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The Indianapolis Star from Indianapolis, Indiana • 9

Indianapolis, Indiana
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THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR 'WEDNESDAY JANUARY 7 1914 Visitor Wins Many riends Here II brought and personal calls to retain in that oflice Mr abolished ('file ani while fir rabee talked on Germany Ga afternoon Miss A charmingly appointed high tea iolin kevpors are ization in firty tive MISS MARGARET RICHARD Moore Ro! Meyer and of Pittsburgh the Nirs to be 1 ebanon Adler Otis Tues Mr eaeh individual a bridal dinner or Chicago maici oi jiomn at t)rj(ge Adler Miss Claris Solomon Miss 1 anime "IT 1 i "1 OCTY1 1 I 1 SS CL alienists Culloj) wife of Itcp Mrs "Wil 1 In rn lol lowed an Pink In i ho other Western states not accepted wcl Mrs Wll 1 hat he hikers wil I Hawn will be RADIUM TREATMENT HALTED BALTIMORE 6 Ra i a real They will go direct DROPS OUT TO SAVE HER COOK 50U Many have returned home Anna Roden of New York city is tiniinrruw night will undoubtedly be 1 1 1 established pet i lion from without paying her the honor ry St be: i rers of Maryland NEW BISHOP CONSECRATED Department Club Notes nn twol Bishop Murray of Maryland The January Harpers Bazar stuff gieaf 15c a copy name was Solomon Mcridith 1913 Clara Ingram Judson (Copyright this winter by her mother Clubhouse an non need Mildred and Miss North New Jersey in later SURAGE TABOO IN DEMOCRATIC LEAGUE SESSION Solomon will gi MRS IDA VONCLAUSSEN WHO SUED GOES TO ASYLUM understands that there is no i ment of that form of treatment sent last week is as motion of Auml commlttoo to wait upon the mayor lisk his consideration of the request All through tho walked through till finally lie owned one of the imest farms hi that part of the country the guest of Mr and Mrs Myron Kohn stann of the Rink Apartments Among of Macon progrnm of tho afternoon wns in charge of the Jmagim her action The report of the secretary showed that a letter enneorning Mr Wulfson smit to MANY EMINENT MEN ATTEND WEIR UNERAL treated no information was obtained con cerning the case Tlie literature department of the club is called tn an Important business MAY SOLVE MYSTERY EDWIN DROOD MURDER TALE If Kornstohk 2621 North New Jersey street will entertain a few friends hrllnrr fl Io Ct 1 i uiufc unii limit i in 'i in i The retention in otfice of ddvr Wulf sen as inspector of weights and measures after In the rs terday of members who have been abroad recent ly gave talks about the different rnun tries following which some article pecu INDEPENDENCE HALL SAVED IN BIG PHILADELPHIA IRE electricity Miss debut was post poned until next season Wis Thursday Mrs Wallace will be en tertained by Nirs Nichols on Capitol In the dining 'room the table was attrac tive with a centerpiece of lovely white appointment than any others and we could not be accused of meddling 1n af ty four comity tapers flickered on the mantel in the re ception room The celebration was in the old fashion the Yard beaconed forth a to the guests as they approached the Karstadt home and the interior was a1 Mr and Mrs Mark Adler of Leba non who spent the week end here with Marie Hopkins Kauffman ree Jolt Mrs Emil ment Club Cochran Mr and Mrs James Tooley of East Washington street left Saturday for an extended Western trip They expect to rme for her guest Miss Helen Lee Smith of Crawfordsville A pink find while Jan 6 inday of Dr The Theta its regular Monday evening Alling 101 Tool her fello liikers that good cooks are hard to get hut easy i he offended The question was whether the army should lose its commissary general of Indiana in relation I 4 Mu Kappa Mrs Hans Karstadt gave a delightful company last evening in celebration of Mr birthday anniversary the guests being entertained at their country home Rocky Ripple opened for the holidays i gontz College Kappas will give rurr date roses wreathed with pink tapers in crys tal holders tied with bows of filmy tulle The guests included Miss Marian Miller Miss Corinne Browders Miss Vivian ierce Miss Charlotte Mathews Miss George Marshal! Edwin