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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 11

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

'LW STAR, HOPE, Aft KANSAS Vestgiating a mihor auto trStty-twrtay-found the essisla of tJJe Old St. Ml-tehtirch briilally sejrth in his bachelor fiparfwehl. Patifdlmen said ihe of R8v. Dr. was dlad only -T'sHlfl' wh fpund a feU JB apartmeht Cdbciuf 3 fth, Ddctoi-s said later he had -been defad pboUtMtfltrhpur'.

tmdfeV' pdlice at offotliOft i James Mor- M. said Had ijesased -ft(5m prison three nontHs ago 'after serving 3 term or bijrglary. Moii-iSon, according to Tfichdll Weise, WHB removed fr'Om the Vhecteige of a English dnh that skidded on a downtown corner Into a ck a blpcks from the ihurcH and Dr. Bissdll's apai tment ibput 2:30 They quoted Morrison, a saying he had been drinking la it night! Could not remember what hardened, bat thought h'e had been njurekl in a fall. Morrison wtis aands and face and a back injury.

searching the wracked car ound cords indicating it tnvnod "by Dr. Bissell. They This lofty cdhversfltlOn of i is aided by stilts and' a 'ladder. to''right ai-c: Juliet Jacqueline, a -trapeze '(Bep'oi" Juliet's partner 1 was also and ats leather torn. Watch gnd strap were bloodstained.

It vas loiind a 'dlergyman's nurple, stdle, and a The Wild River by'EDMUNDS Prior cSpyfighf, StanJord PubncotloM, IIK. eyes warm grati- '4epu-j if it. i-ner eyes Tvere warm gratl- imJ? Zl 9 nt bot tude 1 "It omed and half risen there is eVer 1 any way I can repay you. Anything, Ca.pfauT grbtchJtT Premonition i'rumb'Jed and' ground through mm, making'him grave. 'sThere is; 'he nodded, and handed her "We'll be -running ftrpuble when trench, Ehrejibprg.

1 might get it 'beads' to search you. Wear -this a man's not likely to 1 He eyes lit up brigtly; same time gave him a smile. "I have placeiifor it (Ehrenberg was a port the Colorado had spawned overnight the demand of freighters and general roustabouts. The navigation landing was more practical than La Paz, asd thus iEhrenberg was destined to outlive the earlier camp. 'Amador had taken up most ot at the crude landing.

Before the last turn had been on the moortpg ropes Jamison stalked aboard. He had with him a short, ungainly man familiar Crotch. It was Duey, the engineer who once -had fired -the San Diego's boilers. The old San Diego Crew had drifted after her. beach- Already Crotch rac- 4il''4Un i.ii 4hat (fellow riv- a ahead 1 kicked a standing 1p deep near Crptch's facial muscles pulled up tighter.

The ma- roofled man) stood pn a sandbar, 1 a'dpg pack both arm? artd has Rpbert! the (thers" Lilly's cahie pinched jnjexcitehient. Crotch gave her his stare and she explained, dogs, I -mean. Father has difln'4 waste your time rescuing dogs, from the river; it iWas morje likely they could s.Wim than the, a n. Cf'ptch's lip curled. "Where do dogs it into part of my (Robert comes across the wire to me when I snap my" fihg'ers.

But ihow 4id 'Father get never experienced go along the length of river. He went dpwn (he cpmpanipnway and hyrrjed toyer the deck while the General slowly nearer. a finally plunged the, striking or the typtf hw dogg swimming or Auto Leads Tuesday, December 28, ifturder -3(to "evi LIVESTOCK RATIONAL STOCKYARDS, 111. W) higher; bulk choice 1G6-210 lb largely 1900 up; 25 paid', mpstly. for uniform 170-2CO lb and for' sorne scahrg above 210 lb, most 210-240 lb few down 18.00; 240-280 lb 17TO-1 16 00-17 25, rows an hour.

"Itfs a'-trick," Melott 'Keep your eyes open." Crotch the gangplank Jamison out of his way as he advanced. (Midway in'the block he found art rdcbe building a new cign had been hung. The lettering vps still wet: JUDICIAL BUILD- IfTG; EHRENBBRG 'C THOUSE. He went inside. 'The room was ion? and low- ceihnged and carried a marked iof "kerosene Jamps.

