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The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana • 1

Indianapolis, Indiana
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The Indianapolis Star Service VOL 12 NO 32 TWO CENTS USOLDSARMS COUNTRY COUNTRY CLUB RUINS LET BY IRE WHILE MEXICANS SETTLE DISPUTE public COUNCIL PASSES CODE TO GOVERN STREET TRAIC I ONLY WALLS WERE LET BY LAMES AT CLUBHOUSE INTENDED TO ELIMINATE ERRORS PROMPTING VETO by Miss Marjorie Page 12 3 Valuable Cups Saved 1 H'i VPd CLUBHOUSE DESTROYED WITH $40000 LOSS (lie loose Page 8 Brhjk walls rrnrh up (o the tori of the ACCUSED PASTOR GETS CLEAN BILL 1 3 3 3 ENTIRE CONGREGATION1 ACTS TARI WILL GET ATTENTION The 3 13 13 dismiss! ng disposition He suffered serious burns as a result GIRLDIES IN ANDERSON wife CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 COLUMN 1 PATROLMEN ACCUSED DRINKING ON DUTY Site was the only victim members of all of the subcommittees of 'i 1 1 1 1 i i ik Hospital and has a chance tor re ATTICA VICTIM SUCCUMBS Patrolmen Marion Ellis and William started home fl red themselves re had last expect by Porter Maine campaign the to WEATHER ORECAST a nd the Republicans PHILADELPHIA The Place ptist was not present and it was reso July The So entlon Indorsed a platform opening with In Indianapolis Today 4 of confinement thing further than friendliness and court iik i room rneniia ions hls 1R airl the board Tll recommend address in Denver I the deputies receive only $1000 a year I 7 ni CONTINUED ON PAGE 12 COLUMN 2 4 f4 A I irt residents appealed to valuable a lilot ic goods and flames shoot mid to Page 13 band in hls her as the the Mr Is on is what THE STAR gives advertisers Illustrations are yours for the asking 4 A KUH for on GEORGES LEGAGNEUX NOTED RENCH AVIATOR IS KILLED 8 to to It ORT WAYNE HARDWARE IRM SUERS $70000 IRE LOSS to duty on the battle ships now in Mexi can waters to respective ships GEORGIA SENATE APPROVES BAN ON THE DEGREE Situation Will Remain Quiescent Until Carranza and Villa Patch Up Differences and Rebels De cide Whether to Treat With Huerta Envoys Ordinance Is Similar to One Re jected by Mayor on Technical Track Repairs Are Demanded Tearful Plea by Wife of the Rev: Henry ollowed by Vote Clearing Him of Charge of Mis conduct' Superintendent of Police Perrott Suspends Marion Ellis and William Caskey on Charges iled by Sergt Stoddard Servants and Men Members orm Bucket Brigade but Are orced to Abandon ight After Half an Hour lames Supposed to Have Been Started by Spark rom Electric an Destroy Building on Michi gan Road Causing Loss Esti mated at $40000 ROOSEVELT NETTLED REST CURE WORRYING Vehicles shall not be parked in section bounded by Capitol avenue Delaware New York and Maryland streets for more than ninety minutes at a time North and south bound traffic shall have right of way One blast of whistle will sig nal north and south traffic to move two blasts east and west traffic Massachusetts Virginia Indiana and Ken tucky avenues shall be considered north and south streets Street cars shall stop at side of street Intersections Vehicles 'shall not pass street cars while passengers are getting off or on 2 in Beech Grove annexation Hail evening fur the sergeant but were unable to find him Toner said that to make a three OLD QUARTERS RAZED BY BLAZE ENSIGNS JUST GRADUATED TO JOIN SHIPS AT VERA CRUZ ELECTION DICTATOR OR SECOND TERM UNIMPORTANT Miller Measure Putting Ninety Minute Time Limit on Parking of Vehicles Downtown and Re quiring Cars to Stop on Side Given Approval SOCIALISTS NEW YORK LIBERAL IN THEIR DEMANDS OUR WOMEN BRAVE IRE TO SAVE HISTORIC TROPHIES It 19 It nu Uiez Longs to Be Back in ight and Plans for Wednesday Confer ence in New York When State Timber Will Be Discussed they made Jo Republicans an in a saloon mi Miley avenue near Ohio stri riday night: It further is alleged that the two patrolmen returned to their ollowing a tearful plea from in which she not only defended but the July 6 Georges Le ie best known avl tuday while attempting Hamburg as Street Name Shocks Property Owners Mrs She scorned only results in" discomfort to passengers but also that the in such a condition as to Conference of Progressive ers Hotel English afternoons Important Provisions of Traffic Ordinance SAN ANTONIO Tex July 6 John SiUlman who while acting as United Sfates vice consul Saltillo Mexico was imprisoned by the' ederate will plead with the Constitutionalist leaders to spare Huerta's life should the City of Mexico be taken and Huerta captured Mr Silllman who Is returning to Saltillo as the representative of the United States at the headquarters of Gen