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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 4

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JTJCr24, 191T. TUESDAY EVENTPTQ JL Civil Service to Make a I POSTAL INSPECTOR WILL FILLIPS FICKERT PLANS TO TRAIN FOR ARMY Red Cross War Council Thanks Oakland Tribune Survey at RESIGN WARREN GAUGE UPDOWH Investigation of All Departments to Be Made, After Council Vote BYWAR Expecting to play an Important part In the readjustment of business conditions with" the calling out of Alameda county's draft quotar-the Native Sons" and Native Daughters' Mutual Benefit Association of Alameda county Is preparing" to enlarge the scope of Its activities. In speaking of this readjustment, Harry G. Williams, president of the association, said: "tn all lines of business In this county there will be gaps left by those who are called to the colors. These gaps must be filled and filled by those who are best able to carry on the particular line of work In which vacancies occur.

The benefit association was organized a little over a year ago for the purpose of finding employment for members of the Native Pons or Native Daughters out of employment, or securing employment for members of families In which there are members of either order. "The association is now planning not only to aid those seeking employment, but is listing places where vacancies are apt to occur through the drafting of employees, cataloguing them so as to show whether such positions "can be filled hy women, whether skilled or un-skilled labor Is needed and other similar information. We are also compiling lists of those who may find It necessary to support themselves after the men are called out, or who may be called upon to aid In the support of families of those called to the country's service." In order to raise fupds for enlarging the scope of the association's activities a benefit will be held at Neptune Beach on the afternoon and evening of Wednesday, August 1. The advisory committee In charge of the benefit is as follows: R. M.

Fitzgerald, chairman; George Meredith, W. H. Hynes, Joseph R. Knowland. Judge William H.

Waste, W. M. Conley, Sheriff Frank Barnet, Dr. Ergo A. Majors, Dr.

O. D. Hamlin, J. J. McEIroy.

Dr. H. Bell. Dr. J.

C. S. Akerley and W. JL. Hayes.

According to a report Just completed by Miss Eva A. Pine, secretary of the benefit association, the association has placed 63 per cent of those applying to the association for employment. CHARGE OF THEFT With thlrty-flve pounds of aluminum concealed In their clothlnf. -Paul Little and 8teva Menesce, two employees of the Charles Butters 6400 Chabot Road, were arrested this morning by Citisen Harry Ivey and Patrolmen Jack Duke and Harry Brown, and booked on a cnarga- 01 peut rceny. yr snw time past, the foreman of tha plant had noted that quantities of metal were be Ing purloined.

This morning- when the shifts of workmen were at o'clock, the outerolng men were lined up and searched. In the pockets of Little and Menesce were found pieces of aluminum, of various sites, the entire haul totaling Uiirtr-flve pounds. MENACED BY MICE SAN FRANCISCO. July 2 4. To avert the threatened deatruction of the entire Australian wheat crop by a plague of mice, the Australian government is letting a ISO, 000, 000 contract for the erection of grain elevators on the American plan, according to 8.

F. Shelter of Sydney, who is a guest at the St. Francis. The crop, purchased by the British government was a record one, said Sheffer, but has already been depreciated by 20 perl WASHINGTON. D.

C. July 12. 117. To the Editor of The TRIBUNE. Dear Sir: With iRed Cross Week behind tjs and bur faoM turned toward the great work "ahead, one of the first things I want to do is to express to you our sincere appreciation of the assistance rendered by your paper in helping the Red Cross.

I have In mind particularly an editorial in your issue of June 24, entitled "Show Your Colors," which was most helpful. Your co-operation. Is of very great value in tho work we are trying to do. Yours sincerely, IL P. DAVISON, Chairman Hed Cross War ConnoU.

