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Freeport Journal-Standard from Freeport, Illinois • Page 4

Freeport, Illinois
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THE DAILY JOURNAL: FREEPORT. ILLINOIS, MARCH 19, 1880. READ. Freeport Daily Journal. FRBSPQRT, MA liCH ISM We a re showing an elegant line of all kinds of Cotton Dress GoodsI Scotch Ginghams I American Ginghams I Choice Sateens I ToileduNords! All these Goods are considerably cheaper than last season.

ETC. THE CITY IN BRIEF. Opera to-night. School examinations will occur next week. Don't miss 'Taunt" at Gonnania hall to-high I.

It will bo soon time to talk up sewerage again. The lumber dealers report business picking up. Max C. Blade is doing Paris at the present time. Horse buyers are busy in this section of the country.

Shumway.of Lanark, was in the city on Friday. The alleys are tilled with tilth. They ought to be cleaned. There will be a regular meeting of Centennial lodge this evening. S.

Tollmeier, of horau, has become the owner of a Hue Knglish shire horse. The Strakosch company will appear at Dubuque on the evenings of April lird and Samuel Hay has been engaged to work in Oregon and vicinity for W. W. Barnes. Lena, Warren, and other neighboring towns will be well represented at the opera to-night.

Miss Ida Truesbury, who visited Freeporl. last, summer, was married at Rockford the other day. Prof. L. A.

TOITCIIS drilled the Choral I'liion last night, instead of to-night, in consequence of tho opera. The Pells Manny farm at Waddams has been rented to S. W. Armagost, who is now in possession. tien.

C. S. Beutley, who was at Dn- biiqiie, calling on old friends, was in the city, on his way to Chicago. Mr. and Mrs.

Irwln were at Lena on a visit to relatives and friends, returning home on Thursday. Miss M. K. Mordner lias returned from Chicago with a large of spring goods in the millinery The collectors are coming to town, for 11 in purpose) of making llnal settlements with the County Treasurer. All who go to (ieriiiauia hall to-night will have the pleasure of witnessing the presentation of a very line opera.

Tlio boys at the North western freight ofllec are smoking cigars to-day to the health of Warren Bunion and bride. Racine citizens exhibited good sunse the oilier day. By a majority of it was decided have a system of water works. went to Hidotl Friday morning, to olllc.iate at the funeral of the late Daniel who died at that place at the age of JV1 years. The Clark comedy company will play Kirke" at the (Jermaiiia hull oil Saturday afternoon.

Reserved seats on sale at the Iloebel it Moogk place. Deputy Sheriff Baker is reported to bo doing nicely. The gentleman had a very close call, and his friends rejoice to know the injuries were not any inore serious. Winnesheik tribe of Red Men adopted couple of pale faces at ita wigwam 80 Iba New Turkish Prunes for-Si no 28 Ibs Choice New reaches for 00 23 HIB Choice Dried Apples for oo 0 Ibs Good Tea for on 10 Ibs Hock Gundy for 00 8 IbsMcLaughlln's XX Coffee 00 8 Ibs Arabuokle's Coffee for 00 11 Ibs Fine Mixed Candy for 00 10 large cans very beat Tomatoes 00 25 full pound bars good Soap for 1 00 Just received, a large invoice of the best Sugar-Cured. HAMS! Bacon and Dried Meef.

Also New Formosa Oolong, Japans, an I all oilier kinds of TEAS. A fresh invoice Chase Sanborn of the Celebrated COFFEE! We can give you prices that cannot be beat, by the Sack, or Car load, on the finest FLOUR1 We have a great variety of Fine-Cut, Plug and Smoking TOBACCOS Can aell you a pail of Fine-Cut or a butt of Plug Tobacco lower than any tirm in the city. The lowtst prices on all kinds of SYRUPS! By the Keg or Gallon. We carry the Largest Stock west of Chicago. Do not buy till you see us.

Wholesale and Retail GROCERS. last night. The membership is now and new ones being admitted at every meeting. A young lady who resides in the Third Ward is industriously engaged in a labor of love and will soon 'depart for Dakota Territory, where she will make her future home. Mr.

and Mrs. R. ,1. have returned from Franklin Grove, where they were in attendance at the District Lodge of Good Templars. An interesting session is reported.

