The Plain Speaker from Hazleton, Pennsylvania • Page 1
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THE ASSOCIATED PRESS DOUBLE TRUNK SERVICE PEA3KE THE WEATHER.1 Shower and slightly warmer tonight; Saturday generally fair and lightly warmer. FLAM FIFTY-FIFTH YEAR. TWO CENTS A COPY. HAZLETON, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 2, 1937. Japan Charges New Invasion Of Its Territory By Soviet: No "Armed Forces" On River Republic Steel Co.
Reopens Another Plant Under Guard: Pickets Boo Returning Men IN RUSSO-JAP CRISIS SPOTLIGHT STRIKE'S END-BACK TO WORK C1 05 Motion Pictures Of Strike Riot Shown Senators Civil Liberties Committee Gets View of What Hap pened in Chicago. WASHINGTON, July 2. () The Senate Civil Liberties Committee viewed today the first motion picture evidence ever introduced into a congressional investigation a news-reel of the Memorial Day battle between steel strikers and Chicago police, in which ten persons were killed and many wounded. The film showed approximately 120 uniformed patrolmen shooting and clubbing a crowd of shirt-sleeved paraders, among them a number of women. The picture showed no provocation and little resistance by the demonstrators.
Cameraman Orlando Lippert told the committee, however, there was a break of "not more than seven seconds" in his film. During this interval, he said, some missiles flew towards the police from the rear ranks of the crowd, and "20 or so" demonstrators were pushed into the police line by persons hurrying up from behind. "This apparently was the fire that ignited the situation, Lippert ex plained. The film showed police clubbing fleeing women, striking men on the ground, and firing point-blank into the crowd. Only twice did the film show re si stance by the demonstrators.
Once a running man paused to hurl a rock at his pursuers, and a moment later a denim-clad marcher struck at po lice with a stick. Close-ups showed police hustling the wounded many of them uncon scious and streaming blood into pa trol wagons. The stretchers with which the wagons were said to be equipped were not used. One woman identified as Lupe Marshall was shoved into the wagon with her face smeared with blood. A man, paralyzed from the waist down, lay writhing almost under the rear wheels of the police car until officers picked him up and shoved him inside.
Another striker, apparently dead, waylaid by the side of the road with a scrap of newspaper under his head. Traffic was blocked in front of union headquarters at East Chicago, after Governor Townsend announced agreements with C.I.O. and Inland Steel would return 12,500 men to work without interference. Showers of paper rained on celebrants, eager to return to work after a month's strike-enforced idleness. Mamoru Shigetnitsu (left) and Boris Stomoniakov (right) hold the world's spotlight in the negotiations now being carried on between Japan and the Soviet after a Red warship had been sunk, another disabled, by the Japanese artillery in the Amur River territory.
Shigetnitsu is Japanese Ambassador to the U. S. S. and Stomoniakov is Russia's spokesman in the absence of Maxim Litvinoff, commissar for foreign affairs. Bandits Strip N.
Woman Of $100,000 In Jewels Announces "Liquidation" Of Over 70 More Soviet Spies Crackle of revolver ire ajMUiMaJts get with diamonds, and two Sale Below Cost Bill Signed By Governor Earle Eighty.Three Other Measures Receive Approval and Five Vetoed. HARRISBURG, July 2. (IP) Governor Earle signed 83 bills to day including a measure prohibiting the sale of merchandise below cost. He vetoed five others. To ate the governor has approv ed 600 measures and vetoed nine.
Ho still has 120 bills to act on by July 4, when the 30-day period after adjournment of the legislature expires. They included the general appropriation bill. The bill forbidding sale of goods below cost was presented by Rep. James Patterson, one of the co-sponsors of the chain store tax bill. The measure makes exceptions of perishable good 3, legitimate clear ance sales, or sales to meet competition in comparable goods not sold below cost.
Legislation authorizing the general state authority to acquire land and build a new tuberculosis sani-torium, the site for which has not yet been chosen, also was signed. The governor placed his signature on another bill empowering the au thority to make additions and con- stmct new armories. Most important of the other bills signed: Transferring the Mont Alto Forest School to the Pennsylvania State College. Transferring 840 acres adjoining the army air depot at Marsh Run, York county, to the United States government in exchange for a tract adjoining the Harrisburg airport. Regulating the annual renewal of registration of pharmacists and assistants.
