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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 2

Logansport, Indiana
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1 j. I OF KMITY. Surpassing in splendor the match'ess Wonders ol the Orient and the Ind. This ia the universal verdict applied to Part 14 of Tie Which is now ready. This superb number is devoted to exterior views and portrays the Choicest Bits ol Landscape Tet shown in any preceeding ntmber.

As the time approaches for the completion of this magnificent and unapproachable series of World's Fair Views, The Journal wishes to impress upon all subscribers the importance of procuring the complete set, Back numbers can be secured by applying at this office, and arrangements have been made for the binding of the sets at the lowest cost. Part 15, ready next Monday, will be devoted to another splendid selection of Fine Art Subjects, which are offered in deference to public desire. Don't fail to secure all the numbers. See Coupon on 1st page, Do You Love Music? -Or are you one of those unfortunates who can't distin guieh '-Yankee Doodle" from "The Dead March in Saul? IF YOU HAVE AN EAR And possess musical taste you cannot fail to be interested in the series of portraits and biographical sketches of GREAT SINGERS Which lorm Parts 12, 13 and ot J'The Marie Burroughs Art Portfolio of Stage Celebrities," Even if you have not been taking the proceeding numbers, You Want These Three Which constitute in themselves the most col- lectien of representatives of lyric ait. Part It "Stage Celebrities" (the first musical number) with portraits of Melba, Eames, The De Reszkes And other famous singers, twenty in all.

You can get it from JOURNAL for Three Coupons and One Dime. No extra charge for postage on Portfolios sent by mail After you have secured this number you will not fail to secure the remaining two numbers which complete the series, as they are both devoted exclusively to the Grand Opera. PART 14 NOW READY. COT THIS OUT. MAT WAR BOOK COUPON.

TbiM of these conpoDsand ten eenti leJSSitheonrtentniimbeioftheMem. Book. If presented at the DeparlmMt of The Journal. CUT THia OCT. 9,1894.

STAGE CELEBRITIES, This Coupon wltn twootteri of different dates, and Ten Centi, good for one SSrTeonttlnlng twenty portraiM. ol the Marie Bur-rough's Art Port, folio of Stage Celebrities. THE JOURNAL. COT OVT Nothing IB Accomplished by the Cleveland Conference. Neither Mlneri Nor Operatort Would Yield, and Adjournment Leaves the Situation as It Was.

COULDN'T AGREE. CLEVELAND, 0., May con- ferencu of coal micors and operators came to un end Thursday, nothing having been accomplished. All offers of compromise were rejected and the miners declared their belief that any agreement that might be reached would avail nothing, as there were so many operators who refused to join in the conference and would not be bound by HB action. Ultlmuturn of the Minns. When the conference reassembled Thursday the spcechmaking 1 was continued, Mr.

Chapman, of Pittsburgh, speaking for the operators and Patrick McBrydo and John Cairns for the Then President McBrlde, of tbe Miners' union, asked the operators and spectators to retire from the hall in order that the miners might hold a conference. This done, and a conference lasting an hour held. At Its conclusion President McBride offered a resolution reciting that, whereas a large number of operators who had refused to attend tho conference, had refused the hand of conciliation and peace that had been extended to the miners believed any settlement arrived at in, the absence of these operators would only add to and accentuate the miserable condition of the miners, and that it was Impossible to make any settlement with the operators who had met them here. While appreciating the efforts of the operators who had attended the conference to reach a settlement the miners asked their cooperation in bringing peaceable and persuasive pressure to bear upon the absent operators to induce them to agree to terms with the miners. These resolutions were offered to the conference as expressing the views of the miners, and as there seemed to be nothing more to do the conference adjourned sine die, Look to the Large Operators.

small operators expect the larger ones to make an effort to break the strike, as they, especially those from Pittsburgh who have taken contracts to deliver 600,000 tons of coal to railroads and for tho lake trade for from $1.00 to 3.17, prevented a settlement Future Considered. CLEVELAND, May leav- infpthelr homes the miners met for consultation. The subject of continuing and plans to make it effective were thoroughly canvassed. They will resist all attempts to settle by districts, and bring pressure to bear on the nonunion miners now at work to induce them to join the strikers. Their leaders announce that there will no compromise.

The operators will attempt to settle the strike by districts. Pennsylvania opeirators will hold a meeting In Plttaburph next Monday, and Ohio operators will meet In Columbus on Wednesday. Mines are now in central Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Illinois. Operators to PITTSBURGH, May J. Bailey, secretary of the Pittsburgh Coal association, has issued a call for a meeting for tbe railroad operators in the bituminous coal district of western Pennsylvania, to be held in Pittsburgh next Monday afternoon.

