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The Atchison Daily Champion from Atchison, Kansas • Page 2

Atchison, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

nrinnl'lEILU fw-j I lie Banner Kepnblican Male' Before the davof election on the proposed JA-L PAPER OF THE CITY. ABD COUNTY. 10. A. MASTIB, EDITCB iTOTES STOTES AA'O 8 HAVING PURCHASED THE STOCK 0 J.

C. BIRD and adilsd largely thereto. I have a full twstrt-mact, and would le pleased to show purchasers my stock befure they pnrchaaa elsewhere. I will eii low for cash aa any house in ta Wmu My work wil! be of the best, aa I am a practical workman of itany years' experience. 4i Commercial street, near Fifth, Atchison, Ivansaa fmyldtf W.

3. BRXGtiS. donation oi bonds to the Atchison Solomon Valley Railroad an agreement is to be entered into between the Company and the counties in which the elections are to be held, in which agreement, on condition that said election shall result ia favor of the bond proposition, and that the counties shall perform all lh'- conditions specified to be performed ou their part in said preposition, the KANSAS, NOV .13 1872 We publish below the official vote of twenty-eight counties of this State; the official majorities in nine others and the reported vote or majorities in sixteen others in all fifty-three of the sixty-two counties of the State. These not heard from are Barton, Ellsworth, Howard, Lincoln, Morris, Rice, Russell, Smith and Wallace, all except Howard and Morris, remote frontier counties, polling a small vote. All of these are good for a Republican majority.

Thevote, as given below, foots up For Grant, for Greeley, Majority for Grakt; 30,485. 6EI1TOS POMEKOT 7shiagton last niht. He goes by Atchison 2i Solomon Valley Co i.tij imlijj Hi withstanding we have a railroad, we ere not yet by any means ou: of the woods," and I know I speak the of three-fourths of the people here, especially ef the business men, when I Siy that we want a direct, broad guage rsid to Atchison. Maty ot jour readers will doubtless member that last year we voted 1G0.000 in bonds for building the Kansas Central (narrow guage) road through Jackson county, on the following cor.ditiors $00,000 when the roa.d was completed to Holton $50,000 when a branch was completed to Netawaka; and $50,000 when the read reached the west line of the county. The bonds are null and void unless the road is completed to Neta-wake by the 221 of this month, and, if my memory serves me, to the West line of the county three moa'h3 thereafter.

The road was finished and the cars running to Holton on the 22d of Angus, as specified in the bwa, stopping a day or two at Des TIM 21 linds itself in such penal sum as is agreed Thence he goea to Washington di- upon between the road and the counties, to construct the road as specified in said propo fe desires correspondents to direct fcrs to him at the National Capital. Missouri George D. Searles, a member of the Conaty Board, voted for Woodhull and Douglas for President and Vice President. He had it all his own way as far as heard from. Biiiy Rj4eli, of Vorhes Ru33ell, Buckeye tore, know3 something else besides how to tell goods.

He is one of the best young workers ia the Republican While there is no discount ou their Republicanism, they are discounting some of the older firms in the amount of the goods they sell. Apropos of how the Democrats regard their defeat, the following is the best we have heard. S.D.Smith, a Democrat who live3 near Seneca, met a neighbor next morning after election and asked how things had gone. Being told that Liberalism was wiped ont, he replied "I knew it would be so. Old Horace Greeley has been trying for thirty years to destroy the Democratic parry, and now the old hound has got away with it at last." It is very sad.

Let us shed a tear or two, or perhaps three, over its melancholy fate. O. K. sition and according to the terms and specifications therein contained, and to perform all and singular the agreement by it to be 1 FRIGHTENED. York special to the Chicago Inter ya that those notorious and icfa- This will be increased at least two or three thousand by the counties yet to hear performed by Baid railcpad proposition And in consideration of the benefits to be inen, Woodhall and Clafi'm, are get- that Gen.

