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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 1

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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PS delusive rVAssoaated CMa OAKXAHD AHD YTCnUTY Tair and mod. arata tamparatura ioniait and Sunday; gantla chanfaabla winda. Tamparatura, yaitarday. min. 41 HUNT AXXn 7 hoo andinf at 7 a.

00 Saaua to data 0.11 formal ta data 10.03 Lait raw ta data 7.3 nwx United Pre ComoUdataJ Ptww Association VOL. CXIV-THREE CENTS-SUNDAY, TEN CENTS OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 10, 1931 ttO. .10 is UVJ 24 PAGES rfi) AO MRcuWrlV7 "iFRMF Scenes and Figures in Entombment of Tunnel Workmen PAUL" IM CMTdMDQ MM. LMIUIVIUO IVim, the workings at the Mitchell ravine tunnel of the Hetch Hetchy men were traDDed last nisht Kv a eavr-m. At tmnii viirVif food to be sent tp the entombed men.

At lower left is THOMAS BROWN, motor-man, whose engine was only a short distance from the cave-in. The large photograph at lower right is a view of the top of the Mitchell ravine shaft! WELB MORGAN, 28. hailed as the hero of the accident. -who dragged a length of. 4-inch iron pipe across the spot where the cave-in occurred, permitting fresh air and JlUBUNEphoios.

rTXT T-ff--n- VICTIMS GET FOOD BY PIPE LINE HERO LAYS Workers Caught Deep in Tunnel Bore at Mitchell Ravine and Held There for Night and Day. OUTBREAK OF FUMES FEARED r- "III rtCsX iy ut xjrain ja Trapped by a cave-in but saved from, death by the quick wit of a fellow workman, 20 men today awaited deliverance from entombment in the east drift of the Mitchell ravine tunnel of the Hetch Hetchy project, 11 miles southeast of Livertnore in Alameda county. Rescue crews battling to reach them were making only a foot an hour but expected to penetrate the 16-foot wall of rock and earth blocking the tunnel by early this afternoon. The' presence of mind and quick action of Welby Morgan, 28, the only member of two crewa working in the drift to escape, were credited with saving the lives of his, 20 companions and their eventual rescue almost certain. Lays Life-Savin; Pipe With Desperate Super-Human Strength With the other workmen Morgan heard the cracking of timbers overhead that warned of the disaster.

With strength born of desperation he picked up a 20-foot length of 4-inch iron pipe, weighing more than, 200 pounds, dropped it across the point where he thought the cave-in would fall, and fled for his life. He was bruised by falling rock but reached safety. When he returned to join the other rescue workers the pipe was found-piercing the wall that hia fellows. DEFY, PLAN OF President Replies With a Prompt Refusal to Return Nominations of Board Men Despite the Demand Voted Attorney-General Consulted Before Chief Executive Frames Note; Another Battle Royal in Prospect WASHINGTON. Jan.

10. OP) President Hoover today declined to Resubmit to the senate the nominations of Chairman Smith and Com--fcnissloner Garsuad and Draper of the power commission. JT ASSOCIATED PHEBS LEASED WISE TO TIBUKE WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. President Hoover Informed senate leaders he expected to reply today to the resolution requesting the return ef three power commlslsoners' nominations.

Three of the five members of the power commission went ahead today with routine business. Chairman Smith, after a brief visit to office, returned to his home. Garsaud and Draper Joined Smith in declining to comment. Commissioner Williamson, unaffected by the senate's vote, also was silent and Commissioner McNinch, who Is ill, remained at his hotel. Under the act establishing the commission, It began to operate when a quorum of three had been sworn In.

Smith, Oarsaud and Draper took office before McNinch and Williamson, and were the three who voted the dismissals. niTSSEM; AND KING SEEK REAPPOINTMENT Russell and King visited com mission headquartera today. Nel ther haa relinquished the office space during the controversy. Rus sell sld each had applied for re annolntment. but this was done merelv as a formality to conform with the resolution adopted by the commission asking- all former em ployees to take that step.

