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Medford Mail Tribune from Medford, Oregon • Page 6

Medford, Oregon
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rEDFOTtD MAIL TRIBUNE, MTTDFORD, p-REGON. TUESDAY, MARCH 8. 1938. MedfordTribune SINGLE MISS MARS 1 Personal Health Service Flight o' Time Medford and Jackson County history from the files of the Tribune 10 and SO years ago. Comment on the Day's News By William Brady, odorous Kelly-Nssb Junta In Chlcsgo.

the Long ring In Louisiana, Boas Crump in Memphis, the aboriginal Tom Pendergeat In Kansas City, or Fuehrer Frank Hague In New Jersey. McHala can say to tha bosses: "You'd better come In with us, or, tha first tbtng you know, youll get someone In 19.0 who Isn't our kind of guy or your kind of guy at all." Of course, the really Interesting puzzle presented by the new conflict Is Just where It will leave the New Deal. Unfortunately, It's av puszla which only time can solve. CANCELLATION PLEA Slcned letter, pertaining to personal health and hygiene, not to disease diagnosis or treatment will be answered br Dr. Bradjr II a stamped self-addressed envelope enclosed.

Letters should be brier and written la Ink. Owing to the large number of letter, received only few can be answered. No reply can be made to queries not conforming to Instructions. Address Dr. William Bradjr, 269 El Camlno, Beverlj Hills, Calif.

By FRANK JENKINS READ this dispatch from Maspee, Massachusetts, and either 'weep, snicker or snort: "In 1030, tha late Samuel O. Davis set aside a 1 5 0.000 trust fund whose income was to go to boys with 'kind, good Unable to find qualified recipients, town officials will ask Monday's town meeting to divert the fund to school maintenance." IP YOU accept the tale on Its face, you will weep; because If It is true that in any town in the United States there are no boys with "kind good manners' it Is a sad commentary on modern American life. If your conclusion is that Maspee' town officials, hard pressed for school money, didn't hunt very hard for kind, good-mannered boys, you will snicker. And If you think of the number of moneyed nuts who leave freak wills (such as the Canadian baby derby, for Instance) you will probably snort. STAGEHAND, tralneH by once-great Earl Sande, takes the Santa Anita handicap two weeks after having taken the 950,000 Santa Anita derby winning both times over Seabiscult, the favorite.

A crowd of 70,000 persons looked AS A spectacle, nothing la more thrilling than a horse race, but It wasn't spectator thrill that brought 70.000 people to Santa Anita on a day when Southern California was still counting Its dead after the greatest flood In history. Without the betting machines, which took in more than S400.O0O, the crowd would have been comparatively slim. AFTER, all, you know, there's no thrill quite like the thrill of easy money. And, in the long run, there's no thrill that is more costly. SPEAKING of gambling, here's a sound rule to follow: If you MUST gamble, never bet money you can't afford to lose.

If everybody followed that rule, gambling would cause a lot less grief in this world. SEATTLE VOTERS SEATTLE, March B. (AP) Seattle voters will show at the polls today whether they will swing from the spectacular to the conservative their choice for mayor. Typifying the spectacular will be Lt. Oov.

Victor A. Meyers, former orchestra leader who entered politics as a joke and now embraces lt in all seriousness. Opposing him on a conservative "good government" platform is Councilman Arthur B. Langlle, who led Meyers by a 3 to 1 margin In the primaries, and whose supporters said he would be elected today by a vote margin. Both closed their campaigns last night.

TEN YEARS AGO TODAY March 8, 1938 (It was Thursday) Democratic party chieftains declare "Coolldge prosperity" la "myth." Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Reames visit In Portland. Leland Brophy and E.

K. Gore are Issued temporary auto licenses by the sheriff. Col. Lindbergh, because of his "se-recy," Is target of nation-wide gossip. Two rum violators and a forger are nabbed by police, Chicago gang war breaks out anew.

TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY March 8, 1018 '(It was Friday) German planes raid London and kill six, Injure 46. All of kaiser's holdings In America to be auctioned off at public sale Herbert Strang leavea for army i vice at Kelley Field, Calif. Postmaster Guy Tex of Central Point enlists In the aviation branch- America now has machine guns for a million men. Russia plans overthrow of bolshevik! regime. The Capital Parade (Continued from Page anal York.

Always foreslghted, be began the job more than a year ago. In several key cities In the state, he already hag labor's Non-Partisan league clubs numerous end strong enough to serve as the skeletton of his proposed organization. Mr. Lewis's ambition, about which he snd his advisers are perfectly frank In private. Is more than likely to moke a shambles of the Democratic party In Pennsylvania.

The rulers of the Democratic organization have answered Mr. Lewis's threat by rebelling against their former despot. Senator Guffey. whom they considered too cosy with Mr. Lewis, and nominating a strictly machine gubernatorial candidate of their own.

Labor and the llbeals are by no means the only aggressors, either. Out of Indiana, not so many days ago, came Paul V. McNutt and his political backers, rich with the dollars Indirectly contributed to their war-chest by the Indiana taxpayers, roaring with a loud confidence In their own future. The new Indiana gang has been treated as a grandiose joke, but lt should be recalled that Warren Gamaliel Harding and the Ohio gang once captured the government. The truth Is that the astute Frank McHale, political manager of the Mc-Nuttites.

started some ago shopping around for delegates to the 1940 convention. And the men whom he is visiting on his shopping trips are precisely the machine hossea who are battling with labor and the liberals Mr, McHale may well succeed when ho visits Ed Flynn or the O'Connells, the new Pennsylvania leaders, the mal- YOU! MErr)OBf Booihani Orraroa th Mail Tribune." Daily icept Saturday Published by UEDFORD PRINTING CO. II-IT: N. Fir St. Phona Tl ROBERT W.

RUHL. Editor. ERNEST R. GILSTRAP, Managar. An Independent Ntwapaptr.

Entered aa econd-claae matter itt Med-ford, Oregon, under Act of March 11. 8UPHCRIPTION RATES By Well In Advance: Dally, one year "0 Dally month Dally, one month 9y Carrier, In Advance Medford. Aah-land, Jacksonville, Central Point. Phoenix. Talent, Oold Hill and on hie-hwaye: Dally, one year f.00 Daily, elx rnontht Dally, one month AH lerma cash In advance.

Offlrlal Ppr of the City of Medford. OJflruU Paper of Jwkeoo County. UFIMRKR OF TUB ASSOCIATED l'RKSS Receiving Full Leaned H'lr Bervlea. Tho Aaaoclated I'reae la exclusively entitled to the uee for publication of all bbwi dlipatrhea credited to It or other-Wlaa credited to (hie paper, and alio to the local newa published herein. All right a for publication of apeolal tftepalchea herein are alio reserved.

MEMI1KR OF UNITED PRER8 MEMBER OF AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATIONS AdvertiaiDK itepreeentatlvea Offlcea In New York. Chicago, Detroit, San Franclaca, Lob A melee. StattU, Portland, it Lou I a. Atlanta, Vancouver. B.

C- OrVgoTlwspapemblis IT C3 Association 7 Ye Smudge Pot Bj Arthur Perry. A number of Oregon newspaper report National Used Car Week in their vicinity, "got off to a bang-up tart." Candidates have started appearing iinAxnoRtnrilv at rural atinuera. DfBls Jng the cooka and dancing with all the pretty girls. Prospects are brighter that H. Bridges, the alien labor agitator, will be deported to his native Aus tralia, There, however painful, he will behave himself and sabs no member of the Australian parliament aa he did a senator.

'Good morning. Thin column being written on a typewriter that may float out of the window any moment." (Louella Parsons In the Oakland Tribune) This column is being written on a typewriter that may float out the window any moment a piece at a time, If the Smithsonian Institute don't come and get It, Mushrooms are springing up like ervlce stations. Seven out of eight new houses In Portland, posMsaed cocktail bars, according to the Salem Statesman. The editorial observation Is made thla is quite a Jump from the family altar of 60 years ago. However, a cocktail bar don't smell up the houae like the prohibition era home-brew crock, fermenting back of the kitchen atove.

