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Janesville Daily Gazette from Janesville, Wisconsin • Page 3

Janesville, Wisconsin
Issue Date:
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The nunwJ review aud of the Are department takes place to- dsyjjut four o'clock. The various companies wlta thoir machines assemble, at the race on Milwaukee street. The boys getting ready for a good turn out. Givs us A CIIANOE. We bolioTe every paper iu the state has taUan a turn at our city dcg.

notice. the programme should bo changed, ami our brothrou take a turn at the dOgB. It would do more good, SDIT OF ROOMS. The law firm of Knowltoo, Pcichard Jackson are now occupying tho eptiro seoond story under tho Qazotto printing office. Three rooms have boon acragned and fitted up for them, and couatitute auito of apartments of the most oonsrnodious aud.

pleasant character. Legal couusol, auch aft lawyers only know 'how to givo, (we any nothiug of costs such as lawyers only kuow how to ohargo,) will be more ngree- ably received than in thu dingy rooms mnuy of tho protwsaion solcot for tho recaption of their olioiita. MKTUODIST CONI'KBKNCK. The M. E.

Churoli his divided thw atato into WiHconaia and West Wiaconsiu Conferences This part of the state bolougs to Wineonffin Oonforonce. Its last 'annual BOSS ion was held 4 at Sbeboygnn Falls, cloaed lust week on Thursday. Tho Kov. P. Stansbury has been appointed presiding' older of the Junoavillo distriot.

A A cab driver, in Milwaukee fixed a needle in bis band ao as to run it into a poraou't) palm while shaking hands with him. Thus prepared ho saluted an no quaintance, who not realizing such a token of unable to appreciate tho fun of tho joko, entered a complaint against his friend and hnd him fined $3 and costs of suit WITHDRAWN, M. II. Carpenter has withdrawn from tho firm of Ryan, Carpenter Monte MADSESS. Tho Madison Patriot aayo that a dog having every appoaranco of hydrophobia bit a young son of Mr.

Myers, of tho fourth ward, in tho wrist of one of his bauds, Police officer Shenly was promptly in pursuit of tho dog, and Wm. RoBSolI fired a charge of shot without effect. Is ran snapping and frothing along tho street, aud the chief of police hit him with a club, when it attempted to bite him, then ran streaming with blood into Fox's hardware store, where it was speedily dispatched. SOMKWITA.T E.MDKRRASSING. A story is told about a Cleveland lady who on seeing a pack of playing cards on her centre-table put them in her pocket to get them out of way for the time being, but who forgot all about them, wont down street, and while conversing wilh her clergyman, thoughtlessly pulled out four bow- ora in company with hor pocket handkerchief.

A PIKE PEAK'S PAKTY. A party consisting of Hon. L. A. Cole, Amoa Speck, David Montgomery, Calviu Choeney, Dr.

Andruw' Lee, Chnrlos Fobes, Hopewell Fobea, Benjamin Fobes and E. G. Colo, loft Wutortown for Pike's Peak hist Tuesday morning. The nrvmus of some of this cornjmny have long been familiar us prom inont among tho business firms of that city. io BKQ0K8TS.

The legislative coun- oil of Canada havo tnkcu a firm stand against ileath-bod bpiiueatfi enacting that no bequest shall bo valid if nmdo within nix montliH of tho death, Tho Atlantic itnnouncumuul tliRt 'Tho minister's wooing' ia to, bo continued through the year," ia pleasantly auggewive Of she proveib thnt "Courtship is bettor than Jnntiirnony." Scuoor. KxrK.vssa.—Tho Kaoine Advocate haa colluctod and contrasted tho coat of tuition per scholar ia tho public schools cities. It finds them to Bftoino $4 Ort Jtiuesville 6 08 Botiton 18 00 Ht. I.ouip 00 Providoaco 3 00 Ohicugo 5 81 0 32 HAVE HE MO' TED. TflEIfi' JEWELRY, SILVER WARE, TO THK.


