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The Daily Independent from Murphysboro, Illinois • Page 1

Murphysboro, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ylsffin' Round in Li POND By Bertha Fraley 'Mr. and, Mrs. Elmer Ether ton Gorham and Jacob visitors Sunday' afternoon, Kenneth Brown and Raymond Terry went to St. Louts Thursday. Clara Cnd Mary Robinson were Murphysboro day.

Mr." and Logan Fraley called on'Mr. and 'Mrs. Jakio Webber, Sunday afte.rn.o6n. John Robinson mado a business trip to'Murphysboro Saturday. Wilbur Fnrrls called at Logan Fraley's Tuesday morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Logan Fraley spent Saturday evening in Cartervllle. Mrs. Mary Cowel spent Sunday with Mrs.

Sarah Richardson. Air. and Mrs. Logan Fraley worn supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Brown Tuesday evening. viu Hagsdale and family. Mr. Dusch and Frank Reason were callers' at Virgil Ragsdale's Saturday MJ-BJ 'GharTes Doty and baby spent Saturday in. Carbomlalo with her sister In- Marguerite Doty.

'Mr. "and" Mi's. Holly Nebughr ol 1 Carbondale, spent Wednesday night with -Mr. and Mrs. Floyd No- bughr and son.

JDKEAMLAND By Anna Hennesy MT. GLENN By Grabow i David 1Childevs is hero -from Denver. for a visit with home Ferrill of Makanda was calling on friends in this community, Friday, afternoon, Mrs. Wm. and daughter, Wanda, spent Wednesday af- ternoon''.

with Mrs. Mettle Land- rlth. 'This' community was sorry to hear-of-the deatli-oC Fay Gregory of- Cape Glrardeati. The youth drowned in the Mississippi river early Saturday, morning while working for the 'Lee and wore brief callers Grabow's Monday Geo. Stwloluncher spent Tuesday in-'Cobden, the giiest of Mrs.

Tweedy. "Kssi'o 'Redniau called on hpi'V Lipe, Tih'ursciay i John "--tias. been preserve, on i some ear- the past week, chicken pie supper which was held in "t'he' Walnut Grove church, basement' Thursday night was. a success, both socially itya.n'ciftlly. "Sunday' rnprn- Gr.abow'., Mr.

Henry Poiers and fion, Balcom. were, the guests of the: latter's sister, Mr. ami Bartsch, and fam-j and ed on Geo Carter- a short while Sun'day afternoon, i Henry Chlldei-s spent Sunday afternoon -with Chas. lOhilders. Chas, Hartline and Cleatus Gra- bofr' called on' M.

Angell Saturday mornlng Willis Redman and wife were the week-end, guests of the latter's daughter', Lake. Mrs. Claude Bradley of Vergonnes called on Mrs. Allurd Wednesday evening. 'Mrs.

Lizzie Folino visited Thursday afternoon with Mrs. McDer- inott. Mrs. Harris spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs, Allard. i -Mr.

and Mrs. John Beasley and son, Billle, spent Saturday night with his father, Mr. Beasley, and family. Mr. and Mrs, Win.

Hamilton of Christopher wero Sunday guests his father, Mr. Fohnc, and family. Miss Alma, Van Fosseu of-Du Quoin spent several days last week with Mrs. Allard. Mr.

and Mrs, Frank Harris and Miss -Chat-lone Chapman wore shopping in Murphysboro Monday and Miss Anna Hennesy accompanied Mr, and Chas. McCanu of Murphysboro to Do Soto R. F. D. to call on Mrs.

Gep Will, wlio is Ml. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Allard of Vprgonnoa'worc guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Lloyd 'Allard, Sunday. Mr. Mrs. Leo Lipe, Gilos Llpe atuU.Mlss Alma Van Fossen attended a birthday dinner near Sugar Hill Sunday. Mrs.

niul son, Churlus, ot -'Murphya-boro visited Thursday cftoruoon with Mrs. McDermott. Fred Kuohn of Elkville R. 'F, D. spent Thursday with Lloyd Al- laVjrt.

