belief That ranco German 'Con flict is Inevitable Englishwoman Spends Her En tire Lifetime in Domestic Ser vice in Single Home ARQUHAR tt London ebruary 8 Utilization ot the Sahara desert aa a center ot Industrial production was a eug geatlon made by J' Astley Cooper In a paper on northern Nigeria read before the Royal Colony Institute It had almost been accepted as a truism he said' that our coal supplies were giving out but the Sahara desert reselved an amount of solar heat every day equivalent to that produced by 000000000 tons of coal In this arid region with the great supplies of products available from the wonderful forest lands nearer to the coast and the coun try traversed by a network of rail ways thoughtful sclentinc men say that if some economical method could be formed to use this lost solar energy such for Instance ae the echeme which was on trial near Cairo there wae no reason why the dreams should not be re alized of those who saw great dis tricts of the world now arid and useless on account ot the Intense heat given up to the factories of the feture Average Annual Deficit of $12 000000 on rench Line Stirs Criticism Sir Astley Cooper Hopeful the Heat May Be Used for Power ON COLD BRINK REVOLUTION London Man Supports Clamor for Emulation of Germany SV CAI LX TO LSI TSES KESS London ebruary 8 "Any man who thinks that he Is going to get into a business through his university degree will be woefully disappointed" A prominent business man writes the above In support of the re formers who are clamoring for the introduction at Oxford and Cam bridge of a faculty of commerce euch as the universities of Har vard Birmingham and Munich al ready possess Son Severely Wounded After In listing on Acting Substitute America Has No Monopoly on Spurious Old Masters Experts Say COMPANY ORMED TO CHEAPEN RADIUM THE DETROIT REE PRESS: SUNDAY EBRUARY 9 1913 VOLCANIC ORCES STIR URY THE MASSES LONDON BOASTS NOW BIGGEST BOOKSTORE Life of uture King at Oxford is Only That of the Ordi nary Student BY CABLE TO TNI REE Paris ebruary Deputy La Grosilliere representing the rench colony on the Island of Martinique considered himself insulted in a published article and asked the procurer general of Martinique Jules Liontel if he was the author of it AL Liontel admitted Indirect responsibility whereupon cards were exchanged but a court of honor decided that Llontel's age (61) debarred him from the Held Then Jules Liontel Jr Insisted on being a substitute LaGrosilllere and young Liontel took the field at Grande Roue The latter attacked with youthful Impetuosity his physically superior opponent who promptly wounded the youth in the forearm causing a considerable hemorrhage MANY IN IRELAND THINK HIM GUILT Agitation ollows Admission of Women to Geographical Society BY CABLE TO THE REE BESS London ebruary 8 Now that the Royal Geographical society has just admitted women to be eligible as of that distinguished body tbee Is an agitation afoot that women should be employed aa detectives Rebeli Are Slowly Gathering undi for the Bloody Blunge Into Civil War Children Trained There Better Than at Home It is Declared BY CABLE TO THE REE PRESS London ebruary 8 That a workhouse training makes a child more politic and better mannered generally than upbringing in a home Is the remarkable claim made by Johnson headmaster of the poor law schools maintained bv the Guardians of tit Mary's Isling ton Ewell Castle Only One land Surmounted by Old Glory BT CABLE TO THE EES PRESS London ebruary The moat beautiful Japanese garden In Eng land and probably in the world outside of old Japan nestles gloriously at the foot of the hill where once stood Nonsuch palace It belongs to Clarence Wiener of Philadelphia It la interesting to note that Ewell castle besides being by a long way the nearest fortified man sion to Town Is the only castle In England over which fly the etard and stripes Here the American flag Is always hoisted at sunrise on the main turret London ebruary 8 If the prom ises of scientists are fulfilled rad ium the market prise of which is now 13000000 a pound will soon be produced In large quantities on a commercial scale An Anglo rench company capi talized at $1000004 has been form ed for the purpose of taking over the South Terras mines In Corn wall which have hitherto been worked for Iron and tin Supposed worthless debris has been deposit ed on high dumps and an analysis of these dumps has revealed