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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 86

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

SUNDAY DaklanD Crffcune OCTOBER 12, 1930 HILL-C'ISTLE APARTMENTS OPENING IS SET Latest Addition to Skyline The Hill-Castle apartments will soon take its place in the" rapidly growing list of completed new buildings in the downtown area. The fbrmal opening has been announced for November 9. Miller and War-necke are the architects. 1. New Oak Knoll Home Attractive nine-room residence, now being built in the Oak Knoll Country club district by Theodore Dienger, at the corner of Fairway drive and Twin Oaks drive.

TO SEE a 1 -wrv Fall Rains Are Time to Pre New Structures to Be Ready for Occurjancy on No. vember 9. Both Sunday and Week-Day Crowds Heavy at Fair. way Estates. pare for Next Summer Planting PLUG FOR GARDEN DURING cue 1 MODEL HOUSE fflHItJrUHbtll ff-.

a- Mrwywwwww. mini mi nil 1 1 ii i 1 By GEORGE C. ROEDING. JR, With the coming of the fall rains we should begin to plan our gar- ffl--'- if Many visitors are reported to the latest Fairway Estates model homes in Oak Knoll, both on Sun- days and week' days. According to an announcement from the Oak Knoll Land corporation this home will be closed shortly as it has served, the purpose for which It was built and furnished.

The an-' nouncerftent reads: dens for next year. A merchant takes an Inventory of his stock at the end of the year before making his purchases and planning his sales for the- coming year. Like wise, it Is a good idea to take an Inventory of your garden at the "The present Fairway Estate model home will be closed to the end of the growing season. Trees and shrubs are still in full leaf, roses and dahlias are blooming and quite a few of the annuals Ell OBSERVES FOUNDER'S DAY DEALER SEES BUSK SEASON A modified version ot the "moderne" atmosphere In residential buildings is furnished by the Hill-Castle apartments at Fourteenth Jackson streets, now rapidly approaching completion. November 9 has been tentatively set by the owners, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry G. Hill, as the formal open-ins date when public inspection is to be invited, although leased apartments are to be ready for occupancy November 1. In this connection, the Owners announce that the larger suites of four, five, six and seven roomo have all been reserved, leaving only the hotel rooms and the two and three-room suites still available. Some idea of the pretentious scale adopted in the furnishing and decoraticui of the Hill-Castle is given in a partial description by Mrs.

Henry G. Hill, the originator of the decorative "motif." Mrs. Hill, who studied art in our own and perennials are still in place, public soon, as It has served lta purpose of demonstrating that an artistically designed and furnished country club residence in a fine residential district can be pur- chased at reasonable cost. "Oak Knoll is being developed as a real home community, one in which there Is a place for the more modest residence as well as for the finest mansion. The development We can now plan our gardens to the- best advantage while we still nave it in practically its complete form.

t' Make a list of the bulbs, annuals II fill ft cT? h1 a I'll xt fU 111" i ii it 0 I S4 III Jf I 5rwU 1 ujnKl lip vi -m Hi if! Ill 1 and perennials that were most sue cessful and which you will want to replant. Some of your perennials will need to be divided and possibly you may wish to move some of your bulbs. A tree may have grown too strongly in one direc The Federal Outfitting company Is celebrating its tenth anniversary, known as "Founder's Days," as a tribute to. A. J.

Shragge, president and founder of the Institution. Shragge opened his first store In Stockton, and today operates a largo organization comprising twenty-two credit clothing establishments. The first Stockton store was a small establishment, carrying a limited stock. In 1920 Shragge opened bis second store, tion aijd will require pruning. A croup of shrubs may have become eastern communities and for three years In Paris, and who was a leading figure In the construction, establishment and furnishing of the Women's City club in Oakland.

too large, making it necessary to remove one or more of them. -All these changes should be notPd now states: even though the actual work Is to be done later In the season. The bare or weak Fpots in the carden will show ur at this time In Fresno, and tho following year or uak Knoii is temg caret uny 1 worked out along these lines. Thli is evident as eah new heme, la completed. "Two new homes have Just been started, both of Spanish archl- -tecture.