Bill Ripley of OraViUe, spent Saturday night with John Hen- CEDAR LANE By Miss Bernadine Mrs. Julia Baumgartner and son Frankie Allen. visited with Mrs. Homer Baker and children Thursday. Mrs.

CarlWortheu little daughter Pauline Fay, visited Mi and Mrs. Frank Graff Saturday. Miss Amanda Worthen spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Worthen.

Mr. and Mrs. Mesk-er Massey and son Robert visited "Mr. Mrs. Arvll G'ranrmer and -family Saturday evening.

Lois Fisher called; -on Miss Alice Derickson -Saturday. D. Spangler pC M'wphys'boro was a caller in this vicinity last week. Charles Imhoff is suffering from an iniurod hand. Mrs.

Albert Worthen is at ller home on Route G. Mrs. Fred Strand and daughter visited with Mr. and- Mrs. Mealier Massey and family Sunday.

Mr. mid Mrs. Evert Graeff and children, Mrs. John Worthen and daughter Bernadine spent Sunday with Mrs. Graeff's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. James Hanna of near Pleasant Hill. Mrs. Ernest daughter Roberta, M-iss 'Nina' Derickson, Miss Mai-gain a Fisher called on Mr. Mrs.

George Fisher Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Weatherford and children visited and Mrs. Sylvester Sunday. Homer Baker is Intildui? 'a new house, He 'has the basement, dug.

Mrs. Fred Ripley of St. Louis spent the Mr. Mrs, William Rip-ley, Mrs. Nell Gill.

-and duughte Billie Ruth of Murphysbqro' visitec with Mr. Mrs;" James 'Fis and family Sunday, A numb'er of and rel atives gathered at -the- home of and Mrs; Ju'lius-'Reiman Suiulay to remind of -his birthday Death, struck, above, in -the'; gloomy tm-semeut of the iweather-beatenv Ghicago of- her "twit rail.c3-isscrsed Dr ValJ.EY By. Irene penVer' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris entertained a number of friends, at their homo 'Saturday night.

Hennesy and Miss Anna Honucsy called on Mr. and Mn-i. Gep- Will, of De Soto R. F. Monday ai'ternoon.

BRUSH CREEK By Mrs, Oliver Klmmel HALLIDApORO By Agnes-Carter -Mif. Mrs. Kenneth Grammer an.d. children brDowell spent the week, end with' her parents, Mr. and A.

Beard. 0. Alberts of. Vergennos spent Sunday Rolla Spangler home, 'Mrs. -Laura Beard Is ou.

the sick Mr, and Mt'tf. -Cecil. Griftiii aiul children flpent -Sunday with Mr. Tr.ipp. Delia Grammer and chil- dnen spent Saturday evening with Agnes 1 -Mrs.

Mao, Parrish and children of. Salem, visiting'her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. A.

Beard. Mrs. Iloxie Spauglor and Imogeno Hartsock and children, and Mrs. Lettlo wero Du Thursday afternoon. Mr.

arid Mrs. Maco Carter am 1 son wero Friday night visitors at the, Myles home. and Mrs. Ray Martin and children spent Saturday night with her Mr. and Mrs.

-Otis Stdmms. iOf were visitors hero Saturday afternoon. Lillle Gramnier and baby of Powell speut a short while monVtng' with Agnes- Carter. Those who visited Sunday with Mr. and -Mrs, Edward Deason -at their country ihomo were: Mrs.

Davo sou, Joe, of Hurst, Mr. aiuf Mrs. Andy" Kimmel 'son, Ray, Mr. and Klmmel, Mrs. H.

kins of St. Louis and children. I Mr, and Mrs. Raleigh Deason and sons, iMr ami Mrs, F. N.

