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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 13

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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TUESDAY, MARCH 22, BMTHEVnXR COURIER NEWS PAGE ELEVEN 1 Sees Employment Rise Number of Workers May Hit 60 Million Again During 1949 WASHl.XOTON, March vt'nnnenl economist snid yes- fi'uay that chances are yood thai iiploymem will reach (jO.OOT.OCO this year. "There will be quite a recession if it doesn't;" Ewan Clagne told a conference. iTIie commissioner of Hie Labor Department's Bureau of Labor ItatLstics said unemployment may to 3.500.000 in March. It was BO.OOO in February but only 1.000,•JO in November. Clague said an employment up- lirn is likely in May or June -i: construction, agri Jillure and oilier liu-js hit Uicir ex upturn.

Employmen bached 01,000.000 for an all-tim leak In July lust year. As lor priced. Claguo said: Whole to have leveled of Ifter tlieir early winter decline: fo Ills reason retail prices likely lecome stabilized too. aUhoii'j lu-y iniah', go down a bit more i lur.her rcllccting tile earlier whole lue declines. TJieie have been only "insin lain chnnj'L 1 during the inisl tliu lionlhs in i-veragc of Corkers, lie said.

aguc! itpurtccl non-agi'i- lultural employment dropped alwnl fl.CCO from Jiuiunry to Fi'ontary Tapprcximately He ssuJ Iliis was partly due to sen-sona! Juniors gtie said that February em- Ijynient was above any other Feb- luary on record except February. when non-farm employment as 300,000 higher. For Beach Fun Economic Tide Turns: Boom Ends with No Bust Expected Shirley MacCalla likes paddling about In this, inllalable pla-lic boiil Weighing only two pounds, it Ills Into a small spai'f when ami i-aii be bluun up like a football Icn beach liolh Shirley and Hie bunt un display in New York, bul Shirley doesn't go wilh it. Censoring of Truman Photographs Just an Idea of Safety' Back Home Birds have been present on onrlh Die Me.sozoic era ixnd now prlse tlie most numerous class If liighcv animals. Sailors On Spree thnn submit to what they regarded as White House censorship Newsree) men turned their film ovei to the White House.

Most of It eventually was given back to (hem. Ttiken from an altitude of 200 feel, the fjlm does not clearly the sprawled on Ihe presidentlrl beach. WASHINGTON. March S2. I.T) President Truman says it is safer lor him a home If he Isn't photographed in bathing trunks.

Mrs. Tr.unai: won't stand for it. And that, he says, is the real reason why wliite House aides Insisted they must a batch of informal pictures made of the President ana friends last week when he was vacationing at Kcv West, Fla. Mr. Truman talked about it at the dinner last Saturday night of the While House News 1 Association.

It was not "censorship." he said with a grin, but .1 safety measure so I could come home." The news reels and taken from a Navy e( mllk now Photographers understood Homogenized milk now sells the project had been approved ay ror 20 ccnts By S. Burton llrnth NKA Staff Corrfsiiondrtlt NEW YOttK. i economic tide has turned. Inflation has run its course 1 Unless the government Interferes radically, deflation Is coining nround the corner.

That is the considered and almost unanimous opinion of dort-ns of economists, business men. merchants, labor spokesmen and other skilled observers whose views and the reasons for Kervlcf lias checked. this Is wry Impor- I'ntess too many Mitneltoilios get foolishly There is not giilng (u lie ilc- pres.slun; There is mit soliiR lu In- muss 1 unenipluynienl; There are mil fioiiiK In lie bread lines: There wilt not br rvrn major recession. Prices are not Koins back down to the pre-war levels thai used to be "normal." Such prices are not normal ony more, as a rule, though Individual Hems iiiiKhl to or below pre-war levels bfcuuse of improved manufaciur- Inu tcchnkjnes. Increased mass inodnclion, ur -shifts in coiiMmn'i Msnye.

With one shiRle exception Ihe cxjierts canvassed In this study aiirce that the dc.y-by-day news of price cuts, sales, surpluses, layoffs, reduced woikiuii hours, shows a trend, and is noi merely another temporary break such as fooled so many of us about a year The consensus. In suminnrv. that: 1. The cust of llvlnir will continue lo ill-op initil II Itself at level lower (linn llu- senl but above thai nf nhorlrr working wtrki, nluil- downfl tor 11 repalri mark return (a normal employment rendition (Hun thr msd which Indmlry hif operated ilnce wmr production got Into iwlnc. To thul n- tenl It permanent.

