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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 2

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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TWO Star DeKver 'Ttty fferald.From False Reportl Published every week-day afternoon by Star Publishing Inc. (C. E. Pakner H. W.ashbum), ftt Tlie Star building, 212-214 South Walnut street, Hops, Arkansas.

C. E. PftLMEB, President H. WASHBURN, Editor and Publisher Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Hope, Arkanma Under the Act of March 3, 1897. Definition: "The newspaper is sn institution developed by modern dlrtl- liSfon thi news of the day, to foster commerce and Industry, Sawnigh Widely Circulated advertisements, and to furnish that check upon government which no constitution has ever been able to ft.

Subscription Bate (Always feyable in Advanceh By city carrier, ixir fc six one year $3.00. By mall, in Hempstead, Nevada. Howard, Miller and LaFayette counties, $3.50 per year; elsewhere $5.00. Member of The Associated Press: The Associated Press is exclusively to the use for republicotion of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this paper and also the local news published herein. Nattonal Adverting Representatives: Arkansas Dailies, Memphis, Steriek New York City, Graybar Chicago, 75 Wacker, Drive; Detroit, 7338 Woodward St Louis, Star Bldg.

Charges on Tributes, Charges will be made for all tributes, cards of thanks; or memorials, concerning the departed. Commercial newspapers hold to this polio' in the news columns to protect their readers from a deluge of space-taking memorials. The Star disclaims responsibility for or return of any unsolicited manuscripts. Your Health By DR. MORRIS FISHBEEN Editor, Journal of the American Medical -Association, and of Hygela, the Health Magazine YOUR CHILDREN X-Rays Direct Doctors in Cure of Bronchitis By Olive Roberts Barton Not infrequently, after a person has had a severe cold or repeated severe colds, he develops chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane which Clu'hl Arllsls Need Wall as Canvas Many a landlord nearly has apoplexy when he poes to show pective vacant house and lines ahe of the tubes tnat carry discovers the walls, newlv papered au- from the wmdpopo in the throat to O11 i ew months ago, bedecked with the smalest pnrte of the cells of the ciirlycues and crosses, rakish animals lungs.

These tubes are called bronchi. and characters that would stump au- and any inflammation oi them is call- thorities on the Bosetta 'Stone ed bronchius. Lead i)encil Urayon and halk have Tlie cluef and worst symptom of traced designs at random wherever the bronchitis is continued cough. With yoi ng artigt felt moved to draw this cough there is a Jorge amount of i ut of doore the landloard tears his sputum, so that condition is soino-j hair over the rece ntly new paint on tunes rmstaken for tuberculosis. There lhe doors A a are, of course, such syfptons as slight better than chalk Scorin5S anPd C3r lever and sometimes pain the chest.

oons lere ioo The condition been known vapors, and by taking cod liver oil and. other substances which help to to build up the nutrition generally. 'It has also been considered good treatment for the patient to go for a while to a dry climate, but this of climatic treatment is not usually available to any but tde well- to-do. tha If the irate landlord could follow furniture of his former tenants, would find table pins and other ev- child at the age when he must himself by hand is no respctor of With development of new kinds of lls mothe als expresses her- apparatus, however, it has now be- by hand on the proper surface or come possible not only to look direct- wn the law, he can ly at the walls of the bronchi, and to lo see the of inflammation that i have taken place, but also to make X-ray pictures of the bronchi and to apply treatment directly to the walls that are inflamed. It has been found that the injection of iodized oils into the tubes duos not harm the health generally and per- ir.its the taking of X-ray pictures which completely outlines the tubes.

These pictures enable the doctor to see whether there is thickening of tho walls or of the tissues around the walls. to justify his "self training." So what? Every loves to see sornetlung his own; hand has made. When he isn't the color or form interests him so much as the fact his chubby hand can produce at ad. Beginnings Are Crude At first it may be a dot or a long, line without reason. Then gradually plan enters ento the design.

to "will" his hand to represent what his mind is thinking. When he says "See the kitty!" the HOPE! fit AE.aOt>fl. A Peac Monday, August 13, VON HINDENBUSH i 7''. 1 j'' i Political Announcements The Star Js nuthorlzeci to the following ns cnndidntes subject to the action of the Democratic Imiiry election Aupust 10IU. For State Setmtor District) JOHN L.