LeL'ebore and daughter, Iva, Luke Mrs. 'H, Eaves of St. Louis, Miss; Helen Duncan of St. Louis, Joe Deason of St. Louis, Miss Ruth Deasott, Ester Ruth and Jack Calvert, Mr.

and Mrs. 13d ward Deason and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Couticc. Mr.

and Mrs. Joss Partingtou and daughter, Lflalee, visited at Uip 'home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Gill. and Joseph Jaccjuot arc visiting lu St, Louis a few Earl Farrell and Chcs Church at Denmark was well at tended Sunday bap tirmi of the n'ew thai afternoon at "Mtnitroj i Mr.

and Mrs. Freeman Robinson and Miss Irene Edgar-, visited Miami Mrs. Vihis Strieker of-Campbell Hill, Wednesday night. Miss Eleanor Le Pere and Mr. and Mrs.

vtias'Strieker -cpcmt- Situ- day at Gill Tfidear's. Valerius and spn, vDwipl: trucked a load of hog's to.St..-Louis Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Franlt.Henson.aitd daughter, Miss D.

Louis, spent Monday wl.tlr- Edd ter, Lester and Gene, Mrs. George Beasley 'Sunday with Kim mel and Gcphart Will and Mr. and and family and Mrs. family. is ill at her visited Logan Mrs.

home, Mr. aiid Mrs. Logan Kimmcl and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Fager and family and Miss Dora Farner visited Saturday evening with Mrs.

Harlan Naua- ley. Mr. a ad Harlan Nausloy Sunday with Mrs. Alice BROWN By Mrs, Ray InvuofT and children, Hazel, Doris Ray and Nellie, 'visited Mr. and Mrs.

William Fager and family Sunday. (Mr. -an 'l- Mrs, Raymond Nausloy and- daughter, Betty, visited Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Florence Himg and family. Miss jMiirjorlo Hines Is visiting Mrs, Raymond Nausley, a few tiayg.

Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Hines and son, 'iLoy, -'Eugene, visited Sunday eventus mond Russell's, aiuf other relatives here, Mr. and Freeman Robinson and Miss Irene spent" Friday. night with the former's, mother Mr.

and Mrs. Reeves 1 taoro. John Edgar aiul.lad.v.:CrJehd, Eleanor Le Pero, called on Mi 1 and Mrs. Fred Luthy Sunday afternobn; Those who visited; Mr. 'ah'd.

Mrs. Allen Armstrong Sunday were Walter' Lester Armstrong and Misses and Irene 'Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. -Freeman Homer Edgar, Lester-' and Misses Irene and Lorenp; Edgar, attended church at Denmark, Sunday night. Miss Beulah Valerius went to Ava, Tuesday 'morning, after her mother who.

night with Mrs. Dr. Dr. Gulp away at 'his home night. Miss' Velmn Honson, Mrs, Lewis jVIartin and Mrs.

Fiibeman Robinson, spent. Monday afternoon with Misses Loreue and Irene', Edgar. Those who Mr, and Clarence Spcitli, of' Murphysboro, Saturday night were: and Mrs. Vila's Strieker, Mr. and Mrs, Freeman Robinsou, John Lester Armstrong and Misses LePero and Irene Edgar.

They all attended the show Saturday 'night. John Brandt called 'on Gill Edgar I Sunday morning. Martin is a. patient St. Andrew's Hospital- iiv Miirphys- boro, Kiiffering a- rising lit his hoacl, behind the eye, Mrs.

John Speith and daughter Nortna Jean spent one evening last week with Miss Lorene Edgar, Miss Ruth Cottotn spout several days last week with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cottotn. Walter -'Cot torn and lady friend, Miss Wlliria Modglin, attended the pie social nt the Bauorsach school, Friday night. A 'crowd was present; Miss Allco 1 Armstrong is the teacher.

Alice sending along, trail.c3-i.sscrq^sed a. 'maze. of coufllpti'ng victim, ''was. 'found with' a bullet through back, Vottva'. the- gun- nearby.

insurance- policy been taken on ''her -life 'a few th-ls first one the, timber Jpe Ali- place mile to the Waldb'eiser school house where, Bame, Peter Boucher, James Yauover and Earl 1 Same, the buildings, as well as those of Mrs. were saved. Merlie Cochran aiid Jfamily spent several, hours keeping 'the- fire their -horn one night soon The last one burned the Brouillette tlmlier- and 'gjeeat for his buildings for 'a Mrs. Carver, Mrs. Ada Mangrnnv, Mrs.

