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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 12

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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12 WEDNESDAY EVENING SDafelanD Cribune NOVEMBER 4, 1931 f- WON 1 10 APPLE CUT' IT; I Curiam Calkm Cupid Freed of Coin Fetters TUCClDcw 'raim Ught "0t 10 be jingle of the cash register, 1HLREV. EARL N. GRIGGS, pastor of the newly built University Christian church, Berkel-y, shown here with MRS. GRIGGS, has announced that hereafter he will accept no fees for weddings which he perform, and that the church will make no ren'sl for the edifice for wedding ceremonies. ny wooa ooncs ,4 SIS ACCEPT FEES 0 MAR 1 'HE Commodore Marries" hast has not yet attained any enviable I TRIBUNE Berkeley Minister Also Announces Church Wil FULTON SATIRE Sliaw Writes Humorous Forecast of' Future of World In International Affairs The world in 1 9 0 Anerlca voluntarily returning to the British Empire for the furthering of the machinations of master dip-lo'mats.

a keen. hn. inorOus human study of the mail of the fu- ture. That im 'The Apple Cart." newest plav from th pen of Bernard Shaw at Ilia Fulton theater. I ttert in a subtly ornns ein.

Apple Cart" is a satirical forecast BOYD IRWIN. of the fa in International affairs. ture Whether or not his Insight Is aVcurato In this instance as It has been on other occasions, play is fertile of thought and stimulating. "The Apple Carl," presented by Arthur M. Oberfelder by special arrangement with the Theater (iuild, brings a cast of English players for its enactment, the King of England in 1060 being played by Boyd Irwin.

the seenlc thing. investiture that Is the UN UIMfl bi "oiJb few I'-' '3 Child Violinist -Will Be Heard I A Edgar B. Davis, the oil man who spent half a million dollars on "The Ladder," the worst play to have a long run in the theater's history. Is on Broadway again looking for a new drama to sponsor. If Fulton Oursler aren't occupied in the business of adapting someone's book for the stage, then someone is occupied adapting on of their books.

In this cose It Is Tom Jones Leonard who is at work on "Penguin Pool." Vice-President Charles Curtis has accepted trie Invitation to the annual banquet of the Academy of Motion Picture Ails and Sciences In lieu of President Hoover. The function will be held at the Hotel Biltmore In Hollywood on. the eveS ning of the tenth. fcv John Stabl, one of 1'niversal'a (lip directors, left Hollywood last night bound for New York and a wedding. He was accompanied by the bride-elect, Mm, Itoxana Ale.

(iowan Bay rind her parents and Alls. Li Mrdowan. Stahl has Just finished filming "Strictly proportions. This is disclosed in an unbiased report of the Division of Industrial Welfare for the three months ending September 30. The employment of women extras Increased 12.

3 per cent and the total amount of wages 9.7 per cent over the previous quarter. The sum of $138,445 Was paid out to women who filled the extra places from April to June; and $151,895 for the succeeding three months. On the face of this it seems to be a decided Improvement, and tt Is. But there Is another side to the picture that must not be overlooked. There arc, approximately 18,000 men and women listed for extra work with the Central Casting cor poratlon, the free employment bureau operated as a subsidiary of the Association of Motion Pictures, Inc.

And viewed as a whole the plight of these extras Is not inspiring to. those who dream of a movie coreer. The highest average dally placement this year of men, women and children was 8X5 during September, and this shows about 17,115 who were unsuccessful in their search for work. The average dally wage In September was $8,117 for the 885 extras. Evidently the 17,115 were without motion picture Income.

But the heartaches 'and hunger of the 17,115 are quickly forgotten In the ecstatic news that one extra has been elevated to contract roles. EXITS AND ENTRANCES i i Marlines Is once more equipped7 with two theaters us a result of the outfitting of temporary quarters for the Junior State on Xluln street. The building will used unin tne state wnicn suttered on $86,000 fire loss some weeks a fs rebuild. Hope Williams Is to be viewed In New York presently in a new play by liretchen Dumrosch entitled "The Passiug Present." it will be the seeohd production of the season by Arthur Hopkins, who began the year rather In. aspiclously with "The MHn on StilU." Joseph Schlldkraiit whose nrt has beer obscured by lack of employment In recent years, will en-deavcVto relight the candle In New Yorkaround the holidays with "tliylery Gods" hii adaptation of a jnerman play.

