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The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana • 5

Indianapolis, Indiana
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VS Hoosier Lad in Navy 11 LAIN ACTS iRE te SHOT IRED IN SEL DEENSE Corn the one of foreign matter never enters our brewery beer are un not 600000 bar but cies IE LOSS $1 10000 acts speak louder than words PART BIG PLANT IS SAVED He fifteen tank ring' were entirely de LOCAL MEN OWN HAL STOCK URNKEY INDS REVOLVER INSTRUCTED OR RIDDLE JUDGE HURLEY DEAD Collaf Used as Letter MEANS DEEAT OR HARRIS LONG PROMINENT AT THE BAR SLACK OR CHAIRMAN in Out old LUTHERAN CHURCH OPENED A LAST LASSELLES IS DEAD amily i AN EVERY DAY STRUGGLE MORGAN SPRINGS SURPRISE THIE SURPRISED MARSHAL State News in Brief for BLACKORD OR O'BRIEN RUN DOWN BY TRACTION CAR Every Picture Tells a KIDNEY PILLS Sold by all dealers Price 50 cents oster Milburn Co Buffalo Proprietors I BBHIHBaHBBHHHBHHBHBBHBBflHIHBiBBHBflBHOBHBHHIiBHBBflBKHSBHHHHBflBBHHHBaHMBBbr 4 difficulty was experienced by the in getting the flames under con fer a time it seemed as if the en PubEcity is the demand of the day The consumer is entitled to the truth April years A really first class beer must however alone be free from self evident defects it must combine all the positive excellen Imown to the science of brewing Practiced Law Montgomery ner of or that reason brewers who do not dare to test the substantial merits of beer always harp on purity DIES ATER THREE YEARS IN BED HUNTINGTON Ind April After a lingering illness of three years fol 29 It devel primaries held Dying Man Makes Statement av orable to Liddle Indianapolis Men Lose by Blaze at Evansville actory U' Louis Ulrich Mortally Wounded by Charles Liddle at Lawrenceburg It will back well body Seems to Have Captured Nomination In Brown and Monroe BLOOMINGTON Ind April While managing the congressional campaign of Cyrus Davis of Bloomfield in this coun ty Attorney Morgan kept an eye out for his own Interests and ft now appears that he has secured the Democratic nom ination for representative from Monroe and Brown Counties Morgan was sup posed to be occupied in behalf of Davis alone but the other candidates for the nomination for representative are rubbing their eyes at the result Two years ago Morgan was a candidate for the nomination for representative but stepped aside for A Wellons of Brown County when an agreement was made that the nomination should come to Mon roe County this time While Morgan has not been an avowed candidate It appears that enough Morgan delegates have been chosen to nominate him with the support of Brown County riends of John Har ris have been claiming the nomination for him over Walter Hottie They were the only candidates who had announced Colorado and former Senator Wilson Washington Judge A Anderson Indianapolis was once a law student his office Judge Hurley never held a AdlllllV lias been employed at the Our facilities for brewing equaled work that is a constant strain back is bound to hurt the kid The lifting digging and plant farm work the constant bend a Part for CLASH OVER RURAL ROUTES NEW ALBANY Ind April At the request of the Postoffice Department Postmaster Robert Morris has for warded to Washington a road map of loyd County and it is believed that a complete system of rural mail routes will be established in this counts in the near future It is probable that the new routes will Include a route extending from this city east through Silver Grove and Howard Park supplying the thickly populated territory between this city and Jeffersonville There is a great need for this route but its establish' lent is said to have been delayed on recount of a clash between the postoffices In this city and Jeffersonville regarding the head quarters of the route Both cities want to supply the terrltorv for ifty two Years County Being Lew Wallace ifteen Years Took riendly Wave of Hand as Command to Halt NEWCASTLE Ind April That a guilts conscience needs no accuser was demonstrated in tilts city in an unusual manner Charles Baldwin of Dalton was in Newcastle on a bicycle Saturday The wheel was stolen while Baldwin was in a store A few hours later Marshal Mogul was walking along the street when a man came along on a bicycle Thinking that he recognized a friend tlie officer threw up his hand as he spoke To his surprise the man jumped from the wheel and had soon fled out of sight Marshal Mogul picked up the wheel and discovered later that it was the one which had been stolen Cleanliness is accepted as a rule of self in every reputable brewery John Dusang Instantly Killed Near Ches terfield ANDERSON Ind April 29 John Du sang Jr