A gentleman who was in the city on Friday says that the town of Milleilge- ville is enjoying a good boom, and there will be ipiite an increase in the population the next three months. Dr. F. W. Yellow Creek, who has been attending medical lee- lures at the Physio-Medical Institute of Chicago, has returned home, lie will return to Chicago al the beginning of the next term.

The next High School dime lecture will be on March and 2Md, on which occasions "(iriersou's Raid" will be delivered by Col. II. C. Forbes. There will be a splendid opportunity to hear old war songs.

Wilbur F. Goddard, the newly-appointed postmaster of Lena, was'con- firmed by the I'uited States Senate Thursday, lion. Andrew Welch, the Inernal Revenue Collector for this district, was served the same way. Nothing afforded me any relief for rheumatism until I tried Athlophoros. I used four bottles of the medicine, and have not felt any rheumatism since.

It is a valuable medicine. Ilote.h- kiss, lilt) Hancock Street Peoria, 111. M.Nexl Monday Messrs, ('has. 11.Little, C. G.

Sauborn and.I. G. Conine, of Clinton, Iowa, will leave for Texas, and look after the interests of the Tom Greene county cattle company. A. P.

Goddard will follow a few days afterwards. C. S. the advance man for tliu Annie Burton company, was here to-day. The lady who is the star of the company is the wife of ,1.

W. Burton, and both of them with the Horace Herbert troupe a few years ago, and are well known to'Freeport theatre goers. It would be interesting to kuow why the Knights of Labor exclude lawyer's from their A hard-working, honest and self-denying class of men such as members of the bar might be of the greatest value to the association, and their advice in matters of law might be of assistance to the leaders upon the legal relations of capital and labor. In Chicago, the other day, Lucius P. Fisher died.

In an early day he was tjuile well known in this city, and for a longtime he made his home at both Bcloit and Hock ford. He was instrumental in locating Beloit College, gave a large portion of its site, and bail been a trustee since its organisation. It was mostly through his efforts that the Chicago Northwestern and the Hacine iS: Mississippi lines were built through Beloit, and with his partners constructed most of the latter road, and a portion of the Dixon Air Line, lie was fora time receiver of the Hacine Mississippi railroad, also a director in that and the Beloil Madison railroad. He was engaged in grading what is now the Northwestern road across Iowa when the panic of 1857 came, but with his partner secured KM sections of laud when the old railroad company failed. His remains were taken to lieloit for interment.

The strike at Savanna is at an end, Postmaster Ilgin, of Cedarvillo, was in town on Friday. One week from to-day the public schools will close for a week's vacation. Dr Johnston, of Florence, is to take the practice of Dr. Ulair, who goes to Chicago. The remains of the late Mrs.

Orvis, tier Matlie Wise, arrived here yesterday for Interment. R. Lucke, of Lanark, was in town on Friday, on some, business connected with his new building. Casmer Kneeht, Miss Tillle and Fred Wagner, of Chicago, were here in attendance at tho funeral of the, late Carl Thillip Kneeht. The old blacksmith shop al the corner of (iiilena and Chicago streels was pulled down to-day, to make room for W.

II. AVagner's new block. The price of admission tollm matinee at (Jermania hall Saturday afternoon will be ten cents lo all parts of the house. "Ilav.el Kirke" will be repeated, and it in expected that, a large audience will be present. Miss Fannie Francis played "Capitolia' 1 for two years steadily, and she ought to be Mien to be appreciated.

Remember the matinee at Hall, Saturday afternon o'clock; admission Ion cents lo all parls of the house. At the late term of the Circuit Court of Carroll county, Andy Lebkicker secured a divorce from his wife. It will be remembered that the couple resided here several years ago, Mis. debkicker being very attractive looking. Shu preferred to reside in Pennsylvania for reasons best known to herself, and the divorce is the result.

Henry II. Libbing, of San Francisco, California, is in the city, on a visit to his relatives. He is a brother of the (ialena street groceryman, and for eighteen years has been resident of the State, most of the time, engaged as a detective. Me was a member of Company H. Illinois Volunteers, and his old friends will be glad to see him.