A number bcinches had been placed itar, enl ranee. iBehjnd these xjjidical, desk. Two brass on either end of the Crotch Jench. ooked into the face of £, dg man was Captain iladdix.I of the packet Crotch had "When in 4hc courtroom Maddix spoke solemnly, "yau 'will re- nove ypur 'cap weire a cloak to go with his office. (TaadiK is Mr.

Duoy served his wai- Against' a sudden silence Crotch dropped his voids. "I slugged with a pistol." Behind him' he sersecl others en- erjng Many of these rper wopld rerfl9.ip\ loyal, i- Hfefally at her tfeet, Leom'a-Naiighton shows; the''radiant smile, charm anp good that won her. National Press Photographer of 1954." A coed at the of Maryland, Leoma wort the award in 380-r)35 li? lb down heavier sows 13.50-1.00; boars 100-13-00. tsttle'' 3,700,. calves few good and choic esteers 23.00-26.00; t-bout steady; utility and com- merciol's and cutters light cap- ners below 8.00; 50 Jiigher; VtiJity and 12.00-14.00; canner and cutter, bulls, vealers again in msall supply and 1.00 higher; a few piime individuals, to 32.00; good and choice in wide spread of 33.00-30.00; commercial and low good 16.00-32.00; Sheep trading not established.

large extras 2 cents a dozen; mediums 31; standards 29; ciirrent receipts 27; dirties and chetks 251 NEW YORK COtTiON NEW YORK- -Cotton futures were today Flow dealings. 1 New -crop months taking. on Late were ito 50 -cents- than 'the,viou£ close. March 34.84, 35.11 35.34. JPROVISIPN No.

2 -yellow -hai'd yellow POULTRY AND PRODUCE CHICAGO (UP; Produce: Live poultry: Market steady. 12 trucks. 'Chicago pooltiy board price changes since yesterday- Hens coloif-ci over 5 17 cents a pound: colored 5 Ibs 'and' under 19; hybiid, lefe- norn ana INO. Butter- pounds Market mixed. Of score 2 cents a pound; 03 score 00 score 90 scora 58, 89 earlots 90 eXtUeS soctlon of the IM wa3 thout deliberately willing rt, 89'score 57.

depressed. Orotch 4 solid jaw, 7418 cases, Market film, ho Wd r.Mn,iax large extras and CBSe he judge." of me asles land at whpopngj cough djgnity as though rt 19 "bout BO per cent rfter these that officers went to Di. Bissell's apartment: N'b. 3 No-. No 5 4 sample -grade Oats: No.

1 heavy mixed- No. 1 mixed 83; No. 1 heavy white No. 2 white 83V4-87. Soybeans No.

1 yellow (Track Chi cago No. 3 2 4 Itreck Chicago), Soybea oil 17. Soybean meal 68.50. Barley nominal: malting choice 330-52; feed 10-1-9. NEW YORK STOCKS NEW-YORK Ml The 'Sto ck Market advpnged today in the early following a one-day prof- it-takih? Prices wie 1 and 2 points IT a number fo instances.

Losses were generally uhdei a pdint) Among major divisions going up aircratts, tobaccos, and textiles No section of the list was depressed. is Continued from Page One ler at her home last flee. 12. eon- LITTLE ROCK Go Francis Cherry and family left here to- at ner nome last JJec. iz.

cay for Oklahoma where they plan Mrs. 25.. was slugged with to visit relatives before going to'w heavy place of Wood as she lay Dallas for the Cotton Bowl in bed. She at a Brinkley New Day. Prers, radio and television, reporters were breakfast giiostb' the sovetnor and Mrs.

Cherry" their" last day at the gcvernor's mansion here. told the newsmen his family would move to a Little Ro'pk hotel until about Jan. 21 when hs would enter pri law practice, at'ilonesboro. hospital without 'These "witnesgeK, state that Willingham Divas' ail Memphis at s.r.mi- on. the 1 motnlne-of bee.

