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The Daily Milwaukee News from Milwaukee, Wisconsin • Page 2

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

For late third page. Whatever may be the result of the election in this State, (and there is now noiflonbt that i i is, in a large degiw, auspicious to the democra- it must be obvious lo every iiitelligent ob that'the democratic party, however "Jrtfong in its cause, has no tfiuctiva organization. In the contest through which we have justrpassed, our opponents have, iin many lo calities, had a groat advantage over us, in tbif respect. Tht ir organization hSs not only been more thorough, tiut vastly more ly reason of its Gammon! Never party tjike the field for an important contest, with a less "eflVctive orgfinizalian" than the republicans of Wisconsin in the recent yesterday. The democrats were paralyzed by broken organizations in "Milwaukee, Waukesha, Dane and Outagamie, to" say no'-hingofiother localities.

Possibly the divisions cf the democratic rcferredto qjay be all gatnmdn, but it is to such "gammon" that the fusionists will be indebted for whatever success they may have achieved in the late contest. Wei can 110' answer for the efficiency of the "rcpihlicau" organization. We know that party; carried the election one year ago, by a plurality of upwards of seven thousand; thai it carried tbe judicial election last pringby a commanding majority. We know that upon the prestige of! these victories it went into tbe late eltclion with a shout for ten thousand majority! The Sentinel doubts whether its party was properly organized in a single county in the Slate. So do we! We do not think the K.

N. organization a proper one, in a free country, and yet no one doubts that the fusionists have had the full benefit of its (secret efforts, oaths and appliances. And suppose the liquor interest did contribute lo the support of the democratic ticket, in order to save vast amount of property from ruin and confiscation? Did not, thu state council of its members, contribute to ihe support of the fusion ticket? liave not liqaor dealers and dram shops also contributed to the support Hjf fusion and its But let all this pass. We have said that the democratic party in this State no efficient organization. We repeat We say ought to have one, and will liavconc.

trust, worthy of a great patrioiic party, before it goes into another contest. "EliECTJO.V KE IOWA COCKTY. OUTAGAMIE COUNTY. table contains the litest re- Deceived at this tke timrW grin to press: BAKSTOW. "Brown, Calotnet, Clark, Crawford, Door, Donglajt Dunn, do Jrant, 177 824 Crosse, 456 La Pointc, 413 18 2878 ilonroc, )eonto, ISO 1315 ierce, Vtage, 99 ihawanav, ihcboygan, 250 it.

Croii, 30 'rempelan, 1783 Vanpaca, Those marked thus are official. 83 267 550 188 385 22 325 32 100 180 332 1672 468 967 812 100 230 553 Barstow Me Arthur Jones Kuuhn Smith Dennis Barry HcGarry L. Hanchett (R) Brunqucst (R) 551 270 Bashford Hastings liocM-r Kandall 542 539 McMynn Giddings SEXATE. 121 P. H.

Smith (D) ASSEMBLY. 153 Bosledo (D; McArfhur Jones Smith Kuchu Di'imis Barry ilcGarry JEFFERSON COUNT i'. Bashford SIlulc'S Hustings Randall McMyrni 1G-4 IGSiJ 171)0 1753 JG75 280 282 260 535 2C1 27G 277 GS4 648 1746 1657 1GG4 1C75 1654 1662 "Long Credits, Short Credits, and Cat-h." A Country merchant of "twenty-five years'- xperience," and engaged in business in one the interior towns in New York, seconds a movement by the Journal of Commerce in relation to an improved system ef credits. Evidently he strikes a vein of "common sense" to enable him to produce such solid though unfashionable ideas as characterize every Sentence of the following: Money, credits, and business must agree better than ten to forty per or some of us "necessarily" come (go) to a (soup) stand. It is useless to disguise the truth.

Our general ey-tem of "long credits" has driven business upon a sand bar, that "must shipwreck" large profits. We have two classes, the industrious and the idle. AH must cat, while every avenue but the road to positive production, is full to overflowing. Humbug is the order of the dny. It has become a commodity, a foundation to write and to lecture upon.

It is undermining our industry the punctuality aud integrity of our business and people. Defaulting is winked at, while failures at 50 per cent, are honorable, and many a "circum- ttance" is thus bettered, (if not the circumstances), the parties "soon" going on without a bush. Long credits "alwayt" embrace heavy risks corresponding customers and profits Their general conclusion is "oppreition" tolcf.ncy." Ke'Vnion. I condense the Philadel- eepl jr Interest- Courage and Religion of German NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. article from the Holidmysburgh Reyiiittr The synods of Hiiladelphia, the oldest ec- body of this kiDd'in the United metat this place on Tuesday evening the 17th inst.

The Kev. Alfred Nevis, of Lancaster, was Reverends ETD. Yeomans, of North umberhinj county, and Dale of Delaware County. Clerks. A large amount of routine business of Synod was done, such reviewing records of the Presbyterians, preparing narrative of the state of religion, considering complaints, an appeal and BO forth: Host of the time of the Synod was occupied br discussing questions relating to Lafayette College, at Easton, which is under the eare of this Synod.

The Synod by a vote all but unanimous approval of the doings o( the trustees. On Wednesday evening a meeting of thrilling interest was held, of a devotional and missionary character. Devotional- exercises were conducted under the direction of the Moderator, and interesting addresses were delivered by the Rev. A. P.

Happer, M. a mission iry to China, lately returned, and the Rev. P. Rodgers, D. of Philadelphia.

