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The Indianapolis Star du lieu suivant : Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 9

Indianapolis, Indiana
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Texte d’article extrait (OCR)

TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1948 THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR PAGG America Security Your Security SECURITY SPECIAL PURCHASE AND SALE OF MEN'S 22.50 TO $35 ALIFORNIA LEISURE COATS 22.50 Coats, Now .2 5 25.00 Coats, Now 12.5 0 29.95 Coats, Now 14.98 35.00 Coats, Now 17.50 1 wr vs. A fortunate purchase of salesmen's and showroom samples brought Wasson's these famous H. L. Blqck's California Sport Coats at markably low prices! Casuals! Cardigans! Suede Trimmed! Sum- f. JA iii PRICE mer Jackets! Wide range of sizes and colors.

WASSON'S MEN'S STORE, STREET FLOOR I 3 f- i DAILY STORE HOURS, 9:30 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M. TELEPHONE RILEY 7411 mm TO TlKlT' IF YOU LIKE! IN WHITE ten Awl xs. MILLER LINENS ZIP-IT-OUT IN A FLASH! ZIP-IT-IN IN A JIFFY! The closed, V-piimp' done inwonderful white linen to wear in its natural beauty or to take a delicate tint to match your new hosiery your summer 'dresses. 19.95 WASSON'S i.

MILLER SALON, THIRD FLOOR OUR SENSATIONAL GABARDINE ZIP-IN COAT 95 59 FLOWER-LADEN FLATTERY LIGHTWEIGHT WHITE STRAWS' Deep-brimmed beauties for summer decked with field flowers from our enchanting collection of garden-pretty perfection with your linen shoes. Made of finest gabardine! Tailored by famous Greenstreet! Lining is wool-lined rayon! Wear it in the sun! In the snow! Wear it over slacks! Evening dresses! It's the ONE coat that is ALL coats! Misses' sizes. WASSON'S COATS, SECOND FLOOR MILLINERY, THIRD FLOOR r- Helena Rubinstein's Perfumed A in I FOR BABY'S FUN AND COMFORT! 1 y-BsSE--1 Baby Guard HIGH CHAIRS DEODORANT TWINS A Summer Special! "Heaven Sent" a fresh cool scent captured in Deodorant Cream that checks perspiration and odor, and in Deodorant Cologne for fresh daintiness from head to. Regularly 2.50 Now Beth lor 1 .50 Plus Tax WASSON'S, STREET FLOOR Famous Thayer high chairs, sturdily built of smooth-grained woods, wax and maple finish. Removable feeding tray, adjustable foot rett.

I 1 .98 WASSON'S INFANTS' STORE, FIFTH FLOOR "eaven Ser.t I deodorant crero JWJ? Vemn'i Colorful, Ihnttv WW's -J Underwood's Universal Typemaster PORTABLE TYPEWRITER Now for immediate delivery the famous Typemaster by Underwood a portable typewriter with personalized touch tuning, and all the important features of a standard typewriter. With carrying case. 76.85 (Tax Included) WASSON'S STATIONERY, MONUMENT STORE 1 6-Riby UMBRELLAS 3.98 Rayon covered umbrellas in plaid, -stripes, checks, plain colors and combinations choice of navy, black, red, green or brown. Novelty handles. WASSON'S, MONUMENT STORE.

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