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The Daily Milwaukee News from Milwaukee, Wisconsin • Page 3

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BY STEAM attended to a lownhtet. Eaconater with two Wildcats, Mr. R. D. Simmons called at oar office Saturday last for the purpose of showing us a remarkable specimen of a wild animal which he had shot and captured a few since, while on a hunting excursion below this city, about thirty miles, near Hercnlaneum.

It was of the panther species, and measured ia body two and a half feet long, and about twenty inches high. It had a short stump tail, six inches in length, black and white spotted ears, grayish hair and large limbs, to which were attached Jong claws, of wonderful polish and sharpness. The details of! the capture of this ferocious naUveof the forest are thus related by Mr.Simjnons: He was armed with a double-barreled shot- of the barrels of which was Not dreaming for an instant of meeting such formidable game, he was sauntering leisurely along the autumn woods, depending upon a brace of hounds to arouse any game that might be in reach. Suddenly the deep bay of one of the broke the silence of the forest, and soon was joined by the answering voice of the other. Mr.

Simmons quickened his steps in the direction of the sounds, expecting to find a coon, 'poHsum, or squirrel, the object of his dogs' alarm. As he came in sight, and glanced upward, he observed at a height of about forty feet from the ground, lying along a limb of an oak tree, an animal which he at first supposed was a domestic cat. He stood, doubtingly, watching its movements for a short period, and then concluded to try the effect of a load of shot in its body, at all Simultaneously with the report of the gun, which reverberated far and wide through the wood, down tumbled the game, which no sooner had struck the ground, than both hounds attacked it with great The charge of shot had lodged in its side, and ita fall had also broken its back, yet its natural strength and ferocity were so great, that in a moment or two both dogs quit the contest and came cowardly and crouchmgly to their master's feet. Mr, Simmons, while the fight was raging, had been his gun, and when ready, fired another charge into the animal's body, which proved a death shot. He now went forward, and was surprised to behold the size and character of the animal that lay dead at his feet.

As he was reloading, and while his dogs were taking fresh courage and smelling around their once powerful enemy, he was startled by a crash in the leaves and dry brush in front of him, and looking up, beheldat the distance of about thirty feet, another animal which be at once thought to be the mate of tie female he had killed. It was crouching as if ready to make a spring, while its tail was lashing the ground behind, its hair erect, and its back and eyes flashing with rage. The situation: of Mr. 8. was very He knew his dogs were worthless against such a foe, and he felt certain that a charge from his shot-gun, instead of relieving him of his enemy, would but aggravate its wrath, and render the contest one of still greater desperation and danger.

Excepting the putting on of a cap, his gun was loaded. As he lifted up the butt of the piece to do this, the animal made a huge bound, and alighted within fifteen feet of where he stood. The dogs had fled. At this moment Mr. S.

remembered the popular belief; that the only way to conquer a ferocious beast was to look it full in the eye, and accordingly returned the fixed gaze of his enemy with all the resolution he could command. He then slowly stooped down, and seizing the dead wild cat by one of its legs, began a slow and deliberate retreat, not quitting for an instant his gaze, and depending solely upon his feet to guide him to ward an open field which lay at a short distance, next to the wood. The male wild cat followed, inch by inch, maintaining, however, a respectful distance, and awed, it seemed, by the superior look of Mr. B. The skirt of the wood reached, the animal pursued no further, and the hunter took his way with a brisker step and a lighter heart for home.

We suggest a grand hunt for this remaining wildcat of the Missouri woods. Can't we have something after the fashion of the old German -boar St Louis Democrat, Dee. 3. THE Star Insurance Oomp'y OP OUIKEHabkJicwiii To Oct. 1st, ittVftotmJaa.

1st, IMS. Zb Oa ConptnOer tf Ou Statt of Connecticut: Stock, 00 01, SO.J8J 69 ASSETS: Caah on hand, OS Of which in Bank Deposite, $18,446 W. Caah in transmission and ia hands of agents, 21,79506 Bills receivable for Navigation Premiumi, 22,624 60 Bonds aad Mortgages, first lien recorded, 185,000 00 $200,282 88 Br tke oFFJOS, PBasix BVHDiiro. UTOBTJUI MILWACTM DAILY mm. Premium Notes, 68 20 241 50 LIABILITIES: Losses Adjusted, dne and unpaid, none.

Incurred aad in process of Adjustment, Reported, no action had, a Claimed aad resisted, Reinsurance, betides some small expense items, Loss since last report $14,254 $200,282 6B sive of above, INCOME: $927 54 5,002 17 1,150 00 700 00 7,779 71 Premiumi received since Jan. 1st, 1855, $88,894 01 Interest Money received, 168 64 Interests of this Company principally fall dne 31st (not computed.) $89,062 65 EXPENDITDRES: Losses paid which accrued prior to Dec. 31,1854, $9,149 88 Of which $3.149 88, were included in the estimate of $4,200, then made, also $6,000 on a cargo, loss not then known, and time of loss unknown. Losses paid which accrued subsequent to December 31,1854, 14,25463 Dividends paid, none. and fees to Agents and Officers, 10,244 52 Reinsurance all other payments, 8,680 07 $42,329 10 J.

G. HOPKINS, frei't. Signed H. G. FOOTE, STATE OF NEW ST.

LATBKSCE Cotrerr. James G. Hopkins, President, and Henry G. Foote, Secretary, of the STAR INSURANCE COMPANY, of Ogdensburgh, being duly sworn, depose and say, that they are respectively such officers, and that the foregoing statement by them signed, true to their best knowledge and belief. J.

