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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 2

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Hope fe Star Thttfsday, Attgttgt '-Dthver tFhy Weraid.From False Report! Published every week-day afternoon'by Star Publishing Inc. (O, Alex. H. Washbum), at The Star building, 212-214 South Walnut street. Hope, Arkansas.

E. PALMER, President ALKX. H. WASHBURN, Editor And Publisher Enierad -matter at the postoffice at Hope, Arkaom the Act of March 3, 1897. DeilnKSon: is An institution developed by modern civilization to present the news of the day, to foster commerce and Industry, through widety? circulated advertisements, and to furnish that check upon government which tio constitution has ever been able to H.

R. McCormJck. ljrtloii SubsCrljrtloii Rate (Always in Advanced By'city carrier, per week Itte; six ode year By mail, in Hempstead. Nevada, Howard, Millejf and counties, $350 per year; elsewhere SOPHIE GREAT NOVEL Member of, The Associated Pfress: The Associated Press is exchisively to the. use for roplibticstion of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise Credited in this paper, and also the local news published herein.

i t. National Advertising Representatives: Arkansas Dailies, Memphis, SUrick New York. City, Graybar Chicago, 111., 75 E. Wach- er Mve; Detfrit, 7338 Woodward St. Louis, Star Bldg.

HEIIE TOOAX JAM-: to Sen VorU ilctrrmlnpo to ttrt htimr lon-n, nnd A.H% thni i-nn mnkr nt urt hron Irlpnil nnrll IIOW- hrnkr ihr i-ncncr- ntrnf hurt forord npnn him nnil mnrrlfd AIMT In York Jnne pn- In a rvnl otllrp nnd vnnn ntnklne tntfzf inronir shr nn nlTiilr tvlih nillil'UI TIIOIII 1 married, hut nt htm. tir lo hrnt ihr nt ihptr obtlu con. him. Am? tnkcn the ttalir. nnnictf limmlwlnc nvrrr to rrvpnl pnr- cntnur.

Whrn A merlon thr World U'nr llnn-nrd rnlUn In tbr nrln- Hun corM' nnd in (mining rnmn In (IN mother to with Am.r nnd lltilr Kaaff- Am.T to .) i bill orprrllnB clillil nl nnd inn hnrn. I to word iii-rlvr. hnmp for Charges oft Tributes, Charges will be made for all tributes, cards of thanks, resolutions, or memorials, concerning the departed. Commercial newspapers hold-ta'thk policy in the news columns to protect their readers from space-taking memorials. The Star disclaims responsibility tor the safe-keieplng return of any unsolicited manuscripts.

i Health By DR. MbBBIS FISHBEIN Editor, Journal of the American Medical Association, and of Hygcla.lhej, Health Magazine no ON WITH run CIIAPTRR XXXVII felt opttpr next morn ing thoueh he was still snlffllni and sh Ivory and oyasperatnd by It 'Such a dumb thing lo didn't realize how chilly it wa intslrte yestprdny. f'll buy me I dozen extra handkerchiefs before on the trnin and throw then YOUR do rake fare of yoursel! CHILDREN Heart Rise With Span By Olive Roberts Barton Guard Cldld Agaliist Hot-Weather Fatigue. Summer heat is always harder on child. Regardless of the pull of winter.

The death rate disease in I the United States in-1900 was 132 for each lOO.OflO of -the population. In 1933 it'was 224 per 100,000, an increase of 1 approximately 70 per. cent. Some of tliis increase is due to the sch and various industries, it fact that more people arc living long- Eeem that children have a way of er, and that they must die of some Wearln 8 themselves otit more in the disease, or at'least, from a breaking mm er months physically at least. clown of the body generally.

