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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 35

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THURSDAY EVENING OaklanD Crffiune MARCH 31, 1932 El RT A. MCE VIATIOK ARI BJ El HEAVY SUPPLY! ofir flQDADilfllC WHEAT PIES S01PJII III: TUNC PilAIlL HI OPEN-OAKLAND CARGO OFFICE By SHERMAN CAKASH OIIS PRICES Eastbay's aerial prestige as one of AmericSi's busiest aviation centers will be further Increased tomorrow when two new air services are Inaugurated here. United Air Lines is Increasing its coastal mail and passenger plane service, scheduling a new "tri-motor" departure to Los Angeles dailyrUnder the new schedule, United trl-motors will leave the Bfty Airdrome in Alameda "daily at 10 a. m. and 3:50 p.

m. Northbound planes from Los Angeles will arrive here at 11:20 a. m. and 8 p. m.

With this increased Los An geles air service, the southern coastal airway becomes the west's "most traveled" air transport route. Eleven daily round trip flights are scheduled between the Eastbay and southern California by the four companies operating: over the route. Oakland becomes linked to Stockton and Merced by air line tomorrow when Century Pacific Air Lines Inaugurates a new valley service. Century tri-molors will leave the Bay Airdrome daily for Stockton, Merced and Fresno, connecting, with coastal Century planes at the latter point. This shuttle service will supplement the Oakland-Sacramento and Oakland- 'VEATHER FORECAST MARCH 31.

Oa.kl.nd and. Vicinity Cloinlr tonlKht. -nn-set tit jud 4uoltT fjiduj geutlt. aoutberly KillllM. Northern California Generally cloudy to-niniit and Friday, betumiui; unavtlli-d in norlh imrlion.

iirnliably with raina on tile coast: couler in the norlh Krtlou Friday; moderate cluingeatile wiml. offanore becoro Inc Koutherly. Sierra Nevada Cloudy tonight and Friday; change Id temperature; gentle changeable wind. Sacramento and Santa Clara Valleya Cloudy tonight, becoming unacttled and cooler Friday: gentle changeable winds. San Joaquin Valley Increasing eloudlneae tonight and Friday; moderate tcmnerapjre; light variable tvinda.

Southern California Fair tonight and Friday but becoming cloudy in ttie weat portion; inoderute tenmerature; gentl. changeable winds. Nevada Increasing cloiidineaa tonight and Frldny: moderate Idaho Cloudy toniglit and Friday, proh. ably tdiowcra in the north and went portions; nioderale temperature. Washington and Oregon Rain in weat and probuhly local showers In east iiortion tonight and Friday; moderate temperature; freah tu atroug HOiitlierly winds offshore.

Washington Sound, Strait and Coaat Rain toniglit and Friday; moderate southerly; wind, fresh to strong ou the coast. Winda and Weather eft the Paoifio Coast North ot Cape Itltinco: Freah to atroug southerly winda and rain tonight and Friday. Helween Cape Hlanco and Point Conception: Moderate' changeable winds, becoming soutlierly ami overcast with ruin, north of I'olnt Reyes tonight and Friday. South of I'olnt Conception: ticntle changeable winds and increasing cloudinusa tonight and Friday, "CONDITIONS. The outlook la for generally cloudy weather in tile far went tonight ami Frlduy with lains west of the and on the California coust north of Kan Francisco, nud for local showera in eastern Washington, eastern Oregon and western Idaho.

MoeH-rate teniH-riitlires will continue. 7: RAINFALL DATA TO 8 A. THURSDAY. Last Hcasoiial Normal Seasonal Htatlolia '24 hrs. to date to date lust yr.

Kureka :ll.l:l :U.1I1 17.84 Oakland in II. T2 Ited (l lil 11.8(1 Sacra mc nto. San Francluc. San Jose Fresno KHllta I1S 11.411 1.42 111.114 ltl.4:l 11. Kl ja.iH a.Ni 8.11S 7.n:t Sll.811 111.

Till 8 7 Kail lllcgo ui.ii; (l.ltf -V 0,15 SAN FRANCISCO-METEOROLOGICAL. Noon ii p.m. 5 a.m. Parameter (sea 1eel) 17 m.3 Ull.lll 'l'eiiiHrallire (dry hull,) (17.8 M.4 Tcmperuliire (et .14.8 2 Itelullve huiiildlty 4J 4', ,81 Wind direction K. V.

N.g. Ulli.l velocity ( 4 1) Weather. Cldy. Clear Clear TEMPERATURES.

AKfflVALS Strawberries Steadily Drop- pine: Cauliflower and Spinach Are in Slurrjj Heavy receipts of asparagus Rave prices another twist for the decline today. AVhite field run was quoted by jobbers at from 2 to 3 cents and large from 3 to 4 cents. Green loose sold from 3 to 6 cents and bunched at 5 to 6 cents, with very few sales at the last figure. Prices were shaved in late sales. A tlstlinlr linnfiontrAlt At cents io i.z lor sianaara iieiu boxes.

Receipts were somewhat lighter and the market inclined to how a slightly firmer undertone. The bean supply was limited to a-few offerings of hothouse Won- UCIH WHICH BU1U Bl 1U CCIIia pound. Cabbage topped at $1.65 dozen on some extra fancy, but the bulk of the selling large heads was from $1.25 to $1.50 a dozen. Cauliflower was plentiful and ranged from 25 to 50 cents a dozen heads. Chula Vista celery topped at $4.75 to $5.50, and Venice 50 cents under this.

Local peas were much lower, ranging from 3 to cents and some sales of poor stock even under 3 cents a pound. Mexican Bell peppers held nt 13 to 15 cents a pound and Chills at 12 to 14 cents. Tomatoes were moving slowly at $3 to $2.25 per original lug and from $1.60 to $1.75 per repacked crate. Squash, both Summer and Italian, topped from $2 to $2.35 a crate. Old potatoe prices were unchanged with best Klamaths holding around $1.60 a sack and Yakl-mas at $1.25.

New Texas Triumphs sold at 3 to 4Vi cents and small sizes of local-Garnets around 3 to SH cents a pound. Spinach topped at 60 cents a and mpved with difficulty at these berries sold at $3.50 per 20 basket crate, and Imperial at from $2 to $2.25 per 12 basket crate. Apples and citrus fruits were unchanged. Avocados and bananas held steady. BUTTER, EGGS MAnCH HI.

The Poultry Producers of Central Third and Harrison I auute to retail dealers: UtiiiH (Candled) Large 19c Mediums 17c email 13c Federal-State Market News Service quotes prices in San Francisco as follows: EGGS Wholesale prices on. retail grades: U. 8. No. 1 extras, candled 16 Vac U.

S. No. 1 extras, candied 14 Imv C. S. No.

1 extras, small, candled 1 1 Vc IILTTfcK (Wholesale Net) (3 21c tt Luii High Low ilil New 4S il4 Xiniie 1'J 1H Norlh o2 44 North .14 3-j 411 71 .14 44 Oak. 7l 40 illlllkla. .18 30 4 lluialia 42 4 I'Ikkiiix. 7A 48 Ht 6 48 'tis I'ocntello -44 98 J'J I'olnt 04 .14 nil 4(1 411 1'rluce Albert. -4 I'rlnc.