T. Lhiguer was anxious to secure tho indictment, of a merchant and went before grand jury to-day for that purpose, lie claims the parly induced him to sign his namoloa piece of paper which aflervvanls turned out to be an order on Wright for The merchant claims the fellow owed him the amount named, and he hud to take some course to collect it, as the "promises to pay" imver panned out satisfactory. Prof. T. C.

(jhamborlin, now of Holoit college, is to be tendered the Presidency of the Slate University at Madison, to succeed President Kaseoiii, who is to resign. Mr. Chamberlin graduated at lioloil college in and and afterwards took a post graduate course at UK? University of Michigan, lie was the Stale Geologist of Wisconsin at OHO time. Dr. Jenkins, D.

A. Knowlton and olhera are intimately acquainted with the gen- man, and they pronounce him a very able man. All that was mortal of the late Curl Philip Kneeht was laid at rest on Friday afternoon. At o'clock the friends assembled at the house, and old-time friends performed the duties of pall bearers. The procession to the grave was a lengthy one, and the largo attendance of friends attested the esteem in which they held the deceased.

Christian Mueller, a very dear friend. AN AEMY OF SWINDLERS. L'N'DKIl TFIK OUIHK OF lUlIiKMIAN OATS AOKNTH, TltKV INKICST STICl'M- KNSON, AM) ADJOINING THOirS- ANDH OK DOLLARS IN NOTKS IH'H. The Bohemian Oats Army struck this section of tlio State some time ago, and its agents were very successful in looking np suckers with more money than discretion. Their field of operations were in Stoplienson, Ogle, Carroll, and Whiteside counties.

It is said tho fanners of the lust mimed county were fche most successfully worked," aiid thousands upon thousands of dollars in notes are said to bo coming due soon. And it is further slated that the chief of the gang who secured the notes and sold them to speculators at a-discount is now enjoying life in Canada, far away from the scene of his successful and bold operations. A VICTIM of the army was in the city, and called at the olllco of A. T. Green, and to that gentleman ho detailed his grievances.

He is very anxious to resist payment on the piece of paper thai has his time- honored signature, and is still more anxious to have the, swindlers arrested. The army is credited working their scheme in the following way: They lirst pick out several well known farmers in a county, and in a legitimate business way induce them to receive sonic of the Bohemian oats, for which they pay $10 per bushel, never buying very many hundred bushels. By this means they get the farmers in a notion to raise Bohemian oats, and enrich themselves. At this stage of the game thn agents work the county, make the acquaintance of the country folks, go to church and taffy piilliugs with the damsels, tickle the babies under the chin, treat tho boys to the best, and talk just as the "old gentleman" does on all matters- political, and otherwise, and wind up the acquaintance with selling the latter ten bushels of Bohemian oats at $100, taking his note -bearing six or seven per cent. Interest, in payment fwr tho oats.

The farmer understands that the sleek young fellow will buy all the oats lie raises at the same price he pays for them, and considers that he has at last gol Ihe golden calf by Hie tail, until he discovers his note in bank, or in the hands of some speculator who has taken judgment against him, while the sleek young man is working pastures new, looking for other nice old gentlemen with money who want to take hold of the same calf's tail. It leaks out the army that has been working the neighborhood sold a large number of the miles to speculators, and that the swindle was perpetrated on a gigantic, scale. We know of a Stephenson county farmer who resides near Baileyville who was not caught, and will have no regrets. He is as fond of a swindler as, a terrier is of a rat, and the man who comes on his place will) Ihe avowed purpose-of gelling Ids signature to a note, or in any way swindle him, is kicked off the place. This is how be served an agent in the Bohemian Oats Army.

of Chicago, was The numerous a passenger and old-time associate, paid a tribute of respect at Ihe grave, uttering a few words of eulogy ami love. W. II. Wagner had charge of the singing. Personal Paragraphs, Mr.

L. 7.. Farwell loaves for the on Monday, to lay in a slock of He will vislil New York, Boston, and other places. Mr. Miles White, of Chicago, is spending a few d'tys with his sons at Lena.