-stid ilarid that 'is about Jirhatdd thidfli: es- ti where; itd 'driVe 'to, Clarendon ji -M- tnil II I vf ITT pplkje ffltt 1 iip after fttr Ejujler's Idealhif Police "said lie admitted slugging tmd displayed suspicious knowledge of details not generally But in an interview with Associated Press Reporter Ray Stephens, later -denied 'the lugging. He said -he to the statement because Kim around. Then Sheriff McKemie wuil Will- Jngbam had Detracted bfld sign.ed a hew stjstemerit ad- mfttinp; kutlt. Asked -wtiy -snotilii nd- the Jiid his client: Sl illiterate, gOod-na tyred; bby who would coil' 1 fess ito e'nythjn'g -he 1 rv of minutes 'questioriing." -Willftihm' -WillftiBham's whaj police' 1 -'callefi 1 Was a 1ST 'purfcen. Negro schodlf iris debut last -night at 1 the" ho'tel The formal party; Was the first of its kind in memory at a dbwritown i The girls, all 16 and 17 years eld, traditional White gowns and elbow-lenpth white gloves and carried bouquets of red roses Their escorts wore white ties Some 200 guests attended the party, held in the Crystal Ballroom of )the Wiljard, a "capital landmark often called the of Presidents." A few of the guests were white MES.

Jennie fnother of of the gir)si and a teacher pt iinoolh Junior 'High 'Sahcol in neajfby ORockville, arranged the party She. said hbped it would inspire "othfer girls icrf otir race to pattern their lives in such 3 mannef "parents would warranted in paesqntjng them For-the second consecutive vv 1D54 fall registrations American whpopngj cough, campusesjset an Dpwajpti idurmg about 50 per cent is in contrast with the preceding thffnfin the year hefore, five years of descending enroll. but deaths remained at a very low ments fbllowihg the ex'odus'of Wor- Ievel War II Cherry Plans td See Dallas Game Wrieck Injuries Fatal to Man LITTLE ROCK A LittJe' R'ock jeweler died here today his car had crashed into, a liglit pole and theorized that', a heart attrack might have indirectly caused the He was identified as Ruby Baum 65, owner.of jewelry stores both Little Rock and North Little Rock. Investigating offieerp Leo Harrison and Elmer Johrtsdn s-aid the man apparently lost control of the ear the crash. There was some evidence, they said, (hat he might have suffered a heart at- and laler died as a result of multiple injuries suffered in tho acpidcht.

They said an autopsy woi.ild bo performed to determine the cause BOB'S GUSHMAN SALES 2016 New-Boston Road TEXARKANA U. S. A. 'Marfy Yeors of Good Service in Filling Prescriptions John Gibson 5 'iV' Drug Co. Phone 7-2201 ing, and men.

should be kept under Shel was. thick 'with 'Venpm. by-Cajhoon gone into' mjning nn.y 6f ishoiild-'think he nlnnrr Vvnf Iti nafinn 1 Lei-ing past favors. But there thers in Ihis rbom. Tl.p Cocopahs who had worked as decklands on Clyde Maddix'3 packet.

His own led by Goss, had given these a severe mailing. 'We will start in by preferring of. anainst an Clyde MaJdix's voice caso let the dogs the prow animals the water, were hauling wet holiday for the bent 9r dpwn in his blech; and Jong coat and 1.1 Btri Anger bubbled through him and shone his-eyes, He rid himself of a hfuj Of. WfJter, laid his PR shoulders as soon as he youjre safe" diij you to get, in threw me oyerboard," Le whom I hope to repay, Rpb nn rjr. Captain Jamison the a Jew times the he ex, "After for us mstionT pn the in a st Crotch sej- fojtjg have you been Iwwr.

gone into mjning nqy 6f 'shotfjd-'think he somewhere along the 'of iljis own. justice'in this'chamber," Captain Maddix, her 1rfiv 1 had lost all trace, He hadn't been certain of' wrieji'e Duey had gone, Crotch the weight of his look tp Duey and felt shoqk pass along his spine. was star, shaped badge to Duey's breast, and between his chunky fingei he flourished a -folded per. Goss's words fell again, sardonically: "They're talking impounding the Heath, Irv, do you figure the 'beaching of the San Diego has got thpir dander up" ''That's not quite' 'the point," Jamison cut in primly. XX Diiey turned on, him the benp- fit fhis leer, "I'm an officer.

The landing held an election and I'm sheriff. I'm serving my paopi, which mpkes you just about through-" "No, yov're not impondmfi us for anything Crgtoh nnounced, Fiorn the edge of his glpnce he saw Leipoyne Ifartman siding up to them. He wished would stay out of this; and worstl'of all Ijilly was coming up behind her father. Now at this moment wheeled ar.d grasped jjep tether "Let go. Jamison! I'm taking my pff your boat." i "You're not going anywherf" his shoulder, striking the man savagely under Phin, 1 The blow had been expertly jie- livened, catching Hertnian off bal- pnoe.

