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The Daily Reporter from Greenfield, Indiana • Page 2

Greenfield, Indiana
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THE GREENFIELD DAILY REPORTER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1934. Revolutionary Caicniar WOOL FROM STONES (Legion Rifles Freak 'irgirtia Chimneys Natara! Rock Formation THE MARKETS December 3, 15)34 Big Ear-ie Re vealed as. Baby Pig Thief Danhify, N. II. Arthur llollen heck's baby pis were being stolen, ami so lie to sit up all nisht and watch for the culprit.

He was to see I lie thief swoop out of the sky. If was a giant eagle, followed by six eaglets. The eagle a pis and (low away, with the e.tglcls dose behind. Outshoots Hoosiers The Greenfield American Legion Rifle team outshot the Hoos-ier Rifle Club Monday evening at Tomlinson Hall, 464 to 444. High scoring shooters were as follows: Gresnfield Lambert, 92; Hawkins, 93; Elton Jessup.

93; Epperson, 93; Gardner. 93 total, 464. Hoosier Rifle C. MofTatt, 90; G. Warner, 90; H.

Smith, 87; Ehlers, 87; R. Comolly, 90 total, 444. IMPORTANT NOTICE There will be a milk producers' meeting at Greenfield, Indiana, on Thursday, December 6, 1934, at 7:30 o'clock P. M. at the Memorial Bldg.

This meeting is of very great interest to all the milk producers in Hancock county who are interested in the raise that has been secured for their milk and who are interested in furthering the cause. Please be there. adv. 4dl Ralph Fisk. Shoes dyed any color at Shackle Shoe Shop.

adv T-Th-F Miss Vera Apple spent Tuesday with her parents, near Maxwell. CLASSIFIED ADS FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT Modern sleeping rooms, meals if desired. 17 N. Penn. St.

4d3p. FOR RENT Six-room house at $6.00. MRS. EVA KNIGHT EPPERSON. 549 North Wood street.

4t3 FOR RENT Modern house, Main street, near State highway garage, Phone 39. 4t2 WANTED UISCELLAHEOUS WANTED General housework or care of children. 735 West. North street. 3t2 pd WANTED Washings and ironings.

Will call for and deliver. MRS. WALTER HARDING, 511 South Pennsylvania street. 3t2 pd WANTED Man in this locality as 1 direct representative of well known oil company to sell small town and farm trade. Experience not necessary.

No investment required. Chance for immediate steady income. Write P. T. WEBSTER, General Manager, 672 Standard Bank Bldg.t Cleveland, Ohio.

Pd WANTED Conservative middle-aged man or woman of wide acquaintance in Greenfield for confidential inspection. Permanent, no selling. Appointee must have $100 and be exceptionally well recom mended. For interview with of- fficials of company write P. O.

BOX 89. 3t4 WANTED Middle aged woman to stay with elderly ladyj home and small pay. Phone 188. ldtf. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Fordson tractor and plow in good condition.

WAD-DELL GARAGE or H. H. REASON, Route 2. 3t2 pd FOR SALE Amazing new proposition to rent you a new guaranteed tire at low weekly payments, the tires to be yours after 28 payments. Following are sample rental figures, 30-3 2, 12 centos week; 14 cents week; 19-5, 15 cents week; 18 cents week.

These are third line but guaranteed tires; Second line ranges from 15 cent to 24 cents per week and first line un- limited guarantee from 19 cents to 32 cents per week. You can pay out in 14 weeks at double above figures, or 7 weeks at four times. Complete stock all grades and sizes cars and trucks, no delays. Also, 100 Pure Pennsylvania Oil, Permit No. 777 under $10,000 bond, 14 cents quart.

Best High Test Antiknock Red Gas at lowest current prices for cheapest grades. This is Hoosier Pete speaking from Greenfield, Rushville. Dunreith, Cam bridge City. Phone Greenfield 190. 9-tf checks COLDS and FEVER first day HEADACHES in minnles Liquid Tablets Salve Drop? DON'T GET UP OF NIGHTS If You Are Over 40.

If so. nature is warning you of danger ahead. Get rid. of your trouble early. Make this 25c test.

Get Juniper oil, Buehu leaves, in green tablets. Ask for BUKETS, the bladder laxative. Take 12 of them in four days; if not pleased go back and get your money. BUKETS work on the bladder similar to castor oil cn the bowels. Flushes out excess acids and other impurities which causa getting up nights, frequent cesire.

scanty flow, burning, backache or leg pains. You are bound to feel better after this Hushing and you get your regular sleep. Guaranteed by Thomas Drug Store. adv. HANCOCK LODGE NO.

