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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 2

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Saturday, D6c6fnber 12,1981 Publishing South Mftitt HOJW, iwatter at postofflce at Attuttui flhft Asibclated Press It exclusively of dlsrpStcheS to ii 6f le local new? i herein are alio reserved. for tributes, rfals, oNKteittfag the depaftetk Commercial the nWwfr, columns to protect; thelf Star disclaims respwaibUlty ttjuHisorlfsB, Lwkout, Boys! Don't Sink the Ship CAuaHes. Advance): By city carrier, pet ta He Nevada, per yeirf elsewhere The Star'. Pl.tform CI tnunteftol powtr plant to develop the to lM and improved sanitary in 1 Gojnffietcc, tt V'tf Wfttg for construction of a road to Ofaduflllu reduce the greatest believing that co-operative effort country it is in toum. r.o+tht program.

a more efficient government through the Me cotde ticfc. Clannish recently from. ut other that the American titotedsat Tientsin spend a good deal of their spare icuffs with'the; English soldiers who are stationed lithe fact leads'one to'meditate anew on the strange wntflX irrational emotions that life ih the heart of le didn't know would' imagine of American in.a foriegn land Kthe presence of other soldiers who speak their "hejrdon't. They never did, and probably they feel tliat antagonism, not because they are lit because thfey are soldiers, and'- no one will -id) military things'unless he understands that lots Arountf SHoyer The many friends of Joe are glad to know that, at last he is much improved a recent latne- bit of. clan; feeling, chiefly to a fairly small patriotism, of but it is his own or -hia? battalion, his or very rarely his stands first in heart.

It is his it, and everyone outside is irobably up to no good. ling iSva priceless asset to his It is le that the French speak of; the feeling of id-unity that welds a group of individuals into a torfl'that accounts far more than lofty sentiments Itherland, for most of the bright deeds in military does lead to a lot of ill-feeling- behind the soldiers China, who may be stand- to shoulder behind the barricades any day, if wrong, spend their spare time belaboring one ant Js the way soldiers have always acted, from of -warfare. Udfcilled; soldier fight to the death against Of course: But he reserves, his private bitterness for the regiment next ih line. Soldiers are a Now, Amateur Bandits several filling station robberies are traced to various cities recently indicate that ama- rfcxwipetition is beginning to make itself felt in the factory'hand who had been out of Jrt another, a-bank robber is shot and killed and is gpto by a. hitherto respectable family man who had no for more thania year.

A third city provides a duplicate furnishes the case of a robber who shot victim in cold blood but who, on arrest, was found to 'bhtess workman who had not before engaged in crime, iases of this kind throw an entirely new problem on the and the more properly, on society as a rilf the ordinary course of events the bandit, the holdup from a special class ijety. He is in most cases, the product of a particular and the influence of environment and heredity can be, traced pretty clearly in his career. He presents one kind of problem. It is a problem which shave not yetrentirely solved, and our efforts to deal with it attd then atrociously imperfect; but at least the prob- jfncir or less familiar, and we have a fairly good idea do when confronted wiih it. new kind of robber is something else again.

He "is a law-abiding citizen. Often his background is Sheer poverity drives him into crime. Extenuating are'present to a marked degree, -he is just as much a menace to society as the bandit. If a man levels a gun at your head and your money, it makes precious Jittle difference to he is a professional crook or an ordnary citizen by hunger. His gun is just as unpleasant a Her way.

are we to do about him? it is a question to puzzle We can only see clearly that now, more than ever ness of his knee. Mrs. Adell Sanford and -little son, CHancellbr, were Monday visitors at Mrs. Ella Hodnett. Louis Richardson of Evening' Shade was a caller in this vicinity Monday.

Mr. Richardson has bought a 40 acre farm from Lawrence Bosweli of Hope. Harold Sanford and family were Sunday afternoon callers at the Roy ROgers home, in Shoyer: Springs. Several of the young folks'attended a party at the Bennet home, in Shover Friday night. Miss Pauline J.

Sanford visited Saturday night With her: sister, Mrs. Henry G. Bearden; Mrs. Barton Bearden- and-little son, also-their mother Mrs. Emma Bearden, were visitors at the Bearden home.

Miss Pauline also spent Sunday evening With Jier--parents and sister Mrs. J. R. Gray at home in this oem- munity. Harmony school.

has 30 pupils enrolled? this whiter. George McMlllen spent Sunday at Joe Jack Rogers of El Dorado was the Sunday guest of his mother, Mrs. Rogers and his brother Parker. Mrs. Ellaw Hodnett is having the tenant house on her place enlarged by adding another room, her "brother Thad Vines and family will occupy the house and will move there as soon as the work is completed.