the fact that they are rich In pftch oienae irom wmen raaium js tractea POLICE CENSOR GERMAN DANCE County Clare Boy Convicted Alleged Agrarian Outrage Has Stout Champions London ebruary Severe serious society scandals are in air at present and ft is stated in well Informed quarters 3 London that In spite of efforts to hush up these unpies i affairs there will be some ordinary revelations as a result early arrests George Is not at all to regard the state of tilings tMJ exist from the same point of as his more diplomatically 4 father Edward sent those con corned to Coventry and saw that bo ciety did the same King George set on more drastic the present excitement ana pense PRINCE EUGEN IS GITED 444 not disheartened rom a Staff Correspondent Paris ebruary Although she was not elected president of rance the candidature of Marie Denizard the feminist and the first woman to stand for the position has caused a great deal of comment Mlle Marie Denizard is a resident of Amiens Her labors In the deeper affairs of life supposed the sole realm of man have not roised her of the delicate charm that is the Special inheritance of the rench woman she said to the tuberculosis annexes com hoe Acquire Cornwall Tin Paris ebruary 8 The rage for golden halrwhich long prevailed in Paris Is dying out the brunettes who hastened to bathethelr locks In dyes of brilliant hue have now repented' Not content to wait till nature has restored their hair to it's own color many have tinted It back again to Its pristine chest nut or raven shade KING GEORGE HAS DECIDED TO SAVE SOME MONEY MONARCH STARTS IN TO CUT LIVING EXPENSES Englishmen orm a After One Learns the Art and Gives It His Approval eTr TO TH HU London eBruary 1 A well known English neer created iome thtng ot a sensation a year ago by announcing at a public meeting that he knitted his own socks His triends and relatives had long known that he amused himself in this way but they hardly thought he would take the public Into nls confidence and expressed a good deal of annoyance when he did so Needlework tor men however is now becoming Increasingly fash ionable so fashionable that a club for men "tatters" is about to be es tablished at Ealing Tatting which was a favorite form of needlework practiced by our grandmothers Is a kind ot knitting done with cot ton and a snutue made ox bone or Bory sv casts to thx rxss mzas Geneva ebruary 8 There Is 'a widespread belief In Switzerland that war between rance and Ger many Is inevitable On her rench and German frontiers Switzerland during the last two months has been witnessing the gradual collec tion of large forces of soldiers rontier forts' especially Belfort and those opposite from Mulhouse to Istein are on a war footing Sine the beginning of the year the Swiss federal authorities 'have commenced to take precautions and all the papers have published' an official article stating that "In the event of war the Swiss in Europe must return to the army at once while in the second zone of coun tries including America and other continents where the Swiss are liable to military service they must nuio mexnseives in readiness turn tung the first of its kind in world Will Mines Recently ound to Be Rich in itchblende In Jail for a BY CABLE TO THE REE TRESS Brussels Belgium man at Vrvier" fitat Brussels Patriots "has undergone a term of six months' imprisonment for an offense committed by his brother whom he strongly resem bles Go to Bad Nauheim for a Long Stay BY CAILS TO THZ REE TRESS Berlin ebruary The German empress Is to proceed to Bad Nau heim in March to make a long stay according to a report current in court circles Her majesty whose health has been somewhat precari ous of recent years stayed at Bad Nauheim eight weeks last year While at Wllhelmshoehe castle in August she was for some time un der the care of physicians Spend $5000000 This Year" to Pull Up Sayi Grahame White Moit Beautiful Queen BY CABLE TO THE REE PRESS Rome ebruary 8 Queen Helena of Italy recently rounded her for tieth birthday Very tall and slen der with an oval face masses of Officials Watch Chief Event Munich and Question Some About Actions BARONESS YAUGHAN WILL SOON BE REE Brunettes Who Gave Their Hair a Golden Tinge Now Dyeing It Black Again SUITS EUROPE ALSO BY CABLE TO THE REE PRESS Munich ebruary 8 The press is the chief event ofi season In the Bavarian is attended by many the best society was London Says They Must So Worn