It Is to be pro duced by Reginald Hammerstcln. ephew of Arthur. Maurice Browne's debut as a New York actor in "The Unknown Warrior" at special matinees did not stir the critics particularly. In London, lliowne had great luck with the play; here he plans to tour from Atlantic to Pacific; but New York found It as uninteresting as when Lester Vail had the role for eight performances bock In 1028. Reports from Philadelphia are very cheering, however, In regard to tho Norman Bcl-Uesses' production of "Hamlet." Here It is neither the play nor the players but A FRENZIED CITY SCREAMS IN TERROR! Thunder in the streets a sirens shriek and bine coated army faces death on city's battle front! As 0 with MARY RUSSELL potfayW 4Qa 13 At noah BILL OFFERS Joe Laurie, Comedian, and 'What-a-Man' Hudson Are Vaudeville Features "Homicide Squad, which, In stead of glorifying the racketeer, depicts him as the dastardly, cringing coward he really is, opened o-day at the It Or-pheum the-ater, and will remain for the week.

Leo Ca- rillo, popu-l a locally as a legitimate stage favorite and for his splendid rm-a in 'Hell Bound," Is the star of "Ho miclde a Other a -tlstsof mer it and fame WHAT. A MAN HUDSON. In the supporting cast Include: Noah Beery, Mary Hussell Gleason and George Brent. Along with "Homicide Squad" comes a new bill of HKO vaudeville, headlined by none other than Joe Laurie comedian and humorist. On tho same program are: Ray Hughes, with tho platinum beauty Bernard and Ifenrle, called Songland's Pennant Winners; and' tho Chrlstcnsen Brothers.

Interpretive dancers. As an extra added attraction, the widely publicized "What-a-Man" Hudson will make personal appearances at all performances during the week. "What-a-Man" Will be interviewed each performance by a reporter who will endeavor to ferret out the Inside information on Hudson's past life, and how he came by the name of "vvhat-a Man." Eden Water District Opposition Strong With protestants outnumbering petitioners In the proposed establishment of the Oro Lonio county water district in Kden township. action on the project today had been placed In abeyance for one week by the county board of supervisors. A poll token by the board yesterday revealed 283 petitioners In favor of the water project and 431 protestants to It.

The petitioners asked a continuance of one week to mora clearly define the extent and location of the proposed district. A bond Issue of $05,000 Is sought to establish the district, based on an expected patronage of looo persons In an area containing 0 0 voters with an assessed valuation of Probation Granted In Grand Theft Case On his promise to restore $2500 to his former employer, H. H. Roberts, 4011 Euclid avenue, Oakland, Kills Wood, 43, today bad been granted probation by Superior Judge John J. Allen.

He was charged with grand theft. Roberts pleaded guilty to mis- appropriation of that amount from his employer's funds In a loan deal. Jin confessed to extending a loan to Mr. and Mrs. 37.1N avenue.

Inter trans ferring it, and supposedly Invest ing It lor Huberts. IIl- failed lo do so, he admitted. Program Ready for Hospitality Night Sonus, dances and a dramatic rending will feature the reirn la Thurmlay evening hnsnllalilv nlirbt program this week In the Oak room of Hotel Oakland. Contributing artists Include Miss Elinor Kdson, who will give five dances with changes of costume. II.

1 Ed- son who will be heard In several tenor soloa and Josephine Swan White who will give a dramatic reading of 'Hluebeanl" by Kate Douglas Wlggln. Iss F.dmn will be accompanied at the plono by- her mother, Mrs. H. F. Edson.

I Stage 1 Idea With BOB Iter iiilc NANCY CARROLL IlillJEIIl i I 4 i I. 1 r-1 BERKELEY, Nov. 4. Xot only does the Rev. Earl N.

Griggs, pas tor of University Christian church, scornfully refuse to be "tipped' for performing wedding ceremo flies, but he has other original Ideas on the subject of matrimonial rites. xnats wny, wnen couples are married by the Berkeley pastor, the bridegroom isn't asked any more to his bride with all his worldly goods." "Seems rather Ironical In this day and smiles the Rev. Griggs, who has held his Berkeley i pastorate for five years. "So we nave changed our ceremony to meet, modern conditions." THE Old) PLEIMiK. In the past this was the line the traditional bridegroom spoke after ma minister as he looked nervously at his bride: "With this ring, I thee wed and with all my earthly goods do thee endow." 'The twentieth century version of the marriage ceremony, changed to meet existing economic conditions, reads like this: "With this ring I thee wed and I pledge to thee my love, loyalty and undying devotion." In tjia new University Christian church-which-rises en a hilltop at a triangular junction of Le Conte and Scenic avenues and Virginia street there will be no marriage ceremonies for which the minister is "paid," the Kev.