Good food la going to waste on tha California sea coast simply because the people have not learned to use it, according to the announcement made by the State Council of De(ense Even sharks are edible, and are con sidered delicious by some foreign- born American citizens. The council points out the fact that the piers and rocks along the coast are covered with swarms of mussels, which are easy to harvest and are delicious when The -council claims that If properly- baked mussels are more toothsome than clams or oysters. The University of California has pointed out that it la the meat supply that is the nation's food problem, and urges that the people should stop thinking of flsH as something to be eaten, on Friday only. Salting, drying, canning and smoking of fish represent an Industry only In Its Infancy in California. A multitude of types of fiah now not recognized aa good food will be proved by proper methods to be an excellent source of food.

The council further points out that spite of the "clean plate" cam-pain, there Is still good food going into the garbage can from most American homes. To keep a 'few chickens, even if only three or four, that these table scraps may be transmuted into egtra and chicken meat has been recommended by the De- leuao ufuueu. A tiny enclosure is all that la necessary, and W. F. Loyd, instructor In poultry husbandry in the University California, states that two ounces grain and one ounce of dry mash per hen are sufficient dally ration for such a flock, and that the grain feed can be replaced with table scraps.

The advice of the council is not to try to keep too many chickens. The family that starts with from three six will be more lirly to make a success of the undertaking than if it starts with more. SURVEY ORDERED Through its chairman, Superior Judge T. W. Harris, the County Coun of Defense today' received orders Hrom the Federal department of agri' culture to Immediately make a survey me iooa ana crop assets of Alameda county and to report the result the same at once to the Washington authorities.

Farm Adviser M. A. W. Lee was Instructed to make the sur- vev. uOO SEA 00D GOING 0 WASTE rarBinre bttkuv.

GgJ MAR KIT ST. SAN FRANCISCO, July ,2 a. Post-office Inspector M. M. whose family live in San Jose, has tendered his resignation to the Postmaster General, rather than be the Junior city postoftice Inspector with W.

I. Madeira his senior, -according to word from Washington. Warren, who JSa one -of the oldest Inspectors, in time of service in the West, tiled charges several years ago against Postoffice Inspector in Charge Leonard, alleging that Leonard favored Inspector Madeira' and practiced discrimination against him. Inspectors who were sent from the Hast to Investigate the charges reported they were without foundation. Warren was then transferred to the Denver division, with headquarters at Salt Lake City, Later he is said to have applied to be returned to this coaat.

He gtvenr orders to report here as one of th two inspectors assigned to the city of Ban Francisco. Madeira 'bad occupied the other place for the past year, and for this reason Warren would be his Junior. About the time Warren was to assume his duties he delayed doing so, again preferring charges, claiming that Madeira had instigated stories that he waa to have an inferior position. Warren's contention" were again investigated and reported unfounded and his resignation is said have followed. BATTERY BREAKS With the enlistment of forty men yesterday Battery 11 has broken ail national guard recruiting records In this state, according to officers of the First California Field Artillery, of which Battery will be a unit The campaign for recruits will in all probability end tonight, the new organization having within 45 men of its maximum strength of 190 men.

"To recruit, examine and swear in 40 men in -one day is unprecedented in national guard history in this state." said Chief of Police Walter J. Petersen, who win command the new battery. But men who have been drafted do. not Jook with favor upon being placed without choice In any department. The men who are coming Into Battery are men who have chosen tho field artillery as the most desirable branch of the military service and are not taking any chances on being ordered Into any other branch.

Tn all probabiaty we will have our full quota of 190 men by 10 o'clock this evening. This is the last chance men will have to get into this organisation ef Oakland men. In a few days, or hours perhaps, they may bp called before exemption boards and upon official notification to appear they are barred from enlisting in the army or national guard." CALLER IS JAILED It was merely with the intention of making a friendly 'call on his brother, George Shlnn, who is serving a sentence for vagrancy, that Frank niaa visited the city Jail this morning, but he Is now occupying a cell himself on a ohargo of violating the Stat drug 'Assistant Jailer Oeorge Mulholland declares that while the brothers were conversing through the barred cell door, he saw Frank pass to George a small vial of morphine. The evidence was promptly confiscated. of RECRUITING li TRrBTnrg btjbt.ab' 3 MARKET 8T.