G. HOPKINS. President. H. G.

FOOTK, Secretary. Subscribed and sworn before me at Oedcnsbnrgh, this 9th day of October, 1855. ELIJAH WHITE, Justice of the Peace. FIRE, MARINE AND INLAND IN SURANCE AGENCY, A Mercantile Fire and Marine Ins. Comp'y.

Corington, Ky. PATCH'S BLOCK, SCOTT STKKBT, Chartered Capital, DIKEOTOBS. M. Greenwood, Jno. T.

Martin. S. W. Haseltine, S. S.

Clark, Wm. B.French, J. M. Pickering, Cassias M. Clay, A.

B. Coleman, Geb. F. Davis, Geo. H.

Culvert; David Banning, Sam. B. Keys, W.H. Comstock, L. HoUister, C.

B. Camp, HartsellHainer, Wm. T. Phipps, D. J.

Fallis, Henry Von Phnl, Charles Hnbbell, E. B. Bartlett, Cyrus Welch, John M. Medary. KISOOKD.

1855. At the Port of Milwaukee, Dec. 12. Brig Empire State, Densmoro, Buddo. Globe, Gibbard, do Schr.

Gen-el Smith, Vance, Oewego. Prop Milwaukee, Huston, BnSalo.80 tonsmdzo. Scbr. W. H.

DcWitt, Ferdinand, Buffalo, 72m lum. Patton, Tweedy, Buffalo, 50 tons mdie. Purdy, lum. Lawrence, Scveland, Mnskegen. Wings of the Morning, Rnmage, Buffalo.

Brig Caroline, Green Bay. Prop. Michigan, Case, Chicago. Schr. Albany, Cooney, Two Rivers.


W. De Conrcy, Geo.T. Stedman, WM. T. PHILLIPS, President.


Chicago City Insurance Company, OF CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. CAPITAL, $150,000. OfFICE-SO. 1 MASONIC TEfflPIE, OPFOSITI POST OFFICE. DIRECTORS: Edmund Canfield, Isaac Cook, Turney S.

Gilbert, Henry Chapman, George Hnlme, Exchange Insurance Company, No. 11, merchant's Exchange, Phil. Capital. 8200,000 FIKE IKBTBXKCE, Perpetual or Limited, made in town or country, on every description of property. IXLIXD INBUEAKCK on Goods by Canals, Lakes and Land carriage to all parts of the Union.

MAKINE IXSUBANCB on vessels, cargo and freight. JNO. Mi E. P. HIKBS.

'Secretary. DIRECTORS. John P. WetheriU, James W. Riddle, James J.

Duncan. Jno. M. Pnmroy. Jacob H.

Lex, R. C.Hale, Office in Preusser's new brick building corner of Mason and East Water where the undersigned will attend promptly to the applications of all persons desiring policies in either of the above mentioned companies. oct20 A. BADE, Agent. RECEIPTS Br MIL.

A MISS. R.1R., DEC. 1300 bu -wheat; 250 bn barley; 30 bbls flour; 43 dead hogs; 124 bdls brooms. RECEIPTS BT MIL. A WAT.

B. DEC. 41 bags and 11 bbls flour; 213 bn Wheat; 6 oars hogs 94 sheep pelts; 66 green hides 28 dry do 1 empty keg. 1.45@1.50. (Spring) FLAX TIMOTHY CORN HIDES, SHEEP CASTORS! CASTORS! The largest Stock ever brought to Milwaukee.

CASTOB FRAMES AND CUT GLASS Bottles, embracing many patterns, just received direct from the manufactory, and for sale at low rate, at WILSON GO'S deeS New Crockery House, Wisconsin st. THE MUTUAL Life Insurance ComV Of New York, Accnmnlatbd Fond. Securely Inroted, and hel' in Trust for Policy $3,000,000, Issues Policies on Sound Lives, at Established Rates, on the Cash Premium System Only! The only Life Company that grants ACCUMUIATlfJS POLICIES Dividend of Net to Members EVERY FIVE YEARS! 'PHIS IS ONE OF THE OLDEST. SAFEST and most RELIABLE Life Companies in the Union. Having a larger ACCUMULATED FUND, it may very properly take the FIRST BANK, and claim, as it does, to be More Eminently National, in its character and operations, than any other similar institution chartered in the United States.

Explanatory had gratis, and Insurance effected promptlv, on application to CRAIrly Milwaukee, Wis. Resident Agent. 2 Furlong's Block, with J. S. Boise, GenT Ins.

Agent. CONGRESS. wWcrona, Dec. 12. fa the Senate this rooming Gen.

Cut moved to proceed to the election of Handing The committee on foreign is Slidell, Donglw, Clayton, Teller and Fiah. Committee on Hunter, ew" Jeney, and Wade. Fitspatrick, Johnson, Jorm of Pratt and Iveson. Committee on Bell of and Thompson of Ky. i Com.

on Naval Fiah, Thompson of N. Bell of Slidell. Com. on Public Johnson, Foote, Clayton, Pngh. Mallory.

Com. on Biggs, Thompson of Porter, Wilson. Committee on Indian Rusk, Toombs, Brown, Reid and Bell, of Tenn. Committee on Fessenden. Greyer, Iveson, Tulee, and Wade.

Committee on Revolutionary mons, Reed, Hale, Foster, Durkee. on Toucey, Bayard, Greyer, Toombs, and Pngh. Com. on Post Offices and Post Collamer, Adams, Hamlin, Jones of Tulee. Com.

on Roads and Bell of Briggs, Durkee, Jones of Wright. Com. on of Iowa, Clay, Thompson of N. Seward, and Somner. Committee on District of Allen, Mason, Pratt and Reed.