One a 9-room house with a separate 2-car garage is being built by Theodore R. Dienger at the corner of Fairway drive and Twin Oaks drive. "An Interesting feature of thla home is the large living room. 18x30 feet, that fronts on a S-aroh loggia, which In turn faces on a patio with irregular-sized atone slab walks and rock pool. Two full length casement windows open on the from the living room.

A wall opening at the end of the loggia la protected by a grill. "The other end of the loggia has a vestibule opening Into -theecep" tlon hall, with a corner staircase to the upper floor. 'The dinlnsr room AverlnoVn th and one can more easily decide COLOR COMBINATIONS. "The basic colors used In the Interior decorations are rose, blue, Nile green, russett and gold. These colors are found In various combinations in the furniture, the fur-nishings, the draperies.

-and in the he started a store In BakerHflcld. Sacramento and Modesto followed. Stores were subsequently opened in San Francisco, and at Ninth and Broadway, Los Angeles. In 192S three stores opened In Richmond, upon the plants that will bo needed to fill in. Another point to be kept in mind Is whether or not you are making the best possible use of your garden space.

Are some of the Marysville and Plttaburg. Hstab-J tile and wall finishes of the bathrooms, kitchens and dinettes. The decorative scheme of each suite has been decided individually and only after painstaking care and best locations in your garaen oc eupled by rather common and un Interesting plants7 Plan now to re Samy Terry, sales manager of the AlRddln Heating Corpc ration of Oakland, reports that present indications point to a busy season for Eastbay heating contractors. He said: "This Is due to the advent of natural gas, and to the perfection attained In furnace construction. With the new Aladdin cas furnace one Bets the thermostat at "0 degrees and the homo will automatically remain at that temperature until turned off- These furnaces are not only economical In first cost and in the quantity of fuel consumed but, due to the thorough construction, and the use of heavy rust-resisting metal, long life Is assured.

Aladdin fur-naees are built especially for Natural gas and all the latest improvements known to the heating industry. Tho Aladdin furnace factory Is now working day and night, new circulating floor fur-nacfs. especially developed for homes without a basement, are also proving their worth. They light electrically, without the necessity of applying a All Aladdin appliances are endorsed by the birgest gas testing laboratory in the world and all installations are made to carry the "Bonded Heating" seal. Offices of the Aladdin Heating corporation are located at D107 Broadwny, Oakland.

Seven Hours Cut on Freight Service Tes than carload freight serv move a few of these commoner things each year and to substitute attention had been devoted to each as a separate problem. To accom lishmcnts in Oakland, San Jose, Eureka, Tracy, Martinez, San Bernardino. Huntington Park, In-glewood, Belvedere Gardens, followed In quick succession. The Federal Outfitting company now also operates a largo store In Reno. Nevada, and a program of further expansion Is contemplated.

for them trees or shrubs that will give your garden a more refined plish this, all furniture had to be and finished appearance. i It is not necessary to wait until ot special design, and in most Instances finished to order. Contrasting colors are the rule, but never at ai loss of harmony. cold weather before planting out The floor coverings of the llv. evergreen trees and shrubs.

If they are planted in October or ber while gardening is still a loggia, and is separated from the reception hall by an arch. Through another arch, entrance is gained to the living roo.m from the recep- 1 tlon hall. A conservatory, breakfast room, kitchen, porch and- maid's room with bath complete) the first floor. "On the upper floor are 4 bedrooms, two baths, and a sun deck' Early Application Ipg rooms are of Individually selected domestic Oriental rugs, as large as 16x32 feet, and tho an -4' pleasure their roots will start grow 1 lng Immediately and they will be tique velour drapes and silk brocade upholstered furniture create In fine condition to make a rapid rrowth next spring. an ensemble of restfulness.