Since I lf mra Mary is thin and pale the "the heart is associated I and not eating, or even if (bin and away. "And Howard." hogged Amy. "Whel 'you to this new camp don't tn do tno much until you're this. Stay in your quarters ani Keep icarm. Mis? Tyler says'that't the uest thing to do.

write nip any letters saying all over It unless you are!" He telegraphed when He reachei the camp that his cold was better np tmd mountains of there was no likelihood with death, it is reasonable to.believe eating, keep an eye open. A thai as more-people live longer, more hud can eat and still bo too thin for and more of heart disease. ni age and hei shl, because he isn't However, other factors are involved a care of food. Are you weigh- in this increase. One is the improve- ln ni meach month? On the same ment in the ability, of, doctors to diag- scales? Give him a penny or send nose certain types of heart disease, nim to a friend who has scales.

Keep suck as those affecting the coronary i 2 card which the accurate figures can be kept. It is as easy as rolling off a log to keep track of a child's that thnt overseas order? Immediately. MIPS TyltT had packed her nnl forms and departed. Arny was mom ar her full strength. Nflnc: was home aculn.

Howard Secom was pound and a half heavier and the parly sunshine wa: arteries or small 'blood vessels which supply heart itself with blood. Another important factor is Ihe increase in frequency of heart disease in people past 30 years.of age. weight and it should be done, especially if he or she isn't looking well. Naturally children look thinner as they shoot up and get leggy. Shoulder people JU yeiiia ui OKI.

i In previous generations many people blades often resemble w.ngs and died of infectious diseases of child- elongate so that faces look thin' too. Baby cheeks lose their np a thin nromlse of sprlni in In New VorU Jam Terry was sluing in her office frownlnp over bill of costs foi repairs in a building under tie: management, when Mra. Andrewi came in nsitalpdly to that then was nn aviation officer omside wh( to ne or he's ar-ting ninf) hpr, hood. Now, they tend to avoid these diseases or to.recover from them, but sometimes there is sufficient damage to the heart-; to; show itself in the increased number, of deaths after 30 years of age. The various of'heart disease vary in different parts of the country.

Rheiimatie fever predominates as a roudness. Features become clearer cut. Should Gain Weight All this will contribute, of course, to the thin look, but it need not worry you if there is a gain in weight. It may be a slow gain in summer, but gain it should be. The point is that there should not be rause of disease in the north less the child has end east portions of the United Stales, 'Cf spell.

Watch the one who isn so loss of had a but is in the southern portions. In the western and southern por- so robust. If he is over seven and supposed to be past the napping stage, take him tions "blood pres- i out circulation every afternoon and sure and hardening of the arteries are ke hlm lle down ln a 3 uiet room associated with the increase in heart Aether likes it or not. Oh, yes. disease I he 11 be cross.

His temper is touchy The figures show that heart disease is twice as frequent in the northeast anyway. And he will be nervous and perhaps cry a lot. TO" to keep him portions of the United States as in the where it's coolest, fat south, while the middle west and Donlt scold because he wont eat, if central states are just between the he 1 eat tr to stu wo into him if he can't go them. Too That type of heart disease which is i manv scenes take places on this score. called hypertensive, and which is as- i Let the doctor take charge of his ap- iociated high blood pressure, etite and don 1 let So too long, seems to be increasing and is said to Heat Incident the -increased strain 3 subject of appetite and its and complexity of modern life.

It is ramifications is a large one. The a remarkable observation that native fact remains, however, that some chil- Chinwe seldom have high blood pres- I dren.are literally too tired to eat. Mire, but.develop.the.condition when I Perhaps this little youngster is in the sun too much. If he comes transplanted into the life of the United States. Among African natives, high blood is seldom seen, but the di-.

rcct descendants of the African natives this country have a higher incidence of abnormally high blood presssure than do white people living in the same districts. High blood pressure, therefore, is to a large extent a total personality reaction to modern civilization. sun too mucn. It he comes in with the shakes some day, looks as though he were going to faint and perhaps does, notice first if he is cold and moist, or hot and flushed. In the first case heat may be water his feet and sides.

Send for the doctor if you suspect heat prostration. Get the clothes off the child is hot instead of cold, give hi ma tepid sponge and a cool (not coldj drink of water. In all cases keep him quiet on the bed. It is not necesairily tho run-clown child who succumbs to heat. But it is more likely to be the cause.