Com. en Evans, Stuart, Brown, Thompson of Committee on Contingent Expenses, Evans, Wright and Foote. Com. on Fitzpatrick, Fish, Biggs and Crittendcn. Com.

on Jones of Iowa, Collamer, Bell, Sebastian, Biggs. Com. on Public James, Hunter, Thompson of N. Pratt, Hale. Com.

on Engrossed Bills, Fitzpatrick, Collamer, Wade. Com. on Library, Pierce, Cass, Bayard. Com. on Enrolled Bills, James, of Iowa, Snmner.

In the House the'contest on Speaker is renewed. 46th, 106; Richardson 74; Fuller 33; scattering 11. LATER. WASHEJQTOS, Dec. 12.

Toucey, Pearce, Brodhead, Stnart, Critlenden. Com. on Dodge, Stuart, Seward, Clay, Benjamin. ballot same as before. 48th 105, Richardson 74, Fuller 32, scattering 13.

49th 105, Richardson 75, Fuller 33, scattering 11. FROM KANSAS. CHICAGO, Dec. 12. The Chicago Tribune has received late intelligence from Kansas, through Mr.

Parsons of Barnstable, who left Lawrence, the headquarters of the free state men, Dec. 3d. That day, 700 men were under arms at 318 Missourians, at Wakausa Creek, seven miles off, were encamped, and had rifles, double bar- reled guns, and two cannon. Mr. Parsons met one company of 110 Missourians, just over the river, Dec.

4th, with arms, seven baggage wagons, and army stores. In the State of Missouri, he encountered a squad of 75 more, Dec. Gib, with 3 brass artillery pieces, which they had obtained by breaking open the arsenal in Clay county. The latter were drinking, violent men, wbo swore that Lawrence should be burned, and the damned abolitionists They seemed burning with rage, and thirsty for blood. Mr.

Parsons says the stories of houses being burned by the-free state men, and other violence committed by them, were all false. DEPARTURE OF MISSIONARIES. BOSTOS, Dec. 12. The following missionaries sailed to-day in the barquqSultana, for Mallaland Smyrna, Rev.

Daniel Blias and wife, of Geneva, Geo. A. Pollard and wife, of Salem, Henry H. Joseph, of Montrose, Tilghman C. Trowbridge, of Birmingham, Miss Sarah S.

West, of Palmyra, N. and Miss Mary Fenny, of Hartford, Conn. They all go out under the auspices of the American Board of Foreign Missions. MISCELLANEOUS. Iflwankeiiand WaUrtown 8.

B. Compiay. NOTICE. THE ASNU-dL MEETING OF TEE STOCK- holders of the Milwaukee and Watertown Railroad Company, far tht election of Thirteen Directors thereof for the ensuing year, will be held the Company's office, in Milwaukee, on the second of January next, 1855. The Follf will be opened at ten o'clock, a.

and closed at four o'clock, p. of that day. HATHAWAY, Secretary. Milwaukee, Dee. 7.1856.

Lake Shore Railroad Line, MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. Cleveland Toledo, Cleveland 4 Erie and Buffalo Erie Railroads, connecting with all Eastern aad southern Lines, and forming the most desirable rotrte to Toledo, Sandnsky, Clyde, Monroeville, Cleveland, Albany, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Wheeling, Cincinnati, Ac. On anoafter- Monday, Nor. 19, 1855, the trains will arrive and depart as follows Four Daily Trains East from Chicago: LEAVE CHICAGO U.S.Mail, 5.1S a. Day Express, 7.15 a.

Through Express, 3.15 Night Express, 8.55 p. m. KEACH TOLEDO S. Mail 4.15 p. Day Express, 4.30 p.

Through Express, 2 a. Night Express, 8 a. m. LEAVE P. 4.50 P.

M.22.0 A. 9.50 A. M. KEACH Express, 9.05 p.m.; Through Express, 7.20 A. Night Express 2.45 P.M.

BEACH Express, 3.45 a. Chicago Express, 2.30 p. Night Express, 8.25 p. m. REACH Express, 5.20 a.

m.j Chicago Express, 4.10 p. Night Express, 9.50 p.m. E. B. PHILLIPS.


LEWIS BLAKE, AS RECEIVED A FULL AND ELEGANT assortment of Fail acini FANCY Embroideries, AND GOODS Laces, Gloves, HOSIERY. The greatest variety of New Drtu fe Cloak Trimmings, Bottom, ie. ever bsought to this city. This stock of Goods has been selected with the greatest care from the last importations. Milliners will be supplied with every article for making and trimming: Bonnets at the lowest remunerating pri- BLAKE.

oes. octal MILWAUKEE GAS Steam Pipe Tilting Company- No. 291 East Water Street, (opposite Market House.) rpHE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY INFORM THE JL public of Milwaukee, that they havo established a (tas Steam Pipe Fitting Shop, under the firm of RHiSNDE A CO. are fully prepared to fit up Churches Dwellings, Stores, Ac. We also keep a good assortment of Chandeliers, Pendants, Brackets on hand, from Cornelius Baker A Philadelphia, which are the best fixtures in the We hope to merit the support of our fellow by a prompt and careful attention to onr business, and at the lowest price.

Alterations made on the shortest A. RHENDE, H. SEUFTLEBUN, ct23 WM. SCHMIDT. MEDICINES, MEDICINES.

