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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 1

Detroit, Michigan
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aM A Qttjje JJw Ww GREATEST NEWSPAPER to 4 VOL 201 PRICE SOX WIN3 T0 2 IB BRIN I TIT A A TlTlTTlinn rLAvi 1U WIN BIG STRIKE! ROMBENGALS of 68 Prnoner rom! i CITY TTRIKK DM EIOPMEVTS BAREDBYUS STANDING IRM 4 Predtaetioi top option of Brotherhood But to da) ta held ort ROGER SLLL1VA SULLIVAN of freight DIES IN CHICAGO GENERAL SITUATION Of Immediately althesgb senate failed to END SEEN HERE BYRR HEADS James 4 ofli (liie pi laiHi outtuo uuu umiutuj cers at Mountjoy were kind in the! treatment of them their wors to 4 I Ki the record for the prod it and for one Union of Railway member of parlia td break the switch on all railroads" here normal rendition bring reatored After cabinet meeting president 4 A Idle lu (hear cities If rot herb ood a flght CIGAR WORKERS CALL BIG STRIKE AT TAMPA RENT BOOSTING QUIZTHURSDAY Li GOV LOWDEN WINS 34 DELEGATES IN ILLINOIS TIGER JEAM TWICE IS DEPRIVED VICTORY our Offers of 'ISOPound Sacks of Potatoes at $10 Re fused Cafes Co operate DETROIT MICHIGAN THURSDAY LADY ASTOR GAINS VICTORY TWO CENTS day 500 Cleveland rate to rtaume Job Itock Island atrlker at Chicago NOT ANOTHER OXR LIKE IT The ree Press ilm edition Have you seen It at your neighbor hood theater? Punchy Alma of io cti interest' work tomorrow moru A Mlchlai trslt numbering X0OO Idle Cnalveralty of Mlchlaa may not outside De Announce Intention Submit Grievances to New Rail Board and A of Planned by Red Chieftains WAS DEMOCRATIC POWER 30 YEARS i Activities of bandits in DetroitWednesday night resulted in only on hold up being reported to the police John Holliday 724 1 2 Bewick avenue complained that he war robbed of $2 bv two men armed at Mack and Bewick ave nues shortly before 11 Mount joy Jail Results in Calling Off Walkout INAL EDITION as a farm boy at $8a Tn 1890 Mr Sullivan was clerk of the probate court the Cleveland admlnlstra was appointed government Those were the only of ever held 'In 1914 he was prize waltz loving cup To be awarded ARCADIA TOMORROW MIGHT Balcony Adv dancing uiem tonight i superior music and our Immense dance floor are uexelled Singers Entertainers Prctatorg lovlted Adm IQ tlua request generally abaer (ondlUoa require raallnuanct SITUATION 15 MICHIGAN SCHREMBS TO TELL ERIN STRUGGLE son Boger Sullivan had teen aparticl pant in every Democratic conven tion since 1892 and in at least three of the seven he attended he had been a commanding figure His clashes wltn Bryan and with the Carter Harrison and William Hearst faction of the party in Il linois which brought him the title of from his political ene mies made Sullivan a Democratic figure throughout the country Started Work nt $135 a Day Coming to Chicago in 1879 to work In the railroad shops as an apprentice machinist at $125 a day Mr Sullivan was reputed' to be worth more than 000000 at his death He was born near Belvidere? 111 ebruary 2 1861 and was first em ployee month elected During tion he gauger flees he a candidate for United States sen ator but was defeated by Law rence Sherman' President Wil son opposed election 4 differences with Bryan began In the free silver campaign of 1896 but in 1900 he helped nom inate Bryan at Kansas City our years later Sullivan was elected to the Democratic national commit tee1 4 In 1908 Bryan' served notice on the Democratic state convention he would not accept the support of the Illinois delegation unless the convention adopted' a resolution de manding Sullivan's retirement Sul livan defeated the resolution and then Introduced a resolution In dorsing Bryan which was passed Sullivan remained a member of the national committee until 1916 de spite efforts to oust him Mr Sullivan made hla fortune'ln Chicago gas companies and in BOYCOTT REBEL UNION DIRECTED BY LWW HAVING EECT Cleveland Me to Return Cleveland Auril According brotherhood orttcials 500 Cleveland switchmen and yardmen who have been on strike held a meeting to day and voted to return to work tomorrow morning the Erie rail road members here have al! re turned to work and 80 per cent of the men employed in the Collin wood yards of the New York Cen tral members of the union of North America were working today All other Cleveland switchmen on trunk lhs were on strike Officers of local No 260 Brother hood of Railroad Trainmen tonight denied a report issued today ty brotherhood officials that Pennsyl vania railroad trainmen had voted today to return to work tomorrow morning but said that a vote to