SAN FRANCISCO. July 24. "I have not decided whether I shall resign the office of district attorney or whether I can obtain leave," District Attorney Charles M. Fickert when hia Intention to Join the second officers' reserve training; camp to start at the Presidio in August became known. FlckeVt appeared before" the medical examiners yesterday for examination and In this manner it became known for the first time that he had filed an application to Join the camp.

It is generally understood that when an applicant receives an order to appear for medical examination he has been accepted, and Fickert's order to appear yesterday Is taken to mean that he will be one of the 1500 men selected from among the 7000 applicants. "My course In regard to going into the army is still problematical. Tha whole thing is up in the air. Of course, if 1 go Into the training camp I shall expect to go through with It." Fickert said. "I will make my decision after I learn how I passed the Fickert has been In the service before.

At the time of the Spanish-American war he was commissioned a first lieutenant in A -Troop, a volunteer cavalry organization. He has also taken the examinations for entrance to West Point and passed with high honors, but later changed his mind about entering that institution. IS BELOW NORMAL The salmon pack of Was tern Alaska canneries is way below normal this yaar Is the news that has been received here by shipping- and commission men. That this shortage may be due to Causes other than a scarcity of salmon Is a suspicion that la being; investigated by Federal officials, according- to advices reaching here from Alaska. The latest word concerning, the salmon waa today' by a wire Mm less message sent his employers, the Northwestern Steamship Company, in 8eattle, by Captain John O'Brien, master of the steamship Victoria, now on her way south from Nome via Henderson Bay.

where she called for the salmon pack. According to the wireless, the pack at the canneries on the bay this year is only 4900 cases, out of a normal pack of Inthe average of 20.000 cases. Some of the canneries in Alaska have closed down, although the season Is not near Its normal close. Small pack are the rule, according to information from the north, and the fishermen who went from Oakland probably will make much money thla season. In some localities some of the men made as much as $900 for last season's work.

According to advices from Seward. Alaska, Federal officials aboard the revenue cutter Unalga, which is. on the way to the westward, are going to in vestigate a report that an illegal com ordef hat prJew may GOULD IS DRAFTED IjAive, vv vjtiu, juiy z. iving-don Gould will be drawn to serve in the army. He held the IS 4th number drawn, 776.

568-572 Fourteenth St. A SALMON CK in I of of to cil or of i With an exchange amenities between Mayor John L. Davie and Health Officer Xirby B. Smith wnlch bordered perilously epoa the passage of the lie direct, the garbag queetioo bobbed up this mornlnt In the city council for1 the uaual matutinal discussion, and then bobbed down fain when Commissioner F. Jackson MM the only affirmative vote for bla resolution instructing the city attor ney to take atepe to cancel the contract with the City Sanitary Reduction Com pany.

"1 hare done my part aa commissioner of public health," said Dr. Jackson after Ills resolution had been voted down. "The responsibility for the health of the city ow rests with the council, If we have aa epidemic of typhoid fever or spinal maningltls aa the result of the insanitary eoadl tlona, the council will have to bear the burden of criticism." "I think that we are big enough to assume it." said Mayor Davie. Discussion of the situation began with the report of City Clerk W. Cummlnca.

who had personally Investigated four com- plaints of Inadequate service. He report that he had found seventeen barrels of refuse accumulated at the plant of the National Pharmacy Company, Seventeenth and Wood streets. At the Western Laboratories, Twenty-fourth and Broadway where the scavengers were wont to make dally calls, he found that calls bad been made only four times since the first of the mcftth. The management of the Hotel Oakland, be said, complained because tb garbage collections were made during the lunch hour "with undue enthusi asm on the part of the collectors." COMPLAINTS CONTINUE. Dr.

