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The Daily Deadwood Pioneer-Times from Deadwood, South Dakota • Page 2

Deadwood, South Dakota
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

rillDAY MOKXiyo, AUGUST, 4, 1910. PAGE TWO DEADWOOD DAILY PIONEER-TIMES Untie commerce owed much of Its RAILWAY MEN NOT SEEKING NOTICE. A suitable reward will te call Tin; KLYI.MJ SgVADflOX. The Fljing Squadron consists of riONEEK-TLMES. REAL EIGHT HOUR DAY information leading to the arrest and Dr.

McCullom Jones of Iowa; i ronv irt ion of th nrw pruning hook like the embattled, farmers at Lexington. No, chili, not the Rntih, but the I. W. this tui.w Mr Well called, a titiiro tua Saturday night to jUn fur the common d-f-n and captains and lieutenant were i rw.inli in everv rJ. No I.

W. Elsie Benedict of Colorado andjwho biockd "the path, with Mrs. Emma Smith Voe of Wash-! large rocks at ths approaches to Icgton. These woi ten are touring i hit Rocks, proi-perity to the freeiom enjoyed In the channel ports, a freedom for which no benefit wtt ec needed by Germany to the transatlantic commrrre of Great liritaln. Cnvland herself haa exercised no 1 1 1 upon the seas which has be-n UM iHDVOOl riOSEiUl lit IUB liLAl'Ji UlUJi TIMES EstabUahed 1I7T Actual Objoct la Enormous Wag In-crM For No Mora Work, Compinm Declare.

South Dakota in the lnteret-ts of equal Suffrage. They will speak In Read the Pioneer-Times daily W. II. IsOMlAH. PuWlhr RaplJ City on Aug, 3d, and 4th; In What Is an eight borr dsy The arw allowed to stop off in the f.

flciaJ Paper of Lawrewre County denied to Germany during the forty-five year of Germany's existence as a natlor, and within the spheres of town, but the Commercial Club is of Dcadwuotf City. ew er to this guenUon lo one of the vital points In the wage controversy be rundurtinr a Free I-abor liureau to Entered a second cls mall mat- tween the railroads and their eugl fumUh real worker to farmers who ha a at tna Postofncs at LHawoa- ceers, condtx tors, Bremen and brake- KI'EARFLSII. Mo Stage want helD." men which will come to a bead early nmr has been illiberal within her H-liM ILIFTION IWJj. by carrier, In August, when the employees com i the ALrrdn to not of German 75 trail xt month; by fW rent cr month; weekly, per plete the nation wide strike vote they sre now taking enforce their de c.igin. News anologles for them.

The Hot Springs on the 5th and 6th; In Custer on the 7th and in Deadwood on Aug 7th; in Lead Aug. Sth; In Ilelle Fourche Aug. Sth; in h'turgis on Aug. 10th. Mrs.

Beuedlst is famed aa an open air speaker and Is a voter In Colorado. Mrs. DeVoe is president or the National Council of Women Voters and Is a voter in th state of Washington. Mrs. De Voe and Mrs.

Benedict will tell South Dakota citizens haw woman suffrage works In Colorado and Washington. Do not fall to At this late day the German Gov- mands Aberdeen American loudly p'oteata: rr, eminent can neither excite sympathy The railroad managers say that the "Aberdeen is long Buffering and HAI.UH AGE.TB nor arouse pity. Two years ago Ger Und for anything. jut so long as trsln employees' organizations are misleading the public when tbey refer to natmvtxm-Fishers Basaar many deliberately diew the sword. it is 'put acroKa' In a Judicious man franklin Newt BUnd.

Carr's Novolty their demands as providing for an Van Metera. ner, Lut It does germ as it trie limn eight hour day. Tbey declare that ths She rar.not sheathe It now when she would, nor can her government any CHICAUO News paper Agency had been reached the past week ela'ht hour "basic" day which the employees sre contending for merely pro 170 Madison Street, hen the city was allowed to remain lnger conceal from the people It has Leave Frank I In Hotel at 7:30 a. m. and p.

tn. I let urn In leaves the Spearflah Hotel at 11:00 a. m. and at 4 MM) p. m.