The In the winter when the leaves have fallen from the trees, peren background. presented bv the wall finishes Is of buff or French grey nials have been cut back and annuals removed ft is extremely dif linen pnper, void of design, and the hand-made lamps of silk in ficult to remember just what alterations nd additions are needed pastel shades, with several to each Impart unusual richness In Off the main bedroom is a dressing room, with built-in dressers and Wardrobe. "The exterior finish will be en 1 tirely stucco with full tile roof." Chemical Company Leases Site Clean-Rite Chemical company i- ttn A few hours spent in the garden IN senil-llluminatton. Secretaires In now msking notes for future rer China Motion Picture Shows On Increase beautifully designed walnut, octagon and diamond shaped mir erence will do a great deal to make your garden more beautiful next BONDED HEAT plan me rors and other pieces complete the furnishings ot the living rooms. FURNACE HERE ice via the Southern Pacific com I1HH 1 1 DUUHrD ml 111.

In the dinettes and dining spring and summer. Autos to Play Big Is. Recommended Advising renl estate brokers and salesmen to have their application, bond and fee in the hands of the State Real Estate department before December 1, thus Insuring to the licensee that he would have his license in hand by January 1, H. Ij. Breed, general counsel for the California Ileal Estate association, stated: "The real estate ait expressly pr vides that It shall bo unlawful for any person to engago In the real estate business 'us broker or salesman without firwt obtaining a license therefor.

This places the burden upon the 1 enfjee to have the license In his possession ut the time he Is' Ui.tlng an a renl estate broker or salesman. It Is the duty of the broker to see thnt his salesmen ore duly licensed. If he does not, he cannot collect 11 commission for a servk-e rendered by an unlicensed salesman. Further, the broker's license can be revoked for wilfully disregarding or1 violating the provisions of the act under which Iio Is authorized to do business." rooms are Imported linen hangings wltn tne walnut dining sets fin Despite the disturbed conditions ished in various colors, In accordance with the Individual deco Part in Paraguay The protection afforded to; buy rative scheme. Color effects In tho kitchens are obtained by the use of gold, green and blue tile, and ers of heating appliances for natural gas fuel under the "Bonded Heating" seal of the Furnace Deal in the bath rooms orchid and rose pany between Oakland and Los Angeles has been speeded up approximately seven hours, according tothe traffic department ot the chamber of commerce.

The new schedule provides for arrival of Oakland freight in Los Angeles at 6:30 a. m. the 'second day, permitting 7 a. m. delivery.

In effect this Is a saving of -24 hours under the old schedule. Inasmuch as the latter called for arrival In Los Angeles at 12:01 p. causing a considerable portion of the-merchandise to be held over for delivery until the morning of the third day. floor spm-e for the a patented, floor sweep and disinfectant. The raw materials, which are principally, sand, saw- dust and various chemicals, are all procured from local sources.

The product is sold In the bay district under tl) name "Clean--, Rite." F. L. Rlgley Is the owner and manager. ACTO F1GVHE lIlGH. A total of 1,968,012 motor vehicles were, registered In Call-' fornla during the first six months of 1930.

1 which have prevailed In China the number of motion picture theaters has more than doubled the past foitr years, according to a bulletin Just iHsued by tho commerce department's motion picture division. Of the estimated feature films exhibited in China in 1929, are used In addition. COLOR ENKtf MBLKS. "The bedrooms amo play an Im ers Association ot Noitnern California Is a definite benefit to home owners, declares Harry O. Lothrop, That the automobile will prove to be one of the most Important factors In the economic development of the South American republic of Paraguay is the opinion of Amerlcnn Trade Commissioner Howard Tewksbury.

In a trade bulletin released today by the Department of Commerre, Tewksbury points out that the outstanding handicap to Paraguay's progress is the lack of adequate transportation facilities. There are but few hard-surfaced portant role In the presentation of secretary of the association. He said: Our member firms are gratified the bulletin shows, fully 90 per color ensembles, with drapes of moire silk In rose, peach, orchid and pale blue, with corresponding taffeta silk spreads on the twin or double beds. Tho walnut sets are to note that the EaHtbay public Is supporting our policy of Heating." we feel that our ettortH An Important fc'ature in tho construction of the modern gas furnace, entirely eliminating Condensation of moisture In the furnace or flues, is reported by the rtuud Heater Company, distributors of Frascr gas furnaces. Frank Tollard of the local Frascr display rooms, located at 820 Thirteenth street, said: the Eraser furnace there is incorporated a vaporizing dome for heating of the moisture that hue condensed in the burned gasses.

