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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Monday Evening SEPTEMBER 16, 1929 Dafclanli Ctffiune 1 ran -Native. Soni-and tate were led to location Sunday where Edwin H. Johnson oi Oakland had previously discovered the remnants of three emigrant wagons, which may have been used by members of the ill-fated Donner party, on a pass three miles south of the westerly end of Donner lake. Forty-three members of Ltbe Donner party pioneers perished when -therJostHhe. trait iirlo4tn-- the tragedyr- Upperright, remnants of the wagons are being carried The wagons were in an advanced stage of ruin, parts of spokes, hubs and two wheel tires being found near the wagon bodies, covered with growths.

Photo at the upper left shows a pile of stone which it was out for transfer to Sutter's Fort, Sacramento. Lower left, part of scul-board of one of the wagons. Lower right, EDWIN W. JOHNSON, standing in a tire. thoimht might have concealed the grave of one of the child victim of TRIBUNE photos.

TO OFFICERS DRIVER DRIVER i inimflTRPFFnTZl OLD WAG0H3 FOUND NEAR DONNER LAKE ADM ITT Di ll WW WWCmWW HIIMIIIWIWWIWITIII I IIIIWWMKMMIWWMMMMMICWgMWWlMllBB -T-Y i nwtJHZK i Ancient Relics Believed to Have Been Equipment of IB-Fated Members of Lost Emigrant Train Eastbay Resident, 72, Struck While Crossing Street, IV'ear Death; Motorist Absolved of All Blame V-4hr offers S. vj Following rik tabulation i JfV. rttUed daily 4 of the num- her of per- tons killed or Injured in Oakland, Ala- meda and Berkeley automobile accident during 1929. Total for the three cUiet, includ- ing today aret 0k. Alamate.

Dark. Killed. 58 3 IS 1562 119 350 TSFx T---rH JJ VT I I Vm-ifril 'vVV I IS 4 II s. One man -was hilled, another Is In a critical condition today and a. third is held for Investigation following a' eries of automobile accidents in Oakland during: the 'eek-end.

Joe Dumovlch, 50, of 3460 street, Oakland, died at Highland hospital from a fractured skull, crushed ribs and other Injuries, after the machine In which he wasrldlng and which was driven by K. H. Wood, 47, of 2227 Acton street, Berkeley; crashed Into another machine at Thirty-second and Ter-aha streets. The second car was driven by Ernest A. Heron, 76 Lakevlew avenue, son of the late E.

'A. Heron, former president of the Key system. DRIVER SPEEDING, CLAIM. Wood is undergoing treatment at Oakland Emergency hospital for -cuts bruises and possible Internal Injuries and Heron received a lacerated lower lip. Heron Is claimed to have admitted to police that he had several drinks after dinner.

He Mas unable to explain the accident but admitted UuU he was (exceeding the legal speed limit. Bo Is detained at the city prison. Knocked to the pavement as he was crossing the street at East Twenty-first street and East Fourteenth avenue, John T. O'Banlon, 72, of 2122 Seventeenth street, a suffered a fractured skull and possible internal injuries. HITS officbiu's car.

He Is in Highland hospital, where Ms condition is said to be grave. The autonoTMle which ran down the aged man was drven by Edwin Eshlernan, 45, of 920 "ast Twenty- third street, a eountry club promoter. Eshleman was absolved of blame. Victor Daniels, 2967 Madeline fctreet. Is held for Investigation after the automobile he was driving 'crashed into the parked machine rf Patrolman Lawrence Church, at 1762 Patterson avenue.

Arresting (Officers reported that Daniels was tinder the Influence of liquor at the time of the crash. Four Hurt in Machine Crash Near French Camp STOCKTON, Sept. 16. As result of a crash at French Camp two women and twA men are In hospitals here suffering from possible fractured skulls and internal injuries. The injured are Mrs.

Rose Watson, Route 1, Box 646; Mrs. Stella Harker, Burkett Acres; "Walter Gilbreth, Stockton, and Albert Adolmenl of Banta. The men were riding in one fear and the women In' the other. imunn nniiiiiniriirrin--ni)i mninr'ninHTi'ii i irri i in i tffvun i-fninrirnirffiuftirmrnimriifiiwiiiis isininia- in run iTinnnf imTrnffTTTirm iiiitriij ill iiii iiiiiiiir inrr himiili iiiiiiiiiiiiwsMiiiiwiiuMsiM 1 Truckee's Plan for Winter Modern Man Still a Savage C. Scholar's Book Claims WHITE US TO III 1 IDS Did the three oldvemigrant wagons, the remains of which were discovered by Edwin H.

