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Journal and Courier from Lafayette, Indiana • 1

Lafayette, Indiana
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pill 4 aM AY circulation GOING AWAY? Circulation Total Average LAAYETTE INDIANA MONDAY EVENING JUNE 13 1921 No' 140 Vol 2 12 PRICE TWO CENTS THK JOURNAL BTA "LISHD 1823 THB COBP15R KLTABLIBHKD 1831 NEWSPAPER OR Iflb HOUl WITH ALL TH LATEST 1 NStvr Correspondents vertisersj etc Employes Ad 1 Let ithe Journal and? Courier follew you when' you take your vacation Only 10 cents a wccl the same as if yotf were at home i K'' Vlt SJ 1 I if 1 i As i i BA 7 A 2 a i Ws XL 't L' 1 At a i aV 'Us I II INK 'T 4 A fS gSgriihL Tuils E5 1 'S S93Ek BI RWiW I 3 JBIrwRk IM MSk ffft Bl 1 aJk 1 I I I Ba ijsl 13 I Rl EpM JPHI SfiMkA ggf 5 'S 4 JmB wRf BBlv 63 KSBsMi KaMNlW 08 1 1 3 1 A' tsa 1 11 I I I Sll Jim III BW 'A 11 I 11111 II II Ill I 7 II II CHARGE 4 WOMEN WITH KABER CRIME PUEBLO ISSUES AN APPEAL OR INANCIAL AID 4 i today WOULD EXEMPT BULLETINS PARADE PLANS AMERICAN SHIPS WILLIAM SIMS to the police CANAL TOLL pre EDERATION LABOR OPENS 2 DECLARES WAR WEEKS SESSION ON COMMUNISM 13 avoid will street i with right th street second tot tlie land I VI A rd 1 rd bill will declared ARRANGE was I Kidnapped Body Recovered Past Three Days and mu lu at (Contniued on I age ten) and col oi in ALL READY OR also BOYS' BIC CAMP who hottest day of i the an inch fell in the i i I lL I tl rtiaiul of the union in school tune teller who is bem and The $500 he telephoned cam Th rec Mi problem men Tm housand in brought uitomobile 1 of may AMOUS CUPID CARTOONS IMirin long VI at 1 today growing a ppa rentl Mon band I percent I released the pen The Weather some ex wwAiBane 90 iI laws He a lull today sum i between urkish on great very ere shoi unam denio doing work of the Labor of the the the bonds James county the company representing that and this din Stadf muller merlv bent partly on here Kaber was find out where Kaber slept Two men known as Sam and Tony who ing before the Tuesday inornin held Sv soldiers tlie com some re ft the West Point and marching dele gates from other counties in being able large and rep assembly of has of three were tem soon Pa gone the ed Geo I came to sketching romantic ihshed in I countrv pear on contession ns 11) part me to That Tony Rear Admiral Sims Starts New Rumpus erm with 1 1 I and i major BRIN DELL AIDES ARE SENTENCED igrees at 1he Purdue station Jon Monday it was once more I that mark more active otipos of Organized la ot business alter delegates was an (Jonipers re of pt charge of the was learned today to adjust the sit Varotta bov the first in denied Attempts of the hend anv of the whose names they successful up to large residence on Euclid which she pointed out it he do the work for her War on communism bless vou in to serve Him told the January next he said 2o00V more was on tlie Wednesday be fore the murder that we went to inspect the Kaber home learn the arrangements ot the rooms and Hold Services for i American War Dead former president the Hotel I za made to determine child was poisoned who are acquain council of Henry Ide Dies ST JOHNSBURY Vt June 13 Henry Ide fomer gov ernor general of the Philippine Islands and' later minister to Spain under the Taft adminis tration died at his home here He recently had returned from California where he spent the wmer killed with some sho could collect of the pastor 200 bv a ris the sending of president ex of The a room Dr Ti rather than bills Walsh wit drawn ro be 'life todav I clothing which I with kerosene The sum police to appre four assassins know were un to some presence men were THIRD DIVISION lean flag guard bv division commander staff band Christian Sundav Shelbv township West 1a ASHINGTON T) June orecast for Partly cloudy tonight and I uesday cooler in treme north portion tonight Local temperature: High low 6S mean 79 will ap ings need The atsr OR i also how committing Thev re i extortion tion I which legislative building trust BIG CROWD AT CAMP MEETING Island furnished music and the guard of honor ather ran cis Dineen chaplain ot that regi ment read prayers for the dead CRIME related the arrangements the of 22048 One of the priceless rewards of her work is a letter from Secretary of Treasury McAdoo which vas the only form of reward given to the three winners of war cartoon poster contest VANGUARD ARRIVING of the convention speakers and officers was arrivingMonday afternoon and the local committees were putting the fin ishing touches on the arrangements long since well in hand It was evident that all the details had been carefully attended to and thatthe convention would be a great success The general committee beaded A It Sinrth a chair man was r'ad