LA.R&E VARIETY AND Table and Pocket Cutlery, CLOCKS, ALL THE BEST MAKEKS, AND FANCY GOODS, A LARGE KEVOLVEKS, COLT'S AND OTHER CELEBRATED PATENTS, REPARING. All kinds of fine Watches repiirod in the beat manner, and warranted to give XEWEtRY Made and repaired on short notice. Engraving Done to order, and in atylu to please. WEBB A LEK, West corner Lappln's Block. First Arrival of the Season, IWtcKey Brother's, AS USUAL, FIRST THE FIEIJD.

UTAH IMOKOOLIO. Tho Tribune -olHcitil deppatKhua from Umh give, aa oxpai'ted, two totally dilTjrent va of tbo couflict betwaen tho milHarj and civil ipoworw. Gen. Johnston tolling ono story, and Gumming nnotbor. According to ono of tho Wash'ngtou correapoudonta, tho ndininia- itratlon HUB dotormined to relievo itself from iprosont oiuburrnasmont, and postpouo tbo uolu- of the horror problem yet a litllo longer, fcj reworirg Judgo Orudlebough, who ia said to huvo actod even worno tbau ban huretofora boon StnircK A VKIN.

Wo learn that during tho proione week a man WHS engaged, in tho lower part of town, in ploughing a lot, when to hla groat consternation tho and plow peored utidur thw ground, leaving nothing viui bla except tho top) of the plow handlee, which tbo man held on to liko grim dentil to a doad monotor," at tho- catuo time culling aid. ttia were heard people flocked to the plnoo of whon there luy tho cattle at. tho bottom of a mineral bole eouio 12 or 16 foot deep. Menus were to ex- tlie which strange to relate, was nud tho civlllo recuived no vislbln harm, the loos of a horn. Imna do.

Aduooatt. A country paper ouce said B. DooHttle ia the habit of stealing piga aud robbing hen Tooutu, If ho does not desist, wo ahall publish ihil tmmo," Tuia ia equal to tho minister Ht who aaid "If tho lady with the blue hat, red hair, and crosH oyon, doesn't atop she will be poioted out to the congre- nru tWa day in receipt ef a splendid line of New Spring and Summer Goods, Solecttd with eiuftt caru, from FIRST IMPORTATION by one of the firm, who Ima been east eiolueivoly for that purpose for the last two months. The various goods now receiving are very superior, both In style and quality, to thoae former years. Annuxed, please find a list of prices, of the must Hpk' fllrect fropn Parifl tllii Imported by our house, An immonnc atock of FBEFCH A.ND ITALIAN SILKS, WIDK AND BEA VY SILS, the very article for spring wear, only yd.

A magnificent line of Dot Junes Fiae OhallhH. DeLalntB at 12X yard. Lawns, DeBeiges, Poplins, Ducals, and almont every ityle and quality of Goods la market. are thin day opening a large and Mlect itcck French Prints, Full Widths, at from 20 to SO ceati yard also all the best brand! of Ksgllih being our own Importation, con- sitting of widths; connned stylei and of Uoyle'i, Potter'j, Ac. Our Shawl Department li tuppllfd witk varloni marktt being or TUB GOOD Oto TIMKS." au Bow street ofllcor, nutfKl in 1816 before tbo IIouso of as to tbo diminution of capital pun- iebment, stated that In hia time ho bad known persona (four men and three women) all together for robbing a peddlor; and that In 1783 ho had seen forty poraona bunging together at tbe Old Bailey.

A 1'uw years later, tbe gaoler of Kewgato, being aeked by tho recorder hovr many oould bo bung togothoi 1 on tbo now drop, coolly replied Well, your worship, wo can hang twolre, but wo can't more than ton comfortably." $20,018 JB4 90,963 20 LIABILITIES. The amount of llabilitiei doe or not duo to Banks or other creditors, None; icases adjusted and due, None, losses adjusted and'not due, Losses nnailjusted in waiting further roof, or contested, $110,976 54 Affording and security inmattersi of losur- Mechanical, Mercantile or'Rural, ot surpassed by any Insurance Company organized in the world. and Rules as liberal an the rioka: assumed permit consistent with solvency and fair profit. Louses Suitably, adjusted and promptly Applications solicited and policies H. W.