101 F. A. M. Stated meeting of Hancock Lodge No. 101 Tuesday, December 4.

1934, at 7:30 p. m. ORA V. JULIAN, J. O.

DAVIS, Sec. W. M. THE GREENFIELD REPORTER KATSS OF BUBSCHIPZOB On Tear, by MU 93 mx liontiu fcy Uadl l.TS Tore Month bj UmU jm BiUM Postomc lo OreenTleld Ind. Second Olim Hatter An Independent Newepeper Publish Wvery Vrenlng Kzc-ept Bunday Orn-Oeld.

Indiana by VIOLA BPXNOXB VIOLA B. PPENCKR. UeuaKlng Sdltor MARRIAGE LICENSES Paul E. Mars and Bernice E. Ad-kins.

George Tidd and Julia Bundy. Charles Bert and Kathleen Sou-ders. James M. Gambrel and Margaret A. Spilker.

Earl H. Raesncr and Delma L. Andis. Ross R. Mitchell and Bernice F.

Shaffer. Clarence II. Boyd and Ellen Doris Catt. John Raymond An acker and Maiv Buriook. NOTICE To Whom It May Concern: I will be in no way responsible for accounts made by or checks issued under my name by my estranged wife, Delia Foust.

adv. 4d2p. Lon Foust. Mr. and Mrs.

Glen Bolt and family have returned home after spending the holidays with Mrs. Bolt's parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Sullivan.

Reporter WANT ADS gel resuKs- Mr. and Mrs. William Dishman of North street entertained at a family dinner Sunday in honor of Mrs. Sarah Kuhn of Tramp ing Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. The other guests present were Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Elmore, Robert. Mary and Sophrona Elmore of near Willow Branch. Mr. and Mrs.

William Webb, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Santord Whitacre, Phyllis, Mack, and Olive Whiteacre of In dianapolis. Mrs.

Kuhn is a twin sister of Charles Elmore. She and her son arrived from Canada a few- days ago for an extended visit with relatives and friends. Yes, you can get your shoes STRETCHED at Shackle Shoe Shop adv T-Th-F For guaranteed radio service at reasonable rates, call GORDON 440 T-Th-S2w adv SWAPS TO SWAP Two Barred Rockl roosters for pullets, pound for pound. L. H.

WOLF, Phone 670. 4t3 TO SWAP An automatic 12-gauge shot gun for twenty-five bushels of corn. JOHN JACK, Auto Shop, 313 South State. 4t3 TO SWAP Hawaiian steel guitar with case for an accordion of equal value; also round oak dining table for square one. Phone 15503.

30t3 TO SWAP Nice young heifer for chickens. Phone 553. 3t3 Help Kidneys Olf poorly functioning Kidnry and Hla.lM. make you Buffer from Getting Up NiKhts. Nervousness, Rheumatic Ol'ains.

Stiffness. Burning. Smarting. Itching, or Acidity try the guaranteed I 'a Prescription Cy tex SiM-tex folaw Must ft you up or money ySlOX luck. 666 of the French Republic The -aleitdar was the the lirsl Trench republic, says wilter in the Indianapolis News It was substituted for the ordinary -al endar by a decree of the national con ventitiii in 1 The of September ITirj.

the day from which the existem of the republic was reckoned, was rh" date of the new calendar The ycai tsegan at miduiirht of the 1av of ill autumnal epiinox. and was diviiied in to twelvf mouths of days, with live adiillional days (sans culottidesl foi festivals, arid si in every fourth ye.r Kaci month was clivided into three dec ados of fen days each the week The names of the months wish iheir Knglish signilicarice. and the approximate dates of their commencement, are as follows: Vendemiaire (vintage). September 'S2: P.rumaiie (fogl, October l-'rituaire (sl't) November Nivose (snow). I lecem her 21; I'luviose frainl.

January Venfose (wind). February 111; tlermi-nal (seed). March 21 Floreal (bios som). April 20; Prairial (pasture). May Messidor (harvest), June 10: Thermidor or Kervidor (heat), July 10.

and Fruclidor (fruit). August IS. The rive regular sans-cnloitides were dedicated respectively to the Virtues, tie nius. Labor. Opinion and liewards This calendar was abolished by Napoleon at the end of St.