But the crowning glory and most absorbing jvent of the Synod, was the visit they received rom the Synod of Pittsburg, which convened on Thursday evening at Johnstown. A committee, of which Dr. Junkin of this place was chairmau, was appointed on Thursday to meke for an interview of the two Synods. It was first proposed to meet half-way on the top of the stalwart AUeganies but the convenience of transportation being in favor of a visit of the Western Synod to the Eastern, it was so arranged and at two o'clock on Friday the Synod of strong, arrived at our depot They were welcomed, in a brief but very handsome and appropriate speech by Dr. Juukin, and conducted by the committee to the first Presbyterian church, brining as they passed through our street a irocession more venerable and impressive than re had ever before witnessed in our place.

Arrived at the church, the Synod of Phila- lelphia was found in session, seated on the Ea-t ide of the church; the West tier of the pews in he middle block being reserved for the Synod of Pittaburg. The mother Synod rose to receive ler visitor, aud both remained standing until )r. Junkin introduced tho Synods, through acir respective moderators, each to the other, the Rev. Melancthon W. Jacobus, moderator of the Synod of Piltsburg to dr.

Kevin, the moderator of Philadelphia Syn- d. The latter welcomed the former and his in a very neat and appropriate address, i which he made some historical allusions, irilling to the hearts of Presbyterians. Dr. acobus replied in a very dignified, pertinent nd touching address, in which he spoke of the ynod of Pittsburg, as tbe daughter of the Synod of Virginia, and the grand-daughter of thu mother Synod of Philadelphia, aud said that fter having achieved a great work, began amid ie dense forests of the West, and ihe dangers frontier life, she had now sought the bosom 1 her grand-parent to receive a fond embrace, nd to interchange mutual congratulations in egard to the past, and to receive new pledgps regard to tie future. We can not afford space as we could wish, to ive even a faint outline of the addresses made pon this occasion.

The hymn, "Blest be the ie that binds," was sung; all the vast assera- ly joining in the touching melody of "ninetv- lird," and such singing, for sublimity aiid athos, we have rarely heard. Prayer was of- 1 1 Yf.ll -1 which is a rood table trait in j. Joachim Von Ziethin was one of, the I bravest of tie who atood by Frederick the Great, in.nctorjr or defeat. He the son of a poor gentleman, and had little education save what he could pick up in barracks, camps fieMsTj in all 'of which he figured early youth. If hU bead was not over-ballasted with learning, his-heart was well freighted with that love for God of which some portion, as tha dismissed lecturer on Ecclesiastical History in King's College tells us, is in almost every individual without exception, and forms the sheet- anchor which shall enable him to ride through the storms which keep him from his desired haven of rest.

He became the terror of the foes of Prussia; but among his comrades, he was known only- aa "good Father Ziethen." He was remarkable for his swiftness at once of resolve and execution, and in remembrance as well as illustration thereof, a sudden surprise is spoken of by ah astonished Prussian as 'falling on one like Xiethen from an "Now, old Ziethen, after tbe triumph achieved in the War, was always a welcome guest at the table of Frederick the Second. Eis place was ever by the Bide of the royal master whose cause he had more than once saved I SPECIAL NOTICES, i AMUSEMENTS ered by Dr. Mcllvaine, of tbe Synod of Pitts Junkin, of this place, and Mr. Bryan urg I by 1 Dr. Brief credits reduce customers, the risks ant Election.

We learn from a gentleman who arrived in the actualities" this city from Nebraska territory yesterday The cash system, or no credits, places the that B. B. CHAPMAN, democrat elected col I "O' on a firm foundation. Then every family pays its vay. It creates a value delegate to Congress from that territory over received transaction.

Jobbers are morally safe, H. P. BK.NXET. i-o long as their customers sell for cash while 'he system "guarantees" "punctuality" along the line. Productive agriculture requires a re- i ductinn of country credits down along to an exclusive cash system.

Credits and commerce go hand iu hand. The trade require and are entitled to credits, but all should be "bankable," or at least payable at bank, and where such are inapplicable, transactions should be striclly fur cash. Then the resources for Varieties. Captain Kyd will bu presented again tomorrow evening for the la-t tim? positively, as it must be; wr.lidr.iwn to make I'ootn for several others novel ties which are in active preparation and will ba prodact-d in rapid succession during Mr. Miller's cngagcroeiit.

The manager may proud in having secured ibe ser-. uuu lcvl of this excellent coiiK-diaa and we have to "lessenproduction for so long as "ered tend direct- no donbl it, yield to him a.larger profit than'any of the st.irs tvho have proceeded Mr. Jlillcr. Let every one crowd the Theater tomorrow evening lo see this beautiful nautical drama, ivcll acted and put on ihe stage for the last Poik-c Court. nrror.T: JUSTICE WAIAVOETH.

tou irns brought tip for beint; drunk and dis- i be "soundly" prosperous. "punctuality" would be reliable. In rural districts, "longcredits" ly to "lessen production for so will provide for the wants of a family, men idle away their time; but "pay your way" avoids a mortgage, improves the farm, and adds to fortune. So long as railroad bonds and millionaire wants are in the market at from find to four per cent, a month, risks "to deprett busincu" will be taken, and operations must run down until ire recover by "production," under ar, improved system of credit. Country merchants' "business" must pay paper promptly.

