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The Anniston Star from Anniston, Alabama • Page 1

The Anniston Stari
Anniston, Alabama
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Hie dlimim if I i A BUY IN ANNISTOM Everything yon ned, Mt lid fiir-nd keep your moaar ot lorn. For AanJatoB aad 07 talr fcrnlcfct aad Saturday. "THE HOME PAPER" AND THE DAILY PAPER1 BLAST 10 CENTS PER WEEK (International News Service) ANNISTON. FRIDAY. AUGUST 18.

1916. (International News Service) VOL 34.r-NO.25K Brotherhoods Accept President Wilson's Settlement Plan Scientists Take United Action to Check Spread of Infantile Paralysis Portugal Prepares to Put Field Against Germany mm UNCLE SAM BUYS AN ARMORED CAR AT LAST iHHUEMMS III IT iimuL QFTHEGERMAH TOCnMBATTHrl I wf7. IS MN MEETS P15I DENTS ens EPIDEMIC Vvi I I1" -kV1 t-t i. n. -3 ta 1 If Strike Develops Responsibility Will he Placed I poii Kxcoulivcso'i" the Kailroutls Brotherhoods Accept Plan of President Leading Health Officials Adopt Field Marshal von Mackensen Now Has Charge of Teuton Forces in France Measures to Prevent Paralysis Spreading UNIFORM CERTIFICATES DIVIDES THE HONOR WITH CROWN PRINCE FOR TRAVELERS' USE Thl Is the first or a special u.n ui arinori cam Jual allvert (o ih war by a HaW-niond (Ind.) car building company.

The rt la ballt rtT ifglit Mrel pi tM, and will one mounted Id a gun well at the top eatr. There ara also porta ror twenty luarhlne guna on tb aldea. which may alao be uaed by nharpihootera. DEFINITE ARRANGEMENTS ARE AGREED UPON BY EMINENT Washington, Aug. 18.

In a lengthy meeting at the Bijou theatre today, committeemen of the brotherhoods voted to sanction the president's plan submitted to them last night to avert a strike. The announcement that the brotherhoods had agreed upon the president's proposition arrived at the white house just as the railway presidents were leaving. The presidents did not break off their negotiations with President Wilson this afternoon as threatened before. Instead the negotiations are still in progress. The presidents refused to express any opinion of the meeting with the president today, but it is stated that they will meet again tomorrow.


Aug. 1 Definite action which. It la clalnwd. will Lisbon, Aug Mtateter of War urtoa do Matt aaaoanced toda rallT aid the organUed efforta to Ashevllle. N.

Aug. II. James Hickman, left fielder for the aje- ill team of the North Carolina league, who la under option of the Brooklyn Nationals, eetabltaked what la llievedUJafifai'lMior leaguea here getTlng elgbV hits, a Dome run, a double and sii alnglea. out of nine times at bat. alao atole four bases.

flgbt oa ta. aha atnropo Gor- th (id Of sua jr. noon that a complete settlement along the line of the president's proposition is in sight. Washington. Aug.

18. The railway strike crisis was at its mot serious point today. The president this afternoon explained to the railway presidents that they must either make concessions to the employes or take the responsibility before the country for any labor trouble. Odd Fellows of Johnathan District Have Big Meeting at Ohatchie Crushed Beneath pars but Directed the Work of Clearing Wreckage Paris, Aug. There haa been a complete regrottplng of German for- en at today a aeamoB or healtn ezperta.

The plana auggeated were thoroughly dlacuaaed and will be adopted before the teuton finally adjourn late today. The plan Include the adoption of a uniform health certificate for tra elera. to be recognlied by all the rall-roada In tne country. Thla win eliminate the confualon arising from the teanance of different atate eer- rea and fiermaa com man dg on the weitern front alice toe beginning of ITU QUAKE the alliea' offenalTe. Field MarahaT ion Mackenjen.

woo Tlie trainmen's delegate are be. hind cloeed door at the Bijou the conquered Serbia and helped Geo oa Hlndenberr roll back the Rua- atre dcliatlnfc at length npon the ALABAMA TO HAVE ulana In the rreat Teuton drive prexidrnt' plan of giving an eight Tile meeting of Jonathan District, Independent Order of Odd Fellows, at Ohatcbee, under toe auspice of Ethelville Lodge, No. 32. wi held yesterday In the auditorium ot the Ohatcbee public school building, and was caled to order at 10 a. m.

by President W. L. McCormlck. hour day, hut lco)lng overtime at George B. Harmon, wno aiea ai St.

