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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 10

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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to THURSDAY EVENING Oakland JANUARY 9, 1930 by firemen early yesterday Jut Ill I Hi PMnonSoYESTERDAY I SALVADOR in time to save him from aeam by suffocation or cremation. Mr. and Mrs. J. A.

Stephens, who. occupy the same house with Winne, -mL-a anH Bounded Civil War Veteran Saved From Flames WOODLAND, Jan. 9. His bed a mass of smouldering embers ready to spring into flame. Captain W.

H. Wlnne, aged Civil war vet- eran. as carried from his home Health Expert MISS MA URINE SCHULZ, infant dietician, back in the United States after government to arrange a child health nroeram. A. P.

photo. I IILBDIPOST 5.0MLPMK aiucucu me the alarm. A bed pad which Wlnne turned on and thenwentto sleep caused the fire. I MEXICO CITT, Jan. The capital ha its first polic-women.

They will he stationed In parki to guard children, and in stores to watch, for shoplifters. WASHINGTON', Jan. 5. UP) The figure of Uncle Sam as a pedestal for mall boxes was ruled from rural roads today by Postmaster-General Brown. Instead the postmaster general ruled that all mail hnT at nut ha nl.ln i BAN FRANCISCO.

Jan. The Salvadorean government has mapped outj, an extensive program of 'child welfare and Infant hygiene to reduce the mortality of children, according to Miss Mau-rlne Schulz, 2701 Garrison street, Infant dletlcan. who arrLw home Supervisor Board and painted white, for visablllty. Colorado Coal To Increase Patrol IT i A 1 aboard the Panama Mail liner Ecuador, yesterday morning. MARTINEZ.

Jan. 8. Acting on 1 request of the Contra Costa county board of supervisors who Monday Miss bchulz was commisisoned by ink received word that the Contra Costa traffic patrol would soon be u.e AT. OFF. the Salvadorean government to spend several months there, assisting in arranging for the elabornf program of child health work planned this incrensed from 7 to II members, district Attorney A.

B. Tlnninir to latest scientific dav has submitted the names of Miss Bchulz stated that Salvador i four applicants -with four alternates, which was sent to the motor I I. is in the van among the Central discovery, checks American republics in sanitation. vehicle department at Facramento by County Clerk J. H.

Wells. cold, She stated that Salvador has -one of the most modern hospitals in Se I four recommended for ap which is cleaner, longer lasting, and practically smokeless and sootless. $21.00 Per Ton for Wolf Park Coal the Spanish Americas under government control. NO sore throat! v. Pacific Grove NVR TAH PRESET POM PDOC VOUWG MEM TO OTUtft F' J.WWW.'WUIWMMMIJ Youths Arrested Used by doctor, proved very helpful by thousands of people, Mistol oothei and heals head and throat membrane! irritated by colds.

Get a bottle today at any drug atore. Put Mistol fre-'quently up the pointment are cnaries aoomhow-ser of El Cerrlto. Georire K. Cock-erton of Walnut Creek, Wilfred Kennerly of Concord and R. J.

Trembath of Valiejo. Alternates recommended are Frank D. Perry. Daniel J. McNeil and A.

O. Heln Jr. of Pittsburgh and Fred of Martinez. According to word received by the supervisors from the motor vehicle department all thoai recommended mum take a civil service examination. Following word from the slate MONTEREY.

Jan. 9. Henry By. ALEXANDER 11. GEOIUJE.

A. P. Feature Service Writer. Pate. 21, and Harold Rice.

19, of Pacific Grove, are be tir on Hnhntahtes from writ While errant males of the li A. in 1 905 were inaugurating the Service and quality, since 1890 ing held for Investigation by the Monterey police department in connection with the attempted burg pew year ride on the "water wagon, their T'a sinful sisters lary of the htar poolroom on Al- were being exhorted by the varado street, early this morning. pxychologlHtN of the period to muku Accordli to police, the two a few resolution of their own, "Jet's face the music, sisters. Deportment that the Contra CokM squad wauld be Increased Captain fleorge Uelon received blanks to be filled out by all present members of the squad. ing gushing notes to actors and sentimental leUrs to other tnen.

"I should liko to sec girls swear off from laklng prepents from poor young men niid' resolve to eat enough at home to sustain, them until they got fonek agaljl without having to hint for oysters and Ice cream. "It would be splendid If. cjob women swore off from espousing fool causes and reserved their strength for work that' will count in the general good." youths were seen loitering near the rear door of the poolrooms, but mow on when the police approached the place. Investigation and take an Inventory of the faults mat are peculiarly feminine, said noae with handy dropper in package. Gargle with Mistol, too.