are in our country and then wonder what it is that makes them so dif bation otlirrr in Police Court are urged by the Local Council of Women The ac tion whs taken yesterday at the meeting of that organization tlon otiierr in the court about largely through council mill by petition from council members ment tel to Morris ishboin oi Chicntm and Mrs Mantel will receive informally for their daughter Sunday Jan 25 from 3 to 6 in the afternoon and from 8 to in the evening There are no invitations president of tin league declared Ihul tho suffrage quest ion be entirely 'me Sunday evening the soldiers in his regiment wore rooking their eve ning mool when orders ruuno tn break rump and march nt oner rn place sixteen miles iiwtty There was no time to eat and to make it worse ative Robert Gunn Brcmner of New Jersey has bon suspended for a few days according to a statement made to Nlrs Mae Ki King Mrs Norma Now A council was held and it was de cided that Mrs Holmes should Ro granted a special dispensation and ha allowed to return to town and pay tho cook About a score of women slarled on the twenty eight mile hike this morn ing Most of tho marchers are ac tive leaders In the equal suffrage movement in Hus slate among them being Mrs Donald it Hooker pn si othy and Rothrock pianist Nirs Grace vnrn 1 i st anil Miss Aloise Ludlow 1st Another feature of the afternoon was the reading of by Mrs Marks and remarks by Mrs arrubee on the impression of the home comer return ing from a loreign tana ivlth One of the enjoyable social affairs of the week was the cele bration held by the hilomatheaii Club yesterday afternoon at the home of Nirs Julius Shepard 121 East Thirty fourth street The meeting was opened with a grand march in which the guests passed the fireplace casting twigs on the fire in observance of the old English custom of the burning of the green after yuletide The rooms were decorated with red and green of the holiday season and poinsettias being combined with ferns A candelabrum with red tapers formed the Whether or not you go South this winter you want to be familiar with the costumes worn at Palm Beach Aiken and the other famous winter resorts Mrs Martin Reh PHILADELPHIA Pa plb ity marked the funeral Weir Mitchell the orders weii wrong and they mint turn around and march back to (ho old ramp again! But was the colonel downhearted? not a bit I I In laughed and and kept up the courage of lis men In the pluckiest kind of a way 1 nat is have llrn board npprovo a resolution which without committing tho association nr tlm I a I io party to President McCord vice president Dennis The Day Nursery membership meeting will be held at 10 this morning at the home 530 West Vermont street Of ficers will be elected The Terpsichorean Club has issued in vitations for the first dance of the new year to be given at the Brenneke Acad emy riday evening The chaperons will be Capt and Mrs rank Clark Mr and Mrs It Reynolds Mr and Nirs Lucian Pauley and Mr and Nirs Get the number of Bazar and attend this important re hearsal It will make you an fait with exactly what the fashionable world is going to wear Indianapolis for her visit with Miss Bess Hann 2645 North Meridian street She has been the center of much entertaining Iler hostess gave a handsomely appointed luncheon at the Claypool I lotel for friends Barnhill president of the council an nounced at the im eting through members of the Church ederation Judge John The Theta Mu 4 4 Mrs May Wright Sewall who lias been visiting her niece Nirs John Candee Dean of Norlli Pennsylvania street departed Sunday for California where she will spend the winter In April she will sail for Rome to spend the summer in Italy by the chairman Mrs orrest organized a nglment ami fought for his country bravely and well But it was not only in the fighting that he was brave he was strong and rnurngAous in th' camp and through the hard waiting times between bat the North is shown by the styles worn in the fashionable Southland The creations of the most famous designers are seen there for the first time They are given a dress rehearsal as it were and later appear in the