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The Anniston Star from Anniston, Alabama • Page 8

The Anniston Stari
Anniston, Alabama
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luu it.) ulwi taught by her ara very laatruc COLLEGE HONORS 1 -r t-ti- i s.14 not to be serious, bowvr 'catsuai IX PIEDMONT th Men' Evangtllstio. club of Anniston, a program Interest wUl be given. A full Attendance ea the part of th church membership 1 urged. i ed ont Social XFORD 'ksJEWS By lira, X. K.

WaUer. JL PnoM 104 S-U BL0C1TS MEMORY IN SILENT HOUR i Personal News Notes Dr. O. county pa Mobile Man Was Author of officer, apont moat of In Piedmont on buslnts connect, with hit department The county health officer attended the meeting of th county medical society held at piedmont Tuesday afternoon. COL BRIDGES ILL Th many friend In Anniston and surrounding territory will regret to learn that Col.

B. B. Bridge, well known cltlatn of Piedmont, ha been stricken 111 and 1 undergoing, treatment at St Luke' Hospital. Ill condition Bill Deating Alabama Col-: lege and Its Good Friend Montvlle, Al March (Special) During th hour of th Dorothy Rusaell. Martha Tram-mail, otto Allen, Sam O'Neal Q.

II. Cr Trammell, Brown Simpson. Parry Claston, Cart Dn, Hemphill Whiteside, J. W. Alexsnder, Chrli Keltey, Faul c.

Howie, and Alex Ilowle. Persoaal Mention Mrs. Frank Clark left Tuesday for a visit to her daughter. Eh wilt mk her first visit with Mra. Ruth Conley In Baltimore.

At Hampton, Vai wiU th guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hasting (Willi Mra Clark expect to be away several month before returning to Oxford. Mra W. F.

Rnhin (Su Hall) funeral of ol D. Bloch, four o'clock In Mbll. quiet hour was observed at Alabama college. All business was suspended and every-on connected with th eoUeg re mained quiet for that period. The tive, i in th latter part of tka Tuning the meeting was1 turned Into a aoclal and Mra.

Sharp proved herself to be a hostess of unuaual ability having many way la which, ahe ebarmed th guot for and hour, ending It with deUdoua refreshments. Three visitors! Mra. Q. B. Sharp, Mra.

Evans Burnt and Mra. Dick-ey. enjoyed thla courtesy. Th membera were Mra. T.

Cowan. Mr. O. 1 Stewart. Mra C.

Morgan. Mra J. a Faughender. Mr. H.

B. Ralls, Mrs. 3. D. Mc-Aulay.

Mra. H. Robertaon, Mra. K. C.

Harrla, Mr. J. Haalam, Mra. Burgee, Mra. 8.

J. Poaey. W. Knowtea. Mrs.

O. M. Howell. Board of Beacons Baa Fin Meat The new boart of deacon of tht First Baptist church bold their first meeting Monday ve-nlng. at which, time tht following office re were elected: P.

W. Roberta, chairman; H. Sharp, showalter Hlncy. treaaur. or of th peatorlum fund.

Th board voted to raise th pastor alary several hundred dollars. Other matter of lmpoetanoe were discussed. Annlstoa Man Makes Splendid Address O. L- Johnson, a prominent Harris Honor At Mlaeella- aeon Sbowcr Th initial social vnt of tb prtng eeason la Piedmont that of Friday afternoon when Gre Formby a hostess at hr horn ea South Main street at a lellanou shower complimenting Mrs, nr- r-hl i. XUrrli, who, until her marring on March, th first wa 34! Mary Barlow, on of Piedmont' moat popular nd talented young ladles.

Tb rooma wert beatolfully arranged for the occasion and a color schem of pink nd white waa esrrled out throughout the home. 1 The leading featuro of amusement waa a trouseau, eonteat. In whleb the flret prlae overdres "aot rich lace, while a aaih of contrasting color draped from other places, each bringing match. Mlaa Formby wa a trae-tlre la ashes of roat chrmeus rub beaded diesdea georgette overdress. Mra.

