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The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania • Page 15

The Times Leaderi
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
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Fifteen WILKES-BARRE RECORD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1939 Idvided to oCc or ariner ow oie i 26 East Northampton Street Dial 2-5151 The Meat That Tastes LOVE MAKING IS ONLY CURE FOR TRAGIC HEART, HUNGER TO ACHIEVE A BUSTY FIGURE IS ESSENTIAL BUT NOT EASY Serve Like White Chicken Meat Listen, World! By ELSIE ROBINSON Pork Loin 1" i 'By DOROTHY DDL Women always think about heart-hunger as an ailment peculiar to their aex. They know that a craving for tenderness and love gnawa incessantly at their vitals and that their sufferings are not relieved by the factual knowledge that their husbands must once have preferred them to other women or else they would not have married them and that they still haven't divorced 1 them. a av For a whole loin 8 to 11-pound age or the Rib end to pounds. It isn't enough for a wife for her husband merely to do his duty by her in the way of being faithful and a good provider and kind. She can't stay her soul on such husks of affection as that She wants the strong meat and wine of a love that expresses itself in caresses, In kisses that are not as cold end flabby as yesterday's pancakes.

And, above all, she wants words. She wants to be told every day of her life in turning, sizzling words how her husband adores her and that to him she is the most beautiful and wonderful woman in the world. Don't Nibble at Life I Don't nibble at life! Don't take cautious Little mouthfuls, Fearing lest you Nick your teeth! Bite! Bite deep and hard! Welcoming your rich gift Proudly, gratefully; Using your great chance Eagerly, recklessly As kings and adventurers Use their strength And treasure. Bite hard! Bite deep! And keep on biting! Will It be dangerous? Will 'you sometimes Wish you hadn't? Will you suffer-from- r--Remorse and self-pity? You certainly will! And the Play-Safe Clan WW snort and sneer And cry: "Ah-ha! "We told you 1 Genuine Spring Freshly Dressed! Long Island Ducks 28c 20c Legs of Lamb Lb. Lb.

ISII Lb. For A Rich Savoury Meat Loaf! Fryy Ground Beef-veal-Pork Brown's Famous Brown's 100 All Pure business past. We have nothing in common intellectually or otherwise. I do not love him, but think I oan make a go of it if I marry him. On the other hand, I am in love with my employer, who loves me, but we cannot marry.

So I am marrying to get out of an impossible situation. Please tell me if I am doing the right Florence. Answer: You are not only doing the worst thing possible under the circumstances, the most idiotic thing a "woman could do, because you are adding the final touch of gloom to a picture that is dark stands. It is unforutnate for you that you have fallen' in love with a married man, but marrying a man whom you neither respect nor love and with whom you have nothing in common is not a cure for that. It is simply jumping out of the frying pan into the fire, and your last estate will be far worse than your first.

You say that you think you could make a go of such a marriage, but your business sense should tell you better than that. You wouldn't invest even a thousand dollars in enterprise for which you had neither taste nor training nor experience and in whiph your partner would be a man whom you knew to be a crook Why, then, be foolish enough to put everything you are and have In a marriage in which the odds are so heavy against you? In time, if you will honestly try to kill your love for this-married man instead of coddling It, you will get over It. And Mr. Right will come along and you will be free to marry and live happily ever afterward, which you could not do If you were tied up in this reckless marriage you contemplate. In the meantime, if you have a good, well-paid job.

you have much to make life pleasant and interesting. "Loose" Loose I2c Pans of Six-Lb. Average Scrapple Lb. ilpflf Pork Sausage i. 30c 32c Fresh Calves Single Pound 14c 45c Sweetbreads Lb.

Every woman knows that to a wife the success of a marriage depends not upon what her husband -is, uor what be gives but upon the kind of a lovematoer he is. Every woman knows that a man may be a pillar of the church and a model in the community, and that he may lavish fine houses and cars and Jewels upon his wife, yet if be never pays her a compliment, or shows her how- dear she Is to him, or makes her know how necessary sfie is to him. -her marriage Is cinders, ashes and dust. And every woman knows that she will gladly work her hands to the hones for him so long as her husband takes any interest in holding them. And yet, knowing all of these things, It is strange how few women ever realize' that mens hearts are formed just of the ammaterial and function just as theirs do, and that their husbands are starving for love just as much as they are.