North as the very new est things for Spring and Summer forests along poor roads and ovuf the crude bridges there weie flicn Many times he was cold often Im was hungry and always tired ami weary from the long tramp but ho kept bravely on without ever a thought of turning back till he reached what is now Cambridge City There he decided to stay and work Later he bought land with the money he earned working for farmers we agitato a1 proper appointment I otlioe of inspeclor of weights So Boll Albert Srronse their house guest Alling Bvron Alling 1 Smithers and Robert Aldrich Traub was assisted by her mother William IS Traub floral decorations Pink NV Jacobs and a numlmr of cilmr noted literary lights will the Mrs Sakawltz of New York is visiting her mother Nirs Henry Marks 1634 North Illinois street a delightful letter from Nirs Henry Rie Benburg who with her sou and daughter has gone abroad for three years In the letter sue ga and the course charlotte russe PIULADELPH1A Pa Jan The en velope factory of Charles Cohen Snn was badly damaged by fire today The loss is estimated at $100000 Six tiremen were slightly injured The Cohen Building is within a short distance of Independence Square and firo men were stationed on tho roof of the his toric structure to prevent sparks from setting it on fire ONE BRAVE MAN you over stop to think how Owen of Chicago who Segar of New York gruoms (I i professions in PhILidelphl't at tending 1 lie funeial Interment was in Woodland Cctm Leiy in this city But the vulum I was plucky as al ways he encouraged his men and somi they were on their way All through the night In tho pouring rain tln marched And wlwn they The Indianapolis alumni of Pi Beta Phi will meet Saturday afternoon Jan 10 at 2:30 at the home of Nirs Harold Cur tis 1940 Park avenue Miss ay Shover will give a talk on her recent visit to Italy Mantnl 720 North Jersey street announce the engage of their daughter Miss Anna Man Charles Dickens are still popular with English readers is by the live ly interest manifested by the public ni Local Council to ight Also for Appointment of eminine Probation Officer WASHINGTON Jun M'onan suf age is rml tn be indorsed approved or given yesterday at the Severin by Miss Hazel Buxton of Louisville who is visit ing Mrs Bronaugh on Central ave nue The guest of honor was Mrs John Godfrey of St Louis formerly of In dianapolis The decorations wens in white and green the table being adorned roses green NEW YORK Jan Mrs Ida Vori Claussen who once tried to sue Theo dore Roosevelt fur $1000000 because site said he thwarted her presentation to the King of Sweden was committed to Nlatte awan Asylum for the Criminal Insane by Judge Malone in the Court of sessions today Two well known found Nirs VonClaussen insane been in the Tombs since Oct 30 AsistinL' in the dining room were Mrs rank Manly Nirs Hoffmeyer Nirs If McCulley Mrs NV Pickens and Nirs NV NV SLockton who presided at the coffee table If you read carefully you will find that they all du very coiumun things In a brave lino that is really wlint makes th' great the noli rxi" nn i T1 1V1 Simon Kiser will entertain with dinner party at Nirs Meyo Miss anchon Traub for a prettily 1 1 Grimes Mrs Buskirk Nirs Rothschild Nirs William Perkins Nirs Thompson Nirs Marks and Maua Mcuojiey ALBANY Jan (k Rosalie Jones and her fellow suf fragette hikers tonight readied the hotel at Ravina just thirteen miles south of here ith sighs of relief they dropped down on eouclu chairs and floors expressing gra I i float ion (hat the end of their journey was near The invading marchers covered ap proximately twentv miles of rough hilly roads between Catskill and Ravina today More than om tlie badly bruised fuet of the germral caused her great discomfor and it was necessary to massage Imr muscles but she plunged on determinedly The was flanked hv Gen Ida craft and Col Murtha Klatzchkcn Miss Dye announced that within a few WeoKS an cxhih tuni quilts and a handkerchief sale benefit of the suffrage moVcmcnl hold at the home of Nirs Ovid Butler Jameson also to HAGERSTOWN Nbl Jun With imposing ceremonies the Rev John puyntz Tyler was