Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 11
- Publication:
- Oakland Tribunei
- Location:
- Oakland, California
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 11
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
i i WEDNESDAY EVENING OafelanD MARCH 16, 1932 11 LOUIS ESTES FEATURES 'I I li I A. Protests Gifts of Live Biinhiesjl Chicks 1.D00.000 TO OAKLAND DR. ST FOOD EXPERT ST. 8 fill EE SIS OUILiM EWTEH TOUHNEY It I- TO HfllUIE-BLISS DR. ESTES StrLotrts "Crcshkm ana ree- orji mends only pure white clover coney as an Integral part of natural eating.
Estes has selected the hlte clover hpney distributed by Local Dairy's Milk Praised The Terftwdod" Dairy's Grade A Raw milk, three times winner of gold medals at the Pacific Dairy Slope Show, twice In 1930, once in. 1 1 Wtoafcfeeen. given ther-, cluslve endorsement of Dr. St. Louis Estes.
"There is no finer natural health food than pure raw milk," says the noted health scientist. "I am using Fernwood Gold( Medal, raw milk for myself and my family while here in Oakland." The Fernwood Dairy A Raw carries 4.5 per cent butter fat and 9 per cent solids. kitew I could and would live. And now for twenty-three years I have eaten only uncooked foods, fruits, vegetables, nuts, raw milk, "lots of fresh, pure water and other of Nature's own foods." There' is nothing 'astoundlm sensational or unusual In this method of living says Este, NATURE'S PLAX. "If we live on natural live foodai which i contain every one of the vlfMaines you have heard so much yre are but followmg Na-Hure's'pjlan of Jlfe." "When living on raw toodrlt Is not necessary to know the calories, the heat units and chemical composition of foods, for the raw food diet of nuts, fruits, berries, milk, honey, vegetables equalizes and balances Itself," "Man in ills original state knew nothing of cook stoves and fires.
His strength and prowess were greater than they have ever been Students Bee aiyl Honey company," Berkeley, tor Us purity and' lKUc round excellence. St. Mary a Debaters 1 Enrolled in Contest' ST. MARTS COLLEGE, March 18. Two star debaters, Robert Mo- Anjlrews arid Edward fresh from a victory over the de J1 bate squad of Stanford, will repre-" sent St.
Mary's in the debate charai'1'' plonshtp of the Pacific coast at'n" ttedlands u-niverslty thlgi week, Both debaters are from Sait-t Pranclsco and are expected to gu -'fc far Into the debate champlonahtpSM" By B. S. SANDERS "Dr. St. Louis Estes, the cripple, who rebuilt himself to health throufch eating uncooked foods and whose discoveries in the realm of diet and breathing have revolutionized the thought of the world has returned to Oakland to spread the gospel of raw foods, brain breathing, dynamic breath control; proper, physical and metal development.
Tonight, pp. to Saturday night, inclusive, the -noted health scientist and educator, father of the raw food movement in America, discoverer of "brain wltl tell thousands wTlo will hear him at the Women's. City Club, how to rebuild the physical body, how to live so that every day is a Joy -without an ache or a pain. Everyone, according to Dr.Estes look forward to livlrig a useful life for at least 160 years. He himself expects to live 162 years.
A living examplof his own teachings. Estes has been prearhing the gospel of raw foods, suflshlne, fresh air, brain breathing for twenty-three years and today, past the allotted three-score and ten, acts and appears like -a man In his thirties. REFUSED TO DIE. In middle life, he was condemned as a hopeless cripple and given a short time to live. -But Dr.
Estes refused to die. He studied LECTURES i wnattfv.ftu(. WKgfAMHBr 'li III JWK Dr. Sti Louis Estes; advocate eating raw foods as way to health, will open senea of Oakland lecture(tonight' at the Women's Gty Club. WOMAN-, 95, OPKRATED OS.
Wash. Mrs. Mary Wood, 91, underwent a major operation. fToiii Dr. St.
Louis the man who has helped thousands to HEALTH HAPPINESS SUCCESS III ght In which approximately 20 unlver-i'fls sltles and colleges of the wes wJBW partake. The affair will be conducted along elimination and the toVlo In air rounds will be "Re.t solved, That Congress" should enact legislation for the centralized con- trol of Industry," fit. Mary's will be the only Cath-pita Institution of higher learnlner the toumamenC Lons- use of cooked, highly of flren, studied foods has deprived manH Hear Ha evolved a--system -of--raw food diet, of proper breathing, of exercises, of sunbathe, that restored his withered frame, grew hair upon his head and gave him back his health. And with health came success In life which has made lflm an International figure to the amazement of the scientific world. knew that I was on the right ciiu i innb infill.