The underweight child with dark circles under his eyes, a sickly complexion, touchy disposition, nervous in his sleep, isn't what he should His to Love i bo He be a fati fc' ue child and Tour of Discovery i By BRUCE CATTON Lewis Gannett, New York literary cntic, wheeled out the family Ford last summer and set out to have a look at the United States, He went: Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Wright and all the way to California and Mr. Fraught called on Mrs. Wrights and he fell violently in love with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Fraught recently country; and now he tells all about it There is to be a meeting to start in an appealing little book, "Sweet the first Sunday in this month to be Land," i conducted by the Rev. Allen. The automobile, says Mr. Mrs.

Calvin and son of Sutton have is restoring the American's old inti- been visiting Mrs. Earl Erwin the jnacy with hi scation. People no long- cst evv days. er travel impersonally; they get ac- Mrs Mamie Sanders and children quainted the way, they savor! -L'tnt a few days recently with Mr. very stranfrely." Bo flushod and sfarlnp Howard Jarkson staggered and al most fell on the threshold.

"Jane." he stammered, "I'm ver sick. My side. It struck like a knife In the street. An( my head ne caught at her desi tor support, but his hands sllppei and he collapsed before It. Th.

two women, panic-stricken, trlei to lift him into a chair, but 'he wa too far They manaRp.d straighten nim, but he. lay In aen.ilble on the fioor. "He's burning up with said Mrs. Andrews. "It mnsi b( Hu.

or pneumonia. I'd better the military authorities, or tht policfi they'll get him to a hps" Jane was on tne floor besld. him, holding his head. "You or der a orlvate ambulance," aalrl violently. "I'll take nlra tc rny apanment and call a doctoi tliere." Then, as she met Mrs Andrews' astonishnipnl, artrtprt: "The nospllals are suel and tie's a relatlor a dir.tnni" I the ambulance she hold hln again.

Once he opened eyes and, seeing her, tried to ex plain, muttering, drawing nh breatb Sard. "Phone the By Sophie Kcrr ouiet. We've got to work." As she stared, still combative, the- understanding of what she had done rushed over her. Sho flung up her arms In frantic gesture, nnd In one short sentence unwittingly expressed her complete character. "Oh.

my God!" she cried. "What nuisance have I wished on myself It was. Jano soon discovered, far worse than flhft could ever hare Imagined. Tho picture of herself a ministering angel faded In the amell of disinfectants, the dla- Imnl paraphernalia of hosoltat room superimposed on decorative living place nurses who used an errand and constantly demanded the impossible, visits from Howard's blunt colonel, who told ner nastily that If she'd used her hear! and taken Him to the proper place he might have lived, while Howard himself lay under the oxygen tent and pltemisly fought for breath. Tliere was.

she felt, no possible inconvenience, or abomlnnhle treatment which and her bnlonfi- would himself nrlng as' soon as they ar- did not receive from these dls- Busting Interlopers, ns she now nonslderpd them, yet her presence was necessary unless slio wanted to the plnre still farther wrecked and ravaged. As a. final blow the colonel Informed her that he had telegraphed for Captain Jackson's family and them there, rived. but he could not trll her exactly when that would be. TT was then that the last vestiges of Jane's morale forsook her.

She was tired to -the hone. Rha was guilty. She was afraid, terribly afraid. She did not know exactly this tear was, but It was destroying her. She wonlu, she determined, go to a hotel.

leaving no address, and let her apartment nnd her two servants suffer whatever further Indignities the doctor? nnd -nurses and loathsome wanted to put on and dlntracterl and army officers them. Dishevelled nhaking with nerves, she was trying to do this when tho door of her living room opened, very 'much as it find opened on that July day nearly four years ago. anrl Amy before her. ns white, ns matter for urgent and immediate investigation. CenterviJIe the salty characteristics of the different sections, they come to know the land as it used to be known in the pre-railroad age.

The Mr. Gannett's case, at a new patriotism, a new pride in citizenship. Most of ys, I sysjpect, are very much like him in that we more or less take our country for granted. When we once break out pf our accustomed groove, and go roaming about to see what is seeo, -the vastness and the power and the of it all are notiiing less than breath-taking. We discover, suddenly, that there a vast frinedljftess in the land, a tremendous energy, an honest engagement with tilings tljat are earthy and satisfying; and we discover, too, that and Mrs.