Johnson of this city in the mountains about three miles south of the westerly end of Donner lake, belong to mem- hers of the ill-fated Donner party? Was the pile of stones resembling a child's grave, at the foot of one of a group of old trees, tear the remains of the wagons, a marker for the last resting place of little- Ada Keseberg, who died in one of the desperate attempts to cross the snow-covered mountains. In an attempt to answer these questions and to bring the long burled relics to Sutter's Fort, a group of Californians interested in early state history were guiaea- yesterday by Johnson to the spot where the relics were found. In this party were C. Peterson, curtor of Sutter's Fort museum; F. Jiartmeyer, custodian of Sutter's Fort and probably the only surviving relative of the Keseberg family; Fred Killam, superintendent of state buildings; J.

R. Knowland, chairman of the hostorlc landmarks committee of the Native Sons of the Golden West; Miss Lowena Johnson, daughter of Edwin H. Johnson; and a TRIBUNE photographer. 43 OF PART'S" DIED. The old Emigrant trail, which was marked by the historic landmarks committee of the Native ftnn near TrtiekeA laat ftatiirriav.

was missed by the Donner party owing to early snows. The failure to locate this trail caused the trage dy which resulted In the death ot 43 members of the Donner party. Having missed the regular Emigrant trail, members ot the Donner party attempted to cross the summit by other routes, and the fact that these Wagons were found on one of tho passes west of Donner lake and of the constantly used Emigrant trail lends credence to the theory that these wagons belonged to the Donner party. The remains of the three emigrant wagons were found within a radius of 50 feet, and were covered by an accumulation of dirt and pine needles. The parts-of the wagons constructed of wood were in a bad state of decay and were most difficult to move.

The best preserved was a tailboard which, with other relics, was taken to Sutter's Fort. This corresponds in generaLcharac-ter to theearly emigrant wago-n, There were parts of spokesi hubs, and the iron rings which fitted over these hubs. Two of the large tires, corresponding to the size of wheels used in those days, were found in l. 1 1 down. NO MARKINGS.

FOUND. No markings of any kind could be found on the parts of the wogan unearthed. At the suggestion Hartmeyer, the only surviving relative of the Kesebergs, the atones were removed from the mound and an excavation made to disclose whether they covered a grave. A very careful examination failed to disclose any evidence that body rested under these rocks. In removing the various rocks a number of granite pieces were found, showing that these particular pieces, at least, had been placed there at a period latertfaan J84S" or 1847, when the Dinner tragedy occurred.

A part of an old pick" was found, which was modern; also pieces of Iron that appear te be modern. Across the creek other pieces of iron were found which would indioate that In the early days of railroad building that these particular localities may have been used construction camps. The style of wagon found, however, of the type of the famous covered wagons of early days. Is not likely to have been used at the time of the building of the railroad. OLD TREE BLAZES.

"Oil the road from the head of thaT lake where the relics were found there ara blazes on' a number of old trees. One stump was found cut about twenty feet above the ground, which would Indicate, as in the case of trees found around Donner lake and known to have been cut by members of tfie party, that they had been cut those standing on drifted snow. The blazes were very old and mlsrht easily have been cut more than SO years ago. It is the purpose of those Interested In the history of the Donner party to continue the investigation before any definite announcement is made that these wagons belonged to members of the Donner party. The condition of the relics, and the known fact that a number of- the members of the party made unsuccessful attempts to cross the mountains In this general vicinity, gives weight to the argument that these wagons were abandoned by members of the Ul-tated party.

Cannery Employee, Kidnapped, Returned SAN JOSE, Sept. 1. Mabel Hansen, 18, employee of a lotnl cannery, was kidnaped by four men in an old touring car, taken from her escort, Mike eiemo c-t 229 North Eighteenth street, and later returned unharmed, amounting to a report mad to police bv Serento esrly yesterday mornii Serento said he and the airl were Sitting on a loadirg platform i i a cannery talking when a lig'ul. car appeared from the darkm--four men Jumping out. re lng the girl and forcing her the car and the fvurtn -ht mdown.

When he his feet thr were fope, r-w car soon returned and the I put out of it he saiii. ports stated bad drinking wh- h's of Kern. BERKELEY, Sept. 16. Civilization Is not progressing, the human mind has not changed since prehistoric times and man is still a savage.