return to work would likely be considered at a meeting tomorrow mornings 23 HELD ON BREAD PRICE PLOT CHARGE Juan Del Sur April 14 Spanish influenza is caus ing many deaths and already a number of 'prominent persons have died of the disease These include Tomas Martinez son of former President Martinez who it was expected would be a candidate for the presidency of the republic 85 NO APRIL 15' TWENTY OUR PAGES 5000 Others Expected to Wear Rough Raiment Indrt se Potato Boycott OOD SHOW VISITORS TO GET SHOWER EXHIBIT SAMPLES worst hardship was uncomfortable: beds They were indignant at two pro posals made to them by the author ities which Implied that certain of the men should desert their col leagues Their attitude was or THE BE DANCERS CHOOSE Palais de Danse They know why Adv Just a few cents that's" all ree Press Want Ad costs and you rlet results IN A HURRY Nw watt Good ortune Smiles on Men of Gleason in irst Game 't of Season Members Amend English Di vorce Laws After Speech By Cable to The ree Press and Public Ledger London April Lady Astor scored a great victory in the house of commons tonight An amendment to the English divorce laws equal izing the taxes in the divorce courts of England was carried immediate ly after her speech by 134 votes to 91 or the first time in their his tory the commons listened to a woman member plead for a change in the English divorce laws which have remained inviolate for 63 High Clothing Cost Adopt Practical Method Near Normal Conditions Seen as Early Prospect reight Movement Gains irst break In the ranks ot the striking switchmen in Detroit came late Wednesday when 25 men re turned to work in the Michigan Central yards The decision of the men followed seven days of isola tion ot the city from freight com munication resulting 4n 4 10000 workers being thrown out of em ployment a cut in factory produce tion estimated at 80 per cetif and a loss of millions of dollars daily Railroads entering Detroit other than the Michigan Central had re relvM no rporte from the strlk I er late hour Wednesday night Itwaa generally thought tn rail road circles howover that the de velopments In Detroit' would cluee Iy follow those In Chicago and a return to nearly normal conditions within a few days was predicted Train Meted As th Michigan Central men re ported for duty they were formed Into crews and with the volunteer that had ben working in the yards were started toward relieving the congestion Several trains were moved In the yards during the night three trains were brought In from Bay City and one was started out northbound The estimate that Detroit factory production had been reduced to 20 per cent or normal was John Lovett manager Michigan Manufacturers' tion He explained that the total of persons out but trainmen from all over the country telegraphed their brotherhood he continued that consideration be given this situation Nothing hap pened except more delay Director Continued on Paje vuluu Columbus April All striking switchmen in Dayton Ohio numbering 250 voter! tonight to return to Ing: An effort men's strike through calling of road men Into the places ot the switchmen win be mada tomorrow it was under stood tonight Hoad men will face the alternative of working In the yards or resigning brotherhood officials said Tonight road men were said to be making an effort to end the strike Yardmen are expected to take action at a meet ing tomorrow on tne question returning to work Al I Prominent Democrat Succumbs to Bronchial Pneumonia Month's Illness Chicago April 14 Roger Sul livan aged 69 Democratic leader of Cook county and prominent In state and national politics for 30 years died at his home in Chicago today of bronchial pneumonia He had been seriously ill a month Mr Sullivan returned recently from Hot Springs Arkansas where he had gone for his health Rafter spending part of the winter at Palm Beach lorida and at Washington where he conferred with political leaders Helped Make Wilson President Mr Sullivan planned to enter the Democratic national convention at San rancisco ts leader of the Illi nois delegation with the avowed in tention of making thgt his last appearance as a political leader Mr Sullivan condemned in hisown state by his opponents as a more than once of thexDemocratic party by William Jennigs Bryan led the movement that flnallv resulted tn making Woodwrow Wilson resi dent It watfv Sullivanwho headed the Democratic delegation from Illinois td the Baltimore Democratic con vention' in 1912 a delegation pledged to Chafrip Clark and who after sufficient ballots had been cast to discharge his obligation