The Governor has named a "coordinator" to assist prosecutors in the handling of labor terrorism trials, and see that justice Is rendered in the "far-flung conspiracy." It win also sAsure verdicts In accordance with the law and the evidence, instead of which side has the largest number of spectators In the courtroom. All! AND AWE (lloltlmore Sun) "And what did she do during the trip? Well, my friends Jaw dropped as he told me this. He seemed disappointed. Aa the train gathered speed, Mrs. Roosevelt, as dpgage as ever, settled back comfortably in her chair and soon her eyes closed, her mouth fell open slightly and the First Lady of the land much to the awe and amazement of her fellow-pw dangers snored I Not a lourt.

sowing nimble, but a soft, snoozing whoonh. She was In gentle slumber. OEOROK LeBOFF." Parking meters went Into operation In the metropolis yeMrrday, causing the native to manifest run. ostty, and park elaewhere. The me-oh an leal devices have no political significance, but yet may turn out to be a sales tax sneaking up on the people.

The Chlloquln basketball team, champions and entry In the state tourney, are now being Inventoried for faults and fallings. Their rhlei handicap la the belief of your corr. they will win the state title. A new vlolrt ray that kills all germs In the air, "even when six to ten fet away," has twn discovered by science. The ray la highly effective, but not to be compared to the bootleg liquid Untuning able to knock orf a hat at ten parrs.

Con grew accorded a cool reception to Hungary's war debt settlement proposal to psy the principal, but no Internet. No credit waa given Hungary for mentioning the war debt. A large, enthusiastic, and well-behaved congregation gathered the Armory lat night to aee two lady wrestlers. The event fully sub-stantlateu the claim woman's place is In the home. The ladlea pulled hair playfully, and the champion won, as prcKlestlned.

Sj many British burghers were using three-penny pieces to prime thP coln-ln-lot pan meters that the go" -inment to make new coins tcle-idc4 tostes4 of round. OF LOCAL GUNNERS Th largest entry ltat In Mwnl year, opened tho Oregonlan telegraphic a-apahoot at the Medford Oun club ground Sunday. The club mlaaed a perfect score by one target, with Mendenhall turning In a perfect "twenty-five" at the local grounds and Jim Moore, a Medford member, dittoing at Marahfleld. which counted for Medford. Several 'twenty-foura" were scored, but the light waa not the beat for shooting and a alight wind at times interfered with the shooters.

Jantaer scored 74 out of 7b. The skeet shooters held a practice event In preparation for a trip to Eureka, for a tournament next Sunday. Scores of each ehooter'a two beat performances follow: Sixteen yarda: Mendenhall 38 38 60 Jantzer 38 3880 Fish 34 38 49 Barnum 34 34 48 Lamport 33 34 47 Daniels 33 Durno 34 3340 23 40 Bates 23 3348 33 3345 31 3344 31 3344 33 3143 30 33 42 31 3142 30 3040 20 2040 2323 2222 2121 mm 2121 Lmery Glasscock Hamilton POI'tei1 Eada Young Lageson winkle Brewer Howard Wllaon Jerome Knight 2020 Alcnderfer 2020 Skeet scores: Brown 23 23 46 DeVore 22 2345 Elden 22. 2244 Pish 21 2142 Reese 22 18 40 Porter Lemery Thayer Jantzer Jerome 10 1938 10 1038 10 2137 2333 BECOMES FED UP MH ASTORIA, March 8. AP) President Roosevelt turned down requests yesterday for an appropriation for tongue point naval base at the mouth of the Columbia river, Merle Chessman, Astoria publisher, said in a telegram from Washington.

The president advlaed Admiral Leahy, chief of naval operations, he would sanction only a Joint army-navy survey to determine what defenses, "If any," were needed, Chessman asserted. The recommendations. Chessman said, "meant nothing." He has spent seven weeks In Washington representing the Columbia River Defense league. "In four successive years back here I have been kidded by expert and am fed up on placating gestures." the publisher said. Referring to a previous conference of himself, Senator Charles Mr Nary of Oregon and James L.

