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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 3

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Henry Chap In Joint Session Mrs. Cummins Byers Earnest, and Nblen Lcwnll and lit. Frl 8 ViSl Xflg. call Dob Mrs. Sid Henry Telephone 821 tie Bertha Bait returned Meeting WasHeM New Junior-Senior School Building Oh, worried mari, sweep out the rooms of woe; The dust of loss lies thick upon th floor, It Is not failure to have borne a blow They only fall who flee to fight Turn from the past and all that now Is gone, took to the future and the new-born chance.

Who Sits too long his los to dwel upon May miss the glorious moment to ad vance. Oh, worried man, you have no failed until You settle back nfraid to fight no more A false success has broken down, still The future holds the better things in A. G. Brenau Mrs. F.

Garner and her daughter, Myrtle Baker left Friday for a 'fcek end visit in Kilgore, Texas. Mrs. E. J. Baker and Mrs.

Secrest have returned from visit with friends and relatives in Fayettevllle and Muskogec, Okla. Misses Jauntla Griffin nnd Christine Arrington of Camden arrived Friday to spent, the week end visiting with Miss Mary Jo Brady. The Fifth and sixth grades of school will hold a market on Saturday, beginning at 0 o'clock, on second street, next door to Arkansas Bank Building. Mr. and Mrs.

John A. Davis and Mrs. Clarke White and, little daughter were Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John P.

Cox. Miss Wyb'lb Wirnberly was hostess on Thursday evening to the members of Just a Mere Bridge Club and Mrs. Roy Stephonson, Miss Clarice Can- and Miss Lovcna Ruggles as special guests, nt her homo on West Fulton The rooms were bright and inviting with a quantity of fall flowers and the players were seated at three tables. Prizes went to Mrs. Roy Stphenson and Miss Evelyn Lewis.

After a series of pleasant games, the hostess served a delightful ice course with cake. day afternoon after a with torn Barr of Hustqfi, Clyde Dobson made a sh Lewlsvllle Tuesday to see son arid baby. 3. T. Turner Is on the Slclftlst With throat trouble.

Mrs. George Johnson and'daughte Mildred, wore Hope visitor Tuesday afternoon. i Faye Turner spent Satujjay nigh with Bernice Baker. The party given at Noln Lewal len's Saturday night was Wll attend ed and crijoyed every bodj reported Mr. and Mrs.

Loyce Lee and baby of Union are spending thistvcek will mother, Mrs, Ethel Fhcher'ant family. Bernice Cumbie spent Mrtday after noon With Glen Fincher. Mrs. Carrol Turner an children Monday afternoon Mrs Orea and.Olen Byers. Frank Simmons spen Saturday niuht and Sunday with T.

Turner Vernon Johnson is inCoriway on lusiness this Susie Erwin and Ddoys Goyns Mrs, Grace Coffee who has spent the. past few days visiting with relatives in the city, has returned to her home in Shreveport. The members of the Thursday night Bridge club were entertained on Thursday evening by Miss Martha Jean Winburn at the home of Mrs. C. Si Lowlhorp on South Elm street.

The rooms were decorated with beau- i tiful and- arranged for three tables. Guests other than the club members were, Miss Elisc Reid and Mrs. JoKarner Lowthorp. The high score favor went to Mrs. Brooks Betty Bronsoh, above, of William eon, has been chosen "Miss Brenuu" by students at Brenan College, Gainesville, Ga.

She is a freshman and is a member of Delta Delta Delta sorority. ious salad plate was An All Dny Institute was held at day with 41 out of town guests enrolled. Miss Margaret Hutchinson of Little Rock, stale leader, conducted the meeting. A most tempting lunch was served at the noon hour. On Tuesday afternoon, nt the First Methodist church a Loyal Temperance Legion was organized by Miss Lurline Moody, state Young Peoples secretary of the Womans Christian Temperance Union.