Mr. Bailey said the meeting was called to ascertain just where the coal operators stood on the question of settlement of the strike. -Said he: "There are too many points on which the operators thomialvei disagree. We want tc have the railroad operators of Ohio, Indiana and Pennsylvania agree on some common ground so wo can present a solid trout It If only the beginning of a far-reaching movement looking toward the ultimate unification of operators' Interests all over the United Illinois Ulhvrs to Quit. ST.

Louw, May The striking ooal have gained an important point, causing the abandonment of work in several mines near Belleville, which were being operated by the owners and families. Committees of strikers waited on the operators of the Murphy, Brneggeman and Klingenfuss mines and obtained promises from each to discontinue work. These mines ave supplied local manufactories and several suspensions may follow. Arkansas Miners Aro Out. POBT SMITH, May 500 600 miners employed in mines 15 and 18 at Jennie Llnd are out on strike.

They have no grievances, but strike in the strikes now existing throughout the country. The men say they will not return to work until the general strlne is declared off. Order of Tonti Assigns. PHILADELPHIA, May Order of Tonti'has made an assignment to the Land, Title Trust company and Francis Shunk Brown, the attorney of the order. The assets, which are principally in Pennsylvania, amount to $1,350,000.

Tu Depose Klnjt Otto. BEELIN, May Vossische Zei- tung asserts that the Bavarian upper house in secret session have' decided to depose the Insane King Otto in favor of hit uncle, Prince Luitpold, at present acting as regent Want State Bank Tax Repeated- JACKSON. atate convention of bankers adopted requesting Mississippi senators and representatives to vote for the repeal of the 10; per cent tax on state banks. SALT LAMB CrtT, U. May Gen.

Carter and; his sids were sentenced to oMIOO each and flV.aars' imprisonment, for Dislodge Bile, up the Cure Sick-Headache, Pemale Ailments, Eemove Disease and Promote Good Health. Covered with a Tasteless Soluble jj Famous the world over. Ask for Ill-wham's lukc no otlirri all druittisis. cenls i Cuiial it. contempt of court ''for'talting- lorcfblo possession of an engine belonging to receivers of the Union Pacific railroad, a AJAEKE'i'S.

Uralu, Pravlilonl, Eta. CHIOAOO, Ma; IB. FI.OUH Dull und neglected. Tho (juo- tallonti runtfo: Winter Patents, viratghu, olearo, seconds, low grades, Spring-Patents, straights, i(JO; Bakers', low H.40@1.6I); nod Do(t, te.4ft5>8.M. WUEA? Fairly active and lower.

Clish, 6SXHJ63C; May, OSiiaMo; July, MaiSJJo. Moderately active and now weaker. No. To; No. 8 Yellow.

38o; No. 8, Sfloi No. 3 Yellow, Wtfo; June, Wo: July. September, 38O38XO, Active and unsottloa Na May, mfatto; Juno, July, MUQDOttc; September, No. 8, No.

I While, no: No. 2, MOMJ40; Na 2 White, Ka37o. Market dull and generally uegloctod. No. tfo; (ample lota, May delivery, tto; July, 480.

and (toady. Choice bj (ample, WQWo; to good, 51ffi66c; common, MOtOo, per too. Vila Trading light prices higher. ranged at tILTTMaii-WMfor caih regular; Ul.nMOlLBKfor May and I11.77M9 ILMJi for July. X.ABD— Vnry qulol and lower.

Quotation! ranged at for cub; rr.27H»7.SO for May; for July, and 8.92K tor September. Per pound: Chickens CO to; Turkeys, Wo; duolu, Qeose, per BUTMB-Creamery, ISHOlSo; Dairy, 10ftl4oj Packing Stock, 7QOo. LIO.COBS Distilled spirits steady on the or II. 1C per gal for Unlshed goods. Wljiconsln Prime White, Water White, 7tfe; Michigan Prime White, 8tfc; Water White, So; Indiana Prime Whlto, Water White, Headlight, ITS teat, 8tf Gasoline, OTdeg's, llMo; 74 dog's, So; Naphtha, 83 dog's, NEW YOHK, May 18.

No. 2 rod, opened weak and lower but quickly rallied on short covering. May, 56J4c; July, WTjaSS 7-16c; September, December, IS-lOaMHc. No. 2 dull but aleady.

July, December, No, 2 steady but quiet. July, S7Sc: trade white Suite, iracli whlto Western, Dull. Family, I1400Q 1300; extra mens, Pork-Steady. New mess, U3.2&Q1&76; family, H4.50ai8.00; Bhort clear. Lard-Dull.

Prime Western steam. 17.76 nominal. TOLEDO, May 13, Quiet, steady. No. and May, tfo; July, 65Ho; August, Mo; September, 87a Quiet.