aged 20 was killed by an Indiana Union Traction car early this morning while crossing the track in a buggy near his home at Chesterfield Ho was picked up and brought on the car to Anderson but died before reaching this place It is supposed that he was asleep in the buggy kopf Manson Williams and George Ely Licking Township Secrest A Rosenbush A Clapter Daugh erty Hudson alternates Caldwell Aaron Slater A Emshw iller A Newbauer and Smith DAVID CALDERHEAD David Calderhead is one of the In dianapolis boys who are making records for themselves by valiant and faithful services in the United States Navy Cal derhead is third quartermaster on the battle ship Pennsylvania He is only 19 years old and is now in his second year of service Up to the time of his enlistment he was a Star carrier having a regular city route and delivering papers to his patrons in a highly commendatory way He is the son of James Calderhead pro VO TM ZX Zx 4 Till 4 piwtui U1 Llie Illinois uaie riends Would Have Him Preside Over State Convention RANKLIN Ind April 29 Senator Ert Slack of this city is being con sidered for permanent chairman of the Democratic State convention to be held in Indianapolis in June Ho Is not a candidate but prominent members of the party from different sections of the State have proposed him for the honor He is taking no part in the contest for the re organization of the State committee He lias the friendship of the leaders of both sides in the controversy his friends say JUSTICE METED OUT ON SUNDAY NEWCASTLE Ind April Sunday justice was today meted out to a wife beater who was arrested by the marshal and deputy sheriff The guilty man was John Carter a colored man who assauled his wife anti charges were filed against him In justice of the peace court he as fined $11 which was stayed and he was released States and enables us to store our beer from four to five months OUNTAIN CITY Miss Carrie rtffls six years principal of the ountain City High School will resign at the close of the present school year and retire front school work The drug store of I Gar ner Co was badlj' damaged by tire A supply of flreworks Ignited and furnished a' spectacular display The loss is several hundred dollars WAYNE Capt Ivers Leonard now on duty at Russell near Cheyenne Wyo has been detached as military instructor at Concordia College in this city He is a native of this city COLUMBIA Edith the little daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Lewis Lamd was at tacked and severely bitten In the face by a dog belonging to a neighbor Her cheeks were badly lacerated No serious results are expected ST PAUL riends of Oliver lovd trustee of Adams Township Decatur County who has tendered his resignation to take effect May I have started a move men to have Mr loyd reinstated loyd's resignation was brought about by alleged neglect of his duties WONE COUNTY PIONEER LEBANON Ind April 29 Thomas Shaw 64 a pioneer resident of Boone County is dead at ids home here He leaves four daughters Mrs lorence Woodard Mrs Melya Holloman Mrs Sylvia Parr and Mrs Della razier Sullivan County Democrats Turn Against Local Candidates Insuring the Nominations of slders lowing injuries sustained In a fall at her home Mrs Mary Kluinpp died at St Hospital In Wayne where she was taken for treatment She had never been out of bed from the dav she was injured The deceased was 70 years old and is survived by four sons all of whom were at her bedside at the time of her death The funeral will be held on Monday morning at 9 at the SS Peter and Paul Catholic Church and burial will be made at 3It Calvary cemetery Sheriff Believes John Locke Had Planned to Use Weapon ft RICHMOND Ind April Sheriff Bgtichard Smith has unearthed what he be Rpves to have been a conspiracy to aid IRohn Locke who was arrested at Sanrancisco and returned to Wayne County answer the charge of grand larceny pto escape from the county jail The turn JJie Jal1 noticed the fact that ECharles Hunt a prisoner in the jail fre Kquently visited cell and con KjVersatlons with him Locke refused to as Mteoclate with other prisoners and tin sus picion of the turnkey was aroused Hunt BjWas searched and in one of his pockets Kgvas found a loaded revolver and a number Eof cartridges It is known that he had Eg10 weapon on his person when he wasftaken to the Jail Locke is being fclosely watched EVANSVILLE Ind April 29 The plant of tlie Evansville Glass Works as parttally destroyed by fire at noon today entailing a loss now estimated at $110000 The bottle blowing plant and one twelve and one stroyed Great firemen trol and tire $400000 plant would be destroyed The large tableware establishment es caped without any damage and its