Mr. H. II. Quinlan, in the city on Friday. friends of the gentleman expressed regret at the death of his brother Dennis, which occurred a few weeks ago.

Miss Fanny Smith was for Rockford to-day. Mrs. II. R. Nelson and Miss Kate Lemon, of Lena, were the guests of Freeport friends on Friday.

Mrs. W. W. Lowis, of Lena, and mother, Mrs. Newcomer, of Greene, Iowa, were in the city, the guests of Miss Sadie Wolf.

Miss Bertha Blade, who is a student, at Lake Forest. University, will arrive home next week, to speim Ihe vacation with her parents. You Ought to Attend. Following is the programme of exercises for Forbes' lecture at the High School next Monday evening: 1. Vocal (Quartette "We are twit- ing to-night on the old campground." Mrs.

W. Ii. Thomas, soprano; Miss May Hockey, alto; Mr. I. F.

Kleckner, tenor; Mr. W. H. Thomas, bass; Mrs. Dr.

Fair, pianist. Ii. Clarinet Solo Mann's opera concert for Hat clarinet, Mr. John Tappe; Mr. W.

II. Wagner pianist. "Griersou's Raid" -Lecture by Col. 11. C.

Forbes. "The Red White ami Blue" Vocal duet by Miss Charissa Taylor and Miss Carrie Harding; Miss Lottie Wright pianist. "f)ld Shady" -Buss solo bv Mr. W. It.

Thomas. LIT). "On Blooming Meadows" -Concert by Rive King. Piano duet-- My Mrs. Dr.

Fair and Miss Flora Guiteau. "We were Comrades all together in the Days of War" By the First M. K. Choir. AimiBonionts.

The Clark Comedy Company played to a good house at Germania hall last night, Miss Francis success The piece was well pre- 'sented, and each member of the company is deserving of praise. There will be uo piece played by the company tonight, on account of the opera, -but tomorrow afternoon, Kirke" will be repeated, and in the evening "The Hidden Hand" will be Reserve your seats at Iloebel iV Moogk's to avoid the rush. TIIK lIl'KltA. "Faust" will be the attraction at Ger mania hall this evening, the Strakosch opera company of sixty parsous to be present. Over 100 seats have been sold, but there are some not secured.

Telephone or call al Iloebel Moogk's. Reserved seats. the general admission is mi. Burrell, Druggists, wish it known Unit they guarimteo Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets to bo thu best remedy for indigestion ever made, they always relieve headache. NOT GUILTY.

liAUKAOKS roUCKMAN WAKKlIAM's CI1AIII11CS AOAINST IKIWKIIS NOT I'HOVICN. James .1 lowers was arrested at the Salvation Army barracks one night last week, by Special Policeman Warehani, and a charge of drunk and disorderly preferred against him. Tho case was called for trial at the otlice of Magistrate Wagner Thursday afternoon, and a jury came to the conclusion that the charges preferred were not proven. It was with difliculty that a jury was chosen, and after a or more were excused the following were accepted: (). V.

Munii, foreman; C. M. Shaffer, W. T. Mitchell, S.

S. Taggart. Isaac Haws, James Howe. Ollicer Wareham was sworn, and testilled he was under the impression Bowers was drunk at the time he arrested him; that he was at the barracks; had his hat on, ami offered it to him (Warehani) when lie asked him to remove it. Kx-Olllcer Brubaker testified that he met Bowers early in the evening, and he appeared gentlemanly, and was behaving well.

It was his opinion Bowers had been drinking, but, not to such an extent as to be quarrelsome. lie told Brubaker that be was looking after Mark Bowers. After he was arrested, Bowers asked Brnbaker to go up to the station to prove he was innocent 1 Pansy and Warehani were also examined, and Sheriff Stewart tes- tilled he had a conversation with Bowers on the evening referred to, and if he was drunk then he had been drunk every time he met him for twenty years. When the Sheriff was speaking to him, he made an engagement to do some work at the jail next day. The defendant swore that he was not intoxicated, and was in no way disorderly.