(JIM) BEAKDEN County Prolinto Judge H. M. STEPHENS County Frobnlc Clnfk HAY E. M'DOWKLL JOHN W. RIDGDII.L Tax Assessor MRS.

ISABELLE ONSTEAb R. L. (LEE) JONES C. (CRIT) STUART Road Overseer (DeRonn Township) E. L.

SULLIVAN L. S. MAULDIN FRED A. LUCIK Dream Leads Him to Missing Child 3-Year-Old Rescued After Searchers Thought Bear Ate Her WINNIPEG, Canada Most of the who set out last week tu find mission three-year-old Florence Spruce gave up hope when hear tracks were found in the vicinity of where the child mysteriously di.sup- pcarod. 13ut not M.

Ulair, diamond drill fetttr for tho Mantchti mines close I friend of Spcnce, Indian trapper i find father of the mis-sine, Kirl, Because of Blair, Florence was fate at Sunday. Blair had a dream. He said tho dream directed him to us isolated spot In I the hrush tree miles from the child's i home. told about it and they scoffed at him, but he quit his wcrlt and started out. In less than an hour he was on his way hack with Florence in his arms.

He took htr to Dr. W.L. Falconer, who her survival In the forest for five days, without fowl, was not to mention the presence of benrs in thp region. Florence was weak. l)iit the doctor she would completely recover in a few days.

Arkansas Flier Is Killed in Accident Man and Com- paninn Die- in Flames at Chicago Airport CHICAGO- While their s-wwlhwirls watched in horror, two men wore killed Sunday when (heir cabin plane crashed iit Sky limlior airport, north of Chicago. The ship hurst inlii iis it tin 1 ground wink- makinf! a I landing. Both men wore burned beyond recognition before reseucrK nnd the Fire Deportment could approach nenr enough to the burniiiB pyre to extinguish the flnmc. 1 The dcnd: Rnymond Casson, 20, of Corning. pilot nf the plane null a licensed transport pilot, nnd Louis Wasll, 22.

of near Chicago, keeper. 1 Standing nenr the hnngnr waiting for tho ship to Innd were Miss Mnrio Wnstl. 21, sistor of Louis, who snld slip WHS engaged to mnrry Cnsson. and Miss Cnrolyn Senn, 22, Wnstl's sweet- hcnrl. Miss Wnstl was waiting her turn to fly.

elephants oat ns much ns MX) pounds of fish every day. These reach a length of of 20 feel. In they are fed every two hours. Guaranteed Typewriter Repair Service O. W.

MILLS 218 So. Wahuil I'hnm fABEI. er itfA Sfwtcf. me. After "the direct and X-ray studies I oee lne Kittyr have been made, it is best, first, to time, you may have to admire a eliminate, every-possible focus of in- descri smudge.

After a bit the fection in the mouth and in the i ld a le 'J;" 0 manifest it- throat, since inflammation in the i f. clf or a Thls does not mean bronchial tubes may be related to in- i that even 'f he tries often enough he "fection elsewhere. will even be able to draw a recog-' It has been found that injection of i niz ablc cat Artistry is almost, if not the iodized'oil fdr purpose of X-ray. qu te a bom S' ft in some cases, has relieved symp- Bu tryl to co-ordinate a hand lorns for various periods of time. I lth ih to create is a really good Therefore, many physicians now in- ca Finger prowess, hand control, ject such' oils or other soothing sub- he minci cooking up an idea and lay- stances directly into the bronchial I lng lt a er ls one mor ste to- tubes and in this way ameliorate the trouble.

Effects of such injections continue for at least 24 hours, during which the cough is much less and the amount of sputum greatly reduced; ward cleverness. Big Paper Wall papsr garage doors? No indeed. That must bo understood from the start. Great 'sheets of plain white roll pa- U4I1U1411I. JIJV4HJ111 bUbt-J i 1 11 sometimes the improvement lasts for er fastened to the wall of his room 'weeks' months.

1 bj harp thumb tflc tha do not mar The method, as you can see, is one vl11 make excellent drawing sur- which must be applied by a doctor. facl; They can be replaced. Little You simply can't inject direct- I ack 10 hul but tne are to ly into your own bronchial tubes, be- ften £OU hampering to the young cause the passing of the syringe, for I An Se who wants to tackle murals. the injectiwi, into the throat is accom- plikhed'by gagging and coughing, i And, incidentally, one mother buys six yards of wide store paper to run Therefore," it must be con- cl the stairway. It can be replac- "trolled by use of local anesthetics, I hen streaked or spotted by small and a good technic in handling the hands.