When wo reach orderly, pleaded and vas fined $1 and i roust be more orlos humbug. Short of it, there costs Lynch for a similar office was rf 0 6ha11 fined $3 and costs, and in-defau'lt of payment was sent lo prison for 10 days Jliram Hill for being drunk and disorderly was fined $1 aad costs Hugh Stcartnati $1 and costs and default of payment was sent for 5 days John Bichstcr for being drunk and creating a riot was fined $3 and costs which he paid and was discharged. i twn United States District Court, yesterday, in the yet in the trade, progress of the trial of Oilman vs- Viltharlitz, was a proceeding to break a tax title loa lot iu the Second intimated that the assessment of taxes iu that for the year falo," but one from which "ire eon all ttart fair but it is a hard road to travel. The "country" has yet to bear the weight of this disastrous revnlsion. "No is a great economizer.

It lessens wants, adds to industry, cultivates simple habits, and improves the household. It "ploughs deep, and hoes welU" That this movement may riieet "general favor," uniting a hearty co-operation -from the country, is the earnest desire of "twenty-five by "A Country Merchant" 184G was illegal and void, on the ground that the assessor, in making his affidavit, did not comply with the requirements of the law under which was His honor in the tame connection took occasion to remark, that the pnucredings of ihethen Common Council and the charter of 1S4G were pretty much alike. The charier, he saiid, was a budget of blunders from beginning Jto'end; every successive seclion cut the thread of its predecessor. Ho recommended it sent to Bar- nnm's as a curiosity. iudustrious man named James Finn died suddenly on Friday He earned 1m living by draying.

On Friday morning lie wont out in bis usual health, with liis nurse and dray. Between four and five o'clock he went to one of Ihe breweries for a load of Bwill. Oil the way home, we understand, he was found in East Water street, stretched on his dray and speechless. He WBS conveyed from there to a frit-lid's place in Jackson street, where hs died some time in the course of the night. He was a young man, and had been married but a month.

THE morning at about 8 o'clock it began to snow, and continued without intermission to fall in heavy fleecy flakes, until about 4 o'clock, whyn we thought it would tarn rain. About 5 o'clock breeie from the nprui-east the clouds began to clear away, and it looked as if "we were about to have change betterf There were bul few arrivals or clearances at our port we-suppose in consequence of the wea- flier. JACKSOS 4 LUXTOS are pushing matters to extremity Bud arc bent on ceiling off their stock of goods to everybody's They are clever fellows and belong to that-clast men which keeps moving. mdrertisetncnt, NEW TELEGRAPH telegraph lines between this city, Madison and Milwaukee, have recently been put in most excellent working order. The old wires have been thrown fthe Synod of New York.

Addresses eloquent nd touching were delivered by Drs. Lpyburn nd Rodgers of Philadelphia, and Woods and ampbell of Pittsburg, and Rev. Mr. Hill of lairsville. We noticed tears gushing not from the eyes of the ladies and the oung men of the Synod merely, but down iany a cheek furrowed by the finger of he past, the present, and the future came in iew, and it was a scene, take it altogether, jch as we never witnessed before, and can scarce hope to witness again.

After singing the 133d psalm, Dr. McLsin moved that a recess betaken, to give an opportunity for personal interviews and mutual recognitions and introductions and the more formal scene then closed, to be followed by one more intensely interesting still. The moment the vote passed, Ihe vast assembly of Ministers and Elders broke into confusion. Old friends who had not met for and college mates rushed together, clasping hands, and sometimes yielding to a warmer Tears of joy and memory bedewed many a cheek, and a season of free and delightful so ciality was enjoyed. It was recommended, by some one in a loud voice that to get clear of the trammel of tbe pews and aisles, they should repair to the church yard east of the church, which is carpeted with grfen sward.

Thither the ministers and elders with the congregation went, and after a time ef fraternal intercourse, introductions, Dr. Welt was called for, and almost pushed up the steps of the church, he gave a short but beautiful address, in which his wit and reminiscences of tfarlh and his anticipations of Heaven, won alternate smiles and tears from his delighted listeners. Dr. Junkin then lined out the twenty-third psalm of David, and then with uncovered heads the entire assembly, standing, joined in the solemn old tune of Coleshill. It was a solemu scene.

Most of those head were never have we looked upon au assemoly of worshippers, hymning the praise uf God, that struck us so impressively reverent and solemn. Thcpsalmdone, Dr. J. remarkei that "seldom, if ever, had the servants of worshipped in a temple more magnificent thai the one they then dome was hca ren'sown look at its majestic walls Tender sweep tbe towering Alleghanies, there 3rush mountain rears its stalwart sides, am vonder stretches the rock-ribbed bosom of Tus iy's these huge hills, pillars God's own rearing, complete the structure, now forgeous with the tints of Autumn in which we worship. Like the mountains that girdle Jerusalem brra a fitting temple for the worship of these wo synods.

But we hope," said he, "to meet one day in a temple still more gorgeous. In our Father's house are many mr blessed Master has gone to prepare a house or our eternal temple service, more magnificenl ban any which ever arose beneath tbe proudest genius of earthly architecture. Hoping to neet there (pointing above) let us once'more viu turu wn aside, and an entire new line has been contracted upon the line of the M. 4 M. Railroad.