Carranza made this statement here late today be iuic vuuiAiiiuiii pas journey aminations The ineaKiire now to the House He thought visit Coloradopeechmaking to Silliman to Plead With Rebels to Spare Huerta Wilson Merely Smiles When Told of Mediators Await Answer to Last Note Before Making New Move (Special to The Indianapolis Star) DECATUR Ind July 6 Benjamin Smith 12 years old was killed today by the explosion of ourth of duly torpedoes In his shirt pocket He wns lying on the lawn and rolled over setting off the fire works and the shock immediately above hls heart caused his death John Johnson carried torpedoes and fire crackers in his shirt front just above hls belt and a friend hit hlrn In the stomach ATLANTA Ga July 6 The Georgia enute today passed a bill making it un TUESDAY MORNING JULY 7 1914 LETOVER TORPEDOES PARTY LEADERS EDY AT DEGATUR JO CONER TODAY Progressive party leaders will meet at the headquarters at the Hotel English tills afternoon for a general dlncusslon of the plan of campaign to Im pursued Those Invited Io attend the conferences Superintendent of Police Perrott last nlglit alter charges had been preferred against th in by Sergt Elmer Stoddard tion at the next session asking the to order similar Improvements in his blouse ignited causing Mrs John Vanderbrock '56 years old 2008 South Meridian street committed suicide last night by taking poison She was released only recently after having been arrested charged with Insanity and is said to have threatened several times to take Iter life An investigation was made by Patrolmen Cox and Davis Explosion in Shirt Pocket WVhen Laid Rolls on Lawn Affects Heart and Shock Causes Death Two Other Victims Die May Be Made Principal Issue in Indiana Reports Show Republicans Are Deceiving Themselves MEXICAN SITUATION officials fold hands pending 'set tlement of Villa Carranza dis pute Page 1 Toner Beveridge Lee and Others Will Meet and Outline Policy for Progressive Campaign Next all eating hamburger Tariff May Be Big Issue It Ih probable that they will decide to make I he tariff the paramount Issue of the campaign with a fight against "host a trip to New York and Washing announced that Senator Borah of Boy Dies of BUrns Caused by Explosion I in Blouse ATTICA Ind July 6 Raymond Davis 12 year old son of James Davis who was burned Saturday in celebrating the ourth of July is dead at his home in this city The boy had bought some re SUMMARY THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR TUESDAY JULY 7 and Edwin Lee were in coneference at the headquarters yesl erdty afternoon Toner said that the conference today will Owners in Conference It ho happened that Air Boyd Brown anl Max Parry whose home the bcaiitlfiil Golden Hill grounds which hiiuIm were make of at the Are Mr "i a It had bfM suggested that a preparatory school for boys be founded and the clubhouse Members of Emanuel Baptist Church Sustain Stand of Board i of Deacons in Vindicating Min ister Burns in ourth of Juy Celebration Prove atal ANDERSON Ind July 6 Zelphln Car son the 3 year ohl daughter of Mi' and Mrs William Carson 'who was seriously burned late Saturday night as a result St Paul vs Indianapolis Washington Park 3:30 St Louis vs India napoUs ederal League 3:15 Sergt Stoddard It also is alleged that he had seen thorn enir other saloons on Henry was there to look after her hus welfare The board of deacons in whoso hands the question of granting a recommenda tion rests made a report In which was expressed the belief that the charges igdJiiL uie pastor were Krnunaii'SB also recommended that the sued xi Wife Makes Tearful Mrs Henry then told her ing with sobs of her bus struggle against heavy odds to make the church a succ question of night the two rear yard of which was on strict Several men were sitting yard and it is said one ot the en pulled hls revolver and' flour dub hou fie was to have been va cated July 1'for the nw house and grounds on the Urn for lsv lie rnafl hut as 1 1 new house Is not 1 1 1 completecl street car tracks are cause dancer to passengers pedestrians and drivers The resolution was adopted almost with out discussion don't you include West street from South street to Morris street in asked President Connor when the resolution had been read inter urban cars met down there the other day and they tipped to one side so far they had to back up three blocks before they could pass Some one will be killed down there some Connor said ho will Introduce a resold board West 13 an in exonerating the pastor was the cause of fifteen or twenty members of the con gregation resigning at last meet ing The meeting was presided over by the Rew red