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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 8

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

MONDAY EVENING Jaklan0 Ctiitunt NOVEMBER 4, 192? II I 'A NflkT Liquor RingChargde to OUEEU SWEDISH nrmip pnnnrp Three College Students Light Rays, Ndt Old Sol, Warm Earth DANVILLE W. STARRETT herei een demontrating how rayi of the tun will penetrate ice and et paper afire. He claim the sun it not hot at all but that atmospheric reaction on sun beams really cause heat-" He ugget the match trust it art an advertising campaign to offset his possible inroad on their business. Scientist at Chabot Observatory do not entirely agree with hi theorie of the TRIBUNE photo. FUNG-FUST WORKEflS FOl BLIND TO in, III IHENTO rtniLD-DuunLD ANN HARBOR, Nov.

4. The charge that three students were paying their way through the University of Michigan by selling liquor to other students was made by police today after a arid Saturday night in which they asserted a case of wine and a case of whiskey were confiscated In men's dormitory. HaroldMcKee. 24, of Pittsburgh, Is being held in jail and two others are being sought. brought from Canada and smuggled Into the dormitory under buttoned Sergeant Fohey and Detective Clifford West declared that several telephone calls ordering liquor were received while they were, raiding the room In the dormitory.

The officers answered the calls. The raid was part of a drive begun by local officers after five fraternities had; been placed on probation by the university for tolerating Intoxication at dances. STOCKHOLM. Nov. 4.

Folir physicians to the royal family announced today that the condition of Queen Victoria of Sweden has taken a turn for the worse and that they entertain grave doubts as toA. whether she will be able to over-T come her preeent illness. Conference Will Statewide Policeman Kills Reptile as Crowd Huddles on Platform. Aid to Needy Discuss Aged, Sightless. xne liquor, police said, was i AIJVEHTISKMFNT GOOD NEWS FOR PILE SUFFERERS Oakland and Alameda county workers among ths blind as well as nromlnant olubwomen In-1 NEW YORK, Nov.

4 UP A stray rattlesnake by some quirk of chance found Its way last night to a downtown subway platform, where It terrorized dozens of persons before being killed by a policeman. Patrolman John I. Kennedy, at tereeted In aldlns; th afflicted of th stats next Wednesday win ai-tend a state-wide conference In Sacramento to be devoted to problems of ths needy, aged and needy his post at Canal and Center streets, Digger Pays $125 For Too Many Clams SALINAS, Nov. 4. Joe 8.

Mor-ltoza, Los Banos, wag fined 1125 by Justice D. W. Rohrbach, Pajaro, when he pleaded guilty to taking more than the limit of clama. According to Game Warden Fred H. Poet of thia city, who arrested Moritoza at Moes Landing, clam digger had 67, whereas the lawful limit is 15 only.

2 Jailed in Raid On Placer Still AUBURN, Nov. 4. Seizing 7B0Q gallons of mash and apparatus alleged to have been designed for the manufacture of liquor in violation of the Wright act, officers arrested Michael Sacculo of Loomia, who Is at liberty on (1000 bail. Operatives Wallace Poison of Placer county led the raiding party that made the arrest. was approacned by a irignienea ticket agent, who told him of the blind.

Mrs. Anna Baylor of Berkeley tats director of (the department 1 ft A- i vVVr 1 I 4 1 1 1 1 ill 1 1 Ki, i.i.i li) id 'M Kiinti If you have Deeding or protruding piles do not delay treatment Avoid possible cancer. Yon should know that there awaits you a milil, safe office treatment which has cured many In taking this treatment you lose no time from work. For full details and free booklet rail on or write The Oakland Rectal Institute, 339 15th St Oakland. anake.

He ran down th subway stairs, passing on the way -a Negro porter engaged In putting as much distance as possible between himself and snak. social will conduct tns i two-day conference. Main Issues of ths convention will enncarn Questions of Interpret- Whlla nersons waiting for trains Inr chases of ths two new law huddled at one end or tne piatiorm, the policeman attacked the snake at the other, clublng It with his providing for ths care of blind or Indigent persons which have arisen lnr their passage in Depiemuar. night stick and crushing Its head Ths eligibility- of Indians to rs- with an Iron refuse can. He re nnrted later that It had eight rat rnlva state aid under ths new 1wa a Inn will bs dlSCURSed.

ties. No one was able to explain Learal aspects of aiding ths blind how It got Into ths subway. will discussed ths second day Vegetable War Routs of ths conference by Mary b. lien, chief of ths division of State Aid to ths Needy Blind. Mabel Wd, assistant director of ths de- Motorists; 6 Arrested HOLLISTKR, Nov.