COLMNS, A gent, At the Empire Drug Store, Main Janesville. HO! FOR PIKE'S PEAK. 1000 Men Going in April, KAOH MAN 19 I'd TACS OKI! BOMLJ! OF Oriental Hair Touic. French millinery ecu listing of Pattern Spriag Hats, and everything appertaining to the also receiving Urgv.amount of Oloth which are manufacturing to order, or eth- at our noil mm These wlihlag to purehMO oloth, the same out to ordey on vory short notice. We cannot tnuaeraU our entire itook, luffios it to that imouut or twit dally at onr door, ought to bt cravitiDlng te all In of ifXff AlfD DOCD3, AIcKey tiu JTOJJ suis KAUMAill Irish hoviM MMh in ttaff This company has complied witii the tho erisl estates in 'Which ifis-duln o.

a. WHIT rbroagh wnloli'alrtho bualnefls'pf the In the Westerff, North- States-is' i W. GeniAR'ti' .8. Assist. Wi.

Agent! -if Por Information and a detailed df iheiaf- falro of 'the company ana Pdllciles of apply feb26Jtf oity of First Class Insurance, BT IDS Insurance Company, HARTFORD, ncorporated 1819; Charter Perpetual. fire and Inland Navigation, Jhrurance thn attention ft Its friends and the public generally Uithe following It Has a Cash Capital of WltkAsscte to $1,887,929.08. Hu Transacted Business 'Succeisfully' 40 'Years. Assets January, 185O, Cash oa hand and Deposites in Hartford Banks, S3 in transit agents' hnndii; 121,812 82 C. S.

Treasury Notes 6 -cent. and accrued interest, 12 ainellaneous Investment), 23:659 63 leal Kstate uninoumbttrcd, 6S.688 26 MortRage, 4,212 15 Bills Receivable, 87 M1RKKT TALDff, 220 State Bonds and 6 cent. Interest, annually, 00 168 Bonds 6, and 10 cent, Interest, annually, 897 Shares Railroad Stock, 60. do Connecticut Hiver Waterbury Bunk Stock, 60 TT -ottuit 80 do. Springs Bant Stock, 86 do.

Prpvldenoe Baoks Stoolcj-" 15 do Jersey City SOO do do Hartford New York, do. United States Trust Company, 2855 9020 100 150 do N. Y. Life Insurance and Trust Company, 167,110 00 8AT72 00 '00 00 -'52SOOO lj8T2 00 1.600 00 00 285,280 00 00 oo 24,750 00 OS PEOPLE'S DRUG STORE, RemoyaJ, Improvement, Enlargement. I AS removed his sbook of the oomraodioug store, corner Milwaukee and Tranklin streets, 4 doors be'ow hia old stand, which has been refitted and enlarged for and wheru ho will be pleased to see hie former friends and customers.

Chankfi.1 for past he hope? to merit and receive a continuance of the We shall endeavor keep a full supply of all articles connected with the GENEBAL DRUG and by selling none but good articles, be prepared to warrant satisfaction to all. TOO embraces Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Wines and Liquors, (pure for medicinal use), Paints, Oils, Varnislies, Brushes, Turpentine, Campliene, Burning fluid, Lamps, Lamp-oils, Wicks, Combs, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Cosmetias, Powders, ALL OP WHICH we will ee'l at low prices. PhyKieiftnis orders -rrndE jresorlptions.iOT'Zi rtctivt prompt and cartful attfn- tton. KUu.rrH»«*ril. O.K.

CORTI3, Directly opposite the Hyatt House. JanesTille, April 2T, 1859. diir E. D. BpQTMAN AS just, received a new stock SHJEET MUSIO aod MUSIC BOOKS among which 'are the following: RtchadsonVModern.fchpol for the Bertini's the written cxfreesly for the use of and fingered upon the European principle.