Darl Arnold and family will move to the Henry Hilllard place, as soon as Mr. Vines can vacate. Mr. Arnold will live until then in the B. W.

OWens house. H. B. Sanford spent Friday night wtih his son-in-law, W. A.

Cobb and family. We understand that Mrs. Ida Ruggles condition remains about the same. Milton Caudle was in town Saturday by the way our last week letter told of Mr. Caudle having sore throat, it should have read Milton Otwell instead, all are better at this time.

Christmas shoping has already begun, and of course Santa will be expected to visit in every home, Josie McWilliams spent Sunday afternoon at H. B. Sanford's. Washington The community regrets very much to part with Rev. H.

MsGuire who was sent, to another place. We wish for him and his family continued success and happiness. Miss: Noel Levins; is- on the sick list this week. Mr. Mrs.

Edgar Tyler of Bright Star were in town on business Saturday afternoon. W. H. Weir motored to Hope Saturday. Elbert, Noel and Aubrey O'Steen were in Hope on business Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Yell -Yarbrough from' Hiumany MeftUh is this writing; vcinity fit Mr. McWilUfcm'S called ai tne H. B.

Sanford hotriti SUhday evening. George and family were the dinner guests of their daughter, Mrs. V16let Daughtfty ant! family Sunday. Miss Harley Vines and Madfe Huckabee spent Sunday with Mrs. Alice Mitchell, Mrs.

Elk Hodnett spent Monday night With Mrs, Adell Sanford and family. Mrs. Alice Mitchell spent Monday night with Harley Vines and' Madle Huckabee. Joe Daugherty nnd family spent, Saturday night' with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

George M6MI lien. Hoy MeWilllams called on Kermlt. Mitchell a while Sunday afternoos. James Jordan who- for several months has been vISUlrtg relatives in Oblong. 111., has returned to His home here.

Several from this plaee were in Hope, Saturday. George Karber who has been ill 'for quite a while is mlich impfovetl, Bougfiton Health is improving' ih this community at this, writing. Graveling the road from the way to Boughton is in full swing, Mr. and Mr George Morrow, Mrv and Mrs. Noble Dye and Walter Harden wore-SVisiting Mr.

and' Mrs. Jack Williamson of Gurdon Sunday. Mr. and Mrs George Calhoun and children called on Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Cummings Sunday atfernoon. Mrs. Raymond Bouie and daughter, Virginia Ray, visited her parents Friday night. Smith is sick this week. W.

E. Eltnore was in Hope Friday On business. We are glad to know that Elbert O'Steen teacher of Oakland school Is able to be at his duties Fred Velvin is at home now. Mrs. C.

C. Stuart and W. Butler chaperoned some.of the young people on a marshmellow toast Friday, night. Mrs. Bert Wilson has been enjoy- Hope were here Sunday morning.

ing. a visit from.her daughter 1 Mrs. We are. sorry to know Mrs Luther Pudderphat from Pine Bluff. (Mimbus Mfv and Morley Jennings ot WAftdf Texfcfc arrived Thursday tec a visit wifK Dr.

and Mrs. 3. R. Autrey. Jennings returning Sunday but Mrs.

Jennings will remain until after Christmas. Mrs. J. R. Autrey is Mat the phlntr Hope.

Phil Hailey-of Little Rock visited with friends here last week. H. Smith of Washington and Mh and William Gilbert of Liberty Week end wlth-Mrsi T. Miss Miry Galnes'Autrey and Miss Lorenn Darnnll spent Saturday. With friends in Hope; Mfs, Jim.WllsOn and'Miss Janie Johnson were visitors to Hdpe day.

Miss Helen Green and Malcolm Portterfield. were visitors to Hope Tuesday night and attended the play, Professor." MK ahd Mrs. Cecil Green of MvN.ab spent Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. J.

W. Green. Mr. and Mts. L.

A. Walkr and Mr. and- Mrs. A. T.

Bishop spnt Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Eugene Bishop at Emmet. DK and Mrs. C. 'IHeken of El 'Dorado were guests Sunday of Mrs. Morley.

Jennings and Dr. J. R. Au- tnsy. Mr.

and Mrs. S. W. Mulkey and children, of Horatio were guests Monday Of C. H11L Rev.

J. C. William of Washington filled his regular appointment at the Presbyterian church here C. R. White was a visitor to Saratoga Saturday.

