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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 4

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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pdstofftcs at Arkansas 1 March 3,1891 ilJWMWHM rfNN The Assoalated JStiWfcAtloiS ill dispatches credited to it or i to this arid alto the Sbtal news published herein. ftbi Chargfes win be made for all tributes, cards of memorials, eoncetnlng the departed. Commercial ua tnis to the'news lolumhs to protect their readers, of space-takirig memorials. The Star disclaims responsibility 'ir reutrn of Unsolicited manuscripts. an institution developed by modem civilization to news oi the to fostir commerce and industry, through widely and to furnish that check upon government which has been able in' R.

R. McCormlck. Iota (Always Payable in Advance): By city carrier, pet months one year (5.00. By mall, in Hempstead, Nevada. and LaFayette counties.

$3.00 per year, elsewhere jt i The Platform (he revenues of the municipal power plant to develop the ttl laid social resources of Hope. city pavement in 1931, and improved sanitary conditions in back-yards. tfce Chamber of Commerce. highway program providing for the consrtuction of a ut of all-weather road tach year, to gradually reduce the and economic support for every scientific agricultural am which offers practical benefits to Hempstead county's greatest farmer organizations, believing that co-operative effort c'tteal IT the country as it is in town. STATE progress on the state highway program, tax and a more efficient government through, the 'iystem of expenditures.

Arkansas from Me cattle tick. A Curb Market iPJtOGRAM this newspaper has had in mind the last 3 jaonfjhg £jje establishing of a Curb Market fcir and efficient handling of locally-grown produce. "jtWhat brought the idea home to us this week was the iplaint of a well known Hope matron, who said that farm produce came a good deal cheaper uptown When bought from the individual farmer making his canvass. the lady had discovered, of course, was the hon- ct law of trade and barter which permits us to levy 'traffic will bear. from the farmer to the housewife is an individual on.

Uptown, however, the farmers circulating the stores and cafes create a sort of informal Curb where almost every deal is as public as though the tf it were shouted down the street. The effect of any market is, like the effect of newspaper advertisements, living cheaper through the power of exposed prices. Market aims to cut the housewife in on just those jantages which produce-men formerly enjoyed is an advantage here for everybody, stands yn, because every big American city has a Curb dating back almost toXJolonial history. The chief aim a market is to reverse the old huckster habit, and, in-, the farmer to tour the entire while, a few dozen chickens, create a central shopping place the housewife there. establishing of a Curb Market is long over-due in The city owes it its farm friends in this and ad- counties, for it means a larger and steadier cash ih- the farmer.

The city owes it to itself, for the Curb Do You TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Dear Mr. you see Santa please tell him not to forget me. I am little Fay Crosnoe, and I ive in Hope, near the Ice Plant. Tell iim to be sure not to forgst the" doll. Mr.

and Mrs. W. H. Stewart visited ler sister, Miss Nora Dudley, at Ouachita College, Sunday. L.

F. and S. Monroe, of Washing- on, spent Thursday night in this city, en route to San Antonio, Texas. TEN YEARS AGOG farket makes living cheaper without costing any man a worth of business he enjoyed formerly. Money that gets for greenstuff and poultry sold to house- at the Curb Market he himself spends with the grocery- si i and butcher before he gets home again.

main experience with observing Curb Markets was at El Dorado, which the News of that city helped iblish. As we recall, the market financed itself, a charge 35 cents a stall on the various farmers eventually eti'ring the cost of construction. jM- It was a simple frame structure, consisting' only of a Inland open it operated three times a week, rossing som'etimes as much as a thousand dollars a session. "thing that we recall was of more lasting benefit to El than, its Curb Market; and it is our idea to round committee of representative Hope citizens in the near and visit some of the Curb Markets elsewhere in the (before advocating plans for our own. Columbus' Maps Nat Martin and Chas.