ESTE i-a ii 3 snr rfealth for your feet-. DR. ESTES Recommends the barefoot flexibility of Ground Gripper Shoes 7 OKI) all The "PATHFINDER" llng-a the heel and arch and fiirnlahea complete rest GROUND GRIPPER SHOE STORE 1746 Broadway 75 O'Farrelt nn Prsnclar A 'ra wT0fndd let-tn a ksf or -f happy married" life! So says Dr. St. Louis Estes, who for twenty-flvo years has taught the doetrlne of uncooked foods, fresh air, pure water, Bunshlne, after he hadbuilt himself 'back to health from a hopeless cripple.
As exhibits and Dr. Estes points to himself, Mrs. Este and the seven Estes children," ranging In age from nine years" tO-lslx months, the only "Back to Nature In the world. "The youngsters are never Irritable. Mrs.
Estes is never Irritable. I'm never irritable because 'we do 'net rtake any of the poisons of cobked 'foods Into our bodies which create 'mental and physical Irrlta- tlons," says Estes. quarrel because we are hearthy and happy. Raw food and proper-. breathing is the answer.
Our bloodstreams af highly alkaline because the food we eat Is rich In natural salts, vitamins, calories, all of which brings about relnxtlon in the pervous system." Physical Culture' Academy Praised The Henry NIer Oakland. Academy of Physical Culture offers one the finest equipped places for exercise-In-the-bay district, accord- in- Tja, r. X-jilsnonr manager of the massage department. Under the competent instruction of Frank Savage, the Nter system for normalizing weight has proven very successful, she states. Dr.
Estes Says Fresh, raw fruits and? vegetables are neces-sary to health and long lift. Our- fruits and vegetables are the finest selected that the market offers. Always fresh. Dr. Estes specially recommends fruits and vegetables from DIMOND QUALITY FRUIT MARKET -2148 Hopkins St.
Sanitary and Federal Inspected A Necessary Part of Natural Eating- more daily .13 quart S. Easter Gifts to Oiitdrcn Result In Cruelty, Says Resolution of Council Distribution of live chicks and rabbits to Eaetbay children- during Easter was protested yesterday in a resolution unanimously adopted by the Oakland Council of Parents and Teachers at Its regular monthly meeting In the Women's City club. It was pointed out In the resolu tlon that each year hundreds of live rabbits and chicks are killed and maimed because of rough handling by children, most of whom are unable to care for the animals kafter receiving them as gifts from various, clubs and commercial In stitutlons throughout the commu Mrs. L. C.
Grasser, chairman of the humane committee of the Council of Parents and Teachers, said that an investigation had been made Into the practice of giving away these rabbits and chicks, prior to the adoption of this resolution. "We have found that the chil dren receiving the animals often mishandle them and do not take particular trouble to arrange for their proper maintenance because of the lack of facilities among those who in the city. 'We ask in the name of humane treatment of anlmnls that this habit of Eapter be dlsrarded in the Inter ests of he children as well as the other defenseless animals involved. It does not reflect the spirit of the season and all thinking citizens will agree that such continued practice can only result In extreme cruelty to animals which the Oakland Council Teaehers- desires to avoid in the Interests of good citizenship." SAN LEANDRO? March 16. San-Leandro's-Comtminity-'ChMt drive had gone "over the today with a subscription of B0, under the direction of Colonel" William Lucia and more than 130 local volunteer workers, It was announded- by-L, Pi- Sterner, chairman of the chest drive com mittee.
Luclo, praising San Leandro real dents for their response to the np peal for $18,000, declared the drive's success was "entirely, due to the untiring activity and energy of our workers. They cannot be praised too highly for their work. Team "majors under Luclo during the drive Included, Mrs. C. H.
Miller, Fred J. Wuepper, Krd Emlley and Mrs. N. Walter. 'Captains" included Ruth Cary, Lena M.
Snlvely, Mrs. Louiss Wltte, George S. Santos, Georgian Cruik- shank, E. F. Hutchlngs, J.