Kenny of the Woodruff Mr tldlous Since the board of recently ordered and out at a side or rear door Sergt Stoddard is said to have seen each of the men' take a drink in the saloon on Miley avenue riday night Threat Violence Alleged It is said that Saturday patrolmen appeared in the saloon on the West Side stiff breeze spread rapidly were renting the from Boyd Landon and who purchased the ClUD SA UM UR rance gagneux one of 1 ators was killed a double loop in the air He had com pleted the second loop when the propeller broke as the aviator was finishing a glide on the wing and the machine plunged into the River Loire Asks Mamill Bill Councilman McGuff introduced a lutlon calling for the Council's indorse ment of the Mamill bill now pending in Congress The bill provides for the re tirement of aged civil service employes on pension Councilman Porter introduced an ordi nance providing that the name of Senate avenue from Sixteenth street to Twenty first street be changed to Boulevard Place An ordinance was passed recently chang ing the name of Senate avenue from wenty first street to all Creek to Boule vard Place An ordinance providing that deputy in spectors in the Weights and Measures Departn ent sall receive $1200 instead of $900 a year was referred to the hoard of public safety for recommendations It T7n recommend tnat Albert Beveridge noinlneo United States Senate nnmlnr i Hob 1 11 I C'd Roosevelt agreed to see Mr Dodge In New Ycwk Wednesday to talk over the Colorado situation hut was uncertain whether he would he able to go there it probable that should he one minutes before the could be extricated It was thought he as Via wna triwb on tlie head by a section of tiie engine In the fall well I the Rev Henry former paistor of the Emanuel Baptist Church Wood lawn avenue and Laurel street was ex onerated of a charge of having behaved indiscreetly with a woman member of the congregation and it was voted to grant him a letter of recommendation The trouble was thrashed out last night at a meeting of the deacons the church council and the congregation Charges were preferred against the Rev Mr Henry at the last business meeting of the church a few weeks ago The charges'were based upon the finding of a letter in a cupboard at the church One faction of the church asserted that the letter had been written by the Rev Mr Henry to a woman member of hls flock and that it was one of a long series of letters that had made up a clandestine correspondence The other faction de fended the pastor and declared that there was no proof that the letter had been written ny the pastor as I signed and as it was not I orecast for CLOUDY Indiana for Tuesday and Wednesday: Partly cloudy Tues day and Wednesday and speak daily until the elec WASHINGTON July As viewed from Washington tonight the situation appeared to be at a standstill so far as plans for the proposed confer ence between the contending factions over internal affairs was concerned It was generally believed here'that no ar rangements for such a meeting could be made until the conference at Torreon be tween Villa and Carranza generals has concluded an adjustment of differences between the Constitutionalist leaders This probably will consume several more days Dr Romulo Naon the Argentine minister and one of the South American mediators conferred with Secretary of State Bryan and discussed mediation at length After the conference Mr Naon reiterated his expression of hope that Carranza and Villa soon will have ad justed their internecine troubles and that then the first Constitutionalist chief will be authorized by the leaders of the revolution to send delegates to confer with representatives' in accord ance with the urgent wish of the Wash ington administration and the invitation ol mediators themselves Reports Are Encouraging Agents of Gen Carranza here were in communication with the first chief at Sal tillo and also received reports from the Carranza Villa at Torreon which they insisted held out strong en couragement that all the internal troubles of the revolutionists would be settled amicably and the revolution would go for ward on a firmer basis than ever with a perfect understanding as to the part each of the generals is to take The case of Gen Angeles chief of artillery whom Gen Carranza recently denounced is now said to be the chief matter of contention between the Con stitutionalist leaders Politicians are re ported to have misrepresented Angeles to Carranza and the prediction that An geles will be restored to the confidence of the first chief It also is reported here that some change in the ConstitutionalistWashington agency may be made