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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Crffjtme MAY 13, 1931 WAR MOBILIZATION PLANS TOLD BY GEN. McARTHUR WEDNESDAY EVENING WhenOakland JYxnith Unmasked Aimee ULE-KE-I HOOVER-TRIP -BOMDW HAVE ARMY OF 410,000 POLICE JUDGE AT RAISE IS DEFEATED AIMEE SEMPLE McPHERSON and members of the orchestra of th liner President Wilson after her identity had been revealed by HARRY WALTERS, Oakland youth shown at the extreme right in the group. The evangelist, traveling incognito as "Mrs. Grant," was successful in the deception until she asked Walters, a pianist; tq help her with some music she was writing. He noticed that the manuscript bore the name of Aimee Semple McPher.son.

The other members of the ship's orchestra shown are HARRY SHORT (left to right), saxophonist; RAY GUSHMAN, drummer; JACK LOCK-WOOD, saxophonist, and HERBERT ANTHONY, violinist. Fish Board BilltoCut Sardine Oil Making Hit Measure Declared Blow at Manufacturers; Canada Competition Cited mmmr- nTrWTHll I II II I JfeH! Ship's Pianist Discovered Aimee Despite Incognito Hy NAVCT HATtR MAV1TY fornla. The niolher of her son-in-law, William R. Smyth, lives in Tenafly, and it is believed sho may have gone to visit her. sistant Secretary of War Payne Tells of Scheme to Organize Industry at Outbreak of Hostilities WASHINGTON1, May 13.

UP) War department plans for instant mobilization of an army or men were outlined today before the war policies commission by General Douglas MaeArthur after receipt of a protest from the. Federal Council of Churches that elaborate war preparations would diminish national security. MaeArthur, appearing at the commission's resumption of hearings to find a method to take the profits out of war, explained the war department plans for military and Industrial mobilization. Assistant Secretary of War Payne had said the war and navy departments, assisted by ether agencies, were developing plans adequate for the mobilization of the nation's economic and Industrial resources. He said the plans being worked cut provide for setting up an organization, basically civilian, through which the President would be able to organize Industry at the outbreak of a conflict.

CHURCHES OPPOSED The administrative committee of Jhe Federal Council of Churches, In a statement to the commission, contended elaborate war plans would "create suspicion ana fear among the nations of the world and diminish rather than increase the security of the United States." MaeArthur testified plans called for mobilization under a selective ervice draft from a registration roll of 11,000,000. The chief of staff expressed opposition on behalf of tho war department to the plans proposed to the commission by Bernard M. Bnruch, former chairman of the ar industries board, for freezing ju prices at the outbreak of a con 'Zrrirt, MaeArthur said the war- depart ment believed that, aside from legal objections to such a proposal, in Justice and hardship would develop to incite popular dissatisfaction register wealthy. The chief of staff proposed the registration of all wealthy in war time, similar to the registration of man power, to facilitate the impo ition of taxes. MaeArthur testified the war de partment wag oppised to the con scription of labor, believing it would not be supported by public opinion and would be so resented by work ers they would not lend their best efforts.

He took Issue with the views of the Federal Council of Churches, contending that adequate preparation and plana providing that no one could escape a share of war's Yonomic loss would exert a and restraining effect upon any croup or class "that might be tempted otherwise to urge the adoption of national policies likely to lead to International conflict." Einstein Son-in-Law On Film Expedition RERUN, May 1 3. Dr. Albert Einstein's son-in-law, Dmitri lKnlanoff, has been appointed art Ind scientific director of the ethnological film venture headed by RYbert J. Flaherty and organized by "Porza," an international artistic and scientific association. The destination of the expedition has not yet been determined although It probably will be India.

Flaherty has produced several pictures of native life, made in their natural locale and without professional screen talent. Robot to Displace Steel Plant Firemen CHICAGO, May 13. UP) Robot operation of heating plants In manufacturing steel, placing the open hearth man, was one of the subjects for discussion by a committee of the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers today. Robot operation of heating in steel plants would be obtained through meters which automatically regulate the flow of fuel, usually oil or gas, meet the temperature requirements of metals used In producing steel. MEXICAN BRIDGE CRASHES CIUDAD VALLE, San Luis Po-tosi.