A. peud- rlch, Albert Poe, J. w. Ravekes, R. L.
Billings, Mrs. ir. a. Hoffman, Mrs. J.
H. McCartmy, Mrs. C. M. Rodgers, Mrs.
F. Klrby, Mrs. W. S. Carey, E.
M. Polley, W. O. Davles and M. Shlnoda.
Executive committee members working with Lucio and Sterner were Bronsteln, A. W. Bruner, R. W. Hellig and P.
D. Bartlett. San Leandran Gives. Flower Show Trophy mm ipivnnn Mrih is Announcement that Peter 2am-bresky fund" for an annual trophy for the California Flower. Festival was made here today by Dr.
Charles Howard Miller of the festival corporation. Zambresky's trophy fund, named after his 13-year-old daughter, will be used for the first time to furnish an award during the eighth annual festival to be held at San Leandro on September 16, 17 and IS. Zambresky, a pioneer San Le-andro business man, and for moiv than 20 years publisher of the Snn Leandro Reporter, has been active in flower festival work since the Inception of the annual exhibit here. Estate Awarded Despite Lost Will SAN FRANCISCO, March 18. Andrew Janlk, 278 Spreckels street, lost the will which bequeathed him the 12000 estate of Paul Baracka, a Golden Gate park gardener who died a month ago.
But Superior Judge Thomas Craham, after hearing testimony from a number of friends of both men that Baracka had often said he wished Jsnik to have all he left, ordered, the legacy distributed to bun, Janlk, the friends testified, took care of Baracka for some time prior to and during: his last illness. $600,000 Balm Suit Stays in S. F. Court BAN FRANCISCO, March 16. The Superior court here will re main the scene of the $600,000 heart balm suit of Mrs.
afJertrude Mclntyre. 624 Sutter stree.t against Mrs. Nellie S. Elliott, weal'l Los Angeles widow. Superior Judge G.
II. Canabiss yesterday denied a' motion for change-of venue to Los Angeles, made by Mrs. Elliott. who is. charged with alienating the affec tion of Mrs.
Mclntyre husband. William G. Mclntyre, broker and oil man. 31 SAW LORENZO SAN LORENZO, March 16. The Native Daughters of San Leandro held their annual banquet at the la Mrs.
Hattie Stenzell was chairman. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lewis and daughter Ann of San Jose were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. M. R. Silva over the week-end. Mrs.
M. Jasper was a San Fran cisco visitor yesterday. Mrs. L. It Oksen wsa hostess to group of friends at her horn Sunday afternoon.
Cards were fol-Iowe4 yrefrehments- i. BrC5. Behulti of San Francisco was a business visitor here over the week-eaxl. Schults is field Inspec tor for ths California Packing SAN LEANDRO GHEST FILLED Readers Back Home to Hear Air About It in Article Prepared for" Editors More than 1,000,000 readers throughout the United States will visit the Eastbay and Oakland by proxy next July with the Nation ai tentorial association. This was disclosed today by the cnanroer of commerce with the an houncement that each of the visit lng editors will be supplied with ah I illustrated article describing the points of interest visited here.
article will be mailed back by the editors to. their papers to appear In print for more than comprising the combined circulation of these papers. The Eastbay stay of the visitors has been expanded to five them one entire afternoon and evening in Alameda county, on one of the 'three days they" are be in the bay district, July 19, 20 and 21. They will come Into the Eastbay firet at Berkeley, where1 they will be met by an automobile caravan and taken on a tour of the city, in eluding stops at the University of California. Iater in the afternoon they will continual their sightseeing trip to Oakland, and that night will be en tertained at dinner jointly by the Oakland and Berkeley chambers of commerce.
CHILDREN COCNT BIRDS. GRAND-RAP IDSUMich 4 children have taken a. census of birds in Grand Rapids. The census, completed after three "years, reveals there are 86 species of nest ing birds In ths city. A total of 1600 nesting records were required to complete the census.
ASK FOR LUDEN'S Mnthol Cough Drops stop coughing quickest A ENSE OF SECURITY The name Squibb on the pack age it your assurance of high est quality in aspirin, as in all other Squibb Products. Squibb Aspirin is pure and safe. You can depend on effective results. Ask your druggist for. ASPIRIN too for th nam befort you buy WHYTE-FOX Hair Oil Tonic Pressing ANEW Creadon for Dry and Unruly Hair.