With Tailored Gowns BY CABLE TO THE REE PRESS London ebruary 8 With the tailor made gown fashion now de crees that a tailor made hat cov ered with taffeta should be worn Raven's wing blue and purple is the color scheme of a small round hat which is to adorn the head of the Grand Duke Michaels daugh ters on the Riviera of King Leopold Sure of Divorce rom Durrieux BY CABLE TO THE REE PRESS Paris ebruary Baroness Vaughn the former Caroline La Croix daughter of a former rench concierge at Bucharest barmaid at Toulouse and "morganatic ot King Leopold of Belgium is celebrating her victory over her present husband because her two detectives have found conclusive evidence him to enable her to get a quick divorce Her husband is Durrieux for merly her business manager whom she married seven months after Leopold's death TAILOR MADE HATS RULE Soldier Are ini Sympathy With th Discontented People and Many May oin Them XT CABLE TO THE EXES EXES Madrid ebruary 8 Keen ob server ot political currents in Spain are till in doubt whether Kin Alfonso will be able to weath er the storm ot revolution that con tinues to beat so threateningly around his throne They even ques tion whether it was discreet ot him to recognize as he has done sev eral times ot late the actual lead ers ot the Republicans or years th volcanic forces ot revolution have been gathering and everywhere its emissaries are busy not only here in Spain where they are known and watched but in the United States In cities in South American countries in England and In ranca At the present moment ot course fund are the main ob ject ot collection and the plan ot campaign is In many ways subtle and effective It is designed to create by means ot a great na tional strike a state ot embarrass ment and contusion under cover ot which the actual revolution can be launched "It has been planned" said a well known revolutionary leader "to take advantage ot the deep seated Industrial discontent which has long been seething among all classes ot Spanish workers Their lot has undoubtedly been a terribly bard and degraded one and the mis sionaries ot the revolution have tor many years past been devoting themselves to foster the active re sentment ot the toiling masses against the present repressive form ot government rank and tile ot the Spanish army are in sympathy with the re volutlonaries almost to a man or it must be remembered that the ranks of the Spanish army do not contain the best blood ot the na tion as in Germany and rance The wealthy men escape service by the payment ot exemption money The poor Spaniard is forced to serv in place ot his richer brother Con sequently excellent fighting man as he is the Spanish soldier with his wretched pay ot three cents a day sometimes In arrears Is full of resentment at his hard lot and has lent a willing ear to the prom ise of better treatment "What ot the foreign investorl He will not be considered although minions of capital are sunk in Spanish undertakings mines tram ways railroads telephones and tele graphs Nearly all ot these are British while a large Canadian company holds an electric lighting monopoly in the country London ebruary 8 Claude Grahame White the well known flying maq and manufacturer ot aeroplanes has written a long ar ticle which is published in several London and provincial paper In which he declare that the British government must spend at least 85000000 this year it it wishes to keep pare with rance and Ger many The money says is not only needed for air eraft itself but for the training ot pilots observers' and mechanic containing powerful poisons and decamped with a number of phials and bottles containing arsenic strychnine morphine and other deadly drug ball which the carnival capital and members ot this year watched by over five po lice officials whose duty it sjr' to prevent certain variations two step One stood In the center ot the hall and shouted exhortation and advice to dancers he thought were showing a tendency to drop Into prohibited attitudes Quite a number of persons In cluding well known women ot Ir reproachable character were actu ally marched oft with their faces blushing crimson to be cross ex amined as to the propriety of their movements Huge Wterplsee CABLE TO TSE rBEE Parls ebruary A huge plane built to the designs a Collie an Engineer tor preaching completion It it two sets of two planes feet wide placed one other There will be each ot 80 horsepower