Hope, Asto ria attorney, with the president. Chessman said. "It Isn't possible that three of us could have misunderstood htm or deliberately misrepresented him, but presumably he had something different In mind than what he indicated to us." i County offlclnls here were undo-! elded whether to reinstltuto claims for SI 00.000 subscribed by bonds lor i the purchase of a site given to the I government. SEEN BY LANDON HOWTSY-IN-THK-HILLfl. Mr, B.

(AP) Alfred M. Landon, Republican presidential nominee In 10.10, was noncommittal today on a suggestion that he be "drafted to run again." W. J. Howey. host to the Ksnsan and Florida Republican leaders at a banquet yesterday, said the party "ought to draft him to run again In 1M0.

In 1038 Republicans alclnt vote for Roosovelt, but agnln.t Hoover snd for Santa Claus." Landon. who la vacationing wltn his wife, said he saw Indications of a realignment of political organlsa-lona. are finding more crossing and breaking up of party lines In recent years." he until. "It might lead to a rcgroirplng of party lines." VANCOUVER, PORTLAND IN HOCKEY SEMI FINAL VANCOUVER. March (API Vancouver and Port I mid will open the semi-final series of the Psctflc Coast Hockey league plavoff here ncjt Monday night, Fred v.

Tnvlor. league president, announced today The. Vancouver Lions clinched second place and gained the right to play host for the first game of the series last night by defeating the league leading Seattle Scahswks 4-3. SHUMWAY TECHNICALS 'FRISCO MIDDLEWEIGHT BAN FRANCISCO, March 8. AP) Johnny Shumway of Portland.

Ore scored a technical knockout of Harry Cshlll, San Franclico middleweight. In the fourth round of a 10-round fight last night. Cahlll wa bleedfng profusely from a deep cut over the right eye when the referee halted the bout. Bhumway weighed 180, Cahlll 181. Common aesweed has been umo mcdleln in Ireland lor centime, I TOKYO, March 8.

(AP) The organising committee for the 1940 Olympics today answered War Minister General Gen Bug) ya ma's recommendation that the game be cancelled by announcing a 6,000,000 yen (SI ,500.000) building program. The wsr minister told a diet committee studying the government's national mobilization bill that tho gsmes, scheduled to be held In To kyo, should be cancelled If the war In China continued. -He waa Joined by Adml ral Nob masa Suye tsu gu home minister. But an authoritative source said the Olympics organizing committee "paid no attention" to his remarks. LONDON, March 8.

(AP) The meeting of tho International Olympic committee at Cairo Thursday took on fresh Importance today as European reaction to developments In Tokyo Indicated that the question of transferring the games to another site could not be sidetracked. British Olympic officials, who have gone on record against holding the games at Tokyo In 1940, pre p. i red to lead the fight for a change of alto on the basis of yesterday's Indications that Japan might not be prepared to act as host nation. Communications Contends Lewis Changed To the Editor: "Man Is revolutionary In his youth and conservative In his old age," you say. Reactionary would perhaps come nearer to the truth.

But. there ars exceptions. Sinclair Lewis, unfortunately, Is not one of them. "Is Lewis a traitor?" you ask editorially a little while ago In answer to the Oregon lan 's observation that Lewis has changed and you aay "no." But he must have changed, since the conservative Oregonlan and tho Dally Worker opposite poles In social phi losophy say so, R. W.

R. to the contrary notwithstanding. You hold tha he Is merely "tearing down another false god In American lrtealogy tho Ideal of superficially radical and Irresponsible youth." The undersigned has not yet read "Prodigal Parents," but the reviews read on Lewis' latest book Inclines to the belief that you had missed the central idea of the work, namely, the ridiculing and satirizing of thoso working to substitute co-operation for competition as the basis of social life and to extol the virtu res of "George Babbitts, whom he has been slapping in the face up to now. Be this as It may. the main point for sociology Is: Why men like Lewis go in reverse.