One of the handiest things about tho house where there are children is a storekeeper's "roll" of paper. It 1 need not be fine but it should be light in color. nnd district directors were named to inject impetus into the Fed: oral Housing Administration's cam'. liaign to modernize millions of homes Catls'Morgan Raid Part of Great Plot' and commercial buildings. Bares Scheme In Civil War James A.

Moffett, Housing administrator, told reporters he did not "look any general reduction whatever" in of building materials. By BRUCE t'ATTON They still frighten children down in -the Ohio river country with the name; "There lias been the general impres- of John Hunt Morgan. Tnis Confed- sicn," Moifell said, "that to start the erate cavalry leader, who led his bri- campaign bargain price might gade on a raid up through Indiana named. With few exceptions, I believe HRRE TOUAV ROOTS II A II II It IS PTl'lty. lli'lilllKx 10 IIiL- yot KIM linreh'ncok.

fu.iIiiimnliU- York The HiiolmniM hnvf luiii llnnnfliil rcverHvx. SVl.VIA UlVIOliS, richest ulrl In iiixv Kivini; -imrly tit the Vai-li( ciuh nnd lIuolN IH lirnrtlirukcn IIOCIIIIKI- Is Invttcil. Nlu- nrt-cplx liinl-nilniilr- Invilnllon In dln- Hrr lie jrlvoii (lie NIUIIO nielli Sj-lvln'B lij- SiliS. nnts iif Kooliil lloolx ovcrlieni-H her iu'4'rtiliniev of Ihc tl I 'Invitation ntiU IM iTUXlii'd liy fhl.t nnkinilni'NN. Tliat iillihl ill Hip (Hull Blu- invi'la II.VHDV unr of sjl- viti'H miirxlN, nnd lit- her In rlili- in IiU Hiiilluini.

fiow GO ON AVITII TIII: STOHV CHAPTER tahle the glasses were rt filled nnd emptied and filled Rgitln. Great red roses In a crystal vase drooped in the heat and smoke and scattered their petals on white cloth. Food noolfid on tho plates while and hoy I.Tiighrjd, talked, danced and back again. Hardy's absence did not go Patty's sharp eyes Instantly caught it. Isabel wns conscious of his departure and Sylvia, herself, although apparently ignoring it.

was perfectly aware of his defalcation. OM of -tha hoys, with the male's delicious usual ohttiseness, inquired casually, "Wliore's Hardy got to?" Isnhel pressed her small slipper against his instep, signaling silence. It did not matter, really, Isabel to licrsolf, aniioyecTly. TUero were more tlmn enough men to go around. Why did they always have to kowtow to her feel- She would admit, even privately, tlie hold Hint Sylvia liud on the crowd.

Sylvia's parties, Sylvia's money and her big car and i the orchids that sin so tin- impressed them. Some of tUein were iu her-debt, lira way, had to curry favors. Laddie's -father worked for Mr. Rivers and wlien I'atty's allowance fell short It was Sylvia who caino forward, Isabel happened to know, and paid "for luncheon tips, trips into tho city, even silk stockings sometimes. "As for me, 1 don't owe her anything," Isabel reflected, with Sutis- faction.

All, but didn't she, really? Sylvia bad made her accept that black chiffon dress, when they were in tbe play together. Isabel had borrowed It to play Mrs: Hustings, the gifl heard'her name''called in the. silence, "habd! Isabel!" about Henry's?" angry. Imagine anyone making-fun They gathered up their ot anytbine so terribly aerl Sylvia'u white and silver bag, hut': frothy wrap, Patty's Isa- bel's lipstick. It wan late, Isabel wasn't there.

Oil, Isabel said to herself, wildly and thought. Tlio older women bad be- despairingly tlie worst bad uap- gun to look tired. And Hoots line- Hardy had upset the boat. burn was not at Mrs. Wutermau'u i Uoots, tangled iu those fluttering tiiblo.

oh, well skirts, had been lost. Boots was Just an Isabel skirted the inu- i swimmer, hut you couldn't sicianrs- dais, a shout went up out do much of doors. One tbe men who always bung around the exactly au attendant, jiiHt one happy Boots! yOU. FOOllsll, fOOliSh, UU- can't bear It," Isabel the "regulars" In blue Jeans and sobbed soundlessly to herself, hnd- In for a Day," up at the nigh a Battered pap, went running down e(i against some hawthorn bushes school, and later Sylvia hurl said, )e sa ii heard the "words, ln H'e bank of shrubbery surround- and Ohio in. the summer of 1863, achieved one of the mast sensational below the IS2G level." stunts of the Civil War and scared the good burglars of the Ohio valley worse than Lee himself did.