opera tion will be continued as usual Anheuser Busch Brewing St Louis A Largest Brewers in the World EMPIRES AT AGE 96 RICHMOND Ind April Benjamin Moorman aged 96 years Wayne County's omest citizen Mills Richmond County Aug 21 1 SOO 1816 the year Indiana was admitted the Union his parents moved to Wayne County and with the exception of brief since He was married in 1835 to Anna Turner They had no children of their own but they adopted four rearing them to manhood and womanhood Mr Moor man was in his early life a stock raiser and dealer THE TRUE TEST IS ALL ROUND QUALITY which cannot be had without SUPERIOR MATERIALS PERECT TREATMENT and AMPLE STORING CAPACITY is dead at his home near Mr Moorman was born iti In to Our storing capacity of icib ooupies any other brewery in the United LAAYETTE Ind April 29 Arnold Herbert a leading merchant of this city has received a communication from San rancisco bearing news of the safety of his four brothers who owned a busi ness house in the heart of tlie destroyed district The letter was written on a 1'H sizo collar and was the only means the sender had of sending word 'to rela fives in this city The letter was closely written witli a I lead pencil on the inside of the collar and then folded over the address being writ ten on the outside Tlie collar bore the Government postal stamp dated April 19 The letter gave a graphic description of the terrors attending tlie earthquake Hundreds Attend Dedication of New Structure at Hammond HAMMOND Ind April 29 St John's Lutheran Church was dedicated here to day with impressive ceremonies Spe cial trains from Valparaiso and Chicago brought hundreds of Lutherans to the city The structure cost $10000 have given them strong backs I for their daily work Kidney Pills help the kidneys to do their duty I to eliminate the liquid poisons from 1 the blood and to send pure health giving blood to the muscles and or gans would sincerely advise every man or woman whose work is hard on the back to take an occasional xP Tlx zx IT' 1 Tkl 11 4 uuau ut vudu iviuuev r'liis i keep the kidneys well and the strong and keeping the kidneys is half the trsk of keeping the well INDIANAPOLIS PROO illiam Banks of 51 oundry street employed at James grocery store says: pains through my loins were at times in tense and after retaining one position for a time I got so lame and sore I i could hardly move In the morning particularly I felt stiff all over The i kidney secretions were highly colored I and irregular I tried remedy after i remedy and treated with physicians I but never got any relief I learned about Kidney Pills and went to Henry i drug store and got a box I The result of their use was truly gratl I fying giving me relief almost at SULLIVAN Ind April oped today that at the yesterday in Sullivan County at which delegates for tlie Second District con gressional convention and the' judicial convention were selected in erry Town ship the delegates selected were instructed to cast their votes for John A Riddle of Greene County for the judicial nomination This Is somewhat of a surprise as it was understood that Sullivan County which has seventeen delegates would go solid for Judge Harris for the judicial nomina tion and that Greene County which also has seventeen votes would go solid for Riddle The action in Perry Township means that Riddle is assured the nomi nation by nineteen votes to fif teen Sullivan County also gave three dele gates to Cyrus Davis for the congres sional nomination although Wel man of Sullivan is a candidate against Davis Davis will probably be nominated by these three votes Judge Harris has made a bitter fight for the judicial nomination even making an appeal to the State committee which refused to act In the case Delegates Said to Be Opposed to Reorgan ization HARTORD CITY Ind April Blackford County Democrats met last night and selected delegates to the State convention the congressional judicial joint senatorial and joint representative conventions The Blackford County dele gates are said to be favorable to the Taggart and faction in State pol itics and will oppose a reorganization of the State committee The State delegates named in the con vention for the different townships are as follows: Jackson Township VV A Brown alternate Amos Cortright Wash ington Township John Burchard alter nate rank Jones Harrison Township red Emshwiller David McDowell and Bouge alternates John Schwartz RIVALS HAVE ATAL ARAY OVER GIBE Men and women of every occupation overtax the kidneys and suffer daily miseries when the kidneys begin to fail Any on the neys lug of ing over a desk or sitting at a sewing machine working for hours on jarring i jolting wagons or railroad