Howe's' Drawiug Room designed for socla ccntaning all thu and ab,, arranged for the piano loite. Howe's Bal-room containing Upwards of. three hundred with elegant Eaiinder'a new and complete instruction, for the violin. IH8TRUOTION BOOKS Pianos and Melodious for stlo at a great iliaoouot from usuti prices. IffSTSUCTJOir Jfiahoi Mtlodebn.

ough Bate, Jco. PupDs may comcaencH at any time. HYATT UOCSB BLOCK, Janeivllle. Taluable Property Fdr Sale. Hydraulic Cement and time Works at Montt- JL.

ray are offered great and on terras. Ibeproperiy coniiitl of of AreriU's Patant Ume Kilns, one of the kllni in tht itate, with Lime and all ry for. the manufacture wltn The references oan to quality Cement aonttfaatured. The bnttnua nidi a and ose; airg now SB hknd for: a large of Cement. Che wt)l separate from cha mttohlnery deiir For furthir of A Mftja Is ttf THAT THE" LAST '3Bt, Have Jlnst received an extensile assortment In part 200 pieces foil de ChevreSf 200 -'faautifitl cheap, 'V new style, 1.60.',.

fityle.of Latins, at 10 10.0 fine at (50 Hiyyle 1 splendid patterns, robes -new styles. at'. The Bee Hive, Main Streetr A. BLADE Iff aid especiiUy roll the attention of buyers to their exteabive asaoitment of BLACK AND FANDF SILKS JUST B.B 0 I From 62 1-2 cts. to $2,50 per' yard.

A flue stock of MASTfJLLAS AND SHAWLS ClfjjAP. BLADE CO, Hare jubt received Invoice of I 1ST 3ST S'! BEST GEADB3, At Lower Prices than Ever. i Bleached: Domestics, 40 lonlies Wide, at 1 iwnta; Brown Domestics all: prices. A. BLADE call the attention of Milliners and ethers to their splendid stock of Which they offer at prices to compete Milwaukee or Chicago homes.

A. BLADE Wpuld.inost respectfuily remind Indies of and vicinity that their stock of la as Large Choice 5 Assortment as be feund In -the state and at prices surpassing low. A. BLADE Have Just received the largest stock of AND SUN SHAD has ever been offcred.ln and at prices to defy comp A. aLADE With compete with any store In Jnneqvllle In ASSORTMENT It inaat be plausible to all, that their EXPENSES be- 1 ng less, they can sell cheaper than any house in the city.

DON'T FORGET THE PLACE! THE SIGX THE Main Jaiiesville, Wis SPRING SUMMER GOODS! A. Bl, CO. AT THE 3BJbiJh3 TTJTliT'JEi I Have just, received a targe and Choice Assortment ef the following named goods, which will be sold O.W H'' -A aotwlthstaadlng the cry of other morchants that goods are it much higher this season. Fancy Silks, fresh Importation 80 Foulard: Silks, very cheap. 80 boiled, rich Barages, and Timues.

BOO DeLaines, OhaUis, LaveUas, and loll de New styles Organdies, French Prints and Kobe :Niew.Xawn», fast colors, 10 yards for $1, trlmmlngi n. New lawn Robi-tt, ftill pattern and 1 75 Gibghania, Pririta, DeBagei, Brililante, Cashmere, Silk and Brochft Shawls, Chaotllla, Lace, Mantillas and Lace Pom ts, and ST. for making Mantlllfta, Bipringityle BunneVK Blowers and Buchen, Grapes and Dress Hoiiery, Lisle thread. Silk and Kid Gloves Gonuine Stwing Silk Mitts from IS to A Inrge awortment Lace Tells and.flne Liinec, laoe. Muslin and unorlc JabknardrDlaper and An extra ar'Uole of Russia at i i Is.

4.4.e-fe:«*.M,»«;i(M, and 11-4 bhulW Tuirktia, LaBOftster, and Marls' Qullti as low IV Tablt tlnen by the yard, and aooiftarBlihlog faruoli, and Ben Khtfti ftcm fl HilB dotua Jnill. Sook AwMsVll -VictorU and Slshon liwos, CJ--3E1L 'AMD GLASS WARE! ITOT TO SURPASSED In tbli or any other city xjxr HANKFUL for and hoping for coa- tiouanee of the same, we shall muke It our aim to sell yooO gootlt at prteea that shall be satisfactory to Being s.ttl«fled with LARGE SALES SMALL PROFITS, We shall play the lame old game of the NIMBLE SIXPENCE for the benefit of those who may favor us with their pisronageJ Taking cursory we ehoulii say we have about French, English ud American prints, 5 fine and heavy Stirling and 3Jf CasBtmerg, Kentucky Jeans, 8 Pumner ntuffj, Ohallts and DeLains, lawns, Brochi, Stella, Crape, 811k, Laoe, Thibet and Cash- mece Bhawls, in all.variety, style and price. A -LI. noaci Knives aad Forks! SKXRjTSj i All are cordially Invited to examine our stock. BENNETT BOSTWIOK.