Hoover also Indicated quite clearly lie did not Intend to com- The commissioners are Chairman George Otis Smith, of Maine; Mar eel Garsaud, of Louisiana, and Claude L. Draper of Wyoming, They previously were confirmed by the senate and nave taken ornce, Senator Watson, Republican leader, was prepared to keep the senate In session today awaiting the Hnlv rf HnAVnr MAY BECOME SIGNAL FOR NEW SENATE FIGHT It Is expected to be a signal for a new battle between the President and the coalition of senate Demo crats and Republican independents. The President requested Attor ney-General Mitchell for an opinion even before "the senate resolution reached his desk. The latter dropped all else at once. The procedure, as explained, calls first for a conference with Atttorney-General Mitchell.

The right of the senate to follow the course taken In the resolution was questioned on conditional grounds during the five days' debate. SUPPORTKRS PREDICT REJECTION OF REQUEST While there was no Indication-of the stand which will be taken, the President's supporters on Capitol Hill have predicted a rejection of the senate request. He Intends to draft his reply as soon as possible consulting Mitchell'. The resolution, adopted by a 44 to 87 vote, was. aimed at Chairman Smith and Commissioners Garsaud and Draper.

Advocates of the motion for re call, sponsored by Walsh, Democrat, Montana, were considering plans for further action if the President rejects the request which was adopted yesterday. ANOTHER BATTLE ROYAL IN PROSPECT Senator Valsh said off the floor as a legal proposition the three men are no longer commissioners, but as a practical- proposition "there is no way of getting them out unless the President accedes (Continued on Page 2, Col. 6) Horace Dodge Helps To Rescue Aviator PALM BEACH. Jan. 10.

Horace Dodge wealthy winter visitor, assisted two Palm Beach golf club employees In rescuing an aviator from the ocean last night when a plane made a forced landing in the surf. C. A. Mott, of Springfield, en route to Miami to attend the air races, landed in the water near the estate of Mrs. Hugh Dillman, Dodge's slater, when oil line trouble caused the plane motor to stop.

Dodge, Wilbur Hutchinson and Charles Keyes, pulled Mott from the plane and later salvaged the ship, which had landed a few yards from the beach. The flier was HOOV to jgsr yZ fl 'I Tirninr.i.nnn.i 'J- I. rite. EZL. 1 ff IMllmims I (t -Jj SMsBStBMBSBMBMBMBa tl I Through it the' air necessary to- "4 sustain life Was pumped while the rescue work went on.

And shortly after 10 o'clock this morning the entombed men also received the first food since-before they went on shift last bight. salami, bread and hot coffee in bottles were shoved through the pipe. Officials said that, if necessary, the pipe would enable rescue workers to keep the men alive for days. They have plenty of half-barrel being kept at the heading, while an additional supply is carried in waterbags by the workmen. 'Dying for Smoke' Trapped Men Say Through the pipe, also.

rescue workers and victims carried on cheerful conversations at intervals through the long hours. Typical of their character was a jesting request that deck of cards be sent in so the men could entertain themselves while waiting. i The only complaint voiced by the victims was that ther were "dying for a All smoking materials and matches are barred from the under-ground workings because of the gas, In lieu of a smoke, several boxes- of snuff were pushed through the pipe. Shortly before noon blankets were piled beside the small rescue tunnel in preparation for the The victims were reported uninjurc but suffering somewhat from cold. The cave-in occurred at 6:33 'o'clock last night and trappeJ the men at the face of the foot tunnel.

