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Abilene Daily Chronicle from Abilene, Kansas • Page 3

Abilene, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FARM AND HOME INSTITUTE' Condensed Statement of the Tlif tallies of tlio City Mission will nwt in tlm olliio ol' .1. K. Keel tomorrow nl'teinoon lit It oYlni'k. AH of those to this organization Inclement Weather Cut Down At- Farmers National Bank Abilene Kansas, at close of business November 17, 1916. Do You want to Save Money Top can shovel much coal into old-fashioned heaters, jet most of the heat will pass up the chimney.

But with a modern steam or hot water beating system yon can have the heat distributed in the rooms just where and when needed end with less eoaX Talk the matter over with is RESOURCES tendance This Morning. The i-m and Home Institute is heiiiL' lield at the Chamber of Commerce rooms today. On account of the weather the prouinin for tins nioriiinn's session was crowded Into the afternoon session and is therefore very interesting- lr. Wrkht and Miss Caldwell of the Kansas i-f ii 1 1 in i are here and ae their addresses this afternoon. Also onus and Discounts S.

Honda are unrently to bp iircm'nt. Room For Rent Well liitnislieil, furnace heated and comfortable '2i hours every day; every modern mm-venienie; three blocks limn business ilistriet or hish seliool, very reasonable terms. Inquire at Chronicle ollice. "White flame coal oil lamp burn-rs as much light as from three com-non burners, sold and guaranteed by 1 derrifleld. I The L.

L. class of the Lutheran church will hold a social hour and LIABILITIES Capital Stock 50,000.00 Surplus Undivided Profits f.2.;)74.02 Circulation 49,097.50 Deposits 50,000.00 Municipal Bonds and Stocks Kenl Estate, Furniture Fixtures T. II. Parks of the Manhattan school who was scheduled this morning was I'laccd cm the afternoon program. 13,000.00 2,500.00 Redemption Fund Cash Sight Exchange Ilia I oil- Abilene Plumbing and Heating Go.

A. L. Eshelman, Prop. Phone 808 business nieetim; at the home of Mrs. i Insects as very interest It interest ing Theo.

Xiisz Friday afternoon at 2 $502,794.15 r02.7!4.1.') The above statement is correct. I. B. MARTIN, Cashier. Directors: R.

M. White, II. W. liohrrr. Isaac Shockey, J.

S. Engle, W. A. Mattcson, A. Duckwall, C.

W. Taylor, G. W. Minick, I. B.

Martin Ladies who pledged fruit for Tnbo-betha Homo should bring same. Old magazines wanted, highest market price pnid. Call phone 715 Lea Kessinger. BRING YOUR POULTRY AND EGGS TO THE CASH FEED STORE TOR HIGHEST PRICE. 307 NORTH SPRUCE STREET.

PHONE 165. uACKEY SON. was illustrated with a number i charts, showing the different insects that infest the orchards. He gave ntimhcroiis illustrations of how these, insects injure the trees and told when and how to spray the trees to prevent them. Dr.

Ilaringtou whose address was to have been Ibis morning was on the program this afternoon. Alsi Pr. Dean C. Out ton. The program for tomorrow follows: NEWS ABOUT TOWN Kansas Weather.

(ienerally fair tonight anil Thurs CONDENSED STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF The Abilene National Bank at the close of business November 17, 1916: day. Wanner in the western portion toniiiht. 'PETE Tntus Wonder Trrw Aidneynd blad- Don't use harsh physics. The reac- Thursday morning, 10 O'clock I drr troubles, disolvea crsvsl. euros dia-bete, weak end tuna backs, rheumatism and all Irregularities ol the kidneys and bladder in both men and women.

If not aold your drufffrlst, it -will be sent by mail on receipt of ll.OOne email bottle ia two months' treatment and aeldom fails to perfect a cure. Send for teatimonisls from this and other States. Dr. X. W.

Hall. Olive tit. Louis. Mo. A.