4. A to i narttnent or social weiiare, win mato, lettuce, and pumpkin war deal with social policies connected waned here for several hours Hal with handln blind cases, Mrs. Mary Carroll. .629 Hills. lowe'en night, by three gangs of boys, and which resulted In far more "casualties" among passing rass avenue, stats worker among I i th blind in this district.

Is x- motorists than among the partici pected to attend as are Dr. B. W. Black, medical director of Alameda county, and Charles Jackson, dep. pants, today resulted In seven youths facing Justice of ths Psacs titv elerk In char- Of pensions.

Ths Association of California's Kxeeutlve of Public Welfare Is nor espemise will prove that Fred J. Voll. A squad of six po lice officers had to be called ti quell the mushy warfars. CONCERT PLANNED. tlAKATOOA, Nov.

4. A bens holding Its anual convention at the earns tlm. Protective Device fit concert for ths Saratoga grammar school orchestra Instrument fund will bs presented fh the Urged for Chicks school auditorium tomorrow night by the SZ-plece orchestra of Los HATWARD. Nov. 4.

TJss of cor. Qatls Union high school. Profes sor Charles J. Hayward will dl rugated straw board as protsctlvs vails around warming stoves for young chicks In brooding housss MUM rect ths concert. Ths Ran Jose State college male quartet will of ths Hayward district has been found practical and a distinct sav- render vocal numbers.

Inr to breeders. It was announced ADVERTISEMENT today by officials of ths University of California extension service hers. While the office, following SOME WOMEN 4 Its policy, refused to officially reo ommend the arrangement, it de rlaraa that ths majority of poultry' man who have practiced It heartily ALWAYS ATTRACT endorss ths plan. Heretofore breeders have used heavy muslin or burlap on wire to protect tn -BOY STABBED chicks. Only Sun's Light is Hot, Declares Oakland Inventor A F-RTI WT TrONT take anyone's word for It ,7.

if yon really want to know why FLEX Is so mneh easier to nse, why if wears and looks better, then try this sample. Yon will instantly see that it is not enamel or lacquer HUSKY reucted FATHER HELD At last a way to beat the itni trust has been discovered. All those Interested have to do la to carry a small piece of Ice, a CONSTIPATION NEW TOTtK, Nov. 4. Domlnlck Tou want to be bnautlful.

You want the tireless energy, fresh complexion and pep of youth. Then let Dr. F.dwards' Olive Tablets help free your system of the poisons caused by clogged bowels and torpid liver. For 10 years, men and women suffering from stomach troubles, pimples, llstlessness and headaches have taken Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, a successful substitute for calomel, a compound of vegetable Ingredients, known by their olive color.

They act easily upon the bowels without griping. They help cleanse the system and tone up the liver. If you value youth and Its many gifts, take Dr. Edwards' Olive Tab-lets nightly. How much better you will feel ahd look.

15c, 10c, 0c. Allocs, jobless oooper, was held to newspaper and' a mngnlfylng glass day on a charge of stabbing to III NATURAL WAV" sun that warms the earth," Rtar-rett said, "but its light rays. Even this light Is not effective until It strikes something or enters dense air. The denser the air the warmer It becomes. The more direct the day.

the hotter It la. This Is evident at the equator where Intense hent prevails because the rays strike the earth squarely there. At the poles where only a slanting beam. is found, there Is little or no heat in the light." to ins omcey at play, about the house, at table, or where are you, Then, If you wish to llarht a smoke or bUiM a fire. Just lay the paper down In some dry, warm place, take the Ice in one hand and death his 0-year-old son, Philip, becauaa ths boy went to his moth-er's aid when his father beat her San Francisco Man Says It DOW FLEX DIFFERS Easier to brash, in any direction and brush-marks vanish! Anyone can use it, on any surface or 'material over old Tarnish, paint or enamel Withstands wear and weather indoortTor ont does not crack, check or peel as it ages I Costs less than lacqner or enamel, because it spreads farther it flow sof reel and smoothly! VnNv' No glaring doss dries rckJy withTdistlnc- because aha spent seven cents of her Inst week's wages for carfare the magnifying glass In the other la Best Medicine for This Trouble.

and chewing gum. Every Baturday, Mr. Madalena and concentrate the sun's rays through the glass Into the Ice and thence to the paper. If you hold this pose long enough ploop! comes the Just as Alloca turns over her weekly pay, earned in a Brooklyn candy factory, to Domlnlck. Saturday ha found severt esnts missing from ths pay envelope, marked 1 4.67, and upbraided her though you had used a match.