Hiipcrt 48 ,18 H8 (Jllelwc 40 80 Kapld 4(1 Hi) )- Ited Bluff HI 48 Keiio 711 as (HI K.isehiirg 74 4i 14 lloswell .18 sacruuienlo. 74 A4 4(1 Ml. 114 8J Ht.l nul, Minn, illl -Kfl Tl HI. I'nill, Al a HII 61 Suit Lake City Wl 411 r4 Han HII oo Hun liiego 7(1 -Vi 'JH Han Francisco 77 An 411 Han Joae- 80 4 8 7u Hauta Fe Ml 28 Sll Heattle AO 48 oil 48 34. fl'J Hlaiksue 411 Hwift Current an 20 811 Tampa Ml i ail Tatoosh 48 40 H2 Tmiopah 62 4U All 'I'lirson 7(1 WK 8(1 Vlckslinrg 8 48 Victoria All 40 Ad Walla (14 AO 44 Ti AK 7J Wllllston ,14 2lt 20 I nne 2 ail IHI Winnipeg 211 -12 42 Yakima tw 411 (1(1 Yuma 82 48 on the ground at Soda 35 DRASTIC CUTS Every Big Line Has Joined in Reducing Traveling Costs Twenty Per Cent NEW TORK, March il.

OP Redurtlona In transatlantic passenger fares ranpins from 10 to SO per rent and abolition of the usual summer Increase were announced today by virtually all the major steamship lines, both foreign and domestic. The cuts brought the) rates to the lowest point since 1914. While the decreases vary In accordance with the class of passage and the grading of the ships, official agreed new schedule would Bhow virtually a uniform reduction by all lines. The new fares apply to such stately vessel? as the Leviathan, the Aquitanla, Olympic, Belgen-land, Homeric, Bremen, Europa, President Harding and President Roosevelt. The reductions are greatest In first class accommodations, scaling down to 10 per cent in third-ciasa rates.

With some lines. Including the United States, and Cunard, the new schedules are effective-immediately. With others, such as the White Star, Red Star and North German Lloyd, they will go into effect April 4T J. S. Mahool, passenger traffle manager of the White Star lines, said the reductions were made "in keeping with the trend to reduce prices that is prevalent throughout the British agencies credited American lines with initiating the cuts.

All lines said they hoped the lower fares would lad to Increased bookings foT-wAmmer travel. French line officials said they looked on the reductions as an experiment. In past years, rates have been Increased from 10 to 80 or 40 per cent during May, June and July, when transatlantic traffic is at It peak. The larger percentage reductions are figured on the basis of what, the fares would have been had this summer increase been put in effect this year as uiinl. DRASTIC CUTS Typical of the reductions announced by Cunard was the cut from S250 to 200 in the minimum first-class rate for one person en the Aqultania for a one-way trip, and the lowering of the round-trip tourist fare from .231, summer rate; to 1173.

and third-class round trip from $145 to $lil. A sitting-room suite for two on the Majestic ot the White Star line is reduced from 818 to $496. The latest first-class rate for the Olympic of the same line will be $18 instead of $270, and the Homerjo $188 Instead of $281. On the Red Star Line the mint-mum first class rate on the Belgen-Jand will be $150 Instead ot $208 and on the lie de France of tie French Line $200 Instead of $250, on that line's Paris $184 instead Of $230. The French Line ordered a flat 10 per cent cut In third class rates.

GERMAN LINES FOLLOW. From Berlin, according to the Associated Press, comes the an nouncement that the Hamburg-American Line and the North German Lloyd Line today announced substantial reductions In passenger fares on vessels In the North atlanlic service, effective immediately. Third-class accommodations will be reduced 10 per cent, and first and second class 20 per cent. In Purls the Frenoh Line today announcoil a 20per cent reduction in fares for the first class and cabin clans on its vessels operating in rhe North Atlantic, and a per cent cut in third class rates. White Star Line today announced substantial reductions In passenger rates on all its vessels In the North Atlantlo service, for all classes of accommodation.

The general effect of the out la to abolish the 15 per cent surcharge' on 'the sterling" rates which cam into effect when Great Britain went oft the gold standard. All rate increases applying to the summer season are cancelled. CANADIAN PACIFIC FOLLOWS MONTREAL, March St. UP) All classes of passengers on Canadian Pacific steamship linera will receive "comprehensive reductions" In rates, Vice-President George S. Stephen announced last nlcht.

New fares on the Empress el Britain, to Southampton, were listed aa follows: First class, $200; tourist class, $98: third class, $84. Round trip In tourist class will cost $172 and In third class $118: CONFERENCE ON ATLANTIC RATES BRUSSELS, March SI. (eP)-- Delegates to the North Atlantlo Shipping Conference today accept ed a proposal, advanced by representatives of American shlpplnjr companies, for a 20 per cent reduction In transatlantic passenger fares. They were to meet again this afternoon to discuss details. Some time In the near future) there will be another conference to deal with curtailment of the present sailing schedules and ot tha number of liners in the service).

The North Atlantlo Conference, met at Brussels yesterday and while It was in session reductions were announced by tne unitea States lines, the Cunard, the North German Lloyd and the White Star line. Thai United States lines is not a member of the conference, but the American proposal for I ti'a cut was before the first ejasion. It encountered opposition from most of the European lines. 1 TRANSPORTS Th. folloartna are the mat.

location of ships of th Lmul States army transport axrvi Chaumont Shangnal to Henderson San to York. Ludlnrtoa M.w lorE lo I -i Fr nriaco. M.igs Saa Franclsee to York. ReDubllo New Torn to Ea Fr laco. St.

Mihi.I Honolulu to elro. 0. S- Grant Mar. ti Cisco, Wa At I IS ATLANTIC STEIffflES. OAKLAND PRODUCE 1 1'S "APPLES- fPPn.

loose. In boxes. fancy. extra anc'ak 1.76; northwest, P'lcLJl'vancV box, fancy. $1,600 65: eit Sp tzenberg.

Packed dox fancyT 1.401.50; extra 'aL 2.00: Winesaps, Paiv 60 fancy, extra tanW, $1.25 Pippins. In packed boxes, ism-jr. xnffll.50 ncy, iitt; extra iw, naTi Wi AV6CADOS Fuertes, 3.003.i5 per standard flat; Finos, other varieties. 10 16c per lb BANANA-central American. 45o; Hawaiian, fancy.

H6a UltAH'fcKKUIT Arizona and Im-periaCfl sixes, 2.253.2S; choice, 60lkm5ns-aii LemWttes. $1.60 2.25; Mexican Mines, 75 0S5c carton of 50. O'RANUES-Sunktst. navel, fancy all sizes, 2.403.25; choice. ,1.760 2 25 PEARS Easter Beurre.