to Illi nois switched the state? to Wil handred skopme at WII mlsglon Del joiih strike at autlaw organisation Ar a result of these disclosure the government has broadened Its Investigations agitators in all labor organizations are undr sur veillance unds used are closlv" watched and all clues to the source of the financial support are being followed ollowing the collapse of the 4 steel strike Mr Palmer said ter Pierson Reese and others of their associates of the revolution a ary parties engaged the endrav or to promote the present strike of all railroad men who were members of the communist or communist labor parties were he said names of all railroad workers who were op posed to the present management of the four brotherhoods also were collected Meetings were held in hotels fn New York and Chicago and other cities where all of the plans' were laid basic agitation of these was the destruction of the railroad brotherhoods the removal of their leaders and the creation of the big At first It was planned that the I should not figure publicly in the strike but John Grunau leader in Chicago deviated from the orlgi Yial plans and allowed the men to split the strikers Into four separata organizations Mine Bl Urged caused some dissension which has reulted in the movement for the one big union Several con ference were held at the I headquarters in Chicago and inn other cities Grunau had gone too far with the four organizations to turn back and the only way the Coalinaed on te Detroit High IMces Attract Canadian armer Agent ind Profiteering our developments In the efforts of city officials and citlxens to fend off famine and at the same time prevent profiteering in the present labor crisis were reported Wed nesday Representatives of Detroit com mission railroads and mo tor transport service assured Mayor Couzens that1 the food supply was near enough normal as not to war rant any sharp price advances PeUto Boycott ERect Department of Justice operative after a shopping tour in which they found a certain class of grocers and butchers asking announced their evidence would be given? Thursday to the federal grand jury Commission merchants appearing before the mayor advocated a boy cott of dealers in foods and meats making unnecessary advances In prices and charged that 8 a bushel for potatoes was profiteer Th boycott of potatoes Institut ed by the Detroit ederation of clubs1 and the Detroit Stewards club went Into affect at noon and plans were made to car ry the message to the public through an army of fou minute speakers appearing in all mutton picture theaters 7 5 Cnnadlnn armefW Sell Here Attracted by the high prices be ing paid in Detroit for potatoes Western Ontario farmers Wednes day afternoon brought "more than 200 loads across the ferry from Windsor With motor trucks laden with fresh meats machinery and other merchandise the ferry hill so congested that special cus toms officers were assigned to check up exports This wholesale dumping of pota toes into Detroit while it had the affect of reducing the price here caused a 60 per cent Increase at Canadian border points' Members of the Border Retail association will forward protests to Ottawa and Toronto if the exportation of: potatoes and other footetuffs continues beyond normal There are 15 'carloads of pota toes iln the Windsor yards for Michigan consignees it is said Boycott Brings Down Brlre clubs VanL reataurknU Wednesday morning took hold vig orously of their plan to blacklist potatoesjuntlUus fffSduction is accomplished Commission houses were notified by the club which does most ot the buying for ail the hotels and restaurants in the city that the varioui organi sations represented by the stew ards would do with substitutes for the time being and that the club would not think of the market until tubers hkd been priced down to at least 75 cents a pack our offers of 150 pound sacks at10 a sack were declined Wednes day morning according to George Nedtweg president of the club The Detroit Lunch company which placed slgnson its walls in the morning asking its customers? to eschew the eating of potatoes said Continued on Pafe Three Column our Three thousand members of the Loyal Order of Moose at an enthus istic meeting in Moose hall Wed nesday night pledged themeeves to wear overalls until such time as the price of more genteel apparel is reduced to what they regard as a reasonable figure It is expected that nil of the 000 Detroit members of the Moose will support the resolution passed at this meeting in emulation of similar action taken by organiza tions in several southern cities