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Hope Star from Hope, Arkansas • Page 3

Hope Stari
Hope, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

V' by Star Publishing tiW. at The Star building, I14-Z14 through all erfeUttdio also turtw hertlft, idfe Charges Will be rttade aU MMttoHals, concerning the departed. Commercial W-iNi teller news coltiauw to protect ttoit readers iw-taWrig Tlie Star return tit 'ttiy trtadlcited (Always Payable in Advance); By city carrier, nwrtths $175; one yeaf $5.80. By mall, In Hempstead, Nevada 1 ttutayeite cowntiest $3.00 per year; elsewhere $5.00. Tfca Start CITY of the municipal jXnoer ptdnt to deeelop On Md social resources of Hope.

efitf pitejflcnt in improved mnitaru condition! and the of Commerce. COUNTT program prodding for the etWirtnicMon of ell-weather ennh year, to gradually reduce the and economic tupport eeerv ttfett practical to armer belteuinff that tffott ttntntry as it is in town. STATE jfrOffreu on the rtate highway program. tax reform, and a more effineni government through the of Fnllnwed Her to Sdioof One Day Environment and Crime By BRUCE CATTON NBA Editorial Writer TWEfcW.flVE YfeARS AGO Miss Dell McRae returned Monday 'rom a visit to friends at Prescott. Dave Flnley was iH St.

Louis Wednesday. John Greene Is at home from Fay- ettevllle, where he has been a student at the State University. lrfeN YEARS AGO Horace Bemis and Carlton and Douglas McRae, of Prescott, will arrive in this city tonight, to be the guests of their aunt, Mrs. John D. Barlow and Mr.

Barlow. Randolph Williams, of Texarknna, is a guest in this city of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R.

Crutchfleld. Battlefield Bro. Dlsler from Lewisville filled regular appoinlm htneeer shrdlu his regular appointment here last Saturday night and Sunday. Andrew Whatley nnd Miss Mary Stevenson were quietly married at his place last Saturday night, April 8. Bro.

Risler from Lewisville performed the ceremony. We wish for them much happiness through life. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McBay from Bodcaw spent last wcek.end with relatives at this place.

Mrs. Edd Collins spent a while last Wednesday night with her daughter, Mrs. Elbert Tarpley. Mr. and Mrs.

E. Mobley spent last Saturday and Sunday with her parents. Commodore Stevenson and family. Mr. and Mrs.

Jess Collins and family spent Sunday with J. A. Smith and family'. Illinois-Tax Service Association went before state's Board of Pardons and Pai-olea to plead for of Russell McWilliams, 16-year-old condemned murdr an 'argument that every citizen in the land fttfprofitably 1 have listened to. Srhis argument was a bold assertion that the state of ais itself has a share in the responsibility for this lad's 'artd that having such a share it cannot properly put -death.

taxes on small homes are so heavy, the argu- 'Cllsclircd, McWilliams' parents could not give the boy ''chance in life. illiams lived in a blighted "slum area," in a home the, words of'the association's brief, "offered no Amusements or wholesome opportunities for hap- modern world, furthermore, has evolved commer- jiieasures'so "rapidlythajt to many minds "pleasure is tl with purchasing." The only way, then, in which a illiams can get pleasure is by getting money, words, an abnormal temptation to steal is put in and the state, instead of counterbalancing such npiation, "tolerates an antiquated and socially inimical fjSx system directly contributes to the dissatisfaction and of youn through its degrading influences upon Mhising and home life." jfftir'WHij plea is something new in American criminal The state, always ready to take the responsibility lending a murder's those rare occasions when it Snatch and convict not yet thought of assuming ifljiaj'responsibility for his crime. It is always ready with I my brother's keeper?" 1 the responsibility is there. The least sentimental of through a city slum, cannot escape realizing brought up in such a place start life with the IS; stacked against them. in the last analysis, creates all of the evils that Gangster, murder, harlot, thief, jjnrovide the forcing-ground that produces them; and when are brought to book we belong in the dock with them.

Putting One Over On the "AP." proposed expenditure of more than a million dollars by'the French government for propaganda in the United ia and the intimation that a connection has been formed the Associated Press through the Havas Agency, has jjht prompt denials from the officials of the great Amer- 'news-gathering agency. For many years the Associated Press has had an ar- tgement for an exchange of news with the Havas Agency, and only recently, it is said, the Associated Press given its cpsnent for the Havas Agency to serve direct American newspaper which may desire its service. those who understand that the Associated Press is a organization, owned and controlled by its member jwspapers, the inference that it would become a party to transmission of propaganda from France or any other tuntry is absurd, and needs no denial. gut the discussion has disclosed one fact which is worthy consideration by the newspaper publishers of the States. Jt appears that the Havas Agency, through of the radio, has made its service available to newspa- gt a price far below that maintained by the Associated and-; for this reason, has built up a large clientile in ji and Central America.