Pittman, well cnown business men of Prescott, were visitors to Hope today. Sybil Williams, of Patmos, is in the city. Miss Esther Pettigrew has returned from a visit with relatives at Hot Springs. Miss Ruth Hardiri, of'Nashville, is being watched 1 with much'interest by her many friends and admirers in her successful career as a director of plays. A special notice from St.

Louis tells of her competent work as direc- tro of the Oriental-American musical comedy, "Katcha-Koo," which is proving a big success. E. W. Timbrelake was one of the well known Hempstead county farmers in town this afternoon to hear the address of Dean Bradford Knapp on the Cotton Association movement Mr. and 1 Mrs.

Arthur Thomas, of Washington, D. will arrive soon to spend the Christmas holidays with relatives in Hope. IS interesting to learn that the map which Christopher Columbus used on his third voyage to America has come light in a Turkish museum, and will shortly be given to world. There is a world of romance in maps, especially in very ones; and the map which carries great blank spaces along borders, indicating that the cartographer did not know jay behind the horizon, can call forth endless dreams. Four Jurors Seated for Second Yarberry Trial BEEVILLE, jurymen had been selected Monday night for the second trial of Newton Yarberry, charged with murder of his 18- year-old sweetheart, Dorothy Dorcas Symons, formerly Arkansas Pass choir singer.

The body of Miss Symons, attired only in a bathing suit, was found on the beach near the Arkansas Pass breakwater. a That, of course, was the kind of map Columbus used. $7 On bis first voyage maps were of little use to him. He ex- to fetch up against the Asiatic coastline somewhere, id he probably had such charts of China, Malaya and India century Spain could provide. But all the way thither as mysterious and unknown as the other side of the What good is a map to a man who charts a course due i to a shoreless sea? By the time he made his third trip, of course, he prob- had a more or less makeshift set of charts.

He knew that sooner or later he would make a more or less ijliar landfall. Somewhere ahead there were islands and nnels he had seen before. i But all the rest was darkness. To the north and south gtretched almost infinite reaches of empty ocean, which might anything from the lost Atlantis to the Happy Isles ffiat Ulyssess sailed for. What, one wonders, did the old navigator think, what sort of speculation took hold of him, ajs kesat in his dim-lit, creaking cabin, a chair braced against for security, and studied his incomplete map? We shall never know, of course.

Sea-faring men are communicative, and Columbus was no exception. But that is a closed book, the next best is a glimpse at map he used; and the man who could not pore over it by the hour, lost in dreams, has no appreciation of romance. One trouble with our world today, you see, is that our maps are too complete. Around the poles there are dwindling White spaces, and Asia and South America still have small that, are unknown. But for the most part every headland has been charted, every Mountain range been filled in, every river bed has peen Lraced.

What wouldn't we give a map that was half empty! Now that the navy squabble is back in the headlines again it's plain that Hoover and the Navy League, are still at sea. A Philadelphia youth was sentenced to two years for yelling something belittling at He might have failed; but for the. next-two years he'll succeed in making littl eones out of big ones. i i The Japanese were pressing in toward Chinchpw, But if they ever get into chow chow they'll be in a pretty piccalilli. i An ex-broker was tried' as- a leader of an arson gang.

With business at low ebb he probably was-just trying ofire things with enthusiasm. And a banker says you can't accept nerve for collateral. Which means, perhaps, that a dead beat has'more nerve thna you'll givejhim credit Springffill The Carnival Friday night was a success, everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the proceedes amounted to a little more than $60.000 after expences were'paid. Mr. and Mrs.

Dockley are home again after a weeks visit with relatives at Little Bock. We were glad to have Misses Middlebrooks, Lorene Moses, Ruby McKee, Onal Garner and some of their friends of Hope, with us at the carnival Friday night. Owing to the enclemency of the weather the services and pounding of the preachers was not what we wanted them to be. We will again in the near future. Thanksgiving visiting was rained out to" some extent, but we' trust everyone enjoyed the day and gave thanks.

Lawrence Powell said road was pretty slick' Monday when he came out to deliver the mail. Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Walton and daughter, Syble and Miss Jocie Phillips spent Thanksgiving at the home of W. O.