Th resolution follows: there is no doubt that extortionate prices are being ie manded for closing and that the public seems to De at the mercy of unscrupulous" doliar mongers A continuation of prices on the same ascending scale that has prevailed in the past means general suffer ing and means that the volcano of anger that is seething overthe high prices may result if not quieted in a discoru dangerous to the security of this nation Advocate Club far seeing citizens in other parts of the United States es pecially in the south have adopted the plan of wearing overalls as a protest against the high prices of clothing and have bound them selves to continue wearing them until the clothing trade is readyto listen to reason we advocate the dr Continued on aye Three Column Three Wilson Calls Labor Body But Senate Bickering Delays Confirmation Detroit Offices to Be Nucleus for State Activities State headquarters for the Com mittee of 48 the national organiza tion of liberals which 1s working in 30 states toward the formation of a new party have been opened Ht 822 Hammond building it was announced Wednesday by Edward Webb of this city acting chair rnaa of the Michigan branch The Detroit offices will be in charge of Mrs Lillian Ascough who has been prominent In suffrage and war work circles In Connecticut The state organization which now has more than 5000 members is conducting a membership cam paign in a score of Michigan cities and towns and will organize the members soort to work as units In each congressional district Sev eral speakers will be brought here during the next few weeks to make addresses in various cities Three possible lines of action with regard to the coming presi dential election are under consid eration by the Committee of 48 formation of an Independent new (arty amalgamation with other progressive' bodies such as the Labor party the Popular Govern ment and Public Ownership leagues or formation of a league to work through the progressive elements in the two old major par ties COMMITTEE 48 OPENS QUARTERS WEATHER Partly Cloudy made by of the aawocla although of work Is fwer than half the total number of employee about 275000 many of thoae still occupied are not producers while vlrtualy all of those Ide were 43 Train The strikers were in session throughout the day In Iabor Ly ceum 53 Eatt Livingstone ave nue but no actloh was reported The ere Marquette Wednesday announced cancellation of 43 trains further None of theee has Its terminal in Detroit however A A Schantz president of the Detroit Cleveland Navigation company Wednesday announced that shortage of fuel threatens to tie up the company's boats can tonight and Thurs said Mr Schantz I give no assurance beyond that Our fuel supply is about exhausted We have appealed to our friends among shlpperc to turn over any supplies they can and we hope with their help to get along from day to Curtailment Requrw1 Observed Blelman Jr of the White Star Line said the company has sufficient fuel to keep running be Continued on ace Three Column One Council Plan to Try licity on Profiteer ing Landlord Mayor Couzens'g food conference and a meeting of the county board of supervisors which members of the council were obliged to attend conspired Wednesday to force the postponement of what was to be the first rent profiteering hearing hld before the council committee Arrangements were made how ever to lay the facts in lonie of the cases which have been brought to the attention before the council Thursday Council members said Wednesday fhaf' fhrv had infnrmftd bv the corporation dtflee that sumed charge of maintaining order 7 th nrlaun and were im ina ci irg ibii li vu uou wv pvw to regulate rents or leases Vx a 4 a nv innaoAzI to I i zi nvyc wo inu Mv nubile hearings at which landlords and would be asked explain now they Justified their deinands for increases Vould have a tendency to relieve the situation Renters of apartments in Detroit in some cases are banding to gether and appointing certain of their number to represent them in court proceedings Increase of $30 Seven families represented by Mrs James i Larkins 187 Chrisiiancy street and James Uritz have pro tested against a raise of rent from KO last July to $65 and $70 nuw Mrs Larkins ano Mr Critz were selected as representatives of the because they had more children than any of the other ten ants Mrs Larkins is a widow and has four children the oldest of which ik 13 and she lives on a widow's pension An eighth fam ily recently moved into the house and had to pay a $10 bonus to se cure the quarters They moved in at a rental of $70 