The and poles are new and substantial, and the insulations are perfect. Tbe superintend, cnce is placed in the hands of Mr. John S. Draper, of Milwaukee, au operator of long ex- perirnce, and an excellent business Careful, experienced, and attentive operators have been employed in all the offices upon the line, and no expense nor pains will be spared in keeping it in order, and transacting business with care and despatch. Business men may rc'ly with perfect confidence upon having their commmiications forwarded promptly and correctly, and upon receiving speedy answers when JanaciUe Gazette.

CACTIOS TO CODSTET ROADS the U. S. District Court, now silting in this city, a suit brought by Mr. Mills, of Chicago, afrainst the of the tcwn of Altaian, Jt-fferson county, for damages sustained by reason of bad nadt, has decided a day or two since in favor of the plaintiff; tie jury giving him $3000 damages. It seems that in crossing a bridge over a swift and, tbe road way being out of repair, the plaintiff's wagon, afourhorsepedlar's wagon, upset; and the were thrown in the stream and pretty much ruined.

For this he sued the town and received $3,000. A much less sum would no doubt have put and kept the bridge in perfect Sentinel. THE INFISITEISM OF nervous gentleman whose regard for personal comfort it paramount to his sense of rational honor, and the importance of the Arctic researches commercial affairs says-: After all, the grand achievement of Dr. Kane was in finding a place where mosquitoes hare never been." from rain; and he only sat lower at the table when there happened to be present some foreign royal mediocrity, illustriously obscure. "On one occasion he received command to dine with the King on Good Friday.

Xiethen sent a message to hU sovereign, stating that it was impossible for him to wait on His Majesty, inasmuch as that he made a point of never omitting to take sacrament on that day, and of always spending the subsequent portion of the day in private meditation. "A week elapsed before the scrupulous old soldier was again invited to the royal dinner table. At length he appeared in his old place, and merry were the guests, tbe King Eim- self setting the example of uproarious hilarity. The fun was running fast and furious was at its very loudest, when Frederick turning to Ziethen, smacked him familiarly on the back, and exclaimed, -Well, grave old'Zie then', how did the supper of Good Friday agree with your sanctimonious storcach? Have you properly digested the veritable body and At thU blasphemy, and amid the thunders of pealing laughter, the faluting artillery of the delighted guests, Ziethen leaped to his feet, and after shaking his gray hairs with Indiana-' uon and silencing the revellers with a cry as hough they had been dogs, he turned to the rodk'ss master of the realm, and words, not precisely these, certainly and exactly to 'I shun no your Majesty knows t. My lift- has been always ready for sacrifice jrhen my country and the throne required it.

What I was, that I am; and my head I would on the block this momint, if the striking if it off could purchase happiness for my King. 3ut there is one who is greater than or any one here; and He is a greater Sovereign than whu mock him here' from the throne in 3crlin. He it is whoso precious blood was 'bed for the salvation of ail mankind. On dim, that Holy One, my faith reposes; He is my consoler in life, my hope in presence of drath and I will not suffer his name to be derided and attacked when I am by, and have to lad not lave gained victories for you SAJLE THE WHOLE OF THE EXTENSIVE STOCK! OF Jackson Luxton most be immediately cleared to make room for REMOVAL. J.

ATI BE RT, Saddle and Harness Make AND CARRIAGE TRIMMER, Has removed from Mason street, to 0. 228. EAST WATER STR-E of the Haute, VAN LIEW'S i Varieties COR. SPUINtt WEST WATEll STN." Solo I.esseo and Mnnnijcr. Treasurer, Htago Manager, Musical Inreutor rind I.c:iJi Mr.

VAX ur.v: Mr. li. Mr. W. 1IAV1S STICVO-; Two doors j-n.

i The subscriber ho? now on hand a ireneral variety a different class of An fa I -IT IIT'VC TIT ff(trn Trunm, t.i/..r», ir.tccUn.j I ill ill 111 Li 1 (j 0 i Bag', which ho is prepared to acl! at prices, cannot fail to induce ail to boy who may be in want of the above named articles. He wouM respectfully invite the pulilie to call I will be made on every artfcle, the price to J. HE a-nd eiaaiine his present stock, which cannot be sur This Sale will be peremtory, and an early call' 3 5 ta city or elsewhere. is desirable. This is 3 re Jo repairing of kinds, or cus- i i i i m.M torn work at short notice ami low prices.

NO PUFF OR HUMBUG HATBERT. Branch Office RE-ENGAGEMENT FOR ONE WEEK OF THE CELEURVn-'D YANKEE COitEDlAN, MR. R. J. FILLER Third in this rim (SR.l.VD, but absolute and bona fide, as the subscribers I nrp nlvmt in rlJrTjronf A i Wt-ilCIlM Willb are about eDgaging in a different busings.


2, Furlony's Block, Mitirnukee, CITY FIIJE COMTA.NY, Of HarU'oni, Conn. STAR FIKE Of MAK1NK. 'dcn-'-ursh, V. ATLANTIC FIKI Of fru i MAKIM-: I. OF November prescntcil tho Dram-i CAPTAIN KYD THE WIZARD OF THE IV.ll/j V.Liiki."?, Rnhrrt Elp-cy, of if -i; F.vvoiUTK D.vxcE, MISS he br tho YANKEE COURTSHIP.

KIHK AND MARINE INSniA.VtK CO. 11.J riii.uu'vl-ihia. FIRE INSrUA.NVI-: 72. Wall N. V.

i i romir l)u, ie Hoil Koiil ion. alu- liKKK.MAN FIKE No. 1.51. Na X. Y.