L. Duckwall went to Concordia today on business. Let us make jour muff. ParnKin tion weakens the bowels, leads Hessian Fly constipation. Get Doan 's Reg- Mr.

Parks; "The liest Time to Sow ulcts. They operate easily. 2-jc at all Wheat." S. M. McCullough; "1're-stores.

paring Ground for Wheat," J. T. iSelhiids; "Better Home Making," IUN.V1KM HKI'DKI HY I Tllh I' ITKH TATKS llut Shop. LIABILITIES Mis (ahlwell; "lieports of Stale FORD INTO THE FENCE. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts Good Roads Convention." Karl Kid Capital Stock.

50,000.00 Banking House Surplus and Net Profits Circulation 49,400.00 Deposits 19,500.00 1,800.00 2.400.00 Fiirnituro and lixtures Stock in Federal Reserve United States and Other Bonds at DH. J. W. SHEAKEB Osteopath Offlces over Hees' Bakery Nervous Diseases a Specialty dle. Discussion.

K. Geoffroy, Tliuisdiiv Afternoon. 1 O'clock Report of Committees anil Flection of Oflicers; "Twenty Years in Wheal." Mr. Parks; "The Dairy Sire." George l.enhert "Advantages of Raising lielttter Livestock." J. D.

Shepherd; Pictures in the Home, Miss Caldwell. Gypsum Minister and Two Young Ladies Met With Accident. A Gypsum minister and two young ladies who were in Abilene yesterday attending a meeting met with accident two miles east of Solomon yesterday evening that completely demolished the car and gave the occupants a very close cull. They were riding with side curtains on, completely shutting theiu- Jerry Keelev of Solomon was an Abilene visitor today. See A.

B. Elwick for glass, all sizes, lie puts them in for vou. Miss Jennie 1'arent went to Emporia for a few days' visit. Any one want ins; geese for Tbiinks-givim; or Christmas phone "0(4. John Kiordan of Solon on was visiting relatives and friends here today.

MONEY TO LOAN ON CITY PROPERTY. 307 NORTH SPRUCE ST. LACKEY SON. The Priscillu club will meet with Mrs. W.

If. Hroughton tomorrow afternoon. Cash and Sight Exchange Phones: 08Ue 3 Res. 444 BIG FILM PRODUCTION HERE Total Hf8.4H8.4r) Total $858,488.45 selves ill when the car for some un known cause, took notion to run "The Christian" At The Seelye Thea- into the fence. The cur us viewed by tre Tonight.

passersby today was a complete wreck Pour of the liest known motion The above statement is correct. V. N. GLEISSNER, Cashier. Buick D-45, light six, D-35, ne occupants however, escaped with pic! uiv urlists in the world will be Directors: J.

B. Case, H. L. Humphrey, J. E.

Brewer, C. M. Harper, DE. MILLIE BENNET DE. HAEEY BENNET four cylinder, $065, f.

o. b. factory. Wl injuries, nothing more man wen ncre in ne v.nrisi inn, m- 0. A.

Rogers Mr. and M'rs. Merrillat of (lt younK "i i iciuuie inin which iii mi Winlield, Iowa, are visiting Mr. and They were tak-, shown at he Seelye theatre tonight. Osteopathic Physicians dinner ut Kd Miller's Sunday.

en to Solomon, by a neighbor near arc r.iinn jsiore.y. r.arie where the accident happened and re- Williams, Charles Kent and Harry Mrs. G. A. Kubacb.

Try all the cars. Then vou will FAIRVIEW. Fuirview, Nov. 21. Mr.

and Mr. Hoffman and M'r. and Mrs. V. turned to Gvpmiin today.

The car is iortlirup. know that you want a Buick. Persons who are familiar with probably beyond repair. Aliss Lillian liischotl of Washing Acuta and Chronic Diseases Ul Phones; Office 273 Ee. 610 Ul mjijijijijijjijjjijj Saner returned from their trip to ton.