Giving judges the right to ex-(Continued on Page 27) Amelia Earhart On Long Flight Speeds Across 2,500 Miles of South Sea Headed For Howland Island. SYDNEY, Australia, July 2. VP) Amelia Earhart sped across 2,550 miles of the South Seas today to ward Howland Island on what she described as "the worst section" of her leisurely flight around the globe. The slim American hopped off from Lae, New Guinea, at 7 p. E.
S. yesterday for the distant American-owned outpost which she said she hoped to reach in 18 hours. Weather conditions were perfect as Miss Earhart lifted her monoplane into the air. A run of nearly 900 yards was necessary before the plane left the ground with its heavy load of gasoline. Her ultimate destination with her navigator, Capt.
Fred Noonan, is Oakland, When she arrives, she will have circled the globe "just for fun." Miss Earhart had been delayed at Lae several days, postponing her flight because of slight mechanical troubles and bad weather conditions. The Americans flew to Lae from Port Darwin, on the northern coast of Australia. Miss Earhart has kept her flight as close to the equator as possible. At Howland, however, she will turn northward to Hawaii. News Condensed.
TOKYO Demand cabinet break relations with Soviet. MOSCOW Soviet demands Japan recognize her Amur claims. MASSILLON, Ohio "Bloody fight" threatened as new steel plant reopens. EAST CHICAGO Strive for peace at Youngstown Co. steel plants.
WASHINGTON Senators see film account of Chicago riot LONDON Britain ready to scrap Spanish neutrality pact. WASHINGTON Court bill foes fight acceptance of substitute. PARIS Predict France, Britain to ignore Fascist veto. WASHINGTON Franc devalua tion may help international trade. NAM PA, Idaho Pre-fourth blast kills three; officers start probe.
BERLIN Secret Nazi court tries Protestant pastors. NEW YORK Trans-Atlantic air service nears realization. Survey plane off tomorrow. Altoona Bakeries Close Because Of Strike ALTOONA, July 2. VP) Three of Altoona's largest bakeries, the Freihofer Company, the Haller Company and the Westmont Company, suspended operations today after a number of bakers at each of three plants called a strike.
The managements announced work would cease pending an agreement, leaving 300 workers idle in- eluding non-strikers and truck driv ers. Ttin strikers demanded a rlnxeH clinn An all nirht ranfereiwA with John Geiger, Chicago organiser of the Bakers ana confectioners Inter national union, railed to bnng an agreement. Normal operations continued at 20 other bakeries here. Puts Future Location Of Troops Up To Supreme Army Command. RUSSIA RAISES ISSUE OF EVACUATION Tokyo Demands Withdrawal Of Forces From River Islands.
(By The Associated Press). TOKYO Japan charged new invasion of Manchoukuoan territory by Soviet Russia gunboats and airplanes; declared there were no Japanese troops on disputed Amur River Islands, insisted that Soviet withdraw forces; put future Japanese troop disposition there up to army command. Hsinking, Manchoukuo capital, considered forceful means against Soviets; anxiety felt for missing Manchoukuoan steamer unreported since Wednesday's border clash between Soviet gunboats and Japanese land forces. MOSCOW Soviet Russia awaited action by Japan on proposal for complete demilitarisation of disputed Amur Islands, agreeing to withdraw Soviet troops if Jspsn recalled her forces; Russia reasserted claims to the islands; solution of tense situation appeared up to Far Eastern commanders of armed forces; Russian willing to fix boundary line after Japanese "withdraw." TOKYO, July 2. VP) Official Japan charged a new invasion of Manchoukuoan territory by Russian planes and gunboats today, insisted it had no "armed forces" on disputed Amur River islands Bnd put the question of future location of Japanese troops in the border trouble area up to "the Supreme Army command." Anxiety mounted for a missing Manchoukuoan iteamer in the danger tone.