Pleassnt and easy I Colds are dangerous. Protect yourself this scientific ray! one woman philosopher. "Whisky proved that the door had been and gambling, profanity, and un faithfulness, are not the only sins damaged by an attempt to pry it open and a tire Iron wa found on the ground. The youth several blocks away when the police found the evidence, were later anprehended and placed under arrest. tADB BT THE MAKERS OP NUJOL Builder Files Lien On Martinez Home MARTINEZ, Jan.

Suit asking judgment of $478 and establishment of a lien against Martinez property owned by John Tavls, is asked in an instrument filed In superior court here by Oeorge Bitcon-, local builder, against Tavls. Bit-con claim money is due for labor he performed in building of a home. in the world. Unreasonableness and temper, fretting and nagging also sour the sweet milk, of family contentment. "I should like to see every wife swear off from curl papers and dirty wrappers and from reminding her husband of his faults and that she married him reform him.

"Young girl should swear off from talking slang that soil their Virtuous Chicago citizen attached sinister significance to the announcement that the divorce tor tal for the year in that city wa 1100. Judge Marcus Kavanaugh, handsome bachelor of the superior court, uttered words of admonition to brides and brides-to-be: "Hemember that when you are married you will probably sea him with trailing suspenders and lather on his face, but realize at the same time you have" a smirch across your cheek from the kitchen range some evening when he comes home to dinner tired and hungry. "If you have some crown and brldgework in the back of your mouth, don't be afraid to acknowl Quality and Lowest at rrti Broadway at 16th Telegraph at 19th llth and Harrison 3301 Grand Ave, li 14th and 85th Ave. edge It. It is much safer to be nfruld not ot tell him." Raiders Find Large Still in Basement MODESTO, Jan.

8. C41) Burled under a duck pen in a solid concrete room 26 feet long and li feet high, federal prohibition 10c hVX TOILET SOAI' Special 8c BOe Guaranteed Glove CVC oo ncsfiAW CThomas MINtHAL CO- Oil. agents discovered a 1000 gallon still on the Morrison ranch two miles south of Escalon. J. C.

Morrison, owner of the ranch, and Joe and Salvador Curol were arrested on charges of illicit manufacture of liquor. The still Is one of the largest found In the Ban Joaquin valley 11.00 BEEF, IRON WINE UUC $1.00 HQUIBII'S FRIDAY oo Cslhf. 40c Fpsnm 2Vi SQUBBS' in several years. More than 10,000 gallons of mash were destroyed, and a large quantity ot liquor BATHINO 19c ASPIUIN, a doxco I I SSSSS 50c Rubbing Alcohol, full pint 50c r.Iilk Magnesia, full pint 35c Vitch Haze full pint Santa Cruz Orders Ordinances Prepared BANTA CRUZ, Jan. District Attorney W.M.

ardner was yes terday instructed by the board of i supervisors to prepare two ordi 5c Pluto Water nances, one to regulate the location 29c 29c 23c 33c 29c 65c 69c 25c of pipe lines, telegraph and telephone roles, gas mains and water mains In the county, the other to require permission of the supervisors before any digging of ditches by publlo service corporations -Is 50c lb. Writing Paper, 90 sheets S1.C0 size Listerine, 14-oz. $1.25 Hot Water Bottle 35c Dr. Scholl's Corn Pads allowed and construction of 'Side roads entering the county high ways, it was declared that muoh of this work has been done In the past without permit and without knowledge of the supervisor and much complaint has been made. It's a Fact! Pacific Grove Will When you trade at tlte Federal Drug Co.

you get exactly AVOID THAT FUTURE SHADOW Filed for Probate SAUNAS, Jan. B. S. John what yon ask for -well known, reliable, standard goods -always at the lowest prices. The Federal Drug Co.

it owned and personally supervised by C. Keenan and C. A. Luedelring son of Paclflo Grove, who Is named us executor, yesterday filed for probate in the superior court the will of Bylvla O. Hamilton.

The will is dated December 10, nine days before the testatrix's death, MORE LOW PRICES and disposes of an estate estimated at $2000. Beneflctarteanamed In the will are several Pacific Grove religious institutions, as well a a number of nieces and nephew. 19e 25 .180 39 .370 23 .330 25c Amolln 8So Cutex SSc Cntlcnra Soap 5.1c DJcr Kiss Face Powd. 60c Forhan'a Tooth Paste. S0C FroatillA 50a Glaxo Nail Polish 60c GIoco Hair 1.00 Halr-A-Galn 50c Hind's Cream Club' Arranges New City Electric Signs 1.00 Krank't Lemon Cr.