Andy McElroy. Mrs. Millican and sen Jeff called on Mi. and Mrs. Andy McElroy Monday night.

Quite a few of the ycuny folks en- pjoyed the party given by Misses Katie and Alma Goad Friday night in honor of their guest Miss Griffin. Jim week let know I'm so and nung and then words became delirium. How be had found ner she did not know or care. She nad turu now and In the short ambulanct ride she bad time to map Dei How lavishly, bow ten derly she would take care of him. nurse him back to nealth aoo strength.

And tie would be s(. grateful they would begin all over again. He would come back to her she built it up Intt a satisfactory drama, berself tht gracious, radiant heroine. He did not return to consciousness while they took him into ner undressed him auu got him into her own bed, ant 'she began to be more and mort alarmed about him. It was Hard to find doctors, but at last on? came, a dour man who at tim examined with horror, but also with authority.

"This man's got pneumonia, one of the worst types, I should say. He's pretty far gone, too. I'll order oxygen and try tc flnd you a good nurse, but they're scarce as sin. You ought to have two or "Get everything you need. The money doesn't matter," broke in Jane.

even don't believe he's got a il it's Number Three. You'd better notify his officers right trembling, ns herself. "Where Is he?" Amy. "Oh, Jane he isn't Jane didn't move, her tone was a warning. "No, he isn't dead.

How did you get here so you're not by yourself?" "Father and the colonel there was some trouble with the taxi-man I came up ahead. Jane, where Is he? I must see him All of the rancor she had ever felt fnr Amy, all of Ihe poison sprung from tho Inst three dreadful days, wero motive in an- nwer. Here. In her was the first cause of It nil. Amy wns blame for everything.

She had thwarted nnrl Injured and outraged Jane wishfully, hut now. now Jane comprehended Instantly, wns the one great chance. before anyone else appeared, to strike ai Amy nnd catisfv her hatp to the very utmost. She dropped tho bag in her hand nnd spoke fast You must have wondered why he's hern." she aalrl clearly. "And going to tell you.

Re's been with me from the vory first day ilnce he came up to the new camp. We planned It a long time. ago. tte's alway? wanted me. He love? me.

Do you understand. Amy bo's been my lovnr all these four weeks. He wanted me all the time. He told mo so. Ho never really loved anyone hut me, lust as 1 Political Announcements The Star Is authorized to announce rhe following as candidates subject to the action of the Democratic primary election Auinist 14, 193-1.


(JIM) BEARDEN County Sc Prohnto Judgo H. M. STEPHENS County Ptobntc Clerk RAY E. M'DOWELL JOHN W. RIDGDILL Tax Assessor MRS.

ISABELLE ONSTEAb R. L. (LEE) JONES C. C. (CRIT) STUART Bond Overseer IDeRoan Township) E.

L. SULLIVAN L. S. MAULDIN FRED A. LUCK Add Spinach farmers out west are said to be us inR a mixture of spinach and acid to kill certain kind of bugs.

It is not clear however, what part the acid plays! Senator Wagner in Auto Accident New Yorker and Congressman Injured Avoiding Truck Collision WESTPORT, N. Swcrvlnfi liis automobile to avoid hitting truck United Stales Senator Robert F. Wapner the machine plunged off an Acl- riondack mountain highway and into brook near here Wendesday. Rcp- Annlng S. Prnll of Stilton Island, cnroute with Senator Wagner lo fishing camp in Quebec, was hurl more severely.

Dr. Harold Harriss, local physl- rinn, irealed the Injured men, naid tiiey could be moved Thursday (o their homes in New York. Wagner nnd Prnll were enroute to (he Sicfinnury club at Lucerne, in Quebec province, Canada, for fishing. Wagner was driving. Between Wcslport and Wadhams where the highway through the mountains is winding and narrow, the senator in passing one truck on curve left the.

highway to avoid hitting another truck coming from the opposite direction. The car dropped 20 feet into a brook bill did not turn over. The two men were hurled against Ihe dashboard and windshield. Passing motorists brought thorn to Dr. Harriss' office The scene of the accident is on the New York-Albany-Montreal highway.