GLEFE.NBEKG MEDICINES. Graefenbeig Manual of Health. RJEFENBERG VEGETABLE Reliable Family Medicine, especially for Diseases. Gnefenberg Health Bitters, taken in connection with the Pills, will cure Chill Fevers, Fever and Ague, Loss of Appetite, Ac. Green Mountain Ointment is a positive cure for Burns, Scalds, Frozen Limbs and all Inflammations; if applied immediately it will prevent a blister or scar.

Gnefenberg Eye Lotion A better remedy fo Sore Eyes can not be found. Gnefenberg Children's Worms and for of Children while Teething, this medicine has no superior. It will restore feeble Children to sound health. Gnefenberg Sarsaparilla Compound, for Biles and Diseases of the Skin, is a positive cure. is an excellent medicine for spring season.

Gnefenberg Pile Ointment, Consumptive Balm and Dysentery Syrup, are daily used with perfect success. Gnefenberg Uterine of Feeble Women have found relief by the use of this medicine when all others failed. (Inquire for The Gnofenberg Manual of book of nearly 300 pages, for twenty-five cents, should be in every family. The money will in all cases be re funded if desired by the purchaser after reading the book. For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, by P.

C. HALE, mb.29 25 Wisconsin st. JEWELRY, MUSIC, NEW JEWELRY STORE. LOO MIS HOES, 801 East Water Martin's Block, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. WHOUSAU AOT BtTAIL DCAUEBS DC Watches, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, AND INVITE THE SPECIAL ATTENTION IT of the public to our extensive assortment of Goods in the above line.

OCB AIM ia to sell, Mi.UBT.1 GOODS at the lowest cash price, and ALL Goods WAJBUHTSD AS HBHUSKCTXD. Persons desirous of presenting Holiday Gifts to their friends will nnd.ehoiee Gcods to select from, among which are the following: fine Chronometers, ehronomeUeally adjusted, perfect time keep- tn; Gold and Silver cased English Patent and Skeleton Levers, iome fimly sidjusted fo way Time Magic Cased Flench and Swiss Anchor Levers; Duplex and Cylinder Escapement Ladies fine Gold Hunting and Locket cased Watches, Ac. Setts of Jewelry in Diamond Florentine Mosaic Cases; Lara, Gold Stone, and Gold Work; Ear Drops." Lockets, Neek, Chatelaine; Guard, Fob, Vest ind attach Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, Bracelets, Slides, Clasps, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, Pena and Pencils; Chains, Tooth rleks, Medalions. Diamond, Ruby, Opal, Emerald, Garnet Pearl and fine Gold Finger Rings, Spectacles and Thimbles. SILVER Setts, Sugar Sifters, Goblets, Soap and Gravy Ladles, Napkin Rings, Card Cases, Tobacco Boxes, Table, Desert and Pickled Forks, Butter, Tea, Fruit, Fish and Pie Knives, Table, Desert, Tea, Cream, Sugar, Mustard and Salt "poons, Spectacles and Thimbles.

PLATED Cake and Card Bask- eti; Tea Setts, Sugar Bowls, Candle-sticks, Snuffers and Trajs, Servers, Coffee Urns, Butter Sgg Stands, Toast Backs, Cups, Knives, Forks, Spoons, Boqnet Holders, Salt Cellars, Ac. FANCY Mache, Workstands, Dressing Cases, Work Boxes, Reticules, Watch and Jewelry Stands, Sewing and Wax Beads, fine Fans, Satchels, Port Monies, fine Card Oases, Compasses, Spy Glasses, Opera Glasses, Brushes, Scissors, Needles, Pins, Shell Combs, fine Perfumery and Extracts, Cake Boxes and Fancy En- irties. 'rench Repeating, in marble ind Bronze Cases; American Clocks, all patterns, 30 jonr and 8 day, with and without alarm. Also an American Clock, new construction, expressly for Banks, Churches, Halls, R. R.

Offices, winds once in a month, an accurate time keeper. MUSICAL iam's unsurpassed Melodeons fine Guitars, rare old Violins: Accordeoni, Flutinas, Flutes; beat Violin and Guitar Strings in market. Tuning Forks, Rosin, Violin Bows, Pegs, Bridges, Ac. Watch Makers Tools, Ac. Fine Watches of all kinds, Clocks, Jewelry, Music Boxes and Accordeons repaired in the best possible manner, or any part made new if required, and WABB ANTED.

ENGRAVING beautifully executed. Orders promptly attended to. 201 East Water -street. Come and see. L.

L. LOOMIS. J.H. HOES. dec? C.

WALL'S ADVERTS. CITY AUCTION ROOM REAT SALE OFDRT GOODS, SOME DAM- VJT and some in good order from Propeller Illinois, etc, On Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, Deo. 13th, I will sell for benefit of underwriters, the following goods: Red Tick, 4 Canton Flannel, HI A1GK, Bro. Sheeting, 5 Linen, Bleached Shirt'g20 Blanket Yellow Flannel, 20 black cashmere do Red White Linsey, Satinetts, Broadcloths, Cassimeres, DeLaine. DeLaine.

i StripedShirting, 24 Hone Blankets, 20 5 pkgs Merino, 5 20 Plad do. 20 ps Gingham, 5 Kentucky Jeans, 50 Ribbons, 3 Spotted Flannel, 1 lot black Mitts, Dress Goods, 1 Spool Cotton, Hooks and Eyes, pe Dimity, Curtain Goods, Paramatos, kegs Nails, 2: Coating, Terms of sale, cash. It the best lot of sold at Auction this fall. CALEB WALL, Auctioneer. AUCTION ROOM npHERE IS NOW OPEN AT MY STORE large and well selected stock of Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, and fancy articles amounting about twenty thousand dollars.

