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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 2

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Hope Reptirtt dfterHCHWi by Star Publishing Inc. 8 3 Wa the Star building, 212-214 Stottth Walnut sttett, Hops, Arkansas, Atfft fedtior and Publisher the jjostoffice at Hope, Mi Act 6f March 3, 1897. "tte MtvstJapet is institution developed by modefn civil- nt the ftfrws of day, to foster commerce and industry, Widely circulatW and to furnish that check upon Wch no C6ftdtltu has ev'er been able to R. ab Advanceh By city carrier, Hempstead, Ne coufttles, $3.50 per year elsewhere $5.00. LOVB Atigusj 1034 By Sophie Keir i bad not weakened.

At hbotit LOWS blinded the o'clock he tool: the place ot 6t the nurses and watched closSly. The nurse, as acute as he. sudden- package to Amy. "There are your knitting thlnss," ho said. "1 they're right.

I've taken In (i h'otel at the next cor ner I've seen Jane." Amy stiffened to attention. "What did she say?" "It was nil rerr hut. ba ths whole, satisfactory. She dealt with me as if 1 were a somewhat repugnant stranger. I ly glanced at him.

kn Itt- quiring eyebrow. Thefe fib mistaking It. The orefttb easier, almost Imperceptibly, yea, he was cure, fie nodded to the nurse. was a gaib. very slight gala, and even while he satisfied himself that he was right.

Doctor Gavin fcnew the at a find prickle of a conilng annoynncfe If i Press is exclusively If cThPrtiS JStS bUc on 6ll news dispatches credited to it or jt otherwise credited in 3 paper and ateq the local news published herain. Dailies, Memphis, Bldg Chlca In 7S St Louis, Star Bldg Your Health By DR, MORRIS flSHBElN Editor, Jriurnal oi the Ameslcsn Medical' Association, and of Hygela, the Health Magaxine Avoid Mussels As You Would Mushrooms il YOUR CHILDREN By Olive Roberts Barton You may feel quite safe when you' eat oysters, because the oyster indus- try is fairly well under control from a health standpoint But beware of the Jdnd of mussels you choose; for so fer little consideration has been given to the problem of from the eating fthis tytfe of shellfish. Guard Against Professional Trouble- Child or Adult There is one type of human being who possesses the everlasting ability to make every one near her, or him, uncomfortable. Usually this particular weakness is of the feminine gender, but not always. then.

1 could only take my cue from her. The upshot was that 1 hare sub-let this, apartment from her for cs long hi vj need it, and also arranged to take over her servants, and I nm to reimburse ner tot expenses already incurred la connection with Howard's III ness, la fact she suggested that give' her ri check for them at I did so. In this way we are independent of her you Sea. We arc accepting no favors. The price she asked seemed to fee grasping, htu i preferred to pay it.

1 cemtnly couldn't bar- Jane." Aloud she said: "I'm glnd we're under no obligation." Professor Lowp went on: "But we mustn't let this be known in Marburg. Rosa Terry would Humiliated to the soul to discover Don't make'me expect her niece had made money him to he better and then tell me It's all exactly like Amy. with scrirn. tha fello-'a wife Intimated that this Improvement was due to her psychic aid (God, ne hated the trord psychic) he'd her tha lecture of her life shout, fchat science alone did la cases tnis; But be was a consfcleritlous physician as welt RS a conscientious realist and vvheri. after an Int to assure himself that the gain actual and likely to held, he vrent in to tell Amy, to his surprise and relief her response' was not as be had anticipated.

"It Is a very small gain, you understand," he said, "bin It is tfierR. and he seems to he holding it. It's the first enconrasement we've had. If he keeps on like this until morning, arid if he has an easier day he left the promise unfinished. "It's really true, isn't asked, "it's nfltJasfc a she that cut of friends.

Jane, it is! talk about It any more. the misfortune ot her I myself was ashamed for We won't Now. my dear, suppose we go to the hotel. something different. "Now that's dealing with reality," thought the doctor with approval.