They, no more than women, are satisfied to take their mates' love for granted and to have their wives say it with apple pies instead of expressions of tenderness. I lilt illinium JT Fresh But let them! For that deep bite Of life will be Worth all you have To pay for it! And vou'U be richer Bv that much Than all your Careful neighbors! They will have safety And thin, prim pleasures And the pattycake approval Of their kind But you will know Wonder and glory And everlasting youth! To the world You may still Seem poor, obscure And commonplace But In yourself You will be reborn! Your tired eyes Will lift themselves To new horizons; Your timid veins Will swell with new desire! Fresher Vegetables! lilt Seafoods! Tempting Chocolate Cohered "Peanuts" Lb, 23c Chocolate Covered "Cocoanut Jumbles" Lb. 39c Individually Cellophaned "Rum Logs" Lb. 23c Licorice Gum Drops Lbr 19c HELEN PARRISH has one of Hollywood's shapeliest figures, NOt BOYISH figure wlll (juaUfyV8- aiYeiWiHlaugh yourself ixittnc luc veal Ul mat. Acinic ui Every morning bathe with cold Utespday The girl Who like a stalk qI asparagus had better Clear or prejudice v-k And weep yourself ftstJ4rf Clean of pettiness; You will dream Lusciously Rich And Creamy! water.

"It is best to usea spray, not chill the hands, so the stimula start on a campaign of physical What About the Big Eater? DEAR MISS DIX My fiance and I constantly quarrel over the question of food.1- He indulges in two hearty breakfasts, lunch, midafter- Freshly Steakcd Codfish Freshly Filleted Haddock 33c Freshly Cauflht Sea Trout 2 33c Heroic dreams And dare tion of the blood streams will be "right there," Follow with an alco education and get busty. If she doesn't put up- a "good-front the smartest blouse or frock will look wilted and all tired out. Tremendous experiments Fancy Bnow-WhitS Cauliflower I9C Head Smooth Skinned Canadian Rutabagas 3li. 10c FOR SLICING! Sweet "Red" Italian Onions 2 Lb, 29c Crisp Washed hol rub. Then, hands on hips, backbone stretched full length, take long, deep breaths, Inhaling: through the nostrils, exhaling through the Wellesley Fudge Layers It is no easy task to develop the They want to know that to their wives they are still young Romeos, no matter how bald and paunchy they may have gotten.

They want their wives' eyes to brighten at their coming home of an evening. They want their wives to give them their lips instead of the back of their hair or the rims of their ears tfor their kisses. They want their wives to admire them, to baby theni, to flatter them, to make them feel that they are the center of the universe to them. And as long as a wife is a good lover and feeds her husband's heart on, angel's food he will stand a lot of bad housekeeping and wastefulness and extravagance. And the siren had just as well pack her bag of tricks and move on to some other house where the wife feeds her husband's body on filet mignon, but starves Ais soul for affection.

noon lunch and a good hardy snack before going to bed. He is a truck driver and claims he feels good when he eats so heavily. Am I justified in calling him a glutton? BEETLE. Answer: Well at least I'd say he has a good- appetite, but if you marry him you will have to be a good cook and he a good provider if you keep him fed. DOROTHY DIX.

breasts. It takes time, persistence and a lot of faith. Faith helps because it keeps the girl hopeful, and she continues her efforts. It is no stop-and-go matter. And come Enormous But even the croppers Will show a profit For to those who seek To learn the secret Of themselves And their fellow men, Nothing succeds like failure! One blunder will make you Nearer and dearer To your erring brother Than a thousand triumphs! Bite! Bite hard and deep The breasts must be bathed at mm.

lips with a whistling noise. The old-fashioned potpourri Is still beloved by some women. It is made by filling a jar with dried rose leaves, adding salt, cinnamon, powdered orris and cloves. When grandma was a girl, flower petals were always saved, added to the wealth of fragrance that reposed in a fancy jar on the mantle piece. To keep your wardrobe perfumed, take all leather goods from the clothes closet.