The Oregonlan thinks It Is money. You point out that he has always been "In the money" never had to struggle. This, however, does not dispose of the Oregon inn's contention. One's views when In big money may be entirely different from that when one Is In small change, It's another example of quantitative changes, making for qualitative changes. However, It Is believed that change In social outlook Is too frequently blamed on money and per haps the Oregonlan Is wrong.

The Dally Worker says Lewis is a liberal, and a liberal almost always "ends up by carrying the banner of reaction." A famous American writer Just be fore his death confided in his publisher that he was a failure all lib works will not bring the co-operative commonwealth five minutes sooner and will write for the money he can make turn, as he styles It, "Intel, lectual prostitute," What turned him waa not money but the futility of trying to show the people the way out. They do not want to be shown that not yet. Lewis, perhaps, has awakened to thla fact and from now on will prob ably swim with the reactionary cur rent, speed It up and commit Intellectual suicide. R. HEGNER.

Gold Hill. March 5. '38. Peace By Toelrv To tha Editor: In your free lance column we read many plans for prevention of war. nil peRce loving.

Some would have prepa redness, (a chlp-on-the-ahoulder) style of preventive, others unprepared ness (ollve-branch-ln-the-hand) atyle, but allow me to present this very workable plan which I am euro many of our cltlrens will endorse, aa an al-moat certain way to keep out of war, If adopted Internationally. If war must come, and I guess II must. To cut population's big surplus, let those who love wsr mont lie first, To eatlaty their mlgr.ty thirst. First send the statesmen to the trenches Let them sniff the front line stenches. Allow the diplomats to wsllow.

In the gassy dank shell hollow To leod the way. end the politicians. And the boya who sell us war munitions. Why cheat them, out of the glory Of the combat grim and gory. Let the youth Just atand aside, I'ntll the rest have and iled After all the oldsters rate The glories that they advocate.

TAT GRAHAM. World War Vet Medford. March 7, 1038. OREGON NORMAL FIVE DEFEATED IN TOURNEY KANSAS CITY. March 8 Wi The process of separating the wheat from the chaff in the national Intercol-tfylate basketball tournament will be resumed today, and by midnight the original field of 3a tcama.

rep re -entity 18 atatca, will have been sliced to 18 first round survivor, Valparaiso, university took a wlld-ecoring game from the nwwd Oregon Normal, S7 to 48. last nlht. HARD TO TEACH OLD In one of the medical Journals In the nose and throat field a specialist in that field undertook to assay the 1 a rmy method of extirpating Infected tonsils, for the benefit of doctors who had not yet learned about the method. He stated among his a 1 1 1 atlons that "we have had representa- 1 1 of menu acturera of physiotherapy ap paratus advise us as to the proper se of tho ach 1 nes. Our resu 1 ts have been unsatisfactory Needless to add I Would a competent surgeon -have a representative of the manufacturer of scalpels advise blm as to the proper use of the cutlery? The medical profession Indulges In entirely too much of that sort of bungling.

If a doctor Is In earnest and not a narrow-minded nincompoop, he will seek technical Instruction from a master of the method before he attempts to use such a difficult technique In practice. The trouble with so many of these born specialists and bumptuous surgeons la that they hate bo like hades to acknowledge that any other doctor can teach them anything. This learned critic then points out what he considers "the moat serious obstacle In electrocoagulation of That Is "the extreme difficulty of 'completely eradicating all diseased tissue by this method. One case had ten treatments to eocn tonsil, another had nine treatments, and another had 24 treatments, and still all the toslllar tissue was not removed." But weighed against that Is the fact that the patients were still getting about fairly well. Had they undergone the risk of a major operation, who knows whether one 01 them would have succumbed to shock, hemorrhage, lung abscess or some unfortunate accident beyond tho control of the busy operator who antcker-snncka the tonsils out and hurries to the next case.