Klrby Smith reported that there had beea no amelioration in the situation. Two hundred and eight complaints had come to his office yesterday afternoon and this morning. His report was supplemented by one from City Veterinarian Charles C. Whig, who said that accumulation of garbage at a certain creamery In the city waa a very seYlous menace) to the health of the pat roue' of that firm. Dr.

Jackson then introduced his resolution, saying: "No member of this eouncQ ran be criticised for not giving thla com-pany plenty of time to fulfill their contract. There is no reason why we should uphold them further in their pursuit of making money at the expense of the health of the city. We have given them everjconalderation." and have overlooked 'their 'Violations of ordinances regulating their vehicles In order not tr embarrass them." is "Why do ail the complaints and all the correspondence on thla subject come dl- rect to the councllT" asked Commissioner W. H. Edwsrds.

"There Is no record that the health department had corresponded with the company. That Is no way to do business." HAS HELPED. Dr. Klrby Smith answered thla In person. "I have been In dally communication with members of the company," ha said, "and I wish to place it on record that I have personally dona all I could to help them get the altuatlon In hand." "You me last Saturday at tha 'head 4 he airs out there that the company was doing excellently," aald Mayor Davie.

"You said, that If they kept on aa they were doing they would soon have everything working- smoothly." "Either my eara were poor In hearing your question, or your ears were poor In bearing my reply." retorted Dr. Smith. The vote was then taken on the resolu tion of Jackson, who was the only one to support It. ARE NOT GUARDED That proper safeguards were not provided for employees at the Barbour Chemical Works was the conclusion of a coroner's Jury which Investigated the death of F. M.

Gonsalves and Manuel Vlerra, victims of gas poisoning in a barium car-bona a tank at the plant lat Saturday morning, and a recommendation that it Immediately Install aafety devices waa made. Of four other men who went one by one into the tank to rescue their predecessors two are at the Merritt hospital and two were allowed to go home. All are reported to be out of danger. 4 Us fr II: el til d. a) al ci I a tj A 1 A a r- li 'J; II a I 1 1 a a a i) a 11 1 1 i (1 cent by the rodents Sheffer says he, blnatlon iaU amonK of the can-witnessed th weighing of twenty tons! i A complete survey and investigation of all departments, offices and bureaus or the municipal administration Is to be undertaken by the Civil Service Board in accordance with a resolution introduced this morning in the city council by Mayor John L.

Davie and unanimously adopted. The board is requested to make recommendations for changes wherever occasion is found. "I wish to announce." said Commissioner W. H. Edwards, "that if I vote for this resolution, I shall also vote to carry out the board's recommendations to the letter.

I think that we should not ask the board to take this trouble, unless we Intend to accept their advice." "If think that the recommendations are right, I shall vote to carry tbem oul" said Commissioner F. F. Morse, "but I reserve the right of private judgmeet. Resolutions introduced by Commissioner F. F.

Jackson were adopted by the council, warmly commending the, splendid and heroic conduct of the members of Hose and Chemical Company No. 1 and Truck Company No. 2 In rescuing six men from a gas BAKERS ARE In addition to the ten Bakery Companies now within the continental limits of the United States, the Quartermaster General has been directed to organize forty more bakery "companies. The local recruiting station has received official notification to commence recruiting- at once for these companies. The companies are to be numbered from one to five and six being In Honolulu and the Philippine Islands.

The personnel of each company is to consist of one first and one second lieutenant; one sergeant, first class who receives 51 a month; 23 144 a -month; 11 corporals, 138 a month; i privates, first class, $33 a month; 15 privates. JO and tweeoeks who 38 a montn. Sergeant Pepper of the local recruiting office points out that this is an exceptional-Opportunity for strong and eneregetie youngmen to learn a trade. He say that the men who volunteer now will have an excellent opportunity for promotions as there is at the present time 800 vacancies in the grade of sergeant baker and 600 In the grade of corporal to he filled by the most Capable men. In addition to this Sergeant Pepper states that Major O.