for the curtain to be iaised Tuesday morning on the the city has 4000 expected to sessions and made to en ofhearings at this time decision to report out bill applicable only Harding Refuses To Play Golf on Sunday nt in denied a telegram to tlie pressing approval Sunday observance telegram read God richly vour determination and to remember His day thereby setting a good example to the American people and to the people of the Anderson secretaij ami Claude Sams physical director at the A besides a number i of group leaders which will insure the utmost safet for all EMPLOYED During the grilhn amplified her stat extent in Airs 1 She declared that Gompers Reviews Acconi plishment of Past Year Over 500 Delegates in Attendance Juno 13 ive immigrants the 5000 detained the new ruling of those American Killed LONDON June A dis patch to the London Press as sociation 'from Dublin today said that Thomas Rush 35 said to be an American navy pen sioner was shot to death yes terday evening at Eisacul near Castlereagh by crown forces DENVER Col June Unem ployment the open shop wage re ductions relations with labor lederations disarmament the Iiish question and recognition of YORK June 13 General Gomez do most necessary rehabilitation work in the heating the power of It City Badly in Need of unds for Relief and Rehab ilitation Work Be ing Planned bigtest contention ctei enteitained and 5 000 people rue attend the thiee eveo effoit isbtmg ttitam them rotally l'he stieets and business houses of the citx weie being decked dat with American colors prolusion giting i much of a festn J9t CHICAGO June President Harding's refusal to nlav golt on Sunday was praised the sermon preached ens ot church At the the congregation of the to the Jones Poindexter which would give all Ameii shippmg free canal passage icached committee members because it was bebet ed it was said easier to pass a coastwise shipping mu Another consideration it said was assurances to the 'com mittee that the British govein I ment conceded for majly during the Taft administration that the Hay I Pauneefntc treaty authorized fiee I tolls for coastwise American ships him a avenue and also ill forMom at the bedside when the end came the oi mmv huge illegal Battle Ground Chri ship Union township township Stockwell offer a settlement in its third explain de tails of the offer will be held in many of the districts before ballots on Wednesday Varotta Case irst of Carrying Out Threat in New City last dav to sign up tor the camp ing trip and swelled the total num Member i ne no will' furnish the lump boys to camp delegations 1 o'clock VTednes nring with camp I home according Shannon Keating chaiiman of the eblo chapter of the American Cross i The anneal which will be sented by rank Persons vice Ken that' an a Kaber alter tlie all establishing Journal and Courier Engages Noted Woman Artist Juanita Hamel for Its Daily Magazine Page Starting Monday June 20 revoked the leave Rear Admiral Sims him to return from once The senate's of the recent promises some interesting ments I from an upstairs window: so that I it would 1 st he the ground near a forcing the fish the Indiana lake region a fine record his and was icsponsible foi tine nets one of them 600 aids and ten feet high This net taken oer the Indiana line Mtchican and 1 Mi Gallon the isMsfa of Michigan waidens in (aptnnng it proved to be real La 1 a vett the trio being amonghottest dnvs ot the vear thus Although the high temperature dav school Instance Death York by John commission jiait of the of which he A of vanguard of nearlv at Ellis Island under lags Will Wave Greeting to Crowds Coming to Sunday School Assembly Opening Ses sion at Mars Tuesday Morning Parade Plans Are Completed was spent in for women earned on lhe der one tlurd Col to aid in sutfermg leav be used in local service work idonov but Kaber contradicted both wo statenients Army Gets $218 Third to Pueblo Salvation armv collected the of $21796 in its button av About $9 of providing and children tie Of the remaln was sent to Pueblo alleviating the flood ing about $140 tp orrmn ixkif:" Woman Ends Life MICHIGAN CITY Ind June 13 Mis Maud 37 ended her by setting fire to her she had saturated Relatives said she had been despondent weeks I ON DON from various mining centers today reported an ieehnp among the men in favor of accepting ine latest coal mine owners for of the 'strike now month Meetings to here today Coastwise Shipping Will Reap Benefit Under Bill avored by Senate Body YORK June 13 An performed on the vear old Giusseppe ivns kidnapped on to disclose marks of 1ossive memorial bv the Rev Stev the Third Presbyterian the city an lag placed over 21ain street at aiiasn tracKs and levee to with the object mystery It was dcnce that