Griggs Insists. Already two marriages have been solemnized In the new church minus usual minister's fee. The new policy of the pastdr wss announced to the executive board, and given normal approval' by that body. "I resent giving tips to waiters says Dr. Griggs.

"I feel the same way about people handing me money for performing a Christian duty. I receive my salary. It humiliates me to have the. ministry on a tipping basis. So far as I am concerned I stand ready to.

render any service I can In the name of our church and I do not want that good name lowered by that tipping habit. "If the bridegroom feels that he is not properly married until he has paid (or the service then let him send his check to the church where It will be placed in a fund to be used in some special way to honor the brides married in my Church." NO RENTAIj CHAnGTC. In keeping with the policy laid down by their pastor, the executive board of the church further announces that there will be no rental charge for weddings solemnized In either of two chapels at the new University, Christian church. For Dr. Griggs Is equally outspoken In his denunciation of "commercialized church weddings." "It's a sorry day for society," he says, "when greed will even ape the church in architecture an exploit holy and tender effects for profit.

Therefore, this church over which I preside opens Its doors gladly and freely to all who seek a place where the wedding march is not drowned out by the ringing of the cash register." Coming here from Detroit, where he attained recognition as a pastor, Dr. Griggs has taken a leading place In Berkeley's church circles. He has a wife who seconds his idealistic views of matrimony' as exemplified In their own happy marital life. There are two children to make happy the family home, 45 Han Mateo road, namely MarguerltH, 12, and Donald, 10. Thompson Leaves For Safety Meeting BERKELEY, Nov.

4. City Manager Hollls Tt. Thompson left this afternoon for Los Angeles to preside aa chairman of the safety conference division of the annual meeting of the California Chamber of Commerce. The meeting, opening tomorrow, will continue on Friday for discussions of trafflo engineers and civic leaders of ways and means to curtail an increasing death -rate In accidents. NOW PLAYING nAncy CARROLL Vkttttltttl iH Qaramnmi Qietim Also Addre 3.D A FINAL CHAPTER "TABU" Com Ailing S3 Wll 1 1 AM TIslTaOADTO, 'Added Attraction ONNRNBERO vs.

DON CiKOHCJK PARAMOUNT NHWR MUSICAL MYSTERY KRfMR BKRGKN VENTHIMMtUlflT mm 1 MKSVTN iisor the of the Dr, In A. and were of They City, 20(111 the 1'. r. MARIAN been selected as the third and last of the Little The ater productions at the University of California, marking the first presentation of this robust drama in the west, and serving, unless its tontent has been expurgated, to acquaint staid Berkeley with some of the best eighteenth century seagoing oaths. Kate Parsons, the author of this opus, took as her model Smollett's "Peregrine Pickle" and shifted the scene to a mid-nineteenth century New There she proceeds to show that life may be made enchanting by appropriate doses of make-believe; and that even such a roistering worm as Commodore Trunnion cannot be tamed fo.r The Commodore, be it known, Is no slave to custom.

An old sea dog who has no intention of learning new tricks, he has fitted out house like a vessel, chopped down the landlubberly steps and elevated a mast to give access to the balcony, translated the chambers into cabins, stood a watch outside and surrounded himself with a spirited crew. There, in a spot Isolated from the brabbling world, they live a roaring life according to their own fancy. When storm arises on the port horizon, they conclude the first scene with the bawling humors of a brisk sail drill and send the audience into gales of mirth If the New York production may bo accepted as prophetic. TWENTY SEASONS AGO TODAY Ritrr Mcintosh it appearing in "The Gentleman From Mhiif tippi" at the Alcazar thii week. THE acti ltf I storm Is, figuratively and actually, the approach of Miss Pickle, a sour and wizened spinster on marriage bent.

Presently sho and her satellites have pushed their way by the watch and elbowed her into marriage with the Commodore. And therein Is born a new order of things. The language of the Com- modore Is curbed; his cronies are evicted; the house becomes more a house -and less a ship; chanties are no longer and the feminine touch Is everywhere In evidence. "The Commodore Marries" served Walter Huston as a vehicle In New York after he had finished with the eccentricities of "Elmer the Great" along in 19211. It did not have a long run nor a very profitable one but It created a considerable stir due to the text of the drama, the performance of Huston, the scenic investiture of Robert Edmund Jones and the production of Arthur Hopkins.

