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Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan • 9

Detroit, Michigan
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9 Pctrutt WEDNESDAY BOY OUND BOUND AND GAGGED SAYS HIS OPPOSITION ALLAN MEN THINGS MAN ATTACKED HIM TO NEW CHARTER IN OUR a 7 BCM NATIONAL UNION CYCLECAR MAKERS ORMED IN CHICAGO in of Alderman Schult would oppose each our The We little We om com Excepting Only ur Lined Overcoats and 1 Incoming Spring Suita OICIAL CLASSIICATION GIVEN OR THREE SIZES NICHOLS BEGINS WORK AS SLEUTH WEDNESDAY PENSION APPROVED HERE BUSINESS GROWS OUTLOOK BRIGHT $5 to $10 Suits and Overcoats $398 The greatest cleanup had in the department this season and say ing much There are ulsters Russian overcoats and Norfolk Suits a great assort ment of them great values sizes for boys from 3 to 13 years your choice of three tables today at $388! SUGAR COMPETITION KEEN SINCE 1904 Judge Hulbert Says System Works Out Better Than That in Illinois We Afraid That Men Will Come Here Pick Out the Best and Leave the $20 Ones on Our Hands? JANUARY 28 1914 LaVigne of Detroit Elected Treasurer of Association pointed out Why take the bad things with the good when we can have just the good by piecemeal amendment?" Secretary of State rederick Martindale and Alex Groesbeck gubernatorial candidates will ad dress the banqueters State Senator Robert Ogg Charles A Nichols and William Manchester caudl datee for the Republican congres sional nomination in the new Thir teentM district comprising the west side wards will also be on hand ACCUSED STAMP THET a recommendation commission The Will Attend Banquet of Eighth Ward Republi can Club Wednesday Mayor Marx Is about ready he says to present his of partic ulars" setting forth to the public his objections to the new charter The mayor has been asked to dis cuss the charter at the annual ban quet of the Eighth Ward Republi can club to be held at the Hotel Griswold Wednesday night "They want me to talk about the charter" said the mayor I guess I will It should be a good time for me to let the public knoU why I am going to vote against the charter revision 1 know just exactly what angle' 1 will hit the charter from but probably will base my argument on the point that the old charter can be amended piecemeal under the Verdler home rule act After this la said there much further that need be Let them we have made so many good purchases that a long on the better Suits and Coats and like to have them go! want you to understand that glad to have you do this it is clearance the more we sell of any kind of Suits the better we like it last time we had one of these sales we sold 250 dress Suits in one day liked it And going to like this sale so well today that we shall have extra men on the floor to wait upon you extra tailors to measure you a force doubled at every point And we shall ask you only cost for alter ations We scfld a Suit a minute in the last of the Sale and going to sell them faster than that today The biggest selling will be today and we advise you to get here then We begin to tell you everything in this sale What fol lows is merely suggestion 481 ine Blue Serge Suits in stout and regular sizes 341 ine Black Suits for dress or business wear 1768 Suits for men and young men mixtures and stripes most desir able variety seen in any Detroit clothing store English and conser vative models for men of all descriptions 321 ull Dress and Tuxedo Suits silk lined stout and regular sizes 21 ine Prince Albert Suits 385 Priestley Gabardines and Cravenettes worth $20 to $25 275 Gray and Black Medium Weight Overcoats silk lined stout and regular sizes 414 Heavier Coats in oxford and black silk satin and serge lined vel vet or self collars 424 Blue and Gray Chinchilla Coats shawl collars and belted backs 821 Storm Ulsters for automobile wear wool lined 51 Kersey Coats with fabric astrakhan collars 271 Beautiful Balmacaans very full brown and olive shades And so on $72214 worth which our recently completed inventory shows we have on hand are all to sell at $1250 Not one is worth less than $20 A few 22 are worth $40 All except incoming spring suits and fur lined overcoats are included Get here today if you possibly can "CRIMINAL COURT SYSTEM TOO ormer City Clerk to Detect Un desirable Saloonkeepers for Liquor Committee ormer City Clerk Charles A Nichol will begin hi dut'es nedav morning as special investi gator tor the council committee on Liuuor regulation council Tuesday night appro priated 12000 for the use of the committee In hunting down undesir able saloonkeeper end from tnts fund Mr Nichol will draw hialary Aiderman Charles Bur ton chairman of the committee left the city Tuesday night for a six weeks vacation in lorida but this will not deter Mr Nichol from beginning hts Investigation im mediately Council Preeldent Harry Dlngeman will sit with the hquor committee during Mr Burtons ao ence found him Gordon had menaced to extricate hl feet The case In puxxling the police who are trying