Army officials said "tha question of evacuation of the islands as raised by the Soviet government does not exist" that only "peaceful fishermen, lighthouse and beacon-keepers now occupy" the disputed sandspits, which the Japanese say belong to Manchoukuo. Japanese officials repeated that all Japan and Manchoukuo wants is for Soviet Russia to withdraw forces from the Amur river islands and if this is done, "Japan and Manchoukuo are ready to adopt a conciliatory" attitude in the interests of peace. Soviet Russia proposed to withdraw her troops if Japan would do likewise. The Japanese army statement that Japan has no armed forces on the Amur Islands them-aclves and the declaration that questions of future Japanese troop withdrawal from the area are up to the Japanese supreme army command in answer to that proposal. (Continued on Page 26) American Blast To Fireworks Most Firecrackers Set Off in U.
S. This Year Will Be Home Made. WASHINGTON, July 2. VP) This year's firecracker celebration of Independence Day will echo through the United States with a fairly genuine American blast. At the century's turn, the value of American made fireworks and firecrackers was slightly more than Imports were about Experts point out that this was only natural.
Shooting firecrackers is not an original American custom it started a long time ago in China. The foreign-made celebration of the Fourth of July, however, has been fizzling like a dying rocket since the World War. Americans blew up $808,160 worth of alien noise-makers in 1935, and $663,771 last year. Government statisticians estimat ed tha value of the domestic fireworks and allied products will be boat 17,600,000 for 1937. Arvlw.1.
A Mn has been born tn Mr. and Mrs. August Mitke of Drums at the Hltke home. A son was born at the State Ho pital to Mr. and Mrs.
Stepher Drosie of White Haven. D. 1 A son was born at the State Hos pital yesterday to Dr. and Mrs. James Falvello, of 681 North Laurel street The new arrival is the second son born to the counts and a rninrl dence of the birth is that it occurred en the counle's fourth weddin anni versary.
Mrs. Falvello was formerly Cates Of Mill At Massil- lon, 0. Open First Since May 21. CLEVELAND UNJTS TO RESUME NEXT Home Of Worker At Can- ton, 0. Damaged By Dynamite Blast.
MASSILLON, 0., July 2. Republic Steel Corp. defied a CIO picket siege and reopened another strike-locked plant today. There was no violence, Gates of the concern's central steel division swung open, under pro- tection of steel-helmeted National Guardsmen, for the first time since the strike started May 27. Non-strikers, in about 115 automn.
biles, quietly drove inside. About 300 pickets booed and jeered but ucro Unrt i' ir ham i. 1 the troops. Some foremen and office workers also were sent into Republic's union drawn steel division. Harvey Elliott, a CIO picket captain, estimated their number at about 100.
The reopening left Cleveland the urn tity were neouoiic unraw inv mills are completely closed. Reopening of the four Cleveland units is ex- Dected next week "tali, it. jiuuia uc-iure ine concern's newest "back-to-work" move, the home of a non-striking employe was rivnamiteH st nh Hv uj vaiiwiu ifte blast ripped the rear porch off the home of Matt Perics'n, but in- jured none. Republic ignored a CIO picket captain's bristling defi: "If they try to open this plant, t' II i r- mey are in ror a Diooay ngnt. Five hundred troops moved in to forestall such an eventuality.
They came from the Youngstown area where plants were reopened last week under similar circumstances without disorder, the musie tramping feet were drumming all along the five-weeks-old strike front from Johnstown, with its recent history of martial law and dynmitings and aroused citizenry, through the Ohio mill cities of the if 1 11 iti Ttfiimi ef a mow oriyf tin to sa T7i: But the strike, with its record of in aeaa, zdu injured and 830,000,000 cost, was still on. Republic's central steel division normally employs 3700 men. The opening today called for only 800 workers, the company announced. A "warm up" crew was moved into the mills during the night. State troops proceeded with cau-( Continued on Pare 251 More New York WPA Outbreaks All Night Demonstration Held in Protest Against Dismissals.
