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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 103

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

fJ SUNDAY SDaklanO Cribune SEPTEMBER 22, 1929 Splendid Home and Garden The estate of Pierre A. Fontaine at Indian and Hampton Roads, Piedmont. The landscaping is (he work of Floyd Herbert Mick, well-known landscape architect. The home was built according to the -design- of -Sidney- and Archie E. F.

Hutton Company Offices 'y The E. F. Hutton company have opened offices in the new Financial Center building with up-to-date facilities for fast execution of orders on all important exchange throughout the United States. E.F.HUTTONCO. IN NEW OFFICES ill! DSC II PING OF TINE HOME RY F- I E.

Ilutton members 1 of the New York Stock exchange, Ml II I ill, I' and of other, leading excahnges throughout the United States, have announced the removal of their offices from the Richfield Oil The area in the front of the pa latial home on the P. A. Fontaine estate in Piedmont ha now Deen building to the new Financial Cen com Dieted, it is announced by ter building adjacent. This it is Landscape Architect F. H.

Mick. It consists of a aim pie entrance Court, stated is the oldest wire house in 1 lTlli: t--m-mmm, i vtljil Z2 CI 4 naved with natural Napa lime tone. In the center of which is a low noo! of cut Travertine, lined m-lfH trrenn elated tile. Three full grown oak and one 40-foot Deodar cedar were moved Into this front area by Mick in order to proviae an Immediate setting; for the oeau Oakland, having opened originally In the St. Marks hotel some fourteen yeare ago.

From the St. Marks the company moved to the Hotel Oakland, from there to the Richfield building and now to a sumpt-oua ground floor suite In the beautiful Financial Center building. The firm maintain eight offices on the Pacific coast, four In' New York Clty two in Florida, and one In Paris. The local office is in charge of S. E.

Brack, resident manager and R. G. (Bob) Adams, assistant manager. Breck states that no effort or expense has been -9 1 tiful Spanish house. A preponderance of native California plant ma spared in giving Hutton'a Oakland the finest equipment for the brokerage business, due to the firm's unbounded confidence in the future of the Eastbay communities.

terial has been used. Including; the live oak, coffee berry, Toyon, rhododendron and azalea and many of the native ferns and perennials. This gives a soft round-headed effect which Is much more characteristic of the planting seen in Spain than the "spiky" planting. The rear gardens on the Fontaine estate are now in the process of development. A lies of terraces will lead to a large canyon filled with live oaks which will be kept a a natural glade and planted with native ferns and flowers.

Women Take Active Part in Organizations That many women realtors take New Deputies Added To Department Force Appointment of ten new deputies to the State Real Estate Department has been announced by the California Real Estate Associa 'i "t-Ttr niTiTTi, 1 1, i m. i tion by Commissioner Htepllen Barnson, Those named are William D. active part in real estate Doarq Affairs hold important offtces is indicated in a report made by Richards, Sacramento office; J. C. the California Seal Estate Also Jr-aien, uakiand office; Glen C.

Is-bell, Perry N. Johnson. Edmund L. Eberllng, Los Angelea office; Oli elation, showing that four women have been or are presidents of real estate boards and that twenty-six ver C. Oetergar and L.

D. Van Clear Site for Sears, Roebuck Symon Brother, the well-known wrecking firm, have cleared the site at Twenty-seventh and Telegraph on which the new retail store of Sean, Roebuck Company will arise. The building will be erected by the P. J. Walker company.

Horn, agricultural land deDutlea. 1 At Dimond Swimming Pool A large attendance is repprted at the Dimond Swimming Pool which was presented to the children of Oakland by the Oakland Lions club and which wa built by H. J. Christenaen. well-known have been or are now board aecre tarlea or assistant secretaries.

Los Angeles office; Ira 8. Solomno, San Francisco office; D. Ray arable, Ban Diego office, and Orrln Mrs. N. K.