to and out bow much truth la in the story one theory being that the boys might have perpetrated a joke All the Rest of Our Suits Overcoats $750 Woman inds Him Tied to Her Porch Police Investigating A noise on the rear veranda at tracted the attention of Mrs Pease 232 La Mothe avenue early Tuesday evening and she opened the door to find a boy gagged and bound to one of the veranda posts When released Gordon ettea 1 1 years old 237 La Salle gardens told a queer etory to the police With a companion Daniel Gra ham 14 years old 231 La Mothe avenue he said ho was walking through a vacant lot near the Pease home when attacked by a man The Graham boy managed to get away Then according to story the man bound him tightly after having thrust a gag into hie mouth and carried him to the back yard of the ease home It was there be was found by Mrs Pease bands tied behind hie back with a cord and hla body lashed to a veranda post by some clothesline When Mrs Pease Harry Stilson Arrested in New comb Endicott Store ollowing the continued loss of stamps from the Newcomb Endicott company store Harry Stilson 25 years old 423 West Canfield avenue was late Tuesday afternoon locked up at Central police station on a charge of larceny The detectives were called by John Endicott treasurer of the firm Detectives liorrigan and Plies raid they found 1138 worth of stamps concealed In clothes and obtained a practical admission that they belonged to the firm Robert Enos Distributing company Mich Charles Root ur Can You Believe That All Our $3 to $6 Trousers Are $200 WHEN MOST THEM ARE DUTCHESS MAKE? Every pair of heavy winter Trousers no matter whether they are the staple blacks or the plain blue serges that clothing stores usually except Trousers of every pattern from dark mixtures to light grays with stripes Trousers for street or dress or work 2617 pairs of them mostly Dutchess make and worth from $3 to $6 will sell today at your choice for $2 Worth $15 $18 and $20 If it for our sale at $1250 this in itself would be one of the most extra ordinary sales of the season or it includes Stockholders of Parke Davis Co Receive Gratifying Re ports for 1913 While figures were not made pub lic the reports submitted by officers and directors of Parke Davis Co at the annual meeting of the com stockholders Tuesday are said to have reflected a year of prosperous expansion of business with a substantial increase in vol ume of sales and profits for 1913 with bright prospects for still fur ther gains during the coming year Directors of the company re elect ed are: Whitney rank Ryan Henry Campbell Ernest Swift George Hargreaves Charles Stinchfield Willis Buhl The directors re elected officers as follows: President rank 1 Ry an vice presidents Whitney and Hentv Campbell treasurer George Hargreaves secretary Er nest Swift and general manager Ernest Swift assistant secretary and assistant treasurer James Bartlett Members of the execu tive force to the number of about 100 were guests Tuesday night at the dinner an annual pvT' nt whlph took place in the green room of the Hotel Pontchartraln James Bartlett was toastmaster and short talks were given by many of those present 687 SUITS Great blue serges beautiful fancy hair line Suits fine novelties in browns and most attractive salt and pepper mixtures 785 OVERCOATS Yes chinchillas in blue and gray English guard model most attractive storm conservative black and Oxford Coats The Suits are worth $15 $18 and $20 the Coats are worth $15 $18 and $20 Not a garment goes in at this price that worth twice as much or more than twice this price of $750 Those present In addition to the uiticvrs named above wetc Miendan manager and Lung vice president Woods Mobile tie mnpany Chicago Paul A Kellar Kellar Cyclecar corporation Chica Charles erry vl president and Treasurer Coy Mitchell Auto mobile company Chicago James Stephens president Htepnens Engi neering company Chicago il Blomstrom Bex Motor company ord City Detroit 11 A llulbet ter engineer 74 Cyclecar com pany Davenport A Jones and Jones Standard Cyclecar com American1 urkson American Cyclecar company iiriinwnnnd CVrlwA ntTOllt York kels editor Uyclccar Ages New York George Briggs hales manager Wheeler Schebler Indianapolis and Warner pro moter Chicago Cyclecar show atendance was again a record breaker and was talked on every hand This af ternoon saw 2OUuu persons nt the exhibit and the night attendance was far larger than Monday esen jng Wednesday will be eutiely day and another record is expected Harry Kadford of the Cartercar company todav announced the sale Monday of 376 Cailercars amount ing in value to $5OUUUO and the riaxon Motor company sold 106 cars to dealers and gave a demon stration every 15 minutes The bales of the laVigue Cycleca com pany at the show have been more than 360UOOO YOU Sir Will Discover the Suit or Overcoat YOU Want Among the 5573 Worth $20 to $40 Diplomat's Slayer Ends Life Tangier Morocco January Sure the cook who January 23 shot and killed Paul Chevandier de Valdrome the rench