consecrated Episcopal blsh' of North Dakota today by Bishop of Missouri assisted by Bishop Randolph of soulhrrn Virginia and Gen Rosalie Jones Still Game Despite Bruised eet ollowers Glad to Just Anywhere tho guests at dancing The William Sullivan Patrick Mrs William Ryan ig Stevenson Mrs William Rudolph Augstein and Miss At all news stands $150 a year as a centerpiece wreathed laners in silver holders Ai was a small wicker basket filled with green confections and the handle tied with tulle of the same color A harpist played during the were entertained Keep Wulf son Plea of Women Hon told of its a stnt Dr Keller her to reeonslclrr of Newark who is visiting her mother Mrs John easley and Mrs Earl Whitlev Stewart of Chicago who is the guest of Mrs Henry Nl Unchran Mrs Behymer was assisted by Nirs NV Pink flail" and Mrs annie Shidler Sev eral musical numbers were given by Nirs Earl NVbitley Stewart and Miss Maude Cunningham The feature of the after noon was the announcement cf the en gagement of Mrs pIia niece Miss Crystal Hall daughter of Nir and Nirs Pink Hall to NVilber Glover of Bedford it The moms were decorated artistically with hollv and poinsettias and tapers with pretty crimson shades added their attractiveness 'Che favors were dainty because of an imagined She is well to do Be "among those at the dress rehearsal Commissary General of Maryland Hik ers Has Novel Excuse A 1 riMOlllJ Jan fi Mrs Wil liam Pinekney TTulnies the commis siry general of the expedition of women who tire hiking to Aimnpnlis carrying a suffmg Legislature suflenly remembered Bebymer entertained yes lier home in St Clair Place Kensington Miss Ruth Kiser daughter Air and Mrs Sol Kiser 2 1 28 North Pennsylvania Street whose marriage to Melville Cohn is to take place Jan 21 will be guest of honor at many prenuptial festivities to be given in the next two weeks 'This af ternoon Mrs Herbert Eckhouse 2114 North New Jersey street will entertain Hawn 131 East Thirty will depart today for Palm to spend the winter Nirs joined later by her nnsuana and the bridal party Sunday Mrs In rom home 2115 North New Jersey street Mark luncheon Monday at the Scv day evening there will be a 1 i A 1 1 go 0 1 rv 1 1 A A 14 1 t'V Meridian street Wednesday Miss Pauline Michael 1711 North Meridian street will be hostess for a luncheon at her home Thursday evening Mi and Sirs Meyer Cohan will give a rlmnei at the Indianapolis Club for the bridal party Miss Agatha Selig will give a luncheon riday at her home on and on Sunday evening cards announcing the engagement and decorated with hand painted brides the work ot Mrs sisting in the dining room was a group of Delta Zeta girls including Miss Mar tha Railsback Miss Helen NI Shingler Miss Grace Alexander a bride of the week and Miss Gladys Marine of Upland artistically in vases and wall pockets adorned the rooms and the table was em helhslied with the same blossoms Nir Hiking Suffs 13 Miles rom Goal It will give yon a correct idea of the 1914 styles several weeks before they appear in the shops It will show yon the new frocks gowns waists underwear and hats and tell you where they way be procured miss it the ashions number Ask for attendance is desired which the new bishop has been lector fur eight years tv 1 1 I nil uunuaj will he given ly Nir and Mrs bul Kiser parents of the bride Monday Nirs Jerome Lyons 2417 North Alabama streetwill be hostess for a luncheon for Miss Kiser and her bridal party Last week Miss 1 lelen Gustorf gave a delightful dance for Miss Kiser at the Indianapolis Club The attendants at the marriage will be Miss Dorothy Salsenstein of Chicago maid of honor Miss Decile Michael Miss Helen Gustorf bridesmaids Miss Caroline Kiser Hower girl and leslie Meyer erdinand Meyer Julian Kiser Raymond Kiser William Kiser and Dr Lewis men HBM which they have Numerous Jap trees in the li re rf I el co JkIM Jr as a nhers of ths organlza work in the city nd sinto president gave 1 ho society from Its mgnn (lio organization of lliir ch airmen mid longues in the stale i nd a boa rd of lirec rniKr iioOi i brs corn posed of women represeni Ing all nthly bus rmss nw "Tim