1.50 per -packed box; Winternellis, B0ra I I nn nar Pilta I -1 "oT-; wreERIES Fresno, 13.50 g0 per 2o-Caket crate; Imperial, 11.75 gi 2.00 per 12-basket crate. vkgktabi.ks. Pr. 13.50 I algre BRUSSELS SPROUTS 45V4c lb: poorer, low as 4c. BROCCOLI 22V4C lb.

uiiMcucn tfi: iri'A Kt.h.S Car rots, 2535c; Turnips, 2530c dozen bunches, hadlsftes and raisiey 30c dozen bunches; Celery Roots, 20c a bunch; Green Onions. J5o dozen bunches. a a ci 1 ia .60 oer dox CAULIFLOWER 25 40c pe-oz. CELERY Chula Vista, S5.25&5.75; Venice, half crates, 12.60(g) 2.65. nifnuuuHS Hothouse, fancy, i.sniS)2 2R Der dozen; as il.

15. English. 2.00 per dozen. EGGPLANT Florida, MC ciBLir I hnose. 8010c per lb LETTUCE Local, 75ct1.25 per crate: Delano, iced.

dry, 11.60 1.75: iced, Imperial, 6s, fi.2b 2.60; 6s, 2.0n2.o0. 'nit vn led. 2 5 ST) oer lb; field. 10 16c-; fancy white buttons, 20c. Yellow Globes, No.

1. No. 2. JSOfiiti.OO per sack; BucKsKina, Green Onions.

per lug PARSNIPS small lug. PEAS Local, 34VaC per id. PEPPEKS Florida or Mexico, 13 16o per lb; Chill, 1213c; Spanish Chill, dried, 25o per lb. POTATOES Klamath. No.

1.45 O1.60 per sack: extras, up to IJ Ju; Yaklmas. fl.00 0 1.26: Idahos. 11.360160; Klvers. No. 1.

II. 1601. 35: No. 2s, 7590c; Sweet Potatoes, cellar, lb: Yams. II 6001.66 ner bushel; new potatoes 46c per lb.

HHUUAKU-San Leandro. 6Oc0 fl.00 per 40-lb. box. SACK EU BOUT A BI.ES Carrots. Sniinna 2 25 ner crate: White Tur nips, 2501.60; Washington Yellow Turnips.

$1 6001 66. SPINACH Best, 1 9 1 ttc per, lb; 30C0c per crate, 1' A Summer, southern. I2.002.2r. per 20-lb crate; Zucchini, -j, TOMATOES-MexIco, crates, $1.60 01.75; lugs, original, 2.25. POULTRY Oakland wholesale prices for live poultry from Jobbers to retailers.

In roop lots, for the average good quality now arriving. Prices furnished. dHlly by Oakland Poultry Bag Co wholesale, distributors, 382-384 Second Colored hens. Large 9c Colored hens, medium Leghorn hens, large 1 60 1 7c lgh.orn hens, medium 16017c Leghorn hens, small 15016c Leghorn broilers. I Vi lbs 18020c l.en horn broilers.

I Vt lbs 1 80 20c Leghorn broilers. IV4-2 Leghorn -fryers. 2l-2Vt lbs. Leghorn fryers. l-3 lbs 18020c Leg yng roosters, over I lbs.

18020c Colored broilers, 1 ti lbs. 18020c Colored broilers, Hi -2 lbs. 18020c Colored fryers. 2tt-2Vt lbs. Colored fryers, 2-S lbs.

Col. yng. roosters. 8-8Vt lbs; Col. yng.

roosters.over 3 tt lbs 22024c Colored young stags Colored old roosters 120 1 4c Leghorn oio low 12c Colored capons IHHiCr Ducks, white, young 14016c Ducks, old Ceese. nouns, rat Geese, old 16016c 1 nrkeys. dressed Fancy yVung gobblers 22ffl2c Fancy young hens 2.rfr)2iic Fancy old hens Fancy old aohblers 17ilHc Domestic rabbit. IV4-4 lbs. 100 1 2c Jackrabblla.

fresh, dos. Squabs, per lb .4. Pigeons, per dos 11.60(9)2. 00 Guinea dos. .17.0008.00 I S.

F. POULTRY SAN FRANCISCO, March 81,. ciei prices paio proqucers lor live louitry aeiivereii san ranclsco: Hens Leghorn, alt sizes, 14c; colored, under 5 lbs, 2021c; 5 lbs and over, 20c. uroners legnnrn. iz-17 lbs per nnz, niQinc; 18-zt ins per do 7,, 180 19c Fryers Leghorn, over 2 lbs, and colored, up to 3 lbs, lRWIDc.

Roasters Colored, 3Vi-4 lbs and over 4 lbs, 21 i22c. Roosters Old leghorn, Colored. 10c Ducks Toung, 12; old, 10c Oeese Nominal. 1 Oulnea Fowl Nominal, Pigeons AH sizes, ter dos, 11.25 0 1 .50. Squabs All sizes, 20(B22 lb.

Domestic Rabbits Under lbs, l9c; 5 lbs and over, 6c. Jackrshhlta SI. 25 1.60 per dozen. DRESSED MEAT swift 4Co, corner Third and Clay streets, quote (he followlnn wholesale prices: O. K.

baby beef steers, lie: O. K. hsbr beef heifers: I4ii i 13 Vic: No. 1 cow h.r 11,0. steer hindquarters.

16c: cow 13c; cow forequarters steer ribs, 14c; steer plates. steer 1 i-iiucK. iwc; steer 101ns. tap. Lambs KnHnar.

SA-3S- ik- 4. u-iv lus, IOC. no. 1 ves 0-120 lha u. I veal hindquarters, 20c These' prices higher.

hams. 4-6 L0c-. we ribs. MVic: Boston bulls. 12c inrk.r k-.

ii, S. F. LIVESTOCK Hairv rn wh 17 1 nn ww.vvuw.i. ri vae jO-lh nuntA ita KOOO 18 neeo. In four de.ks medium to 80-ib spring 6 T5 1 largely m.nium 1 4-lb 12.10; cull to common SS-a T.

4 HICAGO Stfly artlv. lesilif Shen. Id anil' lsnjb. held tVi.h'.-. cnolrt Kins.

f7S7 sHers bMrtinar 7 OUt- I a 1 12 39: it In" and to 1,1 1 Lps Angeles lines operated by Century Pacific. NEW COAST FLIGHT. Other additional services to be placed Into operation tomorrow by United Air Lines Include a shuttle special" between Portland and Seattle, and a night run between Cleveland, Chicago and middle west points. On this coast the new schedule calls for the dispatch of a plane from Seattle at noon, and from Portland at 3 prift. in 'addition to present 8:45 a.

m. and 5:40 p. m. departures. Tomorrow's nw schedules will increase United Air Lines airmail and passenger plane mileage to miles a year.