Aloud: "It's exactly as 1 say. and fcu vuc Kv.i.t;,. jit is encouraging. But I'm going hathe, change our clothing and ne'to stay here the rest of the nlphtl hack here when the doctnr comes 11 wish we had him In a properly Mussels are found in most ihland It leaves us irritated and baffled streams the United States and are and all the more so because we cah- ircfjuendy; eaten by people who have not put our finger en the trouble oao taowledge of the danger. if we take pains to go over word' by In tne summer of 1933.

there were word all that has been said, the other 15 poisoning person's remarlcs, our poor silly an- Cahfoi-ma and Oregon after the swcrs, and the general trend of cong One man died in venation, we may be enlightened, It is something like this-her meth- but the others were saved by od (or his) prompt medical attention. Tempts Tempers In an epidemic of such poisoning in She directs the conversation d'elib- 1927 in San Francisco, 102 cases occur- erately to some subject she knows red. Wo case of mussel poisoning has! will irritate us. And then she gets us GV67T An tV.A ri vrxroce 1 ever beeii reported during the cold to express ourselves. This on the defense and gives her exactly what Origin of the poison, in the mussel! sne advantage'of attack.

has not beeh definitely established, i During the whole time she never loses But it is believed to' be similar to the! her temper. But she enjoys seeing us poison found in certain mushrooms, lose ours. She has a gift of cleverly Symptoms Jtre abbut the same asth'ose Putting us in wrong whichever way which follow mushroom poisoning, turn It is clone so subtly and paralysis; unconsieousness, and' edft 'y 'hat it protects her death. ly- We do not even realize we are under fire at the time. Finally, "Well, be going," ritation fthe boWel.

ln a few case- Ehc sa sweetly, flicking up her the nerves arj. affected, with-itching if se She leaves with a gratified and eruptions on the surface of the i her nfatt cal1 on some other body. flutsered person, who in turn will be put on the spot. She isn't a tif is also trouble with suclxas vpmHinK and ir- I' ritafion fthe few cases You should not eat mussels or any State boards of health have repeatedly issued against use of mussels as food. In summer the danger seems to be much greater than in win- she merely gats a thrill fcr her own ego by making the world habitually "to tei lier, go over its weak spots with her.

And as the door closes you wonder why on earth you kepi explaining and apologizing for buying the new lamp, in again. -fiefore Amy would go she crept down the hall to the sickroom. One ot the nurses came to the door "He's no worse. There's no change," she said, hut sha would not let Amy look at Howard again. "Sorry Not unless the doctor's with you." It was the longest night that Amy had ever Known.

She sat In the living-room, her Hamls nnsv n-ftfi knitting, thoughts mov Ing still mote swiftly. Profe-por Lowe was- on tha coiirh and Amy I looking ct him from time to time, could almost hnvp smiled at thp contrast ot his austere scholar's head against that exotic ground. Out Amy was thinking oj Howard, her thoughts surrounding him. hedging him f.o stnv with her telling him that no mum not, must not leave her. Shr ttjni he would feel her nom Him nnrt though unconscious, np her.

jequipped hospital." i 'T'HE professor had roused and was listening. At the doctor's last words Amy's eyes' darkened with an emotion he did not understand. She seemed, he thought. angry, hard, ''tf thprp ts anything more we could get for him here." "aid tho profossor quickly, "ple'nse set ir," Re explained briefly the tid demanded (i he wasn't yet t5 up. The most encouraging When bfi was so cross and fault- find refused his broth, ing It "damned slop." The day (fiat stand out most to Amy was when ho nskPd her where he was and bow he got there.