Fanny Holland and gentleman friend, all of Hurst, were Sunday callers at the Everett Casbion Joseph-Johnson and Wesley An-, derson "were in; Ava' Saturday. Pearl and Clarence Taylor visited the 1 week- eiid Avith their sister Mrs. Frank Bower of Dry Mrs. Loomls The; will be removed'-to-, Barnes' Hospital'in St. Louls.

Bert McGuire, who has erating a fruit stand in Cape: GiV-"-for the past 'few has closed his place of business for; Pm'c'k- beinq and is evening was in, playing ga.nves. Refreshments" were served to the Mr. and Mrs. Jim 'Stone and 'Dolores, 'Margaret, Peggy -and Jimmy, Mr. and Lester Feltiney'efvof" neyville, Mr.

and Mrs, W. T. Mr. and Mrs. James Walker BLUE HILL By Alice V.

Ditzler time playing; -spent Sun'day 'afternoon iii Mr. and h.n'nting.'hickory. nuts. and 1 Ben and' children Lucille, the Mr. J.

T. Herman; and sons visited') S.uriday.;wiUi Mrs. Louis -Weir and' soiis at Sugu' Mrs, Flein ShiipXand' daughters spent 'Simday afternoon with Mr. Warren Crews. df.e'u." and Fi'eemkn and' sou', evening MrfamKMr's.

jam- Sullivan and in! Yergemie'sy'. Mr. an son's with Mr, Murphys- 'Su'ud'ay i morii a i am i 1 les -Ir tended the-revival itlie -past ''Mrs. Venibn 1 Mr. and 1 A'.

Shewmaker Lpy this royiVaV. services it evening. Epwotli Lcagiie because; of the-neviy'al iieetl. gs, -Sunday evening cHiH'cii noi 1 v-m -eeting Tei'd Tuesday evening' at the if Many. of; Mrs.

Gr.a'cf Jr'e-ws'-'of 'tji is "vicinity- attended- her af'-'eentra-l -'Wednesday af t- Slvc sister: Qt'-Krnest ageV: and deceased' brother of Har.ry homp -Carbondalo pen -t'h wQels; end ypih i her Mr. 1 and Shupe: A crowd -of ner -the': occasion being his. birthday. -It.

W-as 1 also''to sitij pr.isb-:for. -Alox-Sunivan' to could the dihi)eV; ''Jlela'tlves'gathered- 1 at- the -'homo -Mi-, and --Chesley evening reminded Mrs. Lipe. ofrher birthday, and Uieii' teams o.C;-Cecil Hteelo-one day, last-week -ga- his Xfor home-from' the '-hospital aiur'iinpi'ov- ing. McBlinurry Ben "Alfred and' visited.

Mr, and. Mrs; Joe 'of near Wbrthen, Sunday. 'Charles Wiljiaths called on John Blniore. Sunday Bert -Pieraon' spent. Sunday with Mr.

Johiiso.n and family. Those. wJio spent Sunday after- Mrs. 151. nip're', were.

and Mrs. Snider and 'Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Westonaiid Hdbert Bran'den and -Ira Williams of while Sim-. d.ay'-with..-E.

F. Lena of Hcrrin spent with Mrs. Austin' 'Johnson and Mrs. awl, family. -Henry and -Chai'ios Lester and Mrs.

Robert; 'Wallace' fe'r, and.Jda Kdwnrds were at the Hy. Elmore liome Saturday night. Mrs. Davis "and son'Homei spent. with- Miv Mrs Richard'apn; i Jofinsoir and Sammie Knight called -at- he Hy.

Riciiard- son-home Edgar Johnson-, is suffering Miss 'Kaihiyn -who- has absent from school two weeks on account of illness, is able to go school again. T. Simpson spent Tli-urs- lay afternoon w.ith Mrs. Edward and Mrs. Harvey Newton Simpson.