Mexico, May 13. UP) General Saturnlno Cedillo, of San Luis Potosl, and Jose Castillo, prominent local politician, were injured here yesterday when their raj fell through a bridge in the first accident on the newly opened Mexico City-Laredo highway. General Ce- 'Vllo suffered only minor inluries hTtt Castillo may die. KENTUCKY More. Trouble Expected as Soldiers Are Shifted to New Mining Districts; Operators Blame Unions HARLAN, May 13.

(UP) The unemployed situation In Harlan county grew desperate today as men continued to walk out, leaving the mines idle or nearly so, and national guardsmen patrolled the southeastern Kentucky coal fields on two fronts. Tho 400 troops which previously had been concentrated on Evarts, hotbed of the violence which has claimed five lives, were divided and halS of them sent to Cawood, another small mining town southeast of Harlan, the county seat. The military also was guarding another mine today, bringing to three the total now under Its supervision. Harlan county coal operators met in executive session to dlSLUss the wholesale walkouts at nearly all of the mines and to of breaking the deadlock "between mine owners and unemployed union men. MOVE KEPT SECRET.

Colonel Daniel M. Carrell, in command of the troops here, refused to give any reason for ordering 200 unmounted cavalrymen, under of Major R. Graham, into Cawood. It -also -appeared probable that the major base of operations would be moved shortly from Evarts to the county seat here. Reports continued to pour here which indicated that Colonel Carrell was anticipating trouble In the mines surrounding 'Cawood, and ordered the troops fliers to avert any possible violence.

The new disorder In Evarts was caused when a large truckload of furnishings, property of a coal miner seeking work at the Black Mountain mine at Kenvlr, east of Evarts, rumbled down a steaet lined with scores of unemployed union and non-union miners. Several men leaped to the truck and forced It to the curb. Mistaking the driver and owner for a strikebreaker, they ordered him to keep out of the Black Mountain country. CROWD DISPERSED. Military police Immediately reported the Incident to Colonel Carroll, who ordered the crowd dispersed.

He placed two troopers aboard the truck and sent It on to the mine. He then Informed the miners that he would not tolerate persons on a public highway being intimidated, and said that as long as he was In command of the situation ho would enforce Justice impartially. John Marland, general superintendent of the Kildav mine of the King Harlan company, made the first formal statement of any operator during this period of strife when he characterized develop ments at his mine aa due "solely to union agitation and not to any other cause, not excepting unem ployment. Further reports of additional walkouts came In today, the largest occurring at the Blue Diamond mine at Chevrolet, where only four loaders reported for work out of a total of 250, Troops were guarding the Black Mountain mine today, making the third the military has taken over Troops reported that at this mine employment had been noticeably increased, since the mine guards were replaced. Company officials, however, said they were unable to obtain sufficient help to man the mines.

Queen Helen Held Menace to Country BUCHAREST. Rumania, May 13 OP) Queen Helen was reported today to have told friends that on her recent visit to Belgrade King Alexander notified her In the name of King Carol that her presence in Rumania was not In the interests of the country. The queen was said, therefore, to have decided to leave Bucharest at the earliest possible moment, and her departure is expected when Dowager Queen Marie and Princess Ileana return early In June. She is not certain, it was said, how she would avail herself of the opportunity granted her by King Carol to see Crown Prince Michael from time to time. 'Shorts' for Girl Scouts Approved NEWCASTLE.

May 13. OP) The national board ofkhe Girl Scouts of America has given official sanction to "shorts" as part of the regulation Scout uniform for camp. Announcement wi made at a convention of Girl Scout leaders here. feature the aftecnoon'a music program, with the following students taking part in solos, duos or quartets: William Edwards. Ruth Parrlsh, Martha Dahl.

Anna Courade, Wilds Enos, Opal Weller, Orion Ward, Arlesa Hughes, Agnes Melnei, Annette Williams, Anita Drum, Russell Darbo. Lamar Archibald, Richard McCoy, George Giolettl, Charles Kertes. The cast for the pageant play Includes Terry O'Connell, Opal Weller, Roy Wolf, 8am Cattollca, Lamar Archibald. Charles Kertes. Lawrence Marcellno, Gumersendo Acebo, Klnesley Price, Orion Ward, Richard Polkinghorn and Ruth Parrlsh.