"All I recall war that my head sras going round like a wheel and couldn't get my breath for the pain in my side." he Said. "1 pulled out my wallet to get some money. 1 thought ragiiely I might telephone to camp, nnd that card with Jane Terra's address on remember. 1 put it down that day et Christmas when wS were atrald aha tnlght want to take was there, riftd i of looked around and realized that 1 was almost IP front of the plnde and Jt carne to me that ahe'd know me and could telephone the camp, nfld after that I must hare pasSed oat" From that story" Amy's contempt for Jane Increased. She eonld hardly watt to get Howard ont of apartment.

the doctor told hpr she 'must not hurry. There was a bad spot in one lung which did not clear up as he liked. It was not uhtll tha AIny nlr was soft nnd warm with a promise of summer that he was willing Howard should go. nnd eren then he made a dn- bfons face about it. The Colonel had arranged a long leave for hi? convalescence.

There was a possibility ho might he permanently that spot did not go away. Jarie had never appeared at the apartment, although her secretary had been there several times to take away various things she needed. No word bar! come from her. It was not tint!) the day they left that Amy saw her again, and then by accident, hecaurp thpy were delayed a day lonspr than platinetJ (n svnlt for some pnpers from' the mllltafy authorities. Jane had come home expecting to find Political Announcements i is to announce "f1 fo the primary August 14, 1934.


BEABDEN pmbata Judge H. M. STEPHENS nnirty Probate Cleft RAY E. M'DOWELL W. RIDGDILL Tax Assessor iSABELLE ONSTEAA R.

(LEE) JONES C. C. (GRIT) STUART Road Overseer rDeRoari Township) E. L. SULLIVAN S.

MAULDIN FRED A. LUCK Fires, wlnstorms, explosions nnd collisions do NOT respect persons of circumstances. INSURE AGAINST THEM. ROY ANDERSON CO JtOMPlfTf IN5UMNCF SHtVICt PHONE 610 HOPE, ARK Laxative Docs 6 Things J. No rlehntu to ups.t 6.

Gradual of Ii.ntlv. iniu. i.nv. nlii. Doctor, rtgtilnly pre.crlbt lirt (n D.Uy 10 todif JiMy bick or.

tnd (here. Chew Refinish Your Floors Sanding Machine for Rent Harry W. Shiver Appliances Phone 259 Stomaoh Gas One dose of ADLEBIKA quick- A 3y relieves gas bloating, cleans out BOTH upper and lower bowels, allows you to and sleep good. Quick, thorough ac- tlon yet gentle and entirely safe. ADLERIKA JOHN S.

GIBSON DKUO CO. arrangement he had made with che "mpf.y. Instead, shp met Amy Inside the dnor. "i thought you'd gone," she morpd. "Ynn'll find errrything clean and In ordpr, and nothing mlrising.

The maids are paid. 1 mailed the ront to your Inrliules "Thprp's Rut he PPTPT should hare been brought hpre In rhp' first plnre. An hour, or PO was wasted right there." He wpni. twrh to the sickroom. "ft Howard dies." Amy was thinking.

"1 will kill Jane Terry." In the morning the doctor rarhp I In again, gray and tired, hut trl- umphant. to say that Howard's had been held, that he was. unmistakably, a little more relieved. "But he's got a long, long way to go yet." he warned them. tic irai ueu iiiern.

came in nm! O-M lt was a long, lonp way and he an unea-sy spirit, i'lie hi ui HI A'tnyiVnade him Intense projection ot DPI filled tho place, tooli no nrcouiu nt reality. The doctor cnn-sci entious, satisfied nrni 'Iin noi want his creed shaken --HPIH absorbed young woman -irt'pi-rp': Dim against his rens'nn lie imrt been, until this time, cenain that hi? paiiPnt woiiui (ii. during the night, mil MIP made, it seemed to Amy, nn m'ore progress on thp rpst of thp She cotild have found no woroe taunt. That renting of the npart- metit was tho sole niorp. of mnltce Jnne was ashnmpd of.