Grast's majority in Kan sas will be about 33,000. jh alarmed at the prospect of the derived by the Central Branch Union Paci ry, and their friends are endeav fic Railroad from the performance of said The only couaties that give Greeley a majority are Crawford and Cherokee, where ncuce L. C. Challiss to withdraw agreement, the Central Branch Union Paci original contract but not a shovel full of the shysters who are living upon the "Land knd let them go. They offer to re fic Railroad guarantees the performance of Ubguers have persuaded the majority of.

said agreement by the Atchison Solomon ything, and admit that their state-tout Chilliss, Beecher and oth- the people that Greeley's election would Valley Railroad Company. secure the lands they claim. And even in alse. They have offered to aban- This agreement ia made with both Cloud these counties the" Liberal" majority is less York, and intimate that they will and Mitchell is indica by Beveral hundred, than the Democratic their old home in Cincinnati and tive of good faith and earnestness on the part of the railroad company, and should he Challiss refuses all offers, and ill not stop till they are in prison. majority two years ego.

The following is the vote as far as re ceivei earth has been removed on either branch north or west of this place, and at present there are no visible signs that anything farther will be done for some time to come. One thing can be set down as a fact, that the tax payers of Jackson county will not soon have to pay interest on the $50,000 bonds voted for the building of the Neta waka branch. There are already a great many agitating the propriety of working np a 4 foot 8 inch project across to Mascotah, and connecting there with Central Branch road, and accepted by the people as proof positive of fps TJi Old Reliable and Popular ii'l IliroDKb Runle; To Saint Xsonis. And all points EAST NORTH SOUTH Xo CUange of Cars From St Louis to New York. Ani other principal Eastern cities.

THE MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD 13 EQUIPPED WITH Elegant Day Coaches! Pullman Palac8 Sleepers Miller's Safety Platform Patent Steam Brake Equipment unequalled by any other line in the West. TRY IT THY IT THE EXT I RE TRAILS Of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, (including Pullman's Palace Sleepers,) run from Atchison to fit. X.ouis TEX5E8SEE. Grant, Greeley. 1,358 3,311 triumph over Johx- 515 3L Cbeatuam in Tennessee is, in one respect, a generous thing for 1,672 1.24B 1,513 3,345 1,671 1,619 the intention to construct the road.

This is Jprobably the first instance on record where any railroad company has ever come before the people with such guarantees, and is beyond question the last time that so liberal a proposition will be made to the citizens of Cloud and Mitchell counties. It is safe to trust any man or corporation that ocracj. ice present legislature idered" a district with the express Atchiscn, Allen, Brown Bourbon Butler Barton Crawford Cherokee Coffey Chase Cowley tClav Cloud Doniphan have it completed by the time the great bridge is finished at Atchison. Then we keeping Mayxard out of Con- 3J1 Ml 1, VJt 1,025 186 432 200 44' 1 207 will be on tl direct and through line to lonel Dice, a Democratic member iSjWilling to place itself under bonds to perform its obligations. Chicago and the great Eastern cities.

By a it ''a huge battering ram'' to "butt 069 1,132 1.1S0 4,371 1,010 Jaynard out of Congress," and it glance at the map you will observe that we can reach Atchison by a road across to Douglas Davie. Dickinson 1.167 1,132 I'M I '4 TOO 493 7vO 860 647 873 4 1,004 WO 911 814 1.7SO 1,703 l.Wj-i 1,641 FREIGHT UlSIXESS. We are indebted to R. B. Morris, Ellsworth Muscotah in thirty-3even miles, while the tKllir tr'ranklin since the apportionment of the the name of the "battering ram It wm stretched out 2.30 miles, from North Carolina to Kentucky, i to contain 15,000 more than the Greenwood.

distance to Leavenworth, via Kansas Central, is fifty miles, making a saving of nineteen miles favor of the proposed new road to agent of the Missouri Pacific Road at this city, for the following statement of tonnage of freight, in pounds, delivered to and re Withut Change! Atchison. This is quite an item in favor of Id for a Congressional district. The ceived from connecting lines at Atchison, ry the Missouri Pacific Road, for the month Howard Jarkson Johnson tJewell Leavenworth Linn Labette Lyon. Lincoln Marshal the Railroad Centre," and I shall be sur' prised if there is not an effort made to se roe hasn't worked. Mayxakd is not "butted out" of Congress, but 1,343 6,453 2.3) 2,793 2,118 2101 2,409 3 0 432 2.S23 1,014 4i0 622 fcu5 cure the new road et a very early day.

We FOR FULL INFORBATIOJf. Through Tickets, Baggage Checka, apply at the Company's l)epot, or at Ticket Office, corner Third and Commercial streets Atchison IX- R.MORRIS, And at the offices of connecting lines in the West. A. A. TALM AGE, E.

