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The Algona Upper Des Moines du lieu suivant : Algona, Iowa • Page 9

Algona, Iowa
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Flour EVERYDAY LOW PRICfS ARE A SUPER VALU FEATURE THESE PRICES A FRIDAY, SATURDAY MONDAY Armour's Star CANNED PICNICS 'ft fc98 No Bone No Fat No Waste Armour's Star CANNED 5 A wn Lb. Tin No Bone No Fat No Waste CRESCENT TRAY PACK ORANGE DRINK-46 Oz. Can's Applesauce FOMATOES 4 No. Tins 1 Hunt "Halves or Sliced No. Tins C.

H. BROWN SUGAR.lib.Box.''. IOC Ma Brown 4 Kinds ASSORTED PICKLES 4 'pint jars Duncan Nines ANGEL FOOD CAKE MIX 39fe Humpty Dumpty SALMON 1 I ib. tin Chai'min T.O-j'1 JET White or Cplored 12 roils 89c Armour's Star Chopped Ham ib. 490 To Broil or Fry Club Steaks it, HORMEL'S P'rk Sausage ritrroii 14 OZ.

PKG. Fish Sticks pkg. i YOUNG, PLUMP, TENDER, CUT UP SEE US FOR Beef Quarters A Good Supply At All Times Washington State Extra Fancy WINESAP 4 lbs 490 Large Size Mexican Sugar Loaf SEA MIST FROZEN LEMONADE FROZEN RASPBERRIES 5 pkgs. 1 NORTH STATE FROZEN HORMEL'S DAIRY THICK SLICED BACON 2 ibs. 99c SUNKIST MEDIUM Orange 2 69C Red Rontiac Old Potatoes To Arrive Friday A.M.

25 Lb. Bag $1.19 10 Lb. Bag 49c SU'PiR VAIU, SUPER MARKET ALGONA UPPER DES MO INES ALGONA, IOWA, THURSDAY, JUNE 4, t959 5 Generations Five generations of the Carroll family are pictured at a'Mother's Day gathering ut the home of Mrs Mildred Zitlritch. They are seated oft to Mrs Mnry Carroll; Jimmy 55iUrilsch, Mrs Mary Roserx- Tieyur. Standing are Mrs Mildred ZiUrilsch and Torn Zittritsch.

Mr and Mrs M. Fain and Sheila Saturday Lehigh with relatives and friends. Mr and Mrs Nat Bangs were visited over the weekend by Mr and Mrs Stanley Donnelley of St. Paul. Mr and Mrs Al Agena as guest a fow days last week the latter's aunt, Mrs Marie Tennant, of Hartley.

Mr and Mrs L. C. Faber drove to Forest City, Sunday, a Memorial visit at the graveside of Mr Fabor's parents. Mr and Mrs Harry Greenberg spent the Memorial weekend at Topeka, with the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs David August. Mrs Clytie Roepke is spending a fortnight at Toledo with her son and daughter-in-law.

She is a resident at the Good Samaritan Home. Mrs W. J. Sigsbee had as her guests over 'the Memorial day weekend, her brother and sister- in-law, Mr and Mrs W. J.

Wegener of Clinton. Mr and Mrs William Geering had their son-in-law and daughter, the Rev. and Mrs Everett Black and family of Spencer as guests Memorial day. Judy Johnson and. Linda Riedel of Algona's Trinity Lutheran WaJther league attended the Iowa District West convention of the league at Lake Okoboji, May 29 to 31.

Mr and Mrs Gilbert Hargreaves had Mr and Mrs Richard Cook oi Mason City as weekend guests. The Cooks also spent some time with Mr and Mrs William Allen and family. Mr and Mrs Clarence Hunt spent a week ago Saturday and Sunday at Cedar Falls with the former's parents. The father is still hospitalized there following a heart attack. Mr and Mrs Kenneth Martin of Union, are here visiting the latter's mother, Mrs Augusta Lavrenz who has been in St.

Ann under medication for intestinal flu. Mrs Martin is the former Elda Lavrenz. A Memorial Gift, donated in the name of the late Mrs Alta J. Oxley of Algona has been received by the Iowa Heart Association, according to Mrs L. S.

Young of Algona, Memorial Gifts chairman of Kossuth county. Dr. and Mrs Karl Hoffman spent the Memorial weekend in their cottage on Sunset Beach at the Okobojis and had as guests Dr. and Mrs Don Fitzgerald of Mason City. Mr and Mrs Ray Anderson were their guests the vious week.

Mr and Mrs Paul Pettman ware visited Friday and over by Mrs- Dettman's brother-in-law and sister, Mr and Mrs C. Biddie of West Concord, Minn. Guests Saturday were Mi's Patricia Esser, seven year old daughter of Mi; and Mrs Vincent' Esser is in Park hospital, Mason She has had measles and complications but" is now recovering nicelyi Mrs! Esser drova over Monday to see her. The child was taken there Saturday. Mr and Mrs Richard McGinnia had as supper guests Saturday Mr and "Mrs Verle Baas and Merry Carol and Mrs W.

B. Ridge and Mr and Mrs Ed Callers Sunday were Mr McGinm's uncle and aunt, Mr and Mrs Wayne Steph- unson of Madrid. Mr and Mrs Perry Phillips. Iry- ington, Mr and Mrjs Marvin Kramer and family of Bode, Mr and Mrs Al J. Eischeid and Merlin, Algona enjoyed a birthday picnic at the Herbert Knecht home near Ventura recently on the birthdays of Mr Phillips, Mr Eischeid, Elaine and Martin Kramer.

Dr. and Mrs A. J. Eason spent the Memorial weekend at Fulda, with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Ervin Og- land. She returned with them and Monday all went to Rochester where Mrs Ogland had a checkup at the Mayo clinic.

She is making good recovery from an intestinal ailment. Troop No. 23 of the Girl Scouts had a cook out at Call Park, Monday, as a farewell courtesy for Sherry Price, who is moving with her parents, Mr and Mrs Lee Price to California. She was pre-, sented with an autograph hound. The troop presented Mrs Clifford Teeter and Mrs iioward Long with a gift.

Mr and Mrs Arnold Elbert drove to Carroll Sunday, to visit their sori-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs Don Bierstedt and see the grandson Richard Jerrod, bom May 27. Mrs Russell Fisher, the former Phyllis Elbert is staying with the Bierstedts during Mrs Bicrstedt's convalesence. Mr er is in service and is en route to Japan. Godfredson of CbicagQ and Mrs Ernie Gadfredson, Mr and Mrs Mrs Paulsen of Osseq, cousins of Mr aieikfieid 10,4 of Armstrong. Additional punday were Mr and Mr ard Fox and Junmte of Jxm Rpck, uestg WESLEY NEWS Mrs Sara Alne left Wednesday 1 for her home at Marrow following a week's visit the home of her daughter, Maurice DeBoer 'and family.

Mr and Leo Bleieh Lorraine are home for the mer, Memorial Day guests Gayle Studer and Mrs Larry Ljang' and. drcn of Mason City, Mr Bud Hauptrnan ana it Bancroft and. Ml' 1 and Mrs Martinek 1 11J iMr and Mrs children morial.

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