MeCann Is president of the North Hollywood Realty board and Mrs. Eltha Nay heads Jarvla, agricultural land deputy, i reeno otrtce. the Petaluma Real Estate board It Is expected, according to the Mrs. Msy M. Pettenglll Is a past president fthe Eureka Real Estate board and Mrs.

Beatrice announcement, that at least three additional deputies will eventually be appointed and assigned ti the Hards of the Ban Pedro Realty Los Angeles office. board. The last two are chairmen If Prominent member of teal es i if of the Woman's division ot the state tate boards sat in with the Civil Snrvice Board in the examination 1 I I' MttSPt of about thirty candidates for position of deputies, and those 'l -i 1 -v; ym named were passed on Joint recom-ltiendation of these practical Tim- i sr Ferryboats Painted WS mm. if i While in Service The painting of the exteriors of Key System ferry boats while they association, northern and southern areas, respectively. Miss Josephine Then of Pasadena is state chairman and Mrs.

Hazel M. Grant of Pasadena honorary chairman. Women secretaries arts. listed a Edna Buhler, Arcadia; Nellie Lan-genbaeh, Bellflower; Margaret Lies, Beverly Hills: Hello Pariah, Comp-tnn: Iva Mulhall, Culver City; Clair flporgecton Guthle, Eureka; Airs. Z.

K. Oxarart, Bessie. Teasley, Ulendale; Mario J. Wiener, Huntington Beach, Minnie M. Baum.

Inglewood; Maud W. Peek, Lnguna Beach; J. L. Short, Pliimo Beach; L. Baldwin, Po-mona: Marian L.

Oiesler, Kedono Beach; M. E. Jessup, Redwood City; Orace N. Scott, San Diego; Josle Dovlne, Ban Pedro; Margaret Ollhuly. Han Podro; Edith I.

Hill, Shasta County; Nina D. Baldwin, Stockton; Pauline White, Mock ton; pearl M. Ely, Van Nuys. Queen A. Goldman, Van Nuys; Helen A.

Derby, Ventura; J. O. Howard, Viaallu, and Nora W. Gardner, West Hollywood. eniain in actual operation la being HuucesMfnlly undertaken.

It wns an it -j tut i --teasi! nounced today by Alfred J. Lund-berg, president ot the transit Saaswum mil I SSIISll SHIS SS lISSTt I WWlfflrHIWi" "V- 1 'The verba Buena" has re ceived its coat of orange and cream Key System colors In this manner, and the "Peralta Is about to be painted. "The painting of these two splendid ferry boats Modern Plant Of Cleaning Dye Works feet of floor space nnd has the monitor type roof, allowing a maximum amount of daylight. Uard-ner states that, since occupying the. new building the firm has enjoyed a steady growth of business, making it necessary to add four new delivery trucks and more clenninR equipment.

Ten trucks aro now In 89rvice. Enlargement of the CLEAR SITE FOR without withdrawing them from passenger service makes it possible I 1 for the Key System to continue to Glee Club Heads Zura Bells (left), director, and Earl B. Leondard, manager of the Oakland Real Estate board's glee club, which viill lake a prominent part in the forthcoming convention of the California Real Estate Association at San Diego. offer the accomodations afforded by these ferries without any in SEARS-ROEBUCK Legislative Work rug cleaning department is con convenience whatever Kto commu templated. ters," Lundberg says.

Both members of -this firm. VJ Proposed by Realtors On August 24, the Lions Club swimming pool, designed, financed and constructed by members of the O. (Jardner nnd K. t'almette, through 'years of experience, have seen the cleaning and dying husl- For tha past two -weeks the sit of tha new Hears Roebuck Co. P.

L. Merrick Representing the firm of Marcus and Merrick, who is at present on a buying trip Bp East- ne- grow to a highly technical status. Fortieth Street Statins; hjfj-ttiiitiio tirganlin- tlons are sh VitiSfViy'assoclstedl and Inter-related thst they may be said to stand on common ground, representing real property, which constitute a value nf about 000, flu of 70 per cent of the state's assessed wealth, J. Bradley Clsyton, of Han Jose, president of the California Real Kslate Association addressed the members of the California Land Title Association aoxemhled In annual convention at i re--. rrn wall paper center.