J. Charles of the Quartermaster Corp has announced that there will be vacancies in the grade of flrst and second lieutenant for experienced bakers with the proper educational requirements. "That young man. with a good high school education stands a good chance to learn the baker's trade, and place himself in line for promotion to the trade of non-commissioned or commissioned orncer rne yuarter-master General has decided to offer the 'commission In these companies to deserving men from the ranks. BRITAIN'S BILL IS 8,975,000 DAILY DURINGBIG WAR LONDON, July 24.

Andrew Bonar Law, the chancellor of the exchequer announced in the House of Commons this afternoon that for Hi days the averaae Hritlsh expenditure was 975, 000 pounds dally. The chancellor said the total advance made by Great Britain to Her allies and the dominions waa pounds. EI IT iMhe Model Vic trola, price $75.00, The record cabinet holds one -hundred ecordsr lt44he- most popular model of the Victor, offering an attractive combination of looks, power and late improvements, with a moderate price. We sell it at $75.00 on payments averaging $5.00 a month. With teijfO-inch double-f aced records of your own selection the total will be $82.50.

payable in fifteen months. Write your name and address on the lines below, clip out, and mail us this advertisement, and we will send you catalogue of records and tome interesting literature. HAMLIN PIANOS San Diego and Portland NEEDED 1 filled tank at the plant of the Barber Chemical Company last Saturday. Speoial praise was accorded Captain Jfax Dohrmann and Hoseman Emil Alver. Commissioner F.

F- Morse introduced a resolution suspending the operation oif Section 26 of Ordinance No. 113. N. g. at the pleasure of the council.

This section provides that wharfage shall be collected for merchandise which is left on the city wharves or in the warehouses for a longer period than 4 hours. Action on the matter was postponed until Thursday, that tha city attorney might incorporate a clause forbidding sale or barter on' the wharves. Commissioner Morse explained that that section has been virtually inoperative for some time, and that it would be a hardship on some Oakland warehousemen, if it were suddenly enforced, r- A communication was received from W. D. Bunker, general manager of the Judson Manufacturing Company, heartily endorsing the proposed lease of western waterfront property, to the United Construction Company of San Francisco.

ALAMEDA, July 34. t- la an automobile collision this afternoon at Pacific avenue and Chestnut street the car of Mrs. Mildred Gilmore, Oakland society woman, was completely overturned, but the owner, who was driving, escaped In-Jury. Another car, belonging to the Excelsior Laundry and driven by A. I Mulvapey, brother to Deputy City Auditor J.

J. Mulvaney of Alameda, was badly damaged, when the driver turned bis machine In the'dlrection of a sidewalk and a lawn to avoid the collision. The Gil-more car was completely overturned. HARR1AGE UOlHLA Ttiii. oUowlag sosrrlsc Denises fetrt feces tm PUVLAP-BOIXISTXX Jotiln T.

Daalip, 24, 8d Lftudro, sad Mlrlsm F. HoJIUter, O.klind. Christ Blw. 5, Rlobmood. nil l.oli- M.

Krt-r. Sn Frsnelsco. MADDEN ZELT Joseph 8i KranrlM-o, snd XUrzutrlte K. Zlt, OHOI-DTTirCAW Nicholas Borce, SI. aid IVrrr A.

I'tiiK'sn. S3, Berksltj. HAXTKOF-BUaS Rotxrt A. Hartkop. 24, and Edna (I.

Burr, 23, both of Bkely. TIEIBA FEBKCIKA Joe Tielra, 25 and Kmily Kerrrira. 'JO. both of Oakiaed. OATES-CtAitK William Oates, 32, and Amle Clark.

It), both or Jargon. i LANDBOEOBAETELJCE Hans K. Undbore NorwsT, snd Heln A. Bartelnw, 88, Oakland. COOK-TATZ Ernnt O.