That's the picture painted by Prof. Robert H.1. Lowle of the University of California anthropology department in a new book, "Are We which he has just written. the gam-worttrthBCBno3e? asks the university scientist after he has drawn the general conclusion that "man has marred his legacy of gold by binding it up inextricably with a heritage- of "Riding on express trains Is no sigh of a higher mental development," declares Prof i Lowle, whose book Is the result of a quarter of a century of study of primitive and modern civilizations. The mere possession of a large mass of organized knowledge does not mean that a people is extending its culture, according to Prof.

First National Air Traffic Conference DrawsExperts IIR STIR EUROPE Reports That French Will Replace British Troops Meet BY ASSOCIATED PRESS LEAKED WIRE TO TRIBUNE LONDON, Authoritative quarters this afternoon stated there was no foundation for the freport htat Secretary for War Shaw had summoned Lieutenant-General Sir William Thwaltes, commander of British troops in the Rhineland, for a conference In' London in consequence of the reported Intention of the French government to occupy Wiesbaden when the British troops leave. British evacuation of Wiesbaden is scheduled to begin at the end of September. It was stated that the British government had no Information that the French government intended to move a regiment of light cavalry into the German Rhineland city. Should it be decided to move the Rhineland lilgh commission to Wleabaden, It is. understood the French will provide a guard of honor tor the' cemmission.

CONFERENCE CALLED. A dispatch to the Daily Express from Wiesbaden says the British commander received an urgent re quest from War Minister Shaw for an important conference on tne whole question of the Rhineland. General Thwaltes also Will confer with Prime Minister Ramsay Mao-Donald. The dispatch to the Express was not confirmed. The probability of the headquarters of the Rhineland commission being transferred to Wiesbaden has been mentioned in several dispatches regarding the evacuation of the Rhineland.

FRENCH GUARD SLATED. In such a contingent a small force of French troops would be sent there as guird. The strength of this force is variously estimated, the highest figure being one regiment of cavalry, one unit of Infantry, "and one of artillery, the lowest estimate of the French forces is one company. The Express, however. Intimates that "several French regiments" will be quartered In the area evacu ated by the British, the actual de cision to make welsbaden tne headquarters of the Rhineland commission has not yet been taken.

although It is generally expected. Three Ranch Hands Die in Auto Crash -HELENA, Sept. 16. VP) Three ranch hands lost their lives In the overturning of an automobile near here. They were William French, 34: John Crockett, 70, and Fred Kremer, 35.

Kremer was thought to hav.e died from the heart attack, while the others were crushed to death. The automobile, traveling at a high rate of speed turned over on a level stretch of road and was demolished. RUIN Sports Park TRUCKEB, Sept. 16. Enthusiastic support of Truckee's plan to establish upon Its snow-clad hills a state winter park for Cali-fornlans Was voiced here at a banquet following the dedication of Donner Party landmarks under the auspices of the Native Sons' and CaughlerBf Ihf) JJaldenJyi'est Those who addressed the 150 persons at the banquet were: Fred G.

Stevenot, state director of natural resources; District Attorney W. E. Wright of Nevada county; Joseph R. Knowland, vice-president of the California Slate Chamber of Commerce and publisher of The Oakland TRIBUNErHarry C. Peterson, curator of Suiter's Fort In Sacramento; Assemblyman Jer-rold L.

Seawell, Senator B. A. Cassldy of Auburn, Mayor Brock of Grass Valley, Superior Judge George L. Jones of Nevada City, W. M.

David, Nevada state highway commissioner; E. H. Walker, Reno Chamber of Commerce; R. I Klmmel, Sacramento; H. Garfield Oates, Westwood; E.

O. Scammon, and Nelson Klnnell, San Francisco, and Wilbur L. May-nard, Truckee, Southern Pacific representatives. STEVENOT'S ADVICE, Stevenot advised state park sponsors to "sell" their plan to the state park commission by pointing out its various advantages and proving that residents of northern California really desire a winter playground. The park project Is being supported by the California state chamber of commerce in cooperation with the Nevada county promotion board and tli Truckee chamber of commerce.

Knowland assured the gathering that the state ehamber would' exert every effort to establish winter sports as one of the leading attractions of northern California. Charles Edmunds, Truckee regent of the county promotion board, struck the keynote of the undertaking in. his talk. "We are meeting," he said, "to capitalize the snow. It Is California's frozen asset- It Is our purpose to liquidate this As a nucleus for a state winter park, Edmunds said Truckee would deed to the state a 23-acre tract, with improvements.