Thirty children- between the ages of six and fourteen formed this new organization. The following officers were elected; president; Josephine Brown, vice president; Evelyn Muldrow, secretary; Gus Bernier, treasurer; Lillian Houston, program chairman; Clytha Verge Agec, Anita Jean Davis, chorister, sponsors chosen for this group were: Misses Elizabeth Arnett and Helen Belts. The first meeling pent Sunday with Dorotly Robertson Carl Recce, Orea, Hovill and Dcr- ral Byers and Nolan Lrfwnllen went to the mountains Mondjy for a few days deer hunting. Earl and Parrish Flncfcr and Lolce Lee of this place and iuthor Matli- son and son, Hester, of Bodcaw went to the river bottoms squ'rrel hunting Tuesday. J.

Cumbie visited Joe a while Tuesday night. Mrs. Johnston vlsltw Mrs. Frank Bailey Sunday afternodi. Faye Turner spent "uesday night wilh Glen Fincher.

I Mr. and Mrs, Dewey Beardcn and children altendcd singing at Rocky Mound Sunday T. Cumbie. Joe falbee, Frank Sitnrnons, Tom Collier, J. 'T.

'Turner and Parish Fincher Visited Earl Fincher Sunday morning, the First Baptist Church on be held on Sunday afternoon, What Chance Had She in a World of Men! The throb, heartbreak drama of a girl who sought love, and found wild adventure! Columbia (he story by Warner with Lois Moran Charles Bickford SAEN6ER NOW SHOWING December 6 at the First Baptist church. These meetings will be held monthly at the different churches. Charter members were enrolled at follows: Josephine Brown, Muriel June Wegb, lone Green, Gus Bernier, Claudia Agec, Vcrle Rogers, Chas. Segnar, Clovis ETaxwcll, Nancy Ruth Carrigan, Murph Hanson, Mary Elizabeth Andres, Frank Shumard, Anita Jean Davis, Thomas Wallis, Loraine Anderson, Paul Anderson, Susie Porter, Margery Dildy, Weaver Collins, Reedcr Pairish, Billy Wallis, Evelyn Muldrow, Lillian Houston, Ernest Yates, Paul Shiver, David Walis and Mary Dell Taylor. Mrs.

Arch Moore returned on Friday from a few day's visit with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Ellington in Atlanta, Texas.

New Hope Health in this community is good at this writing. The farmers are getting along fine gathering their crops this fine weather. We are glad to know that Mr. and Mrs. Calvery are able to be up again.

Carlee Watson of Providence spent Saturday night with James Gaines. I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gaines and family and Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Mangum and family spent Sunday atfernoon with Mr. and Mrs. Calvery. Spring HiD Rev. Bearden went up in 4he Roucky Wound country looking after his in- crests Tuesday.

Buller was taken to Ihe Josephine hospital Saturday for realm en t. D. Phillips and Claud Lee of i'airview were business visitors in Hope Wednesday. F. J.

Hill, John Martin and Irbin, attended court at Texarkana, Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Fay Hill visited her VTrs. Buller at the hospilal Tuesday. Mrs.

Clcve Foster and Miss Marie Reid of Battlefield.visited the school Mondya morning. Smith and his nurnc, came out from Hope Monday atfernoon gave the small children of "our school diphtheria ohuta. tho.xelbyJrGneoETAOIN ET ET ET Mrs. J. W.

Martin and daughter, Nora were shopping in Hope Monday afternoon. Mrs. John Martin visited relatives in Texarkana Tuesday. is i' i STAR PRESS, HOPE, One of the most interesting P. ft A.

meetings, of the year wag held Thursday when the high school organization entertained the P. T. bit the three other city schools IH a joint session. Between two and three huh- dred members attended. Mrs.

Chas, Lowthorp presided, and introduced the other P. T. A. presidents, artd thfe president of the council, Mrs. Dorsey McRae, and Mrs.

O. A. Graves, Man of State District No. 9, all 'of whom were seated on the platform. Mrs.

Chester Lester read the presidents message and reported oh last Tuesday's council meeting, The reports from the State P. T. A. conven. tioh at El Dorado were madfe by Mrs.

