Kline's Weekly Carlisle Gazette from Carlisle, Pennsylvania • 1
- Publication:
- Kline's Weekly Carlisle Gazettei
- Location:
- Carlisle, Pennsylvania
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 1
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
39 No 1609 a 19 CUCUU I UV1VO UI( VA1 Iivm uil a The' Buildings are a good two story Brick' progressing 1 7 CM the orderot the bath upon the foUowi Lf rij looas queens guished leaders of the allied troops aj Viplrl march 1 bla hrrnrhneft nrinri L' 4 lioroueh for a street Enquire at this office LATEST OREIGdjELLIGJVEy The'dwkeofelUngton has not now the? 'Aik? i'4 character oi ambassador at the court of rance NEW YORK Novi On Sunday the prohibition against carrying We are indebted to captain Sloat of the to rance naval storesand equipments had for various files of rench papers to' yet been taken oft by the admiralty and wasA 1 1 1 1 i 1 It "1 A 3 I 9 1 A front ROOM with a commodious irvi rp A 'CELLAR sin a good part of the 2" on the Mam ouuu vuyeu rr apiriiSf Lean ana (finer groceries C7 He will also sell thq house known by the name of the old College and the place known by the name of Sulphur Springs situated in Dublin Gap Carlisle' October 3d 'BLANKS to? O' ALL KINDS' SALE AT TElb (HHCE seiiles in June lastffpr opposition to the legiti for a considerable time upon bread and water i fa to' IROM LONDON PAPERS TO SEPTEMBER 18 vf'T iZ London sEpteWber 9 We are happy to announce that ord Castle reagh Will not suffer much from the effect of his late accident which was experienced whilst walking to the Champ Elysees a horse kick ed him twice and with great force just above the knee It is our opinion that nothing could be more unfortunate not "only for England but tor all Europe than to be deprived 'of the talents and services of this' great man September 11 The ships Newcastle and Leander con structed and equipped to be able to contend vith same cAanee of success withthe Am ujxr I frigates are undergoing some alMwr their form They we enlarging t1' itrsiiiiiiililiinflii inm Vthe SUBSCRIBE A4ZVG LATELY PURCHASED AT XllTEB TAVEllfcmND A Er 1 't administration account of elix' Wise trough this place vAnil DVDrtiLtua Anf li an 1'ict iv vH 4 IkT 1 A cOUUbA Mas uminifij va wu va vuv and testament of George Wise lateof MifHitr situate in Toboyne townshipCumbec township jand County Tliis tract was bought'al Com Theadmipistration account of Vna Salf Att tock and VY iiham MTuirey administrators oi A the estate of Hugh deceased An Out lotof6 Acfes The cuaidianship account of Michaci'Mil of iHiam Heigel late of the cfCarlisle 'y 1The guardianship account of George Myers ind Abiahani Myers' joint guarnjans ofJMb'' nanubl Rebecca Eliza Deardorff iniuor Children of Jactb Deardorff 7S'" he account of 'Alexander' Ldgan coadnui istrator with James Geddis I'VjohnE'igan late "township de 7Mbe account oj uavid ToWan 'administrator of Thomas Williamson I ately occupied by'Pljiiip Jxpads jalv VI ZrUCII lUWlisLMj i um'i io at HiiiiiistJiiLinn accouhi oi rtuDji'E niaino rrrry nr tzi7Tr Kj rc ietidnibUitorctebonis non of WilkanS'Hvigd tvukno uu 4rwmi anHukA reived by his royal svsmwmm irrL a lit 1 1 1 lull ill ITI 1 urilkl 11 1 MW Ml "A 1 1 1 1 ir I I tnat having provioeu nimseu wiity gooa i i 1 AT he adinmistiation account of Wjlliam Clark qU(MS and Horse feed of all kinds a careful Lower Countries with grand duchess of ind Adam BraiKit administrators of Jobii mrontlvr HnHr mwl War is mentioncd'as certain miniion account of Yohh Miilef' CTpnncmd ZX to Sess for recognised and strictly being concerned in the riotwhich then took ktii vising administrator of the' 