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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 10

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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aftlanO Crtbunc OCTOBER 5, 1931 OAKLAND LAUNDRY SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT PAGE MONDAY EVENING Laundry Business Requires Fleet of Trucks PIONEER CITr of owners. Photos show new plant and truck fleet with inset of MRS. JENNIE CALOU, president of the company. The building, at PLAN TO BE When the Oakland Laundry wai founded more than half a century ago, its owner had no difficulty in collecting and delivering the "family wash" in person, but today a whole fleet of modern trucks is kapt busy bringing in the laundry and returning it again to thousands 730 Twenty-ninth street, is a steel frame structure, light and airy, and one of the finest laundry plants in the country. STOLL PRINTING COMPANY Extends Best Wishes OAKLAND LAUNDRY On the occasion of ihc formal opening of the 'Finest Laundry in the' West' OPEN TO ILL HERN PLANT Open House Will Be Held aH Eastbay Concern, in Business Here 52 Years, Invites Public to.

View Home ISew Building Tomorrow, Wednesday and. Thursday PRINTING SPECIALISTS FAULTLESS VISIBLE RECORDS AND FORMS LOOSE LEAF BINDERS AND FORMS WEDGE LOCK BINDERS 1706 University Avenue, Berkeley, California THornwall 5258 i 7 rrn In celebration of Its 62 years of growth In ths Eastbay and the completion of Its beautiful new building which ia cited as a model plant, not only In the community but throughout ths state, the Oakland Laundry company will hold a four-day open house In order that tha public may view a modern laundry and dry cleaning plant In operation. Tha plant, at 730 Twenty-ninth street, will ba open for Inspection from 2 to 6, and 7 to 10 p. October 6, 7 and S. Employing more than 100 residents of the Eastbay throughout the year, and with a total investment of $600,000, the Oakland Laundry, unique In that for more than 60 years it has been a one- What happened between the time when the laundryman calls" bundle of soiled clothes and the time the same clothes, freshly washed and Ironed, are returned Ir, a neat bundle, may be seen at first hand by Eastbay housewives and their families during the opening of the Oakland Laundry company's new plant at 730 Twenty-ninth street.

According to B. Calou, the building, erected to replace the former plant which was totally destroyed by a fire on Saturday afternoon, May 8, will be open to the general public Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons and evenings from 2 to 6 and 7 to 13 o'clock. Officials of the laundry will escort visitors through the laundry and dry cleaning plants and explain the various processes through which the laundry is put A fashion show, staged by Cap-well, Sullivan and Furth, will be additional features of each evening. Jean Kent of KLX will announce and describe the fashions. Monday will be Invitational day and more than 6000 invitafVns have been issued to customers who have been served by the laundry during the past 62 years since its founding, to laundrymen throughout the state, and to city and county officials.

Various civic organizations will sponsor the other opening nights. The Oakland Chamber of Commerce will be In charge of Thursday's program. The Elks club will be hosts to visitors Wednesday night arid Thursday night the Lions club will be in charge. C. B.

Calou, general manager of the laundry Is a member of these organizations and he also Is president of the Alameda County Laundrymen's family institution, toaay ranra one of tha Eastbay'a major industries. The new building, completed September 10, to replace the old plant destroyed by Ira last May, represents a' total investment of $125,000 in the laundry plant itself and the dry craning plant, a new feature Introduced by Camilla B. Calou, general man- ager of the laundry. The remainder of $600,000 is In the build- in property, trucks, office equip ment, recreation rooms, USES MUCH WATER Ths laundry uses 76,000 gallons of water oer day. It takes iuuu Miller Warnecke 1,1 Architects If tl Oakland Kasarial Center Laundry OAKLAND gallons of soft water to each ma chine to complete tne ciom- washing process.

A fleet of 16 trucks is In constant operation and, according to Calou, no expense has been sparea to make the building the most modern of Its kind in the country. "Ths Oakland Laundry has been built not only for the present but for ths future. A handkerchief machine, a stocking machine and many other new things In laundry equipment has been installed and snace left for newer models which I I HI ii ir W.uu,iau;.Ll'AJMvJJJ..J mmwnm.mkwnmmmwmmmmmmmmmm may be brought forth in the com-J tern Is used. In this system no marks of any kind are placed on the clothes for Identification purposes. A system of keys on pins is used instead and the pins themselves are Individual like a Yale lock, one number key will fit only its qwn ring, thus preventing the or loss of articles.

WILL BE HELD To the 'The Oakland Laundry has every air In special and the flat pieces pass through the "flat The "finish work" such as dresses, pas through the various pressing machines, where collars, cuffs, bosoms of shirts, are pressed. In addition, the garments are hand finished. In fact, some of the daintier and sheerer garments are hand washed in small washers. Work is observed closely from beginning to end, and only when it is checked Is It wrapped, tied In the automatic typing machine and marked A recreation room for women has been completely furnished. This is on the second floor.