Should the joint conference between Huerta and Carranza envoys eventually be arranged the belief prevails here that it will be held in New York American Envoys Wilt 7 Meanwhile the American commissioners Justice Lamafand Mr Lehmann remain In Washington ready to resume their work Minister Naon also awaits favor able reply to the invitation while Ambassador DaGama arid Minister Suarez the other mediators are ready to take up mediation again as soon as the proposed joint conference shall have been held Meager reports of election in that part of Mexico controlled by Huerta in which Gen Huerta is said to have been re elected though by such a scant vote that the election may be de clared void caused no excitement in of ficial circles here President Wilson smiled when the election was referred to and declined to comment upon it There was an undercurrent report however that the election was designed to pave the way for some strategic move on the part of Gen Huerta The rumor still per sisted that he contemplated leaving the country Unofficial reports were circu lated that a special train bearing mem bers of Gen family and families of some of his generals had left the City of Mexico for Puerto Mexico enters the campaign of 1914 as the sole political representative of the working class The planks include these: An eight hour day with a gradual shortening in keeping with the increased productive ness of modern machinery and a period of rest of one and one half davs each week prohibition ot child labor under years of age protection uf safely ahd health of workers state insurance prohibition of within three but full reini nonRinnj I to dependent mothers with children under 16 yvurc If You Suffer of the Poor Who Have No Kloctnc ane No lee No GrassPlots? Give Them a Day of Joy By Contributing to 1 The Star Summer i Mission und candidates arrived here last night Toner was greatly encouraged by (he reports The Miller traffic ordinance providing among other things that street cars shall stop on the side and that automo biles and other vehicles shall not be parked in downtown streets more than ninety minutes at a time was passed by the City Council last night The Council also adopted the first of two resolutions asking the board of public works to order the Indianapolis Traction and Terminal Company to pave between its tracks and otherwise to improve its property to as sure safety to traffic The traffic ordinance Hs similar to one passed by the Council a short time ago butvetoed by Mayor Bell The mayor in his letter to the Council explained that he1 considered the ordinance invalid on tech nical grounds but he did not offer any comment on the spirit of the measure The measure passed last night is in tended to correct the technical errors in the former measure It now goes to Mayor Bell who has fen days in which to sign or veto it If given executive approval the measure becomes effective as soon as it is signed by the mayor In gathering data for the ordinance Councilman Miller made a trip to Chi cago and studied the traffic rules there Provisions of Measure: Among the important departures from present traffic regulations are the follow ing: Street cars shall stop at the of street intersections drivers of vehicles shall not pass street cars at street intersections while passengers are getting on or off cars no vehicle shall emerge from an alley or stable at a speed faster than a walk all traffic on streets running north and south shall have the right of way Massachusetts Virginia Indiana and Kentucky 1 avenues shall be considered as north and south streets one blast of the police whistle signifies that north and south traffic shall move and two blasts signify that east and west traffic shall move no persons shall drive a vehicle which is so constructed as to obstruct the view of the driver and no one shall hold to a vehicle while it is in motion The most drastic "provision of the ordi nance relates to the parking of vehicles on the downtown streets If provides that vehicles shall not be parked for more than ninety minutes at a time in the section bounded by Capitol avenue Delaware street New York street and Maryland street This provision will make the present practice of parking machines for hours at a time in front of office buildings unlawful The ordi nance provides a tine of from $10 to $100 for each violation Car Company Rapped Councilman Porter introduced' the reso lution asking that the company be or dered to pave between its tracks and re pair the trsr ks on Senate avenue from Indiana avenue to Twenty first street President Connor said he intends to in troduce a similar resolution at the