Enables you to dress it in any desired stylo with quick and marvelous results, giv ing you Lustrous and Beautiful Hir. Is not greasy, gummy, sticky. Delightfully perfumed wentUl oil direct from France It it barmlaat and Main cm for both adult. and n. FOR DANDRUFF USE LUCKY TIGER Hishly farmleldal.
Safe sad aane for adult and children. A tlnsl aroUcatioa stops that mucrabw itchinf. lifhrfal to dm-will not diacolor hair or acajp. IUaedpy million Fatly Guaranteed AriVKRTMKMKIT SOME WOMEN ALWAYS ATTRACT Tou want to be beautiful. Toil want the tireless energy, fresh complexion and pep of youth.
Then Jet Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets help free vour system of the poisons caused by clogged bowels and torpid liver. For -29 years, men and women Buffering from stomach troubles, pimples. Ilstlessness and headaches have, taken Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets, a successful substitute for calomel, a "compound of vegetable Ingredients, known by their olive color Thev act easily upon bowels without griping.
Thev belp zleanse the system and tone up the liver. If you value youth and Its many take Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets nightly. How much better roi will feel and look, 16c. 30c.
60c STOMACH TROUBLES CAUSE DEPRESSION Snor Stomark, RrtNira. tT1rrs ntipatina. T'vttr DitK" ln.rl ihlr shatter pfTm aaS r.ii aiealal JP-PO will Trrcl tbt rierf. Month a treatment la oae dai. ill i On'UIJGCETT id OtliT 6o) Droaai.t..
ar nt for TREE GIFT PACKAGE. P. 0. lit, Brfcly. C.ltfaniia.
rr Squibb 1 lafta I.L 1 1 A Contest -to- Start April 1 Under Auspices 1 of the National Association The world's contract bridge champion may be a resident of the Eastbay. At least contract stars of this region will have an opportunity to compete 1 vith 1 a d- 1 bridge laers of M'S countries md make a iry for the a I -hip in the 1 I )lympio to played prll under tusplces of he Natlen-i 1 Bridge i ssoc iation ah head-I turners In s'pw Xprlf- ii rue city- in United 8. J. WAYNE many cities will conduct several. tournaments.
So far only one tournament has been announced in Oakland. It will take place at the Women's Athletic club, and will be for members, and ihisir-Eiiesta-jKlih game captain. Airady signed up to participate in the tournament ara: Mrsv-Jaok- OkHl, Wayne Hig-4 son, Mrs. Emil Fritisch, Mrs. J.
F. McMath. Mrs. Earl Kllburn. Mrs.
A. H. Hills. Mrs. N.
M. Hotchklss, Mrs. Miller Hotchklss. Mrs, Robert Hunter, Jr Mrs. Herbert fi AtKinson, Airpy.
Mrs. H. G. Hills, Mrs. Frank McDonald Ogden and Miss 'Marguerite de Neuf.
GAME STARTS AT 8 P. M. The game Is to becln In New Tork at 8 p. Eastern Standard time, and elsewhere at the same hour wherever possible. This will be 6 p.m.
Pacific coast time, rne world Bridge Olympic Is a competition for pairs, the explanatory bulletins state, and trophies will be presented on that basis. Elv Cullifrtson. pt'Cfiiilont fit the Nation al unrigs, association, has put up- two soiia gold trophies for the winning pairs of north-south and east-West hands. There will be two pairs named as international champions, and tho trophies will have the names olvVye winners inscribed on them and will be held for one-year. A solid replica will be awarded to each member of the winning pairs for permanent possession.
KILVIOIt curs AS IMtr.ES Silver cups will ife awarded for winning north-south and east-west pairs In each country, and silver cups also will go to winning pairs in each state of the United States and each province in Canada, the bulletin states. The tournament will not be Involved in nroc'pss. Tlnvp.r will alt down at a table, and play just asn they would In an ordinary game of bridge in their own homes except that the players all over the world will play simultaneously secret pre-arranged similar hands. The world championship team will he announced to the public hy wire in New York the day following the game. Berkeley to Send Chamber Delegates BERKELEY, March 16.