mm grew imrk xm Imve Im 1 6 Him siml Th to voters lw I Im 1 eC 11 iiAirA new ennstitution vhrn lint qimHtkm offleers was held and mm 1 1 xvs rr Ten Mrs 'larlc1 1 rimed iiv pmitmiil i to its cons ion I Mini ixtifilprl nut the upcussiflcM for a new Miss Margaret Richard na mater 1 const i( lit Ion on the basis of present un Just 1nx reg la ions tlie needless length 11GU itiiititr fcimtilcj i db l' flil V1 1 1 the bit I It 1 1 Ihe nrobl if btuiwt I'lili1 ji 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 painful a rr i i mid especially 11m elimination lit Sil 11 1 fli pl ft 1 A i i 1 1 if Nirs Harm scV 7 7 7 Innd bv 110 a 1 inn 01 voiers Au fv i i 1 ib irntn I Hm ntn 1 Mrs harry Miller gave dialled ae nnnit of the work of lhe league and Rih! how the present hope is for he organiza tion of the cities by precincts so tiinL woman mav be reached Miss Noble said that at present most of efforts for public service Li like pouring water through a sieve and she made a most urgent appeal for mem bers ani financial assistance color scheme was used and pink Killar ney roses were arranged artistically in vases NVall pockets adorned the rooms of the styles Bh7 II 1 i ba I ar 7 ft 7 Of 1 iSS'Si Din 5 Many years ago there was horn Clown South a hoy who was named Solomon lie was one of a large family and wore very poor So when Solomon was 19 years old he decided to walk way up North to Indiana and see if he maku 9 i This Store Must Remain Closed Again oda The adjustment of fire losses still occu pies those avIio have it in charge When it does become possible to re open our doors not an hour will be wasted in making the fact known C' trimmed hats Prices Now $3 SS and 87 24S MnonacliusetN Avwnue All the New all Patterns Naw on Display IKoCHdAIJ lyl TAILOR 318 Merchants Bank Buildiatf Main 4172 New 4288 'TWitoclt Coats Corsets other Accessories inrtinj n4 monument place HOTELS AND RESORTS LORIDA the Principal Resorts and Hotels Orin ond 'ull Infonniition SAILING TENNIS Um Ibino liKb GOLING ISHING llOUld VlHlt LORIDA EAST COAST laUr SvNiein tIS Mh Ave 10V Adami St New York Tiicnr CANOEING SHOOTING Im 1 liole golf ccLursu nt Ormond whilyt the Tennis Tournninpiit nl Balm Beach 1 now notable event In th fashionable world fiuperb Billnian fprvlt'(' from all principal OrinoMil 1 lac II I i i Bea HrHiiieM iI I rn i IM aNiiu ItahnniKM E1ZXST COAST Where Summer Reigns Supreme Here are the boat Handy beaches In the world lor tiHunng ana now is urn msv i sunshine Hparicimg Mint Write for DooLlaM New Tones Discovered by Magic Violin Ni nud mn rw lmis Imms in tlm string at ji viullii arc Htiiii lo Iitxc Ih uii foimd by Jm qiiea 'rhihuud tho rench rutlsL Vv lira will pliy nl the i en rfhor toulgld Hu Ih Paid to have found In 1 1 in Hiring yH the froNli xhIiu ht 1 I in arc for rii'lirr han lhe liunuii) Voice Is ch pi bl uf producing Tldbri iul also in Hani give new to ilm mimic of Bnnh who is i ppri Hcnicd on propriim by his br i ill II nl i io ii tin? violinist hnving a hroadlh chht lienoi 1hl rnnipusir mieli us no oilrnr rmish dn has i even led hi Im bow is sahl to it bls mj 1 1 ci da I ion clean ami viri mnl his linger luuhnie Ho 1 SpollHl I Mini ohcdli Hl tliU1 it not ula ions in bis music CALLS ON WOMEN TO JOIN WAR AGAINST WAril 1 1 NGT Jan 6 A mi Lum wide crusade against "ahei Is and liuapmier Cbf food was liimu lwd hero iu dny with an address by Dr Curl Alsbrig ihlef of the Biimm of Do purirnonl of Agrl'm II ui hrlore Hie vsum tin's 1 rt ii of lhe National Civic bm Ijr Alshorg 1 1 lia sized tlif im or ra 1 1 need of st reiigt h' tilng and xU'iniing Ihr opo of llu pijie lood and drug act Jim urged (he lu Co ra I vvllli ihu govern imm I olliC' rs In an to obtain add 11 Iona I loglMla lun so ppiminm 1 1 ng the preS' nt laws He said legislation was needed to permit eder 1 1 inspect Kuh of itlt factoriuH whf i foods mid drinks are ma mi fti I ur' Such a law he uLi red would wit Itin i cV' years do away with ephlemus of typhoid and similar dangerous diseased HIGH COURT HAS ITS IRST BREACH PROMISE SUIT CINCINNATI Jan Thft flrsl ase do' keled for hearing at the Jamiary teini of lhe Ujilb'd States