Wilbur L. Maynard, Southern Pacific company's emissary of winter sports at Truckee, declared that thousands of sports enthusiasts have promised to visit Truckee this winter from Utah, Idaho and the east, all of whom are prospective settlers. "The public must, be" educated to what we have," said Maynard, who served as toastmaster. ATMOSPHERE OF '4. Harry C.

Peterson, curator of Sutter's Fort In Sacramento, advised the Superior California country to keep its atmosphere of '49 days. Historical sites are proving magnets to tourists, he said. Activities of the recent California legislature lri aiding county development, road work, and the 1332 Olympiad were ably tra-e ty A.ssmblyrnan Jerroli JU Given Support while Senator Cassidy contributed reminiscences of early days at Truckee, The Improved stats highway over the summit serves to bring the east and west sections of Nevada county closer together than ever be-for6T7SupertoTJudge 6eorgeLT Jones of Nevada City pointed out. Lars Haugan, seven times national ski champion, declared the Trurkee-Tahoe area has a climate superior to Quebec, with plenty of snow for holding snow contests, and other facilities which will enable this area to compete with Switzerland's carnivals. LEVELLING OF BARRIERS.

"Ws know no Mats line," announced M. David, Nevada state highway commissioner. He spoke of Truckee's strategic location near Reno, of the levelling of state barriers accomplished by the building of the Truckee River highway and the community of Interest between Reno and Truckee. The Importance of Truckee's project, not alone to. the state of California but to the whole Pacific coast, was stressed by E.

H. Walker, chairman of the Reno Chamber of Commerce. "Your winter sports are not a Truckee show. It is a California show and Sacramento wants a very aennite part in it," asserted As a result of tha afternoon dedication ceremonies of two markers placed on the Old Emigrant trail by Joseph R. Knowland, chairman of' the historical landmarks committee of the Native Sons, the Sacramento region advleory council created a history and landmarks committee, appointing Harry Peterson, chairman.

New Fire Apparatus-Placed in Operation WILLOD GLEN, Sept. 26. The city of Willow Glen celebrated' Its second anniversary aa a municipal corporation with the placing in service of tho new- fire truck. Members of the fire department, directed by Chief Howard Buffing-ton, placed hose on the new engine yesterday and it was given tests and placed in active service. Fire Chief Charles Plummer of San Jose has offered to drill the Willow Glen firemen In use of the apparatus and in attacking fires, his offer having been accepted by ibeal fire department officials.

Saturday night the firemen gave the new fire house a house warming with a venison dinner harbe-cuel by Larry Gott, who shot the deer. MOTHER, PTEPSON KILLED Olymnia, Sept. IS -P Mrs. WU.iam A. App sr-4.

her i -r I. 1 4 Lowle. Lowle points out. In his book, that: "Man hus forged ahead of the ape by passing on his experience to the next generation. He has piled up one means after another, not only for surviving but gor surviving In greater comfort.

However he mars his legacy of gold by binding it up Inextricably with a heritage of dross. Posterity learns tochip a stono knife and to chop off a flnger Joint with in mourning or prayer. Firearms shoot down game and human beings. Rulers elaborate laws for large states and devise torture chambers. Biologists study heredity and then try to tinker with human beings.

"The result Is largely to nullify the good achieved. As if Life were not an Inexhaustible source of Ills, man gratuitously adds to his load. The struggle Is no longer merely one of adaptation to nature, but Jargely with 'the trolls that infest our hearts and Is the game worth the The conference was concerned today with solution of problems facing flying company executives. Leading authorities who will address the meetings include Will-lam -P. assistant secretary of commerce for aero-naties; Colonel Harry H.

Blee, chief of the airports division of the Department of Commerce; Dr. William Adler, director of the German Luft Hansa; Herbert Hoover, Express and Amelia Earhart, radio expert for Western Air sistant traffic manager of the Transcontinental Air Transport. Air transport lines represented at the conference fly approximately 98 per cent of the 80,000 miles flown daily In the United States with mail, passengers and express. Passeneers are carried 30,000 of miles flown each day Into every part of the country. by law, that his services would not be required this year.

He has reported for his classes daily, presumably for the purpose of laying a foundation for a law suit to retain his, However, the proferred" services have not been utilized. Girl Editor Named For College Paper CIIICO, Sept. 16. Miss Lucille Cooper has been appointed edjtor of The Wildcat, Chico State Teachers' college by the beard of commissioners. Former Czarists in Siberia and Manchuria Gird to Strike at Soviets.