Others were examined, ami the jury were not long in arriving at the conclusion above referred to. Here By-an'-By. Confidence tricksters operated in the time-worn manner on a crowd in Rockton Tuesday. The Hockford Itryisttr says il was the soap and money snap. A couple of g'ib talking chaps drove to the centre of the town, pulled out a box of soap and began operations.

They wrapped a $10 bill about one of the cakes of soap, a Sf) bill around another, and dropped them into the box. or pretended to drop them. They then sold the soap for a pick. The crowd were sure they knew where the cakes containing the money were placed, and bit rapidly, paid their cash and drew, but never drew a prize. The sharpers took in as many then remarking "good-bye" drove rapidly away.

It's the same old game, but then there will always be suckers, no matter how often it is exposed. It was simply a sli-ighl-of-haud three-card inoutc trick, and you may warrant that the moneyed cukes were never placed within reach of the chance takers. Kuimert llnm-ll, Druggists, guarantee positive relief for any Cough, Cold, Croup, in- Lung Complaint by us- iug Acker's F.nglisli Remedy, or will riv- fuud the money. Miss Sophia Schelp gave a party at her resilience on Galena avenue last evening, in honor of Mr. Werner Strippel, a former resident of this city, now a prominent young business man of Independence, Iowa.

HAPPILY WED, JMISH ANNA M. I1AKKK AND WARH1CN IlVrNTON PLIGHT VOW.H IN THE rilKS- KMJK OK A LAHOK OATIIHIIINO OK ritlKNDS. Thursday evening, at the residence of the bride's mother, No. 185 South Galena avenue, Miss Anna M. Baker was united in marriage to Mr.

Warren L. JJunton, Hev. II. I). Jenkins officiating.

Helatives and guests to the number of sixty were present, and after tendering congratulations were regaled with an elegant collation. Miss Maker has been a teacher in the public schools for several years, and is held in high estimation by her many friends. Mr. Bunion has been employed in Ihe freight office of the C. W.

railway as cashier for a number of years, and integrity and sterling qualities of heart and mind have gained him many warm friends. lioth the young people have attended the public schools here, and start upon the matrimonial voyage with the best wishes of all. Mr. and Mrs. JJimton were the recipients of many elegant, and valuable gifts, among them being a complete china dinner set from the mother of groom; a handsome gold watch from groom to bride; bible from mother of bride, and a handsome stand for same from R.

II. Holder; plush easy chair from Miss lOmma Baker; china tea set from Mr. and Mrs. (J. F.

Til ton, Chicago; sowing machine from Mr. Isaac; Becker; several handsome lamps, silver and glass pieces, and other articles completed the list. Mr. and Mrs. Bunion will make their home with the mother of the groom for the present.

May long life, happiness and prosperity be their portion. KltOM ARItOAD. Among the guests were several relatives ami friends from abroad, among them being: Isaac, Maker, a brother of the bride, from Blue Island, K. D. Decatur and bride, who were, married in Chicago on Tuesday; George B.

Muiitou and bride, married at Kewauue on Monday; Mrs. Alary Mnnlon and daughter Mabel, Kewaune, and Anna Tillou, of Chicago. THE 0. 0. ANNIVEKSAKY, WINNKS11IKK I.Or>(U>: VOTKS 'I'll (HI TO r.K.l.VIDEIUO I.ODO1CS TO CKLKliKATK AT MO.MK.

At a meeting of Freoporl lodge of Odd Fellows il was resolved to celebrate the anniversary of the founding of the order on the liGth of April next, in this city. Slephensoii lodge, has also voted to do the same, while Winucshiek has decided to join in the exercises of the North western Anniversary Association at Belvidere. A LITTU-: SLOW. II is evident that the Odd Fellows of llelvidere are not ve.rv active in the work of making arrangements for the coming celebration. Mr.

Jacob Krolin was in receipt of a letter, which stated he had been put on the committee on railroads, and his presence, was desired to arrange for a programme, etc. He will go down there next Monday. If the Belvidere people want the Odd Fellows to pile in there at a lively rate next April, they must be up and doing. The Northwestern Odd Fellows' Anniversary Association is a big institution, and they ought to give the outsiders a grand time. THE ELECTRIC LIGHT.