Airs: dieted OUR MEN said that since the question the result ot exhaustive hear sight year ago there were no June Messages Mrs Colivato Makes Startling Revelations Regarding Paid Assassination of Cleve land Publisher Daughter Plays Piano to Deaden Noise of Slayers Tune Bolshevism socialism and all forms of govern ment that: do not recognize the rights ot property and the right Compromise Ends Printers' Strike Ry the Associated PressJ READING Pa June 13 Uhidn job printers in the largest estab lishment here who have been on strike returned to work todav on a compromise agreement They will work 44 hours a week instead of rS and at a reduction In wages from $38 to $35 a week Men in most of the other iob offices re turned to work some days ago Gen Jose Gomez Dies in New York Drowns in WabashRy the Associated Press) LOGANSPORT Ind June 13 Edith auker IQ year old daughter of Mr and Mrs John auker of near this city as drowned tn the AVabash river here Sunday The girl was wading in the river when Ahe stepped in beyond her depth body of A'arotta Mnv 24 violence and led authorities to believe that the bov was drowned by kidnap pers Tlie body which had been in the water for more than a week was found in the Hudson river off Piermont An examination of the vital or gans will lit whether the men into enlisted fish ilth streets This work done in accordance with agreement to do pair work each year England Neutral LONDON June 13 The at titude of Great Britain with re gard to the conflict the Greekw and the nationalists will be one of strict neutrality Austen Chamberlain government leader in the houseXf' commpns announced today the building tiades department ol the federation The council re mained in session until midnight List night considering the matter but no announcement was made as to whether a solution of the found more than a score ol other issues were before the for st annual convention of the lean ederal ion of Libor which opened for a two weeks' ses sion here todav WELCOMED BY GOVERNOR More than 500 delegates from all 'sections ot the United States and Canada headed by President Shwi I uel Gompers hncl the executive council of 'the federation raehed I to tiie municipal auditorium wherehe meeting opened wit addresses of welcome by Governor Oliver i Shoup of Colorado Mayor Dewey ana oilier icipal officials i The first order' the seating of the amuel accomplishments By no Associated Press WASHINGTON June American coastwise shipping would be exempted from payment of Panama canal tolls under ordered favorably reported by the senate inter oceanic committee The committee vote was i mens Real rilay Sunday and Monday in the far the short but heavy day afternoon oral Gomez had born time with pneumonia of the family were tarv cluli portatiun for the Rotary and the leave here 'it 8 day morning xB' suit cases them in the machines June 13 our women now arc murder of Daniel Kaber who hired assassins in his home in education as of the bureau newly appointed head the education main outside as lookouts ive hundred dollars had been given to Mrs Coiavito she said in leged contession to be paid the money flood victims must be helped to legaln noirral economic existence befoie the citv can te turn to its position as a self sup porting community Homes must be rebuilt and productivity le sfored This will necessitate Hinds being made available immediatelv The Red Cross has appropriated $105000 for relief but general sub scriptions reported ter date have been absence and ordered England at investigation speeches develop Hamel is a natu ml a rt i st now in prison under indictments involving them in the kidnapping were arrested con nection with the case TheyJ'were held in $3000 mail each chlirged with having revolvers in their pos session The police declined to of the Brotherhood Decorators and of America has to attend American President Brotherhood is prominent speakers throughout the United states to deliver addn on Americanism NEW MOVIE SCREEN Dr Tigert showed to the tendants at the luncheon hee to day a new motion picture screen invented by Thomas A Edison and a number of other men working' together bv means of which motion pictures can be shown without darkening The screen according to gert had never been public before only President Ha ril ing a number of United States senators and government officials and some motion picture men hav ing seen it in operation before By means of this screen the commis sioner said he hopes to introduce vipual education in the public schools throughout the country to hide and that Marian was to make the rounds upstairs When everything was ready and lhe Jo On Sunday the mereurv rose to 90 (le an (I near In June 13 persons including from foreign coun uttendlng the annual