Luke" hospital yesterday after- oeoa from Injuria received by be-j leg crushed under a freight train at frbtlaton yesterday, displayed mor nerve tnan la often shown by men in his condition. With the car Blending on bis body for an hour'a time, the injured man laid propped on his elbow and directed the men who were trying to rescue him, telling BETTER FARMS IE iBcreawed ratee. The brotherhood leader ea present confidence IhU pUn would eventually be approved. The general aituatliia 1 admittedly The adoption of a uniform -tem of certificates will be uaed by all statea reporting cases of Infantile paralysia. While f'w of those present today expressed alarm that tne epidemic might aasume country-wide proportions, they uniformly declared mea-ures were necessary to guard against a widespread outbreak.

Admission Tb following lodges were repre the eaatern front laat aummer. haa been plated In command of all the Oermana on the weatern front except toe army -of the Crown Prince, according to word brought to Paria by French officer. The wtr office today announces the repulae of Get man counter attacks north of tb Somme in the aec-tor of Maurepalt. Germane Shift Attack. The Germans have anltted their charged with dynamite.

However, CAMPAIGN sented: St Clair, No. 21; Etnel- tnem where the Jack they were us-. lng should be placed, etc. The SeiieS Of Earthquake Shocks vtlle, No. 32: MounUln Oak.

No. 35; white house offlrlaJs pressed the utmost confidence that eventually both side will atfrce upon the plan waa finally lifted off his body by an L. and N. wrecker. Williamson, No.

43; Durham, No. of the president. in Italy Shake Adriatic Coast 47; Welaner, No. 83; Onward, No. Mr.

Harmon, who was yard fore was freely made by many experts that the cause of the plague Is unknown, and the means of Its trans 86; Royal Oak. No. 108; Lincoln, No. Will Begin in Jackson County man at Ironaton, was woraing wuu other men In the yards of the Ala on Next Tuesday Directed by Duggar attentions from the British to the French battle Una and delivered Urong attaeka til aa effort to recapture tome loft ground. 195; McFall, No.

201; Ohatchee, No. 218; Moody, No. 225; Meades, No. 248; Alexandria, No. 252; Forney, No.

500; Piedmont, No. S24; Tredegar. No. 52; Beason's Mill. No.

Rome. Aug. 18 A aeries of carta Washington. Aug. 18.

In order to give uninterrupted attention to hln conferences with the railway pres' dents. President Wilson again today cancelled his regular cabinet meeti lng. quake ahocka, that began with seis mission not conclusively determined. Physicians who have been figat Ing'lt In New York. Pennsylvania.

New Jeraey and Connecticut, gave the latest acletiflc observatlos of these Mpecta. mic disturbances, cauaed heavy dam bama Company, and was push" aome coal cars up a grade. The frelgut car which was on top of the hill got loose, came down the grade, aldeawlped. caught Mr. Harmon under lta wheels and crushed the foot of a negro fireman.

After the body Before the Infantry aetlon com-! 586. The reporta ahowed a splendid menced, there waa a long artillery age it Rimini and is causing heavy Auburn. Aug. 18. Alabama Is to fraternal spirit and a amall gain In dnmar.e In all towna to a diatance membership for the district.

nave a state-wide campaign tor iwi- Alabama Leads Reiorts made to the confernce by aixtv miles south of Rlmlol. on the ter farming. It is to begin In the Grand Lodge Officer. northern part of the state on Tues The following grand lodge officers duel. There waa alao great activity oa the eaat 'tank of toe Meuae at the Verdun front The French attacked along the Fleury-Thlaamont line, hurling r3e Oermana from their positions at Adriatic coast.

representatives of 11 Southern statej howed that tne diaeaae had made no was rescued from under the car, Mr Harmon was rushed to Annlston and sent to a local Infirmary. However, aa his leg was almost completely cut day, Aug. 22. iMirtng the past rwel'ty-fotrr hours. were present and gave th convention a great deal ot helpful Instruc tnrnada in any of these Plana, a recently worked out by ICI taenty-five ahocka nave been felt in commonwealth.