Opal Weller will play piano solos during the evening snd Kingsley Price will provide jrgan FEARED MAY REVEAL 1932 PLANS Trend of Campaign Expected In President's Speeches On Western Jaunt Leaders Eye Progressives' Moves WASHINGTON, May 13. CD-Republicans are InokTm with Interest to the forthcoming speech-making trip of President Hoover Into Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois because he may say things that could have considerable weight In a re-nominatlon campaign. There are some who believe he will emphasize economic conditions as an indirect answer to administration critics. What he has Is not generally known, but radio speeches last night by senators representing the Republicans, Democrats and Republican Iqde-pendents were Interpreted a indicative of a trend. All three Senators Lafollette of Wisconsin, for the Republican Independents: Hastings of Delaware for the Republicans, and Walsh of Montana, for the Democrats dwelt largely upon economies.

Neither of them mentioned prohibition. Lafollette outlined problems which he said "must be aquarely faced." They Included the depression, the tariff, power regulation, farm relief and armament reduction. RENOMINATION FORECAST Hastings forecast the renomlna-tlon of President Hoover. He contended changea.for victory would fluctuate "just aa the economic conditions remains depressed or Improved." Walsh held that Democrats represent the mass of the people and will declare for a program to aid the farmer and the worker. -He suggested as probable points In the legislative program of his party a five-day week, denunciation of injunctions In labor disputes, public utilities regulation, and Increased taxes on those best able to bear the burden If money should be needed to meet the treasury deficit.

These speeches were made under the sponsorship of the National League of JWomen Voters, while Senator Brookhart, Republican Independent, Iowa, diacUssed his suggestion for a "progressive" movement In the Republican presidential primaries. He said most of the favorable reaction to his proposal had come from the three states the President will visit On three successive days. These states contributed the principal Democratlo gains In- congress last election and are now pointed to by Republican Inde pendents as fertile ground for a contest against renonilnatlon of Hoover. ILLINOIS STARTS GROUP Brpokhart says he understands an organization Is getting under way In Illinois with a view, to launching a progressive campaign In the Republican presidential prl mary next year. Hoover has said nothing about his randldacy for renonilnatlon but has looked with npparent approval on movements In his hehnlf.

He Is expected to give a full exposition of his vleVs and policies in the June speeches. The President will go first to, In dlanapolls, on June 15, thence to Marlon. Ohio, to dedicate the memorial to Warren G. Harding, and then to Springfield, Illinois, to the tomb of Abraham Lincoln. Just how deep In the progressiva movement reported by Senator LErookhart Is problematical here.

The Iowan says nis man nns Deen heavv with endorsements of his proposal. LEADERS SILENT Brookhart Is confident In the power of such possible candidates as Senator Borah of Idaho, John son of California, Norris of Nebras ka. and Lafollette of Wisconsin, and Governor rinchot of Pennsyl vanla to win a majority of dele rates to the next convention through the primaries. None of these, however, has even Intimated that he will go Into the campaign against Hoover. None la making any comment on Brook- hart's suggestion at this early stnire.

although political leaders generally are showing an early Interest In the campaen outlook. Renublican regulars are known to be concerned over the defections in their fold In Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. last. November, and they are watching with Interest the results of Hoover's pilgrimage In nil three state senatorial contests will be waged In 19 32 and In Indiana the Republican senate leader, James E. Watson, Is up for Brookhart also is a candidate for re-election next year.

N. Y.Bar Head Hits Tammany Judges NEW YORK. May 13. UP) Charles C. Burllngham.

retiring president of the Bar association oi the city of New York condemns Tammany Hall for selecting de teriorating" material for tne Dencn. John W. Davis, 1924 Democratic candidate for president, succeeds Burllnghsm. Rurlineham. In his final address, last night lamented the part lawyers had played In the recent maladministration or justice.

ne charged that lawyers had been mixed up In cases of oppressipn and chicanery. WORLD WHEAT PLAN MELBOURNE. Australia. May 13. UP) The wheat growers' conference here today submitted to the minister of markets suggestions for consideration at the forthcom ing world conference at London.