New siste fir laws, governing the jonstructlon of buildings, housing, and cleaning establishments that use inflamable solvents, became effective on August 14th. according to W. Gardner, manager of the Piedmont French Cleaning and Pyo Works. "Thaso new laws, sponsored by the stato fire marshal," Gardner saldt are. tnora stringent than the fire ordinances of ninny towns and are needed for the better protection of.iife and property.

In building our new plant at 11(17 Hlxty-fifth street, we compiled with the new Jaws, which yve knew were going Into effect." The Piedmont French Cleaning and T'ye VVorks occupy a modern re-inforeed concrete building In the Spanish style1 of architecture. The building contains 10,000 square Rails Improved 1 r-r Oakland Lions Club, was, 'with adequate ceremonies, presented to the city as a gift to the children of Oakland. The pool, situated In Dimond park, built at a cost of $2(1. was erected by Contractor It. J.

Chrlslensen. Attendance at the pool has exceeded thw expectations of the Park board which reports that tho 303 children and 62 adults, accompanying the children, used tho pool the first week. A circular Issued by the Oskland Park Board states that tho pool Is open every day from 1IM.V to and that retail stora at Twenty-seventh and Telegraph avenue has presented a seana of great activity. Tha 1'. Walltar Company o( Oakland, Ban Francisco and Loa Angeles will erect tha bulldlnar.

Tha contract for wrecking the structures at present oecupylnj the sites In preparation fop exeavatlnu was awarded to Fymon Brothers, wreckers. I), fynion, mannuer of this concern, states that the contract called for tha wreoklnir mid re-moval of eljjht dwellluK houses and ono apartment houso In twelve working; days. This Tins been nn- The repairing of the street railway tracks and tho repavlng Improvement on 40th street, between Grovo street and San Pablo avenue, undertaken by the Key System Kwlll be completed this, week, it Was announced by II. P. Bell, vice president In charge of engl-neerlng for the transit company, y-t 'ii 1 4.

Del Monte. With the declnrstlon that tlieHe organizations mimt work together close harmony and common nc-cord for the brat Interests nf real eslHte, the speaker outlined pliin for John lenlMlallve activity with the real CBtHle and title hhhoi'Iu-tlons. the (lullillng Owners and Munuueis Ansocliition and the il-Ifornla Btiildlns-ljoiitt leagne. The iirKanlutlons would go carefully over the Mils in which they were Interested, after which they would be referred to a Joint committee to consist of members from each compnsnea ny einrnoylnsr a lanre crew of workmen, and by tha use admission is 1 3 cents for children and 25 cents for adults. The building, of beautiful de of major portion of the fleet of thirteen trucks owned and operated by tha company.

Tho site is now completely transformed. The removal of a small portion of sign. Is of frame and stucco construction containing separate show ers and loeker rooms. iThe pool, of re-ln forced concrete, is 35 feet wide and 105 feet long, running to group asHUted by an attorney In a depth or 9 feet. Miner War-necke were the architects.

advisory capacity; proposed laws meeting with approval would be worked on by all the groups. Planing Mill Co. Takes Space Fheehan-Tlallard Planing Mill Tax Relief on Long Term Leases The National Real Estate association announces thst throuah a recent decision handed down by the United States honnl of tax eppeils, which reverses a former derision, ths bosrd Viermlts commlsslonn psld hy the lessor for obtaining a lease on property owned hy him fn be deducted from Income in MERRICK ON tha debris to all that la necessary before excavating; operations can be started. Tha art of wrecking has kept pace with other modern business methods, states Symon. White operating In districts it Is necessary to remova materials and debris without obstructing streets and sidewalks.