The spot is same at which the lives of 12 men were snuffed out in a methane eas explosion In July and fear of the deadly drove rescue crews forward their battle today. The peril of gas was virtu -the only danger confronting entombed men, engineers and G. H. Fry, safety ecjr' for the state industrial acri commission, expressed 1 that sufficient air coul 1 pumped through "Mor; pipe to prevent asphyxL Shifting of the tret! serpentine formation tire which the tunnel blamed for the accident. It was while workir vent just such cave-i-1 men were trapped.

enrv'cl in no. am i- MENS0UGH7 IN CA VE-IN Here are the names of the men entombed in the Mitch- si! ravine tunnel of the Hetch Hetchy project) FRANK PURDUE, 40, shift boss of the mucking crew. OSCAR NELSON, 39, ma chine man. HERMAN PETERSON, 28, mucking machine opera tor. J.

B. DOUGHERTY, 33, mucking machine operator. PHIL SAVITZ, 37, ma chine man. JOHN URICH, 48, ma- chine man. L.

SCHWIND, 43, mucker. MATT TOMLIN, 32, ma chine man. FRED WINTER, 47, mucker. JOHN M. ROGERS, 33, shift bos of the "gunite" or concreting crew.

ARTHUR LEI PER, 37, gun operator. JAMES KERRIGAN, 29, helper. R. E. JOYCE, 32, mucker.

OSCAR JESKE, 23, noz zleman. MIKE LEE, 28, mucker. A LOFAQUIST, 30, helper. KENNETH NELSON, 22, nozzleman. ALEX NOWAK, 25, noz zleman.

GLENN LAMB, 25, noz- zlemjan. E. J. McKINNEY, 36, chuck operator. 1 Bruening Stoned on Tour, of Germany BERLIN.

Jan. 10. (UP) Hos tile demonstrations were renewed today at various towns visited by Chancellor Henrlch Bruening, re turning from his East Prussian tour. Communists and Fascists hailed the chancellor, aa "Death and Hun ger Dictator" at Oppeln, Rosera here, and Beuthen. Stones were thrown at the automobiles of the Bruening party at Beuthen.

Mrs! Hart Hops Off On Flight to Azores HAMILTON, Bermuda, Jan. 10. OP) The monoplane Trade Wind hopped off for the Aiores at 13:15 m. (11:15 a. E.

8. on Uie second lap of a "pay load" flight from New York to Parler Local weather conditions were favorable, as Mrs. Beryl Hart and Lieutenant William S. MacLaren ook off on thplr lono-mile water hop icro- i1 A' Fire of Mystery Origin HPTCHlf HFRfl; Quiz Begun to Find Motive In Suicide of Mendenhall I I la I Wil IIUIIU1t" TELLS STORY BY TTWITED Bt8 LEASED WISE TO TRIBUNE L1VERMOKE. Jan.

19. Life giving air was pumped" throughout the night to the 20 men entombed In Mitchell tunnel of the Hetch Hetchy bore through a length of four-Inch' pipe. It was dragged iato place, falling rocks and timbers, by Welby Morgan, 22, whose own story follows: By WELBY MORGAN Written for the United Press. I am employed in the Hetch Hetchy project as a nozzleman. When I saw that cave-In coming or rather, when I heard It I started to run for safety.

It must have been the thought of my. pal, Oscar Jeske, who was back In. the heading with the rest of the shift, that' made me turn back. The cave-In seemed to start right where I was at work. I noticed the sudden swelling of the ground.

Timbers began to creak ami groan. Damages Fire of mystery origin, believed to have started In the basement of-the National Shirt shop, 1202 Washington last- night, caused loss running Into many thousands of dollars from smoke and water up traffic and street car service in the neigh borhood, and for a time' threatened to break beyond control of fire men. Goods and furnishings in 11 stores were, damaged to an extent that can only be determined by a survey. One of the principal losses was sustained by Foreman Clark, clothing concern occupying a large second floor area in the block. Patrolman J.

J. Fitzgerald was cu, by glass 'while aiding the firemen. i The fire was discovered by Somberlan, a clerk in the H. C- Bercovlch sigar etore at 494 Twelfth atreet, shortly after 7 o'clock, who notified the 'fire department. The blaze In a few moments became a "three-alarm" fire.