Every doctor with any experience knows that It Is only In exceptional cases that the standard surgical ton sillectomy In the best hands does not leave In the throat more or less tonsil tissue. And every honest doctor will admit that this Is usually Insignificant, that the patient as a rule has no further trouble attrlbut- able to the tonsils. I Any doctor who Is capable of doing 1 his own thinking knows perfectly wen that there Is no Justification for an attempt to remove normal Man About Manhattan By GEORGE TICKER KEW YORK Burlesque la dead, killed by an over-dose of publicity nnd politicians, and while tho re mains are being suitably burled, let us tarry a moment and give thanks to H. M. Alexander, who a tops led the corpse and wrote a I a 1 atlng book on what made burlesque tick.

Tills Is a alight well-knit tome 1 1 tied "Strip Tease Tho Vanquished Art of btOKcit lutein Burlesque." It is nt once a handbook and an elegy. He must have dug through a hundred old trunks, Interviewed scores of chorus girls, pinned the bug on all the big producera. Hero are some ot the fascinating but little Known tacts about a form of thentrlcal entertainment that no longer exists: Until five years ago burlesque was a hit-and-miss proposition, then came Oypsy Rose Lee and the strip tease profession waa In full flower Good strip teaws earn from aao to siso a week The first strip tenser was Salome, who asked for the head of Jobn the Baptist. The burlesque show always chose a risque title, preferably a parody on some show. For Instance, a week after the musical "At Home Abroad" opened on Broadway, bur lesque came out with "A Broad at Home." Shakespeare's "Anthony and Cleopatra' became "Anatomy and Cleopatra." "The Polles STOCK-UP ON TEA AND JELLIES PRESERVES Fourteen tempting fmit preverves Tng ing from Straw.

bertT to the Blch Tartarian Cherry Preserved the Tee Garden war, retaining all the flavor nd triturc of the freah fruit. YOUR ii AT TIMERS NEW PATHOLOGY tonsil tlBsuea from the throat by any method. All that Is Justified In any case Is an attempt, by whatever method doctor and patient elect, to remove, disinfect, sterilize or pasteurize the focus or foci of Infection in the tonsil, without disturbing surrounding normal tonsil tissue any more than is absolutely necessary. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, lodln For about a year I have been taking two drops of lodln In tumbler of water two or three times a week. Yesterday I saw an article where you said 090 drop once a week.

Have I taken too Will it do me any harm? Mrs. D. J. A. Answer Well, if you are still able to sit up and take notice It probably has done you no Irreparable harm.

A drop a week Is a fair ration, but no barm IS one gets two or three drops a week. Detailed Instructions for taking an lodln Ration wilt be mailed on request (no clipping, please) If you Inclose a stamped envelope bearing your address. Nearly everybody needs It, particularly youngsters who are mopish ana adults in their prims who begin to go stale and turn gray before forty. Spinal Curvature. Daughter, 14, has flat feet and for several months have noticed- one shoulder la lower than the other and one hip seems larger than -the other.

She haa been wearing arch supports. M. D. R. Answer You should place her under medical treatment for spinal curvature, and If possible have the supervision of an orthopedic surgeon.

Prompt and thoro treatment may save her from permanent deformity. Apocryphal Vitamins Please tell me what foods contain vitamin E. I understand this is the an tl -sterility vitamin. Also what foods contain vitamin A. Mrs.

A. L. Answer Plain wheat Is the richest natural source of vitamin E. Plenty of vitamin A in numerous common foods, such as milk, cream, butter, cheese, carrot, tomato, lettuce, escarole or chicory greens, spinach, egg yolk, llver, string beans, sweet potato, banana. No good evidence that vitamin has anything to do with sex function or sterility In man.

As for vitamin there is precious little evidence that any one in this country suffers from a snort- age of vitamin A. In my Judgment vitamins and are the only vitamins of practical Importance In human nutrition. (Copyright, 1938, John P. Dllle Co.) Ed Note: Persons wishing to communicate with Dr. Brady should end letter direct to Ur.

William Brady. oH BS El Camlno. Heverl) Hills, Cam. Bergere" became the ''Follies Brassiere." Burlesque also had Its own lingo, and In back-stage vernacular anything cacky was smutty or dirty A skull was a funny face If a comic or a chorus girl showed smalt aptitude in learning lines, he was a ltverhead A lush was a drunk A stooge who took the falls wns a Third Banana. The big bosses of the burlesque business at the time the commissioners summarily executed It were the Minsky brothers Billy.