Sightseeing Trips over the Kcenlc Highways of the Black Hills a Specialty. AUTO LIVERY ALL flOURS Harry Penningcr Deadwood Phone S40 Kfwldenre I "bone 240 MW VOItK alee and Advertls- mined tne bitter fact tnat trie blade hear these Interesting speakers. i a a ii i i NINA D. I'ETTGREW, Member made no pretence toward securing 'ru sksium work but spent their time In 'per- wf 'hrlnd Is be- State Board of S. D.

Equal Franchise League. 1Iarfin1r hi, wanted to work UK lo uei.oe.siw euori lo par- u.g Agent National Newspaper Bu-iaa. XI Cut 12nd. Stree, postmaster General Burleson has tried to dlHinlhn a postmaster who wrote a sarcaistic letter concerning an appropriation made by thla ad-nilnUtration. Now If th P.

M. G. could only disfranchise all the voters who are raying sarcastic things re- demand an outrageous wage from r' tIOW that re "vln the Central h. farmer, who were ahout to h.r- nl thelr Turkish ally Carer This Is ths Urns to. put In youi and nearer to the wall.

veit the product of their year's exer vides for sn enormous Increase In wsges by Increasing ths rate of pay per hour without either limiting the working day to eUrht hours or even requiring a full eight boors work for a day's pay. The spokesmen for the brotherhoods sdmlt that tbey sre not ssklng for a "rear or "absolute" eight hour day, but they insist tliat the granting' of the demand for a day" wsge for eight hours or less snd for 50 per cent mors than the regular hourly rate for all overtime will make It so expeimlvs for ths roads to work their train crews for more than eight hours thst they will supply of flour. Remember flout from old wheat is much bettet than ths flours that will bs madf tions, or leave them in the lurch. Ml Ml JI'Ali DAXCK AT "Hide where you will through the a au a aal ii A IKAMVIMI AlIHTOItllM Thla evening there will be another from the new wheat. Ws are mak Ing a special offer on our famous garding the appropriation, made by IX.Z i.l'ou will see fields of grain with the there would be this administration, i bundles on the ground, lying where dance given by the municipality at Gold Medal flour, ths world's best This flour that ws are offering yet some chance of re-election of Wilson.

Put that would leave a mighty amall the binder dropped them. No farm- the Auditorium. The last dance given er can afford to pay fS a day for was so succe8ful that it has been old wheat flour and the pries wll rote on election day. LncreaMf ths speed of their trains snd thus effect a reduction In the working common labor with the present light decided to resume giving them and yield and niont of them didn't. from now on they will be one of the The Old Chronic pretenta lo be op ds the same as what you are paylnf for tbs standard grades.

Insist oi ths beat. It will cost you no more. GROCERY CO. Distributors of Gold Medal Flour. Aberdeen's prosperity, Aberdeen's features of the social life of the city, posed to saloons and saloon keepers, bread and butter, Aberdeen's living, much to the joy of the young people.

hours of the train crews. This assertion was explained recent ly by W. O. Lee, eldent of ths Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, who said: to breweries and brewers, and yet depends on the farmer, and yet the The dances had been discontinued accepts the paid advertisements of city has been turned over like a bat- during the prevalence of warm the South Dakota Local Option lea roost to hundreds of homeleee. In- weather, but now as the season of gue for several Inches of space and dolent men, who do not want to work cool evenings has come the munlci-and who do not Intend to work, their PHty has decided to become the can't control his avaricious glee over Old Eyes Grow Young when fitted with our glasses.

People who are past ths middle age should give their eyes ths beet of attention If they wish to retain reasonably good eyesight. Makeshift glasses will not do in many cases poor glasse sre worse than none. Ws ars equipped by long expsr-lence to fit yon with glasses that will correct youd deflect of ria-on and give you an unexpected degree of comfort. It does not pay to take any chances with ths doubtful kind. I -ens Ground to Your Requirements on ths Premise R.