fg propeller The machine ST CABLE TO THE SEEE EXESS Copenhagen Denmark ebruary 8 The world tamed Danish sur geon Professor Rovsing who early In 1912 visited America and delivered several lectures which at tracted great attention has just reluctantly made known a wonder ful operation a bone transplanta tion which he has undertaken with marvelous results The patient Is a young lady a relative of Professor Rovsing The professor decided to perform bone transplantation Professor Rovsing secured a fresh thigh bone by the amputation ot the leg of another person The thigh bone first having been made to fit was Inserted The skin was then sewn together KAISERIN TO TAKE CURE Berlin ebruary 8 Acknowledg es enormous power of the press and realizing ths necessity of coun teracting the growth of Socialism by molding public opinion into sch shape as to support the Conserva tive party in power the Govern ment of Batavarla has since New been Bayrische Staatszel tns Petitions for His Pardon lying Thickly and Are Be ing Eagerly Signed rom a Staff C'orrepondfl Dublin ebruary Patrick kins ot County Clare is today most discussed man In Ireland uil if the agitation ot which he tJ center succeeds his new name So down In history In August Arkins had been tending night school in the vii1 and was on his way home when came across a Stone wall een yards ot Which had been down Arkins topped to look 1 the breach in the wall and policemen who happened to co along pounced on him and niani Cli U1LU Vik LU mo LOCKUP Tn 4 time he was charged under the oil Aet" with "ln pany with other persons unknom destroying the wall The wall a seems surrounded a field belonri to a man whose politics were Dooular in tne diKirint '1 ArklnS's trial took pia'e b(oJ a "Liberal" judge and he was ecuted by the County Clare crow prosecutor a leading Nationasta politician named Obnaughenem Arkins stoutly denied his guilt aidjie first jury disagreed In the ordinary co rse ot ovrntil after a disagreement In a trine CSIAA Ilka thia Waa'W VA MaawB 4 1 tTAAL have entered a "nolle proseaiul and thAra th onriori hilt fnrt tnmn wmamn wt thfl crown nmaAcii nr nuuueQ DM haps with a stern sense ot dnt was determined that omeoml nav thn nannl lous crime that had been commit 1 ted He approached Arkins in anil on and told him that It he wnu'il reveal the names of his "conteil erates he would be released thia irVfno au JI Do Informfir The crown exhausted all Its chai lenges in the selection of a juJ And auoneadfiri1 In l'l ocutc iiMiiK mjji seven years' penal servitude thi judge emphasized the point that it sentence was not so much for th offense Itself as for Arkins's con tumacy In refusing to betrar bii snrl a tffta None of the dally papers pim anv attention tn it i i taken up by the weekly journi Sinn I aiH 1 VijjUIllieQ AJ great campaign tor Arkins's releut vuikcu At iDii mairiiA tav the matter up Petitions to the lorl 4vr a tree pardon Arkins are being circulates Signed The Irish prison authorities had up minds to deal drarl tlcally with any offending SjitJ allowed to sojourn among the itil urles of Mountjoy prison which I rerardAri aa Ann wk tnq IGUcl CQh 4 fortable Institutions of Its kind ill Great Britain nr Ireland they bh within the drarr wall Or Tu amn lA a A 1 mm II 1 1 i 1 1 a I uQ tOrlOUS for the harsh treatment of prisoners PRINCEOWALES LIKE COMMONER Enthusiastic Yachtsman and Hs Written Essays and Poetry BY CALS TO TB1 Eir'l Stockholm ebruary nadottes a 1 well known singularly gifted fainilv ng van LORD rom Staff Correspondent I London ebruary With an In come of 82350 000 a year King Goorre of England Is so poor that he has been compelled to cut town his own food and to limit the num ber of courses that are served to his head servants He will no longer travel knowing that a sumptuous private car accommodates the great staff of attendants who accompany him and hts family from palace to palace but will have to let his court journey in ordinary first class rail way carriages And finally the king and queen henceforth will strictly limit the presents which they have been in the habit of making their hosts and hostesses and in the ma jority of cases will give only signed photographs as was the custom of the late Queen Victoria The secret of all these economies just has been revealed by a member of the royal household King George has determined to save $2500000 In the next 18 years Up to the present time he has not saved