G. M. Tabler of Ben Lomand was a business visitor here Monday. Mr. and Mrs.

P. R. Booker of Texarkana wire week end visitors here. Miss Mildred Johnson of Neosho is visiting with her grandparents Mr. and-Mrs.

J. S. Wilson Sr. Vede Walker of Little Rock visited and Mrs. David Wilson Sunday.

Mrs. J. R. Dodson and Miss Dorothy Gray'Dodson of Texarkana spent the week end with Mrs. J.

C. Hill, har daughter, Roy BoVe who had swamp -fever. Olln afld MU SstWl Davis of Hope bailed on. Mra Mi E. Stoy Sunday everting.

Inez art. SteWtft of Hftw sfcent the nd with her cousin filmy Stew- Miss Ethel Fuggilt of Murfressbord Is Visiting her sister, Mrs. Sid Arttett this tfeek, We are glad to report Elbert O'Staen abte to resume his school duties this week, after a week's illness We are glad to report Mrs. Joe 1 FlncMer who Was operated oft pendlcltls at; Julia Chester hospital' is much improved. Oakland Mrs.

M. E. Stoy returned from Mandeville Thursday where she was last week to the bed side CLEAVER STRAHAN 1931, by Doran and Co. McNab Carlton, Ivan Louis, and, Stroud of Hope were visi- Health in our community is very good at present. Edd Stone and S.

T. Smedley made a business trip to Murfreesboro FrU day. G. D. Weaver of Fulton was in town recently.

Claud Smedley spent the week end with Buford Ferguson of Hope. Neut George tors here Monday. Mildred Smedley spent Saturday night with Helen Jones. Author Parker and daughter's Minnie Lou and Mrs. Cecil Green visited in Fulton Saturday afternoon.

Sam Stone was a Hope visitor Saturday. The party Friday night at Mrs. C. K. Kneighton's was enjoyed by those who attended.

Chas. Formal of Texarkana is a guest of Chester Earl Suggs. Quite a went to bottows need to use our utmost wisdom in dealing with our to pick up Lowell Sacrifice of Aviator Lowell R. Bayles is a distinct avJPion; and it emphasizes, in an manner the dangers that attend the flyer who experimentation with speed planes his field. Bayles was a speed specialist.

Late last summer he won frophy race at the Rational Air Races. Since trying to break the wbrld's speed record for r.ecQr4 mw hy the French, with a mark and frseties wttoi pr hour. wrfc. Both commercial and Men like Bayles show and Bales' death, unlike the one of those sacrifices that the air Mrs. K.

Spates was shopping in Hope Saturday. LeRoy Lawrence, and Ted Hatfield of Hope were vsitors of S. T. Smedley, Monday of last week. Floyd Railey was a Hope visitor recently.

Misses Virginia Walkup and Marie Howe of Saratoga were visitors of Mrs. May Conon Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lydge Buster and little daughter, Jean Marie and Erma Loster were Saratoga visitors Sunday.

Color, according to scientific research, affects persons as follows: Red and orange, stimulate; deep yellow green has a glowing effect and ces irritation. i chest circumference UUtak UEiRU TUUAV CECILY nad MART- PENW1CK HTB wltfc their once wcnKhy, nan mo InipOTerlched thnt and the Itonceliold. Tbe mlmtetm have been orphaned childhood. The are known respectively. "HO a A LIE" and "GRAND" and they Inilnt on keep.

InK up of- their former wealth Anne, 28, Ceelly, 22, do and Mary- IB. In- All the Klrli are'attractive. WnFn the Anne been en- Kneed to PHIUIP ECHQVD, young lawyer, for clsrlif yean. They can not marry became Anne her and' de- end apon her to manage their onie. Cecily BARRY ftlcKEOIi home dinner without' telephoning.

She known him only bnt Ii -fhlllUc In love vrlth him. Anne ont there nothing In the honie with which to prepare company dinner. NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY CHAPTER IV act as if it wore my fault, 1 said Ann, and pushed some more cans. "No, I don't." Cecil disputed "That's tbe trouble here, though Everything is horrid and awful tbe time, and it never is anybody's fault. I mean.

It really Isn't ever anybody's fault. Well, I'll go and tell him." She would have to make Joke of it. How should she begin? "Frightfully No, that sounded affected and too true. "The silliest tbing baa Hi ing no food in tha bouse was not a subject for jokes; it was wretcbed, and humiliating, and humorless. At least she could refuse his invitation to go somewhere and dine with him.