Whether the students of tho Little Theater have gained suffilent momentum In their brief period of Instruction under the direction of Edwin Duerr, to produce the play with Its proper flavor remains to be seen on the evenings tt November 13 and 14. It wilbe a difficult chore at best and while the novices have acquitted themselves with honor so far, they are taking on a large order. Announcement of the cast will he forthcoming this week. FORTY SEASONS AGO TODAY Oliver Byron is appearing in "77ie Upper hand" at Morosco'i this week. LIFE WO( ha for the extra in Holly-than It but It ood is slightly rosier has been for a time.

FULTON THEATRE Phone 110 IIUIiiy 4:100 NOW PLAYING BAKUA1N MATINEli TOMORROW, THURS. BERNARD SHAW'S Amazing Comedy "THE APPLE CART" Tlv arrangement wild New York Theatre CuiUI A National Road Show With Boyd Icwin and Cast of 20 t.nsi WARNER BAXTER EDMUND LOWE in The Isco Kid" Wlih Concbita Marilyn Knowldeii Tomorrow Another Powerful Chatti-ilon Characterization That Will Jo Things to V'our Heart 1 Aev IVOR NOVELLO GEOFFREY KERR Picture EDDIE OUILLAN "Sweepstakes" IS Ml SV -if SHEET HE An ordinance changing the name of 60 streets, avenues, alleys and paths was Introduced before the city council Ist night but was referred to the committee of the whole, without passage, City Engineer Walter N. Frjck- atad declared thnt the. changes In names will rectify confusions which have existed for many years. Orange avenue, for Instance, was changed to Hevlllo avenue because there is already an Orange street.

The Golf Itoad will bo known as Jones avenue except for the upper end. Grand avenue was named Grand avenue from Broadway to Webster street. This part of the avenue has never been officially christened until now. Home of the more Important changes Include: Burr avenue to Burr street; Mar- lln street and part of Thermal ave nue to Nineteenth avenue; j)iirt of nmcresi avenue in neneca sireoi; other parts pf Hlllcrcst to Hifvannnh street; part of Thermal avenue to Cherokee avenue; Hcott street to Lawlor street; Lindbergh drive to Castle drive; part 4 Anderson avenue to Relnhardt part of Summit drive to; Gregory street; Crest drive lo Crest avenue! Sequoia road to Oak Knoll boulevard; part of Oak Jvnoll boulevard to Barcelona street; Guilford drive to Haverhill drive. Tests of New Drug Are Satisfactory BKriKKLfty, Nov.

4. Satisfac tory tests of a drug developed In laboratories of the University California medical school have been made in Central America In treatment of sufferers from amoebic Infections of the intestinal tract. Two university experlmojjtciH, 11. 11. Anderson, Instruclflr In pharmacology, and Dorothy Koch, research associate In medicine, reported today "encouraging results'1 the use of "Carbosone," a drug designed under the direction of Dr.

C. Reed, director of the university's institute of tropin medicine, Dr. chauncey Leake, professor of pharmacology. Dr, Anderson and Miss Koch sent to Central America to further test the drug after It proved successful in the treatment two score patients at the unl-1 verslty hospital In' San Francisco. visited medical centers In Guatemala and COKta Itlco and es tablished headquarters In l'unama where they examined nearly patients of the Santo Tomas hospital.

offickhs NOVATO, Nov. 4. Olllccrs for coming year were elected at a recent of tho Nova to l'car Growers' association, They arv: 1', Tuckctt, president; Mrs. J. G.

Guth, secretary Mrs. J. H. Cash, treasurer, and Frank Sturkcn and Lafranchi, executive committee. Starts Friday The greatest (emation since the advent of Vltaphone EDWARD G.

'FIVE STAR FINAL Iflfl BILL IT THE PREMIER Jack Oakle, Mary Brian, Rkeets GallaKher and Olive Borden will hold the screen at the Tremler ti Wednesday and Thursday In "The Social Lion" on a great double feature program. The story Is a hilarious, funny one of a young garage mechanic who believes he Is a pugilist, gets on a ritzy polo club's team, hob nobs with the elite 400, gives high hat Ideas, and finally finds the plain girls the best of them nil. In conjunction with "The Social Lion," Anna, May Wong in "Flame of Love" shares the program. A startling story of an Oriental beauty who loved too well but not wisely. Alleged Robber to Face Second Trial Frederick, 28, charged with armed robbery, must face a second trial on charges that he robbed Young Wong and Gee l.lng, alleged proprietors of a lottery nt 3100 Peralta street, of $100, firing one shot at Young.

A Jury in the court of Superior Judge John J. Allen reported Itself deadlocked after six hours deliberation over the defense testimony. Tho Jury was discharged. Young and Gee charged that Frederick loitered In their establishment until other patrons had left and then robbed them, firing a shot which broke Young's glasses when he demurred. Frederick, who surrendered to police, declared thnt lie bad been refused full payment on a winning ticket, and that Young drew a gun and ordered him to leave the place.