Shoes nwet be kept elsewhere if clothes are to 'retain the floretted odors that are lavished upon them. night with warm water, dried gently, lanoline applied with flattened fingers, sent 'round and 'round with slight upward pressure. Heavy massage-is dangerous there is-a possibility of injuring delicate glands. After five minutes of fric Freshly Steaked Swordfish 45c Lb. into ire; Fruit sauces are versatile kitchen performers.

Use them with squares of cake or gingerbread; what more could you want for a dessert? Or, if you have some biscuits on hand, reheat them, break them in half and put some of your favorite fruit sauce between the halves, then over the wholes There's a short-order shortcake for you. tion do the windmill exercise. Fold the hands tightly, swing them high, wide and handsome, pulling hard on the muscles or the chest. mm mm OOC Each Wife Preservers Spinach 5c Lb. Crisp, Tender "Home-Qroum" Celery 2 Bchs.

1 9C FOR BAKING I Idaho Potatoes 4UU Bag Dare to free Your imagination And follow Your curiosity And use your fire! Forget the risks. Ignore the penalties. Reach out and take God's greatest gift In all its splendid And challenging abundance! Yes, I know the legend Of that first apple And how all the mortal Sin and suffering Is supposed to come From Mother Eve's First naughty, ardent bitt Of that, original pippin. Perhaps it's so, But even if I always have Liked apples! (Copyright. 193) NT Freshly Opened Oysters 23c ooi.

Firm "White Meated" Freshly Cooked Lobster Tails 65c Lb. Almond Butter Nut Coffee Cakes Ea. 25c If the husbands and wives who have ceased to love each other treated each other with coldness and neglect it would be understandable, but the thing that we cannot understand and that makes the tragedy of the thing is that husbands and who still love each other let their mates starve for the appreciation and affection that they are too lazy and too dumb to give them. A doctor once told me that the most harrowing deathbed scene he ever witnessed was when one of these cold, silent husbands clasped his dying wifs to his bosom and poured out on her dulling ears a passionate torrent of the love he had always felt for her bust never expressed. And the woman whispered with almost her last breath: "That would have made me so happy, but it is too late now." Don't let that be your case.

Speak up now. Don't Sear Tour Soul DEAR MISS DIX I am a woman Golden Pumpkin New Richer Rinso Washes Extra-Dirty Clothes Pies Ea. 35c Assorted Butter-Made Cookies Doz. 18c iq- Snowy White Menu Features October 6th! Cafeteria Friday Luncheon! Jellied salads, main dishes and desserts always are1 a boon to the busy housewife. Jellied fish loaf, served with creamed potatoes, buttered, ready cooked spinach and bread and butter, makes an ample meal.

Fresh fruit and cookies or a refrigerator dessert supply the satisfactory dessert. Use the vacuum cleaner on your books. Go over edges and bindings with the cleaner attachment or a hand model. This is the best method for cleaning books, as anything except the lightest touch with a dust cloth rubs dust into the edges of the pages. of 42.

Attractive and full of life. Have a wonderful position where I am happy and well paid. I have aereed to marrv a widower 65 years JSN'T IT GREAT I WE HAVE TIME FOR FUN EVEN ON WASHDAY SINCE WE DISCOVERED HOW THE old, who has money and a shady NEW 1940 RINSO SOAKS DIRT LOOSE 22c WITHOUT HARD SCRUBBING OR BOILING! wir mir sre- wwww OfiOPOK, DEEP- Evening Dinner! Baked Stuffed Yellow Bass, Parsley Sauce Pork Steak Swiss. Style Fresh Apple Fritter, Brandy Sauce Regularly lto ISN'T IT MARVELOUS HOW FINER TEXTURED) an'SEE WHAT A xl CAKES -SO I FLAKy.TENDER fr ught, so 1 pastry Spry f4 IPEUciousy -(givess A Vi MUCH MORE SUDS THE NEW FRYING WITH RICH! RINSO GIVES Deviled Crab with Tartar Sauce Regularly Z5c Braised Beef with Fresh Mushroom Sauce Regularly SOo Lettuce with Dutch Dressing Regularly lOo Chocolate Puff with Chocolate Sauce Regularly lie EVEN IN HARD-AS-NAI' WATER? UP TO 3 TIMES AS MUCH AS THOSE LAZY BAR AND PACKAGE SOAPS iws i iv a uw Prune Pie WE ONCE USED vara Regularly lto TRY THESE SAYSAUNTJENNVj mm THE NEW RINSO with IT; cppf iAL 'SUDS-BOOSTER PREVENTS HARD- WATER SCUM THAT GREYS CLOTHES DULLS COLORS. AND RINSO GETS CLOTHES UP TO 10 SHADES WHITER THAN OLD-FASHIONED SOAPS APPU FOID-OVMS spRy and sPRy 6Niy cup brown tugat 3 tablespoon flour teaspoon aalt ji cup water 1 teaspoon vinegar GIVES ALL OF THESE 4 applet, pared and fintlv chopped 2 cups lifted all-purpote flour 1 teaspoon salt i cup Spry ti 1 tablespoon butter 3 EXTM APMAfTMBS 4 tablespoons milk (about) Here's To A Real Old-Fashioned Breakfast Menu! Mincr-Hillard Pancake or Buckwheat Flours, 28 Lb.