trains: the stooped positions and the reaching pulling and heavy lifting of a hundred different trades all these are hard on the back and must wear weaken and injure the kidneys because the kid neys are in the very part of the back that feels the strain When the kid neys are sick every exertion sends a sharp stinging pain through the back or loins and you are weary and tired all the time 1 Many tasks like housework that do not require great physical strength are very trying on the back and kid neys That is why backache is so common That Is why so many women are unnaturally weak and tired and sleepless Kidney Pills have cured thousands of working men and! I H1j INDIANAPOLIS 3IO1IN ING STAR MONDAY APRIL 30 1906 experienced brewer would no more boast of the purity of his beer than a gentleman would brag of having washed his face intervals has lived in this county ever I WIDOW SUES SALOON KEEPERS Seeks to Hold Them Responsible for Death of Husband on Railroad Track SOUTH BEND April 29 Mrs Nellie Barnes of New Carlisle has filed suit In the St Joseph Circuit Court for $10000 damages for the death of her hus band Edwin A Dames who was struck and killed by a ake Shore train ai New Carlisle on March 17 The defendants the case are James Major Maj Walker aid George A Kesllng saloon keepers at New Carlisle Mrs Barries alleges that these men had been notified not to sell intoxicants to her husband Barnes was In a drunken condition when killed Upon this issue of positive superiority we challenge ail competitors CRAWORDSVILLE Ind Judge George II Hurley 7: died at liis home in this dtv tills evening at 6 after an illness of several weeks of cancer of the stomach Judge Hurley had practiced law in Montgomery for the uast flftv two years id in extent of service at the bar was second only to the Hon White He was for fifteen years the law partner of the late Gen Lew Wallace He was also once a law partner of two United States senators Senator Thomas Patterson or of of in political office but tlie title of judge was always given him because of his long service at the bar He is survived by a widow and three children Mrs Lucv Kanouse of Los An geles Cal Hurley of this city and rank Hurley of Binkley Ark Of materials we use only the most ex cellent regardless of cost important substitute which on account of its cheapness has been extensively adopted ORIGINAL eUDWEISj igured as Chief Witness In Noted Petltt Murder Case fe LAAYETTE Ind April 29 Dr SfW illiam Yager a well known resident and Wptacticing physician of this county died Rat his home in Otterbein fourteen miles gwest of this city tonight at 7:20 Bvratn was due to anemia ff The deceased was 52 years old Kgraduated at the Keokuk (la) MedicalCollege and practiced medicine in WestDafayette for several years prominently in thecelebrated Petitt murder case in 1889 be gging the physician of Mrs Petitt who itvas alleged came to her death by poison fc nitorcd l)y her the Rev mti lliarn Petitt at that time a minister Knf STnaU town south BoUof The Mr Petitt was con gxi ctea find served a long finally dy tlng on the day the Supreme Court re versed the decision of the Tippecanoe Clr BSCuit Court by granting him a new trial was one of the chief witnesses ETpr the State whose testimony led to theConviction of Petitt Occupied' Prominent Place In History of Northwest WAYNE Ind April 29 A de scendant of one of the earliest white families of Wayne Mrs Sophia An gellne DeWald aged 72 widow of George DeWald is dead at her home here She was the last of a famiiy whose name has been intimately connected with the his tory of Wayne for 130 years and whose members bore a leading part in the settlement of the great Northwest Territory and in its defense for the United States Government Mrs DeWald's maiden name was I as seile a name indissolubly connected with I the history of Wayne Her ancestor I voi uames juassene came trom Montreal to the Indian village of Ifeklnnt Wayne in 1776 as Indian agent for the British Government One of his sons Hyacinth served as a general of the American militia in the war of 1812 The family maintained peaceful rela tions the Indians and remained at Kekiongai until I abalme's Invasion in 1780 when they fled down the Maumee in canoes' and one of the daughters was drowned by failing from a boat The family went to Detroit but afterward the younger members returned and set tled in Wayne Purity signifies nothing more than the absence 'BOY TO GET HEAVY DAMAGES of $20000 for Loss of Limbs Upheld by Higher Court JONESBORO Ind April 29 The Ap actory Comparatively New and One of Largest of Kind In West Nearly 50 per cent of the stock of the Evansville Glass Company is held by In dianapolis