In an ensuing struggle, be said, Young's glasses were shuttered by' a bullet from his own gun. Frederick's HCf-und trial was set for November 17. Salesman Arraigned On Bad Check Charge Stanford D. Weeks, L'8, wholesale meat salesman who was arrested yesterday in Fresno, was arraigned today before Police Judge Howard L. Bacon on a bad check charge, and bad bis preliminary bearing set for November 10.

Weeks is charged spedflca lly with passing Slu check on Milton llarbis. proprietor of downtown restaurant, on October 2fi. According to Inspector Jules Stern-Itzky, who returned blni from Fresno last night, he bas admitted passing nearly a dor.en small checks In the Eastbay and San Francisco Pollco say Weeks also is wanted on bad check charges In Los Angeles, San Diego, San Hernardino. Ventura, and Fresno and on a grand men cnarge in Santa Jlonica. EHHEnnnn Jhfiiit I'liffhiff Iny Nfw AdfsnturM of "GET RICH QUICK WALLINGFORD" Win.

llaliira, JIiiiikt Unrniite Troublei of Hand lorn Bachtlor PAUUUKAS mem DOROmrjOMUH (HARM RUCeUI rimmount Plotum Mnqt MffRVMAKFKS SOU Till FAM HMdlint Acta Swt 18 Sweetheart! fOUOCBl 4th "Decp0B VKS4N0 ''IT 11 I 1 A wved Frances Heritage James, 13, Oakland musical' prodigy, whose violin playing won her a. place in the University of California Symphony will ape par In recital under the auspices of the Oakland Order of the Eastern Star (it the Madison street temple next Sunday night. The girl, daughter of Mrs. Ethel James, 372 Adams street, Is an accomplished pianist, vocallHt and composer as well as a violinist of note, She was recently awarded a three-year scholarship bemuse of her talent. She will be assisted Sunday nlplit by i.e da Floyd, coloratura sopiHiio; Ksta Marvin Tomeroy and I'licbe Allen Starr.

Funds from the snlo of. tickets will be used to pure-hasp the Kill a violin worthy of her art, according to her sponsors. The Oakland library board last night asked the city council to authorize a transaction whereby a new building will be built for the nedmont avenue branch, and rented for five years by the library. The matter was referred to the city manager and city attorney for study. The library directors explained thnt F.

M. Greenwood Is willing to erect a suitable building on Forty-first street near Piedmont avenue If he receives assurance that the city will lease his property for a sufficient time to make his venture profitable. The library directors suggested that the city make a one-year lease before the bulldlm; Is completed, and promise an addi tional four-year lease when the first lease ends. The hoard of library directors also asked thnt the city add $luun to the library budget In order that new books can be bought to stock the new rindmont avenue branch. In addition to the hooks now at the old branch.

Two Women, Infant Saved in S. F. Blaze SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 4. Two women and a six months' old baby were saved by firemen yesterday In a blaze at an apartment house at Twenty-fifth avenue.

The women, rut oft by flames from the stairs, were standing at a window on the fourth floor of the building, when the firemen arrived. Mrs. Ursula Figone made a move to throw the child Into the life net, and her sister, MIm'h Dolores Frellson, indicated that she, too, woud Jump. Firemen Albert J. Imhof of truck 14, ran his scaling ladder to the flro escape and brought the baby to the ground, returning to rcscuo tho two women.

Damage was estimated at $1200. CLIVE BROOK In "The Lawyer's Secret" Also NEIL HAMILTON 'The Spy" FREE Mystery Box and Radio t.vcrj Thursday I. A NT TIMKft 'Wll AY atiTit ROBERT CHATTERTON "The Magnificent Llo" with Ralph If lit my ARMSTRONG in "Kx-Hnd Hoy" Willi Jtiin Arthur LIHllfrS PREMIER II lath ami Broadway II II OL fncourt 8S48 II the Gang iter bee ay Captain of the 0 spa; RKO VAUDEVILLE Direct from Pauce inemrs IRIAN LEMON Pathe Wews a MAN" 1 I TOLL OWT with -PA -JBIBIBWJBrWi MARSH H. B. WARNER ATTHACTIO.X EXTKAORDIXARY! "VVHAT l-KAINUA STARR FM R11HICV1DI ncc MAURICE CHEVALIER 'THE SMILING LIEUTENANT" C3QDSC3 15 I.dny WHtttEB tint WOOLIEY is "CXACXED XVTI." sad CHAS.


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