Mrs. Co.le Williamson spent Fri- 'ay afternoon with her mother, Mrs. Villlam Stono of. Mr. and Mrs.

John of inckneyvlllo, spent, a whi'je "Yiday aftenvonu witli Mrs. Marie Ditzler and son. Several 'from this community farewell, surprise party or William Stone of impson who are moving to Sato M.IS.S -Maxine, Williamson spent ri-d'ay night and- Saturday her grandparents, Mr. a'n'd Mrs. William of Simpson.

W. T. Simpson pen Su ay wi th an. Mrs. William' Stone "of T.

Simpson spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Mario Ditzler -and Miss Velma. Jennings of near.Ora- yille visited friends: and ed business hero and -children, Georgia, Lloyd Gene, Mae and Vernoii, -Mr. dren, -Maxine and' Mary and' Mrs. James Walker, 1 and grandson, -Roy Skidmore, Mr.

and vRebt Woodward, Mr. and -Robert Skidmore and Gene and Roberta Lee, 'Mr, ahd'Mrs. Fred 'Higgerson- and- sbii, Misses Vernice Letha and Etta Margaret and Dagner, Alice' and Lorraine Ditzler, Messrs. George Carl Ros- eriberger, Ted. Loren Rosenberger, Stone, Joe Alstat, Ardell'Pugli, Lee and Virgil Rigdon, Donald Rednour, Louie, Howard, Henry and Frederick Glen Stout, Paul Grahman, Morris Set berg, -and Mr.

and Mrs. Wm. Stone, 'as honored guests. EAST DE SOTO ROUTE 2 By Mamie Fsrner SIMPSON By Vernice Mrs. George Grohmau and daugli ter- -spen't Thursday w'ith Mrs.

Linze 'and- daughters. daughter, Betty Ruth, Mrs. Adam Sc'himpf Philip Rath Mr, and Mrs. George -Push ami- family. and Fred S.eyferth and so.n,' Fred and Mrs.

W.nt. SancUisky- atfd Vernon, Ve.niice Pugii, with a severe cold and is recovering from a 'bad attack of -nose bleed ing, Ruth Elmore and Fern'Mc'Elmur- ry were on Poplar Ridge Sunday. Mcbaniel spent Saturday night and Sunday this vicinity. Knight an'd Austin Johnson are working in'Gorham this week. Ellis of.M-urphysboro was in 'the vicinity and Ellis were in Sunday afternoon.

KINKAID By Miss Elizabeth Worthen Mr. children visited Mr. and.Mrs. Charley /Mur.deii.. and i'o-m'ily Sunday.

Jim visited-Mr. and Mrs. C. Worthen and -'family Sundaj'. The paving of route-150 has been completed to Ford, Kenneth 'Hatfield, employee, of Const.

visited relatives and'fneiids at Ava Sunday. 'Mrs. McCoin and Miss Lucy Higgersou visited Mrs. Char- daughter Miss. Irs.

Johnson- Mr. iii i clllCt 11 bvt f- an.d Joe Knight CK and' i 1 uiar.a i last Joe th' Clarence Lo-. March'al this i i Orplia Edward of Mr. children 1 ot 'DpWll -and Suuday Wiill8.ni8' Mrs, 1 Noah Kalslpn visited her daughter'and family; Mrs.

O. E. of Gorham, Monday. Tho box supper at Franklin school, was Miss Hatter won -the cake-for being the most popular young lady, 'Ralston-the for the sourest man. Miss is'teaclier.

Business, Gorlianv Saturday, afterhpou. niado a busi-' -ness trip to Mr. -Mrs. John Browder and cliil'dren''visited- her mother and W. Higgerscu Sunday.

doll'-Push 1 Henry, and "Carl and' -Dolmer speiiit" Sun'day with' George Alstat fl.nd'"sonfj. Etta Walker returned-hpme Saturday after being employed for some-time in Percy. 1 Rl isses Anna Grohinan. spent -with -their 'sister, Mrs. -Edward Pugh and dauhgter.