and told the other strikers at a meeting at house that iney wanted to get into the organization Assistant rosecutor George Sayres is swamped with com plaints 50 or mure tenants coming to hi office daily Numerous cases brought to his attention reveal crit ical situations of the families mak ing thet complaints One woman who objected to paying an Increase in rent from $3u to $70 told him she had four children to support and that her husband is 111 in St Mary's hospital is impossible to sny what in creases are said Sayre Wed nesday are cases in which an increase of 1U0 per cent would not be considered adequate in view of the general advance in prices and labor There are other cases where a very much smaller Increase is unjust and should be prevented It is necessary to take each case to court on its own merits Personal ly I think the laws regulating the action of the courts In handling such cases are Striker Explain Grievance New York April In a state ment Issuad tonight Edvyard Mc Hugh chairman of the railroad committee declared that the strikers not go back until they had received a substan tial wage Increase and that they are not going to permit politicians in their ranks to lead Ho denied emphatically that the tanks of the strikers were weakening and declared they were "stronger than retiring from htf add ed railroad men for whom speak are seeking 5to uphold an American standard of living are America citizens We are not revolutionists: 1500 thain men were soldiers in the amv which fought for American prin ciples against the rman autoc racy and in the months since the armistice our love for America ha nut grown less rAs American citi zens we are exercising our historic rights to appeal to our government for the redress of Intolerable grive ances WagefAr Inadequate wages are inadeuuatt support our families These facts are certified by the statement of the railroad administration of the department of labor and of other national governmental bodies Many classes or employes are' paid from $aOO to $700 less than the least sum at which governmental authorities have reckoned that at is possible for a man to support his wife and children at the minimum of com fort and health "Every posa ble means of remedy ing this situation was exhausted before wre individuals work Jaet August our appeal for relief was carried to the president We were then asked to wait on the as surance that if the cost of living did not recede our w'agrs would be adjusted The cost ot living rose but we have neither relief nor the assurance of relief So burdensome and hopeless have been theH de lays that road employes despaired of obtaining any consideration of their grievances through their own representatives or from the gov ernment They hoped that thing would come from the nation al industrial conference which met at the call of the president last Oc tober That dragged out fail TO READERS AND SUBSCRIBERS THE DETROIT REE PRESS Beginning Monday April 19 the selling price' of the daily ree Press will increase to three cents a copy The price of the Sunday edition will remain ten cents as heretofore Delivery by carrier in Detroit and in Michigan cities and villages will be fifteen cents a week or seventy cents a month for the daily edi tion twenty five cents a week or' one dollar and ten cents a month for both daily and Sunday editions The price increases here announced are made as a matter of to assist in meeting the rapidly advancing production costs the abnormal price of newsprint and the constant growth of ree Press circulation The ree Press has been a two cent paper for twelve years and in that time all other Detroit papers and practically all the metropolitan journals of the country hare increased their street sale rates and subscription rates one hundred per cent A morning newspaper is a more complete anf finished product than are those papers produced wholly in the day time It is put out with greater care and at greater relative expense The ree Press it impossible to keep up its standards and give all the news of the world on the basis ot its present selling price It resorts to an increase of selling price because it believes its readers are willing to share with advertisers the increase in the burden of production The raise in rates will also provide a larger profit for carriers dealers and salesboys who will be given an equitable share in the margin of increase THE DETROIT REE PRESS Greatest Newspapej" BEB HYLLI TOMGHT refull 111 1 nu rier An aoso The first 'lze will be Chicago April 14 Latest figures toclav in the election of Republican national convention