diplo matic agent committed suicide to day by hanging himself in the cell where he was awaiting trial Does Not it All Modern Condit tions Declares Member of Board of Pardons "Public opinion is growing rest less over the adminlsti ation of our criminal laws" said 1A1 Hull Travis member of the state board of pardons in discussing modern penology before tho board of com merce 1 uesday noon "The delajs in criminal trials and Hie miacarrmgv of Justice by rea son of the extreme technical rules ot some courts too great zealous ii cm of some courts tu enforce the (onstitutlunnl or statutory provis ions which are often magnified PO as to hamper rather than promote the attainments of justice ancL a Jurp system that is said in some rases tu permit the rendering uf verdicts against the weight uf evidence are a few or the wrongs that have caused of our law students to declare that administration uf the criminal law of America Is a disgrace to the This is a radical statement and we do not wish to be haty In conceding that it is true but we must nut overlook the fact that in Home respects our system has be come antiquated and does not ht modern JlUAN street Mr Street a well known writer 1 Detroit gathering data for a eerie article In Weekly He visit ing the principal cities of the United States Auto Thieves Plead Guilty New York January 27 Two chauffeurs John Chandler and Ches ter Cravls members of the bffh'd of automobile thieves charged with stealing cars worth 1100000 during the last two years pleaded guilty today They were Indicted for stealing a 15000 automobile here last May They promised to help bring other members of the gang to justice and will go before the grand jury now In session Sen tence was deferred Attendance at Auto Show Breaks Records and Liberal Sales Are Made By Special Correspondent Chicago January 27 The Cycle car National associa tion was formed at a meeting in the Sew Southern hotel today The meeting convened at 1 with IV McIntyre of the Imp Cycle jar company Auburn Ind tempo rary chairman and Ed Spooner temporary secretary ourteen com panies manufacturing cyclecars were represented together with several accessories concerns and two cyclecar publications McIntyre was elected presi dent Stopp American Cycle car company Bridgeport vice president yv Stout Motor Age Chicago secretary LaVigne LaVigne Cyclecar company Detroit treasurer Phelps Zip Cycle car company Davenpurt la Tiedeman Dudly Cyclecar psny Menominee Mich and Albertus Mercury Cyclecar pany Detroit directors Mxea Are ClnwMiled A national classification for the three styles the small car the light car find the cyukcar was adopted The cyclecar is described officially as a car with one engine of not more than 0 cubic inches displace ment and of not more than 750 pounds in weight The light car will have engine of more than 70 Inches including 100 cubic inches displacement and weigh be tween 75U and 950 pounds The small car will have an engine of more than 100 and including 175 inches displacement and weigh be tween 950 and 1150 pounds This is the classification original ly adopted by the American Cycle car association with slight modifi cations A committee to consult with traffic associations with re gard to weight classification of vyclecars in shipping was ap pointea consisting of It helps uf the Zip Cyrivciir company Mr erry Comet Cyclecar company In ilianapolla and Stupp Amer ican Cyclecar company Bridgeport I no president appointed the otli otm a committee io draft a consti tution and by laws Tho meeting adjourned to meet again Thursday morning H'nlxlota stomach just like food I lien thus next meal is eaten the Also Approves Selection of Denison of Maine for Philippines Washington January The nomination of Henry Pindall of Peoria 111 tu be ambassador to Russia and Winfred Deni son of Portland Maine to be member of the Philippine commit lun and secretary of the interior of the Philippines succeeding Dean Worcester formerly of the Uni versity of Michigan were con firmed by the senate today Mr confirmation was delayed pending investigation of certain published letters alleged to have parsed between him and Sen ator Lewis purporting tr reveal an (Arrangement by wnieh Mr Ptndell was to have the St Petersburg post for one year The nateforcign relations committee recently voted to recommend hl confirmatum Mr Denison was nominated last December to succeed Mr Worcester as a member of the Philippines commission ami to bo secretary of the Interior fit ilanl HI nomination held up 1 stance of Senator Smoot pondlnjrin veatlattnn of protexta by Tn rlSt Sharrette member of the uni who wm removed from nn the finning an investigation committee of which Mr Denlxon the Mr Uenlson also was one ot tne Kovrnmenfs counsel In the augar fraud triale What You Will When You Will Dyspepsia Tablets Will Digest the Meal Easily and Surely ood in itself is harmless The reason stomach troubles arise Is due to faulty digestion brought about by overworking the body or brain sickness overeating late hours etc