Na 3 cash and May, Sta Firm. No. 2 mlied, Sdo; No. 8 white, Dull. BOo.

Steady. Pi cash, Oo- toner, M.70. L.ITII StO'jk. CKICAOO, May 18. HOGA Market active and fooling firm.

Prices fully to higher. Sales ranged at Qt- 80 tor Pigs: for light; I4.60B4.76 for rough packing; HntUW.for mixed, and 8035. 00 (or heavy packing and shipping -Market rather active. Prices eteady and unchanged, Quotations ranged at Si. II for choice to extra shipping Steers; fg.BOsi4.lll for good to choice I3.36Q&7& for fair to good; MUGOI.46 for common to medium 18.0001 for butcher's Staerm; (orStookcTs: n.a098,86 for Feedtri: IL80O8.U forOows; K.90O&HO forHelfem; 8E.OOO&40 for Bulls; U.TOO8.W for Texas Steers, and 13.009 for Veal Calves.

An Unexpected Invitation. "I merely called, madam," said the tramp at the back door, "to ajrain express my thanks for that delicious piece of mince pie that you favored ma with just seven weeks ago to-day. I remember it still as the best flavored KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and Improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live better thin others and enjoy me more, witu less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in tie remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting In the form most acceptable and pleasant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect laxative effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation.

It has given satisfaction to millions and met wfthfhe approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels without weakening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrop of Figs is for sale by all infoc bottles, but it is manufactured by the Calif ornla Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, the name, Syrup of indSing well will not accept any substitute If that I ever In all my lift. That all that! WUhedtoaay. madam.

Pardon me for troubling you. Good day!" And he acted as if he was surprised when she called him back and asUed him if he wouldn't wait and try a piece of one of another batch of minca pies that she had just baked that day. Journal. Driving Purk Sold. KICHSIOND, May Arms, tliu St.

Louis millionaire palace horse car inun, andCoL John F. Miller, superintendent of tho Pennsylvania lines went of Pittsburgh, have bought the Richmond driving- park and will conduct races this season. Special VoDlrc at Crown Folut. Ciioww POINT, May Monday tho trial of the members of the Columbian Athletic club will beg-in in the circuit court, now in session here. A special venire of thirty jurors has been drawn in addition to the regular panel uow acting.

wining to uovurn FORT WORTH, May Senutor John H. Reagan has written tc CoL Wynne saying if nominated for governor he would accept. Utlroj Turn many NEW YORK, May has elected Mayor GUroy grand sachem for one year. with Awautt. May 1.8.—Jesse UT- InRiton, 18 years old, was arrested here Thuraday for criminal aisault on a daughter of Max Descaner.

Fatal Fi(ht, JEFFERBONVH.LB, May 18. George Fuller, a fisherman, was fatally cut by Ed Comine In a saloon fight in city. book was published in England in 1044, entitled "A New Invention; or a Paire of Cristall Spectacles, by Help of Which May Be Road so Small a Print that what Twenty Sheets of Paper Will Hardly Contain Shall Be Discovered in One." It was not a treatise on optics, but a political pamphlet. all British passenger steamers collections are made at the Sunday for the seaman's aid fund. Order of Charitable Brethren was founded liy St.

John of God and approved by papal edict in 1572. The Watches of tlie Night of the repeated kind experienced by per. sons tronblcd with Insomnia, soon bring about an alarming condition of the nervons system. Tlie shaking hands, confu-lon of the brain, lapses of memory and loss of appetite Indicate, with terrible precision, the ravages produced by loss of sleep, wblcb If unremedled must destrey mental equilibrium altogether. No better and thorough nervine exists than Hot tetter's Stora- uch Bitters.

Common senso and experience point to Its early and steady use In case of Insomnia. It strengthens weak and relaxes the tension, of overstrained nerves, Which, by the way, a resort to unmedlcated stimulants will never do permanently, wfclle the after effect of such ercltacto Is most prejudicial. Under the Influence of thin benign invteornut, appetite, digestion and sleep return, and bodily comfort and health are alike proaoted. It Is. invaluable in chills and fever, liver complaint, constipation, rheumatism and kidney trouble.

The Pnule Solved. Perhaps no local disease has puzzled and baffled the medical profession more than nasal catarrh. While not Immediately fatal it Is among the most nauseous and disgusting ills flesh is heir to, and the records show very few or no oases of radical cure of chronic catarth by any of the many modes of treatment until the Introduction of Ely's Cream Balm a few years ago. The success of this preparation has been most gratifying and surprising. No druggist Is without It.

A Pointer for While Mr. T. J. Elohey, ol Altona, was traveling In Kansas he was taken violently 111 with cholera mor- bus. He called at a drug store to get some medicine and the druggist recommended Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy SO highly he concluded to try It.