next session asking that the board of works order the company to repair its tracks on West street from South street to Mor ris street The resolution introduced by Porter said that the condition of the tracks not Anil A 1 1 1 4 A in Indiana Tomorrow afternoon was nor I i 41 UU'JI r'iBPU there was no proof to whom it had been written i ms taction mnted that charges against the Rev Mr Henry been "trumped up" and it was this tion that triumphed at the meeting night Request Brings Trouble Shortly after the affair of the letter the Rev Mr Henry resigned and went lorida with his wife and daughter was while he was in the South that asked for a letter of recommendation present to a church in lorida It this request that precipitated the trouble Tlip charges were based on investigations made by members of the young I Bible class and the two factions the one accusing the other be came bitter toward each other said tr Plea break long tion 6 Speakers Chairman Will Hays of the Republican state committee who returned yesterday from ton Idaho Senators Smith and Townsend of Michigan Senator Cummins of Iowa ri ter when It is said one of the policemen said: 'i "Don't be afraid We are looking for that sergeant that reported us" It is said they then left the yard and wont to a railroad yard where they re mained the greater par ot the nignt 7 Superintendent ot Police Perrott was asked about (he suspension ot the men' but dechncu to say anything At police headiUii rters it is said that once before had been accused of drinking while on duty but when he ap peared tor trial gave as his excuse that he had suffered trom the heat and was ill Caskey recently lias been assigned to: a district on the south Side Numerous complaints wore received at police head quarters it is said that he used his clutx unnecessarily on persons ne arrested is said these complaints were so merous that was removed from district and assigned with ElUs organized a biwket brigade among the Borvantfi and these soon were joined by members who camo in front the golf links The fire slatted about 3 o'clock and the bucket brigade was able to hold the flameH In rhcck for half un hour ire men arrived after the tlarnoH had gained considerable headway but were helploae because of a lack of water L'hemlcalH wtc poured on file blaze but had little LOCAL Congregation of Emanuel Baptist Church clears former pastor of charges Page 1 Two patrolmen suspended charged with Ml liming Oil Page Council passes ordinance estab lishing new traffic rulesPage Progressiva leadarfl wfli here today Pag 1 ire destroys old quarters of Country Club Page 1 Inheritance tax Expected to boost biaae a revenue suvuoo an nually page tLocal real estate men leave today for Pittsbufgh convention Page Nineteen indictments Instead of three returned In fraud case Page ormer editor sues the Sun for $33000 Page 3 ixew customs collector takes office Thursday page Summer Mission will entertain visitors tomorrow Page State tax commissioners to hear appeals today Page A Perry tells members of Jovian League of his new lamp Page city controller in report to mayor nounces reduction in expendi tures Page 13 Sheriff appears unruffled at effort to in dict him on perjury charge page 13 Board of Trade names standing vojjiiiij 1 jor ensuing year 'domestic Roosevelt grows restless and plans political conference Page Iowa's blue sky law held invalid by state Page 2 President Swain addressing educators voices plea for women teachers Page 2 Detectives rehearse murder scene in office Page 2 New York police to open war on anarch ists as result ot bomb outrage EDERAL Senate confirms nominations of three members or reserve bank board Page Kern denies he Is taking active part light to oust Marshal 'Schmidt Page George red Williams resigns as minister to Greece Page STATE Leftover torpedoes kill Decatur boy and two other ourth victims die in state Page 1 Columbia Casualty stockholders seek new grana jury inquiry at Lafayette Page Kokomo asks Service Commission investigate light situa tion ORT WAYNE Ind July ire in the elevator shaft in the building occupied by II Pfeiffer Sons hardware and building supply dealers about 12 tonight entailed a loss of $70000 to stock alone Two thousand poplar and pine doors stored on the sec ond and third floors rendered the efforts of the firemen futile to do more than confine the flames to the one building Insurance on the stock was said to amount to only $30000 Every piece of available fire fighting machinery in the city assisted in fighting the flames DERANGED COMMITS SUICIDE OYSTER BAY July While Col Roosevelt is improving rapidly as a result of the rest cure