Abe. Herbert and Morton They are college men and have been profiled by the New Yorkor They lured tho high hats to their theaters and made a practice of dropping tickets at the Harvard Club and similar places. If a girl's dress was low In the back It was "an underslung differential" The "sllngers" were the tease dancers themselves Being busy, they Idom had time to shop, and so a routine of salesmen regularly called at all the theaters-One sold only the rhtnestohe gadgets, which at conclusion of a dance Became the sole bit of wearing apparel leVt: another handled the lace pants so popular in burlesque A third carried the incidentals that chorus girls have a yen for. Mr. Alexander has really got something here.

His book points out the axis on which the whole industry turned It Is a snappy picture of what really went on behind the scenes, and, more Import-ant. It is darn entertaining reading. Estelle and Leroy, playing a leisurely dance parado of the capitals of Europe, arc now In Cairo. They've danced on every glawd from the Paradise in New york to the Homan Forum garden. The area of the State of Vatican City la 108.7 acres.

tn South Carolina the law does not allow divorce for any cause. TEMPTING PRESERVES NOWI JELLIES Twelve tangv, fruity. Tea Otwden tellies to choose from. Including the Red Currant and Concord Qrape at welt as the inert erotic Black Currant and Ouava. GROCER TODAY'S TRAFFIC TIP Cars do not start moving with the sound of the whistle at Main and Central but muht wait for the light to change.

The whistle is a warning to pedestrians, who are given the Intermission between whistle and change of light to clear the street. MEDFORD TRAFFIC SAFETY COUNCIL Thankful for 'Hoppers TIMBER LAKE, 8. D. (UP) At least one fanner is thankful for. grasshoppers.

Alfred Kleiner la turkey raiser nd be says that since the 'hoppers have routed themselves through his land he has "the cheapest turkey feed" he had ever seen. Phone 542. We'll haul away your refuse. City Sanitary Service. Chevrolet JINGLES Who sells the most used cars- in town Reconditions their cars and holds prices down Use genuine new car parts in all repairs Then put a Guaranteed 0 K.

on all their wares? Why it's the dealer whose stock right now is lowl In spite of the fact that most business is slow' We NEED late model cars cars of the better grade 1 So if YOU'RE in the mar- ket, here's the place to trade Chevy M. Hurd Rogue River Chevrolet Main and Riverside Service Dept. .12 No. Riverside Used Car Lot Riverside at 4th WHY UOGA TA8LETS CURB EXCESS ACID OISTRESS OF STOMACH ULCERS Ifyourstomach pain is accompanied byGAS. heartburn, belching, bloating, burning, INDIGESTION nausea, etc baking soda, dangerous dnigsor half way measu rea, but follow the advice of the thousands of former acid -stomach sufTerera who recommend IG A Tablet to help neutralize excess stomach acids (IDG A Tablets, hased on a physician's successful prescription, wtrrk fast to bring relief from excess acid stomach distress Week'streatmentsupplynnlySl on iron -clad euarantee of rttwlta or moneitmclcf Get UDGA and rr.titf or get your money bock Recommended bv WRSTKKN THRIFT STORE and nil gnod drug stores Medford UULMS Tl 01 LJL3 DO YOU WANT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE NEW FEDERAL HOUSING ACT? WE'LL HELP How does this new plan of financing: work? How much does it cost per month? Am I eligible? What about plans, construction, builders? ia.

I il i I rlLJr These and many other questions confuse the aver age prospective home builder. He wants a home, but doesn't know just where to begin. IF YOU WANT TO BUILD OR REMODEL Come in and we will give you full infor- maft'nn Ki 'vii juu van early. nit yuur afjpiicawon Ask for our Small Homes Book that contains valuable information that every prospective builder should have. Big Pines Lumber Company DEPENDABLE BUILDING ADVICE Phone 1 Closlno time for Too Late to Claa- Ada is I -so p.

m. L'se ilall rribun, Want Ads. 0.

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