Those who spent Friday after- Mrs. were, Mrs. James-Walker, T. Simpson and Mrs. Cole Williamson.

Mr. Mrs. George Pugh, spent Monday wUh and 1 Mrs, George Pugh, family. Miss 'Vernice Pugh, George, and Joe 1 Avdell -Pugh attended: the surp'rise otr Porter -night, 'Mr. and George Grohman and family 'spent, Sunday' with Mr, and Mrs.

Clarence.Zoller and fain ily 'of near V.ergeunefl. Mr. M.eininger spent Sunday evening witlv Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

and son. Mr. and.Mrs. Elbe'rt'Kbelsohl and children spent Saturday evening with' Mr. and Alstat, Mrs.

Kdbert Skidmpre-and Roberta Lee, called "a short time Mrs. Lena 'Friday. Mr. and Mrs. -Fa-ed Melninger aiid iv and Miss Lucille Pugh sjpent Siindaiy with Mr.

Pugh, Jr. and 1 Mr. -und Mrs. John and'Mrs. Theo-' and family spent Sunday with Mr.

and and daughters of "Murp'hys- bpj'o. and-Mrs. i.Fred; Se5tferth and son, Misses Zella Shepard Jiice ard and Ardell' Pugh spent 'Sunday evening with Mrs, George Alstat and '-Those 1 vigiited at the home of anch Mi'pV 'Wm. Dagucr. Sun tia Mr.

and Morgan and family, -Miss Pyron, Harl.ey. and -Lipe, Melyin Maddy, Lee and Donald. Rednpiir. Mrs. Clarence Friday with -her' Lena; Louis Meiui.nger visited' Mr.

"Joe Sunday, Miss Letha day afternopii- Margaret Dagner. -Mr, and r.aud do.ughtor,.- Lucille, -spent 1 Suu'day eveulug with Mrs. Herbert-Rush, is spending a few days with'her Mrs. Harry Hollis, of Murphysboro. Mrs.

Wm. Murray', called on Mamie Farner Saturday aftornoon. A. Rush and'son Joe motored to Murphysboro, Saturday. R.

Farner and Leonard Childers of Hurst spent Sunday at the J. A. Rush Mrs. Fred Fassel and children spent the home of her father, J. A.

Rush. Mrs. Wayne fell from a porch, is reported better, Melvjn Shirley accidently run over one of his small sons with a wagon last wheels ran over Herbert Rush made trip to Kentucky last week. Will Masters and son called on J. A.

Rush and H. Rush, Monday. Several from this vicinity and Hurst, motored to the home of Cecil Steelfij one mile south of Finney, Thursday morning, where they were'met by -Several of his i neighbors with teams and wagons and gatherecl corn all day for him. Mr. Steele has been-bedfast for) two weeks or more.

Those who assisted were A. Rush, Fred; Fassel, Arthur Bandy, Elmer Davis and Jess Colmnii of Hurst. Mamie Farner, Marie Farner, Mr. 'and Mrs. Amos Cox, Mr.

find Mrs. ArdeiJ-Crews, Mr. and Mrs. dies- ley Lipe, Denver Crews, and Clelus Bost. The ladies helped Mrs.

Steele prepare the-noon meal. -Mr. and appreciated very- much what neighbors- and friends did I'm; 'State VcUsrinarunis 'are; making rounds in this vicinity this week. Mr. and Mrs.

attended -sunday at.Oak Grove church Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Burt Zimmerman and Mrs. C.

Webb were kahda visitors Thursday morninB. Bill Bennett of near Murphysboro Thursday morning. Bill Bennett of near Mu.rph.ys- boro spent Friday with daughter, Mrs. Hurl Klump and family." A. C. of Carbondale has bought the 20 acres of land east thp pavement, formerly belonging to Joe Rosson. Mr. and Mrs. Me- Neir do not expect to occupy the house before early Spring-. Louis Klump is sawing wood this week, Fire The house belonging to the American Fruit Growers, and occupied by James Turner and his family, was destroyed by fire early Monday morning, about 2 o'clock.