CHINESE AVIATR1X. Four years ago Miss Katherine Sui Fun Cheung, young Chinese musician, came to California to continue her studies. Today Miss' Cheung is ready to journey home not only with her musician's diploma but with a federal pilot's license as well. Believed to be California's first Chinese girl avl-atpr. Miss Cheung passed department of commerce tests for her license with high honors yesterday.

"I hope to Interest other Chinese girls in flying when I return home," she said, declaring "there's no reason why Chinese women can't fly as well as our men." She will sail for China in a few weeks. TO DEPART THURSDAY. MARCH 31. Liverpool l-orhtfotl l.lri-rptHil Trojnn 8ar Kiiat Indies Nllvrrhelle New York Sania Tirea Itofton Taul Cotton Kanaun KfHttle Admiral Is Hop Hcattle Jamt'M Griffith i'tduiiilita lrn I I'eopU-b Columbia H. Meyer Columttia atfionrillp Columbia Btumvood Cooa Buy Solano I.

ok An file Vale Cclito Loa An ir clr Admiml Loa Antcelea Nabeana rtilU AX, AafAlla. 1 Around World President Pierce tHum fmy-'. -i Coipiille- CnMiiit Ciiy Is Anut'lca nAirt'lca Loa Aniri'h'" SATURDAY, H. dney Nrw orleana M'Xl'4k- Hnnolulii HciMMc Si-atHo MriHllc Coliiinbla Columbia -j Columbia Columbia Kiirrka Kurrka hoi I. on Anwb't I.oa Aoui'b'a leoti Aticfli'a DalKT Itray liundou Klfxiilifth Admiral Cnaite lV)rralen l'hyllli APRIL I.

Jnnaren Hiillna Mtiloli, Horotliy Alfxumb-r Itoroihv VlnliTiiioli Admiral Colt- Hun l'4'dro WMlllimrnrii Callforiiian YanKuard KlixnlH'ih arrratfut Yale apamu J. It. Slfliu Loa AiiKt'b I'olnt 8au l'edro MONDAY. 'APRIL friuthhamptou Ruropa leoiidoii tHtNiKiii-r Mnnila LoMHlchank New 1 ork Hepublle New York wi. Orvitonlan l.oa AiiL'iib Adm.

uay TUESDAY. Atril Mnnila Bllrerpaliu rt ttie fatiima A beamier Cilumbla Adm. l.ana rt-e4 itit City Lniniak Hau Clivhalik Jao AiiK'b'a Yale I. os Anvfb'i Celihi Los AiiKelf- Arlm UaUtead WEDNiSDii. APRIL 9.

Hiipnna AlreM Horanjfer Manila Ludinifton Nw York Han Anelmo CrUlobal LI moo Honolulu Matnonl; for tin nd Urrtia II an Ion MoiiiiTi-y DalKy Loa AiiifWiti Ruth Alexander THURSDAY, APRIL 7. llarre Ore Ron Pacific Ktportr London ShIim-j eniura Condor l'retidi'Ut C4MlldKc Noillb AllMTll-a 1," '1 Vwf Harry J.iirk'uliaih llHI b-Ntull Willmoto A iliii I i Iihk. t-'nrriiKUl Hcnit Wapama dumbiii Aiiunb'H ItOK Antiflea Ijoh AiiKt'lfH TRANSPACIFIC MAILS The followlriR aalltnfr dates and eloslntr times of-transpacifia malls at the main San Francisco postofflc. are based on the latest Information furnlssbed bjr steamship companies: CHINA AND JAPAN April 1, 6:40 a. Pres.

-Taft April 1, 2:10 p. Pres. Plece. April 6:40 a. Hlkawa Maru.

April 8, p. Pres. McKlnler. EAST I Nil I ES, 8TKATS April 1, 6:40 a. Pres.

Taft. 1, 2:10 p. Pres. Plerca. April 4, 1 :10 p.

Losslebank. 4, a. Kahy Castle. April 8, 2:10 p. Pres.

McKlnley. PH1I.IPP1NK ISLANDS April 1, 6:40 a. Pres. Taft. April 1, 2:10 p.

Pres. Pierce. April 4, a. Itahy Castle. April 8, 2:10 p.

Pres. McKlnley. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS April 7, 8:10 Ventura. April 1, 2:10 if. Pres.

Pierca. April 2.10:10 a. Malolo. April 8, 1:10 p. Matsonla.

April 2:10 p. Pres. McKlnley. AUSTRALIA. NEW ZEALAND- April 2, 10:10 a.

Malolo. April 2, 1:10 p. tn Innaren. April 7, 8:10 a. Ventura.

April 13, 11:30 a. Makura. MEXICO. SOUTH AMEKICA April 4. 1:10 p.

Oreirnnian. April 6, 12:10 p. Union. April 7, 2:10 p. Pres.

Coolldfe. April 7. 1 :10 p. Condor. ISLAM) PORTS noNOMl.t' Arrived.

Marrk St. tBir MAI. A from seatlle, Kallid. March Slmr nnBIX r.RAT for New York: 5 a. Slmr PKKSIIiKNT f'lMlMIMiS "for Saa Htmr MAN-I I.ANI fi.r San franelaeo; 12 HlmrfiTr or f.l.Hnoll for Manila.

EXCHANGE Bl3 Asaad Pony Head 01 04 Prince tl tt Red tl Ftoaetta 02 04 Round Mtn. Ot an Kafael 02 bavage 05 07 Shall uenri. -diver King HllverPack. 02 03 Union (is II Smuggler 21 22 Searchlight. 30 Thomaoii 02 Tom If Toa Star.

02 Trinity B05 10 union Lon, Uni V.r ZX Verdi V.ta Grand Vtctery Wes Merger West Weal Mines While Caps 01 rs-ot 02 08 10 08 01 04 of 1 20 Vac tit 20c Fur prices to retailers, the' cost of cutting, wrapping, cartoning, packing, selling and delivery must be added to auov' quotations. CHtCtCSIC Wkolr.aU Net) Following prices are to retail deal-as ers, as established daily by Oakland Jobbers and wholesale dealers: California flats, fancy. 12o Cheddar type triplets 12c Mil, (Wholesale Net) U. S. No.

1 extras la U. S. mediums 17c U. 8. small 13c Prices te irtnrri are usnallr 8Va 4e per eosea eneer those quoted te retallere.

SAN FRANCISCO, March 31. IP) Butterfat, f.o.b. Kan Francisco, 21c. CHICAGO, March 31. Butter.

8297: unsettled; creamery, siierlnl score). 2H422o; extras (H2). 21r: Liquidation by Tired Longs After Overbought Market blamed for Late Decline By GEORGE C. SCHXACKEL. v-nAUU.

31. Wheat prices slumped in the final hour of trading today as a result of liqul- aacion by tired longs on an over market. Local holders aged when they noticed the failure "i crop damage reports from Nebraska and Kansas, and reports of u.i saies or 1.250.000 bushels new ouying to the maf- sei. Also the unsettlert mnHiiinn in the stock market had an adverse effect. At 54 cents for the Maw rtollw- ery, wheat ran into buying against some in the trade believed thnt the markpt, wn fal.

ing the effect of recent persistent selling of May credited to farm board agencies. Corn and oats followed wheat. Wheat closed -to 1 cent lower. March, 52; May, 54 to 64j July old 66 to 66, new 66; September old 68 Ti to 58, new 58 Corn" closed to cent lower. May 36V4 to 36, July 39Va, September 41 to 41.