NEW YORK, July 2. tP) Afl all-night demonstration in front oi I a rA headquarters climaxed the recurrent disturbances growing out of dismissal of 11,800 workers front i federal relief projects. Three WPA guards were arrested on disorderly conduct charges which specified that they threw three crip- pies bodily out of the headquarters building. Thirty policemen held back a crowd of 200 pickets who attempt- ed to storm the building after the cripples, who were injured, were tak- en to City Hospital. Early today 100 persons were con- tinuing the demonstration, the lat- est of several disturbances which have resulted in 266 arrests and in- juries to at least 17.
Sit-down strikes and picketing have been carried on at various re- lief project offices since the economy dismissal program got nnder way Wednesday. Police emergency squads have reinforced WPA guards on several occasions. WEATHER. Eastern Pennsylvania Showers and slightly warmer tonight; Satur- 'J er. New Jersey Mostly cloudy, prob- ably showers tonight; featurday gen erally fair, not much change in tern- cloudy and slightly warmer, probab-1 lv showers in north portion tonight; Saturday generally fair and slightly warmer.
-i Sandy Hook to Hatteras Moder- ate to fresh southwest, shifting to west or northwest winds over north portion and gentle to moderate shift- ing winds, backing to westerly over south portion and partly overcast weather tonight and Saturday, prob-; ably showers over north portion to- night. MOSCOW, July 2. () Leonid Zakovsky, chief of the Leningrad secret police, announced today the arrest and "liquidation" of more than 70 persons who allegedly acted as counter-revolutionary spies and "diversionists" for the Estonian in telligence service. The alleged leader of the band, whom Zakovsky identified only as was said to have been killed by a Soviet secret agent near the frontier when he resisted arrest. Zakovsky, in an article in the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda, expressed belief that the secret ser vice had not yet seized all members of the band, which he said had agents within the Red army and munitions factories.
Zakovsky said was recruited while in Estonia in 1931 and after Soviet To Quit If Japan Does Is Willing to Withdraw Troops From Troubled Area. MOSCOW, July 2. (Solution of the dangerous Russo-Japanese crisis growing out of the battle of the Amur river Wednesday was con sidered largely in the hands of military commanders in the Far East today. Usually competent Moscow ob servers, reviewing the rapid developments in the situation, declared the immediate question was whether the Japanese army in Manchoukuo would respond to a Soviet proposal for simultaneous demilitarization of the danger zone on the northeastern border of Manchoukuo and Siberia. The Soviet government announced early today it would withdraw its armed forces from the area, already scene of a bloody battle, if Japan would follow suit.
The Russian announcement, made in a foreign office communique, insisted, however, that Japan and Manchoukuo recognize that the Soviet has a claim to the disputed islands. Japan has declared the islands belong to her ally, Manchou kuo, and has refused to concede the "invading" Russian force has any legal standing. Y. Society Another bandit climbed into the car and pulled the bracelets from Mrs. Forrcstal's arms and the rings from her fingers.
The other two robbers stood on the opposite side of the car. The robbery lasted only a few seconds. One of the men put his hand into Hall's right trouser pocket, but found nothing. He did not take time to search another pocket where Hall had a large roll of bills. At that point, two men in another car drove up and muttered, with an oath, to one of the robbers: "Hurry up, Joe." The bandits then fled in their car, later found abandoned nearby, a fender dented.
Hall is associated with Dillon, Read and Company. Mrs. Forresters James V. Forrestal, was at home at the time of the holdup, having returned from his country home at Wheatly Hills, L. I.
Police said they believe the robbers were the same ones who several months ago took a quantity of jewelry from Gypsy Rose Lee, actress. Strikes At Glance. (By The Associated Press.) MASSILLON, O. Republic Steel Corp. reopens another plant, its central steel division, employing 3,700.
WASHINGTON Secretary Perkins makes mediation board's report public, lauds two CIO unions, criticizes company attitude; board's report says companies' refusal to hold "man-toman discussions" with strikers made settlement efforts fail; president scored by two congressmen. Rep. Ditter, and Senator Eilender, INDIANAPOLIS Gov. Town-send optimistic that Youngstown Sheet Tube will settle strike at its Indiana plants along same lines as Inland Steel; "neither side won," he says. EAST CHICAGO CIO plans "victory celebration" today, as Inland Steel mills swing into production: Inland official, explaining settlement, says: "We signed nothing.