administered in Detroit we have Httle fear that the pension law will result in said Judge Hulbert the probate court Tuesday referring to a dis patch from Chicago that the similar act worked unsatisfactorily In Illinois it is said there is a rush fo pensions which destroys independence and which saddles on the public treasury many families that might bu supplied by rela tives or by their own labor have been exceedingly care ful in granting mothers pensions said Judge Hulbert a woman Is able to work and at the same time care fYr her children we have nut pensiuned her Where there is a boy of 14 or over he has been compelled to work and the amount of the pension has been modified ve have applied the law as a means uf relieving destitution and not as a system uf reward for having a family present payroll is at the rate of about $15(juo a year and I suppose it will go higher than that before the year is uver if we grant ed pensions in every place where we technically the would be several times that Crowley Milner Co THE STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT 6 "hr My Miiblle Namevow lint 1 Ala? ljpepxl Tablet After nl to Safe Tho only way to correct faulty stomach troubles ami digestive mis takes is to do what All that nature needs Is a little as sistance to do this work This Is why doctors tell you to diet not eating nature is compelled to aid herself do not then over work her when she is already ex haubteu Dyspepsia They help digest this food ihpv fiirich the blood and 1 vt nip'll IB Jvfitem is better prepared to do its work without assistance or at least less harmfully By following this natural habit you will In a short time correct stomach trouble do of digestion and remove all dangei of fatal digestion troubles Dvspepsia Tablets are the best tablets made They are composed Of the very best natural ingredients nne grain of one ek nt will digest 3U00 grams of meats tish vegetables grains soup tl lwnvs take a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tabkt "after meals or just )Ctor bed time Bv doing this jou will be acting wisely and playing sale Go to your druggist anywhere and buy a box now rice 50 cents Advertisement Bruker So Testifies for Defense in Suit Against Alleged Trust in New York New Yurk January Lewlfi Minford a sugar broker testi fying today as a witness for the defense in the government disso lution suit against Hie American Sugar Relining company saiu ke competition bad obtained among sugar refiners since 19U bls had ben due he said to Hie entrance of new refineries Into tn business and the steady in in their capacities In the part of 1912 and the early Part ul 1913 ho added competi tion Rinug the western beet sugar in finery was especially severe jth the resull that beet sugar sold lv cent below the New York cane sugar prices as far east as th Atlantic seaboard OR MARX TO EXPLAIN Chairman Dlngeman Supporter orced to Bow to Them One of Council President Dlnore man's to the vlator belonjrs the spolln committeee ran Into a Tuesday afternoon Aiderman Wartell a Dlnaeman supporter Is chairman but the bal ance of the commitlee Is composed Of Allan men InatalAil thut application for a license not ac 1 rnOnm onrl a I zvw cvmpneu frziMn fh T141O chairman wal forced to be content with reporting out just one appli cation the others belnR held up for Investigatlom SENATE CONIRMS CHOICE PINDELL SS'SeSS OR RUSSIAN POST We want to make this message personal to YOU like to sit down with you knee to knee look you right in the eye and tell it to you so forcibly that there be a chance for you to misunderstand it that there is a for YOU in this sale That going to give YOU your choice of every Suit Over coat Gabardine in these two big storerooms for just $1250 Maybe you think you know something about the Crowley Milner stocks If you do you will be here this morning If you then let us tell you that there are: Mighty fine dress Suits here correct in model silk lined and silk faced They are marked $40 and not a $40 either! going to be $1250 today Do you begin to get the idea? There are blue serge Suits here BEAUTIUL ones of a wale so fine that almost like unfinished worsted a weight that many men wear the year Most clothiers forget to in clude their blue and their black Suits They are in this sale Got a little better idea of going on? There are brown checks of the kind that some men are paying high prices to tailors for There are snappiest little English Suits seen this season They look as if they might have stepped right off Broadway There are conservative Suits in as great var iety There are great silk lined montenac Overcoats soft and heavy of a quality that feels almost like silk worth $40 There are Chinchillas there is everything KiOa iK i Bli HHifllv rwnBi i ral Ij 1 I UBnKMHK I I 1 I If a Iw'cvKSXSn 4 1 ft 1 IK i i rk I I fl I I I IIWI vf I I If I 11 aY'X 1 IM llrwn kiM rr ff Wilf' WSmltf IWjMW IllMllUBI aW 7 iv ii! 1 1 1 0 nil (T3 inoice OHne mi at 11950 III EAT 1 9 '1.

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