Officials of the Associated Press have contended that the a is unauited for the transmission of news, hence no ef- hftve been, made in this country to use this economical of serving the smaller newspapers, through a short- radio allocation has been at the disposal of the "AP" for of years. we believe, is unfortunate. Many of the smaller of the United States would be glad to receive a -'(pomprehpsiv news service, if it could be secured at a which they are able to pay. And the newspapers of and Central America would doubtless prefer to get fl(j news through the United States, if the news ser- this country could supply it at a figure comparable of the French-owned Havas Agency. Ihrom the fragmentary information available, it appears ftat $be French news agency has put one over on the "AP," ana that we may hear much more about it in the days to Point (Mian.) Times-Leader.

So They Say! to the world has been cul- DflRLIHG FOOL mcELLlOTT NEA SERVICE.INCJ BEGIN TODAK MONICA O'DARE. tlftl. with DAN CARDIGAN. yoni At a local daaelac where wllfc D.LB kit ttltmt. DBA LAWRENCE.

wHfc CHARLES EV8TACE. takM of Mcalra. hurt. Ckatlca. to eiievrt her NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY CHAPTER IV TTHB days dragged on.

Monnie had not dreamed there could be pain like To know Dan vis In the same tbwn and inot to tee htm was sheer torture. May proved to be a month drenched in jweetness. Lilac scent filled the sir, forsythla blazed In every dooryard. the nights were soft and still. Stlil no Dan.

She did not even see him at the wheel of the roadster, skimming along the roads. At home the family forbore to ask questions. Kay was caugbt up in a whirl of high school activities BUI came and went, ate bis meals moodily, and slipped back to the garage. Monnie came out of ber own daze ot misery to realize there was something definitely wrong In Bill's sphere. He was more silent, more dour than usual.

Poor was having to work too bard and too early that had weighed him down so that, at 22, be seemed years older. And their had twinges of worry about her, too. She seemed cheerful as always but her step was slower. She sighed deeply and quietly when she thought no one was about. All the O'Dares seemed to be The man jerked his thumb in the direction a door, "You can go in there if you want to see the young feller." phone.

She would call Bill at the garage. He might be able to solve the mystery. "Hellol May I speak to Bill, please?" Mr. Harnett's voice, rumbling, answered. "Bill? Bill's not here." Her heart began to race faster.

will lie bo back, do you know?" The voice sounded sardonic now. "Couldn't say, I'm sure." Desperately Monnie sold, "Mr. Harnett, this Is Bill's sister- Monica O'Dare. Is anything i wrong?" I There was an instant's pause- long enough tor Monnie to hear, separately and distinctly, the hissing of the kettle, the ticking of the clock, and the tliump-thump-thump of her own unruly heart. Tlien the man at the other end of the wire said with infinite deliberation: "Wrong enougli, miss.

There's been some trouble hero and Bill's gone along to the station with Officer Garvan." "Trouble?" She almost screamed the word. "What sort of trouble?" But the wire clicked. The connection was broken. She put the receiver back on tho hook and went back to tlie kitchen. She stared for an instant at the steaming kcttlo before reaching to turn off the gas.

Sbe detached the toaster, noting dully that tho two thin sslices alia had cut were smoldering blackly behind tho wires. Then she put on her hat and wandered out Into the street. She hadn't the least Idea where she was going or what she was to do. Except that Bill was in trouble ami her mother, wherever she was, needed her. every man in the world except Dan Cardigan.

"I've been wondering why I didn't see you around town," "That would be lovely," Monnie said. "We'd like to come." 'Would you really?" There was Eustace began, step to hers, suiting his long smiled. "I've been here. All this time." She could catch the scent of drifting. What was it all about? goQd leather and VIrB nia tobac co Why did other people have good flg ))(J ft pouch and 8tuKed Spain's times, bright, happy homes while the young O'Dares must carry this heavy burden? At this point In her reflections Monnie always shook herself vigorously.

"This Is nonsense," she would remind herself. "Aren't we all well and strong? Haven't I a Job and a roof over my good Friends?" She was arguing with herself thus one day, hurrying home fur luncb, when she ran straight tutu the arras of a tall man. beg your pardon!" All tcarlet lips, flashing amber eyes, she stared up at him. "Quite all right." Charles Koa tace'a deep voice reassured linr "I wasn't on the right side of iliu road, either." They laughed together and Monnle's heart lightened. It was good to laugh with someone.

Shu badu't for days. "Mind If I turn about and go your way?" Kustace wauled 10 know. "I'm Just bui-glni; ubuui for exercise." How tall he wag and. yea now distinguished looking! It. was odd dldu'i tliluk him better looking tbau Dan glie dtdu't.