They Included the creation of an international marketing organization, representing the wheat porting countries, snd control pt ths sale of all exported vhtafc Legislature Rejects Bills To Increase Salaries of Oakland Offices; Extra Court Also Is Refused SPtCIAI, BY Win TO THE TRIBUNE SACRAMENTO, My 13. The legislature will not provide a nevr Justice court -In Brooklyn township, Oakland, nor raise the salaries of Oakland and Brooklyn township justices of the peace and Oakland's -two police Judges, as a result of amendments agreed upon today by Senators Arthur H. Breed of Oakland, and E. H. Christian of Hay ward, to the series of bills already passed by the assembly.

These bills, introduced by Assem- blymen Charles W. Fisher, William W. Hoffman and Eugene Roland of Oakland, had provided for the new Brooklyn township court and sal ary increases up to $6000 a year for the police Judges and Oakland and Brooklyn Justices. As amended the only salary increase in the bills will be for the Eden, Washington, Murray and Alameda township justices. The two Eden Justices ar raised from $2700 to $3300, Washington and Murray township from $2400 to $2700, and Alameda from $3200 to $3500.

Oakland's two police judges, kept at their present salary scale of $4000, will be permitted to continue practicing law. Breed and Christian agreed to allow one additional deputy for the court of Justice of the Peace Hurry W. Pulclfer of Oakland, making eight in all. AIRPLANE FOR GOVERNOR. Assemblyman Roy Bishop of Alameda succeeded today in getting out of the senate finance commit tee his bill to provide Governor James Rolph Jr.

with an airplane. The measure, which carries an ap- proprlatlon of $76,000 for purchase and maintenance of the plane, was reported out favorably by a vote of 12 to 4. A similar bill by Senator William E. Harper of San Diego has previously been killed by the same committee. Since that time the governor has made a number of direct appeals to the legislators and the finance committe relented.

Only two other appropriation, bills won the finance committee's -approval at today's session. On was ths Parkman bill to pur6hae additional land for the Nor walk state hospital In southern California, but the appropriation was cut- from $306,000 to $25,000. 'V' The other was the Sewell bill for a new national guard armory in Pomona, The appropriation In this bill was trimmed from $50,000 to $25,000. The fate of the striped bass bill was to be decided In the senat fish and game committee this after possibilities, of sensa- tlonal developments. Assemblyman William B.

Hornblower of San Francisco, who fought the measure In the assembly, having announced he will now work for the bill's ap- proval. Hornblower's change of front came afibut following a hot -exchange last night before th as- sembly fish and game committee, whose members the San-Franciscan charged are "under the domination and control of the commercial fish Interests." DISAPPROVES SARDINE BILL x. His attack on the committe came after the sardine bill, regulating the reduction of fish for oil, had been amended to permit what Hornblower declares will be reduction for oil of 60 per cent of all -sardines caught in California waters. "The fish and game commission was perfectly satisfied with this hill as it passed the senate," said Hornblower. "Now eleventh-hour amendments are being accepted which were drafted by the com- merclal fish interests.

In Its amend- ed form, the bill will put the edible oil people out of business." The striped bass bill was before the senate fish and game commit, tee late yesterday, but lacked on vot to3 move It out. Hornblower asserted he would lend his aid to the measure, although formerly op- posed to It, in order to prove his Independence of the legislative program of the commercial fishing interests. WARREN ElGHTf BAIL BONDS District Attorney Earl Warren came up from Oakland last night to block an attem.t to revive the. bail bond brokers' bill he had succeeded in having the senate Judiciary committee kill on Monday night. Although the mmmlttee had tabled the bill following Warren's arguments against it, representatives of ths bail bond broker busied themselves through' yesterday in preparing to move the bill out last night.

Efforts were mad to win over some of th. opposition to the measure, which would have extended the time for reclaiming forfeited bail. Warren reiterated his opposition before list night's meeting and th bill was not brought up. Another attempt to secure approval of the measure was to be made tonight, when the committee's final meeting will be German Steamer Sends Out SOS HAMBURG. Germany, May 13.

UP) Th German steamer Graven- stein, bound for Antwerp frei New Tork with a heavy cargo American and tractors, sent out an SOS call tori-. saying her steering gear was i -abled, but that she ws -Ing to effect temr- She gave her r- 47 north and lo- said Fhe was i Enclish channel. Sh is owned by A I pf Hamburg, who out a p.lii Mr SACRAMENTO, May 13. UP) The biennial 1)81116 over surdlne was before the assembly today, with a recommendation for passage of Senator Sanborn Young's as amended attached toa proposal sent down from the house fish and game committer last night. Bitterly opposed by Assembly man Hornblower, the bill virtually writes out, he claimed, manufacturers who produce by-products of sardines from the edible o'l in the fish.