Kansas, is here for a visit with aslern Kansas. Misses Gladys Miller and Mildred her brother, Geo. D. Kisehoff. For all kinds of job carpenter work, all kinds of hand niuje furni Mourer were home from Chapman ac The W.

II. Hutchison family visited ul W. C. Hutchison's Sunday. J.

1L B'l'kbolder motored to Hcr-ington Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harshmuh and daugh ter Alice were Abilene visitors Saturday. W.

C. Ainsworth's and W. A. Mourer 's attended church at Navarro Sunday evening. Mr.

and Mrs. Mourer attended tb Sunday school convention at Woodbine, i companied by Miss Molby. ture a specialty. 114 East Seventh St. Phone 8015.

W. C. Hout. Took The Hurt Out of Her Back Mrs. Anna Byrd, Tuscumbia, writes: "I was down with my back so I could not stand up more than half the time.

Foley Kidney Pills took all of the hurt out." Rheumatic pains, swollen ankles, backache, still joints and sleep disturbing nilments indicate disordered kidneys and bladder trouble. J. M. Gleissner Son IjSjSjIJIJtJtJSJiJIJIjS Mrs. J.

A. Luuer whs called to npe on account of the illness of her mother. W. H. EICHOLTZ CO.

Abilene, Kansas. Miss Mary Meuli was in this vicin the rating of photoplay artists wilf readily recognize the names us carrying assurance of an nrtistic performance. The producers of Hull Caine's masterpiece spent more time and more money making the production than was ever before conceived to 1h' practicable for a motion picture play. Eight months were consumed in photographing the eight reels a reel a month. Previous to the production of "The Christian" not one-fourth as much time huoj been spent on any picture.

The cast engaged whs the liest that could he selected from the hundreds of men ami women who pose for the camera. The company was taken to the Isle of Man where the prologue was photographed, and from ity Monday evening. W. H. Kill riken and wife took Undertakers and Lieeased MOONLIGHT.

Embalmers. Forty-ive years in business Calls attended to day or night CWiiiso llhere to London where the English Willard Service Station Batteries Charged, Repaired and For Sale Free Inspection of any Battery Central Auto Machine Works 310 North Spruce Street The B. will meet tomorrow afternoon ut the home of Mrs. J. G.

Landes on West Third street. The Presbyterian Aid Society will hold the annual bazaar and chicken supper on Friday, Nov. 24th at tno A. W. Rice home on West Third St.

Win. B. Webb of St. Joseph, chief clerk, is here today examining the clerks of the Abilene postotliee. Popular grocery, poular prices.

Merrifleld. Dr. Murphy who is assisting Dr. Harington in the county organization work, is here for a few days. Any one wishing dressed geese or ducks for Thanksgiving phone Mts.

L. A. Johnson, 1197. Prayer meeting at the Lutheran church tonight ut 7:45. Let every Lutheran be a prayer meeting booster.

Headquarters for new honey in omb or bulk at Merrifleld's. Mrs. W. .1. Benjamin and daughter Eunice lone returned today from a visit with her parents at Burlington.

Call np MerrifleM for new dried fruits, pickles in bulk, honey in bulk or comb "Swansdown" cake flour. Moonlight, Nov. 21. liorn to Mr. and Mrs.

Reuben Cliincnhugii of De-lisle, Saskatchewan, Cauadn. Nov. 7, a son. J. M.

Sheets purchased an Overland motor car. Mrs. Geo. Boycc left for Ilolton to visit her mother who met with an accident-Jesse Brandt ordered a Ford motor car. M'iss Fay Poland is working for Mrs.

Sam Ihniiin this week. Harry Hoover's, B. W. Hoover's. scenes were enacteii.