He was nice. Auntliet girl, fancy free, might nave founn biro much uiors tlmu mat but ai heart wan woolly was In- something very boyish In the way his pipe. Sbe stopped to watch him do It. liked a man to smoke a pipe, Dan always smoked clgarets. One after the other.

Nervously. She shook herself. What a fool she always harking back to Dan! The man glanced down at her shrewdly. "You are looking rather pale," he observed. "Are they working you too hard?" Moniile shook her head.

Maybe I need a change." "This Is a grand town to see spring In," said Charles Eustace. "This time last He stopped abruptly. Monnie looked up at him Innocently to discover he was very white. Sbe bad a geiifiatloo of keen distress. "Never mind." be finished briefly.

"I was In France. It was beautiful tbere, but this Is more peaceful. Oue be at home here." There was, obviously, something tou puliiful for him to speak about. The two walked on in companionable silence. "1 Bay," he want on after a few moments, "I've been wouderlug If I cuulilu't persuade you to come up to my for dluuer pue ulglii Bonn.

I'ei'lmys your tliui young ulster of yours. I'd ash few otlitr people. We could have sun ur piculc. My boy, Kong. Is a wizard at fried police station.

Monnie had never been Inside It before, In i nil her life in IJelvedere, nnd her lie asked that. B1 course." She could smile at heart quailed now (it the prospect this man, be friendly and gracious entering Its dour portals. She with him, because she wasn't in e(l hei shoulders and marched love with Oh, how stupid was love! It-made you stiff and awkward and unsure ot yourself. "Splendid. How about Thursday next, then?" She said Thursday would be flne.

He would pick them up. About six-thirty. Monnie felt definitely cheered. That was something to look forward to, at any rate. Life had been so dull lately.

And, mother would love It. QHB ran In, full of her adventure. "Mother! Where are you? Where's everybody?" Silence greeted her. 'was silent, full of noonday eun, dancing on the cups and saucers. The stove was iinlightecl.

"Mother!" "Monule ran upstairs, catching her fpot for the thousandth time on the stall's. But there was no one In the shabby trout bedroom with the looped white curtains, so carefully darned. Her mother's bed, Immaculately while, ber dresser neat and tidy, all silently testified to the late occupancy ol the owner. Mounle grew frightened. Per- baps mother bad become ill, had faiuted lu the bathroom! With fast IJKi'iira pli '7 wish you'd stop worrying about those invoices.

Don't you. ever think of anything but your work?" Weekly Sunday School Lesson Jesns Rebukes Self-Seeking Text: Mark The International Uniform Sunday School Lesson for April 23. BV WM. E. GILROY, D.

D. Editor of The CongrcKutlonallst A quarrel had arise among the disciples. It was not very creditable to Christian disciples that they should have been quarreling, onr it is appalling, to reailizc how much of religious history has been taken up with quarrels, controversies, and conflicts, often carried out in the bittcrsl and sometimes even in the most vengeful spirit. Nor was there credit to the disciples in the things about which they were quarreling. It was not a high-minded strife about truth and its or about matters of policy in the proclamation and prosecution of the new religion.

Although these men had been given great commission, and had been sent forth to proclaim the new message of salvation and the gooc news concerning Jesus who had come to' them, tliey were returning from their tour of preaching quarreling upon the low, groveling, human question to which of-them was the greatest. It to the credit of the disciples that when Jesus asked them wha they had been talking about by thi way they held their peace. After all there is that in man that rebukes him even when he does the to which his nature so easily Impels him They were ashamed of the thingabou which they had been quarreling, whei they were challenged by a Maste whose life was lived in a differen spirit and upon a different plane. Manifestly Jesus had to give them a lesson in humility; a lesson whict: would emphasize the supreme thing! lot he had come to teach them. Sol esus took a little child, nnd his child in the midst of them he ninded them that it was in their "tllf ude toward such little children, he unselfishness, love an hat they could into their hat they attained real greatness manifested their attitude uncl loyultyj him.

Emboldened by this, John, always! rnpeuous, ventured to show how loytill 1C had been by reporting how thai disciples had forbidden a man whom! they wound casting out devils in name of Jesus. The reply of Jes was significant. He said that the of service was in its spirit and in it? effect, and not in the supposed authj ority with which one sought to der it. Goodness was not confined to thcji own group, nor was there, mono, of devotion among those who we called to the select circle. So Jes said, "Forbid him not: for there'-is 1 man which shall do a miracle in name, that con lightly speak evil me.