Thin is often accomplished by removing the side wall of one or mone build-Iiim and keeping pace with the wrecking crew, and hy loading trucks on th property thst la be-n" torn down. The local offices, warehouses and yards of Symon Brothers are located at Twenty-second avenue and Fast Fourteenth street, occupying a frontage of an entire block on Hast Fourteenth. The firm has been operating In Oakland alnce 1915. nnd has oilier offices and yards at Tenth nnd Market streets in San Francisco. SymoHr Brothers specialize in wrecking on a large scale, slorlng much nf the material here and shipping carload lots to buyers throughout the West.

ID SING JT BEi IIS IN HEATING Modern Heating Appliances For Modern Home company hus taken over Bo.tiOH siU.ire feet of workliig space at lOL'il I 'ark it street, Berkeley, where they will do woodwork of all kinds uhlch will include hardwood and -iiIIhimiiI ciiliinetM, exterior and In- H-eior trim. Kjtrth, doors. Ironing inedlelne imd I This firm will erve Hie ntid fifteen people itie employed at the present time. TRIP EAST CO EN Tl 0 ll ST. JAMES WOOD the year In which incurred or paid.

In the case of the lessee who psys a commission for a 1eae, these commissions nny not be deducted but must be spread over the life of the lease. LOAN FACTS Harris Gas Furnaces Under' the former ruling both lessor and lessee must unread the Williamson Coal and Oil Furnaces I'liiiis fur sonditiK nkland' renl eslnle hoard she club to the t'lill- commissions over the life nf th Two exceptional homes helnn Imllt hy tleorite Poan Inc. in jnmrs Wood, l'idmont, are lease and' could nt deduct sild Buying trips to Eastern markets are no longer confined to the clothing and furnishings markets, or to the antomotrile dealers, P. L. Merrick of wall paper fame, representing and ferrlck, is makiiME an -'Eastern pilgrimage to make a preview of the advanced mod-s and designs in wall paper specialties for th coming spring trade.

The important paper commissions the year In which they were paid. neatlnpr it was sn nounoed yesterday hy L'Homnie- Firm in Business dien. Inc. 'The Chateau Uriyany on St. James iJrhe will ho an artistic Here Ons Year Now Sher's at and Tele IrK III foinl.i i-eal eslnle convention at Sun KieRii, ortnher to 12, were entiiete, jesieiday by Zura K.

It'-IU, and Hnrl It. l.ron-.nil. of the organization. 1 I'oiiiH'd in in 2 3 this Rlee clul. iHhleh has aided ma I eria lly in ad-1 vertMiii; ia ml I liroimlioiit the I nileil SI.Hi n.

having mnde two na-i liona) lours In and 124. is 'now romp. I of sinKinK and imi-iral rcahois under Uirec- ini' I It is planned the i lull inenilo'i to in liii on a earner almii; uitli the oilier Uel- exposition of the liuro old North the Kraneo ai'iliitecture" suys IVIIoniinedieu atatement. roNTOf'FirK uk A gain of 1 1.06 per cent is resis-tered when tho Ouklund postnl receipts total for July is coni-pured with July of last year. The average for 0 industrial cltien throughout the United (States wh 7.68 per cent.

For 6i selected cities the average was t.66 per rent. Thl. record shows that Oakland is woll above the average city on this graph avenue is celebrating their first year of'business In their uptown location. Louis Marks, the manager, announces. li I 7 fc I "No expense has leen spared to carry out the conception of the Since Sher's have been estab architect and builder.

AVhon com lished on Telecraph avenue many i -MSB 3 fe4 nletelv furnished bv the builders well known nierehsnts have se this home will visited by thou mills for eoniestie manufacture will be visited, and the offerings of the Importers of European papers will be duly inspected. "The demands of the Pacific f'oast consumers are Just as insistent for something new as are those of the dweller who is closest to the source of supply." stated Merrick. "The wide circulation of magazines featuring design and decoration, as well as the articles fn the daily newspaper, have ouiekened the Interest in new Ideas. We contemplate the taking on of new lines of merchandise that w-ill materia lly broaden the activities of our firm." lected new locations for themselves in this Marcs points out. sands of discriminating; people who are anxious to keep abreunt of de Slf Shers came Into existence a vear ago.

handling comnlete and varied velopment In home construction. 'The uther Mean home on Sand riihani road Is within three weeks lines of wearini etiparel for men. and children. The office maintains buyers who of Ot concept S. A.