The family had a narrow escape from th'c fire as they were sleeping soundly and knew nothing of''it until, aroused. Miss Bernice Kluhart of near Cobden is staying at Maple Grove now, where she is employed. Death Mrs. R. Dusch received w.ord last Thursday of the death pf cousin, Albert Biggerstaff "of Ak- rcu, Ohio.

News of his death came as shock to nil his family as he, with two other companions, was found dead in a tourist cabin Lebdon, Indiana. It was supposed that death came by breathing gax fumes while 1 sleeping. Mr. Biggjr- staff was employed as a truck Driver when he met with his untimely death. The body WHS brought Mouttds'for burial.

Funeral es were held in that place at 2:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mrs. R. Dusch was in Mounds Sunday to attend the funeral. Mr.

and Mrs. Howard Rich children James and Jojin Howard ot Carbondale spent the day, Monday with her grandmother, Mrs. Emma Jungers. MACEDONIA By Cora Franklin By-Mrs. Gladys Rosson the Louie Dusch of Marion was guest of Sunday.

Birth A daughter was.born, to Mr. and Will Lirely, Saturday, Nov. 11. This is the third child in the home. She has not yet been named.

Emily Shaner was a Carbondale -visitor Wednesday- afternoon. Mrs. Frank Rosson and B. L. Wiley visited at K.

Loomis' last Mrs. Marion- Cauule- and daugh- 'ler, Ella, and Mrs. Pauline Fox ol! Granite City, visited Mrs. Clarcnre Franklin and family Thursday I W. H.

Franklin and Paul Frank- Jin made busienss trip to Grand Tower Thursday. 1 Miss' Helen Chandler and. Merria Smiiii were united in Tuesday, Nov. 14th. J.

R. Cripps and sous, Robert and Marvin, and Edward Gear'hart in Murphysboro Vi ednesday on business, Leigh ton Black of Granite City spent a few days in this community last Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hagler made a business trip to Murphysboro Saturday. Ardell Hagler and were in Murphysboro Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Marion called on Mr. and Mrs. J.

S. Bei'W Sunday morning. Mrs. Elmer-Jackson and baby visited at the homo of her father, dell Hagler and family. Elmer Hagler called at the home of his brother, Ardell Hagler and family Sunday morning.

German Official HORIZONTAL IWho is the German in the picture? 9 Babylonian sun god. 10 Constellation. 12 Less common. l-i Part of a lock. 1C English 1 Prophet.

20 21'Pirid 'publicity. 22 He elected to -the Answer to Previous Pnxxle 2SItalian river. 2'J Genus of ducks. Unoccupied. 32 To- change.

u-i spriii'g. ati Let't hand 30 snake. Cry of 4S Parson bird. 49; Data. ol Grain.

53 He. is -one of 's' henchmen. 55 He once was To, accomplish 44 -Definite deputy ia .59 Milky. A'KRTICAL 2 Pertaining to the ear. oIndian.

4 To entice. '5-Destitute of hair on the head. 6 Epoch. 7 Tardier, i 8 He is Minister of and inent. 11 He 'has a doctor's degree 13 Dry.

15 To applaud. 19 Sea eagle. 20 To leer. 23 An abalonc. 24 Exists.

25 Punctuation mark. 26 Seventh note. '11 Having power to advise. 29 Devoured, ol To sin. 33 Lion.

34 South 35 Sloth. o7 Ocean. You and L' 41 Minor 44 Small child. 46 Chum. Peg.

49 Part of: a circle. 50 Striped- fabric. 52 Point. 53 Laughter sound. 54 5G Suffix forming nouns.

5" Itoacoe Jwlth Mr. and Mrs. Albert' visited thovweeJc aud spqn Ollvpj- Percy Nq'rajiu) -caller H.enry Loy callo.d on. O.Uve.i- laited 'aqd and and Mrs. who bctte'r-; at this quite.Ill, i rls.i.Lawrenc'o;'.Buttle 'Rosemary; 'Satutday.

a'ud Sun- Sunday Svith Cal-.

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