Conk. 24. and lessis E. TM. 21.

bh nf BrrktltT. CAMPBELL-SEA VY William T. Campbfll. 20, antf K1r-n( s-aTT, 20. both of Oakland.

8TITXSTEB-BAILET M. 8flater, 21, and Gertrude Bailer. 19. both of Oakland. SACRA MXMTO LICENSES.

tiviT.irtxiioi. William Mlltoa Emit. 14. Oakland, and Ldcy Anna Hanson, 19, Mirjs- Tlll. 0 aAF-DElTTOH Max Graf.

2T. Baa Francisco, nd Ertle Dtatoa, 19, Oakland. DElATI-iyTI if. la Portland. Jnlr 24.

191T, Vr. A. K. Clark, widow of th lat K. Clark, and Biotbvr of Mr.

M. F. llndroo of Portland, ami E. O. Crawford of Bnniwlfk, Maine, and aljr nf Sirs.

Beatrice Hank'. Mrs. F. HorewUI. Mra.

1. Eastland. Mra. 8. Klljv and H.

V. Hall, a satire Mlasisalppi. Friends and acquaintantta are respectfully Invited to attend the fnneral services Friday morning. Jnly 27. at 10 o'rlork at tfte ehinel of Albert Brown TalrtccnUi street.

Oakland. Interment private. rXAaTK In Oakland. July 20, 191T. Robert F.dwia, dearly loved child of Edwin and Marion Nattlnr Frank, a native of Oakland.

California, aged 2 dajs. HOOD In this city. Jnly 23. 11T. -Edith Louise H-md.

berovedaiif hter of Or. Arthur J. and Irene Hond of Elk Nevada, native of Nevada, afed i years, 10 mnatns, and 8 data- funeral will take place In Elko. Nevada. OLSOs la Oakland.

Jnly 2. 01T. Jdbasne, beloved wife of the late Jhn W. Olson, loving mother of Mra. Leonard Francea.

Anette H-l-n A. Olenn and Mrs. Joe Olaen. Dative of Sweden, as-d TO rears and months. Friends and arrjnalntance are respectfully Invited to attend the fnneral sevvleeH Thursday.

July 1W1T, at 2:30 o'clock p. m. from the HwedUh Baptist church, orner Tenth and Magnolia afreets. Krmalcs at her late residence, 1119 Eighth street. ITSSEIL In Osklsnd.

July 24, 11T. Ceorgs Clifford Runell. beloved feusbasd of Roa-iia A. Rnaaell. fnher of Mra.

Harold O. Baaloo, a native of Ohio, aged 4 years. 11 I 1 EUNERALS Trust Prices GODEAU FUNERAL CAR Tha finest, rich art meat aomplets la tha world. Beats S7. persona: apaoa far eaaket and flower.

Private compart-' meat tot family. Tha meat comfortable way. ffodeau pricoa are half. Telephone Oakland 4045 Xo extra chare for la Ala-ianeda. Berkeley as wttita mile ef office- Julius S.

Godeau 2210 Webster SU Oakland 41 Tea Kess 1. FY SOS Oolnmboa I. T. 17 Flgueroa 8t. La Angeles.

El Dorado a ad Poplar, Stock lea. JAMES" TAYLOR Funeral Director Having purchased art the steck. quiescent and property of th James Tartaf Funersl Directors, Inc. of Oakland, we have dissolved the corporation and are now tha sols owners ant giving lb business our entire person si attention. We are not connected with any trust or ronbinatlon regulating prices.

AS IN THE PAST, all persona requiring our services will be treated with courtesy and consideration and charges made only according the quality el materials Be levied. MR. and MRS. JAVTA TTfcRT T.K. COR.

KTH AND JEFFKRSON TeV Muxre, J. N. and Paul O. bUlgar, Home Undertaking; Co. 2900 NTH SOCIETY WOMAN'S AUTO OVERTURNED OAKLAND Bet.