Is fur nbovc anything we dreamed ot before the hyper-acttvlly of wartime. There no reason It should not continue a very high level While there will be more tin- employed, by technical definition than for some years now, unemployment compensation will help to maintain purchasing power ntir pi-evcnl a serious brenk. In general, the tkhlc-ntiiR up has come In "inamlmvl" those that have been kci at nrll- fletal strciiBlh by abnormal condl ttons---and In over-developed Industries, that could operate full lilt only because to con sinners hnd been eniplled by tli war. The readjustment has been go Ing on tin- some time. The tern porary brcnk lust winter wns on Ihe first.

Ijtit the firs to nllract inut-h atlentlon. It has progressed lluis fnr without yenertil recognition because It been highly xelccllvc. When atmosl nil of Industry nets Us pipelines filled al and finds a surplus, niul the public can not 01- will not buy Us output, a depression, by whatever name called, Is created. I But this lime industries came Hit turn In road, one by one. Cach hud time lo adjust Itself lie- ort another slowt'Q down.

(This not literally Industry by ndustty, but It was In Kcnctnl II simplifies what, ccntiomlsls nil the "selectivity" of the slow- lown.) As a rc.Milli persons thrown out of work by the braking activity one Industry have had oppor- unlty lo eel relocated before oilier Industries threw more men into the labor market. There Is no reason why (his selective process should not con- If II l.s let alone, aconomlst.s feel. II Hie government should step In, and bolster up weak by subsidy or other artificial method, It could slow or mnylie even stop the could, perhaps, hold up Ihe wcnk slslers lor some time. But the post-war level of llvlly 1ms rested upon consume shortages, family savings as wel as hlRh weekly Income, and upor the slowness of some Industries Kct Into full production. It wns artificial, uni! In Ihe opinion of ex- perls it can not endure pennn- nenlly.

So If weaker parts of Ihe Industrial syslem are propped up by creation of even cheaper money or nny other method. It Is felt Unit when Ihe stronger parts rame to their Ini-vllabte slowdown the ones will fall with ll'rni 'Hull would result. UMiiore.i- Mirlly. In everylhliiB hrcnkliiB at onee---lhe cause of Instend of a relatively painless SP ecllve readjuslmenl. M'Lachlan Clan Jubilant; ion Born to Woman Chief OLASOOW, Scotland, March 22.

a great day for the elan ilacl.arhlnn. The Miiel.acli of MucLachlan, irst chief In the clan's IjOO- 'ear history, hns nlvcm birth to a and heir. George Home, liB, mouled tlic Mucl.achlan of Mad nchlim In February, 1048, ami adopted her i mime so she could remain head ol the clan and so lhal any son of marriage could succeed to her The Wrlh of their Jlrii child, Euan, was announced (ho news spread it was a boy, then wns Jubilation atnonf Good Record WIU1RAHAM, Mass. lei 'J. O'Brien, 73, of Salem 110 fine in court, his lint in 35 years of driving.

Head Courier rfewi Want Adi. Announcing THE OPENING OF OUR NEW furniture Department For real hiii'Kiiins in ln-fli now and lined fur- nit tiro, you'll want lo rnnie to Moore's. And you can pity on easy terms. So next time looldiiK' for mil in furniture, lie stop al iMourc's oil Main. Moore's Furniture In DDE), Paul llcvevc wiis ixl president of the first Iloiwl llcultl) In Hasten.

310 East Main 2660 Little Rock Dairies Cut Milk Prices Three Cents But price reductions will be spotty, both on the way down run! in the new level of which euch price will settle after time. 2. Soon there will he no Important nlhrr than tn trouble Ihe avcragr man or wenuui. Already there arc over-sunnlles In nianv and Ihe number Is Thnt Is the reason for Ihe Inlensc orire coinneM'lnn the bnrealn offer 1 LITTLE ROCK. March 22.

a niiitticle on the part of Milk prices in the greater Little ri Hock area have been reduced three nnt-man'nfnrtnrers. wholesale- cents on the quart. and r( all are wnlrhliw A spokesman lor dairies Jn this sitllnt carefnllv. Thes yesterday price of pas- kllcw ch hnri lo comf Is 19 cents a Mnql o( lh( nrc kln? stens lo rlc! of surpluses and lo stabi- lEIeven United States sailors were arrested by Havana, Cuba, jwhen the sailors went on a spree on Jshore leave. Here one perches a-.) line head of.the Statue of Cuba's proper authorities.