He tripped 'himself on the gangplank as he went down onto the dttpk. Crotch flipped Ristol with UieH ijp and dowp movement racked Duey against 1he of the head the fell, -his glanee toward Jamison. ''After 9 you," Jamison won't enough set out Pi this country," Boss. 4 9 iWaddix slidng a gun onto' fh-? 4 d.PS)r Before him "this, little persuader is om Black- J)o judge," Crotch: flay-, ed him bitterly, ''You're only a nvT The mifiistrate 'vas smiling, con" in his 'knowledge he held the within his gragp. He said in a Iparned way, "The main charges stem about a contract for hauling ore barges.

You are (forcing a payment of $10 per for coia'ying jLa. Poz ore to the river's mputh, The company Charges you obtained the contract vnder misrepresentation and out- rlpht perjyry." "There's nothing off color aboijt the contraqi," Crotch said evenly "We agreed to tow their ore down- for the you mention It's my keep the channel c-pen as far as their Jandipp I keep two men diggim; sand Jrom the rjver all the time." -Waddisi'-sVeyes glinted. "The milling claims you jumped their rates." "And that is a Navigation wants -to void my contract so they DOUBLE GREEN STAMPS (ON PURCHASES OF $2.50 OR MORE) SEE WEPNESPAY'ftjfAPifR FOR WEEK-END AD SUGAR can fiver. briefly for order -the Jja.rrel Qf his Rjstol. "Navigation Company has nothing what- 4o with these propeed ings," he polJtely.

"I demand tbftt yw prooucp your eontiaot Coui't won't see the proof. my contract, I'd like to face someone Raii MU'-ing Company with that story." "And so you Judge Mad- and naddpd toward the om 6 -tear. Hju smile was CflW, th? epnvietjon shinng hs fjpe thet he held Crqteh I MRS. PARKERS OLEO Lb. Bag Lb.

Bag 5 thin came forward. pai-fied mixtyre of in his veins 'flacked with red 'the -f Ws MIRACLE WHIP SALAD YiLlOW ONIONS FARM VTHiSC AR fMfiy, becemtar 28, If54 0 I It AH, iff A It AN IAI 74431 Between A. December 30 dance for the senior members of the Hope -y Club, and their guests, will f. held at 8 p.m. Thursday, Dec- ember'SO.

Hosts are Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Helms, and Dr.

and Mrs: 'Strong. Ltlae Garden Christmas Party Lilac Garden Club of DeAnn irpfct Tuesday night, December 21, home of Mrs. Carl Coffee, Christmas party! Carlton Samuel led the fbup: in singing Christmas fcMiss Salley Timberlake gave f' Christmas story. Misses 'Joy Jffeoy: Sandra Burke and Peggy sang "Winter Wonder- the Conclusion of the meeting, exchanged from a light- jiCHristmas tree. At this-time-se- were revealed.

hostess served dainty re Mhiiiiqnts from the dining table Ifilchl was. covered with a green was centered with a-huge cake. aflfii-e-were 16 members and four uicst.S'present.- ried at Id J)f idjs.y, Deeehibet 1 24. EdthUhd frefidletdfi; read the' ImpKsSiViftf ceremony at the Fifst.CbHjitiah Church, The bride a dress of pink silk matching bolerii and black 1 aceessotles. Hef hat of pink satin was trimmed in pearls and and she carried a colonial bouquet of centered With "a pink 'eittellla.

Miss Jean; Hyatt, of iBehtori, was maid. of ware? a powder Muhieibai Court of Arkanas DeCembef 2t, 1954: 6lty Ddeket frahkie Drunkeftness, 'orfeited $10.00 cash bond. ThUrman Lindsey, Assault and Battery, flea guilty, fined $10.00. Lfhdell Bumgardner, Passing in restricted zone, Forfeited $5.00 'M. Price, Petit larceny, Forfeited $25.00 cash bond and 1 day ih jail.

Wflilim Cook, "Stop" lgn, eited $5.00 cash botid. blue taffeta. dregsiWjth ac- cessorieSj and carried a pink gardenia nosegay. Tom of Dallas, brother-in-law the groom, served as best man. Luther, Hpllamon provided nuptial music and accompanied Mrs.

James McLarty Who. sang. The church decorated floor of white Bladioli.and chrysanthemums. After a short trip, couple will be at -home temp.brarily in Hope until -the'; groom receives his assignment from 1he Air Force'. i(edding Solemnized Diane daughter of fav.