'estate1' of Peter accommodate travellers and' to a walcle(! utU11 he should embark tor Austria place before the hotel of the English minister 'EastiPerinsborough township share of tlie public pairon tgci had obtained permission to re join i which was iltommated on account of the vic VlIfeceaS 'r' PEfEftS hiilc' '''7 obtained by the alhed armies over the administration account of'Jacob Zue Anril 3d 18 A number of persons were' arrested at Mar fiench have been sentenced to imprisonment a ihrvi viiia rf ihft of John uin ui'iiA: Kitt late of Alien township deceased liAinV "iale Uovernment Afier an examination 1 Tbe administration account of James irm ALIA? nme wele liberated amidst the acclamations of i it's and ''Robert Clark? acting admit i trators Has just received a large' assortment of an immense concourse of spectators and se the twte of John leming hteo( North Mjd lannels Rote hree point andlnduwBUi) dleton township deceased kets Velvet Cords I hick Sets together GEORGE Register with a general assortment of seasonable Volume XXXI vvwu i unuLuij in i c4cicy vic hkmsis vjj yj Dayid' Watts Esc being tow yxccuttn ot buiklings A pdtnput Jim barn which upon important concessions which it is for the' tressess of commerce Th AV li! 1 i 1 i I 'll I tfb 'KA 'I u' 1 L' II a A bhM An tlV llle f' L'B no apuiw wtuainie interest ot Europe and especially ot Englandjora vaaueiedgu mui vuuhw Consols' 62 a horse but we have the pleasure to add that there is not the least dargcr'to be apprehen ded for his lordship and that he is able to at The judgment of marshal Ney j'1ias novta ken pLce as some of the papers have stated 1 Brussels Sept a' "IjV 'i 1 11' a 'L a mA nnrnrvirc TSUnM 4 Wile OI me 111051 CLCCUGU wwoyVta UT1 4 'C II 1 11 aV a at vs il' linlol th 'TIa fllfW 71 iX oeptemuer 4 5 weu wmumiwj uumv mv the I of this month three persons! head the following article attached to the English prince house Admiral sirGtorge (ockburn who com hold arrived here from London mands the vessel that carries Bonaparte is oa We understand that gen count de Tolstoy arriving at the Island of Stl Helena to keep as named Russian ambassador hear the court him on board until the ai rangements that of 'fit a1' deuce may dictate be completed on shore i ield marahi i nh 1 lie artison will ba comnoseu only ot men i vjk iitui diiui uitiianii an iviu si liiui wiu an ments on this place the 'road lesdmg to instat Caen when the place was who can be depended upon and even such of i itig understood that the kine ot bnain meiuauumu am jvicikuv Two Lots without im Charles the IVth with his have accept persons Will be removed napoieon ms nrovements ih th 1 Tot XIXTat toe for their residence the beautiful chateau of companions and domestics wdl be placed un uTof YePow eecbes Creek 'on the Sus offerc1 them king ofthe' der a furfelual sufienrUendanee he wtll not mpiuh olleltow Iheecbes Creek on the bus 1 be permitted to make tld least movement niihannar almnt half a mile irom i eri v' These lots are' allowed to be tf e' bes On tne 13th several corpsof the Russian ar without biing wateneu oy a guaru vv ncu sEeity Ihqsetos ard allowed tope the Des fl a) vtssels mav touch atthe is and of bt Helena' a' AL 1 1 I A I a 1 aaMVea VllU UUUUI LllVlIA UA uc MenrfhoftnthAinwavfinrnee' he will be still more' closely guarded during eepe a eb1 'Arnaud Pecourte and his wife were'tori aH the time of their stay aiid lje will not be 6 A' Lot inMechaniCKSburs deiner1 'fni nn the OKtk nf lol suffered under anv pretext io have communi' Uatcof Wesf Peimsbro without improvements 47'he foad iroin Har thrown oil of vitriolfrom their windows on the with the