This all has been proved and thoroughly tested by Danville W. Htarrett, writer and Inventor, who has written eleven unpublished when hs learned sheh ad spent five cents for car fare and two cents novels. Sk tive appearance and beautiful Telrety lustre! He originated the Idea In Ms for chewing gum. Yesterday the quarrel over the researches to show If there actually 4s any heat In the sun. He hns seven cent shortage broke out anew Send the coupon today with lSe to cover mailing tend found, ha told sclentlHls at Chahot and.

according to the police, domlnlck began to beat his wifs with Observatory who failed to believe n- i him, that there actually Is no hent aoc can jor free trmi Insnr Prompt Malting of Flex Sample, Send Cotrpoa to the General Paint Corporation and Aof tm the Zsilsr. his fists. Philip, eldest of four chlldre In the sun only In Its light after, got out of bed when he heard bis mother screams and ran to ner assistance. This so enraged his father that he stabbed his sonsev eral times, police said. Napa School Wins It hits air density nenr earth.

I His contention Is that the sun is 1nst as cold as Venus herself. For Instance, he points out, an aviator gets colder and colder the further, nway he pts from the enrth and the closer he gets to the sun. I Furthermore, ll'rht from the sun! travels 92,000,000 miles through temneratures 421 degrees below freezing, he savs. (fhd asks fairly; add squarely how anything hot can remain that way all that distance, when the evening's meal won't do It In a warm room. i IA) LVI A In Hen Contest NAPA, Nov.

4. A-ompetlng against high schools oft hl section, ths Napa union high school pen of white leghorn hens finished In 77ere a is a second place In the ijonoma coun A Prommet of Cemerai Pmlnt Cerpormttem MADE RY THE MAKERS OF QUICK-STEP The Eaiy Brushing Color FinUh for Floors, Stairways, Boats, Etc. "It Is not the actual hent of the ty egg laying coiwat, conducted at I'eUluma uurlnglio lust year. Santa Hosa'a peutuok firwt placo, SiWETO IPdDDQTT Removal of Play Equipment Looms the hens averaging iii eggs eacn for tho vear. Nairn a henn averaged GORDON B.

KOCIIErt "I had Buffered from conelfpa-tlon for two years when I began Husky and the relief I've gotten I. wonderful that I wanted to tell you about It." suld Oordon H. Kocher of Kearney ban 1'rancleco, when he reported how this medicine Is helping him. "This long standing troubls he said. "Had 217.

Seven of he ten ht-ns COCPON colos rF iXXXJaailr ISaVa Bran aiafc, Ba I PKOV1LLK, JNOV. l-IHy-vJ I produced more7 than 200 eggs each. The best record for the Xiapa pen was run up by the hen owned by OJai Crar laaaaa Waa ground equipment at the nrovine schools may be removed following oehebal rami coepoahon. Dept. let rtmtit Ssa rnaeisoe, Ck AataSlw Herri, with 267 eggs for Tins COUPON IS WORTH 20c TO YOU laaW VaUa discovery that someone had re I75a the year.

laaa Bias I felt I moved bolts from a swing at the Bird Btreet Grammar school, thus Am aa ilnia la aa aaat taSSa" nearly ruined my health and an much of tho tlm and aa mt WUm. Catar aiaWia. h.rt anv energy. I was Oraaa Farart OrUaaalBW Oraabl Olalrr IMabBlaai. OakBrawa Paia Gtmf iWHalaWrial I endnngsrlng the safety of children.

Hemoval of the apparatus will be considered at the next meeting of ths city bonrd of education. wa ray Sistejfs Meet After Nearly Half Century YUUA CiTV. Nov. 4 Three Bistersmet here yesterday for the first time In almost half a century, When Mrs. Llla Nycuni of called at the huiue jof Mrs.

Olivia Wlsner here, she having Indigestion, too. and had gotten so that I couldn eat without my stomach filling with gas. "I Improved rapidly when I began using Husky and now that I have taken four bottles the constipation Is a thing of the past. My food ts digesting well and I am no THE FOLLOWING DEALERS SELL FLEX ALAcni Frank Slorkkolaa. 70S Ssa Pablo V.

S. Gara'nrr. 1331 Park Ave. Robert Jamea. nil) Llnrola Ae.

found another sister, Mrs. Eliza SSHI7, 1535 HbF St. Vabarsk Hardwara. 1433 1'ark SI. longer bothered with gas.