in catnp meeting ot the God which opened at MID WIE IS INVOLVED IN REVOLTING MURDER intervals from the arioss the bridge Purdue Many houses were with' flags Residences city will be thrown open to 'the 1811018 dining the three daj of the convention REGISTRATION CONTINUES Registration quaiters weie opened in Tiinitj chinch on Monday and mnnv legisteied dm ing the (lay iOut oi town people nomnev SECOND DIVISION American flat tsimi commander Salvation Lafayette Sun Central Presbyterian (city) Battle Ground Ground Battle stian Jackson tovvn Tippeca noe Christian Galion Home rom Drtinn HZ zx 1 A Galion dcpntv of the de i paiimenf ot conservation has io turned a long stay in north rm Indiana where he has been en in i address bv viewing the the federation during the past year tl iu ition on the part of Organized la bor to its enemies I READ VOLUMINOUS REPORT The executive councils report a voluminous document setting forth the mmv issues that face union labor with recommendations to meet the situation was then road hese changes and im will result in giving a higher efficiency to tne heating system The fortune teller is admitted handling the Mu WANTED HUSBAND KILLED crat Montana had quest that hearings is the campaign for the furtherance visual education through motion 1 ictuics also will be undeitaken at once Dr Tigeit said TO PREACH AMERICANISM Dr Tigert made his pionounce ment as pait of an addtess at luncheon given In his honor by I civil clubs and the board of commerce The first move in the light on communistic ideas' we reached the home that evening we were taken through the balls and rooms To help deaden the noise made i as we tramped through the house Marian McArdle kept placing the: piano The two men were told what to do how to enter the house and how to get out They were shown the door to Kabers room SIGNAL OR ASSASSYNS was arranged that the back door was to be open and Mrs Brickel was to be on the porch at 10 the next night as a Signal that all wits well murder was to take place the next night Thursday On ri day morning I received a call from the two men They wanted to know what was the matter at the Kaber home They said they had been out there the night before but bad found the back door locked and no woman on lhe porch "I called the Kaber home on the telephone and Marian McArdle the adopted daughter answered that she could not dieeuss the matter on the phone but asked meet her with' the two men afternoon riday Marian Sam and I met im a street corner in the East End eaid out tonight and find everything then discussed new plans Church ot the Gospel Trumpet camp grounds nere vi persons would run down kill him with Kaber also president of the American Cross at Washington states need is beyond the sources of the community subscriptions have been light that haste is imperative NEED $500000 AT ONCE "ive hundred thousand' dollars is urgently needed as a bare min imum sum to relief and the city lof Pueblo according to a conservative and careful estimate" the appeal said "More than 1500 families al ready have been listed by the Tied Cross census as being in need of help Many of these have lost all they possessed These families rep resent an approximate total of 7000 persons GREAT PROPERTY DAMAGE "The damage is at be tween $15000000 and $25000000 exclusive of the loss to municipal and railroad property as well as By the Associated Press PUEBLO Col June 13 Appeal to the United States Chamber of Commerce for relief subscriptions for Pueblo was made Governor Shoup James Lovern president of the city Pueblo I I Garn president of the Pueblo Commercial club and Pu lled SHIN'GTON" June 13 Ralston Holmes captain of the presidential May flower was formally designated today as naval aide to President Harding He will continue in com mand of the Mayflower: heating system is in first class condition In addition to the work: op the streets tire companv con templates amount oi equipment plant one of the is felt 'bv committee users that provements mg dav A and Bv rum Cif An1tfrczn willdiessed large meetings today day Yesterday 6000 i iitr Mt resent the largest ftprgrans Rowe of Akron ad the party I next morning reaa in the newspapers i Mrs Kaber came time and wanted her gave her a bottle con mixtiire of pop anil ml I did poison and Sim on in including the rebuilding circulating pumps and the the heat Skemp Leaves for Denver Convention Joseph Skemp general secre tary treasurer of Painters perhangers to Denver convention erdtion of Hedrick also attending the big Denver meeting LINE EXTENDED: After obtaining the womans statement it was decided to bring together all women said tobe in volved in the plot except Miss Mc Aixllc he officers feared influence vvlth mother height still Airs tongue and