business men among whom the report of the fire caused considerable con cern last night The factory is a compara tively new one and had not begun payingdividends but it is said that its prospects for tlie future were bright Harry Milligan of this cltv is a director of the company and the only Indianapolis man holding an official position in the corporation Among the Indianapolis' stockholders are Sourbier Joseph Keahng Armin Koehne William Davis Sam Reid Robert Redd John Shaw' George Tanner Harry Lyons James Cun ning and Wilson The factory was one of the largest and finest in the West it is said and em ploys as many men as any glass factorv west of Pittsburg The cast of tlie plant luuusL a nan minion dollars and it had been in operation but a short time President Aaron Weil was in Indianapolis Saturday but returned to Evansville Sun day morning Mrs Well is still here LAWRENCEBURG Ind April 29 affectlbn which two young men Charles Liddle and Louis Ulrich have borne for I Miss Sarah Meddles a well known young woman of tills city resulted in an affray ft this evening in which Liddle shot and fa tally wounded Ulrich The men have been rivals for several months and have had trouble frequently Last Sunday they had words and Liddle fc threw a brick at Ulrich inflicting a scalp wound on head The tragedy to night was not unexpected because the Rmen had made threats against each other to their friends IS jTlie young woman Is said to have fa ll vored Liddle who is but 17 years old served to increase jealousy Tonight young Liddle met Ulrich and woman together Liddle asserts ganat the couple were quarreling and that ratirlch in his rage would strike Miss Med Bpies He remonstrated and Ulrich is said rro bate struck Liddle over the head with8 a whip lereuPon Liddle drew a revolver and bullet striking Ulrich in the right side just above the hip Ulrich is rfin such a critical condition that the have not probed for the bullet Ulneli is bleeding internally from the wound and is expected to die at any time Late tonight Ulrich recovered con Lsciousnesa and made a statement in L's2ch he that Liddle acted in self defense as lic I Urich) struck him first A shuf)tlnK Ulrich Liddle sur render cd to Sheriff Axby and at the pre hearing he was bound over in Mhe Justice Court on a $200 bond with Jlerman Jantner as security Liddle then piled an affidavit charging Ulrich with as Asault and battery with intent to kill Tt a prominent uvttrii ri 11 Bishop sow 'works SDEATH DR YAGER MEDICAL SOCIETY OCERS DANVILLE April 29 The Hen dricks County Medical Socletyat its an nual meeting elected the following offi cers: Dr Ernest Cooper Plainfield pres ident Dr John Ragan Plainfield vice president Dr Lawson Danville secretary and treasurer censors Drs Barker Danville and Johnson XJzton Dr Lawson was chosen delegate to the State Medical Society meeting atWinona Lake Thursday May 3 BURNED IN UNUSUAL MANNER HUNTINGTON Ind April 29 To allo cate a pain in her chest Mrs Gear jlaced a cloth saturated with camphorated11 insideher shirt waist Later she struck iv match to light a fire the cloth ignited and she was severely burned before Mrs Bpward Huffman ta neighbor who wasfesent could extinguish tlie flames by tllrowlng a blanket about Mrs Gear The waist was burned off nad Mrs Gear was severely burned about her body She will Neover peltate Court has overruled a motion of jthe Pennsylvania Railroad for a rehearingn the case of rank Simons a minor This means that the boy whose legs were cut Off In an accident at Gas City two years the $20000 damages awarded Inm by a jury In the Grant Circuit Court ifhe boy who was but 8 years of age at the accident got caughtin a at Gns City and both his leers wero grrtund off He recovered and a damage suit was brought for $20000 which the Grant court awarded The railroad company appealed to the Supreme Court where the decision was upheld and the case was then transferred to the Appellate Court where a motion for a new trial was made by the company BANK LITIGATION AT AN END Receiver Will Now Proceed to Settle With Creditors RICHMOND Ind April Judge fox of the Wayne Circuit Court has dis missed the cases brought by Mrs Bow Jnan widow of John Bowman former cashier of the Commercial Bank of Ha gerstown who committed suicide after making away with about $150009 of the Dank funds against A Spekenhoierreceiver of the bank The dismissal ofthe case was the result of tlie com promise effected between Mrs Bowman Innd the creditors of the bank The af fairs of the bank will now be settled with out further litigation I 1 £1 'I EM i iMKRBHMflMlB EEiMMHiM Ml LU IM "i 2a i 3 vJB S' I a Ullill S' w'rt''.

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