They tonished when Charles G. Ross Presidential press secretary, insisted on surrender the. photos. At the time. White House aides called it a security measure.

But Ihey did not explain that it was se- cunty against Mrs. Truman wrath Mr Truman said that was it. Before he went to Key West, lie said, -the boss- told him'. you have any pictures take in your SU Hc said a picture like that 'vex- taken in In Bermuda and Mrs Tiunian has regarded it ever since as a "disgrace to the family." The President's story of the Inci- dent was told "olf-the-recorrl, meaning not for publication. However an account of his remarks was published by the New York Daily News which said the publication was dip to an "honest" mistake by Jer- rv Greene of its Washington staff "Today.

Ross declined to lift n. label from the Saturday night speech but said The price reduction has been in effect about a week. liy.e manufacture at the level 3. The current wave, of layoffs. PROOF Kohliln.

crnln an order Iroiu a tougli THIS IS PART Of BEN WHITE SONS GENERAL CONTRACTORS MAIN OFFICE NORTH TENTH Phone 3151, Spirit! tries to make the climb. They (were jailed and later released to sh disciplinary action. WIrephoto). Nalional hero Jose Marti, while an- further publication of the stori 1 a nw tter "individual discretion. What actually happened on the pictures was this: Still photojrapli- Itiivc ns renew your footwear with our line.

Invisible hulr sulci. '1'hc henuetlcnlly scaled sole Joint will out moisture, foreign nmttcr. There will be no shnnk strnln to distort Iho shoe nnd CIUI50. discomfort. No nulls or slllchcs.

'J'lic shoes truly renewed for lung satisfactory wear here. H-flLTCRS QUHLITY SHOC SHOP RADIO REPAIR 1 and Service on ABJ Make or Model Reliable Workmanship Phone 2642 We Call For and Deliyw Fred Callihan Elcctriciil Appliance Co. Authorized Motorola Sales 10H So. 1st. St.

ers destroyed their negatives rath- Tfeur Car Prink Oil? THAT'S WHAT OWNERS SAT ABOUT THAT DGAD-PROVEN NEW 1349 (U1MURY ENC1HEI What gives this low-lo-tlic-road, new HUIKIM such a jump on the others? Look -under the hood! That exclusive new IREIKURY plant is terrific! Owners say it's not only the liveliest, the the thriftiest engine they've ever driven! And it is! LET US STOP IT WITH A NEW SET OF HERI'S WHAT WI DO. Install Niw Piit IniraH N.w emoting OrM AM AJjnt Otm AM AJfnt Is.toif Nt Ukr Ari hxMri $68.65 Come in now AND GET OUR PISTON RING Special omp.iny TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS FRANK D. UNDERWOOD UNIFORM Headquarters nifRtURY OU can utirr your 1919 Mercury's got tlie flniliinf cvr.ry- tliing you expect of a 1949 carl For thil long, low, road-hugging hecn rnnH-prnrrn by lliou- of owners for millions of inilrjl You can (Ipppuil on its iinH'crftil, ihrijly, new 8-cylini)cr, V-lypc engine! Ill new front coil New, iteeririf! iVp.vv "super-safety" brrtkcsl New, broader, softer aettlingl New incretierl visibility! you'll lay; Mercury for TAXI and TftlICK DRIVERS UNIFORMS All Colors Onbiiriline $12.95 HUDSON Cleqncr-Cfothicr-Tailor We etloit In providing un KXTRA cverydny prescription service, which menus extra con venlcncc to you Feel free to call on us nl any time Prompt de- Slvcvy service Phone 501. WOODS DRUG STORE FARM DITCHES DITCH BANK LEVELING PRIVATE ROADS OR ANY STILL YOUNG MOTOR CO. Walnut and 1st Blytheville, Ark.


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