he finds a biographer, and reasonable and generally and Illinois seize their state governments', pull those states out of the one, in Howard Swiggett, whose ar entirely and thui bring southern Rebel Haider' 'subjects his ca- i victory. reer to an intelligent analysis. The scheme failed, he believes, be- Mprgan's famous raid, says Mr. the Copperhead leaders Swiggett, locks like wasted better at talk than at action. When from a military viewpoint.

But back the crucial moment came, they simply of it, he he assembles a couldn't produce. lot iacts to support his Morgan's men alienated their sym- there was a far-reaching design on the pathiw. too, by ihtir unrestrained part of the government at Richmond conduct, Mr. Swiggett adds. They got Which made it a political, rather than jittery, and the great plan for a uor- rnilitary, adventure.

I them rebellion fell fbt This design, as Mr. Swiggett sees it. This makes a very readable biog- this: To provide a rally- rapiiy, and it gives an interesting new I injf point rthe great Copperhead ikmt on the- subterranean polities of' conspiracy in the northwestern states, I the Civil War. Published by Bobbs- help the malcontents in Ohio, Indiana, Merrill, it sells for $3.50. with apparent carelessness: "I want you to keep It.

Is'o, but really, i mean It." Isabel had been tempted beyond her strength. The black chiffon had made her creamy skin Ionic creamier: It bad brought out every single glint In her copper-colored hair. It was (be sophisticated sort of frock young girls dream about and their mothers refuse to buy for them. So liafl kept It. And she bad found, after tbat, It was not KO easy to be simple and natural with Sylvia.

It was easier to fall In i with her mood, play up to tier. Mite i back tlie contradictions Hint "Man overboard." She ran, Hie house. Everybody, seemed, was on the Suddenly she heard her name pier at nnce: hatless girls In frail called in the gtlllness. "Isabel! frocks, men in dinner clothes, their Isabel!" eyes searching the black horizon. She trembled all over.

Was It "Young fools!" she heard true, then, that ghosts came back white-haired, moustached man Bay, to haunt yon? angrily. Then someone cried, "They've got him," and the words ran from mouth to mouth. Hardy blackness, unable to distinguish a it. was Hardy and everyone thing. knew bo was a whiz with a pall- a a me sahl tllo vo ce m.

What could have happened I stea(11 jy. rm Jlei lu Uie "What?" she quavered bravely. Is it?" She peered Into the In The night was cairn, the sound was running smooth as black glass. Isabel's heart began to teat very fast. She was fond of always had been.

What 1C anylhjng to cue's lips when Sylvia made out- ail Boot(j? or liar cool, outrageous, pronouncements. had not beHii able to buy She had loat the others now: Sylvia and Patty and Laddie were nowhere to be seen. Bbe tried tp over Hie shoulders of a tall man not, In very truth, just in front of her and (ailed, tried. No, from tlie Instant they Isabel was thoroughly frlgblenetl had met. between tbe two It now.

pushed her way through had been tbe knife. And ibn n-nwd. back toward the club- now (Isabel thought I Boots was i house. Some of tbe younger people committing tlia crowning crime of were making a great joke of tlie all. walking off with Sylvia's man.

whole "This party's died on Its feet." Sylvia announced, suddenly In a If they will get hvard a blah, giddy vutce.say- "Let's do something. How merrily. Isabel was hotise." Isabel demolished the space between the shrubbery and Hie old, rustic, embowered summer bouse In two jumps. Yes, it was Boots fiae- biirn and not her ghost who Bat huddled lu the shadow. "What on earth's tbe matter?" Isabel's teeth were chattering.

"There's such a rackc-t down on tbe pier," Boots said In a fretful voice. ''I didn't know what to do. I've lost my shoes "Lost your shoes?" The full tide of relief flowed over Isabel. Slits reached out a tentative hand, gripping her friend's shoulder. "You're wet," she said with ap- p.are.nt Irrelevance.

not. Why he? I think what's wrong with everyone tonight," Boots complained. "The whole world seeina to have gone crazy or something. Everyone ranting and screaming- down on the pier like a crowd ot Fljls. "Oh, Boots, darling!" Isabel laughed aloud, from sheer relief.