New Goods and New Styles BOOTS, SHOES RUBBERS, REYNOLDS VAWDERWARF, Are now opening and receiving weekly, their new and complete assortment of and Pine Gaiters, Which they offer for CASH, as Cheap an the Cheapest, at WHOLESALE ami RET WEST MIL WA UKEJS STREET, THREE DOORS EAST. OF THE BRIDGE. Our Stock Consists. Entirely of Home Marte Work Manufactured expressly for this market, and our loni acquaintance the wants of the Wholesale and Retail Trade, enabled us to adapt the STYLE, SIZES AND QUALITY of otrr Roods, to the tastes and necessities of the community, to a degree that la not even approached In the eastern markets. We manufacture all pur owmrork, believing, we do, that can bo sold In this as well as anr other market.

No Eastern Slop Shryp or Sale Work aUmeect in our Store, invite the particular attention of the Ladies to oar New Patterns of Gaiters, which for Style, Durability and Sure Fit, eannot be equalled. Wohave constantly on hand, and man- facture to order, all kinds of OS2fTLKUSN'S flNK 'GOODS, AND (OIILD RSJf'S WSAB-, And our customers can alwayg rely upon finding at our store, none 'tout the very best quality of goods of OUR OWN OTAICTTFACXITIIUE, which for Style, Durability and Price, cannot bo surpassed by any other flret clans establishment. OcrwroM JOB WOEK DONE TO ORDER On Short Notice. BETNOLDS A FIRE LIFE INSURANCE. Connecticut JTTutnal Life of Hartford, with cash capital and surplus of $3,000,623 47 North Western ITIurine Ins.

of Oswego, N. cash capital and anrolut of, 8828,84894 City Fire Tun. COi, of Hartford, with cash capital and surplus.of, Connecticut Fire Tim. of Hartford, with cash capital and irarplus of, S3 Wetv 'Bnorlaniil Fire Marine with cash capital and surplus of, $206,395 Insurance effected in the atuve companies on reasonable Dwellings taken at a very low rate for ons or more years. Apply to HUDSON 4 OOMKTOOS, agwti.

Office in Bennett's Janesvllle, 8. A. Bcusoir; aprlSdtf H. s. COMBTOCX.

VAL UABLE BOOKS TBRKB theyeiri 1858, 1894 ard 1896, Including, a capital, Sy HI A THB LANK MUD BOOKS, or Bibiloal llluttratlons drawn from the manners and austonM. and scenery of the Holy Land- -By W. Jf. Thomson, D. D.

LA Argentine Confederation and Para- fnayr- By Thomas J. Page, Tf. S. Jf. reoelved and for Bale at At Sutherland's Bookstore.

laoni fi.ntotm.Vmrtr— A. eolltistioa at' able pasiacei "torn ditcourSM Ward AvffMta Xoort. duoaon by W. P. 'fStgitoar.

with ft filfk Book K.terprlSM I wtU a.ll the boait Olbk ta lift lottwy Mr Uis Utaa Utt Oniliiiiif Bazaar, THE FASHIONS OPENING of fiiU and i -x, x. i IT it I the NEWEST STYLES in viz Frehoh-Ohlp, Orinoline Crape, Lace and SUlc. Prussian and foisted Lace! Paihionable Orffandies, Tissues, Grenadines, double and treble Jupes. CROSLITTji MARXGJIS of the.most beautiful ladles' and. Children's ''GLOVES; Parasols, Laces; Ribbons, Embroideries, and Dress Trimmings of-every description.