delegates at yesterday's presidential preference primary gave the following Low den preference delegates 34: no preference 16 One of the men who filed as uninstructed has an nounced he will support Senator Hiram Johnson Later tigtres from B1 precincts outside of Cook coun ty gave Johnson 5778 votes With 5324 out of precincts in llli nnla including Cook county heard from the preferential presidential vote stood: Lowden 226646 Wood 158423 Johnson 46659 ONE HOLDUP IS RECORD NETS BUT $2 Toledo Bishop Will Address Arena Meeting Sunday Bishop Schrembs of Toledo will speak In the Arena 1253 Woodward avenue next Sunday evening on In vitation of the riends of Irish reedom His subject will be the struggle of the Irish people for sep aration from the British empire and the establishment of the 'republic Rt Rev Joseph Schrembs is nationally known owing to hie activities in promoting what Is by many termed It was to him that Colonel Robins late head of the American Red Cross in Russia accorded the credit of having brought about a satisfac tory settlement of the Grard Rap ids furniture big strike Dr Schrembs was at the time auxiliary bishop of the Grand Rap ids diocese Subsequently he was consecrated bishop of Toledo and in that city according to William Hard sociologist he rendered serv ices of Incalculable value to the public by directing his influence and his good sense toward the settle ment bf several vexatious labor problems He became known Internationally through being one of the four bish ops who Issued a statement on a plan of reconstruction designed to remove the causes ot social unrest In this statement he and his asso ciates while relinquishing nothing of their conviction that own property should be considered in violable took advanced ground In urging the desirability of ultimate ownership by the workers of the instruments of production Besides the bishop's address thfcra will be singing by 20 rirls and 20 boys members of St high school choral club several solos and Instrumental numbers by in zel's orchestra A detachment? of Knights of St John will serve as a guard of honor Admission to the affair will be free ANOTHER OLD STYLE PARTY for dancers at Pier tonight Special music and other features Buy your lumber where you know It wilU be good not where you hope 1t win be so resthick lumber company Ameliorative Treatment in ture Arrest Under Realm Defense Act Ordered BY ASSOCIATED PRESS Dublin April 14 Sixty eight hunger striking prisoner have been released apparently uncon ditionally and as a result the general strike is called off 4 The Jorq mayor who went to sec IxTd rench at the viceregal lodge when a hitch arose at Dublin Cas tle through a stipulation that the priboners must return to thetr cap I tixity vn their recovery stated on ids return that the prisoners would bo released unconditionally Regarded A Triumph The prisoners had refused to ac cept the stipulation on the ground that it was a re applicatioh of the and policy The release of the prisoners an nounced at 5 in the after noon is regarded as a complete triumph for the hunger strike and Us ally the general strike It became known early that Viscount rench had summoned the lord mayor and that It waff thenSoniy a question of terms it is not definitely known what the terms are and for some days there may be contradictory state ments regarding them The trade unionists however no doubt which side had won and Immediate ly railed off the strike to the great relief of the citizens Order Ameliorative Treatment A The prisons board also received an order that henceforth under the Dufense of the Realm act prison ers should receive ameliorative treatment from the date of their arrest until their trial for a spe cific offense The visit to Dublin of Janies Henry Thomas general secretary or tne National men and labor ment for Derby is regarded as hav ing had some share in the decision for the release ot the men It is said that an attempt was to have been 'made to bring about a strike in England In support of the Irish case Mr Thomas made a speech from a window of the labor executive offices thia afternoon in dorsing the action ot the hunger strikers Military Absence Marked The absence of military from the streets today conspicuous There were no tanks or armored cars posted at the jail and the barbed wire barricades had been removed The Irish volunteers As ti sumeu cnargv ui iiidiniumiiij jjmti I outside the prison and were im ipiiciiiy viwjeu The released prisoners In the Ma tter Miserlcondia hospital say that i Jia neo night to their in adapting VaiiahU PrMMttx tn Re! thtir splves