"I thought I was sure "And now the thing Is, I must get how?" Boots demanded, unheeding. "That foolish boy! When I wouldn't go sailing with him he picked me up and ran and my shoes dropped off and I got away from him and dashed, and hid here. He went off In the boat by himself but I couldn't find my shoes anywhere and I guess I bad a good tell anyone I'm such a fool, Izzy darling, and I must have been asleep TVHE relief of bearing her say tho commonplace words, plaintively, complalnlngly, was exquisite. Isabel hugged her. "Oh, Hardy's boat tipped over," she said, "and I thought you'd gono with him my mind was just in whirl "I hope he's all right," Boots contributed, "although ho did act terribly and I was frightened for a minute, and Mrs.

Waterman will never forgive me, that's certain. I can't explain "The thing now," Isabel said, "Is to get you home. Ob, if I'd only brought tbo roadster! I wanted to, but Laddie offered to drive mo She considered tlio situation a moment, her bright eyes thoughtful. "Look," she offered, In tho silence. "I'll tell Mrs.

Waterman you wore taken you went off to tbo drossIni; room and didn't feel equal to coming back. That crab-meat at supper," said Isabel viciously, "was enough to set anybody off." "No, no, she'd never believe it," Coots said despondently, "ft. sounds If I had my shoes I'd go In and explain to her tho whole story. But I can't go back in there like tins." Isabel shrugged her shoulders. "I s'pose you can't." "Could you get Laddie or somebody and have him drive over Into tho curve and I'd make a daali for II?" Boots wanted to know.

"I'll drive Larry's car myself," Isabel decided. "He left the keys In it. He always does. I'll just run you home and come back later. Look, when I whistle you come.

I'll have tbe engine Boots waited apprehensively 1n the darkness. Tim crowd on the veranda bad thinned now. Attendants could bo seen, moving about In the big lighted rooms, straightening rhalrs, clearing lllterod ta- ibleH. Tbe orchestra played "Home, Sweet Home." Still Isabel did not come. Boots' head ached.

She was desperately trying to fend off thoughts of tbe her apologies to an angry and Incredulous hostess; of tbe giggles which would be her portion if the story got around. But just now all she could afford to contemplate was tbe immediate problem. Onre home, safe in her own room, she could plan for the future. There was a low whistle, from the vicinity of the. hydrangeas, glimmering palely iu Hie darkness.

Boots ran lu tbat direction. Tbe dewy grass was damp to tbe soles of her thin stockings. She glimpsed tbe roadster, heard (be blessed sound of Hie I motor, jumped in. But it was not Isabel at the wheel. It was Runs Lund, tba swimming Instructor at tbe club.

(To He Coutiuued) Banish Chills and Fever) To coiKiucr Malaria, you must do two Hi infection in the blood. H'l Build up I hi? blood to i.vorcimif tht? oftVcts nnd to fortify fiirlhi'i' attack. There is one ineilic-iiH' that tln-M? twu things and that Grove's Chill Tonic! Tlic quinine in Grovt'V Chill Tonir the infiH'lion in blood whilo the iron up I hi- blood. Thousands of 1 Malaria with I ho of Tasteless Chill Tuilir. lu addition to a ifiiu-ify for iVIalaria, if i.s also an cx- Ionic iif ijoiii-rnl list'.

Crovt' 1 Tasli'lcs-i Chill Tonic pleasant to nnd nothing harmful. 1'X'i-n children like it and they can it KOJ- sale by Now two and $1. The SI ccntains us much as the and you mori? for yuiir money. Full Pint. Kitchen Hand Lollnn Ahnoml iinrl Honr.v l.oflon Liithncr's Astringent Distilled WKch Iliiwl Kay Mum Your Choice 25c each i a 1' Drug- Store Ladi ies, We liave installed a new patented machine that sews on solos.

Old fashioned tac-ks no longer necessary. No advance in prices. Give us a trial. All Work Guaranteed Theo P. Witt Shoe Repair Shop 210 South Main IS JttSl tt Whether your Road Money shall be spent on the Roads 't or 012 the Politicians.

win this race by an overwhelming; majority because the thinking people of this county know that I have faithfully man- the public affairs at a time when tax revenues declined to the lowest point in years. Stephens YOUR COUNTY JUDGE I.

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