The edible oil amendment wa, adopted after lengthy and neated discussion, principally be.ween Hornblower ar.d Eugene r.cnnet., atttorney for tue fish and tame commission, who proposed the amendment. Bennett's explanation for the amendment was that tne edible ot: companies were A entitle! to usj whole sardines for edible oil, when the leavings aftar the edible part of the fish had oeen canned could be used. He stacvd the amendment was a conservation measure. Hornblower objected on the grounds that the same amendment permitted taking of 9000 tons of fish annually for manufacturing into fish meal alone. REDUCTION HELD TOO MUCH Another heated argument took place on the amount of fish permitted for reduction Into fish meal and fertilizer.

As the bill was received from the senate, provisions for IS per cent of the catch per season to be reduced Into byproducts were carried. Bennett submitted amendments raising this amount to 20 per cent. As the law stands today, canners are permitted to reduce 32V4 per cent of the take into by-products. E. B.

Gross, Monterey, objected strenuously to reducing the amount the canners could reduce, as did other representatives from that city, stating the Interests of sardine conservation did not requlrs.this amount of reduction, CANADIAN COMPETITION Part of the Involved situation In the sardine industry was brought out by Hornblower, said fish were being reduced Into meal and oil In unlimited amounts In British Columbia by a large "California concern. He charges this concern, which hs named as the California Packing corporation, was In favor of cuRlng down the amount the California canners could reduce for fish meal and fertilizer. With the bill on the floor of the senate, a bitter debate was expected In that house, as Hornblower announced his intention of fighting the proposal to the limit. It will in all probability come before the house for action Thursday, after which the senate must concur in the amendments, It ths house adopts the bill. Colorado River Water Measure Is Tabled SACRAMENTO, May li.

W) After listening to hours of debate the senate Judiciary committee tabled, 9 to 4, Assemblyman Chester Kline's bill, No. 18S2, reserving waters for use in- the Colorado river dralnnge district. This bill passed In the assembly following considerable discussion on the floor. The senate committee was led Into Intricacies of Colorado river water allocation between areas in Riverside. Imperial and San Ber nardino counties on one hand and the Los Angeles metropolitan water district and San Diego on the other.

VOTING BILL TABLED IThe senate Irrigation commit tee tabled a bill by Assemblyman Samuel E. Robinson of Imperial tonight providing property quail flcatlons for voters on Irrigation district bonds, The bill provided that In districts of more than 600,000 acres no person would be entitled to vote at any election unless he possessed certain qualifications, these primarily being resident ownership. Speakers for and against the bl'l came from Imperial county, where developments are contemplated In connection with the Boulder dam project. VALIDITY QUESTIONED The proponents claimed the bill would "give the man who paid the bill" his right to speak. Opponents quoted the attorney-general as expressing doubt regarding the validity of the proposed act.

Thr-aasembly today passed an enabling act by Senator J. M. 3n-man, Sacramento, permitting ths state department of finance to en ter Into negotiations for leasing Its dam site on the American river. Queen Lays Wreath On Bier of Ysaye BRUSSELS, May 1 3. Queen Elizabeth of the Belgians today paid a last visit to Eugene Ysoye, Belgian violinist who died yester day, going to his bier, where she left a wreath.

Intensely moved, the queen expressed to the violinist's sobbing widow her deep 'sympathy and sorrow. Ysaye's funeral will be held Fri day There will be a mass for him at Trinity church which will be sung by the students of the Brus sels musical school where Ysaye for the last IS Tears acted aa pro fessor. In accordance with Tsays's wish. there will be no funeral address. He will be buried at Ixelles ceme tery.