Dress daps and HeidDi-esses, everv Ladles' Onraett.3t> Sewing and Embroidery 811k every' shade. Straws of all MRS. ATWOOD Recently completed -her pnrchftses-in New £1 York, of beautiful and fashionable goods for the 8prln( and will open tbem for the iaspectioa of the No. 1, HTATT HOUSE BLOCK, on Monday.lOth of April. stock includes alt articles usnally found at La- dlei' Ta-hlocable Outfit tiog Stores in eastern cities, tod will be sold at rery low omietB to Order.

bleached, preased, and made into shape, Tory short notice. MH8. ATWOOD. JanesTUle, April 8, 1589.. aprEdlyr CARD from Mme.

ANDREWS. April 13, 1859. Having declined the business of millinery, I respect- hilly InTite my and friends, in cicy and county, to the above establishment. They will find thereat, a large, rich, and varied assortment of goods, Mm. GtoHOl ATWOOD richly deserving the extensive patronage, and generous confidence so kindly ax- tended to me, from 'Hue beginning to the end." CL.ORINDA A.

ANDREWS. Wit WOULD BKG- -LKAVS TO THAT IS be Sick, go to the Drugr Store FOB YOtJR MEDICINES. When wanting Paints, Oils, Colors or Tarnishes, KO to the CITY DRUB-- STORK, directly opposite the Hyatt House. When in want of Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Combs, and Brushes of any kind, Hair fixings, Porte Monies, Fancy Fixings, Imbin'a Extracts, go the CITY DRUG STORE, West Milwaukee Street, where yon oan find a good assortment at fair prices. Burning- than any Kerosene Oil ever got np for sale at CURTIS' DRUG STOBE, oetKUnrtf Directly opposite the Hyatt House.

Camphor Ice, A MANDINE, Camphor and Glycerine Soap, sure and safe preventatives of Chapped Handa or For sale at CURTIS' Drag Store, febSdtwtf Directly opposite the Hyatt House PARAFFIN OR OO OR BURNING. For sale at CURTIS' DruglHtore, Direct'y opposite the Hyutt aouae. W. H. Tallman, H.w.

nniiinc EMPIHE DRUG STORE. TALLM AN COLLINS, SCOOE8SOH8 TO Holden, Kemp Tallman Collins, 1857, IMPORTERS AND IMULBBSIH Kaat Indian, American Drugs, Medicines; Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Slasa, Dye Btulft, Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Physicians Glass Ware, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purposes. Great Western Depot for Patent Medicines. All orders for goodi promptly attended to and re- soUolted. TAiLMAN COLLINS.

WINDOW CJI.ASS, Trehch and American. TThlte Lead', dry and in Linseed Oil, raw and boiled. Spirits Turpentine, Brown Jappan, Alcohol; 88 and SO per Burninff Fluid, Iresh every day, Lamp Oil, Lard Oil, Sperm Oil. The abova sold at the lowest market prices. TALLMAN A COLLINS.

0 30. 1 1 LAM marStf TALLMAN A COLLINS. Newest Handkerchief Perfumes, A ist xx A. m. OBIEZVTAJO Perfumed Crystals, Peculiarly Fragrant and TAJLLMAN 4 COLLINS'.

French Toilet Soaps, A large TSrietjy. of the best kinds, this day received by TALLMAN Jk COLUNB'. Toilet Perfumes, Toilet Brushes and. Combs, TOILET POWDERS WASHES, TOILET 3BBITSHES, TOIfcET 8POWG1ES and JPOaCA a TALIMAN OPEWINO OF Fashionable Goods Gentlemei I pentn 0 Spring Goodk, com- Cloths, Cassimeres, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS aud Chemlt Ready made Clotfcing, jr; thejstyles'of which are too varied and beautiful to admit of description, but which we shall be happy show to all, believing that gentlemen wia be eisilv suited at our The quality of our goods are the BEST EVERY PAciLrrr THE MANUFACTURE CUSTOM WORK TO ORDER! We invite the attention of those desirous of procuring a good, genteel suit at a reasonable price J. O.

EOHLIN, West Milwaukee St. Janseville, March 89, 1S59. 44wtf Piano Cheap I subscriber (recently with A Ladd Co ano Forte, manufacturers, Boiton) offers for sale at a great bargain, one new ffSASTD SQUABS Piano Forte, containing recent improvements which rive it power with evenness and purity of tone seldom equaled. Also two second hand Plato's to ule or let. Enquirers solicited in person or ly mail.