A. FORD, Gea'l gt. Louis. Oen'l St. Louis.

feb9dV tering ram district nas gone i.e- of October, nit. This statement does not include the freight delivered to or received from parties in this city, but only the busi ne3sdoue with connecting lines of Railroad. It is as follows must have it. Holton is a broad guage republic cersTr. Belleville, Republic Nov.

8, 1872. Editor Champios I herewith send you the official returns of the election in this county: U. S. Grant, for President, 1028. Henry Wilson, for Vice President, 1,029.

H. Greeley, for President, 49. B. G. Brown, for Vice President, 46.

D. P. Lowe, W. A. Phillips, and S.

A. Cobb, for Congressmen-at-Large, 1,111. Governor, T. A. Osborn, 1,060 T.

H. Walker, 25. Lieutenant E. S. Stover, 069 Walroff, 16.

Tieasurer, J. E. 1,069 Pratt 3. Secretary of State, W. H.

Smallwood, 1,009 Waskey, 4. State Auditor, D. W. Wilder, 1,069: Osborn, 4. Attorney General, A.

L. Williams, 1,069 Wsggener, 4. Chief Justice, S. A. Kingman, 1,069, McComas, 4.

Supt. P-' Instruction, H. D. McCarty, 107u Sawyer. 4.

Judge 12th Jud. A. S. Wilson, 1,088 Johnson, 2. State Senator, 28th E.

Baker, 1,072. Rep. for County, A. Shaw, 724 R. P.

West, 415. Probate Judge, J. Boothf 1,019. Co. Attorney, A.

F. Heale, 1,031. Clerk District Court, C. Perry, 1,077. Co.

Supt. Pub. Instruction, A. D. Mar-bell, 1,122 E.

T. Neal. 23. The above are the correct returns. Yours with respect, V.

Vastrcmp. This is the county Gov. Robinson and Nelson Abbott canvassed very thoroughly. The result of their efforts is apparent. While Maysakd is elected Colonel Tuobxkukoh, a Miami town and wants something more substantial than a narrow guage" road.

an, goes to Congress to represent DELIVERED TO Nearly all the trade of Holton now goes ering ram" that was devised keep a Republican out. Central Branch V. 950,925 Atchison a Nebraska 4,812.728 to Leavenworth, though a majority of our Morris Montgomery tMarioo Mitchell Nemaha Neosho Oaafre Ottawa Osborn Pottawatomie 1,471 2.191 W. M. BATIKS, MERCHANT TAILOR, 414 Commercial Bt.

ap-27tf business men prefer to trade at Atchison, Atchison, Topeka A Santa le BZ.C, St. Jo. tC. where they have been buying goods for A XFVJ BASK. eat need of Atchison is more capi- Toial 9,419,611 years, ihey declare they like the Atchison BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS 11 we therefore hail with pleasure 19 9j OR FOR CASH.

RZC1IVED FftOK Cential Branch 17. 1,787,411 Atchison Nebraska Atchison, Topeka A Santa le 6,236,402 K.C., St. Jo. C.B 380,024 IftR MflCCC JAMES CLARKE'S merchants better than any other they have dea'twith in Kansas, but the facilities at present for goods from Leavenworth are su FEMALE PILLS lishmenl of a new bank in our city, pital of $100,000. We ought to 1 so J.iS 40l 1.14 10" IV.i 1,0:9 15 1,0:8 "26 326 1,301 Cio f.oo 8t0 are extensively counterfeited.

Dishonest Druggists endeavor to sell the counterfeits to make greater profits. The genuine have the name or Job Moles on each package All otheis are worthless imitations. The dozen more. They would all 10,693,979 S71 612 3.3S7 1,700 gem-ine. Pills are unfailing in the cure of all those Pawnee Republic Reno Rice Riley Rnssell rihawnee Sedgwick fSaiine Cmith vSumner Washington Wyandotte Waubonsee Woodson.

Wilson Wallace less enough to do, and their eapi-be safely invested to the great ad- THE BRIDGE AT ATCHISOV The bridge across the Missouri river at paiuui ana dangerous diseases to which the female constitution is subject. They moderate all excesss 333 bf the city and its material inter 1,315 Atchison, when completed, will be one of ana remove ail oDstroctions, irom whatever cause. TO MARRIED LADIES These Lois will be sold singly or in numbers to suit purchasers, and at prices "below anjr heretofore offered. particularly suited. They will in a short bank is called the Atchison Nat- time brine on the monthly period with retrularitv Lnk.