balk their efforts The women were conf ronted with Ethel Berman who continued acquaintanceship with Airs minder and vol private detective was booked on a charge of mur had made startling revelations Others charged with tlie crime and who are under first degree murder indictments are: Mrs Eva Catherine Kaber widow of the slain man Marian McArdle net daughter and Mrs Mary Brickel 69 years old mother of) Mrs Kaber TWELVE PERSONS NAMED Indications were that further in dictments would be returned to the grand jury today Twelve per sons have been named in connec tion with the murder Airs Coia vito who was taken as a mid wife was arrcsted in Sandusky When Juanita commenced ing beautiful girls and some men Cupid toddled into sev eral of the pictures and his instant popularity made him one of the chief characters pictured by the Hamel i British Miners in Mood to Compromise I Bv lhe Associated Press I bureau report at Purdue the day I was made oppressive by an exceed inglv sultrv 'judging it the Approve Bonds tor James Stingle Road TBv the Associated Press I INDIANAPOLIS June The state tax Hoard today a the issuance of $38500 of canoe county six per cent Io finance building of 1he Al Stingle road under the unit road law It also approved an issue ot $90000 by the Curry school township Sullivan county tor a new school imilding at Shelburn New United States Commis sioner of Education Plans Campaign Against Radicalism a signed 'statement authorities say hdw two days before lhe mur der assassins had tiptoed his home to get the while Alias Marian vicAruie played a juano to drown the noise of their footsteps also is alleged to have said that the assassins demanded $5000 'forcommitting tlie but tliat Kaber declared she wotiJd her husband was weapon an This Widow of Accident ictim Asks $10000 Lillian Wilder of Crawfords ville administratrix of the estate of Edward Wilder has hromrbt today i SIGNED CONESSION According to the officers who early todav questioned Airs Coia vito booked on a chaise of mur dering Daniel Kaber the signed Inuit in the Tippecanoe circuit court 4 Al i 1 A i i a uajriuKes in tne sum oi no 000 from Louis an Hook On 'p jtemhgr 2' 1920 her husband Ed ward Wilder was struck by anautomobile Owned bv (Hook on Lafayette avenue Craw fordsville He was fatally injuredand died in (about 30 minutes complaint which was drawn byCrane and McCabe of CraWfords I ville alleges the defendant wasdriving at inn excessive rate ofspeed and that the deceased wls (dragged 65 feet after being struck the automobile Air Van Hook resides near Kirkpatrick the cenibic little fellow the tiny bow and ai i who is fluttering around (every time man amt inniu (iusp 1 hands was never widely adver jtised as an Individual of really first I magnitude uitil Juanita Hamel the young artist of St Louis Mo iVCW X'JIIV him in hundreds of hei cartoons which ai pub nevvspapcrs all over the These cartoons the Daily Magazine page lof this newspaper beginning dav June 20 having slain Alatflda Russo of East Moorestovvn was still at officers said were made murdv how the plans miscarried car svstern June 10 it option has far no word from tlie Terre Haute lis and Eastern which was considering taking over ithe street car system and operating lit under an agreement with Ahe I prospective purchaser the Xorth ern Indiana company I Superintendent Levering of the Ijafavett'e Service companv 'said Monday that he had heardnothing concerning the plans of the traction companv and Hie citv authorities said that no word had been received from the and In the meantime the street car tracks on East Alain street are still torn up and Oakland hill resi dents aie badly inconvenienced I The interurban cars from Indianap oils are still coming down 'town on the South Ninth Kossut street i Imp No Word from Traction Company Concerning Tak ing over of Street Rail way Operation Although the original option tak en by the Northern Indiana Gas and Electric companv on the La ice company's street this citv expired is understood that Hie been extended Thus has been received here Indiana po Traction companv arge todav hunted policemen and citi the search a half been arrested bv the police in this state and in the jxieinitj of Philadelphia but were released after their identity irst Load of Supplies for Rotary Park Will Leave Tuesday Morning Lads Go' Wednesday Everything is' bustle and fiuslle the Al A tins week in prcparatic Avbifh oneris Rotiirv The first load supplies i and provisions will leave the Tuesday morning at 7:30 and all bo vs who are gomg on tne trip are asked to bring any boxes Continue Search or Crihie Suspect (B the Associated Press) June 13 Loins Lively noro suspected seven year old LAAYETTE READY OR BIG STATE CONVENTION i "When the first