The resnlt was immediate relief, and a few doses cured him completely. It la made for bowel complaint and nothing else. It never falls. For said by B. F.

Kees. ling Druggist. Hi The time Is now at hand, it's com mendable and how about the house within you. It has need of cleansing, to Insure health and the best remedy to use is Rlne- hart's Pills. They are better than Barsaparlllas, etc.

potent and permanent In results. For sale by B. F. Koesllng and Keystone drugstore. Home Seeher'e BzcnralOBi.

May8 and 29. 1894, the Wabash Railroad Company will sell round trip tickets at greatly reduced rates to principal points in the Northwest, West, Southwest and South. For particulars of which please call on or address C. G. NEWELL, Ag't, Logansport, Ind.

DmtTobceo Spit or MttKe the truthful, utartllng title e' 1 all about No-to-bac, the iesi, ocjuuaiWD tobacco habit core. It trlfltog, and the man wjnuto can't nophjrilcalornaiincrtir in oama 7 Tbe makers of Dr. Wheeler's Nerjre Vltallzer offer all nervous sufferers advice and consultation of the doctor, free of charge. Write to the J. W.

Brut Alton, 'Fisher. HRheum, I Other Troubles i Complication of Dlaeaaea Curwf by Snraapnrllln. I. Hood Lowell, "Dear Sirs: From childhood I had beta great sufferer from scrofula, baring a tumor on- ray left breast and another la my stomach. I wu tlio afflicted with salt rheum.

speot much money for medical attendance and diet, but all to no avail. Three years ago I commenced to run down. The trouble with vtf Itomach would not allow me to eat and milk distressed me very much. MyrlfhthkOd tad arm became paralyzed, and IOf itomach difficulty wu tut developing Into i Female I became very nervous and wu subject to Ing tpells. Dirk tpoti appcand before myj The doctors failed to help me.

In I read ibont the wonderful 07 Hood's and decided to (tve It a trial. After taking It a short time I commsnesd to feel better, my digestion improved, and burnlnt in my stomach and ceued. Shortly I wu able to work about bouse, lUndmg on my feet considerably, thing I had not done for before. Forj two lummeri 1 hare done i i My Own Work Alone. I I shall continue taking Hood's Barupartua as It Is my cheapest hired servant.

I am a farmer'a wife, our place embracing 120 We think, Hood'i Vegetable Pills cannot be beaten, mod have great faith In Hood's SarsapanUa." UBS. BBNJ. SHETTBBLY. Buchanan, Michigan. Hood's Plllt cure all Liver Ills, Biliousness, Jaundice, Sick Headache.

26c. How to Cure a Cold. Simply tako Otto'a Care. We know of its astonishing cures and that it will stop a cough quicker than any known remedy. If fyou have asthma, bronchitis, consumption or any disease of the throat and lungs, a few doses of great 8 uaranteed remedy will surprise you.

It you wish to try call at our Ben FUher'e, and we will be pleased: to furnish you a bottle free of cost, and that will prove our assertion. BEN FISHEK, 311 Fourth street. weak and steklr If you have a child weak and nervous the best remedy to give If a few dosea of Binehart's Worm Lozenges. These lozenges remove all klnda of worms and the worm nest, thereby malting a permanent cure. Children like them.

They are safe and most reliable worm remedy. For by B. F. Keeslin? and the Keystone drug store. CturnberUli's SU.

Obtaeit Is a certain cure for Chronic Son Eyes, Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Nipples, Piles, Boxema, Tetter, Rheum and Soald Head, 25 centt pw box. For sale by B. F. Keesllng, TO HOHB OWJC1M. for putting a horse la a fine healthy condition try Dr.

Cady's Condition Powders. They tone up the system, aid digestion, cure losa appetite relieve constipation, correct kidney disorders and destroy worms, giving new life to an old overworked hone. 25 cents per package. For sale by B. F.

Keesllng, druggist. stnowlnc. Mamy thousand people have found friend in Bacon's Celery King. If you have never used this great specific prevailing maladies of the age, dyspepsia, liver complaint rheumatism, oostlveness, nervous ex- haustlon, nervous prostration, sleeplessness and all diseases arising from derangement of tbe stomach, liver and kidneys, we would be pleased to give you a package of this great nerve tonic free of charge. BEN FISHEE, 3U Fourth street.

Far Over rutr Tttmrn Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup been used for over fifty yeart by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind oollo, acid Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little Immediately. Sold by druggtatt In every part of the world. Twenty-fiw oenta a bottle. Be sure and ask for Window's Soothing Syrop" and take no other kind.

If you lack energy and are drowsey take Binehart's Liver Pills, 1 a doM. For by B. F. Keeiltng and Kej- itone drug store..

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