GIRI-BOT HIKER TAKEN. LOS ANGELES, May 13 (UP) Marie Miller, 17, of Gainesville. Texas, was picked up by police early today as she sst on a curb dressed in boy's clothing. She tnld police she had "hitrh-h-ked" to Angeles froni tr? a wken to the The evangelist, it is learned, Is writing a Biblical allegorical play in seven scenes, for her Angelus temple flock. Despite the loss of 30 pounds during her trip mound the world, which ended here yesterday, the auburn-haired evangelist, Is applying' herself tirelessly to the new opus, which she believes will be one of the moNt sumptuous ever staged at the Los Angeles tabernacle.

Mrs. McPherson was Inspired on the last stretch of her long voyage that from Marseilles to New York and began writing what tho manager of Angelus temple, Fred C. Winters, 'described as an oratorio," She is doing the work In col laboration with C. W. Walken Jr.

of Kansas City, her musical director, who accompanied her on tho Among the subjects dealt with In the McPherson-Will keif 'production are Elijah a adventures and the voyage of Noah and his urk. During the trip the evangelist visited, among other places, Hong kong, where she placed a wreath on the grave of her first husbund, Robert Scmplo. Civilian Purchasing Agent for Army Plan WASHINGTON, May 13.P A civilian purchasing agent for the army was suggested by Chairman Wood of the house appropriations committee today as a. further step toward economizing and Increaning efficiency in the nr department. The administration has announced that the depnitment would abandon from 20 to u' posts.

Under Woods plan the purchasing duties of the quartermaster-general would be taken over by a man not connected with the service, who would devote his time exclusively to contracting for army supplies, dealing directly with producers as far as possible; Dutch Liquor Law May Be Revised THE HAGUE, Netherlands, May 13. W) Drastic revision of the Dutch liquor law, permitting municipal councils to declare absolute prohibition without consulting the crown, Is provided in a bill under consideration. In the Lower House of Parliament. The measure would divide liquor Into two classes, one embracing spirits containing more than 16 per cent and the other wines and beers having less than that content. RDBIO DEATH PLOT EXPOSED General Callos Also Marked By Rebel Conspiracy In Mexico MEXICO CITT, May Cf) Aspafslnatlon of President Ortiz Rubin and General Plutarcn Elins Calles, police of the federal district charged today, was planned by conspirators In a revolutionary plot just exposed.

The assassinations were planned as a call to Mexicans to arms to overthrow the present government. Two retired generals, Mario S. Martinez and Julio Marques Car-mona, and a former colonel, Alvaro Lucio Alcazar, are among nine persons held for questioning in the plot, the alleged leader of which, Luis Cabrera, formecfinancn mln later, was deported to Guatemala Saturday. Documents seized at the plotters headquarters revealed that slmul tanenus armed uprisings were to occur In Mexico City, J'uebla, Oax aca and other pHrts of the country on 15, the "C'inco de Mayo on which Mexico celeluat the liattle which thrust the French from the country. The plot was discovered by a de tective who posed as an enemy of the government and gained the confidence of the He obtained a copy of the manifesto In which the consplr tora detailed their plans, pledging themselves, among other things, to deliver the Mexican oil fields in their entirety to Mexican capitalists.

A "fight without quarter" was planned. There was to be a forced loan from Mexican banks and com menial establiphments and the newly opened Mexico City-Laredo highway was to be closed since it merely opened the way to entrance of more Americans into Mexico. Police In their raid on the plot ters' headquarters confiscated a large quantity of arms and ammu nitlon. N. Y.

Probe to Start Within Ten Days NEW TORK, May 12. OP) Samuel Sen bury, counsel for the legislative committee Investigating the New York citv government in dicated today, his inquiry would be under wav within ton days. The full committee meets with Senator Samuel Hofstadter, the chairman tomorrow to reach an agreement on Democratic minority representation at private hearings. The minority members have threatened toTake the matter to court. know what she would do to one of his clients.

Sullivan represented Mrs. Wilde's husband in divorce proceedings In 1929 and secured a reduction of alimony payments. When the matter was brought'lo the attention of Judge Allen, he discharged the Jury and declared a mistrial. Another jury had been selected and the second trial was about to proceed when Williama announced that he would plead guilty to a modified charge. He violation of Section 3S7E of the penal code which provides a penalty of county jail sentence or term In prison not to exceed five years for driving an automobile while In-toxicsted and causing a person's death.