Mr. and. Mrs. Charles Bry- Kenneth son of Stewart, were mar- rYGifts of ftii-stinction Shop at Pillow's Shop 305. Going The; Rev';" and Mrs.

Allen-, Mrs. Qenev'avLowe and Archie and 'of visited relatives. and friends' ih Hope during the Weok-end. Rev Mr. Alleni! is.

pastor of "the Firsl Baptist Church in Col. pf Seattle Washington, -has" returned 'to his home after spending' the' Christmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. J. F. of spent the.

weekend.with'h'is parents Mr. and Fletcher Mr. Henry their, jgu.ests,; lary Mrs; 1 Taylor 'arid'children, and Mi-, and Winfred Taylor Texas. iSAENGER 3:42 7:23 he revenge that followed! 1. Casper Color Cartoon ''A Visit ro Europe" "Born to Ski" A-2c Jimmy; lEastcrling of 'E Paso, Text, la- spending holiday With and 'Mrs Fletcher Mr.

'3(14' Mrs. Hqsey Garrett Carolina.f'returnc' to their after spending tli with 'his mother arid othe Howard Ston Court Docket it. Hamilton, Improper lights, eash bond. Ike Joshua No driver's-license, Forfeited $3.00 jash bond. E.

Carlton, Driving while in- Plea guilty, fined $50.00 in jail. Maurice Jackson, Assault and Battery, Forfeited $10.00 cash bond. Arzella Freeman, Disturbing peace, Dismissed without prejudice. State Docket M. Simmons and Woodrow operating for hire without Service Commission author- ty, Forfeited $100.00 cash bond and costs.

Gilbert Carrier Corporation, No dentification as required, Forfeited cash bond. Querncr Truck Lines and R. D. Foster, Driver, No cab as required, Forfeited $25.00 cash bond. Berry Wright, Earl Thornton, feckless driving, Plea guilty, fined 125.00; Ma'ceb peace, Plea guilty, fined $10.00.

Brice'Scoggins, Driving on -wrong side Of road. Tried, Dismissed. 'Willie Lee Spearman, Failing and refusing to support his minor children 1 'Dismissed on payment cOsts. Quorner Truck Lines and R. D.

roister, Driver, No identification, as on motion Prosecuting Attorney. ftuerner Truck Lines and R. D. Fpsteri Driver, No Bills of lading as: required, Withdrawn in 'motion Pros. Attorney Quer'ner Truck Lines and D.

Foster; Driver, Operating for hire without PSC Withdrawn on motion Pros. Attorney. (Civil Docket Feeders Supply of "Hope, vs. William (Bill) Malonc. Action on-account for $181.00 Judgment by default for.

$156.00. HIDDEN SAN PEDRO, Customs officials said''they found ob- igene' films; giins silks an'd other contraband hidden behind an altar board an 85-foot tuna fishing 'They: seized the boat The Chal- A Moody V4ffi pbttertt' getting 1 WELL EDUCATf CHICAGO fi probably Chicago's- For her nioriiing and evening cleansing riiaal, this teenager (left) elects to use a foamy skin cleanser in It's clean, unmessjr and easily portable. Others use zoap, cold cream, skin creams or special Knowing that no work on side of the skin will help unless she'eats well, 'she is haying breakfast that includes milk, eggs, whole wheat toast and With the help of a cosmetics expert having her'own powder blended to suit exactly her natural', coloration and to minlmhe her skin defects. With this healthy skin can defeat the elements and emerge clear and proircssed through Wright" Colfejgc, John Marshall University ot Illinois'at University. 7-' "He is now ttudylf University toward '4 gree in elementary sc DOROTHY DIX Brains Succumb TQ Brawn Beat Miss Dix: I am a and be except fdr a freckled my height, which is only 5 feet 2 problem is that I like a senior, our basketball player who could get almost any he wants.

He sits near me. in chemistry and in his eyes I am only a brain in that subject. You see, his marks are quite low while mine are exceptionally high. However he nev er asks me for help, of course. I wouldflpve to'give it.

What can I say to-make, him notice as a He's not shy or stuck-up, yet speaks to me. He drives every day and I'd like to know if, it would, be all ask him take me; home; We both stay, late for extra-curricular acti- ing back to his wife him oyt with his belongings, and begin reclaiming your life Boyle Continued from Page One mains 'to be. seen whether "-it." is possible to 'homogenize a -Frenchman. The most heartening, event; in arid i. and 1 Andy spefyt the lenger, Sh6 is register- Wed.