The road at that point skirts Lake Champlain. Westport is about 110 miles north of Albany. Peach Prices F. O. B.

shlppinff point information reported for Tuesday July 31. NASHVILLE, Ark. Hot and fair, increasing. Moderate wire inquiry. Demand good for good stock and limited for small stock.

Market nboul steady. Elbcrtas US' No. 1 bu baskets 2 to 2c in machine sire, carload cash track 1,35 to 1.50, f.o.b. usual terms 1.40 to 1.65. baskets El- brTtns 80 per cent or more US No, Is 2 in mill 1.25 to 1.50.

1 5-8 in lo 1 7-8 in min 7.1c II 1.00, heavy lo large sizes few higher. Truckers paid cash GOc lo 1.25 per bu, according to size, quality and pack, few best as high as 1.50. MACON, Ga. Hot, showers. Haulings heavy, moderate wire inquiry, mar- kel sleady Carloads f.o.b.

cash track and f.o.b. usual terms Elberlas US No I bu baskets in min few sales for 1.50, 2 In min mostly 1.40, 1 7-8 In min 1.15 to 1.20, few higher, 1 in min noc io i.oo. CANDOR. N. C.

Hot. clear. Haul- ings moderate, demand moderate, market sleady. Wire inquiry for Belles of Ga, moderate demand moredale, market nbonl steady. Wire inquiry light Tor Elberlas, demand slow, market dull.

Carloads f.o.b. usual terms and i.o.b. cash track Belles US 1 bu basket 2 in min 1.25 to 1,40, occasional car higher. Elberlas US No. 1 bu basket? of firings lifiht.

2 in min 1.50 lo l.GO. Poekris or Our recent inquiry as to how nudls carry cigarettes, matches nnd toot brushes is token up in a serious waj by J. M. "1 believe this problem could solved with adhesive tape. Just tap loop for the brush, the pack and the matches.

But for thd street car passes and tokens I have nd suggestion." than 11,000 Jewish refugees fled from their homes in Germany to Palestine in the nine months following April 1. 1933. NO MORE YELLOW SKIN FOR HOWETTI C. R. ITowpfi, salesman, wrilnsjl C.

Men.lrrnlmll, ttyauwillo, Ind.f I have delayed answering your le.tteif (is 1 have boon wuitiiiK to sen results of Inking your medicine, didjf us you ndviscd, took ono AlemlenhaH's Chill and Fnver without, and followed with thpj rhill tonic with nrapnic nnd IHITO tAkflhl two I'c'tple all over tny lerri-1 lory are rotiifiliinniiling me on my looks! AS my skin ii tin longer yellow nnd jatindiciMl look nnd chronic umlnrin nnil chilli liuve left, me. I Ilinnl; vni thousand times and you may use name nny timo you wish, I frel thnt I nm Mendenlmll's Chill Tonic, without, nrsenii-, flvmlil hn tukrfi in of quinine for malaria. fovrrs, ookls. "(In" nr grippe. Mcndcn- linll'M Chill Tonic, with nrscnic, is tho most Hiicecssfnl agent, in (Jin trenlment of chronic bilious, iniinnitU'nt nr fovnr.

Improves I lie nppc- lite, mid condition of Ihe blood. Mudc by ,1. C. Mendeilholl, Bviinsvillc, druggist since 1873, Sold by All Druggists 1 loved him (Copyrlc-ht. 1934, by Sophie Kerr) (To lie Continued) Card of Thanks We take this method for thanking the many friends for their acts of kindness, courtesy and sympathy shown during the recent illness anil death of our husband and father.

We thank those who contributed floral offerings and other deeds of tribute. Mrs. G. B. Gaines Henry, John Frank and Jim Gaines Mrs.