Oats closed to cent lower. M.ty 23, July 24 September 24 Tsx Iliird closed 2 cents lower and bellies 5 cents lower. CHICAGO. March 31. Wheat ro.

a reo, b3Kc: No. mixed JJVtc Corn No. 2 mixed, 34ie: No, iiuxeu, nil yellow, 3 (8' io. white, 33H 34 V.e. Oat no.

white, M2ic-; No. 3 wnite. 2.1irT23y4.- Rye, no sales. Pnr lev. 42 060c.

Timothy seed, $3.00 t-iuver seen, 13.00. (FurnUhed by Win. Co.) i tin auu, jun-B 31 iirnio Wlieut Mnr Mitr. Own 11 it II' I ..17 '4 si! .54 Iiil.v....... Si-III 14 I- y.ui 41 Vi .21 "i .311

Siif .311 .41 .41 ,2:1 .21 .17 .41 I III Mnr .21 .21 'J .24 Jill) Kl'lil Urn Mar 47'4 .4111.. July Xi'l't WINNIPEG-WHEAT. MnvWi '4 .01 111 Hid. tAki.l. BAY In carlots.

tier cwt. aiukorf iiiiIau otherwise specified, f.o.b. tracks at nun ranclsco: KAKLEV No, 1 feed Choice feeding 85 (3 .90, UII 1.0H liraning till I piling Choice malting wheat-no. 1 hard white. No.

1 soft white i Heavy dockage COKN No. 2 yellow, bulk No. 3 yellow, bulk No. 2 white, No. 2 mixed, bulk No.

2 kafllr, bidk No. 2 hulk I.on 1.10 1.10 (jj1.20 Nominal 1.20 1.22V4 1 K'l ..15 1.1.1 1.1(1 .18 ft 1.14 (if 1.11 4j. 1 .00 (SI ft .93 ii1.30 01.15 Nu. 2 California milo l.dii No. 2 white 1.25 OATS Calif, fed feed 1 .05 Mil.

FKKIH. Baggedi per ton, In carlots: Nor. standard mlllrun 1 1 (ill 1 8 nn Nor. white nilllran 1'J OOifrvlO.bO Nor. white bran IH.ftOCjn 20.00 Nor middlings 21 (id fit 2 1.

Ml Nor. shorts Ill (Ml 20.00 nt rrin tn. rrii lnliTintii. blend, in 1 II lli iio liiteniitn. wh.

21 (in red brim nilllruii 19.0(1 I.oral stninlaril itiillrun. 1 Loral while mlllrun 2n no Local middlings 2.1.(1(1 Lm-al white bran 22.00 Local shorls 19.00 20.00 Local Jim-grade 2B.00 Kansas red bran 19.00021.00 ALFALFA. Balled, per ton. In carlots: Choice alfalfa Nominal No. 1 dairy.

118 00 20. 00 No.2 dairy 17.00018.00 B4C9, Calcutta, spof, 6ic ssked; San Quentin, 6'c. )KY GOODS NEW YfiltK, Cotton goods markets were quiet today; l'rint cloth quotations were unchanged at 3'c for R.4x6(ls and 4'c for fix72s. Haw silks were quiet nnd unchanged. RUBBER MARKET NEW YORK, March 31.

Crude rubber, smoked, ribbed sneers, was '4c lower at today qiioiaimn iii dc. nominal. This compare with 4 Vic month ago and a year ago. NEW 11. Raw hide futures were active tnoay ana denllni--s to midday amounted to 400,000 poundn.

June at 30 was lriatt points Dfiow September was ntr reinher off seven at 40. There were no exchange. TI IIPKVrlVK. SAVANNAH. I Tiir.

nentine, firiji: Ti.iA firm: no mVn: receipts, 170 shipments, 129: si'k. Quote: R. 2 2 2.: fc. rs: P. 70- 2.

so: 1. 2.: k.1..2s; 3 SS; 4.60; Wi. WW and 4.SU. at Trtur 31. Trading 'llk futures wan quiet today.

Sales to mld-dav lota el 14H hales Anril and November wet the nnlv options dealt in The former was nnehanired 47. sn.l the lat nr, Mil to 1.4. TOko hn.a was 1 to 7 yen. lyil.e up 1 1 and the outsjiK UP SPN. MOON.

TIDE 5 Co- sod Riirrey. 304 ll'dr raoei-- "tiii -iisiiAV. m-i. ..6:12 ll'l in tb fol- le.inr ti roat and Geodetlr Sorrej tahl. MA III IT' I llll.

Tun. I. lin.e n. 3 (is 2 "i -T 11 5" a-i in 41 -5 4 42 .1:15 in 1 MilH I I i tide. Li i lb, lert-ha-l or tb ous HCS a 1IU SI Cen Con I Dlv Dix Intercoastal Service to at Howard's Tomorrow First Ship on May 10 By FRANK KESTEIt The new Oakland office of the Panama Mail line wlM be opened up for service at the Howard Ter mlnals tomorrow morning, and on May 10 the first ehip of the line to come to Oakland will line in to load for the east coast.

The first ship will be the liner Santa Klisa, which will have cargo aboard for Oakland dejivery, and which will take on a healthy con slgnment of general freight for re turn to the east coast by way of Mexico and Central America, This service is the first of the big Inter coastal passenger services to mak Oakland a terminus and will glv this port and Alameda the first di rect contact with the Latin-Amer lean countries for "the disposal Jural The Santa Elisa is officered by local men and many of them come from the east side of the bay. The list is as follows: Captain; Curt zastrow, San Rafael; first officer, George E. Dow, fian Francisco second officer, Francis M. Klley, Alameda; third, offirer. Louis Mm Mateo; chief engineer, James p.

smith, San Francisco first assistant, Howard San ranclsco; second assistant, Kd ward. J. Patterson, San Francisco third assistant, Arscott Venton Alameda; fourth assistant, Henry icnopp, rnn Francisco: purser jpsepn w. Hcheuch, Larkspur assistant purser, Benjamin Fab rega, San Francisco; freight clerk, sterling, Francisco chief steward, Hiijsry Clayton, San ranclsco, and Dr. Clement swain, san FranIsco.

MA KKtt FAST TURNAROUND. With but 35 hours in port to un loan ana stow full cargoes the Grace I.ine-Pannma Mall steamer Santa Teresa sailed o'clock ibis morning on her return voyage to New York by way of the Central Americas. A change in the com pany'a sailing schedule necessitated the advancing of Nthe Santa Teresa's departure one day. When the ves sol dorked shortly before mliHilgh luesdny stevedores swarmed aboard her and before the List pas. seiiRor came down the gangway cargo was being swung over the side and onto the pier.