There were a ioi. Prof. J. P. Duggar.

director of we tion G-orge Stlefelmeyer, grand Conference Postponed. Shortly before 10 o'clock thi morning. President Daniel Will'" of the Baltimore aV Ohio railroad, telpnone Joseph Tumulty, aecretarv to President Wilson, requesting that the conference betf een the preT9ent and the railway executives be postponed from 1180 a. in. until thli afternoon.

He told Secretary Tumulty that the postponement would expedite the Ancona alone. Official reporta state aotte off close to tne body and a the blood had been running from the maater, of Cullman, and Palmer P. fury, aad they alao made progreaa near Tniaamont. of 4 caaee reported in Alabama, me largeat In any Southern state that more than 190,000 women and extension service, and bis colleagues at Auburn, provide for the continu Daugette, deputy grand mataer, of children have fled from their home ation of this work for seven week. Birmingham.

body for over an hour and a half, th yard foreman died late yesterday afternoon from loss of blood. and taken to th ope fletda. Aaatriaaa HoM Qroend. Three crews of specialists will be Tb time and place ot the next of th convention will he at GEORGIA JOYFUL OVER Mr. Harmon cornea from a well- gin la the northern tier of counties on August 22 and spend two days in rttrograd, Aag.

II. A temporary deadlock haa developed at some Polata la OaUcla, where the Aua- Annlston, in February 1117 FEARING TROPIC HURRICANE LOWERED GASOLINE rTBtfc Atlanta. Aug. 18. A reducUoa of known railroad family, having sev hlle If the con- four or queations at Issue, The following officer were elected each couty, meatlme holdtg eral brothers who are engaged In tiiana, thaaka to German reinforce otfe cent per gallon In gasoline price fiv meetings In each county.

Theee: were ne.u a originally plan for the ensalng term: GALVESTON PEOPLE LEAVE that business. He was known all are holding their own wltn crew will work gradually southward President Geo. W. Bongsr, Royal throughout Georgia waa announceo by the Standard Oil Company here to ever the state and Ha many friend that will regret their loaa.

He 1 (Continued on page five.) Oak Lodge No. 108. taa lUaaiaa, --r Ti Aatroerman eounter-offi ned, the preaidenta would have to ask for an adjournment to complete their caae. By defering until this afternoon, aaid. they would be ready lo enter Into a full dlacusalon rirat vice president W.

A. Brown, survived by a wife, formerly Mlaa Galveston. Aug. It. The tropical hurricane which haa been reported ive ra the Ztlota-Upa rtver la Ga- Edwardsvtll Lodge 210.

EIGHTY-SIXTH BIRTHDAY Tiney Bruce of Muoford. and five ifia haa beef completely repoUed Second vice president H. Wil coming towarda Galveston It I children. He alao leavea five broth day. Thla brlnga tae reiau pncea the larger dtlee to twenty-four centa.

SEVERAL ALLEGED THIEVES ARRESTED flF AUSTRIA'S EMPEROR of involved. son, at. Clair Lodae Na a lieved will not pasa here. The wind secretary and inunMr reached a velocity of thirty mile aceordlnf to a war oftice annoanee-went, watch alao reports progreaa for Raaalaaat ta tha Carpatniana hrre Important Jrlighta have been er. Joe Harmon, Wbtt Harmon.

Henry Harmon. Lem Harmon and Wyatt Harmon, all of this city, aad HccormicK. Tredegar Lodge No. noon and I rising. A number of house an th beach President Wilson readily consort Berne, Aug.