For he that is not against us our part." So, Jesus continued, the real test our love for him and of our salvatid is not, found in any formal relation ship, but in the response of our to his teaching and to his examplj The giving of a cup of cold water someone in need in the name of Jes is much more'than outward profe srion. Our loyalty is manifested the nearness of our lives to the Christ, and in the way in which live according to his leaching. League of Nations There was a big, blue-coated mnn at the oaken desk just Inside the door. Me lifted an inquiring eyebrow at her, Officer Garvan In?" "No, ma'am." She knew most of the policemen In Belvedere by sight but this man was a stranger to her. "I'm Monica O'Dare.

mean I was told I would dud my brother She knew her face was blazing and she could hardly speak above a whisper. "Oh, them!" The man jerked his thumb lu the direction of a door just behind him. "You ran go lu there if you want to see the young feller." mehow her 1 Ing feet rip' 1 her across room, somehow her fi gers turned the Uuol). She brace' 1 herself for the ordeal. Just Inside Bill aat, dark i.rnl angry.

Three men were with him, t'Uklng and gesticulating. And Mile's moll: 1 twltsllr.g ber handkerch? r. At the sight of the latter, Mon- nle's own terror took wings. W)' was she here for. If not to bring her mother strength and courage? Whatever had happened, her otb- 1 Sea between Italy and Jugoslavia.

7 Headquarters of of Nations. 12 Oorroslvp. 1:1 Desert boast. 14 To exist. Hi To piece, out.

17 Fashion. 15 Kxrlumatinii. Ifl I'eople allied to the Minis. 21 Anxiety. 22 Cupola.

21 TldlnKH, 54 Privileged. -d Homely. Wrath. 2S Frames for carryiiiK the dead.

30 Like. June (lower. 32 Southeast. Unsuited. 117 Rabbit.

3S Baking dish. I'ank-. Carbon lu Miioke. Person opposed. 4.1 Charity.

14 Hock. i 4IJ I.earniligH. 48 To observe. Keillor. .10 Krt-f(loin from war.

Tim earth, 53 Liven. 1 Country, of Jugoslavia. 2 Hun Tliniie who frost cukes. 4 CUnlt. 7 I'lilin.

Mnuley MKewiug implement. apple. 10 nelly. Cray. Henvy fitrlj ISTurningH inside out.

17 Men. IS Neglect of duty 20 iM Dove's hor Paddle Now 2(! Oboo. To hn dojecled. To yelp. 11 pro 11 H.

UU Without. Cniiio In. Form of HUZZUH. IIS Also. to To run awj Strict.

circli! partf Clraln. Dry. til Seventh no fi- Because. beating heart she turned the er was not to suffer. Monnie made But-tbftt, too.

was sileut, empty, i her step firm and her voice cheer- It waa not like mother to go off ful. without leaving some word. What on "What's happened?" she asked In earth could have happened? With! a clear voice. a feeling of nervousness, Monule The biggest man, the with put the kettle ou to boll, measured I the loud voice, turned to stare at tea iuto tue'cracked blue aud white her. "Mailer enough!" he au- pot and sliced some bread for toast, uouuced lielligBreiitly.

"This youug She had to he back at the store wltblu the hour. These prepara- tloui DMTied to mau's you?" under anest. Who Times chnnge, but these remain; Friendship and love and sang. In spite of loss and pain. Failure and plans goiie wrong Life still holds countless charms Which nothing ever harms.

If gold had ne'er been coined And money never Lives had by love been joined, Roses had still been grown, Friendships had still been mode, So why be so afralff? Over bends the sky, ttcnr us the budding trees Earth's pathways beautify, 8(111 toll the honey bees. iJtlll ripple silver streams Where the bright sunlight gleams. We shall go on to joy, We shall new glories fild. Time cannot quite destroy Home ties and peace of mind. After the-present pain We shall rejoice Mr.

and Mrs. P. D. Smith of Dallas, Texas arrived Wednesday for a visit with Mayor Jl. A.

Boyett and Mr. and Mrs. Comer Boyelt. Dr. John W.

Sykes of Corpus Chris- tit, Texas, will hold a service and deliver a lecture on the origin of the Episcopal church at 8 o'clock, Friday nisht at St. Marks Episcopal church The public is cordially Invited to attend this service. Mrs. Fanny Crutchfield has bceii the guest of Mr. nti(3 Mrs.

Ed McCorkle for the past few days, en route to her home in Sparlcnsburg, S. from a visit with relatives in Texas points. Mrs. G. Allison entertained at a most delightful three course dinner on Thursday evening at her home on West avenue for the pleasure of Mrs.

Charles Garrett and Mrs. Hosea Gnrelt of Little Rock. Tim dining table was centered with a trystal basket of gorgeous red geraniums, the chosen color note of red be- the Williams Sutton Service Station Third Walnut Sinclair Oil Products Exide Batterins Phone 700 laul chance to see one of the most marvelous pictures of all HERE'S I WALTER HUSTON "GABRIEL Over WHITE HOUSE" here's nnnthcr 'Crnrhcr-Jack" Double Bill SATURDAY Zane Grey's "Under the Tonto Rim" Chapter 3 of Serial nnd Cartoon MON. Today Ing repeated Irt the servlcfe and at. tractive place cards, which bore the following Mrs.