to lioar beer The con Many valuable rresent to oe was ht sickest draught ot a Given Awav Last 2 Davs: I bottle ot Alpha beverages and waS ay 1 fast and furious With the remark Contests Are Popular "Well boys It's the best we can gc the winning contestant down visitors during the last two days I ed his bottle In record time I A IViiortvi Vlflll of The Detroit ree Press rooa show virtually will be bombarded' with free samples and gifts ot the various commodities displayed at the booths Every hour Saturday there will bo gifts of several cans of Jazzit 100 cans of Hickory syrup will be given away the same day: as will other commodities Marshmallow opting contests are features hourly wltn six boxes of Campfire marsh mallows awarded as prizes enr Beer Content Held products are givn awav every hour in the day and au angel food cake cooked with Swansdown cake fiour once a day Besides the free gifts for visitors the booth are arranging to make several concAHHions the last two dny giving as much of their prod ucts away as i compatible with their oohey scults at the Bal lard booth ginger ale at ihe Staple ton booth and buttered cracners at the Mcadowgold booth are fewof the samples available a Detroiters were irms' in Carolinas Indicted by ederal Grand Jury Charlotte N' Ch Anri Twenty three flrms and individuals in North and South Carolina were indicted by (a federal grand jury here today charged with having en tered into a conspiracy to increase the price of bread the alleged agreement' having been made in a meeting held here January 8 The cases are expected to be tried here at a special term of federal court in June or July Conviction car ries a fine of $5000 or two years in the penttentiarypr both LU CAUSING MANY DEATHS IN NICARAGUA Mrs A Wilson will suggest further household economies to De troit housewives In addition to the Lnnltk 4 to A trlvOa AO RrV ucaiu auu afternoon Wednesday she gave a recipe for a ginger cake which can be made without eggs milk or su gar eating Contest' Popular The recipe follows: Three fourths cup syrup four tablespoons of shortening two of flour two level tablespocrs baking powder one teaspoonful cinnamon one tea spoonful of ginger one half tea spoonful of allspice 1 2 cup of wa ter beat to mix bake in shallow well grased pan In slow oven a half hour Juicier p'es for The reePress newsboys ple eatlng contest for Thursday uight are promised These contests are proving popular with ail juvenile visitors at the show tn nr 11 em a 1 Kwna mm hr glveA by the Jazzit booth and will be a new S3 a record' of mamifacturlnif Id Detroit of 47 years Royal dress ing nmer years Although there have been many attempts to alter the divorce laws church influences both in the com mons and lords always prevented a change until tonight when Rey nold McNeil's amendment was car ride The house was considering a motion based upon the report of a royal cojnmlsslon proposing legisla tion to increase facilities tor di vorce Under the present English laws a man can obtain a divorce for in fidelity but a woman cannot Mr McNeil moved that no legislation should be adopted excepting that which made the grounds for di vorce equal for man and woman BREAK IN STRIKE IN OHIO BEGINS AT DATTON AND CLEVELAND I Brilliant Catches Made by J' eltch and Leibold De feat Our Boys 'J HARRY BULLION Chicago April Claude Wil liams the "goat" of the last world's series set the Men of Jen nings back in the Inaugural game of the season this afternoon by the slenderest margin on which ball game can be won When the shades ot night com me need to darken the air anJ one man was out in the eleventh inn ing Collins's1 trusty bat crashed a curve ball that George Dauss served him for a double shat registered Weaker second base whither the third baseman had gone on a fluke single and a steal with the counter that gave a 3 to 2 victory to the Sox Saved by Hi Support But had not ate made the Ben gals the butt of Its Jests on two oc casions Williams wouldn't have heard the plaudits or 25000 fans ringing in his ears when the cur tain dropped on the drama No pitcher ever was more bril llantly supported even to the point of robbing a friendly enemy of hl' Li Just deserts than Williams and If his conscience doesn't trouble him at the thought of victory thus achieved he Is hard boiled Without the aid of elsch and "Nemo" Leibold whose thievery in the first and ninth in nings respectively altered the whole complexion of the contest Williams would have folded up in the final regulation round holding the bag instead of floating awayn th wings of victory In the matter ot hits he