This devico la located at the top of tho furnaec, and It. accomplishes lis purpose Just us tho burned gasses are entering the flue to the chimney. Consequently, 110 moisture can remain In a Eraser furnace, and this makes It unusually desirable. The Eraser furnace also lias every other devico for I ho purpose of facilitating home heating, with the use of natural gas. These cent were of American origin.

Total exports from the United States to tho Chinese market In that year were 4,500.000 feet: during the first quarter of 1930 exports to raise the standard of residential roads in the whele country at the present time, one of ihese is a heating Installations and our rle-highway from 'r to protect buyers of healing granite highway running running amounted to 1,013,04 4 feet, of also decorated in colors to match. All lighting fixtures have been designed Individually for each suite, the general finish being of polished silver. In the main hallways and corridors, dark red and blue arc the dominant colors of the floor coverings, with designs In an effect Ascunelon. the capital, to Trinidad. which 078,816 were Hound film.

against unapproved and Improperly Installed heating appliances is looked upon ob a forward step toward better merchandising. The great volume of Bonded Heat reminiscent of the mediaeval ing installations made in tne past Some Japanceo and European films are Jmported into China, it Is pointed out, but tho most Important competition to Amerlcnn pictures is the domestic production, which amounted to less than 00 films In 1929. While the Chinese productions are not as fine technically us oantle. "The scheme, for the beautiful month, according to records, shows that Eastbay home owners are de main lobby comprises gold and sll Two macadam roads were begun between Paraguay and Bolivia but no work has been done on these since the early part of last year, and little progrers can be expected until t-he boundary- dispute between the two countries 1 settled. trade bulletin Just Issued Is one of a series of studies on the automotive markets of (South America, being made by the commerce department.

It will be fol-lowed within a short time by sim-llsr studies on Brazil and Chile. sirous of obtaining the best heat ver finishes, with specially de ing installations. signed cast mouldings. Black msr are the others exhibited, their Our Bonded Heating plan is themes are Chinese historical sub simple but effective. Our associa furnaces are made In several types and In such vutiely of sizes as to provide for every residential heating purpose, at minimum cost.

The ble panels are also an outstanding feature, as la the polished marble of the floor. The central lighting pendant comprises some 200 pieces jeets and their players Orientals tion office to date has not hail and for this reason they are very single romplp.lnt on any Installa tlon made by any of our members, popular with inn natives various styles Include central basement plants, unit systems, floor furnaces, and circulating 01 glass ana renecting mirrors outlined by a silver form, and the torcheres' have been fabricated In similar style. Above the three Spencer elevators at the rear Is a neaters. The latter are finished in such a manner sg to closely re balcony, and an appropriately fur nlshed reception room Is located Beinnie a modern rudlo set. "All models of Eraser furnaces and heaters may be seen in opera Just to the right of the lobby." Country Club Features of the service that have been so far announced Include an a New and Higher Standard of Comfort has been established in East Bay Homes jar elaborately equipped electric laun dry, dally maid service, a commls sary with grocery and drug bud tion at tne local sales room.

i Cuba Changes Economics as Sugar Declines plies and a meal service extended" HOM MoP'E from the Womena City club to every apartment. Commission Member slfT. i -v- Outlines Procedure The changes which ere taking tni Hi place In Cuba economic structure Senator J. W. McKlnley, memi MS i 3 JMii: us a result ot the collapse In price ber of the state tax commission of the Island major product su gar are strikingly shown in a at a recent conference of the California Real Estate association held study made by Commercial Attache Frederick Todd which the com at the Los Angeles Realty board.

merce department has Just Issued as a trade bulletin. outlined the procedure under which Up to recently, Todd's report 1 1 1 I I I 1 I I I 1 iB sMsl r- 11 1 m. jm MJ 1 I I ll 1 I i I the 1927 and 1929 commissions operated and stated that the report y-7 "i 1 points out, almost every commer cial and industrial activity of Cuba was more, or less dependent on ot tire present body must be filed sometime between November IS and December 15. JYlODERN science has made it possible to put an end to furnace room slavery. Aided by its Gas Company progressive EAST BAY is rapidly abandoning, old? fashioned hand-fired heating devices.