X. V. GfRAUl) LIFE IXSL'uAXCE CO, ChuMiiut riuhiildphki. OP Ti. SITL'ATIOX A YOU XG MAX who can attend to any or- dinary business.

Icquire at this office. nrotest against it Sir, if your soldiers been firm in this faith, they would not nji If vou mock the faith, and jeer at those who cling'toit, you only lend a hand to bring yourself and the state in After a pause, he added, looking the while at the mute I have spoken isGod'a truth; receive it "Frederick was the patron of Voltaire, who had dared to say at his own table that what it had taken God and the twelve apostles to build up, one man (Voltaire) would destroy. But Frederick was now for the moment mo'e deep ly moved by what had been uttered by the un- philosonhical Ziethen than anything that had ever fallen from the brilliant but irreligiirus Voltaire. He rose, flung his left arm over Zie- tben's shoulder, offered his right hand to the brave old Christian pencral, and you are a nnppy man; would that I could be like you! Hold fast your faith, and I will respect even where I cannot What baa occurred shall never happen "A deep and solemn silence followed, and the dinner was spoiled, according to the guests, to whom the King gave the signal to disperse long before their appetites had been satisfied. Ziethen was preparing to withdraw with thfl rest, but Frederick, taking him by the hand, whispered: "You, my friend, come with me to my 471.

KAZUKS AND ItAZO-lt STKOl'S UST RECEIVED, a splendid lot of Kazon Razor high and low I sec at HENRY J. XAZKl) i Cigeirs! Cigars! L. J. HOBART, 220, KAST WATER STREKT, WEST SII1E. NEARLY OPPOS1TK THE W.lLKEIl ESPECTFULLY announces to the publii' that.

he has openid a new and splendid sortment of imported and domestic CIGARS AND TOBACCO, at the abuve named stand, which he offers at wholesale and retail. Among his stock may bo found the fulluwsng choice brands El Comerciante Couches, La Sultana Londres, Leopoldina operas, La Esj.anol.-i, Hio Hondo, La Sicotiua, El Cesar, und many other kinds not enumerated. Ho has also sumo uf tha choicest brands of Tobacco ever offered in this or any other market consisting in part of Anderson i solace Tobacco, Thomas lluyt's Diadem, und Cyrus Atherns Jt Co'a Aromatic, with many other brands, not enumerated. He invites all lovers of go-Mi und suderior Cigar-and Tobacco to jive him a call and test the truth of Agents, pointed. Insurance off, cted, lnssc: adjusted aud paid at this office.

KENNEDY'S Fire, Marine and Life Insurance Agency. I II OF. I M) I (J, KEAH TKl.EGK.iriI (IFFICK, ivhat he says. nuvU L. J.

I10UEKT, 227 Water Street. "liEPOllTOFTHE Star Insurance Comp'y or N. To Oct. 1833, from Jan. 1st, ISoJ.

Ta the CuMjtlr.Mcr Capital Si.K-k. iiurrticitt 01) Cash on hand, ASSETS: fool in high station is like a man on appears small to him, and he appears small to everybody. The man who has "mapped out his plan or the future" has engaged a score of surveyors to ascertain the "nietei and bounds." we part, be led to the throne of grace by our venerable Father Woods," (of Lewiston), a lame that links us historically to the ie is tbe son-in-law of the great Witherspoon. )r. Woods offered a prayer, the doxology was ung, and Dr.

Jeffrys prononuced the bencdic- 1011. Dntwtmox or The New York Journal ff Commerce publishes a table of the immigration to this country for tho hut three years, with the exception of two months in this year, a falling ioff. In 1853 there were 284 Tosora Am rhere is the difp feretree between their tongue and hands u'be- tween the hoar and miante hand one (roes ten At five o'clock the Synod of Pittsburg was scorted to the cars by the mother Synod. At the depot the Rev. Mr.

Morris made a short and well conceived valedictory address Dr. Jacobus replied appropriately; byi sung in token of adieu, and this deli terview -ended. ightful iu- A Kiw VILLAGE nr era ton, a thriving little place in tbe "Milwaukee Woods," on the lake shore, fifteen miles south of this city; so called in honor of its worthy founder and proprietor, G.H. Lamberton, is a place of considerable trade, chiefly con fined to wood and lumber, which articles are becoming among the first in importance in our county. An individual can form no just conception of the demand, who has not travelled over the immense timberless prairies of Illinois.

Mr. Lamberton told ns, while in conversation not long since, that at the time he purchased the tract of timber at this point, (only three years since) he eould not sell wood in Chicago, or elsewhere, at a price that would net tbe cost of catting and freight. The past season the timber has paid tizty-five dollars per acre standing, and yet it is on the rise. In oar opinion, the time has bat inst arrived to begin to realize from timber lands. The Lake Shore Railroad has a station at this point, which one of the most important on its teate, as it is one of their principal wooding and watering places.