Tho owner of the said stock intends to remain here eight or ten days and will give our citizens an opportunity of purchasing articles in his Those who want to purchiue articles for Christmas gifts can find great bargains, and furthermore lam authorized to say to all, by the owner of said goods, any article that ha warrants as gold or silver, and it does not prove so, to return the article and the money will be refunded. The stock will be sold at private sale during the day, and at public auction in evening at 7 o'clock. decll CALEB WALL. CITY LAND OFFICE. I HAVE A GOOD DWELLING HOUSE AND Lot I will sell at a great bargain, on Milwaukee street, between Mason and Wisconsin streets.

Terms easy. CALEB WALL, 170UR BRICK TENEMENTS with a lot T5 feet front on th'e Plank 5th ward, will be sold at a great bargain. nov21 CALEB WALL. HARDWARE, NEW Jewelry Store! Corner of Weit Water and Spring Sirtett, American rHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD RESPECT- fully call the attention of the public to 1 above, and is now opening one of the most desirable stocks of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Plated and Silver Ware, ever offered in this market. His goods arc ALL NEW, having been purchased within the present month, and for CASH, which, together with the fact that he intends to keep but few clerks, and attend to the business himself, will enable him to sell at mnch better rates than were ever before offered in this city.

He will keepconstantiy on hand a good assortment of Silver Table and Tea Spoons, Forks, d-c. warranted as good as coin. Particular attention will be paid to RK- PAIB1KO Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, and none but experienced workmen will he employed. experience in the busincs-, and arrangements with importers and manufacturers induce him to believe that he can snit all who faror him with a call. REfMBim THE West Water and Spring Milwarkce.

decs HENRY BOSWORTH. HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE BEEN APPOES'T- cd Special Agents for Milwaukee and Wisconsin, for the sale of Buffalo Stoves, From the celebrated manufactory of JEWETT A ROOT. Tho stoves have been pronounced, by all who have used them, to be superior to any make in the country. They combine several very important qualities: Superior quality of Metal used; Beautiful and Ornamental Designs; well adapted to Economical and Saving People, and the Gem of all Good House-keepers; Heavy Plates and Good Drafts. Wo have the HARVEST HOME, MAY QUEEN, NEW EAGLE, WESTERN STAR, CLIPPER AND EXPRESS.

Beautiful COTTAGE PARLOR SELF REGULATING SHEET-IRON STOVES. Also, Coal stoves, Box stoves, and Stoio Hotel Stoves, ABLE TO COOK FOR 100 PEOPLE. Wo have the most convenient, airy, and pleasant sample room of any store in the city, and wo hope onr friends will show a substantial appreciation of the value and benefit to Milwaukee, of NAZRO'S BUILDING. Our Good Goods, low Prices and quick Sales. sepli D.


Fancy Lake Farm for Sale. rpRE buBSCKibEK BE1SU ABOUT TO HE- turn to Scotland, offen for sale fine FARM and desirable village property, situated at Delaneld, Wankooha County, 25 miles from Milwaukee, The farm immediately adjoining the village, and les very handsome, sloping down nearly to Wag- iaiuicka Lake, a view- of which may be obtained from almost any part of ft. There are 210 acres uf land, about 40 of which are under improvement and in crops. It is well fenced, and baa a good spring of living water. The balance of the land ia with a sufficiency uf water and limber for common uses.

The soil is very rich, and indeed, take ibis body of land together and it cannot be surpassed in the State for rais- gwhea'. There are two good Dwelling Houses, one of which overlooks the Lake and a good barn. The village of Uelafield ia unsurpassed in the State for beauty of situation, and iu location, and piopinquity to Milwaukee, itdesira- ble as a place of residence. There are2 grijt ics sflops, Ao. Episcopal Church, and 2 good schools.

It distant 2.. miles from Pine Lake Station on the Mil. A Watertown Kailioad, and il. A W. Plank Road; IK miles from Nashotah Theological Semr- nary, in the Leautiful and fertile town of Summit, and 11 miles from Waukesha, the County icat.

My village property consists of loU on Milwaukee with acommodious Dwelling Home and Barn. There is a good well and cistern; also a brick henhouse and corn-bin, with a pleasant garden. One lot on Genessce street, with a convenient, store about 50 by 32 location for business. Five lots 120 by 06 each, with a good Dwelling- houie and garden and fruit trees, on Main One lot 120 by 86 fuel, and comfortable dwelling, on Main street. D.

E. CLAPPERTON, on the premises D. G. POWER, Milwaukee. MEDICINES Let us Reason Togethe- ty-'v 3-S GROCERIES.

Elegant Pining Service, AND TEA SETTS. ALSOwHITE GRANITE and Frenchised Ware of all WILSON 4 CO. oetS 2S Wisconsin st. LAKIGO'S and Mercantile No. 4b Wtitcoauti Milwaukee, Was.

HE PRttOlPAL BESPECTFULLY JS- forms the tenhu, tint hi, gehool is again open fatth.j^ttoi.riehou,,. meneed, Monday, Oct. 1866. The Winter Term 1868. This a active operation, ii improved, has attpl.

tion for students of both MXM who a complete Ejmum tad Omruwnm. Keeping, WritiM Cigars! Cigars! L. J. HOBART, NO. 289, EAST WATER STREET, SIDE, KZABI.T OPPOSTE TSI WAUEIB HOtTRE, Ti ESPECTFPLLY announces to the public that he has just openid a now and splendid assortment of imported and domestic CIGARS AND TOBACCO, at theabove named stand, which he offen at wholesale and retail.