Charles Garreft, Mrs. Garrett atW Mte, Sue 8. Wilson, all of Little Rdck, R. V. Kerndon, Mrs.

L. W. YoUng, Mrs. L. S.

Thomas, Mrs. George Robinson Ed Stuart, Mrs. Kline -Snydef, Mrs. Max Cox and Mrs. W.

G. Allison. Col. Chas. Gnrrctt nnd Hoftea Garrett of Little Rock were Thursday night guests of their mother, Mrs.

Fanny Garrett, and other relatives. An unusually interesting meeting of the Womans Christian Temperance Union was held, on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. non on South Pine street, with Mrs. D.

and Mrs. H. Wornack as associate hostesses. The meeting opened with the song, "the March of Allowance" with Mrs. T.

R. King at the piano. A most inspiring devo. tional was given by Mrs. Vesey- Crutchfleld, using Epheslans as her scriptural reference.

The business period Was conducted by the president Mrs. Henry H. Stuart, in the absence of the secretary, Miss Mamie 1 'witchell, Dr. Etta Champlin read the minutes of the March meeting. Resolutions to the memory of the late Mrs.

Jennie Hanegan, the chairman of the flower committee Was read, followed by the regular routine of business. A splendid program in charge of Mrs. T. R. King opened with a trio of high Fchool girls, Happy Pritchard, Helen King Cannon and Ma'rylin Ward singing two selections, accompanied by Mrs.

Tully Henry. Mrs. J. H. Arnold gave a very helpful talk on "Temper, ance and Missions" basing her remarks on Acts 24-25.

Mrs. W. R. Muldrow read a paper entitled, "The Sad Ray, April 7th Children." Mrs Luther Higgason rea'd a paper on "The Resppnsibillty of Christian Women," followed by a very delightful reading, "China Blue Eyes" by Miss Sue Ellen Jones. Mrs.

Stuart closed the program by reading excerpts from the White Kibboner. During the social period, the hostesses served delicious refreshments. A very enjoyable affair of the week was the surprise birthday dinner given in the Dossett home on Thursday evening in celebration of the birthday anniversary of Mr. Edwin Dossett. A most tempting three course dinner was served and much fun was had in the guests finding their places at the table as the place cards did not bear their nuino.s, but the names of their wives spelled backward, Mr.

J. G. Williams proved to be the first finding his place and was awarded a framed motto. Others sharing this delightful occasion with the guest of honor were; A. B.

Patten, E. J. Baker, B. E. Well, born, E.

Embroc, W. R. 'Carter, Rev. Wallace Rogers and father. Mrs.

Dossett was assisted in caring for the guests by Mrs. J. E. Embree, Mrs. Wallace Rogers and Mrs.

E. J. Baker. Mrs. Charles Garrett and Mrs.

Hosea Garrett w.ho have spent the past week visiting with friends and relatives in the city left Friday for their homes in Little Rock. Miss Miriam Carlton had as guests on Thursday evening at her home on East Third street the members of the Thursday Night Bridge club and Miss Elise. Reed, Miss Marguerite Taylor nd Mrs. Leon Carrington as special guests. The rooms were festive witfi a quantity of lovely spring flomers md bridge was played from three with the favors going to Miss Martha Jean Winburn and Miss Marguerite Taylor.

Following the game, a delicious salad course with hot cof- Tee was served. PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S YACHT want to plane In history, at Anftcostia Naval Air Station, Washington, to carry President wherever Hi In a hurry. The plane, oewljr finished, carries seven Including two pilots tdd I radio operator. Crawford, Cooper in Today We Live' Their First Appearance in Same Film, at the Saenger Sunday The first joint appearance in a talking film of Joan Crawford and Gary Cooper comes Sunday and Monday to the Saenger Theatre in "Today We Live." Here is a picture which combines romance of a stirring order with a clean-cut, forceful story of the war with the emphasis laid on the part played-by the commanders of the dangerous British two-man torpedo boats, known as the "skeetcr fleet." man who likes to potter among his prize tulips, to discuss Coptic manuscripts with the Pope. A mart who reveres the memory of his father With almost Asiatic devotion.

A fnah- essentially bookish nnd retiring by nature, yet who found it hU job to carry on the Morgan interests and name, nnd who therefore did so, in billions where It had been millions. A matt always deeply devoted to, his fanilly, and who retired even more to himself when his wife died of lingering sleeping sickness. A man who hiis taken care of himself physically, arid 'who' at 66 retains vestiges of athletic days at Groton and Harvard. A faithful and dominant fnertibor of the Protestant Episcopal church, a man rigidly faithful to his And those principles? Since one 6i? the first of them is "to keep of the newspapers," little has come from' Morgan directly. But in a touching tribute to George F.