McRac and Mrs. O. A. Graves. Miss Whitten spoke In a very Inter- Ing manner on "Can a Hungry Person Be a Good Citizen?" "The effects of malnutrition on the meeting of obligations Was discussed, and the fundamental importance of physical welfare Miss Whttten's remarks were a splendid introduction and in- dorsement of the next speech.

Miss Henry gave a detailed report of the talks of Dr. Car61ine Hedger, national child-training expert. Dr. Hedger made several talks and held a conference in El '-Dorado when the state was held there last month. Her general subject was "The Adolesi cent Period" and her remarks were directed In a helpful way to parents and teachers of children in that pcr- od.

Miss Henry's resume "Carried he power of 'conviction." She ed Dr. Hedger as being the one of most dramatically forceful speakers she had ever heard, and the quotations bore out the expression. ATI1E (Government Mtwft Charles Bickford, Lois Moran and Donald Dillowiy in "Men Columbia The dove and the lion mate in "Men In Her-Life," the Columbia picture at the Saenger theatre, Moran. playing the dove with who Lois flies World War Veteran Speaks at Magnolia MAGNOLIA, Wade Citchens, World war veteran state eprcsentative of Magnolia, was the irtncipal speaker at the Armistice Jay program held at Magnolia A. VI.

college, Wednesday. Captain Citchens related some of the interest- ng incidents during his time served theifield of battle and some of the lumorous happenings of his army bfe. M. O. head of the education lepartmeht of Magnolia A.

M. col- ege also spoke in behalf of those who for their country during the iVorld war. Students and faculty members were iven a half holiday 'Wednesday so hat they might celebrate Armistice ay, away from the dovecote to seek romance and Charles Bickford portraying the lion who proves less fearsome to the girl than the wolves in sheep's clothing she has been meeting. To drop the metaphor, Julia Cavanaugh is in Erope just as she has made up her mind to keep a tryst with, Ivan Karloff. Julia is an inveterate seeker after, romance, but sht can't quite make up her mind when she has found the real thing and when it is onl lysham.

She -has convinced herself that the romantic Count is'genuinely in love with her, especially when the news of the loss of her entire fortune does not swerve his purpose to marry her. But the Court was cleverer than Julia. The next morning she finds he has disappeared with her money and jewelry and left her the bill to pay. She is being ousted by an unsympathetic innkeeper when Madden, a retired American racketeer who is under the Impression he missed calling in not being a gentleman, arrives on the'scene. Flash had followed Julia's career as a debuntate ill the society 'columns and' recognizes her.

He her out of her dififculty by engaging, her as Social mentor, and there begins the amusing business Of putting a high 'society polish in the flashy Flash! When Dick Webster, who has followed Julia to Paris to pursue his suit of many years, Julia finally consents to marry him just before Flash confesses to her the.state of his heart. News of her approaching marriage to, a senator's son brings Count Karloff on. her trail with blackmail. knows how to handle blackmailers, but he hadn't counted on'having to'kill ifcar- was an accident in'self-de- fense, but when he is brought to trial he refuses to give any reason for the murder. He has'no intention of sacrificing Julia's good name own skin.

However, Julia is learning something about what it takes to'rtake a real 'gentleman an she comes through nobly to save'Flash, despite his protests. Holly Grove The Pastor will not fill regular appointment here Sunday as conference will be held al DoAnn. Mrs. Willie Arnold of Arkadelphia was visiling here Thursday. Little Beatrice and Alsilon Hembree are attending school at DeAnn.

Mr. and Mrs. John Slaton and daughter, Mavis are visiting relatives in Texas. Bro. and Mrs.

Scott of Emmet were Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Derryberry.

Lee Gorliam was a business visitor in Hope Saturday. Miss Rena Clark of DeAnn spent Saturday night and Sunday wilh A. P. Clark and family. Mr.

and Mrs. Monroe Willis and daughler. Mildred, and Mrs. Maud Elliott were visilors in Hope Wednesday, R. T.