Among nil stock may be found the following choice brands: El Comerciante Sultana Londres, Leopoldina operas, La Hondo, La Nicotina, El Cesar, and many other kinds not enumerated. He has also of the choicest brands of Tobacco ever offered in this or any other market; consisting in part of Anderson solace Tobacco, Thomas Hoyt's Diadem, and Cyras Athens A Go's Aromatic, with many other brands not enumerated. He invites all lovers of good and snderior Cigars and Tobacco to give him a call and teet the troth of what he says. L.J.HOBABT, norU JJT east Wkter Street. Confectionery and AT Toy Shop.

anthonmcUyaad loo. Geasi xnowudes DoroiB ia two er three weeks. Be has opened his EVENING SCHOOL, Stfaaan, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY- Herschede Schendt. No. laijCor.

Eaat Water waBphirmi Stt. HAVE NOWOOMPLSTBLY furnished, with to our trade. Onr confectionery has had the TBTV best repuUtion, which we will try tokeepforallfBtnre; and so we wm will try ommeadthemtoball-fciTeriand hotel keepers, for of Om stock of ton has ealeetedatHew York, by Mr. SohendthiniaeU, care, and cennot he beaten by any iiMnwankee, in regard to "OB. oar buflding we hare gained and intend to OM the first ito- INQUEST.

BOSTOH, Dec. 12. The inquest on the body of Wm. Sumner resulted in finding his death occasioned bj injuries received at the hands'of Frank Dalton and Edward C. Coburn, at the residence of the latter, in Shawmut Avenue, on the 17th of November last The accused have been committed on charge of murder.

The fatal result, and attending circnmstsmces create mnch excitement throughout the city. ESCAPE OF McCREA. ST. Louis, Dec. 12.

A letter in- the Missouri Democrat, dated Leavenworth, Kansas, 1st says: McCrea escaped from prison by catting ont the lock in the door. He was seen same day at Lawrence, and sent word to. the Territorial Marshal that he would appear at Tecnmseh on the dsy of trial. THE KANSAS WAR. ST.

Louis, Dec. 12. Lawrence people state that Sheriff Jones never produced a warrant either at the'tima of arrest of prisoner, (Branson) or at any; time subsequently. SAILING OF STEAMER. You, Dec.

19. The Steamship Atlantic sailed for Liverpool at aoon to-day, with 81 passengers and $46,000 in specie. Stocks are lower and closed heavy. ELECTION OF A UNITED STATES SENATOR JOB VIRGINIA. RICHMOND, Dec.

8. The Hon. James M. Mason was re-elected United States Senator to-day, for George by majority on jointVote. New York Market.

Nrw bbls at for State. for Wisconsin extra Gen- ewee. Canadian armor; safes 8000 bbli bn sold at red Chicago; $2 for red winUr do. ha sold at store and BARRY KENNA Wholesale Grocers COMMISSION MBRCHANTa NO. 85 EAST WATER STREET, MILWAUKEE.

AVE CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL stock ef goods adapted to the western trade, which are offered on favorable terms. Country merchants are particularly invited tofa- call when purchasing goods in this seps dtf vorus with market. Public Notice. AVING PURCHASED THE STOCK AND good will of the Grocery and Provision Store, No. 208 East Water street, formerly occupied by Abraham Corl, I am on hand and realy to supply the wants of the good people of Milwaukee in my line of business, and hope by active and honest endeavors to merit a fair share of public patronage.

To all wbo may favor me with a call for articles in this line of business will do the thing that is right, Call and try me. ootlfl CHARLES A. CLABK. JAMES HARSHAW, FAMILY GROCER, NO. 233 EAST WATER STREET, Milwaukee, Wis.

nnHE SUBSCRIBER HAS LATELY OPENED A J. fresh lot of Groceries at theabove stand, where he invites his friends to call and buy a little cheaper and better article than anywhere else. Copartnership, Notice. HE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WATCH and Jewelry establishment; 225 East Water hitherto carried on by NATHAN in future be conducted by himself and father, under the firm S. COHEN 4 SON.

We take this opportunity of announcing the receipt of an extensive stock of fine GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, and a most superb assortment of Elegant Gold Jewelry! which we are now prepared to sell at such prices that will astonish thegood people of Milwaukee and the neighboring country. In fact wo assert, with confidence, that we can CHALLENGE COMPETITION i have likewise received some splendid Tea and Coffee Setts, of the most unique designs and jjaborate workmanship, which we offer THIRTY PER CENT CHEAPER! than any other house. We can supply wholesale buyers with goods AT MUCH LOWER RATES than any establishment this side of New York. In fact we mean to make a Complete Reyoljation in the general system of charging, by adopting the infilible system of SMALL PROFITS i QUICK RETURNS. Bear in mind the address, s.


233, East Water street. Colt's Revolvers. OLT'S KEVOLVERS, WITH A FULL AS- sortment of Pistols and Bowie Knives, for salo by HENRY J. NAZRO i Nazro's Building, aept28 121, 123,126, East Water st. Wheel Barrows A LARGE LOT of those celebrated Rail Road Wheel Barrows just received and for sale by novlfi HENRY J.

NAZRO 4 CO. BOILER 5 American Nov. 12th. IRON! TOSS ENGLISH BOILER IRON, fnr sale by H. J.