A steam saw and grist mill is in process of erection, which will be in operation in a few weeks. Here, also, is found an abundance of clay for the manufacture of the justly celebrated Milwaukee Brick, on either side of the Pier, which is substantial and commodious and running into deep water. The settlement is small because very new-but it has already some twelve or fourteen dwellings, a store, and one or two shops, We hare all heard about the Dutch taking Holland, bat the first intimation that we hare had of thejr taking Marathon Connty, is in the fact that a regiment of them have par- chased an entire township about twelve north of Waossn, and are proceeding to "clear op PwU DIED, On the 9th of Consumption, at the res- dcnce Rose. James H. Hall, late of Syracuse, N.

aged 13 rears. The deceased was on a visit at the of lis uncle, whither he recently came, in the de- usive hope that change of climate might bene- it his health. An only child, of great promise, thus cut off in the midst of early manhood', eaving an acting void in the affections of fond' parenrs which time can never fill. He was a young man of unusual intellectual powers, thoroughly refined and chastened by an assiduous, unremitting application to study and reading," greatly overtasking his physical powers, aud' hastening him to an untimely grave. Many of our readers will remember the thrfl ling news of the sudden death of young Bots ford, a cousin of the deceased, at the residence uf Judge Rose one year since, from hemorrhage of the A singular coincidence, in al the attending circumstances, each having come to our village few weeks before their respective deaths, with the same disease and objects in their visits.

In each instance. Judge Rose was absent, on his way to Milwaukee, and was overtaken by a messenger informing him of their respective deaths, at the same hour of the night. 2 A. M. of the snme day, of the same mouth, at the same house, and in the same room, twenty-two miles distant from his resi dence, being at the American Hotel in Water town.

Young Botsford was the eldest son of the eldest surviving cister, and young Hall being the eldest and only son of the next eldest surviving mister, and each being residents of Central New Beaver Dam Sentinel. Of which in Bank Cash in and in hands of agents, 0(j Hills receivable for Navigation Premiums, 22,624 S'J Bonds and Mortgages, first lien recorded, 135,000 00 Premium Motes, 63 21) 241 50 I.V»l'RA\CK liRUADWAY. NBM- YultX. TASn with Surplu K.A.Stan.iburv. J'r-s' I.VaUAM'* NO.

Jl WAL1. NEW VUUK. CASH CAPITAL, $2no mill CASH sntPI.CS, Heurv Wcston, Si-r'y. Ceo. C.

Sutterlei- rO.YVtCTIftT OK CONN CASH CAPITAL. i John It. Eklriilgo. Scc'y.

li. W. (Ireen Pr; I.VSl OF HAIITKOKI), CUNN CASH CAPITAL, Henry Si-e'y. S. L.

I i.v*fKixc.- OF CASH CAPITAL, CASH SUKPI-L'S, Conner. Scc'v. E.lmuiiJ i-Wuian Tr on 1 70 WALL 3T11KE, NEW YOIl.t CASH CAPITAL, .1. an Iturcn, Sec'y. A.

Edn-, iv-s't S.IIUITAULE nstlti.M-..<».,' I OK LONDON, ENU1.A.\1> CAPITAL. 5 0 0 (IlICACO CITY I.WH.\.\0. OF LlIIC IUO, ILL. CAPITAL. Honry Band.

Se E.liqund CanDeW. CIIAHTEH OAK LIKi. OF IIAKTFOHP, Otsv. CAPITAL, $200,000, wuh 1 Sun In-. Alfred tiill, 1'res't.

L. Buiice. ViJj 1'rcs't. James C. Walkley, And other fur tho State of New York nnd Notary Pulilic.

novJ L. KENNEDY A Der Freischuet Oil Thur-ilay, Novcm IUT 2-M, A A in nid uf fund tor thu i tilin of the Hall. The Opera will be uf i ho Society. Tho!, wliicli lie- i I Society lor a term uf has cleansed anil retittcil at i ty, wliu luw; ni.iiiw ir: .1 in. HThe Opern will conini'V.

at DIWTI open T. jn ciin-il ar and I'j-t's I .1: ticket ull'u-c at Ihe Cold Spring Race Course. WcvliifMliiy. al! now I hor-Ji-s nn cnt'T-i Chi'stnut aud tru'k, and lumi-s Prvs't. Siio.noo.

CLOTH THE Leaders of Fashioi West, FACII.ITIK.S NKVKJ; iiy --Jan! ir -li iv.) i.r.'i wuli 3fewSlyifsiF.J>!j AND STYI.K GENTS' Cilt ACE ill C'liial those Xi'ithur expense, tact, r.iicn; spared in tins for tin' Milwaulici; lit' silperiluuiis maki- cat ubii.i in tho present in.Jtani".' woar- vry mi! Town in Hind TIIF UEpAH'mr is ler tho direction of H. .1 assisted the winl-r liv CfTTEiis from the; far, us with their mav nrir all I 1 11 (1 I rirst Class Tailoring Establishment RECEIVED. S2 59 LIABILITIES Losses and unpaid, none. Incurred and in process of Adjustment, $927 54 Reported, no action had, 5,002 17 Claimed and resisted, 1,150 00 Reinsurance, besides some small expense items, 700 00 Loss since last report $11,251 63, exclusive of above, 7 779 71 INCOME: Premiums received since Jan. 1st, 1855, $83,894 01 Interest Money received, Ifls 64 Interests of this Company principally fall due 31st not computed.) II.

SILKMAN, Aug. 17, 1855. 152, E. Water St. mil at rices.

S. S1IOYKK, 1.V4 J. 1UKK. Water Strrrt, Ildloways Pills, a cure for Sick Headache and of Dover, Maine, was, perhaps, one of the greatest sufferers from rick icadacho and bile, scarcely a day passed without his feeling the dreadful effects of these formidable evils, he put himself in the hands of the but they did him no good, in fact, ho became worse, until his sufferings became more than human na- are could bear, and he almost sank under them brtunatcly for him-he commenced using Ilolloway'i which acted upon the fyatem, cleansed the bowels; cleared the head, and by persevering with hem for eight thoroughly restored him to health. He has ever since been entirely free from hcsc dreadful attacks.