a penny piece but there are excellent paternal rea sons why ho should reform The $2 600000 safely invested would yield an income large enough to supple ment the annual allowance made to his sons and daughters by the Brit ish parliament so that each will be In receipt of 375000 a year at mar riage The mere 350000 a year which the British legislators think amply sufficient for tne daughter or younger sons of the monarch King George believes Is too small to permit the comfort he wishes hla offspring to enjoy George hM besides the Prince of Wales four sons and one daughter About a provision for his eldest son King George need not trouble his head The revenues from the Duchy of Cornwall amounting to about 3500000 per annum are settled on the prince and parliament on the king's accession voted $350000 a year for the maintenance of the heir annarenL which will be in creased by another $150000 a year when he marries The provision made by the state for the younger royal children amounts to 125000 per annum each to be increased to 350000 on their marriage The king Is quite satis fied that $75000 a year is the mini mum llgura on which Prince Albert Prince Henry or any of the younger sons of could afford to marry and even at that they would have to be content with smaller es tablishments than their eldest brother with hts 1000000 a year About a provision for Princess Mary however there is not the same need of anxiety She will prob ably marry the heir to some Eu ropean throne and in such a cae the $50000 a year that the English na tion would give her would be a suffi cient dowry On the other hand If she marries a minor foreign roy alty her expenses as the consort of such would be comparatively small and she could live comfortably as many minor royalties do on her own dowry even supposing her husband had nothing at all Kins Georse for thn rant vear has been planning a number of econ omies in the management of the ruyal establishment His first move Is the apioiutmcnt of Sir Itrek Kep pel as master of the household In place of Sir Charles rederick Econ omies can be effected only by a strong man and that Is the reason why the genial kind hearted and popular Sir Charles rederick has been succeded In the position of the master of the household by the one outciui in me nouspnong wnom per haps even King George would rather not risk doing anything to offend Sir Derek Keppel has an Iron a temper that no one who knows him cares to arouse and a clear brain He has been an equerry to King George for the last 19 years In the expenses of the royal house hold and servants tables King George hopes under the management of Sir Derek Keppel to be able to effect a saving that will bo considerable without being too markedly observa ble The catering accounts at the royal residences jumped up enor mously during the reign of the late King Edward Lord arquhar an old friend King at the beginning of the late reign took con trol of the household for a couple of years to get the then new royal establishment into working order Lord arquhar is a banker and a keen man of business die worked out an estimate by which the whole of the household catering could be well done for about $140 000 per annum But a year after Lord arquhar relinquished control of the affairs of the royal household the catering bills had risen to $175000 a year and they have risen to $200000 a year since King George came to the throne But this rise is due not to any Increased extravagance but to the fact that there are several strong healthy and hungry young princes and a princess to be fed waited on and generally looked after TO ISOLATE CONSUMPTIVES i rran is marnea to a duchess has written An and poetry mostly touchin naval and yachting h'lB an enthusiastic nd was hls grandfather befora huu Is the president ot the Royal leh Tacht club CRIME IS INCREASING IN GERMANY MOST OENSES PURELY TRIVIAL T0 IHI REE fXESI Berlin ebruary 8 Germany it appears Is the land ot "Criminals" It is inhabited by persona whose main occupation is breaking an wise laws and getting Into the empire's comfortless jails Not Corsica nor the frosty Cau casus brews so much roguery as this country which in the eyes ot the iguorant is the land of discip line honesty and reverence for law The sad fact is that Germany produces a larger percentage fur convicted criminals" than any other European state Not less than one out of every 12 living Germans has been punished for