Early theater crowds packed the streets and the neighborhood was congested by thousands of curious drawn by the fire sirens. The fire department today listed the following concerns as having suffered loss from and water, although the damage in each case had' not been determined: i Foreman A Clark, clothing; rial- lenkamp's shoe store, 4 tilth Eleven Sto res street; H. C. Bercovlch, 494 Twelfth; ice cream parlor, 492 Twelfth; B. A.

Brilliant, 482 Twelfthr National Shirt shop; James Leake's, 1202 Washington street; Bob's hat shop, 1210 Washington: Zlnke shoe re pair shop, 1288 Frank Lewis' leather goods shop, 1212 Washington; F. Greenbaum, optl clan. Italian; Air Fleet Postpones Hop-Off NATAL, Brazil, 10. Of) General Italo Balboo. Italian air minister, today postponed until to morrow morning continuation of flight.

of hie squadron of seaplanes down Brazilian He hopes fly with twelve planes. Instead of the eleven now at Natal, since the second of the two ships forced' down on the ocean 'en route from Boloama, Portuguese Guinea, Is en route here from Fernando Do Norohha ln the' tow of a destroyer and should arrive i The next stop of the squadron, hlch arrived Monday from Bolama. Is Bahia, -and then Rio da i Landslide Engulf Train, Killing 170 Ecuador, Jan. 10. C43) A landslide today enculfed a tmln at Huiera.

killing 170 per- sons, reports teceived here said. Funeral services for Asa V. Mendenhall, 62, of Oakland, pioneer California lawyer, were pending today as coroner's deputies police 1 rrvest at I a nched an' investl-g 1 to r-mlne the motive for the prominent bar-rister's suicide in his apart ment, 1651 Fruit vale avenue, yester-d a afternoon. Mendenhall, a sin of Lois Pan-tages, wife ABA MEVDEHHAli. of the the ater man was round, snot through the temple, in his bachelor apartment.

He was dead. Absence of motive for the act spurned officials on In their investigation. Although he was es tranged from his wife, friends said that he no longer brooded over the situation but took it philosophically. His health and financial condition, they- said, was excellent. Four sealed notes, turned over relatives and a business associate, were expected to reveal a i probable cause.

They' were addressed to his wife, Nelda, 801 Walla Vista avenue; his son and daughter, Sally and Edwin Mendenhall) 3821 Ardley avenue; a D. Mendenhall of Palo Alto, and one to P. W. Roy, 3124 East Fourteenth street, a business associate. They were delivered without being opened.

Clyde Drennan, deputy coroner, was told by the son, Edwin, that his note contained nothing more than a "cheerful admonition" not to take "the thing too hard," and concluded with "this Is the best way out." letter to his dauehter. he said he was that thin? should turn out as they did. Aienaennairs parents, he told friends, were the first white people to marry In the state of Cali- iornla. He had occupied the Fruitvale avenue apartment alone for several months. His love for horses.

develoDe'd In the stage coach -days, resulted in his purchase of the famous Santa Rita stock farm near Pleasanton for 340.000 in 1921. Mendenhall was a member of one of California's early families. Some of his relatives Include J. V. Men denhall.

head of the California Delta Farms and the Holland Land Company, a cousin, and Mrs. Roderick W. Church, 1 Fairvlew avenue. Piedmont, an aunt. Mendenhall was a familiar fig ure In local and national' horse shows and race meetings.

I yelled'a warning and rn for the vertical sh4ti, Then I remembered piece of four-Inch pipe lying ao the tunnel floor, farther back' In the bore. When I finally found the pipe, rocks were falling. thick and fast. As I started to drag It. one piece struck me and knocked me down.

Guessing at where the middle of the slide would be, I dragged the pipe to that spot and dropped it. Then I ran for the shaft,.

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