YOUNG MEN'S ASSOCIATION LECTURES! ECTUEEKS for the coming season have been engaged as follows: "or Nov. 23d, WENDELL PHILIPS, of Boston. Dec. 7th, DAVID PAUL BROWN, of Philadelphia. 14th, Kev.

T. STABK KINO, of Boston 21st, JOHN a. AXE, (probably.) Jan. 4th, EDWAKD UITTBCOCC, LL. of Am" llth, 14th, EXPEXDITLRKS: Looses paid which accrued prior to Dec.

31, 1S54, Of which 83, were included in tbe estimate of $4,200, then made, on's not thou known, and time of loss unknown. Losses paid which accrued subsequent to December 31,1851, Dividends paid, none. Commissions and tees to Agents and $89,062 6i 39,119 88 14.254 10,244 52 TEMPLE OF FANCY." ANNOUNCEMENT. KECKELER IN THE TEMPLE OF FANCY, 1 156 EAST WATER i.vr 1 PEN ON MONDAY, AT WHOLESALE AM) retail, a large and full assortment of the most i elcpnt French, German, En-rlL-h and American tancy Cicods, IVrfuniery Kaskcts, Ti.y-i, Uames, liasket, Dressing Cases, lirushos, Bicd Cilgcs i Musical Instruments, Ac i they manufacture and keep on hand iTirood assortment of C3 Ti cl 1 AT WHOLESALE A L. ALWAYS ON IIA.NJ).

-V spiL-iulid v.incd Ready-Made Clothing, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, New aad Vvondeiful A Brought Home to tht! Door ofthr.Million. A WONDERFUL ULSCUVEKY h.u. been made by Dr. ffKTis.i.of Uiijoit.v, ia tho trwit- lucnt of Consumption, Asthma and tho Lungs. Werufer to Dr.

Curtis' Hygeaua, or inii.u- mg Vajior and Cherry Syrup." new method-Or. C. has a ro many afflicted IU pcrfoct health, i ml ovidonco of he h.i Reinsurance tales, and all otherpaymcnts, 07 10 J. G. HOPKINS, SiencdH.

G. y. STATE OF NEW YOKK.I ST. LAWBSXCK COUNTY, James G. Hopkins, President, and Henry (J Footc the STAR I.VSL'KANCE COMPANY' of Ogdensburgh, being duly ewora, daposo and say' that they are respectively such officers, and that the foregoing statement by ttcm signed, is true to their best knowledge and belief.

J. G. HOPKINS, lt H. O. FOOTf, Secretary.

1 Subscribed and sworn before me at Oirdensbnr-h -S SKIDGE. this th day of October, 18J5. ELIJAH WHITE, Justice of tho Peace. HOPE'S PATENT Immovable Handle Table Cutlery. J.

PATENTED NOV. 20TH, 1854. INVENTION', CONSISTING IN THE use of a Stoat Metalic Cap, secured to the handle and Blade of the Knife, by means of a screw and strong Solder, and uMout the of cement of any i.nrf.jappliea the long sought for desideratum of a handle for TABLE CUTLERY, which will not crack, and cannot be started by hot water. For Ivory Goods, and especially for hotel and iteamboatKnives.the invention is almost invaluable; on account of the great firmness and durability of the handles. MANCFACTTBEDBT The Meriden Cutlery Company For sale, with other goods of their manufacture it 22, Wisconsin street, Milwaukee, by WILSON A CO'S, New Crockery House.

BRIDGE BROTHERS EXCHANGE BANKING OFFICE 228 EAST WATER STREET. doors south of the Walker House, MILWAUKEE, WISCONSIN. niALERS IN Exchange, Specie Uncnrreut Money. Interest paid on special deposits. Purchases and sales of Real Kstate negotiated.

Loans effected on Bond and Mortgage. Investments made. LAND WAJBtANTS bought, sold and located. M. n.

BRIDGE. Refer, by permission, to ALEX. MITCHELL, Pres't Wis. M. 4 F.

Ins. Co. Bank, Mil. OKO. SMITH 4 Bankers, Chicago His.

cEuiATn, Frcs't Nassau Bank, STKACHA.NA SCOTT, William St J. S. i W. P. LIBBT, 32, Park Row, N.

Y. ukee, Sept. SO, 1855. scpt30-tf innumurablo certiUcates. Sponidng of the ment.a physician It is evident ihai inhul- breathing "an agreeable, healing v.i- por, the mudiciiiiil properties iuu icomu in direcu-i- tact with the whole of the ar.ul cuvit.v of tho and tnus escape the many ami varied produced upon thom when introduced into the and subjected to the process of digestion.

Tho goana is ()r a io at all the H. with" 1 1 1 1 irut uti 1 the without tho least inconvcmenco- the heat -t 10 -body bemg sufficient to the duid Uunureds of CASKSot tUKLS like tuJfuilowiii- mignt b. One package ot has cured mo ot iha Asthma of 81i ymt f. llt 1 10 vI i7" uroiJ tutuu ASTHMA of years' standing L. la Urunk- 2 5th WIGHT, of Hamilton Col.

rof tTON of Un'ty. 8th, BISHOP CLABK, of Bhode Island. 1 15 1 HBSRY RATHOXD, (probably.) Twelve Lectures will constitute the course. In addition to tha above KEOCLAR COCBSK, there rill be lectures during the winter bj E. HACTN, of New York, OLITEB WESDEU.