Gawbroa Eajoya I ml Birth day Anniversary One of the happiest affairs occurring la piedmont for a long time waa that of last Sunday when Mra. Mary Cambron or rather her children and grandchildren celebrated her 7 2nd birthday with an elaborate dtu-ner. Mra. Cambron eraa unaware that anything unuaual wt taking place until about 11:10 Sunday mt rnlng when her and college chapel bell waa tolled for tea minutes, V. tK CL teet tbaredsy Confedertt Dam Qhapter, U.

will hold thlr regular monthly bualneas meeting at th home of Mra E. II. Unna on Main, street I o'clock Thursday afternoon. rUy to BO A comedy nUUd A Poor Married Man" wilt given ia th high echool auditorium on March th 28th by'th member of the Epworth lgu. v4 Birthday Snrprta Party The home of Mr.

and Mr. E. J. TrimmtU os McPhersea trt waa th scn of a delightful occasion -on Monday evening when Mrs. Trammel! bd planned th party In- honor of th sixteenth anniversary of her daughUr, Mia Martha TrammU.

For th pretty occasion th home was decorated In pink and whit carnations. Ia th dining room where th guests were invited for the refreshments. th color achem of pink and whit wa further carried out la th 1c Coura rved. Th nam of 6oI Bloch will aver be associated with th early history of thi college, II the author of th bill establishing th 1 Institution and served as It trustee for more than twenty yean. wa ever Its true end faithful friend, and wa anxious render any service at any tlm to th student body.

At every Christmas grana-chlldran began coming In la xpected to arrive tonight from St Petersburg, Fla. She waa called her on account of th srlou 111-nee of her sister. Mra T. Gro-gan. Mls Irene Stewart of Munford Is th gueat of Miss Amy and Mlnnl Clark.

Mrs. R. II. Long of Rock Run, Is tha guest of Mr. and Mrs.

W. Long on McPheraoa treet Ernest Rusblon of Gadsden wa a visitor to Oxford Wednesday, waa awarded to Mia Ida Moody, th consolation wnt to lira r. X. Woolf. There waa no "Wirt RMk bnt In Its Easter and Commencement, he ent pproprtat gifts to th stud-cat which were highly appreciated.

yr, Ojne Horse Ledbetter Corn and Cotton Seed frcrr other placea, eae hbrlnging acwral "big" thlna to eat. Qreea ar.d white waa used aa tat color. vrme In the llTin and dining rooma. The centerpiece consist-ed of a huge white cak poa which waa placed gr-a eovera being laid for twenty Hnndsom floral offering wer Planters ent by th students, by the college end by Individual. A program -place each guest tti requested to verbally flT the bride a wish.

Three ran, a auch thinr do, from one extreme to the other. The table In the dining room centered with a huge bed white roaea In the midst of which a miniature bride and aroom Music, games and contests were Is being erranged for appropriate memorial services at th T. W. Baptist layman, et Anniston. flll- tw.

BRANSCOMB AWAY, TEAM WILL HOLD NIGHT SERVICE? I -A tlii Vlrm Urn ul th njoyed throughout th vnlng. Ia a contest. Mis Etheleea Robertson captured the prtsa, a box of candy. A. Sunday evening.

While Mr. Bloch was an Xars elite he took a He sure of successful planting. Our Ledbetter Planters will do the work quicker and better tlian it can be done by hand. The price is within reach of all. in addition to many ornamental gifts.

Mra cambron wa th re- very deep Interest In tha T. W. C. with train bearera, around which 11 o'clock. Thi was on of th beet rneeting hving ba--held jearh.davrd th i viuDi present as wen.

ThJ and admiration watching th MTaammallwgs assisted by Mrs. Paul QulnntU nd Mrs. W. Wall la serving- the following an address at Its service. If al lore Rev.

L. Branacomb. pastor of the rirat Methodist ehureh la In Don't take chances another year. Come in today and get yours. affair took place at th old horn I wbJ1 thoM ways etrongly advocated th em ployment of a T.

C. Sec retary belleTlnj that uch an offl? who beard Mr. Johnson ar planning to har him return toon. Th avenlng sermon by Dr. J.

H. Fuller, th pastor, was greatly enjoyed aa all hla message ar. cer would of great help to th Bell-Hubbard Hardware Co. insuiuuon. place on East treet and waa on which will never forgotten by those present.

Mra Sharp Is Charming Hostess The Missionary Society of the Methodist church haa had many skuo stundanc on a meeting of th Mary Roberta. Or Lee Clark, board of directors of th AU-fthvlMO Robrtson. Mrgart MethodUt orphenag at LuttalU Maxin Fulton. LouUgeimm, anj wm not reutrn to th Draper, Margaret Rupert city until Thursday. Long, Edwin O'Molley, Ruth Mul- i th absence of th pastor, lendore.