S. Quimby OPTOSrETIUST Corner of Iee and ft Lain Streets. the fact that the league haa promised to buy more of his space to let. To three squsres a day coming regular- hoot to the young people or Deadly as tribute from the real harvest wood and vicinity every Friday eve- ahov his appreciation of the patron WANTED. Cavalry men for tbs Federal series to Join troop of cavalry to accompany the 4th Reg.

D. N. 0. infantry to ths Mexican border. 1 havs opened recruiting office at No.

14 North Mill street. Lead. Any ons wanting to go at once, please call for further Information. L. O.

SHIRLEY. Recruiting Officer. hands under the guise of "Joining I ning. In the past the dances given the I by the municipality have attracted "If all tenntnsls were 100 miles apart ws would be tn a position to demand an atmolute eight hour day. But ws recognise thst ths divisions vary tn length, many exceeding 100 miles.

As a concession to ths railroads ws havs agreed to the twelve and one-half mils basis in lieu of the absoiuts eight hour day. On long divisions It permits them (the managements! to Ignore tbs eight boar day and escape ths overtime by simply making an average speed of trains eJual to or exceeding twelve and one-half miles an hour." On the other hand, tbs railroad man age he gives a column or so free notice. He goee so far as to publish a "Let a peddler come to town and th best people of Lead, Central City long list of the name of the great start to sell his wares without a nd all of the towns of the upper and good men who are officers of the license and the police pick him up country, as well as those of Dead-Just about the time he makes his see-1 wood, snd It Is the Intention to con- league. Consistent old duck, that. ond sale, but for the past two weeks, duct them in the future In the same delegates' of the I.

W. W. have careful manner that has character-been with their little satchels at their conduet In the past. They agers assert tbnt they cannot Increase It Is not surprising that the Democratic leaders look scared every time they read In the newspapers that there is a prospect for peace ths sverege speed of their trains with out decresslng ths load of each train snd running mors trains, which would HOURS FOR SrTUTTKLlXQ. North of Main street, from to p.

m. South of Main street, from I to 7 p. m. These rules must bs strictly complied with or water will bs shot off without further notice. every railroad ststlon.

meeting pass- will be under the direct supervision enger and freight trains alike, 'sell- of committee of chaperons from Ing' their little red cards st I2.S0 he Woman's Auxiliary of the Busl- per. and ill it fares with the uckleas ness club, assisted by the members harvest hand who decides not to of the parks committee of the city require the employment of mors train crews to hsndls ths sams amount of In Europe. While It Is not likely that peace could now be attained soon enough to demonstrate before election the flimsy character of the freight they now carry. This, tbey say, would lucres se operating expenses join, lie is a marked man." I council, so the conditions that will by even mors then ths increase tn prevail will be all that he most exact temporary prosperity some linea of Industry re now enjoying, yet the JAMES LAMBERT. Watsr Commissioner wages would amount to.

After Two Years. ing can desire. The dance this evening will prove to be as attractive In order to provide for a real eight Democratic leaders are fearful that boor day the railroad managers declare Two years ago the German ulti announcement of peace negotiations and as enjoyable as all that have many changes would bsvs to be msde knock the bottom out of our matum to Rusela expired and the glren wlu a num- TJunicipal Banco A.iuILmI war order markets. world war began, with simultaneous I ber of features that will be appreciat-movements of Germsn troops In the I'd by the young people. William's Information wanted to ths whereabouts of David Mlnaker, who left Sarnia, Ontario, or Port Huron, Michigan about twenty-five years ago for ths Black mils tn Colorado.

He, was last beard from In Chicago. II ANNA, LeSUEUR McKINLET, Solicitors. Sarnia, Out. The iOO postmasters who Joui- Erection or the Russian and French superb orchestra will play for the froaUers. Tians carefully matured dancing, and that Is sufficient to say teyed to Washington recently were in the offices of the German general that the music will be of a quality not only tn the wording of the demands as presented by tbs employees, but also In many of ths most Important of ths other provisions of ths present wage schedules which ths brotherhoods Insist shall be left onchsnged.

lost of ths present schedules spplylng to freight and switching service provide for a day's wage for each 100 tnfJes or less their trains run or for sack ten hours or leas of work, thus guaranteeing a day's pay to sny man who la called for any work during thu to understand that the expects them to do their C-'j daring the campaign. No ef staff ever since 1871 were put In unexcelled. Everyone In the city and process of execution with the pur- from the surrounding country Is in Friday Auj. 4 nose of first overwhelming France vited to enjoy the evening In fort on their part would be necessary if the administration at Washington and then destroying the military sood company and pelasant sur h4 managed ths government's fcusl power of Russia before her moblllia- roundlngs. Following will be the Hon measures could be made com- committee of chsperons day.