treatment it was plain today that it was growing irksome to him and that he was longing to be back actively in the fight Less than one of the six weeks' rest prescribed for him has elapsed and today ho showed signs of becoming rebellious at being shut up on Sagamore Hill He said that he would go to New York on Wednesday and visit Progressive na tional headquarters to confer with ths New York state leaders At this meeting which probably will last for several hours another effort will be made to decide on party program in this state May Consider Seabury After Wednesday Col Roosevelt expects to see more visitors at home than he has done recently although adhering to his rule to receive no one except by previous zappointment It was learned that at conference in New York the name of Jus tice Samuel Seabury of the New York Supreme Court will b'e presented as a possible nominee for United States sena tor It is understood that the proposed nomination for this office of Oscar Straus Progtessj ve candidate for Governor in 1912 has been dropped because Mr Straub's position is at variance with thato0the Progressive party in regard to the anama Canal repeal act Colorado Seeks Dates The Progressives of Colorado through their chairman Clarence Dodge of City sentan appeal dore Roosevelt for assistance in the cam paign his fall The colonel's secretary who saw Mr Dodge in New York brought bark word that the Colorado chairman wished the Progressive leader to make a campaign trip through the Estate orecast for Indian apolis and vicinity for today: Partly cloudy ALMANAC THE DAY Sun rises nt 4:23 Sun seta af 7:16 WEATHER CONDITIONS YESTERDAY Precipitation Amount during the twenty four hours ending at Tot a 1 amount wince Jan 1 i 9 i 4 1657 Accumulated departure from normal body of Legagneux from the wreckage rzss 1 ling fas saiery luncn the 1 gave sand iches a clack ye (lie ownrrs of piop I the South Side I horuughfnre have decided that it i not becoming to their 'IjS I nse ot diunity to reside on 1 street jr AmML: at might become contused with a sund Hamburg stree W' several chv cuuncilniun asking if steps 4 could be taken to have the name of the IP street changed As a result of their ap a I peals ordinance was introduced in (lie ('io Coutu il las( night prox Ming for the I mire name Being al followers of a i pem qx however the property owners IKSXjSStiQEa nssttd that their street should be named HbBe fwrl WasSaKlEi utter some delicacy They herefore re SSaMKuSklB jMSpaS flHRr ijrej fi quettd th It the name of the street be a SB IH a Jff changed from Hamburg to Olive JB Coutu Ilmen said they sympathize with WWMMBMr rtt IH ptcpmtv owners and there is no doubt that Uinmburg will become Olive at L'Siktf SuU i vWSnHrnM next session of the Cmineil i ill ci MW qTt yiHHnlHMr 31 i oj vi Spnric from an clortrlc draught tan fc ounru Hie niii iiesneyetl IIIO OIU CJUD 1 1 i i Ct 1 i 1 1 JUUUII pt 1 1 a vunuii c1 till Mlcliltrnn road and tlio Thirty eighth st I'fet boulevard vs ter a a I'tenioon Ariliur li Grover president of the board I' hf of 'lirwtors esttinal! the loss at $10 600 About $3000 of this Is In Individual lessee 11 1 mcniners who ad stored largo A JE uantltls A JHk Mk fv HHr iWSif tu uic mtsemeni iicnt i' rooms itjlnral 'll' That Ilin historic and valuable rhiti tro V' Plilos wore not tlsl riy 1 was due to the 1 1 fol A women who eairled the euiis and flit si I re from lhe dtnlrur C' living rooms the menibera SR I blaze jwri M's otto ami Mrs i I JTI 9 I Hawkins (slaving golf when thev of thft i i iSr i'iey Joined lavlor 9HHEE9Bni9fiB999EsBK9 AnIHbI Although tower floor filled with smoko men wore fist being forced floor 1 red the trophies and shver ifflwBMnff rTB th'w tiso sueot ii((i dragging oiic fiirnlt uro Sermnts carried the gfWr 53 piano out if the ballroom after tlu had flIB been driven out of the second floor by ''Waz tWBWBwW3MMlJmiiiyjJti 7 Th oj the Jills I Brown emu nnd many more vmi I 11 I II I I fl tlif itorlc tmpIliOH WCTP i through the heroism of the fmlr 1 A quantity of loose nanor is OIi lying Uejlf tJlC th'UUghl fail lo I'fiteJ iu the yoiilhwest corner of the elub n' i 1 1 I se eft 11 i ho I i mot onion I i ci' i I 1 I I i II I 1 i I I I I I paper and started lie blaze Henry who some time stated that Township trustees advised that of rat charts is not neces sary Page 14 DEPARTMENTS News of the courts! Page 3 sPorts Pages 4 9 and 12 Editorial Page 6 Society page 7 Theaters Page 7 Trade and finance 9 Real estate Page 12 (deficiency) 582 Temperatures 74 I Highest yi 37 Lowest 68 Same Date Last Year 70 I Highest 82 79 I Lowest 5.

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