inhabitants He hasbeenin ''igwntoip deceased risburg commonly road toads women who sang songs in honor of the king' formed that upon the slightest attempt to es and the raniily ot the Bourbons Condemned 'cape a uose pnwu uau ue ms aixiue as wen i i rn Li 6 About 415 Acres ot Wood mortis imprisonment a3 utmi iku niiwyuwi niuu bi' ii i I 11 1 1 1 1 1 IIIVI A lArS ni A vtnKi 1 vrA lalTAao lira 1 a a ue arcii uucnesys iviana wuisa was naini awwui vuu hvivvkrv ivvivot about the country at Baden pn'the 4th of Sep out jheir btfng read before they are delivered stember where she was to remain until the mid him The requests that he may have oc all 1 a huinn tri i pluHncr Xwn Io An Out Lot of 6'Aci'es tn rif hniicfahrJ4 'wall VA 3 zii i augciiicji3 wtjrc iniituiig laiituui'i on the road leading to Harrisburg newly 4cjK for the assemhko nf thp air Wort hurt immediately grahted by the governor if they Ur Guardian of the Estate of minor child ced with rail of course been given for the necessary accom are considered reasonable in matters efim i u'z' 1 1 1 1 I' r( A 2 ah ALxaVS 11 1 tU' 'i 11 IrtVV i v' I' f' VI I I a II A' J' ''x a ii' 1 UMC 1)100 cillOlL pvlWtKXf IUCJ Will Uv LULlllLlUlllLdlvk IU UIO whole of the above property js A Russian arm? of SSOCTiniarti'y' 10000 ''English government respect to the ''V A'CEORGE AHNESTOCK? cavalry 0 000 Cossacs with a bsgvy train cf money1 jewei and other valuables that he hadf Carlisle' August 3d 1815 artillery? wen? to pass rankfort the end'of 'WIlb him when he made a prisoner 'art September on their return 119111 rance exact inventory 01 them has been made He 1 vi I 'la A Lav A III zSn Ba 4 ah hL 7 4 i ne urcss'Oi tne dcpuiiesv by a decree Qi r'1M'wlvu wwsiwuiuciiiuuuu the of December is to be light blue such circumstancesand to such amount as the with three de lis colLr English1 government shall Judge proper so' and sleeves "embroidered with Silver fleurs de that he may not have in his power too great lis sums of which 'lie might make bad Use' by 'I 'tn ntmUr irv' ''endeavoring to escape XVe are authorised to announce that the pre 7 fat the West end of the Main Street' tended letter addressed to monsieur brothettof 1 I Carlsruhr August 27 EV THE BOROUGH CARLISLE he king byihe due never was re Jerome Bonapat ti istoow at Ellwangen I I TUHVHIUUIU 1 A to Bte'df die Boroughxf Carlisle tbat hJVjng provided himself withj good Li 'The marriage of the prince royfti of the he administration account of William Clark: and Horse feed of all kinds a careful Series witlf grand duchess of J1 7T rr ii i to nussia is nifnrionrd'p rrriAln iwwvluw vviavue whuuhuv uuiice iiau i uvuieib Yt th kn i snib1 rniispl to be aw ested in the month nf Link fnn A AAWA AMW WU'WW) 1 to A A A TWi Wednesdav November 18 15 5 Carlisle November 6 th 4813 Nntiep it herphv ffivenf ktoft um i transit tor various tues ot trench papera to yet ueen taxen on uy tne aumirany auu To all heirs1 legatees andj all I lhe subscriber will dispose of the the 18th September from which Wehavemade considered as extending to the model of pel sons interested that the foK subsequent translations? 