thing for habits' I taming a that kill anything not give her anv plv gave her the other stuff to It wm decided that the men were get rid of her" Preparations for the big street parade that is to be a Tuesday aft ernoon features of the state Sunday school convention in Lafayette this week were completed Alonday and the detailed plans were announced by John Doyle grand marshal The parade will be held Tuesday afternoon at 4:30 The line of march has been lengthened to include Alain street between Eighth and Tenth streets Sunday schools taking a part in the procession and their respective positions are an nounced herewith as is the line or march Parade commanders are re quested to use this notice as ref erence on Tuesday in order to confusion ormation: irst division lorm on erry resting on Eighth division will form on North Sixth street right resting bn erry third division will form on Brown street right resting on Sixth Sun day school commanders will 'have their schools in line and rcadv Ho inaiih at 4:30 o'clock and will ic I as their delegations are ready march Parade headquaiters at Eighth and env stieets LINE MARCH Line ol inaich East on erry to Tenth south on Tenth to Main west on Main to third south on Third to Columbia east on Colum bia to Sixth where the parade will disband POSITIONS IN PARADE Position of organizations: IRST DIVISION AnifrtetiiinpflaK and color guard by 'American Legion grgnd' mar shal staff band John Doj le commander Buck Creek Sunday school Alontmorenci Tay Station St Salem Re formed chapel Jolland Reformed Dayton Al Dayton Pi esbv teran Institute i discuss the arrests Police took into cnstodv another I man who will be held pending an 'examination Thev admitted hav ing seized a quantity of letters and ms room urn uecnn ed to discuss their contents Tlie death ot the the nobcii said was stance of a kidnaping case in New York in which a death tlueat was carried out line 1 Peter John Moran for of Robert Brinv imprisoned extortion today vverq sentenced in six months to the penitentiary ere convicted of and coercion in con ncr with house wrecking jobs i came to light during the inquiry amid cheers less fortunate inflection formalities can i be completed all who are entitled I to land will be admitted Name Naval Aide By the Associated Press CLEVELAND formally charged with the was stabbed 24 times by I Lake wood two years ago Mrs Erva Colivato 32 der early today after she Myriads of American flags flung to the breeze in the business district of the city will wave a welcome to the throngs of visitors who are coming to attend the' annual state Sunday school convention tT be held in Lafayette Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday of this week The beckoning banners will symbolize the joy and pride to entertain so resent ative an sons and daughters The city promises to be a gracious host with citizens generally vicing with one another in extending hospital ity The 'decoration of the business district was well advanced Mon day afternoon and all stores that have not already adorned their fronts with flags are urged to do so early Tuesday The committee also requests that private resi dences throughout the city display Indian Riot Results rom Burning Old Woman Alive By the Associated Press SIMLA India June 13 A government' report on the serious riot which took place' recently in the village of Sirohi in the' Rajputana agency states it was caused by the offering of human sacra flee Seven persons were killed and ten were wounded The village hich i is the home of many members of the ancient sect of Chara i became greatly excited over the refusal of the Charajs to pay the usual revenue contributions Sepoys were sent to enforce collection the report says and found the Charays had followed tradi tional methods of 'bringing the vengeance of: heaven upon the state by burning an old woman alive She had be en placed upon a pyre whichwas lighted by her nearest relatives The troops attempted' to rescue the victim: and the villagers opposed them with knives and swords wounding several spldiers The Sepoys thereupon! fired a volley into the crowd and they scattered but attempted icscue came too late to save the woman HEATING MAINS BjMPROVED Jortlrii Iiuiiana Company irst Stage' of Reconstruction of Hot Water Conduits Employes of the Northern Indi ana Gas and Eclcctric company have completed the work ot re newing a number of heating mains The mains renewed include those in the alley between' Third and ourth streets and from Cin cinnati to and across North street: on North s' and Eighth North street between ourth and 1 I draw a Release Immigrants I By the Associated Press is xx 1 1 hundred and flftv i 7 4 1.

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