Right up to sailing time, longshoremen were hustling new cargo aboard, The' Santa Teresa took out large list of passengers' and when she sails from Loa Angeles every cabin will be occupied. LAID IP TANKERS BACK. Two big Standard Oil tankera, lain up here for some time, are back In service, It was revealed today. The R. J.

Hnnna, Idle since December, 1930, steamed out of the bay for Los Angeles yesterday, and the J. A. Is carrying cargo again. REPAIR TRANSPORT. The transport St.

Mihiel, which arrived last Sunday from Hono lulu, Is undergoing; an overhauling at the Moore drydock. She will return to her transport dock to morrow. The cabin liner Rhlnyo Maru, Captain N. "Lucky" Wada, arrived today from Japan and China ports. one day ahead of schedule.

Express trains were spotted at the N. Y. K. pier for the transcon tinental shipment of silk valued at SZliO.OOH. The shipment of canned crab, consisted of 6000 cases.

Vacationists returning from the summer climes of south China and the Far East during the American winter are fticTuded on the passen ger Jlet of the Shlnyo Maru, as well as a large nunilier of business rep resentatives In the Orient. Mccormick scheduled. The next eastbound steamer of the McCormlck Line out of land will be the Charles R. Mc t'ormick. she la sailing; from the Ninth avenue pier, April 7, and Is due to arrive at Baltimore May 2 Norfolk May 4, and Philadelphia May 6.

Standard rates of the east bound tariff will apply. This la the fastest and the only direct service to Baltimore. BRITISH PLANE BIT MXDOS, March It. tm perls 1 Airways celebrated today the third anniversary of Its London-India air service, which has seen development of air travel from small, single englned converted war planes to luxurious four-englned 40-pas-senerr air liners. The eighth anniversary of Inauguration of Imperial "Airways' service will be celebrated Friday.

It first "fleet" In the London Paris service consisted of II converted war-time bombers. Total horsepower of these ma chlnea waa only 7670. Only four had two engines. Today the Imperial fleet consists of 41 machlnea built especially for passenger, and mall services segregating a horee-power of E8.000. Development of the service during the- past year Included Inauguration of the London-Capetown route after years of work in laying out 40 airdromes and emergency landing fielda along the 8000-mile line: experimental mall flights between England and Australia; use four-englned 40-seater biplanes; acceleration of the London-Karachi mall service from aeven and one-quarter days to ftye days and two hours, and adoption of four-en glned flying boats on the Mediter ranean section.

The total rouU mileage of the Imperial Airway network Is about 12.000 miles. About 200.000 passengers and foot tons ot freight have been carried. EASTERN PORTS PHit-APKLPrllA Halle. Marrk Stmr ir for Hsn JfFW TORK Arrive.

Mart I. Af Rl.RTKL. aae. f.hmarT It; J(mr Ml FIINDAXB tram TataaaaU. TO ARRIVE THURSDAY.

MARCH 31 Mnnlla Sliinyo Mara FIlHIIIfllHi alifornli New lork Ht'rtiortt Maltilu i.Tnint Kulinfl Vauviiiird HnllKin Honolulu Hon I lie I'oliimhis Klirrkii AniTflea I. na Ancclpi l.oa Los Aiiki'Iii Yii? R. Nt Curru.i FRIDAY, APRIL 1. Mnnlla S. Orant JVxaa 'I 1 In Mam TiiuhhIu MaullH Yokohama t'v York r.flltintora CriftobaL Mexico Victoria Scat I If 1,4) An cell 1'urt In titl i os Anuflfa Aiitfelf" Lot A line lf WHHwru I.tmon (Jjirrtro Iniia Admiral Cliake liWutliy Alpxamler Auniirul nod ailarettn SATURDAY.

APRIL I. filanjfow Mii-Uiit Iliiltlmori1 New ork'itiii Mt-xlio KrHttio. SlilppT iilifoniHin L'niiHtntK'e Cliamtlfr Knirflrhl Ailmtral liny IrfWllMItT I'lrfitittia .4.. (dliinilila riijiiniiiiii Kl Doritdo Kiiropn Yale Admiral Cole a pa 111 a I.OB AllKcll'B AllKt'l' SUNDAY, APRIL S. Unit In Wood llalaiind Piiclf Hrrtle IJanlop MONDAY, APRIL 4.

Sell wa ben ific Khlppfr Wtt Cnseia I'rt'i id I'll CooliilUi 1'i'ilro Maru Norma Iju kfiiliai VirKinia 1'rt'. Mt Kinli L'lnta. NeUon Edgar Liicktila li Mukawno Hurry Uiikinliat '1'i'xiin ItrookitiKN Iter tip lliiiihin Balttniore Molillp I'nrthtnd Coin in bin Kuri'ka (Mini tin rtt Diirlmn Manila Japim Ittmtoii -York Ni-w York NVw York Ntw York Mohile Honolulu Nrattln NealllQ Nt-attle Hint I If roliinilila Kureka I -oh A riKi-li a l.oa AiitfHi I.on A 11 Kf I en I. on Aiitrt'lfi Kmma Alexandt-r Adm. I.awiJ Cliotiiilt.

lUiKy tVlllo (ioldin Wall II. V. MK'ormii-k Im A tiir I AllUfliU TUESDAY, APRIL 6 Mi.nlla iMvn Kirj-r; IbjvntM Aire Ni tt 4.rk rpnliir lliK-lon I IMn'l. I a I.iH keiih.irh San Anu' lo Atln.Mii -Man Lilt li Abxaiitb Adm. Menn MnltiiiMMo HoiioMilii Heat tli I'orllaitd Loa Aiiifidf Yale WEDNESDAY.

APRIL fl. fl1a(iow Parlliml HoHlun lowan Am Anitidffl Ad mi ml a Kith nut Anitelen Admiral, bCaa THURSDAY. APRIL 7. Yokohama Mum lillniflilii Jl 11 rue Talamanca Wibj Puerto Armurll Mi-aftln Kurclia cnard Angi'IB mix Wapnma It. HtptMiu Corrales -oa AiiKPlei A tiifbn oi Any flea CLEANED MARCH 80, Hlmr Clll.llKN I HONS.

Uarn. ll. fur Alt NaviimlUm-Co. Hr Hlmr I MiH- I.KV. Hin.irl.

for Vlrloria: Co. Hr Mi I.IK IK, for I.i-ihIoh: llnllalid Antprl's Mne llal Ma KI.I.A, yalflll, (or Kealllr: leam.lilD Corn. Oer Ms VANCdl.VKH. Caratena. for llamburif: Haniburg-Amerlraii l.ln.

Klmr SANTA 'JKIitKA. I'r'n, for New York; I'anama Mail Steani.lilp Co. tmr KST for Buenoa in-: Mel ornili-k steainibip o. simr sa.n INCKNTK, Head, for Wll- nu Illmonil Co. Rimr AllMIKAI.