Phillips. THIS CURIOUS WORLD Nichols Health is good in this community nt the present writing, The dry weather seems to be gone as we are having a lot of rain. Mr. and Mrs. J.

G. May and and Mrs. Davis spent Thanksgiving' with relatives and friends of Lake Village, Ark. J. D.

Sandifer and family, H. Winberry and family, J. B. Sandifer and family and Frank May and Roy Nickols and family spent Thanksgiving with J. A.

Winberry and family. Miss Lorena May of Bodcaw spent the week end with Misses Pauline Martin and Myrth Franks. Miss Pearl Winberry spent Friday night with Mrs. Lois Winberry. J.

D. Sandifer and family, M. H. Winberry and family, Miss Pearl Winberry and Harold and Quay Martin were shopping in Prescott Saturday. John Winberry spent Sunday afternoon with his son Mikle Winberry Mr.

and Mrs. Mikle Winberry spent Sunday with'Mr. and Mrs. J. G.

May. Born: to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sunday, November 22, a daughter, mother and baby are 'getting alone, fine. Hugh Dixon and son spent Thursday with Mr.

and Mrs. Harry Dixon. The party given last Wednesday night at the home of Miss Helen Mays was well attended and enjoyed by all. rfeatin ft ftjl ft present Grandpa Smith is hot doing so well at the present time. But vfc hope for htm quick Rain, rain, we Have had plenty of rain for a white, T.

R. Gibbon and sister, Mrs. Vilma Gaggles, and Matte Thomas who is teaching school at Palmos, spent Thanksgiving with her parents of Texarkana, Mr. and Mrs, Thomas. Mr.

Elmer May who is teaching at this place spent Thanksgiving with his parents of Boddaw No. 2, Mr. arid 3ob May and family. Fred Camp called on Miss Avis Woodvil of Oak Grove last Sunday aft- crnbpn, Lesly Camp was visiting near er Springs last week. Mr.

and Mrs; Bill Carlton of Waldo and Mrs. Nedta Beesley of Texas, spent last Monday night with their sister Mrs. Maggie Miller of this community. Married: MiM Mollie Martin of Correnth to Olen Miller. We wish the young couple a happy and long life together, George Gibson was a Hope visitor Friday.

Ervin Deasons Fodmby of this place, who is In Oklahoma at the present time, has been called to the bedside of his mother, Mrs. Henry Reasons of Patmos, who Is very 111. We hope for her A quick recovery. Wfe are sorry hear of T. M.

Ward's dry goods store being robbed last Wednesday night, at Patmos. Several from this-place attended singing at Patmos last Friday night. Every one remember-there'will be singing at Patmos next Friday night, December 4. Our Sunday school and singing was omitted Sunday on account of bad weather, but remember we will have singing here next Sunday night. Miss Estell Ratliff spent last week end with Miss Annie Ratliff.

Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Odom visited Mr.

and Mrs. Sid Davis Sunday. The party at Mrs. Allie Owen's one night last week was well attended and ell reported a nice time. Ulicc Miller spent last week visiting near Falcon and Waldo.

J. D. Smith spent Sunday with Nathan Ellidgc. Roy Ellidgc spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Lawson Cox. L. Martin of Waldo called on Mr. and Mrs. John T.

Smith Monday night. ft tola tothmurilly tt At this very glad to be through dipping their stock. Tilman Hombree calle dto sec Mr. Hartsfielcl, Monday afternoon. Gladis Williams, Annie Ruth Worthy visited Mr.

and Mrs. Hermon Worthy Saturday night. We arc sorry to know that Mr. Boyett is on the sick list. Thanksgiving day was passed off very quietly here.

Everyone being thankful for such bountiful harvest. Scores of deer trap themselves each year in concrete-lined irrigation ditches of the lower Rio Grande valley. ma had won 18 of 26 games with Oklahoma A. M. in their traditional football series.

certainly had 16t of ttto the fast few fays, we think we will snow nixii and Mrs. Letiard London are visiting relatives near Herman Hamilton spent ThankBgly- Intt at the homecoming at Magnolia A. ft M. college. Hamilton vlilted in the home of His uncle, Lee Hamilton, SundAy.