breach of some criminal law Such are the statistics given In a book of criminologist nr r'liikvnoiirg gov ernor of the famous Moabit And in reality things are worse for this counts only offenders against Imperial criminal law and excludes all those sentenced by minor and state courts for mls' demeanors minor frauds Infliction of slight bodily injuries' and alsS all those sentenced by court mar NEWSPAPER ISSUED BY BAVARIAN GOVERNMENT IV IBB Ktl BU London rebruary Is the subject of an lo terestlng description of Mr Charla Dawbarn of a day with th print of Wales at Oxford where the rojI student has broken ground freshman He has taken hla here as an ordinary commoner fred from the gold tassel of the noble man he has freely with the undergratduates he has many friends He ha aJso dieco ered that he likes Oxford and thtf Oxford likes him Oxford HkM tb neir apparent ror hls charm simplicity hls sporting tRAtrn Instincts his desire to Inhale real atmosphere of hls college university KING BANS SCANDAL IN COURT CIRCLES RANCE REUSED HER PRESIDENCY YET SHE IS Prof Widal Starts a Campaign for Hospital Reform in Paris BY CABLE TO THE EBEE MESS Paris ebruary 8 The Academy of Medicine Is about to urge the Paris municipality to vote funds for DuiAainir oi Bneciai rtavHlirtTa a hAanlt1 where the patients will be pletely Isolated from other pita! inmates Snores Bring Beating Trt trf London ebruary 8 Annoyed by the snoring of a pauper at Caxton workhouse other inmates of his dormitory saturated him with wa ter One of their number an aged laborer John Westnutt wae alleged to have struck him on the bead with a strap the buckle end of which caused a wound which mor tified and led to the death At Cambridge assizes yesterday the accused man oleaded uiltv but London ebruary Jacques proposal to open a of of old masters in New York does not strike Lon don fine arts experts as a brilliant idea The general opinion appears to that while there are many spuri ous pictures in America painted by men now living in Italy and Bel gium who are well known to the Inner circle of art dealers so there are also all over Europe and that no useful purpose could be served by such a museumfrom an educational point of view ASKS $760000000 OR WAR PURPOSES SPAIN SHIVERS tial 000 1 has beeri rLnlUfl of the grown in £rrae: 1 25 Pv uae in flourleh in er7Lan children of every 4T WLne Yho out some minor kind libel and number of The ingly but in eult 3" ar caae th "In than the venial'1 more berlous namei" offense of marks which Tn Almaklnt Jlh th retort many is due Ger And It lada fact thteJnfUenCt of the English Writer Declares Great Britain's Defense is at Low Stage BT CABLE TO THE KEEBIM London ebruary in a recent number of The English Review rederick Harrison the Positivist appealed for an immediate loan of $750000000 He writes: "A tremendous crisis is before ns And they who are blind to it or re fuse to meet it may be guilty of one of the most awful catastrophes In history "The violent destruction of our empire by enemies Implies the de struction of our whole financial and Industrial system That means ruin to commerce trade manufacturers starvation want and chaos to our whole labor EW BLONDE HEADS SEEK IN PARIS NOW Rotbeehtlds ear No 13 By CABLE TO THE REE PSS London ebruary 8 That thir teen superstition has even invaded therouse of the Rothschilds who arQpuiru newr co nave anyming ourgiary is npuneu num to do" with the unlucky person or where a shop in the cen number Baron Alphonse of Paris ter of the town was entered Tn had a terrible dread of the number I stead of rifling the till howevef thirteen And he would not enter the burglars made for the shelves his paiace tne nue rt ueorge i accuscQ iiiud pieauea guniy uuraer wun an wvi inue masses or wnicn oeca me numoer rnirteen said it was more or less an accl wavy hair large and lustrous brown I through municipal dent The judge sentenced him to eyes ahe Is perhaps the handsom 1 until the authorities had agreed to two days Imprisonment lest royal lady la Europe (alter it Paris ebruary 8 An average coat to the taxpayers of over $13 OOOTOOO is the result of the national ization of the Western railway in 1909 Indignant protests are made against the unbusinesslike and reckless management of the sys tem The deficit for 1909 was $7760 009 for 1910 311700000 and the 1911 report just issued shows that the loss has mounted to $14000000 while the budgets of 1912 and 1913 aitow