Instruments athU High School and Centre. CEO. r. LANK. Jauesville, Wls.

Papers frefh flower swds received this day from I. M. Thorbira 4 at the Ajr- ricaltural Wa'etouse and Seedstoe. April 14, 1S59. J.


FielA 1'eas, Snpar Cane. Clover and Timothy are procured from this JL state and are from foxl seeds. The Sugar Cane is of southerngrowa, and fully ripe. My assortment is selected with much care. Ihe seeds are tesh and (renuine.

Many have been already alld proved pood, and I feel assured there will no cause for disappointment to those who purchase of me. They Du up in papers with directions for plant ng and re or ca hsd by the vuiave pound. Flower Seeds A large and choice variety, obtained from thft most reliable sources. Much pains have been taken to select those producing flowers the most beautv and value. LAWN SEEDS! White Dutch Clover, Lucerne Clover, Kentucky Bine Grass, Orchard Grass and ether varieties.

ALL OF THE AEOYE SF.ET)S I on hand and shaH be constantly receiving during the seed season. E. S. BARROWS. Janesville, 5farch 22, 1S59.

UNION IRON WORKS fflHE subsc'it-er is now prepared to manufacture all A kinds of Cast and Wrought. Iron Railing and Fenc- i np, suitable for Front and r.ivision Public and Private grounds, Stoops and Balconies, Cemetery lots Specimens may be seen at the Shop, r.a*t p-e river. Ail kinus of lipht and heavy Paw and Grist Mill irons, Artesian Well Drills, Slump Ac MATTHKW PATESSOS. Janesvilio. April 4th, 1839.

Farm For Sale. noA ACiUaaf two and two In whole OT part, iMI ItW Unu aad teiiij time a portion of the pur. II iTtaatcdsIx south of Janes. Ti. land may kc twa hrtu.

Apply THE LATEST OLMES 4 McLEAK be to inform ir.hibita't> of Jmicsviile and vicinitv, that they have fittf up rooms, three doors son-h. of MoKe.v Main Street, wh-re they wll give whole attentios to tho cutting and making up of gentlemen's garments, in the approved sty'c of fanhion, and from their and well iri-d experience, fl itter that they are qualified to give satisfaction to tbe most fastidious. Those desirous to possess a neat and tial garment, may deppnd on being suited, bv cslline us at our hen we shall them nsos't panicular ats." J. HOLMFS, A. B.

McLEAX, Cu'tinc clone on the shortest notice. Janes'ille, April IS, 1S09. dim wSm Four Houses to Rent, TTTITHIN elfrht minutes walk of Post Office. FOR SALE CHEAP, Three Farms this city. O.

B. WOODRUFF. Janesville, March 21st, 1S59. mchMdtf TVctice to the Public. HE undersigned hereby give notice that they are now prepared to deliver Flour and Feed, free of charge, purchased at their mill, to any part of the ity; G- DOLSEH A co.

MUSIC IVIUSIC TT.L be happy to give instruction to those who may desiru It, in Piano forte and Organ Music Harmony and Thorough Ba53. Residence on Jack son Street, three doors south of the Methodist church, N. B. Instruction given at the residence of her pupils If desired. Janesville.

Sept. 17.1858. tnplSdly Flour Mill Feed the in the Big will sell, and deliver free of charge, in anv part of the city, warranted good to very choice FAMILY FLOUR: from $2,60 to per 100 Ibs, and GOULD, aa cheap at any other mill in tbe city. WOOD Take Notice I THE FARMER'S WILL SELL FLOUR AS OSSJLP aa any m-ttl in Oie ctly and fREJC Of CffAEQS, aprlSdtf JAOKMAX. ALBPf A 00.

ANOTHEB LAHGE INTOICB OT KNJOflf TEMPLAB'i BOTTQUaT a ftttmuar, just lit wbit WMI gi, BECSITED THIS OAY, APWL 1fl KEY A BHO. thli dt' asiortfntnt of LADXX3' ImproTsmcut and bmaiifal go HQOf market, only 14 1 inioc iinl AM, at at dollar. A of Jlff-ilig jutt reotlTed,.

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