Hembree and daughter Pauline and clesse Atkins were visilors in Nashville Mrs. Jesse Alkins and children spent Second Negro Is Given Death in Texas Killing GRAHAM, Tex. (ft) Richard Brown, negro, was sentenced to deatl Thursday by a district court jury which convicted him of-robbery with firearms. Hhe was alleged to have been one of the negroes who accustcd A. Nodruft of Fort Worth and his fiancee in the residence district! of Wichita Falls the night of September 9.

Richard Brown, negro co-defendant was given the death penalty on i charge of murder at Wichita Fall several weeks ago. Both 'negroerf were indicted on charges of murder, criminal attack and robbery with firearms. Sunday with her Mrs. A. P.

Clark. parents, Mr. and Southeast Is Groping in Forest Fire Smoke southeast continued to grope through smoke from forest fires Thursday and weather bureau officials held forht no immediate promise of rain or wind to dissipate the pall. Despite poor visibility in some sections, passenger service was resumed on aviation lines operating-out of Atlanta that grounded their ships Wednesday because of hazards in flying through the thick haze. Indians Link Past With Present Saturday! Double Programs Never before such a bargain A in Entertainment HOOT GIBSON THE RANGE" "LEFT OVER LADIES" CUudia Dell Saturday Night 11:15 p.

m. JOE E. BROWN America's Clown Prince ol "BROADMINDED" MAUJORIE WHITE if SAENGER Crash Victim's Body Is Taken to New Orleans body of Sidney Loeb, 28, New York City broker, who was injured fatally near here Tuesday when his'car plunged off the highway and overturned, was sent to New Orleans on a special train at 6:30 p. m. -The young broker's Dahlia Loeb, 60, was "slightly injured in the crash, accompanied the The train will be met at New Orleans by Loeb's 'brother, Gerald M.

Loeb, and the. body will be taken on to New York for burial. Gerald Loeb left New York in an airplane for Prescott upon being notified of the death of his brother, but was forced down by inclement weather and directed his course later to New Orleans. He Wants Arrest DENVER, title of the "most arrested youth" in this city belongs unquestionably to Sammy Matz, 17. He has been picked up 29 times, the las ttime on a vagrancy charge after he had stolen apair of overalls.

The judge fined "him $180 and upon Sammy's statement that he could not pay it, sentenced him to county jail io work out the fine at $2 per day. During mqst of his checkered career, Sammy escaped! being sent to reformatory because it was believed he was a diphtheria carrier. Twice, however, le had been sent to institutions other county jail. Wright's Chapel People in this community are.try- ing to get through picking cotton before bad weather begins. Mrs.

Homer Cobb and children'of Hope were visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Button; Sunday.

Miss Lorene Worthy spent Saturday night with Miss Curlie Lee Murphey The party given by Miss' Anni Ruth Worthy Saturday night WaS; en joyed by those present. Mr. and-Mrs'. Alexander Smith little son visited their parents, Mr. Mrs.

Fred Smith Sunday. Mr; and Mrs. 'W. J. Hoover and little Hildra Jack, spent Saturdaj and Sunday with her parents, Mr.

Mrs. W. H. Worthey. Prove and engravers told the Wednesday how one and other ed for promotion of lie, lottery fot which It tickets were gold throufhdul tWr United State! and adjoining Likewise the gftvefnfriirit fttitt its first direct rtove to sutxtahttale charge that 10 participated in a conspiracy to violate fedttml utes by interstate transportation of the tickets and illegal of the Former State EUriker mt St Louis ST.

freely. Si retired lumber merchant, railroad man and banker, died pital here of infirmities Of After attending Illinois 'college, he" obtained employment 'as a 1 'railr'oad telegrapher, advancing rapidly 'AM in 8183 was made superintendent tele- graph of the Iron Mountain With headquarters at Ark. Uttle Rocfc The next year-he; entered the lumber field. He was 'one of the organ Izers of the Smithton Lumber com- panp which built, the Southwtst kansas and Ihdian territory railroad; In 1887, he organized -the Citizens Bank at Arkadelphla, Arfc. Te president of the SoytH Arkansas Lumber.

gile, in 1893, and built they Arkansas Southern rflilrba'd from El Dorado to Winrtfield, La. road is now part of the' Rock Island tivatom I I System. Plant of Gin Company by Fire HELENA, The plant of the Postelle gin' at Postelle, 30 miles from.hert' and a box loaded with cottonseed was' destroyed by fire of unknown origin Wednesday night. bales of were destroyed. The Postelle gin Is by the A.