Tha directors are Geo. D. and although very powerful, contain nothing hurtful to the constitution. Id all cases of nervous and spinal affections, pains in the back and limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, palpitation of the heart, hytUericsand whites, they will effect a cure when all other means hare failed. The circulars around each package give full directions and advice, or will be sent free to all and Milton Bakkatt, late of 1 lion Joh.v M.

Pbice, Gen. W. 53,035 22,550 perior to Atchison, hence the latter gets little of the vast trade from this place, and need not expect any until they push a road out in this direction and offer facilities equal if not snperior to those now furnished us at Leavenworth. There has been considerable amusement here lately, since some of their worst ece mies have been initiated into the Holton Ring." Since taking them in the new mem bers are as quiet as turtle dove3 and will go snux hereafter with the old members on the stealing business. You need not be surprised to learn that the ring steals everything in the State.

But I must close. I am not a member of the Rix. the finest structures on the continent. The citizens of Cloud and Mitchell counties, when visiting Atchison, should not fail to call at the Company's office, No. 404, Commercial street, and see the beautiful drawings of the work as it will appear when completed.

This bridge will be of incalculable advantage, not only to Atchison, but the people all along the lines of railway terminating that point. Nearly all the most ieie, iiane XiiEU, J. AG- writing tor them, sealed from observation. N. In all cases where the eenuine cannot be ob- Official vote.

i Ofik-ial majorities. ATCHISON, KANSAS. John. V. Jilliuh, of Atchison, ization was effected on Monday by tained, one dollar enclosed to the sole proprietor, Job Moaes, 18 Cortlandt street, New York, will insure a tion of Hon.

Jouy il. Ikick as oouieoi me genuine, containing pills, by return mail, securely sealed frem any knowledge of its and Milton' Bakkatt as Cash- number of our prominent and sub- 5 wet Zm WHICH 18 THE BEST KtftlE, We answer, that which gives us the cheapest and quickest means of transportation. We have already stated that the proposed line of the Atchison and Solomon Valley Railroad is sixty-two miles shorter than any THE 3BST 3NT33 ARGEST FLOURING AND GRIST fill IN NORTHERN KANSAS perplexing and annoying delays incident to n.olief in. XO Miuutei Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers Litizens, in addition to those nam- passenger auii freight transportation are mong the stockholders. by transfers, and with the bridge completed tUcers of the new Bank expect to Cure Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Difficult breathing, Incipient Consumption and Lung Diseases.

They have no taste of medicine, and any child will take them. Thousands have been and the Road built, cars can be run from FROM SENECA. restored lo health that bad before despaired. Testi other from the Solomon and Republican valleys to the Missouri river. Let us see the effect of this.

The fare from KanBas arrangements perfected for corn-business in a few weeks. New York City to the forks of the Solomon mony given In hundreds of cases. Ask for Bryan's without breaking bulk, and with only ordi Pulmonic Yi afers. Price So cents. JOB MOSKd.

Pro We will keep constantly on hand a full supply of FLOUR, CORN MEAL, GROUND FEED, Which will I delivered free of coarge to any part of the city. Our mill has Just been ru-fllteJ, in nil thereforo we are prepared to furnish the prietor, 18 Cortlandt street, New York. nary'delays. A consummation devoutly to BOSTON FIRE. Every Company in our office heard from and the reported losses will he paid out of the SURPLUS FNUD EW ERA OE RAILROAD 1.11- City or Leavenworth to Junction Ciiy, by the K.

P. Road, is $7.10. From Junction be wished. The Great French Remedy. DELA MARRE1 8 SPECIFIC FILLS.

PROVEXEST. olden time, railroads followed civ-Communities, from small begin- City, to Concordia is sixty-five miles, which at the lowest estimate, five cents per mile, THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. The Atchison Solomon Valley Rail Prepared by J.Garanciere, No. 214 Hue Lombard. Paris.

These Pills are highly recommended by the on tire rew populous by slow degrees, and road will be built, if the proposition now amounts to $3.25, making the rate by that route, from the Missouri to Concordia, $10 oieaicai faculty oi rrance, are the very beet remedy in all cases of Spermatorrhoea, or Seminal Weakness i Nightly, Daily or Premature Emissions; Sexual Weakness or Impotency; Weakness arising from Secret Habits and Sexual Excesses; Relaxation of the Genital demand for shipping and traveling pending meet with favor at the hands of the WSWILL PAY THB HIGHEST, CASH PRICE'OU. BLAIR, GALBRAITH AULD, Pic "Le Ciiy Mills ia on 4th Street, near the Depot of the C. E. P. R.