ior aencits or $18000000 respectively TATTING REST CURE OR BRITISH BRAINS Playhouses of British Capital Are ast Yielding fco American izing Influences rom a Staff Correapoadeat London ebruary They have tho "servant over here In acute form but it would be solved In no time if there were many more domestics like Mary Ann Lancaster who has just died Whether this real "Mary was a treasure or Dot you can guess from the fact that she lived as "maid and ac cording to her obituary notice) with a family tn fitoke Newington for 65 years or up to the day of her death at the age of 88 It proves more over that besides being a model ser vant Mary Ann Lancaster had the welfare of her fellow domestics at heart and that ahe contributed In all over $160 to th4 funds of the domestic Benevolent Insti tution an organization in this coun ter which befriends servant In time of stress Big Seeond Haad Boek Trade Two young Londoners named oyle claim to have the biggest second hand book business in the world Just seven years ago and almost by accident the oyles one 17 and the other 18 started in business wun a stock in trade consisting of a dozen old shorthand manuals worth may ba 50 cents the lot Today they own about 2500000 volumes the million or so of which have been sorted and catalogued occupy 20 miles of shelv ing and the balance of which prac tically fill a big warehouse The oyles do business the world ever and their morning mall aver ages over 1000 letters Since they a started In business in a little "lock shop In Beckham they have moved three times and the present headquartere In Charing Cross road where over 70 persons are employed and which was opened quite recently Is one of the most Imposing estab lishments In that thoroughfare which Is almost given up to similar busi nesses and is famous as the happy hunting ground of bibliophiles avorite Recreattoas Is a man to be judged by hls rec reations? This question is agita ting us over here having been raised In the house of commons a night or two ago In connection with tho appointment of 8lr Sidney Olivier who at present is governor of Ja maica to be secretary of agriculture In the Asquith cabinet Beville Sta rtler who sits in parliament for the division of North Shropshire and has 60e renown himself as an agri culturist took exception to the ap pointment of Sir Sidney on the novel round that hls recreations as given are "loafing and This proves to have been a mis quotation Sir Sidney's recreations ac tually being given as normal forms of loafing and The speaker of tho house promptly rat on Stanler hard and that closed the incident which however has led at least one person to follow the Shropshire example and look up me recreations or omer celebrities The results are rather entertain ing George Bernard recre ations are quite characteristic As he sets down "driving an automobile swimming and public while under the head of he puts "anything ex cept Americanizing Playhouses Klowly but surely tho British play houses like about everything else British Is being Americanized Grad ually but certainly the old fashion of making the denizens of the pit and gallery of British theaters wait In line for hours In order to get a good seat is giving way to the Am erican one of having all scats re servable and now the Americaniza tion of the aristocratic or orchestra seats is well on the way It looks as If the autocratic dress which now is printed on the tickets for the atRlIs of practically every first class London theater was doomed to disappear forever and with It the unwritten but until recently iron clad law that to sit in the best seats in an English theater one must be "lit up" and if this happens it will be due almost wholly to the potent and ever increasing Influence which Americans are exerung on the habits of John Bulk TAKElAfWS MARIE DENIZARD writer after the polk wasA more solemnly than everihe po litical rights of women and to maintain that as women compose half of humanity in society must support their own charge they ought to have the right uC action and influence Just as it would seem strange for a merchant to charge for his merchandise and not deliver it thus it is the same for the state to make the women pay taxes on the Imports without giving them an account of what they are paying I I I I I sI I I 8 i fl 1 V' 0CJI 11 I am I I i I a I I I I 1 I I iik ni i i i uhih i 1 I.

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