Bag 17c Brown's Pure-Sap Maple Syrup Pint 42c Quart 79c Glass Jar Alaska Red Salmon, No. 1 Tall Tin 27c Four Tint $1.00 Glass Jar "Mustard or Tomato" Sardines, Oval Tins 2 For 25c Geisha Crab Meat, 6i2-Oz. Tin 27c Four Tins $1.00 Hormel Onion Soup 2 Tins 29c Hurfl's Pork and Beans, 23-Oz. 2 Tins 15c of the Valley Whole Kernel Golden Bantam Succotash, No. 2 2 Tins 29c Dromedary Date and Nut Bread 2 Tins 23c Walnut Stuffed Dates Lb.

35c Libby's Loganberry Delight, 12-Oz. Tin 10c Junket Quick Fudge Mix 2 Pkgs. 35c Pop-It Pop Corn, 10-Oz. 2 Pkgs. 19c Baker's Cocoa, Lb.

2 Tins 25c Flako Pie Crust 2 Pkgs. 23c Brown's Tea Balls 50's Pkg. 45c THE RINSO 'NO-SCRUB, "93 Score'9 Fresh Sweet Creamery "Perfect" Tub Butter Pound 36c two Pounds 70c PURER-STAYS FRESH LONGER-CREAMS SQ EASILY WAY NOT ONLY SAVES ME -IT SAVES THE CLOTHES MAKES MY COTTONS AND UNENS LAST LOTS LONGER "C'pry's three extra advan- like Spry is just bound to give you more delicate-tastin' cakes an' pastry! Foods fried the Spry way are extra crisp and tasty and so digestible a child can Try Spry that's all I ask. I know youll keep on usin' it if you do!" tj tages are a mighty big help in all your bakin' an' fryin'," says Aunt Jenny. "Just see how quick a tender, light Spry cake is mixed.

Notice how good everything tastes. For a pum shortenin' Mix brown suiar, flour and salt in saucepan. Add water, vinegar and butter. Cook over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly. Cool and add chopped apples.

Sift flour with salt. Cut In of Spry until miztunr is as fine as meal. Add remaining Spry and continue cutting until particles are size of navy bean. (Notice how easily tritlt-crmii Spry blends with flour!) Sprinkle milk gradually over mixture, mixing with a fork until a dough is formed. Roll H-inch thick and cut into 4-inch squares.

Put a spoonful of apple mixture on each square and fold over to form a triangle. Seal edge and prick top. Bake in hot oven (425 15 minutes. Serve with Crystal Lemon Sauce. Makes 16 fold-overs, deliciously tender and flaky made this Spry way.

CRYSTAL LEMON SAUCE 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon butter cup sugar Grated rind of lemon Dash of salt 2 tablespoons lemon 1 cup boiling water juice Combine cornstarch, sugar and salt, and mix Add boiling water, stirring constantly, and boil gently minutes. Add butter and lemon rind and juke. Makes 1J cups sauce. I I YES, LADIES. I MAKE WASHDAYS A I PURER ALL -VEGETABLE PICNIC! I'M GOOD FOR DISHES AND ALL CLEANING.


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