NAZRO A CO. TO CARPENTERS! HAVE JUST RECEIVED an assortment of Carpenter's Plows and Tools of all Squares, Chisels, Guages, an endless variety of all kinds, and our assortment larger, and the (ioods superior to any sold in this City. Please call and exnmine at Nov. 12th. H.


H. Newton at the old" stand of W. H. Byron A No. 133 EaSt Water street, SIGN OF THE ANVIL.

A LARGE LOT OF R. WHEELBARROWS just received and for sale by the Manufacturer's Agent. H. A. FOOTE, auglS 153, East Water Street.

HOLLQWAY'S PILLS. WHY AEE WE SICK IT has been the lot of the human race to be weighed down by dueaso and suffering. HOLLO- WAV'S PILLS arc specially adapted lo the relief ot thoWEAli, the JiEHVOUS, the DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, constitutions. Professor Holloway personally superintends the manufacture of hia medicines in the Uuitod States, and offers them to a free and enlightened people, aa tho best semedy tho world ever aaw for tho removal of disease. THESE PILLS PURIFY THli BLOOD.

These famous Pills aro expressly combined to operate OP tho stomach, tho liver, tho kidneys, tho lungs, the skin, and tho bowels, correcting any derangement in their functions, purifying tho blood, tho very fountain of life, and thus curing disease in all its forms. DYSPEPSIA ANT) LIVER COMPLAINTS. half the human race have taken these It has been proved in all parts of tho world, that nothing has been found to equal them ni cases ol' disorders of tho liver, dyspepsia, and stomach complaints generally. They soon giro a healthy tone to these organs, however much deranged, and when all other means havo failed. GKNERAL DEBILITY.

ILL HEALTH. Many of tho most despotic Governments hava opened their Custom Houses to the introduction of these Pills, that thoy may become the medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best renu dy ever known for persons of delicate health, or whero the system has been impaired, as its invigorating properties never fail to afford ro- liof. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No Female, young or olJ, should be without thin celebrated medicine.

It corrects and regulates tho monthly courses at all periods, acting in many cases like a charm. It is also the best and safest medicine that can be given to children of all ages, and for any complaint; consequently no family should be without t. Holloway'i are the Lest remedy known in the world for the following disecies: Ames' Shovels. LAIN AND GOOD supply, at H. A.

FOOTE'S, auglS 153, East Water st. Ui, Cooper's BARTON'S MANUFACTURE EVERY kind for sale by H. A. FOOTE, 153, East Water st. tCN SMITH-' A NVILS, VICES, BELLOWS, SLEDGES, at H.

A. FOOTE'S, anglS 153, East Water st. Teas. OME OF THE BEST BLACK AND GREEN Teas ever bronght to Milwaukee, comprising large Old Hyson, very superior Imperial Young Hyson, Oolong, Souchong, koe7 English Breakfast, from 3s 6d to per ft. jy31 i JAMES HARSHAW'S, 233, East Water st.

NICEST ARTICLE EVER bronght to this city, also some fine Salmon, at JASiHARSHAW'S, 233. East Water ASCBLMANN, OP i FORTES. WILLIAM PIANO Corner of Mason and East Water Sts. Opposite the Walker House, M1LWATOEE, -1 WISCONSIN. EsfPiuux tuned and repaired.

dec6-6m ra, 1855. E.L. BUTTON, PRODUCE, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Hilwankee WUcoutim. By FOB ZXEOEMBER: I Potnam, Household Words, H.Y. r' fi Currants.

Citron, Wholesdsaod apteoe, for sale ktads. Prunes, Raisins, Sardines, etc, at $10 4SCHENDT. delivered, western mixed. for state and mess; $18 for prlaw, BOO hf bbls (Jeer sold at Cattle Barker. Receipts to-day; 3,135 beeres; 1,235 sheep and twine.

Prices imprornd trifle for beeves; range freme for inferior to 13 for best. Good marlnt Jw tiey ml ind good pricti; -prims) corn fed WM. JMV BRIGHAM, IRODUCE AND GOMBISS10S MERGfliNT, WALKER'S FOIXT, 8. L. A R.

P. ELMOBE'S WAREHOUSE, American PASSENGER AGENCY. TAILOR'S SHEARS. RIMMERS, BANKER'S SHEARS, BARBER'? Scissors, and other goods, of Leonard Wendt' superior manufacture, constantly on band, at auglS II. A.

FOOTE, 153, East Water st. AMEUICAN STAR Aft rpHE BEST IN USE, AND ALL WARRANTED JL for sale by H. A. FOOTE, auglS Sign of the East Water st. rpHE SUBSCRIBER HAVING BEEN AP- poiaiarlfSBiof the Passenger House of Sabel AJCoftiS) of New-York and Liverpool, would nsMcffally inform the public, that he is prepared to bring out passengers from any part of England, Ireland or Germany, DIRECT TO MILWAUKEE, on as reasonable terms as any other Agency in the United States.

Passengers are brpught from Liverpool in the well known "WASHINGTON" LINE OF PACKETS, (sailing weekly,) and are of in Liverpool in the Emiganti House of Sabel Cortis, until the sailing of the ship, and are famished with provisions good quality while on board. Money remitted in sums of one pound aad upward to any place in the old country. For terms sad further particulars enquire of JAMES S. WHITE, At the office of J. B.