Berke- lley will send four delegates and 1UUT cl Ilti LI LU LIIO IWUIllltUfl annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce of the United Slates to be held In San Francisco May 17- 20 and will also Join -with other Eastbay communities In taking a leading part in the entertainment and reepption of delegates and vis Itors. Delegates to the national meeting will be elected by the board of directors 'of Berkeley chamber at their April meeting. Russian Province Flooded by Storm KRASNODAR, Russia, March 16. VP) Slxf regions in north Caucasus, including 60 villages and half tjie' autonomous republic of Adyge, "were flooded by the Kuban river, today, following a recent unprecedented snowfall In the mountains, Tens of thousands of' seres of farms were under water and families were heing taken of the territory. Airplane were used to homb the Ice at the mouth of the KuHV WOMEN! Don't Hide Your Beautiful Bodiet Under Layer of Fat 1)11.
KSTKS Recommends HENRY NIER'S SUPER-SYSTEM Priat Werk. Cln Work. Swailiik U'-f. CaMnet Bath, Hdratharapj, Bun-t ght Clanei. Dailn A.
St. te P. M. OAKLAND ACADEMY of PHYSICAL CULTURE 10i TELEGRAPH AVEHIE LA keslde 5S42 DR. ESTES Recommends White Clover Honey from -Students' Bee Honey Co.
AT YOUR GROCER of-hlr natural se lection of Tho taste buds of the tongue have been atrophied and the appetites perverted. The present day cooked fftods, demln-erallzed, refined and devitalized breed only pestilence and disease." Dr. Estes will appear tomorrow night, Friday, and Saturday night In the last of his series of public lectures at the Women's City club. day relief from body fatigue?" and nerve (train. $0.50 Tan White (for nurses Orpbenni Theatre Illdg.
jS Contains All of the, Vital, Body Building' Natural Elements from il -f 'ii ma i DR. Endorses and Recommends i -A. Natural Raw SIX OF DR. ESTES? FAMOUS "BACK TO NATURE" FAMILY-. They havo never tatted candy.
They have, never, eaten cooked food. have never, been tick and tlicy have been pronounced th heaithiett children in tht world. THOUSANDS HEARD THE INSPIRING MESSAGE at the Oakland Women's City, Club last night, but hundreds were turned away so igreat was the. in- i terest- in this world-famous Health Scientist, Edu- cator and discoverer of "Brain Breathing." "Operation Success, But Patient Don't let this happen to you. Hear Dr.
Estes and learn how Brain Breathing, Dynamic Breath Raw Foods, can KEEP YOU FROM THE SURGEON'S KNIFE. A Turning Point in Their Lives Thousands have dated the turning points in their lives from the moment they hear Dr. Estes. Come yourself and bring your friends. They will thank you for the opportunity of.
hearing this great, message which will tell you 'how to Rebuild Your Health, Make More Money, Express Yourself Forcefully, Turn a Sluggish Brain1nfirne-ef flffiieirey.Y6irwilI be amazed to find how simple is the secret to Health, Happiness and the kind of power which means Success. Condemned as hopeless cripple, DR. ST. LOUIS ESTES found Nature's simple way of building himself, back to Health, Fame Success. He gives this secret to you.
New Philosophy of Life DR. ESTES brings a new Philosophy of Life, replacing Discouragement with Confidence; turning Old Age Into Youth; Disease into Failure into $lltffaa f-f It ltvtltty r.t kla aium (A.lifnw. MILK C7ST0RNETTAlc SONS' RANCH in "The Valley of the Moon--T FROM FEDERAL ACCREDITED 100 JERSEY HERDS I father of America's healthiest family, youngest aed .4.5 BUTTER FAT CONTENT SOLIDS Grade 'A' Raw Milk of Raw Milk Nothing Added Nothing Taken Away Phone for Daily Delivery anywhere in the Eastbay quart Three quarts or twomonths. Remember, there is only one DR. ST.
LOUIS ESTES. Brain Breathing He gave to theorld his discovery of Brain and Dynamic Breath Control. He found Nature's way to health through uncooked foods and proper breathing; founded RAW FOOD MOVEMENT in America; author 'RAW FOOD AND HEALTH," revolutionary book on right living editor-in-cl' "BACK TO NATURE MAGAZINE. Hear Estes -Tonight WOMEN'S CITY CLU 1423 Alice Street Strictly Non-Sfr! i 800 P. DOORS AJ-)'' TICqTQ rr OPEN AT 7:00 P.
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