Railways And Harbors Are Up to Date Rome interesting facts ressrding are alert to choose the newest nvir fr.i; v. Mi a Ii.n-tcrni (' loan at iniiiMiiiiii) service cost frcr ft' dil future renewals. Out hriinc In.iiis ami 10 year nri income rrop-erty ti? tnaJc (speedily and itej hy lon experience tc borrowet s' need; for rrt.vcnience and economy. I.ct make a fnerdiv analysis of your loan pri 1cm. free any 6 MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY telephone CLcncourt 7241 1434 F-anklin 43 Sutter Caiuand tss ffsilm styles for Oakland.

Harris Oas Furnaces, our own product, have reached the height of heating perfection. Install now, no need to vait. The adjustment for natural gas will ba made and desiirn. with unusually attractive floor plan, this home will also be completely furnished and exhibited by George, Bean Co. I no.

"Thfl neorg. Bean company are not builders; the. firm constructs exhibition home of nrtlstic deien in order to provide ths proper settings for its complete lines of unusual noma- decorations and the unprecedented progress of the Union of South Africa in every field of endeavor are revealed with Williamson Boiler riate Furnaces are renowned for their quickness in response and reliability In performance. The Pacific Gas Appliance Company wlH furnish you with all Information without clrargeto you when 5, 6 and 7-Room Homes Bailors ta tkfa fceaatlfnl tract are srlllac tbrw well-liailt mtmrrm koine, modera i every fetall. at raffAahle price.

55th Avenue Terrace the fuel change is nounced. fr the visit to Oakland ot L. W. Lesar, an official of the South American Government railways, who is at i eu'airs ironi ine area. Those ho i oiiiio-e th- elnli now iiirluiio lAereit K.

i iu! son Paul, (luv Kilu.n-d i Frank Zm-a Hells, Ilaltih im. 11. It. Leonard, Hert K. Many Hole.

mill, Halph Keed and nv i Thi club Is the realty or-I carization ever slarled ont to its rity Willi music, aecoid-. inu' to ltolls. Kalh A. Knapp.

president of ih I (i-iklnnd Real Hoard, mvl l'r" 1 li. Caldwell, manavini; tor. yes'r i day In a piectinK voivod i tin It- contl.lenee in the lub this the iniislcal i.e at 1h' ctmifiilion. an organization," said Kn.ipp, "ails luai'-l in a.lvei-- tis.r,.' a and this ear two liavi- 1 com- l. and It Is he) cd II.

th( se I.e. Irked up and Uin.iiL, the state as iiiia-s have vhi-h have conipot-'I by tins ciub's inemLsrs." $7000 to Terms present in Oakland on a visit to 1 relative. According to Lesnr. the railway system of the South Afri- For Information, Call OA 2480. House of Service ran 1 nion now compares very tav-orablv with railway networks! thrnushout the world.

Lesar states that the harbors are; also under the control t.f the (lov-1 $150 Down $40 a Month nmilera heme in lOOPAt Iblsl rt. price InwfroM OOOU 'lOOU DUNER-MATHENY SASH DOOR GO. Sub-JUidert nf Clotr-in Residential Troierfy. KH aHvalo KH7 Hopkins and 23d Ave. Tract TOMOHll.i: NAI.IIS.

A substantial K.ilu in the mini her automobiles sold in recorded durinc July. bin new cai's were purchased. '1 Ins is an increase of 1 s.ii ier cent o.r ihe total of list year, since lUL'S. ha hown an over the 5.anie month the previous year. This record is equaled in very lew cities.

eminent of the South African Un ion, and that they are equipped with the most modern machinery and appliances for the expeditions hundling of freight as well as fori the bunkering of chips. For Information, Call OA-2480 House of Servient RESOURCES 85 MILLIONS.

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