outpltched George nauss almost 3 to 1 yet he could not have survived but for a pair of latches that will be recorded as two 'of the very best ever witnessed In the classic stadium ot the White I bOX Wonderful Catch Cobb was'on second base and Veach on the initial corner when 1 Hellmann who made the hall scream a ft hr mercy all aftcrnoom'nelted the leather with all his weight behind i the blow The ball Balled out tn the general direction ot Clevelandiio and Leibold for the flying pellet but lu ontraced the center fielder and everybody in the stands gave tup for lost when Ixdbold cutting across lots made connection Just as the agate was about to drop Into the bleachers rd blow would have been good for three runs Jiad It evaded the fleet footed Leibold but misfortune for the Tiger cause turned It into the third nut nd a great chance melted Into nothing lagstrad Robbed In Ninth If anything off lagstrad in the ninth was more continued ou age morn Tampa la April 14 Orders for a general strike of cigar work sj ers in thirtv of the largest factoriesv here were issued today by the Joint advisor board of the local makers' union The men ask reeog nition of their union Mknufack turers said they would stand on thn a principle ot the open shop and eios their factories Union officials estUs mated that approximately 13 co 3 workers would be affected AND BILL OSTER PALMER SAYS IRST BREAK HERE 25 RETURN NEW YORK MEN jS'RUSSIANPUITS' Government Expect Walkovt to End When Hidden Motive Are Known e' UY ASfJXTlATET nteSS Washington April Depart ment ot justice investigators re port that evidence in their posses a Ion proves that William oster leader of the ill fated steel strike iSxthe prtpie mover behind the railroad strike 4 The Movernirent let thlr ba known tonight feeling that when tho strikers' learn what influence are behind the movement they will align thenuelves with their recog nized organizations Action by the nvernment In the direction ot prosecution of etrike leaders there tor? will be held In abeyance pend Ing the expected reaction among the strikers on receipt of Informs tion showing the directing impulse of the strike agitation oster Attend Meetings 11 The evidence In the hands of Vy tome General Palmer shows that oster was present at union meet ings which were adjourned to meet In other halls not as organizations but aa Individuals Mr Palmer also nail that Carl Pierson and A Rees both of whom the depart Investigators have placed in the category with oster were en gaged in attempts to expand the strike and were definitely connected with planning It Both began this work In Chicago Mr Palmer said It was understood a decision was reached at cabinet meeting tn seek a solution through the pub 1 feat Ion of the motives behind the walkout the strikers bring assured at the same time of early consider atlon of sny wage demands they may have by the railway labor board Mr Palmer made public evidence of plans prepared by oster andr hl' adherents to disrupt the four great railroad brotherhoods afl0 toc organise all railworkers Into one union Seised documents also re sealed that a similar course was tohavebeen followed In various other ladustrles where crafts aligned with the American edera tion of Labdr would be urged to reorganize under one name tfL rianaed by RoIumm have positive proof ot th plans for this Mr Pal mer said know the dates fixed for nation' wide strikes In other industries1 and our Investigators have discovered that the fomenla tion of these outbursts has gone on exactly as tn the railroad strike The whole program was one phase of the plans of the Russian radicals at the ultimate capture of industry the of the government and the setting of a dictatorship like that In chao tic Russia Mr Palmer said Work ers were being led unwittingly into the traps set for them he said through the Industrial Workers of xne orifi i tie miro inwrnauoiw ale headed by Lenlne and Trotzky was attacking Indus trial life ederal agents intercepted courier from Russia March 1 he said bearing a message to Ameri can locals of the communists deal ing with methods of organizing a class war The radicals were In structed to direct their utmost ef forts towards the pro letarian masses into the pathwar of The first goal the message said must he the wrecking of the American ederation of Labor and it ought to establish direct and close rela tionship with the I and' the "one big of Canada The I the word continued was to oe tne toot empioyeu It was to establish the basis uniting all unions under the big union idea i.

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