Baker at a dinner, he gave one of his few public hints of them: "The first rule should be, never do something you do not approve of in order more quickly to accomplish approve of something that you do for there are no safe shortcuts in piloting a a ship." Jealous of Reputation JOAN ROBERT YOJJfcKM 'TODAY WE For Saturday, Manager Swanke has arranged another double-feature program, one a Zane Gray story, "Under the Tonto Rim" and the other, Joan Blondell in, "Blondie Johnson." Friday night closes the engagement of Walter Huston of the most marvelous pictures yet brought to Hope, "Gabriel Over the White House," a picture that ever American could see. Morgans, Mystery Man (Continued from page one) Mr. and Mrs. R. O.

BHdewell will lave as week end guests, Mrs. C. E. Bell and Mrs. Margaret Bell of Texarkana.

RUPTURE SHIELD EXPERT HERE II. M. SHEVNAN, widely known expert of Chicago, will personally he at the Grim Hotel, Texarkana, Tuesday and Wednesday only. April 25 and 26 from 9 n. in.

to 5 p. m. Mr. Shovnaii says: Tlie Zoetic Shield is a tremendous improvement over all- former methods, effecting immediate results. It will not only hold the rupture perfectly but increases the circulation, strengthens the weakened parlf, thereby closes the opening in ten days on the average case, regardless of heavy lifting, straining or any position the body may assume no matter the size or location.

A nationally known scientific method. No straps cumbersome arrangements and absolutely no medicines or medical treatments. Mr. Shevnan will be glad to demonstrate without charge or fit them if desired. Add.

6005 N. TALMAN CHICAGO. For 15 years assistant to H. Seeley, famous rupture expert of Chicago, SATURDAY SPECIALS HAMS, Armour's Star, 4 A 1 Half or Whole-Pound I 2 PICNIC HAMS, Pound OU PORK 1 and I UC STEAK, Ib 10c STEW MEAT, Ib Sc (Dessed Hens) JAMES BROTHERS MEAT MARKET gun did not flinch. He advanced with all his six feet nnd nearly 200 pounds upon the intruder, who fired.

Shot through tho right leg nnd abdomen, Morgan staggered, braced himself, and lunged at the assassin. He flung his assailant to the floor and held him until help came. Five years Inter, a bomb intended to kill him exploded outside The Corner in Wall Street. Windows crashed in, iron gratings buckled inward, dust of debris filed the air. It was Morgan who stepped coolly to the shattered doorway nnd steadied the office by his icy nerve.

This cold contempt for danger is part of tho Morgan tradition. By heritage, upbringing and experience, Morgan is an aristocrat. Indifferent to Public' Hu believes honestly that his huge bank is his business, none of the public's. He hates all newspapermen, especially cameramen. Yet when he went as American representative to the Reparations Conference, he posed docilely for pictures, talked rather freely.

That was public business. Tills is a man who did not hesitate to sell his father's art collection at the Metropolitan when he inherited it, and felt lie owed no word of answer to the bitter criticism that followed. Only years later it learned that he actually needed the cash. This is a Morgan's frank acknowledment of Baker's help invaluable, gives Another clue. While there is no question of his dominance over''his House, he dominates without domineering.

He takes more advice from partners, relies more on them, than did his father. One thing is clear: Morgan: docs not give a hoot what people think of him personally. He, and his father-before him, and his sons after him, are jealous of the reputation of their house. Even when tendering the services ol the house to President Wilton during the World War, Morgan's words reveal the Morgan mind: and every member of this house are ready to be commandeered by the government. We will do anything that is right, honorable and not to the.

injury of our credit." Revealing words. First the Morgan credit, Mien the war. The Morgan partners are carefully WR yVrf I am poor judge of talent, but a fair judge of character." The the spectacular, are not wanted. is the steady, the reliable that are sought. That is why you have never heard of many of the Morgan partners of today why many of those of the past left no ripple in their passing.

Lamont Is "Contact Man" Today, under changed conditions, some contact with the public is'-necessary. Morgan can not make it' But the diplomatic Tom Lamont smiling and with all the tact which was left out of the Morgan makeup, can, and does. Lamont is an ex-newspaper re- not only a glorified for the House, 'but porter, and is "contact man" handles its international business with great skill. He is believed to be at Morgan's right hand, and ceives an' almost equal share of the profits. NEXT: What the Senate Is driving at in the present Investigation and what it may accomplish.