Clay and Jefferson Sensational Offering Reduced to SWTS You Can Be Playing This Victrola Tonight and have fifteen months to pay for it. ft mm mm of mice killed in one day tX Victoria. LOOKFOR MA Search is being made by the police for Lucls Hicks. 23 old. who wandered away yesterday from the Anderson sani tarium, 311S High street, me missing man.

is described as being five feet eight inches tall and weighing 110 pounds. He has blue eyes and light hair -and was wearing a blue suit, check cap and brown shoes. The missing man Is, the son of Chap lain Arthur Hicks, who la stationed at the Presidio of San Young Hicks has been in the sanitarium for the lsst seven months, suffering from a nervous breakdown. The family home la in Berkeley. TO CHECK DISEASE 8ACRAJTEXTO, July tt.

The practice of peace officials in driving women of th redlight districts from one city to another when they are in poor physicsl condition. Is to be stopped by the health and military authorities of California. This action was determined at the conference on co-operation of civil authorities with the army and navy In preventing the spread of diseases, held In San Francisco: At the conference were the State Board of Health, representatives of the United States Public Health Service, the army and the navy and the mayors, district attorneys, chiefs of police, supervisorial chairmen and superintendents of the bay district- CARDINAL PRAISES -BALTIMORE, July. J4. Cardinal Gibbons, on his eighty-third birthday, sent, the following message to the oung Americana about to be enrolled in the new national armies: "Be Americans always.

Remember that you owe all to America and be p-rvfparcd, if your- country demands it, to give all in return. "And." he added, "I am sure they will bring honor and credit to the country of their birth or adoption." CAPTURE BANDITS NOG ALE Si July 24. General Fernandez plnosa. pursued as the leader of bandits who held up a passenger train at Wamoa station, Slnaloa, Mexico, last Saturday and robbed a Wella-Fargo Express ear of 120,000 and took 14000 from the station, was captured with some of his men yesterday, according to word received here today. The greater part'Of the money was teeovered.

DRIVER IS BURNED John Miller, employed as an automobile truck driver for the Standard Oil Company and who lives at 4237 Foothill boulevard. Is at the emergency hospital suffering from severe burns on the head and shoulders as a result of hla machine catching fire at High and Clement streets while he was filling the tank of. the machine ith gasoline this morning. How the accident happened Miller 0os not know. He will recover.

CALLIT atrust BALTIMORE, July 24. An Indictment was returned In the United States court today against the National Retail Monument Retail Dealers' Association, of America, its officers and members of the board of managers for alleged violations of the Sherman anti-trust act. DAY AT BEACHES The American Chlcl Company, makers of the famous Black Jack Chewing Oum will hold a Children's Day at Neptun Beach tomorrow when all children will admitted fre. Tickets are procurable at most of th leading grocers, cigar stores and candy shops. rA Value So Unusual That Every Woman Will Be Quick to Appreciate It.

Every customer who comes here tomorrow for one of these wonderful suits at $12.00 will go away a friend of this store We have been exceeding the speed limit in value giving during these summer sales, but these Suits for $12.00 are the banner feature. Don't miss tomorrow's special assortment Wednesday Special DownStairs Dept I I MASON AND 1 1 PLAYERS I Vl MUSICJ Dresses and Coats eve you ni7Z been planning for this sale for dayt and foj-i appreciate the EXTRAORDINARY 1299 Washington Oakland Stores also in San Francisco, Sacramento, Sap Jose, YALUtZ mhen you see them. -Zf'- DRESSES.of Serge, Silk Taffeta. Poplin and Combinations Dfith Ceorgetle sleeves. COA.TS of Velours in plaids and checks, plain colored basket Deaves, also Brocaded Silks.

For Wednesday only in the Downstairs Dept. $735, Lot Angeles, ITOOOErtY ssssbVbssMbI WK HAVE THI600DI T0QQKRYI.

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