Am.y. etie haci thought, would condone the He about Howard, sinnp she knew )t was a He: and she would never asked payment, for hpr home If she had not still 'ban Infinitesimal progress on It InW'ntrtid Rut now and then there'were rpd- Professor Lowe nppenrod. icttor Phe day jtqcried ten it was hf 'lay. not so long after, ivlien UIP wlinlp oxygen nnparatus went out the house. Thp day when shp iiormitiPd to SP.H film for 10 furious Sha ivirh wonder sigrht of hp.r.

nuy ticked by and still -thai rnpifl nard I ot HIP nurses could go. The day oreatb labored ou, and the oiilsc. when he sad ruhhed his ubslirlitly minutes, and to hear nlm exclaim and rapture nt clip The day when two "6ut Amy. I don't wnnt the nioney pleaso I'm so glad that Howard if you'd forgive me Amy conk) not he moved. "I'll nevp.r SPP you ajinin or spenk to yon.

You're rnttr.n. And I'll nercr forgive you as long ns live." (CopyrlR-hL ny Sophin Kfrr) (To Hi; Continual) raushrooms. The poison in a mussel is not one I he that can be destroyed by heat, for' ccokmg does not step action of the i poison. ttut, fi.CU UUL tit 1C get I Ci lQ tniS I i I rii worked" btle ur wlts are always About 1500 FERA cattle are in Clark mushroom? regarding. hree hourB tatching up to herg if at cclinly now and many Qf And you are seldom prepared for i a Wai defense waspish facility make you type- stances, shellfish under any because there is no control over it and the danger of sudden fatal poisoning is too great.

on other children' Recently discomfort. some little county now and many of these are taki to be grazing on the acreage. COMMISSIONER'S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That in pursuance of the authority and directions contained in the decretal order of the Chancery Court of Hempstead County, Arkansas, made and entered on the ISih day of May, 1934, in a certain cause (No. 2G31), then pending therein between The Federal Land Bank of St. Louis, St.

Louis, complainant, and Bettie full Kitchen Hand Lotion Almond Benzoin and Honey Latimer's Astringent Distilled VVjteh Hazel Bay Rum Your Choice 2Sc each i a 3 Drug Store playing. One was so busy putting the others in wrong she wasn't paying tumpminanv, ana attention to the game. The game: Griffin, et al, defendants, the under- mennt nothing to her. She was too signed, as Commissioner of said Court, absorbed getting all the kick she will offer for sale at public venduc to neede dout of their discomfort and the highest bidder, at. the front door denials.

"1 am not," one would shout. or entrance of the Court House in the "I did p.o," cried another. did I do?" yells a third. hasn't reached the "I did so," cried another. "Now what age of sub- tilty, but already her attitude is fixed.

She will go through life gloating over other people's defenses. One such child can make a whole family or a i whole street miserable. SALE COOL Summer Wash Dresses Ladies Specialty Shop "Excusive But Not Expensive" NOTICE! I have moved my shoe shop to the Hope Fruit Co. Store building. All Work Guaranteed J.

W. PARSONS Shoe Repair Shop Phone 66T. We call for and deliver 111 South Main Street town of Washington, Arkansas, in the County of Hempstead, within the hours prescribed by law for judicial sales, on Satxirday, the first day of September, A. D. 193-1, the following described real estate: The South Half (Sy 2 of the Northeast Quarter of Section Eleven (11), the Northeast Quarter (WEV4) of the Southeast Quarter (SEVi) of Section Ten (10); the North Half of the Southwest Quarter 4 of Section Eleven (ID; the North Half of the North Half (N'j) of Ihe Northwest Quarter (NWVj) of the Southeast Quarter (SEVj) of Section Eleven (111, the North Half of the Southeast Quarter (SK'i) of the Southwest.

Quarter iSWW) of Section Eleven (11); all the above described lanrls in Township Twelve (12) South, of Range Twenty-six (26) West of the LI'HLE ROCK are'Fifth Principal Meridian, containing -under way by the Federal government i i ic buy more than 20.000 acres of tim- and a large sawmill at Bieren in the southern part of Clark county, establishment of another farm rolonixp.tion unit, W. R. Dyess, FERA late director, said Saturday. Mr. Dyess said that the land had been inspected by federal officials and that a decision in the matter would' te rfeached this week.