4 tffowingMceoimts are filed iu teh fdlT El VLE isALE The Paris papers make nd mentionof a J' flffl rr'ovnnixiidon'MivT I aa i a t'eatyf peace having been signed It is pro We this morning received a New Yoik pa Registers Uflice ipx examination Noi Containing about 260 liable that the final arrangements had not been per of the 30th of July and one from Norfolk and be presented to an ur Acres 61 the firjtrte 'Limestone Land settled as the emperors of Russia and Austria of thetoth AugustThey contain no news 1 XnliariS Court to be held1 on Tues tented) lying on die road leading to Yurk' and the king ofPrussia were still at Paris at and are filled only with speculations as to the WV tile twelfth daV of December ahou two iqiles Irom Carlisle' about th? 1 nest dates period of the commencement of hostilities JtV fv 'to A Jone halfpfwhich is cleared the' reminder General Ney continued in the prison of the i Europe and the probable event of the JlCXt at tne HOUSe JU lup under good clear land is vn Conciei He was allowed the privilege 9 perpent consoJsT56 1 Omnium 6 7 8 Borough of Carlislej for cOnnrma det good clover except su spring or of walking in the court alone at the time when 'T September 13 lion by the 'said court towit fatl alld completely fenced Joying about'1 the yotljer prisoners were confined in their Public fund's 5 per Consote56 3a 'to tinnl of 'post ancj fail fenced the tosidue chambers or cells 1 Omnium 7 6 34 7 8 premium 4 administration 'account of Man Quia? under good worm fenpeJ There is an xcef I is "says the jeurnafde Gand7 The funds have expeiienced a sudden ad ft ley Robert Peebles Administratoisol the ent' Orchard of 7 airespf choice fruit? The that the negpeiations bi peace will be carried closed yesterday at estate lbw Quigley Esq late of West buildings oh thisarm are good two story a oti' etween the king'infie 'ion and the 7 8 have advanced to 7 8 4The house of Wnsl'ipaajMsed Brick (with a'gbgsLJ'ritn pOi 7'and that tlus made of negoeia iNn Se jntpresjed ig jhe commerce of Russia yoiianp jirsi oad'iZermmetf upon in Uie council ot 'IwuS? iftfWca ifg JTtfnTx ecu la vr a is die istnefof Thomas gtrEsqri3tu pi never fails phd adiawweUatthe house i interest of Europe and 'especially of EnglandV i XArv rA'l aAAl' JL I a 1 vu uiuiuavv 6 Called Happy Retreat XJcr i rance" JT 3 ne atmimstralion James iitf rench funds 5 net cent Lu rtoif 'Vmimurntim nf about one mile Iroitr Carlisle on the Mount 3 Per Duqald a Heny Krall aoministratois ob rAIltan i 1035 a i040 Estei WUonaid late ot Auen townsuip ie vnich 30 acres is under good 1 wo pen anrtrnrt! nt fvo corutfl ni 1 i i i i 7 1 tv Houfwell finished: with a pump at the fzThe administration ayouu oflranasG a bo'utivasJriephit' myer Junacting admunstrator rfheestate ofbcisXfuler late or decease dil J5 'V a iTh adtYiinkrratina nrriiiht nf L0I1S1 Sllll 01 100 ACICSJ and Joseph administrators joT thc6f good Chesnur Land (patented) about six rance i CSWtc cJl jacuu 'Jknwi xmc yrui vuuuiuiuih imuvs jruiu vujaaic i uitrc is uu iHqnvyc 4 townbhiDGceasedz menu on uus place 1 administration atcotint of Isaiah Gath? Valley passes through in auu yxiiuci) auiMiuiaii awn vj uio estate of John Hippie late of Cumberland" bounty deceased 1V lli' 7 administration account of John1 Laue Vfo AA1 A A A AS It A 1 fsuiunnat i aLWi vi iit caiati ui uuwauiaii caisuoi tMatc ovorui LVlluuieioli lUWMsnip vumqeriaiju County' deceased The administration accbiirit of Peter Diller administrators ciflhe estate JosepH Knox? IM asyMVl Vim my aaviaa A Aw A A George Aftyon being fco of gant Carpeting also Irish Linens 1 Coatings yepty4wp others were remanded ortilaL to i fj VJ 7 London Sept 9 His II the prince regent has cenferred inc uuci ine uuei: upon uc luuuwiug uisuu rieia marsnai ins nignness pruice oenwan zenberg ield marshal Blucher ield marshal count Barclay de Tolly ield marshal his' highness the' prince de General his royal highness the prince royal of Wirtemberg The new knights were invested with the de corations of the order by the duke of Welling ton 1 3Vis ijw urn i "rii ''to fa 7 Aj 'i tTv.
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- Years Available:
- 1810-1817