R. S-IP. -T7E "WA.K.K, 2STT OTTJR. FLOITB Official Majorities of Nemaha County Election Gossip Conwell Ahtad of Grant Samples of Liberal Electioneering Able-bodied Lying The Speakership Banner Townships Woodhull and Douglat Heard from A Good One on Old Hoss Greeley Personal, Etc. Seneca, Nov.

11, 1872. Col. Martin: The following is the official vote of Nemaha county. We send only majorities. You will observe that they panuei cut a good deal bigger than the most sanguine expected.

The the sore-head Liberal portion, are disonraged, and say they will never nomi people of the counties through which it is i called for were built, hese latter days, the whole pha3e of Organs; Weak Spine; Deposits in the Urine; and all the ghastly train of symptoms arising from Overuse proposed to be built. If not, the necessities of the case will drive the road to some or excesses. They cure when all other remedies fail. Iject has been revolutionized. It has other route.

No railroad company, without Pamphlet of Advice in each box, or will be sent free to any address. Price $1 per Box. Bent fey mail, securely sealed from all observation, on receipt of price OSCAR G. MOSES, 18 Cortlandt street. New W5I.

BOWMAN, pass that interior regions of fertil natural advantages have been per-by lines of railroads the sound D. ROBBINB, Late of tlie Grocery liou 1 I KOB1SINS CO. xork, cole General Agent for America, septo-dwly TH0S. MURPHY the aid, will construct a road through a section of country that it must develop bejore the tariff of the road Kill yay. This is the golden opportunity.

vithout touching i-oodinan's axe, and that thereupon TRAL RfilLLS I thousands have gone out from the possess the land thus redeemed CUNDURANG0 at re's wasted luxuriance. The rail- nate another but vote round promiscuously. They say now theywish they had run Conwell instead of Greeley, as he is the only man who has beat Grant in this neck of woods. C3or, Sdnsaa'Ayenuo and Citlx ATCSIS03T. KASTfiAK.

leads civilization into the wildcr- .35. The fare from Atchison to Waterville is $3.00. The distance from Watervile to to Concordia by the proposed line is about fifty-two miles, which at the same rate would make the fare or $7.00 from the Missouri to Concordia, via the A- S. V. route, or $2,75 bss than the other.

Again. Second class freight, from the Missouri to Junction Ciiy, is sixty one cents per hundred, ar.d at the same rate would be bout ninety cents to Concordia. From the Missouri to Waterville the rate on the same class of freights is forty two cents, and preserving the same proportion as in the other case, would be about sixty two to Concordia, a difference of twenty-eight tents per hundrad pounds in favor of the latter route. The same difference would be shown if any point in either valley were taken instead of Concordia. Inasmuch as the rates from Chicago, New York, and all eastern places are the same to all points on the Ihereas in days of yore, civilization Liver ana mood Bitters.

This wonderful remedy, recently introduced by the way for the iron horse. Linly no one who places an adequate a upon the advantages that have re- OUR MILLS ARE NEW, Messrs J. A C. Magaire, druggists, Second and Olive streets, far excels any medicine hitherto in nse, aud has met with most rapid sale. It is entirely vegetable, contains no spirits of any kind, and acts specifically on the liver as blue mass or calomel, without any "rom the development of this new F20.W JACKSON COfSTV.

Result of the Election Rapid Growth of Holton Business and Financial ProspectsCompletion of the "Narrow Guage and Railroad Matters GenerallyA Broad Guage wanted from Atchison How the Business Men feci The Kansas Central Forfeit $50,000 in Bonds Atchison Looses the Holton Trade A Broad Guage Road will Secure It Etc. Special Correspondence of The Champion. Holtos, Nov. 9, 1372. It has been some time sicne I last saw any.

thins in the leading paper of Northern An4 supplied with the most approved machinery in use for doing first clais work. We areprepared to do Grist work ia a manner unsurpassed. ailroad improvement, can doubt that The majority on electors is G62 Congress, Lowe, 652 Phillips, 647 Cobb, 646. State officers, Governor, Osborn, 564 Stover, 639 Smallwood, 644 Wilder, 609 Hayes, G50 Kingman, 066 Williams, 657; McCarty, 647. County ticket, District Cletk, George R.