LAWS. rlea, for San IVdro; I'arlfle Hteain.hip Co. Klmr NA Wll. I. UanaeD, for I'ortland; Narlsation Co.

CANAL PORTS MAI.nnA S.lled. Mares NE- IHIAhKAN for San Stmr IIKKK llns for San Kraoliu; Br Klmr AM.I.K tillllSK for CUISTdBAL Hailed. Marcs 2. fttmr fllll.l.Y wool, for IIimikm lier Ma OAKLAND for llanilMirsr Slmr NoHTMKKN for New York: Slmr IMiKOTHY I.LCK-KNItACH for New York.

S. Fa MINING SAN J7HAMC18CO, 1 Abilene Amarlllo. Atlanta Maker Holae Huston Kliffalo Calgary .18 ChlCHgO; Cincinnati. Cordova 118 111 411 lleiiver Ilea ilolnea. Iletriiil 44 Ilislge Illlllllll Huh Ii llarhor ail Katie, Kl Paso fi8 r.ii 78 7(1 Kureka Kresuo (irand Juliet.

Havre 411 Helena 48 Honolulu 78 Huron ild A8 72 Juneau 41) 48 a in loops. 4(1 Kansas AO Kuoivllle 70 Koillak 42 lender A2 Los 7(1 Memphis 2 Miami 74 Mudelia 'dies en New Orleans. 7H Dentil of auow Spriugs at a p. m. yesterday.

72 niches. PRECIPITATION. Atlanta I Uiiffalo .22. Chicago .01 Cincinnati Cleveland Cordova Detroit .24. Dullith .02.

Dutch Harbor .0: Kilmoiiton .04, Kl Paao .112, Kvanavllle ,00, llalveatou .44, Helena Indianapolis Juneau .74, Kallspell Kaniloopa .04, Knux. vine .84, lUHliag aieuipnia i.u, 410111 miinerv 1.60. New (Irleana .72. New lorn Nonm III. Norlh fiend .02.

Pittsburgh .18, l'rluc. Rupert .22, (Jiiebee .01, Kapld City Hoswell RI. Jaillla .00, Kt. taill (Minn.) .04. HI.

ram (Alal Kama ae laloosh 1.04 Ylcksburg 4.40, Ylctur Hasblugtou .10. nitiwion .10. WIRELESS REPORTS By U. S. WEATHER BUREAU, March 31.

8 0J a. na. J110 Hlmr ASAMA MAUI'. In iat. 2.1.42 1117 12 bar 211.08.

iilial. ill miles Hlmr (KII.HKX 'J in lat. long. 144.IH1 Iinriwi. loudy.

W. wind. 12 Inllea Hlmr MARA tt'AO. In lat. HII.4H long.

1 ail W. clouilv, NW. wind, 20 miles Hr MUnr CITY or, in ihi. an.ia wi'n 140.42 l.sioni. 211.70, cloudy, W.

Wind 1H n.iles Klmr lilll.llKN K1VKK. ID lat, 411.24 long. 1A8.18 hurnin. 20.7H, louilv. 8.

wind. 12 miles Mtmr IIK.NT JKFFKltHON, In lat. 411.48 Ion! .11. baroni. au.22, auowiug, w.

wmi 20 inllea. By RADIO CORPORATION, If. ml, aa a. OA n. m.

(tmr I.Kllfcl'. Man Franclm-o for Portland 2n inllea from I'ortland 81 111 CIIAltl AH Han FranelM for Tacoma. l.Vt mile, from Han Francleco Htmr La I'LAI KNTIA. Stmr AY1LK for loeo. Mil miles Irom loco nr Htmr AI.IIKItTllLlTK.

Han l'edro for Vale ouver. 1II4II ml ea a ancoilver Himr KIIWIN II. DeUOLIA, H.iu Francisco for baa edro. 2,1 mile, from Hall I'viiro Hlmr 4. a.

MUFFKTT. Han I'eilro for Ketihlkau. (101 mllra from Kelchlkan Htmr 11. J. ANNA Kaa Frant-lsco for Han l'edro.

7S miles from Han l'edro Hlmr VAHAMiKtt, Ha. Framlsc. for Ilosskl, 1.1.10 miles from Hsn ranclsco Br Htmr 1'ARTHKNIA. Ballio. for Han Francl'co.

1220 miles from Kan l'edro Ma HAN TA IIIINK'A. Cartagena for New lora. 61 mllea fpim New York Stmr MAIiNA ALA. Han Franrlsc for Honolulu, 1448 mile. roin Han Frsin ro Hlmr HA HAI.vauok, Han lllcgo.

for cruise, 580 miles from Ha. Diego Hlmr TA 111 HKK, Han l'edro for Ma nila, 4117 mllea from Han rednv Slmr T. H. llll. Han Francleco for Han l'edro.

mllea rfom Han l'edro Htmr TOHHKH. Tort land for F.lwood. mllea from Klwoisl liar Kl IIF.KA. to, a Hay for Han I'eilro, 440 lies from Han Petlro Hlmr III KNOT. Han lira for Seattle, 710 miles from i-ori loan eul.

Br MACKAT RADIO CORPORATION, March tt. I aa. Hlmr AllMIHAI. t'HAHK. Heattle for Han Framlw.

mllea fmni Ha. Francisco ai AllMIHAI. FAltHAIil Astoria for Han aFrnHw-o. 4(K mile, from Haa Franclw-e Htmr HKHKINKH. Ha.

Franefseo foe I'ort. land, at I'ortland Htmr Kb IKIHAIIO. fort land for Haa Francisco. mllea. from Ha.

ranclsco Hlmr I.I ItltK (. Hsa9 Franeb for Heinle, 324 mllea from I'ort Welle Htmr HINT HAN I'Klillll. Ha. Francisco for An mm. 848 mllea from Astoria Hlmr KITH l.KXANDKK, Han for Heattle, ZMl ai lies iron Kioria I'm nimr ssi.ansii, Haa Franeiae.

for rortland. 78. mllea from A. lor, a III a. Htmr I'KKHinKNT UAH hlHON.

Hhanahal for Hongkong. D8 nsile. from Shanghai Htmr HOLANA. Balboa for Han Pranci-co, 2075 mile, from Han Fraarlac Htmr TKXAH. Ilrontol for Haa Francisco, 4Xi mllea from Ma.

Franrlacw nooei Hlmr Tl Ha. FntM-lsr. lor naiooa. ivui mil, from Haa Frsoclwo Htmr I'RKHI- HKNT Bomluv for Hnea, 1M7 mile, from Hn.l Slnir I'RKHIDKNT LINCOLN. Ha.

I'eilro for Balboa. mllea from Bal. boa inoonl Htmr I'RKHIDKNT JA( k.MON. Hs. Framise.

for Honoluin. 2fs) mllea from Honolulu Hlmr ADMIRAL COLK, Ha. Fran. rlsro for Haa Tedr. 104 mllea from as a I'edra.

FOREIGN PORTS CB1NOWANUTAO Arrived. Marrk HO. a. Htmr MARIPOSA from Beagkamg lor Ha. Franciscan SHANGHAI asllra.