Possibly, probably, he wouldn't ask ber. He'd have to ask "Cecily," Ann was holding her arm. "Where are you going? What do you mean you are going to tell him?" "That he can't have dinner." "I must say! Tbat would be nice, wouldn't It? Wbat would he think of us? The idea! I've found some minced tbougbt we had a can of I'll make chowder. We'll bave a Jelly omelet, tbere are plenty of eggs, and -hot muffins. For dessert we'll bave nuts and a lot of that good cheese tbat Mrs.

Hill sent from her brother's I'll toast- some crackers. If there's nothing on tbe table but tbe chowder wben we sit down, Grand will say a short grace. That's a big advantage, Cecily tossed back ber bead and laughed and caught Ann in ber arms. "Angel! You're so good and so funny, and you don't know it! You're a peach, and a little boly person, and a blessing undisguised, and-" "Don't," said Ann. But tben she patted Cecily's cbeek and said, and smiled stoutly In spite of tbe something agbast within her consciousness tbat was insisting over and over, "She does care for him.

She really cares for biro. She cares tbat much." RAND'S grace bad been short to tne point of abruptness. Tbe chowder bad been fair and very hot; tbe omelet a picture garnished parsley and rings; the salad cooked carrot fay quip that onJy Asia could have produced, ana yellow paragons. Cecily tossed baclf her head and laughed and caught Ann in her arms. "Angel! You're so good and so funny and you don't ill" who bas, with even slight success, embarked upon tbe sea of journal forth in tbe pink velvet blouse and ber second best old black skirt, bad been, perhaps, not too charming.

Barry couldn't have been so defer ential bad he thought ber merely a silly old tbing. And Grand, up to the present painful moment, had been courteous and unquestioning. Now, as he cracked the be had explained that they grew right here on our own trees on our own estate, and why tbe nuts, trees, and estate were superior to all u'ther nuts, trees, and had begun that inquisitive tativeness that ho liked to assume with young men. "You have been in the building construction business for some time. I take It?" "No, sir." Barry was as pleasant as could be.

"Only for about six months. After I left the "May I ask what university, and why you left?" "Stanford. I'd been graduated, you to go. I went east and was there for two years In newspaper work." "And what part of the east? And wnat class of newspaper work did pujrsue?" York, cub reporting, and some jnagazine work on tlie side." You will forgive we 18 dlftcijg ism should abandon it to become a mere superintendent of building construction?" Cecily's cheeks burned until it was hard to keop her hands away from them. That "mere," how un speakable of Gran' to say It! Barry was hesitating.

Undoubtedly be was determining not to answer at all. She couldn't blame him; he was so sensitive about bis health; aud why should he answer all these personal questions?" "Surely, sir" (the darling, be was going to be "I know bow you feel about It. But, you see, I had some annoying bronchial trouble. Tbe doctor seemed to be positive tbat an outdoor job in a inilde- climate was necessary for a winter or two. Portland used to be my home; so I wrote to my uncle here, and be offered me a place.

I'd worked for him summers while was going to Stanford, He'd bad some trouble with tbe man. he fired he's good enough to say that he is glad to have me ia the job." tT SEE. And your health it been restored?" sir, I'W tefllpg fine, god the doctor here me fe -t ing out. or doors, eating a tot ana sleeping a coursa to follow." "Your parents live here, do they?" live here uncle and aunt," Barry replied, witbout.a moment's hesitation, and Cecily thrilled to his cleverness. Smart Possibly one-couldn't trust a- man as clever as that, but trust might be allowed, to go by the board tor- admiration, something of the sort.

And Grand, sitting stern behind his beard'aud thinking he had been answered. "Do you plan a return to your Journalistic career?" Dear heavens, would Grand never stop it? Was Barry going to tell him about tbe book that he waa writing? Barry had said that he had told no one out here except Cecily, and that had been gratifying. Still, since be was brilliant and wonderf .1 and wise enough actually to be writing book, she did wish he'd take Grand down a peg by boasting of It. Barry answered, "This northwest country, with its mountains and trees and mildness, gets bold of a person, don't you think so7 After a-certain length of time out hero, it is hard to plan deliberately to leave it." Smart! night there on the uptake every time. Grand grabbed Uie bait like a good fellow.