Benedict, 420 County Attorney, Simon Conwell, 734 County Su danger resulting irom taking, it operated freely on the bowels, without pain or griping, cleansing the stomach and purging away bile, and is also a good blood purifier. Many of our friends and acquaintances have taken it, and all speak in the highest terms of commendation. Oar readers would do well to bdern idea is better than the olden. FLOUR OF ALL GRADES. PARTIES DESIRING SOUND INSURANCE in time-tried and Fire-Tested Companies iiew way is preferable, it follows that 3Z5 33 3337 0 make a trial of this great specific when needing a medicine, and they will find that vre have not overestimated its value.

Missouri Itemocrat, January 31, MAGUIRE'S BENNE PLANT. tematic encouragement is the true to be pursued by every comma-people of Washiugton, Cloud Kansas from this place, the liveliest and. tcbell counties can place their fertile Missouri river, this becomes an important item. And as the proposed lino will be a through line, while by the other a transfer would be required at Junction City, the On Hand at the Lowest Price. The Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Corn, Rye, Etc.

BOWBTAIJ, KURPHY CO. most wide-avake town in the interior. I have waited patiently for some one more ac. and grand undulating prairies in of the immigrant by securing the customed than I am to write, but so far I saving in time will be more marked even.than can be accommodated by calling fiction of the Solomon Valley Road. the difference in cash, The citizens of Cloud fig so they will but place themselves I ft.

RRIFFIM. and Mitchell counties, with these facts be the benign influence of the new era, mm wi a This extraordinary medicine' the fame of which is spread broadcast throughout the country, is undoubtedly superior to any remedy ever ofFered to the public-for thegcomplaints tor which it is intended. We have in onr session testimonials furnished voluntarily by Col. cag, late Chief Topographical Engineer Bureau Washington, Gen. Fitr Henry Warren, Gen Pleasanton, and others of the army.

Father I)e-Smet, the celebrated Indian Missionary also, officers of the Navy Surgeons, Hospital Stewards, commanders of nearly every plyiog on the Mississippi and tributary rivers, western sanitary and christian commission, army chaplains, and others to numerous to mention Likewise highest econiums of the press, praising its valuable medicinal qualities iu the highest terms. No other medicine has such recom-mendations, MAG IK 8, Sole Proprietors, Southwest corner of Olive and Second streets, St Louis, Mo, and sold by Druggists and Medicine deal ers evervwehre have waited in vain, and have concluded that I would take np the il old gray goose and give you an occasional item, from time to time, from this locality, thinking there may be something of interest now and then upon us. Parker Spaeblng. (Over Heim's Book Etore.) novl2d3 fore them, can judge as well aa we, which 1in is most in harmocv with their inter developments of which the West, a few past years, has realized the i i i AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF ests. OVR KASTERX AOKXECTIOXS.

cy, a nation snau oe Dorn in to the numerous readers of the old relia THE OLD ASD RELIABLE As stated in another column there are ble Champios. fourteen truuk lines of railroad diverging EFFECTS RAILROADS OX You probably ere this have heard of the result of the election in our countv. It was i.HMIKATIO.. AiKTS Fuller, Tan Schaack, Steven FIRE INSURANCE Lrding to the census of 18 TO three from Chicago. We might add that nearly as many more radiate from St.

Louis. From Atchison we will have direct connection one of the most quiet elections I have wit. son Re id, Chicago: Rice Rising, Milwaukee: McKesson Robinson, 01 and 3 Fnlton street. New York seuii-idly TODD, J.GZXT3, Atchison Ks. Kansas at that time thirty-five towns, We invite the especial attention of every ose to onr large and complete stock of FAMIXj'S' oriooEsniBs! Which offer to the Trade at tbe Lowest Pricee of iit Hocie in the CU7.

The beet field nd Garden Eeede aiwayi on hand in their seaaon. The higheit paid for Conntry Produce. Sve of those which rauk as cities, with with Chicago by the U. St. the Bur -A-G-EHSrO-ST OF nessed here for the past ten years, and the principal excitement was in regard to the county offices, there being no less than four staunch Republicans re-elected by majorities HERSHFIELD MITCHELL tions exceeding three hundred.