We made no agreement with anybody. The CIO simply accepted our labor policy." JOHNSTOWN, Pa. Partial repair of bomb-shattered pipeline enables Bethlehem Steel plant to resume operations "virtually only a few pickets at plant; union pushes plans for July 4 rally. Clay Pigeons Halt Traffic. CHARLEROI, July 2.
VP) Thousands of clay pigeons halted traffic for three hours on a highway near Charleroi. A truck upset, scattering 370 cases of the targets on the road. Boy Picket? Win Showers. PHILADELPHIA, July 2. (JP) The picket line West Side boys formed several days ago in front of district police station has been disbanded.
Police promised to furnish a street shower on hot days. Soft Coal Prices Raised. PITTSBURGH, July 2. VP) Re- tail soft coat prices advanced 25 cents a ton, boosting first quality four-inch lump to $5 a ton deliver ed. Higher prices at the mines, ad ditional labor costs and taxes caused the increases, the dealers said.
I NEW YORK, July 2. VP) A quartet of jewel thieves invaded fashionable Beekman Place early today and at gunpoint stripped a society matron of jewelry valued at The robbery occurred only a few doors from the apartment house where Mrs. Nancy Evans Titterton, victim of last year's sensational bath tub murder, was strangled. Mrs. Josephine Ogden Forrestal, socially prominent victim of Man hattan's latest jewel robbery, told police the bandits took two platinum I niatimi platinum ring.
They did not take anything from hef escort, Richard B. W. Hall, a broker, overlooking $700 he had in his pocket. As Mrs. Forrestal and Hall arrived at the entrance of her apartment in Hall's chauffeured limousine, and alighted, the bandit car drove up, they related.
Before Frederick Tucker, the chauffeur, could open the car door for Mrs. Forrestal, one of the robbers stuck a gun against his side saying: "What's your hurry, buddy? Society Appeals For Meyer's Life Asks Gov. Earle For Re hearing of Girl's Slayer and Commutation. PHILADELPHIA, July 2. (tP) The Pennsylvania Prison Society in a letter dated yesterday asked Governor Earle to reprieve Alexander Meyer of Chester County, under sentence of death for the killing of 16-year-old Helen Moyer, in order that the Pardon Board may hold a rc-hcaring on a request for commutation.
Meyer's execution has been fixed for the week beginning July 12. "The Meyer case," the letter said, "is so extreme in its abnormality that only its atrocity and the consequent emotional reaction of the community, obscure the otherwise obvious fact that his was the act of an irresponsible person. "It seems that society would be better served if this youth and others guilty of abnormal crimes were subjected to prolonged observation and intensive study. In this way only can society develop methods for early detection and pre ventive treatment of those who may be potential criminals. Certainly society cannot hope to make progress in the treatment or tnose wun abnormal tendencies so long as it clings to the archaic legal definition of insanity.
"We ask that you consider tne Mever case from this viewpoint and make it possible to have a re-hear- ir.e. The Pennsylvania frison Jo- ciety protests vigorously against the annihilation of this unfortunate in dividual without further considera tion." The letter was signed by A. G. Fraser, executive secretary. Meyer was convicted of running down the Moyor girl with his truck, taking her to an abandoned farm where he attacked her and threw her body into a well.
Orders Bay Rum Sale Probe. PHILADELPHIA, July 2. VP) The federal alcohol tax unit ordered an investigation of sales of bay rum for beverage purposes. Supervisor Edward Dougherty said complaints had been made that it was sold to habitual drunkards at six cents a pint, receiving training as a radio operator, was sent to the Soviet Union to organize an insurgent group. The man was reported to have established a small radio station in a forest to receive "coded instruc tions from the Estonian intelligence service." Zakovsky also referred to the arrest of two German engineers alleged to be spies and the dispersal of a group of from 50 to 70 persons in White Russia who allegedly were agents of the Polish intelligence ser vice.
He disclosed the execution of an unnamed Red air corps commander for spy activities. This man alleg edly enlisted a group of mechanics his air squadron who tampered with planes and caused fatal crashes. His accomplices were arrested. New Court Bill Is Presented Democratic Substitute by Robinson Provides For Three Appointments. WASHINGTON, July 2.