IT WILL ILLUJUINATK THE CITY FOR ANOTHER LAMPS CONTRACTED FOR BY THE CITY. A special meeting of the city council was called on Thursday afternoon, at which the lighting of the city was discussed. II was agreed that forty-live lights would be contracted for, at the rate of the council committee to locate the lights in differents parts of the city. The present lights will remain on the court, house dome until further notice. At tlm present time there are lights, at a cost, to the city of The new coiilracl is for live years, and the will be pleased to know thai there will be.

fifteen additional lights. The Tompsoii-Ilouson light is onu that gives great satisfaction wherever it is in use, and Messrs. Farwell Munii will immediately make arrangements to illuminate the city in the best possible Eclious from the Barracks. There will be a jubilee this evening. "Happy Nell," the singing pilgrim, ami "Salvation were arrivals from Polo to-day.

They will IIP present at the meeting to-night. The Rev. Wm. Booth. General of the Army, and Commissioner William Smith, in command of the United States forces, have issued dodgers which were circulated in this city today.

They set I'orlh that the sixth annual review and the anniversary demonstration in connection with the Western Division will be held in Chicago for live days, beginning March '27th. The two Harrys and about a soldiers of the Freeport corps will be in attendance. The Commissioner and staff will have a grand welcome on the lirst day. and demonstrations will follow the succeeding days of the session. On Tuesday, March all night will be devoted to prayer.

Wednesday will be huld the otllcial council of war. The delegation who were at Forres- tou were assisted by the Poloites. Several conversions are reported. Next Tuesday night, the occasion of the lecture by Mrs, Morchers. a grand time is anticipated.

The lady is no novice on the lecture platform, and it is expected the barracks will contain a large audience. In Religious Circlos. The special meetings that have been in progress at the Kuglish Church have been well attended. Rev. A.

M. Barrett, the new pastor, is doing a good work, and his congregation have become very much attached to him. There will be another meeting this evening. Rev. W.

Hue.lsler returned from Rock Grove, where a general is now going on under the leadership of Rev. li. W. Ballenger. Through all the mud, the people came for miles around.

Then- have been about sixty conversions. Twenty were at the altar of prayer on Tuesday evening. It is certainly the greatest awakening of the kind that the community lias cvi known. Ask" Knimert iV Hurrell, Druggists about Acker's Blood Klixir, the only preparation guaranteed to cleanse the blood, and remove all chronic diseases. 1 Champions of Gold Water.

District Lodge No. I. O. G. held at Franklin Grove, Leo on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, was one of the most interesting and profitable sessions ever held.

About sixty dele- gales wore in attendance, representing lodges from all parls of IhediBlricl. In the absence of the District Chief Templar, that pioneer temperance, worker, C. (I. Jiaymau, of Chicago, was called to the chair. The reports of officers showed a very healthy condition of the order in this district Since the November session of the district Lodge 22 new lodges have been instituted, and the membership increased from a little over 1500 to upwards of 2,100.

The work throughout the district was reported-in a very nourishing condition. There was a lively discussion over the question of a division of the District, many feeling that the District was too large, but majority seemed to think the other way. and it was decided not to divide. A resolution was passed instructing the Executive Committee to employ a lecturer and keep him constantly at work in this District till June 1st. The convention closed its labors at p.

m. of the 17th. Among the prominent persons in attendance were lion. John J5. Finch, H.

W. (i. Hon. John Sobieski, of Missouri. P.

R. W. G. Chaplain; Uriah Copp, G. W.

C. H. J. G. W.

and Mrs. K. A. Mills, (i. S.

J. of Illinois; and Frank J. Sibley, for five years Grand Worthy Chief Templar of Nebraska. On Wednesday evening John M. Finch and Sobieski spoke at the M.

K. Church, the house, being packed to its utmost capacity. The question of license or no-license is soon to be voted upon at Franklin Grove and the address of Hon. Johd JJB. Finch made a powerful impression in favor of no-license.