Circuit Court of Appeals whU'h convened today Is a la et'ch of promlBu at lion brought by Georgian Young of Pittsburgh jignlnst James meiubcr of a prom Jnijit Cleveland family It hit the flrsL in ea promise case that Ims ever been heard by the local Circuit Court of Ap pfulrf The original trial of the aso look place In Chwehuid arid attracted niuN) ui lontion Tim Irbil court turned a ver dict against Miss Young who then took an appeal io the Jdglu court CHARITY IS COSTLY Maintenance Expense of Institutions In 1913 la $231834765 The regular maintenance expenses of The Call of the Opera Season Auditorium MflaaM a fialntlnl hotel arid fiiiprrb opTu housu umior one roof A modern and Htrlctly flr proof at reef uro The arm of con i for vlHltora and opeja goen Tb! uni ruLKcment lias recently expended vwr cann Ann fn nnd do ra tlnna HIGH CLASS KESTAUHANT EJNK CUISINB LDIIORIUX1 HOTEL Mlcbleaji Blvd SllAren ui CHICAGO The White House BILOXI MISS Uvuilvuklnu ihu apuikilug the Uolf of Mtuvo Kpueluua grounds Ruoma wH furnished with or without private bath Hot nnd cold lunnlng water Stoarn heated th rough out A i erica plan Reasonable rntoe Cuhitne he best Write for tHiiwt rated booklet Address MRS CORA WHITE Accordion aid Knife DRESS PLAITINGS Kl' IIIMS AND I'lNKINGB CIUTII CQVKKKO BUTTONS rlADJj IN Abb SIZES hcordio Dims 36b Monurotul PiC) EotbPh BOY 13 KILLS PLAYMATE IN SCHOOLYARD QUARREL ELKTON Mil Jam Paul McCall 9 years old wa shot mid instaully killed by urga Short 13 years old anol her schoolboy hi the yard of the high school line today The McCall boy had been bnlrrod by Short to go downtown and purrhaso mure cartridges for the pistol with wlfleh lhe shooting was dune When ho ftiscil Sliort tired Jit him The two boys wre shooting nl a target in the rear of Hie school building Young Short a a the seventeen stalo Institutions in 1313 1 amountud to $23 1 83 17 C5 a'ording to figures compiled by the board of slatehn ritlvR In addition there was an ex pense of $3IG4 1347 for improvements and a ddi Iona I land bought institutions The cost to the state In 1113 was cents more for each Inmate than In 1912 The increased expens' represent cd Jidmirds 1 tratlon mid domestic expenses and 'xpenses of outdoor departments of Insti tutions Th! was a slight decrease tn the expense for subsistence and clothing HEARS ROM ALL APPLICANTS OUR CHILDREN TRAMPLED TO DEATH IN THEATER JAM SAN HAN Rico Jan 6 our children wore trampled to death midJghU en uUu ra seriously injured here last night In a stampede which occurred al the opening of the Municipal Theater to admit the crowd of pimple which had come to attend the annual celebration of the day of Hie Three Klugs At this festival a large quantity of gifts is distributed to poor children Representative Lieb Promises to Name Boonville Postmaster This Month VILLE Ind Jan Ray Cherry Jacob Eifler John Luiz Rufus Mullen Howard Bradley nnd Jon rad Itoctzel all candidates for postmasler wore called together todjiy by Representative Lieb and each one given ten minutes In which in present his claims fur the appointment After done so the representative told Hmm he could of course only appoint one of them and that lie would decide on that one before Jan 20 wlnm the term of the present postmaster ex pires COUSIN WEDS WASHINGTON Jan Roosevelt of Sayville I a first cousin of Col Koosevoit and Mrs Edith Biscoe of this city were married hero Lite today at the home of Roosevelt the brother The bride is a sister of Mrs Roosovult It was John second marriage lie Is a New York lawyer HEIRESS WEDS ENGLISHMAN BERLIN Jan Germany's greatest heiress Mario Anne von ried iHiider uld daughter of Privy Councilor 'ritz von riedlander who is known as the was married today to the John Mltford fourth son of Lord Rftdosdale of England Members of the imperial family and representatives of tho most exclusive circles of Berlin so ciety attended the wedding which took place in tlie magnificent mansion of the bride's parents in the Platz or Infants and Children The Kind Ifou Hate Always Bought Bears the SUgivMure of Sv 3 I I.

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