Br PAItTj WRIGHT MfM OMt Ihr 0k)nd TaiBUHt HARBIN, Sept. 16. Something startling is likely to occur In Siberia if present developments continue to a logical end. From both the maritime province and transbalkalia come rumbles suggestive of a probable approaching conflict with the White Russians, who are now "partisans," organizing bands of armed men as the reds were doing a few years ago and preparing for thomoment when they can strike at Soviet domination. WHITft ACT INDEPENDENTLY.

The persistence and hardihood of, the Whites helps to explain the Soviet complaint that the Chinese are putting the Whiten In the Chinese This charge the Chinese indignantly deny. American" newspaper correspondents saw evidence either at Pogranichnaya or Manchull that the Chinese were enlisting the Whites. Of course, here in Harbin some White Russians are members 'of the local police force and are doing duty chiefly as trafc cops in the crowded streets, wearing Chinese police uniforms. There has never been an attempt to conceal the fact that they have publicly renounced their Russian citizenship and they are not regarded as a factor in the present trouble. MOVE WORRIES A EDS.

The White Russians' efforts toward organization in Siberia and east and west Manchuria are proceeding systematically, and they are already getting enough results to worry the Soviet government. There Is reason to believe that the whites of Siberia are more or less like the Whites of Paris and elsewhere, among whom dreams of the re-establishment of the empire persist. It Is understood that some money is coming from Europe to further the Whites' plans, although It Is reported that the former Grand Duke Cyril has been In this part of Asia endeavoring to keep his.adheren from, mixing unwisely In anti-Red plots. (0 irlrht 1929. tot The TRIB05I.J Ari7es Couple Plan Trip Around World NILES, Sept.

16. Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ford of Nils are planning to leave on another world tour on Monday, September 23.

They will sail on a Matson liner for Honolulu and after visiting: friends there will sail for the Orient. They expect to be away about three menthg: KANSAS CITY, Sept. 16. Executives of 29 major nir transportation companies gathered here today to discuss plans for more ambitious schemeo for the development "of mull and passenger traffic over transport lines. The executive, with more than 100 sncflali.Hts In the technical and commercial phases of air transportation, attended the first national air traffic conference of the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce of America.

Frederick B. Rentschler, presl-i dent of the chamber of commerce, said hebelieved prosperity of the aeronautical indflstry in 1930 hinged upon the success of the air transport officials in developing more patronage. Problems of selling air traffic to i the "earth-bound" traveler are among the chief matters to be discussed. I Former Operatic Singer Dies in L. A.

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 16. C4) Mme. Alma- Stetzler, once well known as an operatic singer, died at her home here yesterday. She started her operatic career In Boston and New York with Henry W.

Savage, and sang for the Boston Opera company, the Schuberts. and tor three years sang the role In the Chocolate Soldier. Mme. Stetzler, in recent years a music teacher "here, was a member of the California State and the Los Angeles County Muslo Teachers' association's. Jesse L.

Williams, Play Writer, Dies JORDANVILLE, N. Sept. 16. J) Jesse Lynch Williams, playwright and author, died here Sat. urday while visiting at the home of Theodore Douglas Robinson, assistant secretary of the navy.

Dfeath -was caused by a heart attack. 4 Williams was born at Sterling, 111., in 1871. He was best 'known as a playwright for his three and four-act comedies. Williams wai awarded the Pulitxer prize In 1918 for the best American play produced that year. He was a Princeton graduate.

L. S. Dickey, Noted Cram Broker, Dies CHICAGO, Sept. T5. Luther 8.

Dickey, 48, Chicago and York grain broker, died suddenly yesterday at his home. He had been ill a week from diphther- ja. Dickey was a member of the New York stock exchange and the Chicago board of trade. Since' the beginning of the year he hnd been tv a partner in the firm of Thomson and McKenna, and previously had been a member of the firm of ami Bleky: Board Renews Certificate Of Deposed Teacher-Coach OROVTLLE, Sept. 16.

Despite the contest between Frederick Irving Boehne deposed athletic coach and history teacher at the Grldley high' school, over whether Boehne should be permitted to retain his place In the school faculty, the county board of education has renewed the coach's general secondary certificate to" teaqh in the schools of the Members said their action was basi-d solely on state credentials furnished by the applicant, and that his difficulties with the Gridley high school trustees were a personal matter. Boehne contends that he did not reeeive written netieei as required.

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