Numerous Varieties of Bothersome Cockroaches While there are many varieties of cockroaches belonging to the same family, among which are the Ornian and Australian, the American is the most common and widely distributed species in the corn belt, according to an authority in the Missouri Farmer. About eleven months' time Is re juired for a cockroach to hatch and grow to maturity. The female lays a number of eggs which she deposits in a brown capsule. This capsule she retains in her body until the young are ahout ready to hatch, whereupon she deposits it along the run-ways of the insect- Whtm the young hatch they live for a time with the old pair. At night they sneak into kitchen and pan try and track around over the food They excrete a materia.

over food and in their run-ways that has a foreign, and very offensive, odor. That they are exceedingly filthy and dangerous to human health is obvious when it is known that they eat and track over anything from a dead mouse, a bed bug, an empty egg capsule, to all kinds of human foods. Knew Their Winds The ancient ft reek navigators knew enough about the seasons and directions of certain winds, such as the etesians and the Indiao monsoons, to utilize them in making voyages that would have been difficult or impossible without such knowledge, states a writer in the New York Tribune. After the Fifteenth century the trade winds of the Atlantic and the Pacific were similarly turned to account. At the close cf the Seventeenth century the earliest attempt to chart, ocean winds was made by Halley, the English astronomer, whose crude map of the trade winds and monsoons implies that he had a certain amount of statistical information at his disposal.

Water at Food Commonly speaking, foods are those substances eaten or drunk for the building up and maintenance of the human body and to supply energy for its activities. In the more exact scientific sense, only those constituents of the foods consumed which are actually assiniiiated are considered foods, the remainder being waste. Water may be regarded as the most important of foods, constituting nearly 70 per cent of the human body, it Is an absolute necessity for the maintenance of life. The average weight of water consumed per day, only part of which is assimilated, exceeds the dry weight of all the other foods combined. Patchwork Quilt Patchwork is older than history.

originating doubtless through primitive economic need of utilising scraps of cloth. It was one of the first decorative arts practiced by such ancient civ. ligations as the Egyptian and Chinese. In Europe It waa flourishing at the time of the Crusades when applique was employed la the making of battle banners and draperies. Is America the handicraft arrived with the earliest settlers, being a direct heritage from England.

Host Widely Used Word The world's most widely used- word is" the old Hebrew erpresslon meaning "So It Is" or "So be it." It is employed by nearly one billion Chris liana, Jews and" Mohammedans, or just half of the population of the world, says 8. D. Kent, Seattle, in Collier's Weekly. The Mohammedans even end their letters and oilier manuscripts with It The "Ceol Spell" Ceologists state that the earth ha been having a period of cool summers for the last 4.500 years. This "cool spell" will last for flftOO more years.

An Early Paction Play A Passion was performed In Lucerne as early as 1470 In the Ven market Square. Clergymen and town councilors played the chief roles. Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Meek and son, Norman, of Newcastle, called on' irlcnfs in Philadelphia cn Thurs- is IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE Manufacture on a large scale of rock'! vool from mineral deposits in the Ni-J'trara peninsula of Oniario is indicated by a report issued by ihe Canadian depart meni- of mines.

This conclusion is based upon siit-cossful experiment? in tile department's laboratories wherw rock woo of high quaiity has open made from samples of rod: obtained from ihe deposits. liod: wooi is a product which, up to ihe present, has not. been manufactured in Canada. It is used as an' insulator for all types of buildings and fur numerous industrial purposes where it is not subject excessive i.n. Willi ihe development of a very long-tibred.

tlexible wool that does not break down under vibration such as has been produced on an experimental seal-; from Canadian raw material, irs of service in blanket form may be extended to insulation for ships and railway trains. A new and steadily widening market for rock wool is in the sound-pi fifing and acoustical treatment of auditoriiiu.s, offices, thv iters aud r.i,Vo stations. Its fireproof and vermin-proof nature makes if especially valuable for these purposes. Jews' Post War Exodus Built City at Tel Aviv Tel Aviv, Palestine's ci.y." owes its origin to small group of Jewish residents from ihe distinctly Arabian city of wh: moved out to the sand dunes mull, of tiie city in 1000 and began a ga'en suburb. Sine! the World war Tci Aviv has witnessed spectacular growih.