18. A dispatch from to a postponement, setting Vienna aaya that the elghty-alxth o'clock this afternoon aa the hour ao birthday anniversary of Emperor( would meet the railroad execinlrw. Praacia Joaepa 1 being made th 628. four aistsrs, Mr. W.

M. Proctor of The nollce are dolag good work In Piel at JaMonttta Pass. Chaplain W. M. Do, Meade Llneviile, Mrs.

Edmondaon and Mr are already destroyed aad all trains are leaving the city loaded to ca running down thlevea who are trying Lodge 248. Bryant of Raadolph and Mlaa Henry t. make aa eay linag warden J. E. Aiken.

Xlhelvlll pacity with people leaving th city Harmon of this oty. Thla mora lag Lusnutt Shepperd wa occasion today for patriotic observance ta the capital aad throughout Austria and Hungary Deums Lodge 32. In fear ot th storm. APPROPRIATION BILL IS 1 VETOED BY PRESIDENT Tb body will be anlpped to Man- SUBMARINES ACTIVE; I GERMANS KEEP PLEDGE inner Guard J. Hudson, Baa- ar being celebrated la sH- the' son Mill Lodge No.

888 100,000 prut CAMPAiox flaed $1 aad costs in in pou-eaart oa th eharg of larceny. Bryant West aad Will Hartf. two (raoa. war flaed IS ad eU ach en th charge of stealing lone tra charches throughout th dual mon Outer Guard H. C.

Champion. OV PROHIBITION PARTY ford thla afternoon, where faneral service will be conducted by Rev. P. F. Pbl'fer of the Muaford Method 1st church.

Burial will take plao ther. UcPatl Lodg No. 201. Waanlngton. Aug.

It. Th today vetoed the army appropri -atloa bill, aad seat to th hone walugto An ara Ulag recolved of ata being (nk by Oermaa ab- archy. TB Emperor received Innumerable telegrama of congratula A unaalmoaa rising rota- of thaalfi IndianappUa, 11. Aag- XL Aa aad ptpo from J. p.

Hary. tion. Including cordial a additional tStot HMO to th na wa tendered th ItasivUl dg Mage from message making it plain that hi ac-Cxar Psrdl- tioa wa dn to th Incorporation into Emperor William aad Watt Whlta, wao a aal i natal tional prafclMttaa party campaign BACOJf FOB V. A. 8EXATE.

"narUea, hat Secretary Lansing aa-wa4 today that omdal laqmlrlea "tradktad Zaropeaa report that raay to Tlolatlaa- tha oledgM aad th good ladle of th Obatcha commualty tor their kind boapttaJity aid of Bulgaria, la aceerdaaaa with. sea a re of the prwrtatoa cou fund by Xr. afid Mrs. John t. Cot Nw YorkvAag.

It. Robert Ba- Bakrv eaarga i ai th desir tft his Majesty th most the a boll tioa ot restriction aad for th hoaatlful dmaer spread eoa. former ambassador ta Praac. fin of Johaaaowa. Ptawak aaaoaae-d her Ma Ttey pfvTbly had hm (rem ft 8or rauroa of the fund collected to celebrate retired officer.

at boob. aaid thl Uvea tha'rjnjta4 Staiea ooaeermlnc A IV "aaaartaa warfart. raaaeager va giv ISLAM ta tha U4 Th $Ut, Wdar auoiaced hi candidacy far th lomtBSdoa tor United States scad or front New York atata ta the warehoaM. waa boaaa vw MBaty aad hto aa4 waa fHd at at birthday anniversary will be snv ployed for ta rUt of th war out ferart. proviaioa will be sUalnated from the bill and re-pasaed by both It will be signed.

la to tw 4iad th thclama tor a gtfta ara la th aatara af property n. alafaalt of thla he waa are at UlnS torpedoed without Ma, paaaeagar Urn takw aad Florida rmX astata. aampatca fnad of II.8M.a0a. Th aomiaf Xtoabikaa arimartet t. placad 1 th eoaaty iMBft boat, 1 vi.t.

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