T. A. Olanlori visited A. W. Hem- lltoh Thursday evening.

Dr. C. F. Helms passed through here one day last week. G.

Langston and son Howard and Joe Grlmbley arc on a bricklaying job fit Magnolia. the Langstons are enjoying an extended, visit of their cousin, Ray Clevenger of the District of Columbia. Herman Hamilton of Emmet drove over and carried his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dock Hamilton to the carnival and program at Central High School Wednesday night.

Joe Hamilton attended the football game at Arkadelphla last Thursday, and reported a nice time. Holly Springs Health is very good at this writing with the exception of a lew colds. It seems that we are going to have a bad winter. Mr. and Mrs.

A. R. Marlor and family of Willisville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crank and family of this place.

Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Simpson and turMki tfiwt few aiiys vlttl wMhthirr uncle, Wllllt Hopt of A.f'R H.

L. Sulton, And HttNfifn Worthy were gueits of Mr. and Mm, 8. Worthy Thursday. Mrs.

Lllla Porterfleld spent Friday with her slser, Mrs, Bob.MeCofmlck. Lonnie Lumpklns and Miss Annie Ruth Worthy were quietly married Sunday nglht. We wish long happy together, v. Miss Lortne Worthy spent Saturday nlfht and Sunday with Miss Curley Lee Murphy. Mrs.

J. C. Button and Mrs. Charlehe Sutton were visitors of Mrs. C.

E. Worthy Monday afternoon. family of Lamberton was In this com. munlty Sunday. Mr.

and Mrs. Franklin Gay of Hope spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E.

Thompson. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harchfield Martin of this community attended the birthday dinner of Robert Martin of Correnth community. Singing was well attended at this place the fourth Sunday afternoon.

Everyone come back the second Sunday afternoon and bring some one with you. Everyone come to Willisville Saturday night December 5, WilHsville senior boys and Rosston senior boys will The junior teams and girls also have a game. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Pascal Simpson Monday, November 30, a ten pound son.

ARE THERE THREE KIMDS rove Read the answer in Kay Cleaver Strahan's new serial beginning Wednesday, Dec. 9 in THE HOPE STAR Holly Grove Preaching services were rained out Sunday. This was Rev. Scott's last appointment here this conference year We hope he will be sent back to us for another year. Mr.

and Mrs. John Robinson have I returned here from Oklahoma Jess Atkins and R. T. Hembree were in Nashville on business Friday. Mrs.

Enoch Worthy of near Washington was a visitor here Monday. Rev. Scott of Emmet was visiting in this community Sunday. The people of this community are A How One Woman Lost47Lbs.of Fat In Three Months and Feels Years Younger "I have been taking Kruschen Sails for nearly 3 months. I have continued I taking one teaspoonful in warm watT every morning.

I then weighed 217 pounds, was always bothered with pains in my back and lower part of abdomen and sides. ''Now I am glad to say I am a well woman, feel much s'rcnger, years younger and my weight is 170 pounds. I do not only feel better but I look better, so all my friends say." A bottle of Kruschen Salts that las' 4 weeks costs but 85 cents at Briant's Store or John S. Gibson Drug and druggists the world over. Take one half taspoeon in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast.

Attention to diet will out pastry and fatty light on potatoes, butter, cream and the Kruschen way is the safe way to lose fat. Try one bottle and if not joyfully back. Adv. Throat Sore? Don't Gargle It is no longer necessary to gargle and choke and take chances with patent medicines for sore throat. You can now get quicker and better relief with Thoxine, a prescription exclusively for throat troubles.

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Remember Thoxine will relieve sore hroat or coughs within 15 minutes or monev back. 35c. 60c, $1 00 bottles. SoW by John P. Cog D'ug Corr- pany, and all other good drug stores.

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