Today this community, the name of which means llill of Spring." is second in population only to among the cities of I'alesline and is the most modern town of the eastern Mediterranean region. Continued Jewish immigration to Palestine, much of it from Germany, adds monthly to Tel Aviv's growing population. India's Baby Mortality infant mortality in fncia is the highest in all the civilized countries of the world. In European countries out of every 1,000 children horn, 930 or 950 live to reach the age of twelve months, whereas in India the number of deaths per 1,000 during the same period varies from to The state of affairs is not a reproach to Indian mothers themselves, the cause being such as poverty, lack of proper care of the mothers, lack of a tirst-class midwifery hy country Dais, diseases, industrial employment of women, lack of pure milk supply, and insanitarv and overcrowded dwellings. Dnyaiio-da vu.

Tiny Ship Believed Immortal Eighty years old, the tiny Australian bay steamer IMina. of a few hundrel tons, is believed by superstitious sr.ii-ors to be destined to live forever. She has a bad reputation as a destroyer, for she has bit two boats, both ten times her and they have foundered after the collision, while she has proceeded on her way unharmed. The l'dina now chugs along quietly on her daily round between Melbourne and Gorlong, in Australia, but she played vorthy part in early commonwealth 'Uf tory. She was the official guest boat when the duke of Edinburgh visited the colonies in 1 8 7.

The Queerest Banquet Porcupine salad was one of the many exotic dishes served to members of the National Aclimatisation society at their annual banquet in Paris. Other dishes were: A whole porpoise carried in on a silver dish; bamboo shoots from China prepared with black mushrooms; buffalo and antelope green oranges from the Guinea coast, and candied fruits lyoni Several women quests tried; to persuade the chef to tell them the secrets of his recipes afterwards. Nuditm Old to London Nudism is not a novelty in London, according to records recently founj there. They reveal that the cult has waxed and waned through the centuries. In a nocturnal meeting of the Naked society was held In a tavern near the Ilaymarket, but the organisation was prompted mo jy religious moral than by hvfenic convictions.

Records show fliat a similar society existed in the eifj in Hornets of tho Sea "Pocket torpedo boats," fifty-five feet long and a speed of forty knots, are said to have passed the tests of the British navy. A dozen of these midget? cost less to build than a single destroyer, yet they are capable of sinking anything from a submarine to a super-dread naught. Never Do Sam Charley put a great big horn on his little machine so as to make the people think he had a hig car. Lew Yes, but you should never judge the auto by the sound of the horn. Good Reason Visitor Will you marry me right away? tirl W-w-wliy l-I scarcely know you Visitor That's why I want you to marry nie rljjht away.

So It Go Harney thl the doctor cure Kelly of insomnia? He did. Now Kelly can't sleep ntfhts wondering how he's going to pay the doctor! Miss Vashti Gardner and Miss Norma Davis spent Monday evening and Tuesday the guests of Miss r.r.reta Kirkptirlcl: at Marirn. Tin- ii "towers" if vs." they are called locally, rang, r'nuii tin in feet in height and at A lxik like the partially wt-ecket? walls of veneraitle castle-agaln like ajrert iliiiiirieyji set down In midst of a grove. There are seven, and the; ronsist of time-stained limestone an(! rise (lerjietidlrnlarly from the alluvial borders of the 6 1 ream whirh winds about their hases, forming a natural moat. Tiie Virginia fhimneys are more regular tn their strata than the picturesque Palisades of New York and appear ro have been arranged hy nature with perfect workmanship, with projections like dilapidated cornices designed hy some noted tlrecian architect, accord'ng to the Washington Star.

Geologists and scientists tielieve the chimneys are the products of geological upheavals thousands o' centuries ago. A lake or rlvr hy the might of Its turbulent waters many generations ago may have washed and whipped against the sides of those submerged walls of rock and gradually ground rhem to their present curious configurations. Later, after those waters exposure of the limestone towers to weathering and alternating summer heat and winter cohl may have completed the phenomenon. Perfection in Dogs Not Preferred by Dog Owners In coinuieiiliu on the high standards set on finely hred dos. one prominent dog owner says: "Accepting the UK) per cent standards set for various breeds of dogs, I believe that 75 per cent is fop for 0T9 out of every housed by the average dog owner, "The prospective owner looks for 'hree things: General appearance the dog appear true to type, he unmistakably a setter.