I have mors efterev and tho way I have Improved In general is truly re, A LB A.N Albany Hardware Ccaeral Hardware. TT Saa Pablo Ave. BAY POIXT Edgar. C. Grabam Sr.

BK.Mt'lA Jtader of Sacramento, a third Mister, also visiting. Mrs. Nycuni and Mrs. Hader hist met 44 years ago. Mrs.

iener had not seen Mrs. Ny-cum In )eurs. lief or connmf to Yuba City, Mra. iN'x urn stopped in Man I'run-clsco, visiting Mis. H.

I. McOabe, another sifter whom she had not seen sines 1888. markable. Begin using Husky today ad how eoon you gwt lellel, Wow food taates better, alep Is rhore sound and restful and yoyr feel stronger and better In every way. It Is nothing.

short of marvelous Johaaoa Lambrr 'o. HEHKEI.KY Barrrtt Fatal at Wall Paper what this medicine will dri for you ia a few days. 21.13 laUrraltT Arr. Grtffia Hardware, 1745 Solaaa Are. Salaaa Hdwa.

lHs: Solaaa Atr. If you. would like to finrn more You never save by paying too little for a battery. An unusually low price usually means low quality and scant capacity. Trouble, expense and a need for early replacement are sure to follow.

But at the safety point of fair price and high quality, you HI get full value in a Willard selected materials, dependable construction, built-in durability and correct electrical size that mean many added months of money-saving service. More Willards are sold to car owners than any other make. 20,000,000 have been sold. FACTORY BRANCH On 23rd bet. Harrison and Webster GL encourt 3342 ALSO AUTHPRIZED WILLARD DEALERS for Convenient Community Service Kelaaa Hardware.

XXU Adeline SI. Mrbola Groeery, Collrse aad Derby St. Ruae Groir Hdwen 140S Grave SI. Ssulk Berkeley Hdwe. 3213 Ade line Tbade Hdware.

20W1 aa Tablo Ave. about "Husky, vn ai- Invited to call at lh t)KU KTORK. 12lh am Washington where an authority from the Husky Laboratories explaining free of charge. tViout the medicine and how best ari iuli kest re. lilts are obtained frAni I's u-.

Another OSGOOD IjKL'U tiTOKE, which always has Husky, is loca'ed at 7th and Broadway: AIVFITIFFT They Called Her Scrawny But Not for Long Is your face drawn and pinched? Your skin flabby? Are your cheeks sunken with great hollows under the eyes? Does your figure show unbecoming angles Instead of the softly rounded ellmness of youth? All theae conditions rob you of attractiveness and make you loolt old. Put worst of all. these may actually be the symptoms of simple anaemia that dread ailment so often suffered by women. There's nothing so good as McCoy's Tablets to put on firm flesh, round out fare and figure and build up rich, red blood. So If you need a few pounds of fleah to round out the hollows.

If you want to get back oldtlme energy and health, get a box of McCoy's Tablet today. Just a short treatment will make you look and feel like a new person. McCoy takes sll the' risk Head this Ironclad guarantee. If after taking 4 sixty cent boxes of Mr-Coy's Tsb'ets or On bxes any thin, underweight. or woman doesn't gain at le.iM pound" snd feel completely satl fled with the marked Imnrovemei CALISTOGA Past Finer CO CORD Tramp Sets Fire To Jail at Colusa COI.VSA.

Nov. 4 A "knight of the itmd" In a somewhat Inebriated condition waa put off one of the Pickwick stage at Maxwell Saturday and shortly aftr-r was placed In the town Jail. Koine time later, wbile passing, Will mutton nw heavy Hinoke emerging frum the building arid upon Investigation found that th man had unknowingly set fire to the bed while smoking. It was a rlose escape for the inmate as the building would have tern a mass of flames In a short time. OAKLAND -Aaaorlaled Him, Sfl2 Saa Pablo Ave.

Aveau Hardware, 430S Telegraph Ave. Fred R. Bamaiaaa. 4A3S E. 14th St.

W. H. Bealty, 1404 W. 7lh 81. B.

A Co T1I3 E. 141b SI. Brooklyn Hdwe 113fl E. 121b St. Carl A.Burklea.

SMI Frnltvale Buawell Paint Co, MM1 Broadway Claremoat Hdwe. Stare, 631S lol- Ave. Central Hdwe. C. 2S.13 Telearaph Ave.