.70 60c Listerine Shaving 5c DJer KIs 10e 45c Mennen's Shaving Cr. 34 BOo Non-Spl So Palmollve 8hav. Cr. Oo Palmollve 34c lOe Creme Oil Soap 7f Oo Pond' Cold Cream 30 25o Mavis Talcnm. 19- Sc ,.7 60c Kleenex zSo Woodbury's 17 1.00 Tangee Mp ritlck.

SANTA CRUZ. Jan. 9. The San Lorenzo Improvement club special qommlttee to arrange for a show to raise money to erect the large 390 .790 .330 .390 340 330 210 electric--welcome- signs at-the en trances to the rltv met last 50c Ingram's Cream 50c Ipana Tooth 50c Java Ponder 30c Kolyims Tooth Paste. and completed arrangements- Mrs.

regory class of dancing girls will By refraining from -over- -indulgence, if you would maintain the modern figure of fashion -Tiy let over-indulgence ruin the flattering curves that make the modern figure so seductive? Be moderate be moderate in all things, even In smoking. Eat health, fully but not immoderately when your eyes are bigger than your stomach, light a Lucky 'instead. Coming events cast their shadows before. Avoid that future shadow by avoiding over-indulgence if you -would maintain the irresistible youth, fulness of the modern figure. Lucky Strike, the finest Cigarette you ever smoked, made of the finest tobacco The Cream of the Crop "IT'S TOASTED." Everyone knows that heat purifies and so TOASTING" not only removes impurities but adds to the flavor provide live numuers ror the program and there will be plenty of munlc and novelty numbers.

The city council Is cooperating lu every way to assist the fund. Truckee Gets Fund For Winter Sports RADIO OWL 'r. TURNS OFF YOUR RADIO ond Household Appliances AutomqHcafly New improved Radio Owl initatled in a second. Simply plug In light TRUCKEE, Jan. 9.

The True Kee namber or Commerce was In receipt today of word that a check for 1260 would be forthcoming as ''Coming events cast their shadows before'' tne jNevada county Development association's contribution toward wan wromoncoiiy mrn on roaio or electric household appliances the proper pursuit and exploitation of Truckee's celebrated winter uports. The money will be devoted to the preparation of folders, gen ot ony datired hm. up to 2 hour. Prat Owl' head down to start currant ond et shut-off time. Save light bills, bof-teriet, tubes all working port from vtelets wear.

Operate on on moke radio, battery or A. eral publicity and newspaper advertising featuring snow activities. and improves the taste. Dividend Notice RANK OF ITALY National Trust Savings Association 99 Radio Owl it mad of, procflcoHy ind.tlructibl.. Nothing to get out of will last a lifetime.

Finuhed In bronze with red eyet end antiqu bronz with green ottroctiv. home ornament. Sea the new Radio Owl ot your nearest dealer's TODAY. If he it -out of stock, send $5.00. We ship post-paid.

It's toasted For the half year ending December XI. 1829. a dividend has been declared at the rate of four per Be Moderate! Don't jeopardize the modern form by drastic diets, harmful reducing girdles, fake reducing tablets or other quack "anti-fat" remedies condemned by the Medical profession! Millions of dollars each year are wasted on these ridiculous and dangerous cent per Savings Deposits, payable on and after January 2. 130. Dividends not called for are added to and bear the same rate of Interest as the principal from January 1, 1930.

SAVINGS DEPOSITS made to and includinir taSw Ovt MWixtwr. TAYLOR TRAVERS CORP, lid. att to (, Sir! ANOfUi. CAUrOOSA lAfarft 4M nostrums. Be Sensible! Be Moderate! We do not represent that smoking Lucky Strike Ggarettes will bring modern figures or cause the reduction of flesh.

We do declare that when tempted to do yourself too well, if you will "Reach for a Lucky" instead, you will thus avoid over-indulgence in things that cause excess weight and, by avoiding over-indulgence, maintain a modern, graceful form. TUNE IN The Lucky Strike Dance Orchestra, every Satur by night, over a coast-to-coast network of the N. B. Pocked in Beautiful GIFT BOX FRIDAY, JANUARY 10,1930 will earn interest from January 1, 1930. A.

3. HOXrST, President i In L'-lt Soclrt ISM, Tb Amricsa Tobacco Co, Ufnu.

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