Thurs. GARY SUSAN I COOPER-HAYWARD-WIOMARK BNEMASCOPt T. V. Charlie by Cobb it's it- would' bti "cheaper; to buy one. r.f-rom'.-V|c--'Cob|?.

Radio TV Service 7-2591 OVERCPOKED TURKEYS iEASTHAMPTON, Mass. Fire records "tbday showed three alarms were sounded Day. were. for turkeys burning in ovens. end 'with Mrs.

Stone's'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Easterling. Mrs. Murphy had as guests, their chil- dtcn, Mr.

and Mrs. G. O. Trapp of Mr. and Mrs.

Steve 1 Murphy of Crossett, Dr. and Hensley of and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Martindale. IHospitdl Notes Branch Cox, Emmet.

Discharged: 'Mrsi Berlin Jones, iPatnjbsi Mr. Bennie Cowtsll, Rt. 4, Sherman Wilson and girl, Rt. 4, Hope, Mrs. J.

B. Mclr(tosh, MoNab, Cecil Kidd, Hope, Nancy Primus, Magnolia, ibis's Aliie Mae Munn, Dallas, Tex. Mrs. Goad, Hope, Mr. Homer Beyerley, Hepe, Mr.

J. P. Webb, Washington, Baby Joan Key, Rt. 1, Hppe, twict as much btauty dollar! I -'C. D.

Answer: to 'think of all -the'very nice'boys plugging away at less publicized sports, such' as track, while; three-quarters of the feminine at your school yearni fbr the basketball, hero. Last' fall it was 'the. fpo tbaU star, and few'months it-will b.e; the home-fun year; the harriers'; and': water run and swim' heart throb or sigh-to spur them on. i Your malady is, of riei-. ther girl every girl) yearns for dated, to be the one-and-only of letter men in the I glamor sports.

Naturally; the are well prestige often 1 become quite, conceited LookCat the' situa'tion quite ff.ank- ly. Bight- now the 'boy is top mani After he -becomes another; for job or severe handicap, of' poOr scholarship. In other; words he becomes -one. of the mob -arid hist.glamor.-.', disappears him- appealing? evidently: not, "or and he be moire resent t6 approve.of look a- round-ybur- classroom'and see how many other eligible young men there cheery word or smile sent their way will be much more productive -than the' ones you're wasting now, Don't by any the boy to drive you home. The invitation should come from him and for that you will wait a long time.

My conclusion is that it-would be better for you to pass up the basketball hero, and -turn your -thoughts to someone less spectacular but more dependable. the field of sports the .3:58.3 mile ruri by Dr. Rpgier of Britain. This victpry, 1 with the fact the Emprie; managed to send two Mt; the year before, wild the B.ritish. might also, pr.oduce, -a good boxer during the second half of ther Condemnation ofMcGarthy Is Hailed i 6y GORDON-BROWN WASHINGTON W) Sen.

Fulbright the condern- natoin Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis) as the'Senate's "greatest single accomplishment during-1054." "That, action-had (the effect of restoring the" "confidence of our in- themselves and in our 1 he said in an interview, Fulbright, one. pf; -the leaders in the the Wiscon Lin. jj-general feel has aris cii' in the- country-) -but was dis pelled the action. "he had gotten CHICAGO WPI CPU, queen pf tho HollyAVoqd evue, is expected, to 1 rotUrtt he show today truggle with a virus infeption, Miss Scott former fig- re skating star, missed open- ng night performance ChrfttmaB nd failed to appear in Irtst' night's how which was televised" en the? Comedy Hour (NBC).

CKIAM OF ROSiS CREAM, Our -nominations year: Most inconsistent performer he. weather. lylpst consistent rice of steak. 'The- biggest'. -in eience- among miracle ure.

or-'provent man 954.than ime The biggest Democratic- surprise. how did all those Hepublicans' manage to.stay-in office? The irhprpvement the; American- baby grew'eight'hew teeth. Dear. Miss I am a high school soph with twp boy friends. I have known' one of them for three months; the other newcomer.

I don'-t go -steady with either. We have a recreation'room at home and most of the kids in the neighborhood hang out there, The new boy comes over occasionally and my other friend seems' unhappy about it. -I like them both about equally well. H. H.