The entire meeting at Franklin Grove was one of the most harmonious and interesting ever held in Northern Illinois. The next meeting will be held at F.lgiu in August next. Freeport came within three voles of being selected. County Building Crumbs. The Circuit Court will be in session to-morrow.

The Grand Jury made a visit to the jail Friday morning, and found the prisoners all well satisfied with the treatment received. Marriage, licenses have been granted to Chris Foss and Amelia Schneider and Jacob Aurantl and Hester TIIK COUNTY COURT. Among the recent matters that claimed the attention of the county court were: ICslate of Jere Keiser, deceased. He- port approved and ordered recorded and upon showing vouchers of distribution administratrix be discharged. Kslate of Conrad Mest, deceased.

Inventory ordered recorded, apprais- menti approved and ordered recorded. lOstale of Lawrence Lyons, deceased. Inventory ordered recorded, apprais- inent bill approved and ordered recorded. Estate of Henry F. Flindt deceased.

Rosiua llaukeappointed administratrix deboiiis with will approved and ordered recorded letters issued. Report, of Olus Gales guardian (Miller) approved and ordered recorded. Estate of Elizabeth Loos deceased. Will proven and ordered recorded with proof, bond $2,000 approved and ordered recorded. Estate ofJII.

ITcndrickmeier deceased. Heport approved and ordered recorded administratrix discharged. Report of Samuel 1). Cold well, ginu- dian approved and ordered recorded and guardian discharged. DltY CAltl'ETS.

--MAYNARD'S-Kid Gloves! As a Special Bargain this week, we offer a line of Colored Kid Gloves, Five Buttons, Scolloped Tops, in all the New Spring Shades, at 75 eta. Reduced from81.25. 7 5 Cents! Real Value $125. SEWING The Latest Craze. SILK VEILING! All the Fashionable Colors in this popular VEILING! in and see it.

OPENED TO-DAY! Some Novelties in liuching and a Largo Assortment of Torchon Laces! -MAYNARD'S" ETC. INSTANTANEOUS STAMPING! Having purchased a Large Stock of Conventional and other New Designs in Stamping Patterns, we are prepared to do all kinds of stamping. Ladies come in and look the Designs over. MRS. J.

BENSON BOOKS, STATIONERY, ETC. Announcements. Un next Wednesday evening there will be ii special conclave of Freeport Coimmindery fur the purpose of working on the K. T. degree.

There will lie a meeting of the. -A. Davis Post to-night, at (iraud Army hall. All comrades are requested to present. The (tood Templars have their regular meeting this evening.

The sociable of Busy Bee lodge, Dau- shters of Rebecca, will be given one week from next Tuesday night at Odd Fellows' hall. All Odd Fellows and llie.ii 1 families will be welcome. Miss Delia McKutice and Charles Simons, of married the oilier day. Saul Warehani ha dissolved partuersliip. Mr.

.1. L. Warehani will continue the photograph business at the old gallery, opposite the monument, which will be thoroughly refilled, (iood work guaranteed, It. OPENED TO-DAY A magnificent line of Spring wraps and Jackets. From medium to extreme novelties.

Come and see them. WM. WALTON. marlSdlM Fish! Fish! Fish! Fresh White Halibut, Mackerel, just received a choice lot. Also a choice lot of Hams.

J'rice: Hams, He; Picnic Hams, Tc. .1. KKKCIIKK. nichlHdlw Dr. Strassman's Spectacles and Eye-Glasses.

Fine Writing Latest Styles. A new line of the Alden Books. Pictures, Frames and Everything belonging to a LARGE BOOK STORE! Call and See Us. WRIGHT KLECKNER. 'LA USE BEST SILK FOR MnesHand Use FOR SALE BV A.

I). WRIGHT, FREEPORT, ILL. STliAKOM'U EXC1LJKU Ol'ERA COMI'AXY. II Treat for the Citizens of Freeport anil Vicinity! raliise i to IIIILLJRIl Giand tlioius! Full Orchestra! SO Mists SO! UNDER THE DIRECTION OF ADMISSION, SI.QO. RESERVED SEATS, $1.25.

Secni-e Vouv Seats Early, at Hoebel Mooyk'a JDruy Store..

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