Cross, Wisconsin St. nov7-tf RELIANCE WORKS, DECKER SEVILLE FKOFKIITOK3, AVE ON HAND, AND ARECON- stantly Manufacturing to order, CASTINGS FOR SAW AND GRIST: MILLS, Columns, Caps and Sills, and Building Work generally. Blacksmithing and Machine Work done an short notice and in a satisfactory manner. Stationary Engines made on Short Notice. Our Stock of FRENCH BUBB BLOCKS, will al ways be found to be the largest west of New York City, comprising the latest importations.

Mill Furnishings, Dutch Anker Brands of Bolting Cloth, Soreenery, Screws, large snypl: to select from. They also manufacture and have for tale a superior lot of Qoking, Parlor and Box Stoves? which will be Warranted in all for any article in onr Lino will promptly attended to. A personal examination our establishment is solicited. DECKER It and Manufacturers of Goonwia' CKLEBBATXD Wins WHXXL, (east iron) an Plus's SKTT Mtcanna, which the Milling com nnnityare invited to ezemiae; undoubted refer- mces can be given for both. anglS Ajthma Bowel Complaints Coughs Colds Cheat Costivene9s Dyspepsia Influenza Inflammation Inward Weakness Liver Complaints Lowness oi" Spirits Diarrhoea Dropsy Debility Fever and Ague Female Complainu Headaches Indigestion Stono and Gravel Secondary Symptoms Venereal Affc-otionn Worms, of all kinJV Piles Sold at tho Manufactories of Professor Hoi- OWAY.80 Maiden Lane, New-York, and 244 Strand, ondon, and by all respectable Druggists and Deal- rs of Medicines throughout the United States, he civilized world, ill boxes, at 25 cents, cents, nd $1 each.

13?" There is a considerable saving by taking the orjter sizes. N.B. Directions for the in very disorder aro affixed to each Box. REAL ESTATE. TOWN.

NfcAJt HAVE SOilE CHOICE LOTS, OF FROM one to ten Acres, about thrco miles from tha for salo cheap. Apply soon to GHEGOUY A WELD, oct23 219 E. Water upstairs. First Ward Lots. MA-LL ON US BEFORE YOU BUY.

WE HATti some fine locations in tho First Ward unsold, 1th and without improvements GRKUOUY WELD, oct23 219 E. Water up stairs. Farms for Sale, Trade, or to Let, on Shares. HAVE MANY THOUSAND ACHES OF FINE land situated injeventoen counties of this State which I am ready to sell for tra-'e for goods, or let on shares. JOHN GREGORY, aeco Kneelond'd Block.

7or this sale of (Train, Orau Setd, Port,, Seant, and dealer in Halt, Water Lime, PlMter, Stucco, Berea Grindstones. M. Cashier State Bank of B.A.Armstronf J. Whaling. Com.

mpany. petti GOTTA PEKCHA -BELTIHC. A LARGE QUANTITY JOF GUTTA FERCHA Belting of different breadths to- be sold cheap for cash, or exchanged for wild land is'any part of the State, by JOHN GREGORY. nov3 Kneeland's Block. NEW STORE OPEN! HANET DE BOW Are now prepared to do business in their new store, just completed, at their old stand, 1ST East Water Street.

We have now in store a full assortment of SHELF and HEAVY Lend and General Agency Office No. IT, BRUEN'S BLOCK. MADISON, WISCONSIN. 'T'HE SUBSCRIBER HAS ESTABLISHED, AT JL Madison, Wisconsin, a Land and General Agency; and all business entrusted to his care will be promptly attended to and faithfully transacted. He will attend to the payment of taxes upon lands situated in any part of the State.

Particular attention will be paid to pajmentof interest upon, School and University lands. Inionnation will be given in regard to the situation of School and othor, whether entered or not; if entered, by upon what terms they con be purchased. Lands in most of the Counties of the State on band and for sale. The subscriber will also take Lands for sale on Commission, and will dispose of them on tbe most advantageous terms. Lands for bought and sold, and Land Warrants bought, sold, or located.

Loans will bo negotiated on real estate, and collections made in any part of the State. The subscriber, from his actual knowledge his large acquaintance- in, most parts of the State, deeuu himself jujtifieil in saying that he possesses great facilities for transacting all business in his line, which may be entrusted to bis care. JAMES F. FRABY. REFERENCES.

Hon. William A. Barstow, Madurn, Wisconsin. Messrs. Delaplaine A Bnrdick, Madison Wisconsin.

Hon. George H. Walker, Milwaukee, Wis. D. G.

Power, Esq. C. R. Alton, Messrs. Hunt It Wiggins, Chicago, Illinois.

Hon. D. C. Littlejohu, Oswego, New Messrs. Charles 1 Kane It New York City.

Madison, Sept. 28. iept29-tf E. Moon, Hatt CHEAP LANDS. HAVE FOR SALS SEVERAL THOUSAND JL acres of first quality of land situated ia seven tow counties of this State.

This land will be sold cheap for oath, or exchanged fcr eto property. JOHN GREGORY. IBOH. STEEL, NAUS, STOVES. which we will soil at the Lowest Market Price.

We shall continue to do basinets, as usual, at 42 East Water street. AND OLD ROPE, AT the HUXBOLDT PATSB MILL. Office No. 243 ast Water Street "1st door north of Postomee. analStf 200 DOZ.

VERMONT HALF HOSE, at J. ROC TOY'S Cheap Fanning HAVfe THE SALE SOME OF THE best Farming Lands in the State. We are for the parties who have entered these lands, and known them to be of superior quality and In choice locations. GREGORY A WELD, oot23 219 E. Water up House to Let A SMALL HOUSE for Rent.

decT WELD, 219Eart Water street, up stain..

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