The penalty for manslaughter Is from on to ten years in prison. Williama will be sentenced Fri day. Almce Pemple Mcriierson, who set forth on her recently completed round the world voyage under strict Incognito, would have succeeded In remaining Mrs. Grant Instead of the world-famous evangelist for the entire voy ige If the sharp eyes of an Oakland boy had not pierced her disguise. Harry Walters, who has Just returned to his home at 1501 Thirty-eighth avenue after accompanying Aimee more than half way around the world on the President Wilson, today told the story of how he uncovered the "alias" and revealed the Identity of unknown "Mrs.

Grant," by a combination of accident and quick observation. "I made the cruise as ship's pianist of course without any premonition that I would by turns play Jazz for Almee'a dancing parties and hymns for her services," he related, "not to mention the chance to observe at close quarters the shipboard romnnre of her daughter Roberta and the purser. SAW NAME ON Mt'SIC "Shortly after the ship left i Francisco, 'Mrs. Grant' asked me to help her with some miiFle for oiatorio she was writing. I noticed that the manuscript bore the name of Aimee Sem.ile Mc-Pherson, arid thus discovered her Identity.

By the way. Roberta was on the passenger list under the name of Miss Smyth by an odd coincidence, the name of the ehe was to marry before the voyage ended. "Although Mrs. McPherson put a smiling face on the matter In public, she did not seem mucH pleased with her daughter's romance. Roberta, you see, had hecn looking after all her mother's practical affairs and hnd kept her from talking indiscreetly to reporters." Walters described the evangelist as pale and extcRmely, nervous throughout the trip, Bm--ariparent-ly unable to resist the ealrf ac tivity and to est quhtly.

"After her Identity wsji discov ered, she preached to the steerage passengers and again to the first cabin passengers," Walters said, "while I plsyed such gospel hymns as "When the Roll Is Called t'p Yonder' and 'Throw Out the Life Hut she was as en thusiastio about dance music as about the hymns maybe more ao. She was the life of the party." MOTHERS PERSONAIJTT The evangelists daughter, ac cording to Walters, has inherited much of her mother'a dynamic per sonality, ability to hold the stage In public, and flair for publicity, However, she seems to take her religion very seriously. One Sunday she saw me step on the weigh- ng machine and exclaimed in hor rified tones: 'Why, look. Mother, he's weighing himself on 'Roberta's husband is a very quiet chap, and when he lost his Job as purser because of a company rule forbidding employees to be accompanied by their wives on the ship, he planed to work In Almee's organization after they return from the honeymoon In France which Mrs. McPherson gave them for a wedding present." Evangelist Leaves N.

Y. Hotel in Dark NEW TORK. May 13. Mrs. Aimee Semple McPherson, evan gelist, who returned from a rounds the-world trip yesterday with her new ly daughter and ti-in-law, has left the Commodore hotel, where she was' staying, and left no information as to her des tination, according to the clerk.

When she arrived Mrs. Mcpher son said she planned to sperid sev eral days In New York visiting friend before returning to Caii- Death (jar Driver Stops His Trial, Pleads Guilty Concert to Dedicate Wing Of School for the Blind Jordan Williams, whose trial on a manslaughter charge was suddenly halted' In Superior Judge John J. Allen's court because of misconduct of a juror, himself halted progress of the second trial to enter a plea of guilty to a modified charge. Williams was arrested in connection with the death of Mrs. Elizabeth Henkel on February 14.

last, when Mrs. Henkel was struck down his automobile at Fifty-seventh reet and San Pablo avenue. Wil liams was declared to have been Intoxicated at the time. The esse was on- trial before Judce Allen yemterday and the prosecution witnesses had nearly completed their testimony when Mrs. Kathryn G.

Wilde. 44J East Fourteenth street, made the remark during a court recess that Leo defenae counsel, ought to BERKELEY. Mav IS. Dedica tion of the new wing of the school building will be combined with the annual spring concert at the California School for the Blind, 3001 Derby street. In an afternoon and evening program on Friday.

Students of the schools music department will give their annual concert in the assembly room at 3:30 under the direction of Otto Fleissner, director of music, and dedication of the new wing of the building will be made during the intermission, according to Principal R. S. French. ierllng Kersey, state director of education, will give the dedicatory address. In the evening at 3 p.

pupils will give a pageant play, "Then and Now." Orchestra numbers, Instrumental oloa, vocal aoloi and choruses will 3v.

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