Sine- lington route and the Chicago, Roek Island aud Pacific, each of which runs through of these towns are upon the lines of ALL GOODS DELIVERED IN THE CITY FREE OF CHARGE Thankfnl for paet faron we will endeavor to merit a continuance of jom patronage. PliKKINS GRIFFIN. kds, and nearly one-fourth of them ranging from 99 to 421- The Democrats SAM'X KLEIN, it that time less than two years old Jweatern Kansas is far ahead of North- expected, by uniting with the Liberals, to carry everything in Jackson county this fall bv 300 majority but on the contrary the cars to Chicago without change. Diverging from each of these lines, at Quincy, Burlington aud Rock Island, we strike a magnificent system of triink lines for all points of the compass, and can reach St. Is ene cf the Oldest Established Agencies in the City.

Kansas, and Southern Kansas has he recipient of heavier immigration result shows that the Republicans never be Polices written on all kinds of desirable property, and ii'orthern Kansas. Ail these facts are fore polled so large a vote. Our two papers (Successor to Pearon A-ParU,) 323 Commercial 3d door East cf Fourth Street cant. They cannot but convince the have had a lively race during the canvass Paul, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Cincinnati or Louisville without change. At Achison we also have a direct connection with the Missouri Pacific and North Missouri lines for all losses Honorably Adjusted Ieavenworlli, JSajisav.

ost casual reader that railroads pre perintendent, S. D. Sammons, 358 Probate Judge, Histed, 449. District nominations, Judge 2d Judicial District, Dr. P.

L. Hab-bard, 654. Senator 3d Senitorial District E. N. Morrill, 644.

Representative, 8th District, C. I. Scofield, 59. Representative, 9th District, H. C.

DeForest, 212. The issue was raised at every polling place against Scofield and DeForest that they were Pomeroy men. In the Eighth District Republican tickets were printed and circulated with Peckham's name substituted for Scofields by the honest Liberals. And yet they are the party of purity and par excellence opposed to fraud Many of them traded off their whole tickets, with the exception of representative, to get a vote for Peckham. All manner of lies were resorted to without stint, among others that Scofield was a herd law man that he had been in the rebel army that he was bankrspt that he had subsidized Republicans with large sums of money, your correspondent among the number, to electioneer for him that ha was buying rotes with money and whisky.

The foregoing are only samples of Liberal electioneering, but it was no go. He ran behind in Rock Creek township, which generally Totes straigbt, but the Germans of Riehmond and Nemaha townhips more than made good the loss. Scofield will be a candidate for the Speakership, and if he shows as good tact in that fight as he has in securing his election, he will be a hard man to buck against. Seneca precinct, Richmond township, is the lower township of Nemaha county. It gave Grant 123 majority, one more than Rock Creek (Sabetha), heretofore the strong hold of Republicanism.

But Neuchattell takes tie horns for doing things straight. It cast 64 votes, 63 for Grant and one for Greeley. This is a French and Swiss set tlement. The Liberals sent about half a dozen men there on election day, to work for their ticket, among them the candidate for County Superintendent, who got seven votes. Who says our foreign population don't know how to vote intelligently Clear Creek is the township ia the county that gave Greeley a majority.

He got away wilh three. The highest vote in the county wu polled on Chief Justice, 1 1 i fiT 7 'ifii 1" win IX rr The Express, of course, coming out at a hnmiratiou. tvery year that passes 2:40 gait ahead of its Chicago patent outside rival, the Xcws. bt railroad connection is a tear lost to St Louis aud all points east, with the Atch C3- oneer settlers of Washington, Cloud itchell counties. Throw open the doors ison and Nebraska for Lincoln and other places in Nebraska, with the Kansas City, Holton has grown more this season than any previous season in my recollection.

A PROMPTLY PAID the public that thy are -ereirin? arid will kep cor.eta on hatd anew ViM reapfjctfallj ajinoHnce to Lr conntry to the immigrant, and he St. Joe and Council Bluff's for Council large number of buildings of all kinds have freah, and well assorted atot bf We art ex it-Hsivtly engaged the nian-ifi-'ture of FINE JEWELRY, Ac; also make pt come in as long as no railroad con been built, one, at kast, the fine two story yon with the large towns immediately brick front of H. P. Biihop, costing some Ej the foIloTrinj Weil-known Companies Fancy Groceries, Provisions, We would reefrtctfr.lly aolicit the eatizeni of Atchiaon and vicinity to give sa a call, and we will endeava to nifrrit yonr patronaze. Good pricea paid for Country Produce.