Scottle or fox terrier or whatever he Is supposed to be; is the dog symmetrical in form, well-balanced, bo to speak, from nose to tall, and is he attractive, which can he shown by alertness, attitude to persons looking him over and genernl appearance. "If the dog fulfills these three things and is, in addition, of registered stock, the average owner is not going to worry about the 100 per cent standard. We must not lose sight of the fact that If all dogs were absolute standard nobody could afford to own one; they would be too perfect and too expensive." Santa Domingo City Comparatively few Americans realize that S.uito Pomingo City has more historic interest than any other place 1n the Americas, observes writer In the Washington Post. It was the first city capital laid out and constructed hy Spaniards In the New world and was oferred to feelingly hy the Conquis-tilores as l.a Tuna or Cradle of The original city was founded by Kartnlonie brother of Christopher, on August 4. on the east TnnU of the Ozama river, near its mouth.

It was named by Bartoloma In honor of his father, Pomingo Columbus, and the fact that the first stone was laid on a Sunday, which was also the day of Saint Sunday Fanto Domingo. Lead in Mineral Products Pennsylvania surpasses all other states in the annual value of its inin eral products. In lOiM) the total value of its mineral output was $605,336, 200; 327,476 persons were engaged in mining industries and fi7.G39 in clay, glass and stone Industries. Ity far the most, valuable and most abundant re-, source is coal. From 1S30 to 1SS0 Pennsylvania produced two-thirds of the annual tonnage of coal mined in the United States, while the proportion in U)29 waa 89.3 per cent of the totel culput.

King Killed in War Ii: 1575), King Sebastian of Portugal went to war in Morocco and was killed. His countrymen did not believe he bad died and the Idea that he would return unread rapidly. Up to 1832, or 254 years later, this Idea still gripped Portugal and Brazil and not only waa the night sky watched constantly for his reappearance but commodities frequently were sold with the bills to be paid on "the return of Collier's Weekly. About tha Left-Handed The word "sinister" whose moderp meaning Is evil or malign. Is simply Latin for "left hand." It wag once believed that left-banded persons were generally wicked.

But, as an authority points out In the Lancet, that experience does not confirm this view. though it has beea discovered in some countries that the percentage of left banders among criminals is greater than among law-abiding people. Strang Street Signs Stone likenesses of the famous per sons for whom its streets are named are Included hy Amsterdam, Holland. In what are probably the strangest 6treet signs ever erected. Ah, Ha: in the Mirror "Appearances are never as dec-en tlve." said HI Ho.

the sage of China town, "as when self-conceit studies Ittelf in a mirror. Mrs. Hale Grant, of Rensselaer, is spending a few days with her daughter, Mrs. Darold Fleming, and Wheat, No. Wheat.

No. 2, Corn Oats Rye Scy .91 .90 .85 .50 .73 1.05 .25 .13 Eggs Turkeys, quality (Wadley Produce I'horce G04 Butterfat 2G Roasters 0o Springers 12 Ducks og Geese of) Hens LIVESTOCK MAKKKT INDIANAPOLIS. D-c. 4. IIoji.s 12.000, holdovers 1827; market a two-way affair, 160-I9()lbs.

steady to 20 cents higher, others 5 to 35 cents under Monday's uneven market. 190 2301bs. $5.80 fG; 230-2801bs. Cattle 2200; calves 700 steers opened slow, a few yearlings $800. Sheep market lambs active, 25 to 50 cents higheer.

Bulk fed natives and fed westerns $7.50, a few natives GUERNEY W. DUNHAM FUNERAL PARLORS Complete Modern Service Cumberland, Indiana Office Phone filW2 W. Main St. Lady Ambulance Service $19.99 Frank Loudenbnck piiom: 84 COAL Quality Coals, Coke and Wood E. W.

Brazil Block, W. Va. Nut Slack Give us a ring! SEXSON-LEE COAL CO. 303 E. South St.

Phone 525 GUARANTEED COAL-BROADWAY LUMBER CO. PHONE 33 And Wii! Sells the Lumber' PASCO BROTHERS FUNERAL PARLORS i Complete Modern Service Off. Ph. 37 Rea. 450.

818 tU E. Main St, Greenfield General Electric Radios Service on-All Makes Tubes Tested Free EDSON'S ELECTRIC SHOP Phone 142 938. N. State St. 8 Cash for Old Cold and Silver Je weliV OPTICAL AND JEWELRY SHOP License No.

K-12-4079 Greenfield Ice Fuel Co. ICE COAL COKE Service Anywhere Anytime Riley Ave. at I. It. R.