A complete first-aid room with a trained attendant In charge, is on the first floor. typ of service, finished work, rough dry, dry wash, wet wash, finished work by the pound, and 'thrifty', and these art carefully lng years," Calou declares. The new building, of French architecture, designed by Miller Warnecke, Oakland architects, and all materials used in the building' were supplied by Eastbay concerns. Eastbay labor wss used In building the plant, OF PLANNING Calou declares that the building la the result of many years of planning for a model laundry. Always, he declares, he has had in mind a laundry which combined a dry cleaning plant with' the laundry Itself; a laundry which would have modern machines and be a comfortable and pleasant place In which to work, housed In as fine and beautiful a building as could be built.

The Oakland Laundry building, built In memory of his father, marked and entered on receipt of Finest the bundles and tagged Lautidiry and "After marking, the laundry is In conjunction with opening of the new Oakland Laundry, tomorrow, Capwell, Sullivan and KUrth will sponsor a fashion show in the new establishment on the evenings of October 6, 7 and 8 between the hours of 9 and 9:45 p. m. Everything from wash dresses, nurses' uniforms and pajamas, to formal evening frocks and fur wraps will be displayed by living models. Miss Jean Kent, of KLX will introduce the models and explain the importance of the accessories worn nlaced in the monel-metal wash- Ping machines and the housewife, who thinks she is being very careful when she puts her clothes through four changes, will be surprised to know that at the Oakland Laundry the washing Is put through from 10 to 12 changes Pierre Calou, who founded tne 62 years ago, combines these three requisites. The Oakland Laundry Is now of water, five soaps and six rinses? in soft water." The Oakland Laundry company maintains Its own well and has Its own water-softening plant.

The water is thoroughly softened by prepared to do a combined laundry and dry cleaning buslnesa of $760,000 yearly, Calou states, The building Is absolutely fire-p. oof and the machinery Is practically accident-proof, but as a safety precaution a special alarm has been connected at the information desk and In a moment's notice the telephone girl can set off the alrm which with the pollcs and emergency natural process and not by chemicals before it is used. The hardness In the water andthe gray tinge noticeable livjtfie washing water at home areAabaent aa a Dry Cleaning Plant in the West Formal Opening for Your Inspection with Gorgeous Fashion Show Congratulations TO THE OAKLAND LAUNDRY -CO A from DAN T. REYNOLDS UNIFORM SPECIALIST 506 15th Plaza Bldg. result, according to Calou.

The Oakland Laundry company management calls attention to the fact that lux is the only soap used ln Its washing process. The bulldlr.g incorporates many rotn the washlnr machines fhe unusual and new feaures. The clothes pass through washing machines are alt built of where excess water Is removed. monel motal, a combination of Wearing apparel Is dried by warm nickel and steel. Capwell, Sullivan Furth Bathroom and Stair Tilework on The washroom, floor la non-skid asphaltum, a hew process and a safety measure for Oakland Laundry company employees.

The principal sim of the laundry Is to satisfy its customers and give the beat service obtainable, Calou djclares. Collars are Ironed on a special machine. A description of the mode of operations In a modern laundry as exemplified by the Oskland Laundry company sets forth the following facts: "Upon receipt of the bundles of oiled laundry from ths (rucks, the various items are segregated according to color and kind and glv-n to the In the dry wash or rough-dry wash a pin svs- BT We are glad to have played our part in making the OAKLAND LAUNDRY "The Finest Laundry in the West" Your special attention is called to the Distributing Reel specially built by Kowal Manufacturing Co. 2414 Sixth Street Berkeley BErkcley 1275 Afternoons 2 till 6 Evenings 7 till 10 Gifts Laundry Orders Dry Cleaning Orders Merchandise Orders Comforts Quilts will be Given Away Rigney Tile Co. 3012 Harrison GLeneourt 1514 Tuesday, October 6th Oakland Chamber "of Commerce Hosts Wednesday, October 7th Elks Club Hosts Thursday, October 8th Lions: Club Hosts All riping affwjassasisissigs for the mechanical equipment Steam Soap We want you here with us to help lis hhi ffn, ernMamaeehln aaa na'eHsl that go to m.k.

Install hr ftrbmterrnar raaraatee of satisfaction. Air Bleach OUR BEST WISHES Water Vacuum Installed by to the open this the finest laundry in the West It is equipped; in every detail with machinery of most recent and improved design, which will be in full operation during1' inspection hours, including the elaborate New Dry Cleaning Department GEO. A. SCHUSTER PLTJMBfNG KEATING VENTTLATIJfa Olympic S490 4712 Grove St. Oakland, Calif.

Oakland Laundry Co. On the Completion and Opening of Its NEW PLANT at 729 29TH STREET OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA mo FORD O.X TUB HOOr 2820 BROADWAY Congratulations ILatinhrii OaWani) Oakland Laundry Company, 5nc, TIRE SERVICE CO. OF OAKLAND BROADWAY AT 30TH ST. HOL. 1178 Firestone Tires Tubes Batteries Brake Lining Spark Plugs 412 Finest Laundry in th Weit on the occasion of the formal opening of your beautiful 730 Twenty-ninth Street near Crove Telephone HIgh'gate 0160 new.

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