All food" delivered in the city free of charge. aeptSdtf yon. Immigration will be diverted $0,000 S3 000. It is the finest business house in Jackson countv, and makes a hand tier sections that may be reached by some, appearance fronting east on the Masonic and other Emblematic Badges to order. fi'e call th? attent or.

oT llv of. The immigrant, going to Atchison, South to the Cherokee Nation, North Platte river, southwest, four hundred Public Square. 'Home of Kew York Assetts JnW 1st, l-72, Liverpool, London and Glot, aatetts (gold.) over U'. Phemx, of New York, astetts, July Ut, 1572, Business here the past few months has AX VJCIMTY A II I to the Valley of the Arkansas and of the richest portions of the State, by which cannot to our very larire and elatrora: it This Agenry has over Eight Hundred Tbon-Mnd Dollars at risk in the City of Atchison, wit a oTer Four llnndred Dwelling liaks on its boots. Bluff, Omaha, Sioux City, and way points, and also with Leavenworth and Kansas City by the Pacific Road, and with ail roads diverging from those two the Ft.

Scott, Kansas Pacific and L. G. Roads. At Atchison we alto make direct connection with the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Road for Topeka, Emporia, WicheU and other places in the great Arkansas Valley. It will be seen at once that by the building of the Atchison and Solomon Valley Railroad we are iraine.

diately placed in direct connection with one of the best railroad systems in the United States. Lightuiug in Marshall county last week struck a bara and killed three valuable horses and several heid of catt'a. bd. The Solomon Valley the couu- Agent Sor PEERLESS AND BRILLIANT BUCK'S est of Waterville, are isolated. They be reached except by a journey "rr The Companies rapresented are large and healthy' and have the well merited reputation of Promp'wtt in the adjustment and payment ol every loss.

nd. ew ot the thousands wuo are into the State reach them. a k-sa sf af, been pretty good, but money like some fellows we occasionally see perambulating the streets is tijhl. Most of the merchants and business men think they begin te see money more plentiful since election than it has feeen for some time before, and the Liberals anticipate a Radical change in financial affairs at a very early day. Since the completion of the Narrow Guage Railway to this place, we can get to the outside world a good deal easier than before, when we had to it across the prai.

ries to Netawaka. We are now only fonr hours ride from Leavenworth, and have two un we sav, throw open your aoors. Unrivaled fcr Perfection of Operation, Economy be excehed in tee eastern markets. G.od s-nt C. O.

I-, with of xaniining fore pnrchakiiig, to aoy part of tlse country. We will make Jewelry to aoy cired Confident thai by pnrchasiLj of ug ju siii Save 25 Per Gent we aolicit a ahare of your patrocae-T HEESHflELD MITCHELL, feb2dw3ooctlaa 3a Laavenworth, Kj. GRAND CENTRAL EUROPEAN HOTEL. Pine etreat. between Fonrth and Fifth atraeta, Et.

the gap which intervenes, severing om the source from which jou must tha ssistauce you need in develop- Fuel, and Durability. These Stovee have received the Premium in fair competition over the following Stovea Norton's FunlOOO cowramed lZ'A r-i fael bread weijhed 7 lk3 em. 'j Clinrter Oab. eonromed 12 Iba fael; bread weighed 7 Iba 8 01, To those wishicz indemnity Iinritethem to call at my office, No. 319.

Commercial Street, west of the t'oet Otnce. C0Y372dCai OWES DIGAA'S LlTERY and FEED STABLE. Qrmmti-eial Tauuit. Il om at the oldait ud beat itablM ia Um dty, tn4 tha pfopriMsrla prapmlnd amasnKxltu tM public ar material interests. This done, you A nnnn pnnalitv with the more FoorloSS Iba rnel; Dread we.gaea 1 luegox.

1 it, Good Samaritan eonaomed lOfi Iba foe! bread weighed 7 fta 8 oa. GarneU gate posts hsre ears, tn is airUeJ that the smacks are less rep or! ire ca the still, chiily niht air. il pns of the State. pi.nt ensanmed Ulna met; oread welgnea I iuvos Leoia, containing ISO roomi; having lately added 60 more roome. ia now prepared to offer to the traveling v-.

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