Eat Bay Hdwe. Co, 2029 Saa Pablo Ave. E. Eaklna. S4.1t Telearapb Ave.

Frltoa Hdwe. E. 14th 81. Fiort Hdwe. 4709 Telegraph Ave.

J. E. Freneh Co, 42IS E. 14th 8. Gleaview.

lid we', 3211 Park Blvd. Goldea Gate Hdwe, 3S Pledmeal Ave. Goaabaour Hdwe. Co. MOT Maple Ave.

Golden- Gate Hdwe, Saa Pablo Ave. Grand Ave. Hdwe, .13.11 Grand Ave. Gray Hdwe. (VtftS College Ave.

E. I. Gray Hdwe. Co, 3534 Park Blvd. Herman Hdwe, Coagreaa and Foothill Honklna Hdwe, 3137 llopklaa St.

Jnhaaoa Hdwe. 3113 llopklaa SI. Hdwe. 1330 vtaahlBKloa St. Madera Mereantlle Co.

S24 Klemins Ave. Marwka Hdwe. S2M WaablnKton St. J. K.

Mnyberry. 301 Foothill Blvd. W. A. Harke.

313 olleao Ave. Roaa R. Mader. 3313 Falrfnx Ave. Merit Hdwe.

ZKS r' lsth t. I hrla elaa. E. Itla St. krla Nfl.o.

04.13 E. 14lh St. Oakland Paint A Vnnlah Co. k. 121b St.

Pete-a Hdwe. a. Ira Valley R. I. Powell Hdwe.

A'7 Broadway Roberta Implement Co. 33H Broadway Santa Fo Hdwe. MIS Grave St. Benalnabam Hardware Edsar L. Graham Jr.

Stoaeharat Palat oY'araUb Colon US K. 14th St. Swaaaoa-l'kl Co. S7S 13th St. Taylor Palat Mtm.

to. 2038 YVeh-ater SI. Taylor YVaolwerth Co. 66S4 Saa Pablo Ave. Vailed Lumber Co.

1390 gmm pabl Ave. PIXOLE Lew la at Seolt PITTSBCRG MeFaal Faraltar A Plumbing Co. FT. RICHMOND C. Gordau Perault RICHMOND Mayfleld Palat at Glaaa, 11th mui evlu Sla.

Rlebmoad Hardware RIO ISTA Perrlra at t'omarho J. Stera A Co. 1 he People' Store Tlldea Lumber o. RLTHEHFORD 1. Kaae SAX I.EASDRO DeBBlBSC Carrtllo, SMI K.

4(k g. Edea Aalo Happly. iim t4th iu S. 1 Hame Sapply A Tfcy Co. MAh PABLO Beldlacr'a Store J.

It. Maloaey ST. HKLEXA J. H. Steve SONOMA F.

DnkrlK Sl'ISVSl Petera Faraltar. Co. vAtmo J- leanond Sign Sludlo. 1 Mai It, 9taa.ta Hardware VACA YILLE Geo. P.

Aehrrly Diamond Matrh Ca. 1 IWII t.ROTR Rob S. Itoda CREEK Martl' Palat Star rviiui.LiA H. H. Danker CROCKETT riraj A Pedradeal Dlaaa Linbrf to.

Haaa Hahwer KL CERHITO MrDoaald'a Eleelrle, S1Z Saa Table Ave. HAYWARD Roberta Imnleaaeat Ca. 603 Mala St. LIYERWORE Roseville Woman Is Divorce Plaintiff AUBURN. Nov.

I Asserting that hr husband expected her to support him and to prolde him Gear-Tone Gears the Skin Gear-Tone penetrating, purifying lotion, to clear the skio of pimples, blotches, black-heads and other an skin irritations due to externa! cause. More than one-half million persons hive cleared their skins with Clear-Tone In the Utt 12 ears. Clear-Ton ran be had at Tour druggUts or direct from OiTeni Chemical Company, 2'. s6 Soutawca BlvL Kansas City, Ua, i a VST I a I 1 4 with funds fr his own Mrs. Ma Moore rif Kr.sevllle yeMerday I filed ult for divorce acainM Jo Roawortb Karat tare Co.

alley Hardware WARTIMES ailaehfleld MILPITAS Mllpltaa Stare A Swaaaoa'a Palat lare Mien Hardware A I'laaiblas KOYATO E. Carina V.VU1 In health your druggist Is authot seph Moore. The couple married last June and separated in Sep. tember. It Is alleged la th complaint filed, A- (', 'A lzed to return the purrhAs pric turn the purrHs Drtio tk OW.

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