Todat, it is a question whether a house can be termed truly completely' modern unless it is heated with NATURAL GAS the dirt free, instantly' responsive fuel. To consider installing other than a modern, p- proved natural gas heating installation in a' house this year is to gamble with the future value jour property. In the years, to come the prosperity of the great SAN FRANCISCO BAY REGION will expand to an enormous extent by reason of low cost natural gas fuel. HOMES HEATED WITH THIS MODERN FUEL WILL BE MORE HEALTHFUL AND JOYFUL. WHEN YOU INSTALL YOUR HEATING coNSurr a HEATING DEALER" Do not risk bting sold obsolete, unapproved gas keoting uppliancef ot an improper installation.

Bonded Keating assures the buyer of i proved appliances of quality and correct installation. All Bonded Dealers are under cask bond to protect the buyer agmnst unsatu-factory end uneconomical results. Other members of the com Furnished by Anderson's, Interior Furnishings 1 1 1 1 1 I Buitt by Alfred E. Peterson mission are Speaker Edgar C. Levey, Senators A.

II. C. "BonAtd lUatiHi" Cuts Ma More Nelson, H. C. Jones, Assemblyman 1 II H.

F. Cewell. Ifaac Jones and As semblyman C. H. Deuel, senator- HIS coming week may be the last opportunity you will have to visit the present Fairway Estates Model Home in Oaf; Knoll, so you are urged to the statue of sugar.

When It Is considered that ten yearr ago this commodity was bringing somewhere in the neighborhood of 28 cents a pound vhile at the present time the price is around 1 cent, it Is easy to realize that drastic economic adjustments are necessary. Am long as sells at good prices, it is by all means the greatest prosperity producer the Cubans could have. But with this product at cents or less there arises a situation where the majority of the people are helping produce a vast amount of a commodity which can neither be sold abroad at a profit or exchanged at "home for the things needed. elect. expressed sympathy with the realtors' program for the home owner, and declared he will work toward the end of securing relief In a tangible form for the owner of real property.

The California Keal Estate association filed Its tax brief with the tax commission last May. This Seal Is Krj Protectinu Any of tht following "Bonded Heatlntr mlrJl a reoretenla. visit this delightful country club residence today if you possibly can. Here is an artistic arid hospitable home one any family would enjoy and yet it represents a modest investment in a really fine residential district. Optn from 10 A.

M. to 8 P. M. Daily and Sunday Easily reached via Golf Links Road (at Eaghty-second Averue and East Fourteenth Street), or Hopkina Street and Mountain Boulevard direct to Oak Knoll. Follow the arrows.

OAK KNOLL LAND CORPORATION 1450 Harrison Street Telephone LA hetide 4008 TRACT OFFICE Oak Knoll Mountain Blvda. Telephone TR inidad 3368 ttve to plan and estimate a correct ram vm far van without obllratian I or annoying gales method. I MODERN FACTORY BUILDING FOR SALE Ol? LEASE One-story brick building containing eighteen thousand square feet with Santa Fe Spur Track. Well lighted and excellent location on Hub bard street, south of Park avenue, Emery- ville. Letts-Oliver Investment Co.

803 American Bank Bldg, Oakland, Calif. Telephone HI gate 0624 Ke-ro-co Heater Co. 132 14th St HIghgate 3033 Pacific Gas Appliance Co. 19th Mafket St. ghgate 20 Superior Metal Product Co.

44th Market St. PI edmont 20Z2 Airport Sheet Metal Work 4339 East 14th St nitrate Z72 Aladdin Heating Corporation. 5107 Broadway OLympic Dickon Holbrook 2180 Dwight Wy Brlc.BErkeley CZ .7 Ruud Heater Co. 320 13th St. GLencourt CZl fMlarjl.airniv Ar.nta Atlas Heating and Ventilating Co.

and Louise 11! 1 Furnace Dealers Association of Norlbrn Builder, Exchange Euildin Phont CI encocri 7420.

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