It was reported that the sale price of the land would be about $350,000. i i If the property is purchased and the' cu.toiiy instituted, Mr. Dyess said, it wil form an important link between i the proposed colony in Miller county and the proposed transient hospital which wil be build in Hot Springs. JILSL May Colonize i in Clark County 20,000 Acres of J.G.Clark Land May Be Purchased by FERA in the aggregate Two Hundred and Thirty (230) acres, more or less, in Hernpslead County, Arkansas. TERMS OF SALE: On a of three months, the purchaser being required to execute a bond as required by law and the order and decree of said Court in said cause, with approved security, bearing interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from date of sale until paid, and a lien being retained on Ihe premises sold to secure the payment of the purchase money.

GIVEN Under my hand (his 4th clay of August, A. 193-1. DALE C. JONES Commissioner in Chancery. Aug.

G-13-20. Prison terms are longer in the Unit- crfmes in England. guaranteed RADIO SERVICE Hempstead Co. Lbr, Co. HOYT ANDRES Phone 89 It was believed that the Clark county project would-provide much of the lumber and building materials for construction of the other two units and the other FE8A work in Arkansas.

The land involved is owned by J. G. 1 Clark of Arkadelphia, timber man and capitalist. The tract Is south aud south- Lad We have installed a new patented machine that sews on soles. Old fashioned tacks no longer necessary.

No advance in prices. Give us a trial. All Work Guaranteed Theo P. Witt Shoe Repair Shop 210 Soutli Maiu Wins New Favoi At Chicago World's Fair At a Century of Progress in Chicago, thirsty thousands daily consume uncounted thousands of drinks. For the health and comfort of visitors, 100 tons of ICE were used daily at this World's Fair last year.

This year, estimates place the daily average much higher. On the Fair grounds in IMH, 8,000,000 bottles of Coco- Coca cooled by mechanical refrigeration, were sold from 60 stands. But in to satisfy more of the Century of Progress millions with a COOLER drink, COCO-COLA RETURNED TO ICE, the time-tried, trouble-free refrigerant. Nothing cools bottled beverages as quickly and as satisfactorily as ICE! Experience proves there is no substitute for ICE MAN'S ICE! Southern Ice Utilities Company Phone 72 Has spent, his life in Hempstead County. HP is thoroughly reliable nnd capable.

There is not a blemish against his character. He has the interests of the whole people at heart. He will be true to his oath and will not betray the people. He will make a real Sheriff. This advertisement is paid for by his friends without his knowledge or" consent.

MJ" llama and airin Faces the. People, of Arkansas Governor Futrell has served lliroe-fourths of a two-year term. In that brief per- riod the State's credit has been restored. The iiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiir of government has been cut more Ihnn half. Aiitornnhilf- licojise fees reduced fifty per iiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiii All warrants for current expenses are paid on presentation.

fiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii All aci'inints agaljisi the state are pre-audited validity and accuracy determined liefore payment. By an apreernenl, which was enacted into LAW, interest on road improvement district bonds lias been changed from an average of 5.6 per cent to 3 per cent an annual saving- of $1,300,000.00. 'AH'' A ave AH nnrm hl many yfiars THE PENITENTIARY WAS OPERATED A A IT. For six years prior to 1983, the Penitentiary expense budget had averag-ed over a quarter of a million dollars annually. Last year it was When Governor Futrell took office, losses in closed banks totalled $1 032 260 99 Warrants and claims were outstanding for more than $4,000,000.00 Highway and Lridg-e Bonds amounting to One Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars were scattered around like leaves, and there was no definite plan of payment.

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIU During the first year of the Futrell Administration, revenues from all sources amounted to $17,627,669.30. Warants reJeemed totalled $13,928,998.91. There was an excess of receipts over expenditures of $3,698,670,39. There is other construction work to be done. When the Legislature convenes in January, matters of vital concern to the taxpayers will be presented.

At that time the safe, sane, calm and conservative mind of J. M. Futrell will be needed. Futrell Campaign Committee i.

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