Days were spent rehearsing for every scene, and in the hisUiry of motion pictures, there is nothing to eipuil tl urelul DRAKE ft BIOETER Drs. of Chiropnetie Jt X-Ry Work gpsoulty Consultation Free Over Miniek Taylor's attention to detail Hint went into the pict lire. I tie t.lirisliiin, us nov el, was i recognized as one of the greatest ii. it i pieces of literature in any language -mid fortunately, the plot was adapt I able to drainat izat ion, making Duyhoff's, Miss Retizu Breehbill anil Sum I.ichirian motored to Belle Springs sequence of grip closely connected ping scenes. Sunday night to a revival.

It was conducted by Bishop J. It. Zook of DesMoincs, Iowa. Rev. J.

B. Mickey of Lawrence called on friends the lirst of the week. Abram Noel's and Jesse Breehbill 's The Women's Foreign Missionary Society of the Christian church will Advertised Mail. Letters uncalled for for the wool, ending Nov. 20, KIKi: Miss Fern Missel, David S.

Castle meet at the home of Mts. R. Mid- dleton, 213 East Seventh street, to- went to Woodbine Monday to attend the county Sunday school convention. The Brechbill-Dayhoff wedding was attended by over one hundred people. A bounteous super was given.

Mr. morrow afternoon at 2:.10. Go to the Brighton Up Store for Painta and Wall Paper, Glass and Varnish. (4), W. W.

Dii.vlon. C. M. Graham. II.

S. Nii-oll. Palm Merc. R. G.

Rngh, Mrs. L. Schultz. E. C.

R. B. Spell (2), H. WillianiK, John Witwer. Persons calling for the above miil will pleaase ask for advertised

Thanksgiving Tost Cards and Booklets on display now at CARLSON'S NEWS A STATIONARY STORE tv i i i i a mi nils. j-7uiioil win ne hi lion iv Suit was filed today in the office i i labor, Iowa, after Dec. 1. the district and of clerk bv Kffic One cent will be charged for each Chronicle "Want Ads" bring quick results. letter.

Fred Pratt to collect it note for 200 with interest since March 1, 1910, against Mert Price of Industry. W. A. MATTESON, P. M.

If you want ftll the news, subscribe for the Chronicle. For CroupMothers Always Keep This Handy Store Lighting Proper store lighting ii a big factor in volume of evening Bales during the winter months. Proper Btore lighting moats just the correct amount of light carefully distributed by the nse of modern type lamps and reflectors. Increased sales and lower light bills are the usual result from modernizing store lighticg. Consult any Electrical Contractor or the Company right now at the beginnig of the loig evening season.

CHRONICLE WANT ADS Crown Patent Flour Best for Bread, Biscuits and Pastry You get more loaves to the Sack and better Bread from Crown Patent. Every Sack Guaranteed. Your merchant has it. Made by Security Flour Mills Co. Th day of th Croup tear Im over for tboa paranta who wlaaljr kap Foley's Honey an4 Tar Compound 1a tha noma raauy for Instant nss.

Mrs. Chan. Kelts, Allen MIIIh. writen: "I have uned Foley Honey ami Tar Compound for the pant eleven yearn ft nd wou Id not be wit hou It, It ha saved me many a bill for cold and croup." If townra nleMfall th ilttlft on rrow hoarne andcroupy, If thtr breathing bfcomen wheezy and HtufTy, Rive them Foley' Honey and Tar Compound. Many a careful mother haM been able to ward off an attack of Bpaan iodic croup by Us timely use.

If you are awakened by the hoarse tirasny cough that meant croup, Klve Foley' Honey and Tar Compound at once. It will eaae the little Muffererii quickly, cut the thick choking phlegm, and Hoon they will have euiy breathing and peaceful quiet nleep. a- very XJaar Is a Trlan4 J. M. GLEISSNER SON Wanted to buy, kafflr corn or can odder.

Phone 743. Wanted Sewing in jour home or at my home. J'hone 410. Pining room and chamber help nntcd at the National hotel. The Riverside Liht, Power and Gas Co.

Telephone 100 Furnished room for rent in modern bouse. Inquire this Subscribe for the Chronicle..

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