They also provide for extra pay- ment for hours In excess of ten or srelgn and domestic, half as as the average postmaster, pos-t 1 clerk and rural carrier performs plete. How these plans miscarried through the unexpected celerity oM TlUi LIULDUE.X OF EVE. HILL TT3T3 Geological conditions tslng ths Incentive, my sampling and aaasj will revive property at city limits. 1 am at your serrles, E. (orrosrra ptelio library) When this admialstra Russia, the heroic resistance or Bel- It required a scene of physical dl glum and the Interference of Eng- ter to bring out the story of the miles In exrew of 100.

In passenger service the Imsls for a day's pay Is sven less. In the case of engineers snd firemen It five boors In eastern territory and six hours snd forty minute tn western territory. Ths demands provide for a day's psy for rc'Jres from power next Uarch, cm tut the blame on the "higher- land is now familiar history. After overwhelming moral disaster, the two years or a conflict so stupend-1 blf f'tnra of ths 'Children or Eve' t.s" and not on the rank and file cf tie party. No reasonable man Under the direction ot the Park Commit' tes, assisted by a Committee ot the Ladies Auxiliary.

expect a self-retpectlng bus! out that human Intelligence rails tn nre Part Pnoto drama to be seen either to calculate Its present effect lh Dedwood tbreatre tonight, upon the nations Involved or to etl- Tne flrt scene, In which a five story (CArj or cxLtror.3 corx) i, even though a Democrat right hours or less or 100 miles or Jess and do not apply to ths passenger senr-Ice. which Is already on basis mors favorable to tbs employees than an at htart. to vote approval of such a mate Its ultimate consequences to etorr where hundred or ehil elpht bour day. -i lzI admlnistra-V i ii trs havs for the last STUDY ID Tbs demand for tin and ons-balf ciriJliatlon, the power or the offen- di in are employed raxed by flames, slvs so marvelously exercised by Ger- mot trlking bit of realism.caus-many in the beginning has passed momentarily, terror even to the from her hands and row resides with 'Patsiora of the film, provides the for overtime would therefore penalise tbs railroads, they aay, for Urns required to complete a train run In ex First Class Law Course at Ulnl- the forces of the Allies. setting ror a anmauc.

tense situs cess of eight boors or for sny delay. mum Cost. This change Is the roost significant nd powerful climax. It Is a man wblls tbs employees would still con It will fit yon to practice law oi aspect of the war sltnstlon today. It Pf treat wealth and social strengthen your efficiency In any line affects the operations In evesy tone "aius, kneeling at tha side or a dy tinue to draw a full day's psy In many cases for considerably less than ths standard day's work.

LOAN, of work yon undertake. or belligerency. Those who hsve lD tne giat holocaust Claaa will be organised at 7:10. p. Jane 11.

lflC. at ths law office of Francla J. Parksr. 8yndlcale steadily adhered to the beller In ultl- tn" nU own daughter, mste victory, decisive and complete. hd BeT'r n- but wbo TO SETTLE UCC.T DISPUTES.

for the Entente rroun of Towers do frond doubt. Is ths fruit of his tin Block, Deadwood. For particular! write to or call upon me. Federal Cedy tKould Fla Railway not understimate the advantage Cer- "4 lBOW1 0Bl' reform Science Monitor is I a publication but It has at! tc'-ical observers on its K'tS. One of them wrote la leading editorial, that present Indications there is Czzlt that the Uepublican loll a percenUge of, its 3 year as large as any in its 77." Ttat Is certainly all the need la order to win.

pcInU out an fictsr the soli 'cation r.rr-V.Icia jarty when It 5 -A r.ct have tens of of tie cf 1912 3 to the til tag and renew-1 t.r'.r but "they are FRANCIS J. PARKER. Attorney at Law JOHHRsJOIJES many still retains In the possession 0DC dissolute girl cf the und-r Rata, and Wsge. Eaton Rouge, La. Commenting on of enemy territory In Poland.