(P) A Democratic substitute for the Roosevelt court bill went before the Senate today with an explanation by Senator Robinson, majority leader, that it would permit three appointments to the Supreme Court within the next six months. Robinson said the bill, based upon the theory of one appointment to the court a year, would permit two new justices to be added within that time in addition to an appointment to fill the existing vacancy. The substitute was offered jointly by Chairman Ashhurst (D-Ariz) of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Senators Logan (D-Ky) and Hatch (D-NM). Hatch was one of the 10 members of the Judiciary Committee who approved an adverse report on the original Roosevelt bill. The measure was offered as a complete substitute for the original court legislation which would have permitted appointment of six new justices if those over 70 years of age did not Tetire.
The substitute moves the retirement age up to 75, and provides that additional justices can be appointed annually by the president for those serving past that age. The substitute also revises the maximum number of lower court judges who could be appointed downward from 50, in the original bill, to 20. The substitute retains the provision of the original for a Supreme Court proctor to advise on the condition of the lower courts and the assignment of additional judges to meet congestion. It contains a new provision for speedy appeal to the Supreme Court of lower court decisions involving constitutionality of acts of Congress. Robinson said Attorney General Cummings and Solicitor General Reed had "been very helpful" in drafting the new bill.
"The substitute for the court re-(Continued on Page 26) Laid Off Over Steel ShorUge. HARRISBURG, July 2. VP) The Pennsylvania Railroad temporarily laid off 200 employes at its Enola and Lucknow shops. Production was slowed because fabricated steel could not be obtained from strike-locked screams of the wounded were plain plain audible in the sound-recording, but few words could be distinguished. The last view before fighting began showed strikers talking peace-(Continued on Page 27) Wildcat Strike Shifts Made Automobile Workers Union Transfers Organizers in Detroit Field.
DETROIT, July 2. VP) The United Automobile Workers' Executive Board, investigating recent "wildcat" strikes, recommended to Union President Homer Martin today the transfer of three organizers from Flint, and one from Detroit. Robert C. Travis, the union's organizational director in the Flint area who had a prominent part in the General Motors strikes last January, is one of the men affected. The others are Ralph Dale and William Cody, assigned to Flint from Wisconsin several months ago, and Emil Mazey, organizer assigned to the Briggs Manufacturing Company local, largest in Detroit.
On Wednesday, Martin announced the board was "going to demonstrate through its action this week in disciplining those responsible for past unauthorized strikes that we mean business." Prominently discussed here as possible successors to the Flint organizers are Fred Pieper of Atlanta, Russel Merrill of South Bend, and Delmond Garts of St, Louis, who are members of the Executive Board. To Release Films That Depict Strike Clash NEW YORK, July 2. (P) Paramount Newsreel announced today that it was releasing for general distribution the films of the clash between police and striking steel worksrs on Memorial Day in South Chicago. The newsreel was withheld from public view during the time it was being shown before the LaFollette subcommittee in Washington. "More than a month elapsed since the riot pictures were made," A.
J. Richard, editor of Paramount Newsreels said. "At that time feeling ran at white heat. Today, generally speaking, conditions are better and the feeling of yesterday has subsided. "Moreover the pictures have been presented as evidence at a public hearing before the LaFollette subcommittee in Washington.
For these reasons we are now releasing them unedited as a matter of public When the Japanese withdraw, the statement declared, Russia is willing "to begin negotiations on rede-marcation of the frontier line along the Amur." Foreign observers considered that the Soviet foreign office was playing for time and in some quarters the belief was advanced that even should Japan force the issue and military action occur, the Soviet would capitulate to keep the trouble localized. These observers pointed to the European situation and asserted the Soviet was unlikely to court trouble on a double front. The key to Immediate developments, however, was held to lie in withdrawal of Soviet troops from Sennufu and Bolshoi, the two islands that control the channel of the Amur River. Unless this is done, observers declared, it appeared the Japanese Kantung army in Manchoukuo would take things into its own hands and attempt forcibly to eject the Soviet troops. Soviet sources believe the Kwantung army is virtually independent of control from Toky- Continued on rags 7) Mm el Burlington, Vfc.
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