Phone 2SC tK HOOPER'S GARAGE If you need a battery for your auto, radio or farm light, see us! 12-llour Battery Recharging; Distributors for Universal Itatteries 219 E. MAIN ST. PHONE 58 GREENFIELD. INDIANA AK3CLANCB SERVICE Phone 92 Ill Ot3K3t3t3KS3 SPAIN MOURNS SIX BULLFIGHT DEATHS Large Number of Matadors Injured Also Noted. Madrid, Spain.

Six deaths directly attributable to have r. Tie present rasoii one tragic in years. The recent passing of Igiwicio Sanchez Mejias marked (he most important biilllight since iiiat of ftomez. one of the greatest matadors of all time. The other viciims ol the bullring were Cnndido Uoig.

a spectator who was killed in Cortina by a Hying sword Pablo Sanchez, an amateur, who was gored by a bul' in the Madrid ring; Juanilo twenty-one-year-old bulllighter, who died of wounds received in a Valencia light Anselmo Machado, bulllightei', victim of a goring received in the Castro ring; Joaquin Asut.cion, amateur, killed in a village square bullfight at Silla. The list of matadors seriously injure; in the ring so far this season lengthy one. It includes Xicanor Villalta, Mara villa, Ilosenberg Lopez, Andres Meridas, Alfredo Corrochano, Carnicerito of Mexico, Enrique Torres, Kicardo Torres of Mexico, and Vin-cente P.arrera. All except Lopez, Mer-ida, and Fnrique Torres have recovered completely. Pomingo tJrlega, are of the younger lighters, was injured in an automobile accident while en route from Cortina 'o Madrid to attend the funeral of a brother.

Ortega's cousin. Commander Francisco Caballero, was killed in the accident. Sandier. Mejias, who substituted for Ortega at a bullfight in Manzanares because the latler's injuries prevented his appem a nee, died of a goring received during the ligiii there. Thirty amateurs were injured in the village of Cor when they jumped Into the ring constructed- in the village square attempted to perform passes with a huge Acts Liki Nude Lunatic to Keep an Engagement t- In Xajrylinnizsji, a suburb if IJiulapost, lives man whose enso jf social obligations caused him ti tin? proprieties and soi in not to say illegal, menus Keep bis appoint mollis.

Nay kanizsa experienced some very hot weal her recently and one of its residents Ihe man in iuestion sat at home sweltering and Ihinkim: to himself of the delights of a cooling dip in ihe water. Resistance, none too strong to begin with, finally gave way and he repaired lo a little stream on the border of the town and reveled in a long, delightful swim. Kemembering finally that he had an engagement at home, he came out Ihe water at dusk lo find that his doth ing had been stolen. There was no body he could send for help and lb engagement was, he considered, in. peralive.

That was why residents of Xagy- kanizsa were startled by weird eriee end the sight of a 'miked, man crawl- Uig in Ihe helds beside the road. Ot course, thought the townspeople, a hi r.atic in at large, they called '-nr. ambulance. The "lunatic" was overpowered, wrapped in a blanket and placed in the ambulance. Then, in a perfectly sane manner, he explained to the physician that ho simply had lo.get home and the method he adopted was the only one be could think of on the spur of the moment.

He was late for his appointment Racketeer Sells Cinders as Topsoil for Gardens Washington. The wife of a Washington attorney, being an enthusiastic gardener, recently, was victimized by r. salesman "working his way through college." A young man. presentable in appearance, arrived on the woman's doorstep with a handful of rich loam. Pointing to a trucK out front loaded with sacks, he claimed lie was securing funds for his college course by selling topsoil to gardeners.

The lawyer's wife purchased four sacks. She was quite dismayed, however, when preparing later to fix up her gardens with the "excellent flower food." to hud the sacks contained nothing but an assortment of common, everyday cinders. Card Mailed 22 Years Ago Finally Arrives Wabash, Ind. Kay Howard received) a postal card from friend in Kansas City What was 22 years in transit. said the friend had arrived in Kansas City that day and was leaving soon.

He mailed It August 10, PJI J. On Se tember U5, 1934, it was mailed out if, Kalamazoo to Wabash. The ni-lna' address was Wabash, Where the post card has been for 'J? years is a mys tery. which postal authorities are uu able to explalu. Mrs.

John Peacock and Mrs. Roe Seal, of Fairmount, were Thanks- giving guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. F.

Mcrnv "TtHtE LADY ATTENDANT East South Street.

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