As you aren't ready to single any one boy Out for particular attention, continue being friend Jy with- both. The pleasure of hav ing a recreation spot is. I arrj sure, enjoyed by the boys well as by othe.r'yoi^ng people of your Jt's 'fie bes.t way fpr you to be'epme thoroughly acquain ted with in time you'll make a choice, jf Dear JVliss.Dix: I am a single professional Woman in my fprties and have been gojng with mar fcjr abput three years, He spends his time at my apart ment, taking his, meals here; anc he also gets his laundry done. He is separated from his wife. He say he still loves her and that I am just a friend, though at the begin ning of 'our relationship he promis ed 19 divorce his wife and marry me.

have givpn, up my friends family and church, Wha Many, ladies 'Seem, to that iberace was. 'the year. television, but. bur; till more often during 1954 -than, we did hyone just. asL the ear uh.abi.,e;eyen)tQ have sen, et.

just lip. 1 i now Np, hard to make up outstanding animal caw-yingran pf ie first TV ly and -Native of- the reatest thoroughbred ra per re ired nthood at a fee of ngagement. tcf the; point jwhere, people were sus mistrustet religipus" leaders cpn -officials Those "are' the', very foundations pur, democracy." iFiilbright' said a school superin admitted, to him because general al "teachers ojt his staf discuss Com Jin' a vyWiile', an Arrerica: Legion 'official 1 be invited discuss-the Devils' of the teacher not-, give any in stjruction on Uwhdt Communism, is how it pperates- and the' evils -produces. were -afraid lest they find themselves accuse of Vt.eaching Communism and bein, called before an investigtaing com He aid he had also talked wit: leaders found then and: confused. 1, realized" what was hap penirig, 'said, determined go -through-- this censur i Fulbrisaid he realized was'v fpfjtunate because 'the peo back of the "press 1 state a lea sfc an on break inte rny.side^of- the knew, my 'constituent accuse -me of being he raid, Fulbright: said -he feels -fear an ha the com try's foreign affairs Free 34 Years, Glad tp Be Caught COLUMBUS, (UP) r- A 57- year-old taxicab driver, who cs from Oklahoma jail where he was being held for killing 'a man and ithen kept one step ahead of the law for 34 years of uneasy "reedom, said today he was "glad was pver." Greying, bespectacIes-Leon Sam Mohrlock surrendered to sheriff's deputies (Monday, He has escaped 'rom the Stephens County Jail at Duncan, in 1920.

Mohrlpck, who drove a -cab here for 20 years under the, 3ill Freeman, said he had been sentenced to 12 years for slaying a restaurant operator, in. an oil, boom town on.Opt. 16, 1020. The shooting developed dur ing a. a gun and a BARBARA SCOTT Leo has eight chU An amateur uraniumj cluh'is no East, cpmposed; (' FORCED TO DRINK VANCOUVER, (UP) A Vancouver lad "got some Chistmap checjr he wasn't bargaining for dying the weekend." Police reported an unidentified drunk grabbed George 'Saci riders hrcw him to the ground, and poured a bottle of liquor down- his hroat.

The teenager takenv'Jb' hps- pital to' have his stoihaclv feump-' ed. Koleit Steam Ti Restores lustr stoihaclv fe r'f i For instance; he said, 'govern- officials, in Asia were, afraid .0 show any imagination in'Vijrec- mending ways" to "deal Communist threat. ful he said that they a'c- cused of being'soft on cabled a security risk," summoned, beforev to 4 plain. Baby's Colds i Relieve Suffering Fast-Effectively with. WICKS VyxPoRuli NOTICE 1 I have moved Office 1 Second Street location at DR.

SAM 514 S. ELM STREET 1 rffi bill owed Uie man fpr 'meals, Mohrjock sa4d his caught with him a jealous relative spotted him at his fathpr's fu-' neraJ jn Chelsea, recently and notified police. gANTA BR1N08 TWINS LOS ANGBLBS' Die being no poker perhaps, figureci coi'ld dp cr, Christmas what the itork had done on Thanksgiving years' ago. So Mr, and Mrs. on now have'their spcond' set pf twin boys.

The eldest sons -are Clebert Jr. -and Gilbert born on Thanksgiving rj ay ANNOUNCING; THE ASSOCIATION 'OF GEORGE FRAZIER WITH ROY ANDERSON CO, INSURANCE AGENTS 210 SOUTH MAIN' We are happy to announce that Geor00 Frqtfer be connected with us, effective January We invite you to come in and'visit him qt He will be happy 'to help you with your insurance problerns. ROY ANDERSON V9W.

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