Wallac Hitchcock. Ed-th mid-week prayer service tor dy Carter, Edith Box; Jack Btew- Wednesdsy evening will be con-art. Sarah Box William Ward, ducted by on of th teams from Prof. E. H.

Willis let for Monday evening to attend Phone 171 1012 Noble lorely bride. The place carda were unique miniature brtdte. The gift were presented to th bride by llttl Mary Ellen Webb, th bright daughter of Mr. and Mra. It.

Webb, who waa dreaa. ed a a messenger. Upon opening of the packageathe ahower In-' deed proved to mlacellane-un and th gift were. all such a find a useful and ornamental place with th new housekeeper. Th guest had previously been Mr.

Wilson 'Improved Th latest reports from Mra delightful meetings, but none of the funeral a th official representative Alabama FRANK JOBSON them have afforded more real Joy Mary Wilson who has been crlU-than that of Monday afternoon jcaUylJl at her home on East U- when Mrs. F. C. sharp was hostess to It at her attractive borne 1 dig Street for several weeks, ar to th effect that ia much improved. Mrs.

Wilson has hundreds of friend who ar glad to hear thla news. AND FAMILY IAY SHARE ESTATE III. W. scheme, which were showered upon the brld Just at tht last READ THIS REMARKABLE OFFER J.EV oriac, who ia umriii; Vast Hokfinn of Late Blshon on South Main atret Th rooms wer beautiful la yellow narcissi and meeting waa presided by Mra I JJ. Robertson, th president, who opened by asking Mra.

H. B. Rail to lead in prayer. Thla waa the day for tb monthly Bibl Study and th talk was interestingly t-tven by Mrs. O.

M. ceauuiau wa zquisiwty mi urea Personal Mention Mr. and Mra. M. T.

Moody spent Monday in Anniston. Miase Alii and Ola Davia spent th week-end In Gadsden Key in Icw Tork May Come to Lalhoun reople rsooooooooooooooc the guest of their brother, Ry- Trank W. Jobson. of DeArmsn- mond Davia. Mrs.

H. S. Harris. Mrs. J.

H. ville. father of Ansel T. Jobson. Imperishable Columbia Medallions of this city, nd J.

D. Jobson and Howell, the subject being "Dorr i Mrs. Faughender, of th delegate to th Missionary -Conference of th North Alabama Barlow and Mrs. TH. Formby Mis era Jobson.

Oxford, is much Interested In th resort spent Tuesday In Anniston shop, ping. Ten Porads lira. Goorra 8. BuaterT' Mr. and Norton that descendant of th 1st Bishop Key may become benefici rlea la a vast estate left in New Conference, which convened In i Birmingham several weeks past.

1 and Mr. and Mr. J. A. Norton, of i gav a very Intelligent and Inter.

Terk. Mr. Jobson hlmeelt being of Columbua, Ga, says ah suffered, vmly wltb f- Anniston, were the gueata of rel stives 8 an day. a great grandson of th Metho REE dist bishop, who wa th last eating report of the meeting. Th new mission study.

The Child, and America' Future. was Mr. and Mra G. B. Jenklna snent Sundar In Rom th 4 Cowan la teacher and the lessons Ida Foster.

Th many friend of direct owner of a big estate now located. Tork- Jty --and-which Is eetimated to be worth a billion and a halt dollars. estimated that 108 heir will be found who directly interested in the stat. th D-Armanvill man having been In Mrs. Foater in Piedmont will grieved to learn, that ah wa re HetMIMO MISSIN uv TNI vote tun sums cently stricken with paralysis, however, ah ia somewhat Improv Save Money ed -at present; mal troubles, "I bad to go to bad and tay aomttma two- week at a tima" says Mra.

outer. "I could not work. My wer lrregulay sail I rot very thin. I went from 12C pounds down to less than 100, My mother had been ttw of MM TT.3 coin's TcrJs i i ii it 11 i it on Beautify Your Home Easter Suit YOU POOR KID, WHY ARE YOU SO SKINNY? Don't your mother know that Cod Liver Oil will put pounds of good healthy flesh on your bones in Juet a few week! correspondence atlff Others forlh pas few months with an Idea 'of, taking tip the fight to secure their part of th vast estate This estate 1 located at th eorner-'of Twenty-third street nd Broad vay, Xcw Tork, and has been under a SS-year leas until recentljs when th leas expired. It la aaid thi property was orlg-nally a land grant from th King of England to Martin Key.

an-officer of tb king, and descended to John and William Kes.revrt Ing to John Key. upon. tha jLeath I rtVX her vry. drugglat has it in ugar-coated, tablet form now so With Columbia Medallions of your loved ones! They are priceless treasures American families of culture realize the increasing value of beautiful impreishable Medallions of Mother. Father, Daughter, by seeing Mr.