Irene Webb AS she listened to him her span- gted drama of rescue aud rec- louciliatlou crashed In panic. As Gleghorn of Dicrlcs spent the the doctor huug up tbe phone aha end with home forlks, T. L. clutched bis arm. "Do ou really ternpluiing our land cpnteins infinite: beauty arid tour.

and family, and Mrs. Leo Erwin of He pa 1 on their parents, Mi', and Mis. Erwin Sunday. that it Ls a sweet land. This little book is extremely reading.

It is also, by the way, first-rate guide book for anyone con- similar you really be'a going die be basia't a chance?" lie looked at her with a little more nuiuauity. -u canuot live more thuo four days unless by some miracle I'm mis- aud It'a not Number "But it's not must make bim live!" she cried. "I incalculable rietoes of pure romance. Published by Doubleday, Doran Mr. Gannett, we find, in the end, JCV, it sells for cross-country wou't have it, 1 tell you, it can't be.

that be should like "You won't help him by a scene," be replied roughly. "Be AU, ABOUT THE BIG- i YOU MAY BE NEXT There was a man who said "Anyone who'd try to rob my home would get in debt, ha! ha! And they got away with silver, two watches and a sum of money. Insure against thieves. COMPUTE Phone 81 0 Hope Arkansas NOW WANT THE NEW CENTURY PROGRESS TIRE BILLION PEOPLE iSvffii HILPED TO BUILD MASSIVE, FLAT TRIAD DEEP CUT NON-SKID CUM.DIPPED CORDS BROAD HUSKY SHOULDERS YW-, EQUAL OR SUPERIOR TO ANY FIRST QUALITY TIRE BUILT REGARDLESS OF NAME, BRAND, BY WHOM MANUFACTURED OR AT WHAT PRICE OFFERED FOR SALE IHE immediate and enthusiastic acceptance of the new Firestone Century Progress Tire started a tremendous wave of buying that is keeping the Firestone factories ruiuiiug twenty-four hours a day to meet this huge demand. We knew that car owners would replace their thin-worn, dangerous tires if they could get what they wanted in a tire at the price they wanted to pay.

We found the answer through ten million visitors to the Firestone Factory at the World's Fair last year. We asked do you value most in a their answer us Blowout Protection, Non-Skid Safety, aud Long Wear, at moderate price." Drive in to tho Firestone Service Dealer or Service Store today! Equip your car with these new Firestone Century Progress Tires, with the massive flat tread, deep-cut non-skid, broad husky shoulders, aud Gum-Dipped cords. Tire prices probably never again will be as low as they are today. At these unusually low prices for first grade tires, we make it easy for you to buy not ouly one tire, but a complete set. And every tire you are protected by tbe new Firestone Triple Unequaled Performance Records Life Against All Defects 12 Months Against All Road Months in f'lHinnercial Service) 1 See lioto Firestone Tires are made at the Firestone Factory and Exhibition Building, World's Fair i to the Voice of Firestone Gladys Sii'urthotit Ei-try Monday Night over WEAF Network I THE TIRE SENSATION of 34 4.40-21 REDUCED PRICES FOR LIMITED TIME ONLYI SIZE M0.21 4.50-20 5.00-19 5.25-18 5.25-21 5.50-17 5.50-1K 5.50-19n.D.

6.00-19 ii.n 7.00-20 n. I OLD PRICE NEW PRICE $5.75 6.10 6.30 6.70 8.00 8.8O 8.75 9-05 X1.2O 11-45 YOU SAVE ON ONE HUE .90 .96 1.01 1.08 l.M 1.27 1.40 1.40 1.40 1.83 2.02 2.73 YOU SAVE ON A SET Of 4 83.60 3.81 4.044.32 4.56 5.08 5.60 5.60 5.60 7.32 8.08 10.92 QTHE-K SIZES LOW THE OUTSTANDING VALUE IN THE LOW-PRICED FIELD For those car owners who need new tiro safely nt very low price the Firestone Courier Typo tiro has no equal at these extremely low prices. COURIER TYPE SIZE 4.40-21 4.50-21 4.75-19 I Ait. ilt 4 an Other Sims Proportionately low The Following Firestone Dealers Are Prepared to Serve You CO Ooyetf McRae 700 Service Station.

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