ICiwanis Postpones Its Trip to Patmos Patmos is to be visited by Kiwanis good-will trippers on Friday night, May 5, in place of this Friday night, at: first announced. The in date is caused by plans of the local civic club to entertain members of the El Dorado club this Friday. The Spring Hill date of Friday night, April 28, will be the first good-will visit to be made by the Kiwanis club this season. Tho rain-crow, whose cries are sup- josed to forecast rain, is not a crow, out a species of cuckoo. Bobcate Work Out for District Meet Hope am Training for Texarkana Field Saturday The Bobcat trafck squad was to -get its final workout of the season Friday afternoon before entering the iMslrle 10 track and field meet at Texarkana Saturday; Ben R.

iWilliams, president of the district eight, schools in southwest Arkansas had announced their entrants in the meet. Lockesburg and DeQueen have not announced any junior entrants and Lewisville hds' no'senior entrant. The preliminaries Will Sat. urday morning at 9 with the finals in the shot, discuss and' brfiadjump for the juniors being held immediately after In 'events. finals in the track with the senior high hurdles at 2:30 p.

m. The senior pole vault and running high jump begin the afternoon session at 2 p. m. entering the meet will be Hope, DeQueen, Fulton, Lewisville LockesbUrg, Magnolia, Nashville anc Texarkana. Entrants from Hope will be: Senior Boys: Billy Wimberly, Luther Hollomon, Lane Taylor, Merline Coop, Hugh Keith Nolan Cargile, Doian Cargile Jack Turner Odis Rowe, Edward Schooley J.

W. Jones, R. C. Kennedy, Willis Smith, Harold Hamiter, Leonard -England, David McKee, J. Dennis Richards.

Harper boys: Woodrow Parsons, Karl Ponder, G. V. turner, Charles Gillespie, Ralph Hill and Jones, Fulton entrants in the senior division will be Henry Neil Parker, Watford Martin Moser. enter the junior division for Fulton. HES FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Rev.

James E. Green will preach "at II o'clock Sunday morning. Rev. Mr. Green will address the Men's class at 9:45.


Baltey, S. S. Supt. Sunday School at 10 a. m.

Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. fourth Bible, study classes 'Sunday nights except fourth Sundays. Prayer meeting Wednesday nights.

We ore always glad to have you at these services and we inyite you to come and worship with us. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH J. L. Cannon, Pastor Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.

Worship and sermon at 11 a. m. Epworth League meets at 6:45 p. m. CARD OF THANKS We take this method of extending our sincere thanks nnd appreciation our friends for their help during he illness and death of our dear wife, and mother.

Mr. A. R. McKnight Mr. and Mrs.

O. A. McKnight Mr. and Mrs. C.

E. Boyce and Family. New Expenses Nearly Balance Cuts E. Third Street Phone 348 NEXT WEEK Send us Half of Your Bundle and Then Compare NELSON HUCKINS Blubs Birmingham Memphis Nashville New Orleans Chattanooga Krtbxvllle Little Rock Atlanta 3 .5 3 3 4 .4 4 .3 4 3 1 I ,62.1 .55 .429 Thursday's Nashville 10, Little Rock 1. Chattanooga 1, Memphis 8.

NtW Orleans 5, Knoxvillt 2. Atlanta.Eiirmingham postponed, grounds. NATIONAL LEAGUE Clubs New York Pittsburgh Brooklyn Chicago Philadelphia Cincinnati St. Louis Boston PC 2 01.000 .3 1 .750 .3 2 3 2 ..3 3 1 2 J3 1 3 0 3 Thursday's Itaults New York' 1, Boston 0. Philadelphia 10, Brooklyn 2, Chicago 3, St.

LdUis 1. Cincinnati -'Pittsburgh, postponed ram. 1 AMERICAN LEAGUE Clubs New York Chicago Cleveland Washington Boston Detroit St. -Louis Philadelphia Pt ..5 0 LOOQ 5 2 .71. 4 2 .66 3 4 .429 2 3 .400 2 4 .33 .2 5 .286 .2 5 .286 Thursday's Results Washington 1.

Cleveland Chicago 5, St. Louis 4. Only games scheduled, Inflation Advances i (Continued from Page One) every "side as of the utmost significance. Club For President Generally it is interpreted as a not only to boost price levels by controlled' inflation, the potentiality of was evidenced by skyrocketing stock and commodity markets today, but to arm-the president with a formidable bargaining power in his conversations with the British, French and foreign envoys during the week now beginning. Other powers are put upon notice that the States now purposes to-defend itsel against their depreciated currencies while empoWerihg.

its president to nake economic peace on a new basis nvolving" a changed ratio all' around of mdnetary units to gold. BRITISH AND FRENCH (Continued from page one) The in iritain that America's divorce from fold was not an economic necessity, a political expedient and in some quarters the move is described as wholly artificial. France "On a Spot" S. S. ILE DE frRANCE, En Route to (Tew Premier Sdouard Herriot, frankly bewildered iy the shock of America's abandonment of the gold standard, was said 'hursday to feel that all the plans or the Washington discussion with 'resident Roosevelt had been exploded Furthermore, it was said he felt bat some adjustment must be made meet the new situation.