Marek T. p. Br Htmr KMPRK8H OP CAN" A DA tor Hoag. kong; Marc. Htmr PRESIDENT MARRI- aoN foe HASfhaer.

Arrlve4. Marrk 15. Br Ma MYRTX.1BAXK from LA I NION Hallea. Marrk St, I 44 p. Slmr HAN MATKO for Corlat.

VAM'HCYKR Arrived. Marek 18V P.r Htmr MAHI'NDA rrom T-e: Nar Ma THF.OIK1RK lilMlHRTKLT from Yokohama; Marek 2H. Hr Htmr l.N((I.FroRll from Liverpool; Stmr ADMIRAL vYII.KY from Tarssma. Hailed. Marek 1 ttmr WF.8T HONAKER for Ha.

Pvanelacw; Marek III. Jss Hitnr TA1AN MARU for Osaka: Br Htmr ABKRPF.KN ror Haver; Htmf TKXADA far (Vean Fsiks: Msrrk 7 HI an MnNT'OFrl for Haa Tedeo- Haileo. Merck tt. Star CONtHjR far keattla. extra firsts (90-91 20 fi 20 'Ar; firsts (S8-S9), 19HW20; srroml (6-S7)i 1ih19c; slandarils (90), centralised ca riots, 21c.

Kicks, unsettled; extra firsts, 1.1iftinV4: fresh araded firsts, 12V13c; current receipts. II 011 Vic; storage packed firsts, 14c; extras, 14 Vac NEW YORK, March II. lPI Butter, 14.192; weak: rresmery, higher than extra, extra (92 score), 20ic; first (87-11 1. 13 ft 20V4; packing stock, current make. No.

1. MClSUc: No. I. Cheese, steady unchanged. Eggs, 20.964; unsettled: mixed colors, rehsndled receipts (cases, 43 lbs net).

US 14c; no grades, 12'4ft 13c; mediums, HVaC13V4c; others unchanged. HAM, BACON Ameer Ce, 170 Second street. quote the rollowing: Star Hams 10-12 lbs. 20c per lb; 11- 14. 14-11.

19c; skinned. 12- 14 lbs. Ilttc: 14-11. lOUc: boiled, akin on. 18c: skin off.

29c; loaf boiled. skin on. 29c; skin off. 10c; rolled and boned, 16a Picnic Heme Shield, t-t lbs. lie.

Melrose Shank less. 4-f lbs. 14c. Star Bacon 4-t lbs. 14c; l-l lbs.

I3c: sliced, s-os (cenopnane). zsc; sliced, loose, ttc: 1 -lb cartoon and l-os carton, 18c lb. Colonial Bacon (-1 lbs. 20c Dealer Bacon 14-11 lbs. 14c.

Melrose Bacon lbs. lie; lbs. 17c: sliced. 20p lb. 4 1 Orled ealt fat backs.

14c; bellies. 10-26 lbs, 11c. Star Lard Tierce, fc ttc: 60-lb can. Vc; 11-4. lie; 24-1.

II HcjO-1, 10c. White Cloud Shortening Tierce. TVae lb; 40-lb tub. Sc; 46-Ib can. I ttc Salad Oil 60-gal drum.

7c lb; lo cal drum. 7 Vac: e-gal can. 75c gaL SUGAR, COFFEE Callforala aft Hawaiian iasar Re- March 11. Oflalaa 4 riHral4 and eatera w-ar ilirflaerir quote rate te aalcrl. A.vciSro.

March Ye Ar Hogs, sou: i.1? 'er; four cars 1S1 "nd Nebraska J1' 0fe aio. Sa0- VIV- steers tadv 'JU fed fi'' '-h Texas. 75; v. Muoiea trii ifj- Bid Asked Genii It 21 Gipsy Wun. Golconda 18 "iolrtrid Con 10 It, Gould A Cr 05 7 Goldfld Con 08 10 Gold Mill ri- 02 03 Gold Met 01 03 Gold Ora 28 Gold Wedge 01 03 Gold Zone 02 Gold Horse 25 60 Great eena 02 iruss 01 Harmlll 01 03 Hickox 01 03 Hlgn Dlv 02 Idaho 2.00 it Indian Mine 04 Ot Jack White 11 K.lsey 38 K.rnlck 02 Keystones 02 Llbertr 03 07 Lucky Strk 03 04 im Star.

03 MscN Crete 02 Manhat Con 01 Mann Gold. 01 03 Mexican 12 Mlneaamer. 10 Mirabel ti Mvra 05 07 Silver. 4 8 New Cal T. 01 08 New Rotber 02 Operator 04 Ophlr 08 "land Obra It 11 Bid Asked Acme til Al.ddln 01 ,84 Alto 01 tl Amador 02 02 Am.lg.mi4 Ot Arrovhd at Belmnt Met.

30 35 Helm I ut 03 03 Helmnt 0 02 Rest A Bel. OS Hlg Jim 08 Black Bear. 03 04 Black Mam 01 03 Blue Ring 01- 03 Booth 01 02 Brok Hill Brougber 02 Butler Gold 02 Butte tl 08 ris Cm 03 Carrie 01 03 Eu com 11 20 do pfd 11 Chollar 08 11 jolronda JO Gold Ti on Vt 02 tisrrock Divide 01 08 An 01 Con 02 3 08 05 Double 01 04 FOleon rim 14a. tl tt rain. 14 tO per hundred lbs: bU NEW TORK.

March 11.vP Raw sugar, I.Ik; relinea, f.vvc. i Aj aai u- lutrAlTtl etrw. nrf tit. 1 TW a 1 rv, tvieaiiii rf i L''ir- fin.

es.r: spot and nearby. iviurr, ii.ww. irwn, uuiei, T-r'-. Eat t. Iuta.

Zinr, tPriv: Jvast ht. Inuta pot and fu ture, rft. Antimony, f.lz. i. MARK KT BOSTfiS March 11, Fine terrl- lory r.mbinr clean wool sasnintf-d lorts st Za3c; rench nrniMnr.

-bWMl. 1 l61r. and -blood. 373 4Rr. Fin- hio fleeoes were qaoted st 21 grease raste: "i-Mwd.

Vi ft 11c: t-bloed. and V-klood. 20c 1 NEW TORK. March 31. Coffee May.

July. 6.17: 4.10W 12; Dec, March I33, 06. Market closed up 7 to off 1. Sugsr: M.y. July.

-S3 .14: SpU Iec, Jan, March UU3. 1.e4 4jl Oi. Market closed unchanged to up 2. lllrTAI IkfljiLVKltT iiin Ai.r.s. loce Helmnt Osb.

02 lone Booth 01 5no Gen Eur pfd 13 1000 Gnnld aV Cur 0 2S Idaho do 2.00 lni Mlnesamar 11 4n Natl Silver. 01 nnft Ohra 21 ftot Bmugflar II fertngs; fat ewes. 4 tJO. 4 ct art I.

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