France mna WM tnroogn mi m.tra ths prospective railroad strike for LI her wsges, ths Times says: nd Eelrlum much more extensive raenUluy WM that that so f.r wrtd from oecoming ino cnerifjea wire ot Congress should pnss an act at one DEADWOOD giving ths Interstate commerce con Austrian ally by the new Russian ad ciloa authority to settle ths labor vance. But the great outstanding Oputes. just ss It has ths rUht to fix rates. fact that while the Russians are Uzzi Cz Ohlroprax-Uc Doctors. Why not remove cause of disease and enjoy health.

Investigate for yourself. Office Hours: 9 to 11 tn. 3 to 5 p- m. Evenings 7 to 8. 8 Shine Deadwood, 8, D.

It is mors Important that ths inter- driving irresistibly along the eastern front, while their Army of the Cau Attractive Terms Lls own nephew. This knowledge and the crushing fact that her mother refused to marry hint, not because St. did not lovs him, but ralher because in her live-fiHol heart she feared such a marriage would ruin hlri, bring to Henry Clay Madison realisation of the fact that "the sins cf tne fathers shall te tirHed upor the children. stabs commerce commission hv the riht to fix wsges snd settle disputes than It la thst havs ths right to de termine freight rates snd prohibit to their way back to coni-enee by working for I ti-kct with all the ecer-, and they are i Business ran bobble slong under tlh freight rate. Death would follow a general railroad strike.

Both lh railroads and ths men msy tie able to withstand a strike. bet ths r-h'k- cannot. Ths puttie Is Qfl Everything to Eat, and tlc crvce lYalwayj at the not tn position to faro a general ttrtke of the railroads tn tbs country. ee rn rrt of the Mate is i dtlr-i-ates of I. who wont work them-7 fl not allow others to i i th'y are pay 3 f.r rei card, and i- casus has liberated Armenia and shattered the Turkish defense, the British and French have turned the scale on the western front, relieving the pressure on Verdun by their attacks, so far unchecked, along the line cf the fomr.c.

The statement by the Ger man Foit-'ftx CfSce to mark the second anniversary of the war is one of mingled misrepresentation and deJance. It is true to es'ah'lshed form. It follows the eld Uae cf Er.e'.anJ as the head devil la the anti-Cemanic repeating the venerable false-hood that envy cf Germany's commercial success is the cf the All.l war. The chll iUhcff cf such a h-f'r t'pArert when The calamity la too awful to con- command of those who dine at It would be mora frightful than a For a time yesterday afternoon it rained hard, and the result was that the atmosphere, which had begun to become a trifle warm was cooled and tempered to a most pleasant derree. The rsia did not Inter-fer with the plans of those who wished to attend the Manocic at Lead, or those who had Cxured en a drive oat lato the coeatry.

For a ihert t.n.e the gutters ran full and the streets were flushed with water, scd who harpted to he cactht est without as csbrella cr a crt f-t a soaklsg. Joica wsra. It shsuld not be la the power of set cf ma to brtcg inch a disaster to lbs pchlic. i as the agitts cf fom of the how 9 dal with these (ijTst. The eommiitsSoa bss ths right to say whst the railroads shall caarga Hie Club Lunch deadwood's ropcLAii resttahant Open Day and Night a I 4 t' tii-s that has thd heir eerrlcw This comc-lss'ton shccSS oe given JV- i 1 5 1 S3 rr the a i the rT to ssy whs: they shall pay for the that it takes to perform hi.

STfW r. ia the Vl tv-t Gerr-sy hr b4 la 2 3 LEE STREET- DEADWOOD Ax 1 St shov-li gleo this actborlty it tf tn the FJose-frTt-s Ths -'-f her-s cf the 41 ways tie ctstrs fellow. 4 t-4 4 -4 i 'i 'i i.

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