"My boy, this northwest country, as you say, Is God's own country. I use the expression with due reverence, and I trust with due humility. This northwest The telephone bell rang. For no discoverable reason except tbat it bad been installed tbere In the age of inconveniences the telephone hung high on the dining-room wall. Mary-Frances jumped to Its summons and stood on tiptoe and said, "Hello," in a high and wholly artificial voice, and followed it with, "Oh, Erraintrude!" as it Ermintrude had been abroad in far countries for.

many years, and said next, "Yes, I have my algebra," which, decoded, meant, "The family is in here, and I can't say a word." share of tha conversation, after that, was made up largely of breathless nega- tory exclamations, prefixed and suffixed unfailingly with her friend's name. "No, Ermintrude!" "Ermintrude, no!" "Really, Brmlntrude!" "Oh, Ermintrude, no!" With an occasional plea for baste: "Oh, hurry, Ermintrude!" The family and their guest strove to carry on. They tried talking over, under, aud around the high silvery tones tbat Mary-Frances used exclusively for telephonic communications. They were worsted in all were enveloped; raised voices gave an impression of commonplaces being shouted in footless competition with the trilling enthusiasms from the east wall. Presently they gave it up and smiled, patiently, facedly, amusedly, absent-mindedly, according to each one's mood, and waited in silence while Grand slowly diminished the mound of shelled he had piled beside bis plate.

Since they bad to wait tbere, tt was toff bftd tbat they could not have beard COMMlSStONEU'S SALE NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN; hv pursuance of the'authority and'dt-- dectlons contained in the decretal order of the Chancery Court Of Hempstead County, mttde and- entered oh the 6th day DMSSl In a certain cause (No. 2329) then pending therein between Walter Taylor, State Bank Commfsiloner in Charge of the HempStead County Bank St Trust. Conipany of Hope, Arkansas, Insolvent) complainant, and H. H.

Darnell, et defendants, the undersigned, as Commissioner of said Court, will' offer for sale at public vendue to the highest bidder, at the front door or entrance of the Arkansas' Bank Trust Company Building, in the City of Hope, Arkansas; In the County of Hempstead, within the hours prescribed by law for judicial sales, on Thursday, the 31st day of December, A. D. 1931, the following described real estate, situated ih Hempstead- County, Arkansas, to-Wit: The Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NWVi NW'A) of Section Twelve (12), Township Twelve (12) South, Range Twenty-seven (27) West, containing 40 acres, more or less. The Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section' Twelve (12), Township Twelve (12) South, Range Twenty- seven (27) West, containing 40 acres, more or less. The South Half of.

the Southwest Quarter (SMs SWVft of Section Twelve (12), Township Twelve (12) South, Range Twenty-seven (27) West, containing 80 acres, more less. All of tho above described lands lying in the County of Hempstead and 'State of Arkansas. TERMS OF SALE: On a credit of three months, the purchaser being required to execute a bond as required by law and the order and decree of said Court in said cause, with approved, 'security, bearing interest at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from date of sale until paid, and a lien being retained on the premises sold to secure the payment of the purchase money. Given under my hand this 3rd day of December, 1931. WIIiLIE HARRIS Commissioner in Chancery- Dec.

5, 19. Rent It! Find it! Buy It! Sell It! With HOPE STAR WANT ADS The more you tell, The quicker you sell. 1 insertion, lOc per minimum 30c 3 7c per minimum 50c insertions, 60 per line, minimum $1.00 26 insertions, 5c per line, minimum $4.00 (Average 5Vi words to the line) NOT advertisements accepted over the telephone may be charged with the understanding that the bill is payable on presentation of statement, the day of first publication. Phone 768 FOB RENT FOR room furnished apartment, Frigidaire. Call 132.

Mrs. K. G. McRae. ll-3tc.

FOR room house, newly papered and jaainted. East Ave. and North Main, call OIL' ll-3tc FOR nice house. Phone 606. Middlebrooks Grocery Company.

8-6to FOR room furnished apartment, 126 North Hervey street. 10-6tc FOR room house, newly papered. Suitable for two families. 302 N. McRae St.

L. D. Reed. V-6tc FOR high class brick residence, modern in every respect. In high class neighborhood, on, pavement.

See Floyd Porterfield. 7-6t FOR room house with bath, kitchen newly painted inside and out, newly papered. South of Magnolia filling station. Known as the Hervey home. See L.

A. FosteK 7-6te FORSALE FOR and half acres with six room house, City waterj lights, on gravel highway at a bargain, Brjdewell Henry. ll-6tc. WANTED WANTED-Mrs. E.

O. Wingfield to send one dress to J. L. Green Cleaning -o. to be cleaned and pressed abso- "utely Free December 14.

12-tc LOST fold containing checks. Return to Hope Star. Reward. ll-2tp blue horse mule age i years, weight 900 pounds, sheared tog around tail, notify H. C.

Stephens, Route 3. 1HM?.

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