A. T. Smith of the Traymore Tig. Philadelphia. Pa.

He-will be here Fridavanq; Saturday, March 21st and 22nd with the latest Easter styles and fabrics. the sonfor the departed one. of William Key. 1 F. W.

Jobaon's mother waa a Key and a direct descendant of Bishop Key. II has two brothers. and sat knew" what A good medicine It wa for this trouble, so th told ffi to get soma and take It I sent to the atort after If and before I bad taken th first botttt up I began to improve. My tldt hurt leas and I began to mend In health. I took four bottles la alt during th last ten months.

Cardul acted as a fine tonic. I am well now. I bav gained ten pounds and am tui gaining.1 TaktCarduL EX-101 J. Key Jobsdn, of Golden Springs, and William obson. of Mesquite, that you wont have to take th nasty, fishy-tasting oil that la apt 'to npaet" the atomachu" Tell her bat McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Tablet ar chock-full of vita-mines and are th greatest flesh producer and heatlh buildera caa-'Cnd.

On sickly, this kid. aged gained II pounda ia months. Eh must ask Scarbro.ugh Drug Co Scrbrough-Lndhm Drug Co, any good druggist tor McCoy's Cod Liver OH Tblt tablets. It cnt-rs tak as candy. Advertisement.

Texas, each of whom bav several children who will be Interested In the settlement of the big estate In which It may bo found that thry hare an Interest. Wes ley Herring THE TAILOR Corner Moore tad 13th -StreeU Presidents, Governors. Judges, persons of Business: Political and Social Prominence Pay Tliousands of Dollars for a single Painting. Through the COLUMBIA STUDIOS you can secure the work of nationally recognized artiste These talented artists will copy a Columbia Medallion from your favorite photograph, bringing out all tha charm and life-hie individuality. Memories grow cEm keep your loved ones in front of you.

Have an imperishable likenes of them in your home, copied from any clear, picture th ey last for all Jre real treasures of life are stored in the faces of loved ones Columbia Mcdalions are dear pos. sessions. They tell the story truly and are rcsooooooooooooooooooooa I I PALE SKDl DULL EYETIQKFIJESII? ewjssssjssaeaa ii if TVIESfi an tat sign of impure I blood, bad digestion and an en-JL- feebtodandrna down state of tht whole stem. COPIES Correct these bad conditions with Code's Fepto-Mangaa. It contains an smpte supply of tba iron your blood iseeds, and lost the took.

Invigorating, strengthening clement which build up SPECIAL NOTICE Miss Madrfe Griffith' Medallion Artist. Will Greet You Per bodily vigor, improve the digestion and increase the energy and endurance. Your druggist hat Glide's, ia both liquid and tablet form. Get it today and Of The Big INDUSTRIAL AND CLUB; EDITION OF sonally at our store Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 20-21-22 begin to take it regularly. Cma T.Mal.

To eee for yonrattf the beaUhndinevahicol Ctodc' rVto-Mnan, "Kl tor free Pack r. M. J. Brekmbach CoM Warren SUKY. Gudob The pepto-ansjan Tome and Blood Enricher How To Get Them Ask any-dark for a JdedaUloa card.

Tak this card with 'your pwrchaa slip to the 'medallion counter punched on same, When yon have purchased goods to th amount of 129 in our store we wilt make yon TREEV a black and white Columbia'ledalllon, aa- tlonally advertised at IS from any picture yon destr. Tour picture returned anmarrd. ft Columbia Method Of copying your picture and than moundng th copy on especially prepared meUl makes It imperishable. Th complet medaUloa 1 so lik a mlnlatur that it would be difficult for yoo to tell the difference. It cvj be washed.

Just Ilk thoe wonderful works of rt. And it, too, lasts rort ALL TIME. THE ANNISTON STAR Can Still Be Had at 10c The Copy 1 Send or brin? your list of names to us, accompanied by check or money order and we will mail them for you those who have full cards bring -them in at once and have Medallions made from original photo I II ill I i irz' 4. if -A Me' LlIESTEILlUi; Annistdh Star.

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