Members of the group of French experts ccompanying him expressed con- ternation at the report of the Amer- can action, one of them exclaiming, We might as well turn around and back home." Members of the former premier's arty said they felt France now had een placed in an extremely diffi- ult position without warning. It was ecognized that there will be a stiff ght in Paris for and against deval- rization of the franc. French resentment was partly ex- lained by the belief that France ow has been thrown suddenly into monetary isolation by America's ae- on, and that the excellent position France in the international diplomatic race when M. Herriot embark- at Le Havre has been lost. STEED IS OPPOSED (Continued from page One) 5.

All such tax revenues to be di- ided as follows: 20 per cent to the arious funds now receiving the state FOR BETTER BAKINGS AT LESS COST USE THE ECONOMICAL AND EFFICIENT TOTAL How $750,000,000. TOTAL $751,000,000. drastic economies of (ho administration havn virtually offset by additional is hliown in eruphii: M-ale, listing tUo major iitMiis savings and new treasury drains. Ki-on ics totaling if 1 are inau-hiMl liy neu' expenses totaling $750,000.000. ure v'ui 10 1 1 ia Ai'iny, interior and Departments and in OL' ui-wrul billions iu Liberty UouiJU tq lower cotlnty federal irell primary if ii pff konsag OH Ut if the Eighteenth amendment 18th refwehdum, a and eharrinltt erf xommittee.

of the club, Slgman, are: Morgan McMlchwl, vitc-presldeht; MaMh, He ftofk, treasurer. Other Curtit Little, Biythevitte; Sertatdf W. tt, Ab. Ington, fieebe; H. Smith; Dr.

W. BttMfc Walter IVuIock, Bhrffc Bray, El Dorado; and tt. Little Rock. Chancellors Turn Down Salary Act Hold Delinquent Lift Mutt Be Published Appeal Test Case the list fecteuttm, the ewflty salary reducttoa law, ww Id the ArkaiiMs Supreme, Friday, from Millet county, where the law was declared invalid la all Its sections by. Chancellor Bacon Thursday.

LITTLE Movements 'have been launched in Jefferson and Independence counties to initiate 'local salary laws because of the belief that the so-called general county salary law passed by the 1J33 legislature will be held unconstitutional by the ansas Supreme Court, it was indicated in reports received Thursday by the Arkansas Gazette. Two chancellors Thursday held the act unconstitutional, one passing specifically upon the salary-fixing provisions and the other upon the rec- which sought to abolish publication of the delinquent land lists. Chancellor Pratt P. Bacon at Texarkana ruling on a petition filed by a Miller county taxpayer for on injunction against enforcement of the Miller county salary provisions, held that the entire act is unconstitutional. He eh' ioined the issuance and payment of salary warants under the act.

He held hat the act was local-legislation which constitution prohibits the legislature from enacting. At El Dorado, Chanceller George LeCroy held the act unconstitutional 'or the same reason and included in lis ruling the sections eliminating the annual publication of delinquent land lists. The chancelor denied a petition seeking an injunction to prevent bounty Clerk Clyde Byrd from pub- ishing 'the land- list. It was reported that appeals in both cases will be filed in the Supreme -ourt Friday or 'Saturday and that motions will be presented to the court Monday, asking that the cases be ad- anced for early decision. of Hi.

yr Editor StlrT raeStt by. wttr quoted in "OebrW "One the the quotation -e. in view MX Stray Shot Just Misses Hope Girl 3ertha McRae Narrowly Escapes Death on Tennis Court Miss Bertha McRae, daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. Dorsey McRae of this-city, Would not for comnifer'citl the prv which 1 4 It Is as, follows: est pictures I have evefT uncalled for a the amendment." Cordially; WALLACE Hope, Ark.

Elephants do not their trunks. The trurik'i up water and squirts ir mbuth. NOTICE NOTICE: Plenty of 1213 kinds. Leo Robin's State-l Garden, at Arkana, La. yr Plate Lunch 35C Sandwiches Fountain Service Ice Cream, 1 It's Safe to Be Hmifry at CHECKERED Head and Quit "Last winter, I did not'feel; did not seem to have.a writes Mra Harry ton, Mo.

"1 felt When I would try to-dojirtySii my head and back 1 taken Cardui about seven years ago te- build me -UR. I decided to takafct again, I took five bottles Of Cardui. My bead and back quit hurting 1 I am lotil Women who suffer from weakness often have many aches and pains which a etronnr of health would prevent. If. you aro Jn thii condition, take a purely vegetable, tonic that been In uM, 50 Bold at drug I here, SPECIALS FOR SATURDAY Baetleware Cereal Bowl with 2 WHEATIES Pecans 5c Walnuts ENGLISH 25c Potatoes 4OC Butter Best Creamery Found 25C Bacon Choice 9 Brands Pound I8c USE VIGORO to make your flowers and grow.

It's a square meal for plants. Middlebrooks SERVICE GROCERY Phone 607 near as yoiu- phone 4.

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