IOLKES, of Boston. TICIETS for the conus OP TWELVE LEcrrKEs.wni sold as follows To admit a member -of the Association, $2 00 a member and ladies, each lady, I'M a gentleman not a member of the Ass- 3,00 ovshltAj. 100 SKAW vm, KESEBTBO In the front part of the jail until 15 minute, before 8 o'clock of each eren- ng, for holders of aeason Other UekeU for sale at the stores, and bj ach member of the Committee. Single tickets for the evening, 25 cento, for tale at ntwf NEWjSTORE! Cloaks, Talmas and Capes. nE CRIBER LATE FROM CI5CLV- 1.

natti, Ohio offers to the ladies of Milwaukee, 5 Wa dubea lfal Iot Cloalo, Talmu and Capes made of tho richest and most elegant materials, Vn- der the inspection of competent persons. These articles are of Cloth, of every sqitjible variety BATDTS, MEBttOS lie door. GEO.LBFEVBE.) KL.BDTTEICK,V C. F. JISLEY.

with or without Trimmings. Also, from every other goods which judgment or fancy may dictate, and to any potto! or the ahortest notice. Abo, SlfcK EMBROIDERIES, CLOAKS, CAPES AKD CHILDRSSrS CLOTHES Ho has connected with the bniinen a Dress Making f-stablisbment. and oat tecured the htlp of the best and will warrant all article, made at his itore. CHILDREN'S CLOTHES will always be found on hand, or furnished to pattern on short notice.

7 All articles in his line always on hand'to exhibit to customer, or for sale, and all articles ordered to be made wUl meet with prompt attention DBKSS AKD CLOAK THHOIISGS well selected assortment always on hand All work done in a mat and tasteful manner and at tbe lowest living rates. ana ited Land "Warrants. A FULL SUPPLY ALWAYS ON HAND AND for sale at a advance on New York rates. I5K1DGE BROTHERS 223 East Water street. t3Q 4 doors south of Walker Ilonso.

Notice! WISCONSIN MASIXE FIRE LN-SUBAXCK Co BANK I llth, 1855. 'f This Bank will continue to receive at par from its customers and to sell Exchange on New York and Boiton, for the Bills of tha following Banks of tSe State rf Georgia at the current into as heretofore, The ATLANTA BANK. i INTERIOR BANK 3 LA GRANGE BANK. 12ALEX )IIT CnELL, PresX "i I ''Mrs. Paul, of Nu.

Hammond cured of a a0 UKU.NCIIITIS by the ily eanft. 1 31i has been cured of a of several yoara' standing, aud decided to '-y her physicians. wa.nCU UliD ia i 1'rieo Three Dollars a package. Sold by (T KTISS i I'EliKINS and BOYD 4 PAUL. No.

Ha Cluin'- oors N. Y. Four packages sent free by EIITCM to any part of Iho United States for Ten Dollars. and ONLY 1 otbt'rs aro base imitations or VILE and INJURIOUS counterfeits. Shun thunasyou would POISON'.

Sold by S. JOHN-SOX, Only Aeent, Hecl-y Milwaukoe. 151 East Watur street. W. L.

HOPKINS CO. ONLY AGENTS FOR DR, CURTIS'HYGE ANA, 83 East Water Street, Milwaukee. oot23 MILWACKBB, Sept. 20,1835. This Bank will sell draft, on any part ofGroa Britain or Ireland, in sums to suit sep23 ALEX.

MITCHELL, Prcs't. FASHIONABLE DANCING! AT TUB MUSICAL ASSOCIATION HALL! Trtat'i Block, Eatt Wafer Street. MB. GRAY DE Respectfully announces to the parents and guardians of children, and also to the young ladies and gentlemen of Milwaukee, that his ACADKJTT is now open, at the above popular hall, for the reception of all who art desirous of improvement in his graceful art and necessary accomplishment. Circular, and Cards appertaining to all the par- of the institution had of Mr at he Academy, or at H.

M. Hempsted's Musie Store, 175 East Water street. octll-tf Liverpool and American PASSENGER AGENCY. HE SUBStlUBEK HAVING UliEN AI'- pointed Agent of tho IVuenger Ilousu of S.i- bel Cortis, of'New-York anil Liverpool, would respectfully inform the public, that ho is prepared to bring out from any pnrt of Enirluml, Ireland or Germany, DIRECT TO MILWAUKHi on as reasonable terms aa any other Agency in tho United states. Passengers aro brought from Liverpool in the well known "WASHINGTON" LINE OF PACKETS, sailing weekly,) aa aro taken earn of in Liverpool tho bmijranta House of Sabel A Cortis, until tho sailing of the ship, and aro furnished provisions of gord quality while on board.

Money remitted in sums of one pound and upward to any place in the old country. For terms and further particulars enquire of JAMES S. WHITE, Ag't, At the office of J. B. Cross, Wisconsin St.

nov7-tf MILWAUKEE SOAP NO. 10, SPRING STREET. ARE NOW MANUFACTURING A NSW and superior Family Soap, to which we vite the attention of Dealers and consumers. Wo also hare on hand first quality winter Bleaohed Oil. HUWELL A KLINE.

Oct. 30,1855..

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