Hirsdh company bf Marvtll. i i TLE, jury sitting manslaughter trial of R. M. Mooney may, the attend any movies in town during the evenings which depict'neither mart- slaughter nor however, attend games. "That's nothing but manslaughter," the judge said.

SEATTLE, at the To Be 1 '') Texarkana Wt to Bachelor Ft Dead at OiMtaL' wtid found iti ottday tat burial flu Hnty Htftry, only two victim. Although officials of the bachelor abfiut i Art invertitttloh still-was 5 Thunday in an effort to Cause of death. Blood stains'found on of dead nun caused txamfne the body clostly 5 or other signs of possift" Justice of the Peace B. F. 1 the decomposed conditldh made it almort impossible" the body effectively.

was believed the man dead sliKfe Monday it the rooming house in relt lived discovered tife nesday morning after.goinii room td investigate lortf from the dining seen alive the last tinit MondiyJ The strange habits of prevented persons who kttewl learning of relatives '(L was encountered at fifft in 1 relatives. Someone had' Heard hint niece ai Texarkana and was located at her home at; li street had a ferson, where the body Will-ber Thursday afternoon. Misg Hermie whoj the rooming house In which, lived, said he'had forbid, h( employees from entering his 1 plaining that he would carriV self. He' did not leave cept' to eat and on rare Sherrell had lived here having been a druggist going into almost i sion. i IN CASH See Ybur Drus YOU SUPERSTITIOUS? A Will and Three Ways MEMPHIS, needed three days of solemn deliberation for Probate Court officials to divide properly among his heirs the estate of William Johnson, colored.

The division was as bllows: To Rebecca Howard, one wagon and eight pigs. To Ike Wilon, one sow and five pigs. To Hatie Johnson (the widow), one mule and eight pigs. And, added the court, to Hattie Johnson, the balance of the pigs if there are any." One of the world's rarest stamps, he one-cent magenta of 1856 issued by British Guiana, once changed hands the sum of $35,000. COLONIAL "Doubleloaf' Is Better Bread SUPERSTITIOUS people are as obsolete as a car with two wheel brakes.

But there are superstitious people and there slill are cars with two wheel brakes. Adequate automobile insurance with a dependable and responsible company is financial Assurance with a capital A. Roy Anderson Co, Phone 810 Hope, Arkansas STORES LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED SPECIALS Oodles of Others. Fancy Pound Fancy TriunipJi Pounds Van Camps 16 oz. PORK 4 Cans Van Camps "Large White Bars" Soap BAR Matcher BOX Sliced or Crushed The modern ImJlan may hasn't forgotten the arts very much like the rest ot us, but he which big excelled, saya Lillian Murphy, member ot the PJute trjbe Vtah, shown bore with some ot their handiwork.

Hundreds ot Indiana west their IMng by making such objects 343 Service Station Lion Oil Battery Service Generator and Starting Motors Brakes, Radiators Motor Service A COMPLETE GARAGE In CONNECTION All Work Guaranteed Electrical Work Complete Line of Auto Accessories "BETTER SERVICE" B. C. Hollis, Manager. P. N.

Reedr Mechanic Corner Third Laurel Pftone 343 Large Can I7jc Choice Rice i Pounds Beechnut Catsup Large Bottle Lard 8 Pound Bucket Meat Market Savings HAMS End to 7 pounds 121c Pork Shoulder Roast Center Cuts 17s K.C. flub Franks 2 Ibs, ZSc Spare Rifaf. 2 Neck Buffalo Fish 2 Ibs..

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