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Westmoreland Recorder from Westmoreland, Kansas • Page 7

Westmoreland, Kansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Japanese Fmprest Tflrte Awake. INDIAN RELICS ARE BOGUS. The counterfeiter tries his best follow a good example. WESTERN CANADA'S DECEMBER WEATHER Fqnal to That of Slay In Minnesota. iCATARRH Tying fli flsarrlaare snm How few of those that talk of tht "marriage knot" realire that the knot was ever anything more than a mere figure of speech.

Among the Babylonians tying the knot was part of the marriage ceremony. There the priest took a thread of the garment of the bride and another from that of the bridegroom and tied them Into a knot, which he gave to the bride, thus symbolizing the binding nature of the union between herself and her husband. Statehood SuRBested for Cub. J. Kdward Simons presided at a reception given by the New York Chamber of Commerce to the Cuban delegates, and In his address of welcome expressed the significant hope that the merchants of New York would soon be able to "welcome the republic of Cuba into the sisterhood of nations." There Is no more ardent admirer of things English and American than the Empress of Japan, who.

with her husband, has done much to develop her country on western lines. Th. empress, who has been married thirty years and has a family of five children, Is still as vigorous as any of them. Every day she spends an hour In her private; gymnasium In the palace at Toklo and she is Bald to be one of tte most skillful horsewomen In Japan. Mr.

1'eareon Will Not Itrslgn. Rev. Mr. Pearson, the preacher who was elected sheriff of Cumberland county (Portland). Maine, after havlr-g been nominated as a joke by the liquor men.

has been a source of unending trouble to them ever since. His rigid enforcement of the prohibition law has. It Is said, resulted in offer of a large sum If he will resign or go to Kurope and remain there until his term shall hae expired. Win for Pnrm Hoi. The advisability of ttslng wine us a portion of the regular rat.oiia of farm horse a Is being nerlotnsly disrutned in France.

The experiment of feed'nn the animals on a mixture of bran and wine has l.tii made on one faun, and the matter han been brought to the attention of the Hern ill ARrieultural Boclety. A committee reprenent inn that body will Inquire Into the subject. MI l.uve Letters aw An Kngllsb woman has nat bad her maid Bervnnt arrested for stealing the love letters that she. the mistress, wrote to her husband durlnii their engagement. The maid, It was brought out nt the trial, considered them superior to any model letter writer to be found, and was ttolng to use them as models in writing to her own sweetheart.

A man who leiives the theater before the curtain Is down on the hint act jumps at. a conclusion. I'rlvata nlalllita; Card. Private Mailing Card with coioref' views of scenery on the Chicago, Milwaukee SI. Paul Railway sent on receipt of ten (10) reuts In stamps.

Address A. Miller, (leueral Paaticu-ger Agent, ChluiRo, 111. ire in a great measure due to lack of vital ity of the liver and kidneys. The remark was loudly cheered. Janitors Object to t.aniion.

Cartoonists and comic papers have so long and in so many ways lampooned Janitors that members' of that ancient guild In New York city have formed a league with the purpose, among others, of removing the mistaken Impression created by funny writers and artists. Malaga tirnpes Are Misnamed, Malaga Is supposed to be the home of Malaga grapes, but In that particular It Is largely a misnomer. Malaga grapes used to flourish in that vicinity many yeRrs ago, but there was a blight that killed off most of the vines, and that special brand of fruit Is now chiefly grown elsewhere In Spain. Verdict Meant Denth. Aldrich, May of the best doctors In the vicinity have been in attendance on Mrs.

Mollis Moore of this place, who has been suffering with a severe case of nervousness and kidney disease. Kach of them told her that she would die. Hearing of Dodd's Kidney rills, she began to use them, and instantly noticed a change for the better. Her improvement has been continuous since then. She says that the disease first manifested itself by the appearance of dark spots floating before her eyes.

Her nerves were so bad that many times they would collapse completely, and she would fall down as If shot. The fact that Dodtl's Kidney rills saved her after four doctors had given her up, has caused no end of talk in this neighborhood, and all are loud in their praises of this new remedy Dodd's Kidney Tills which is curing Bo many hitherto incurable cases, in this state and elsewhere. Kros Hits lug- Satellite. One of the most recent discoveries regarding the planet Kros Is that It IB most probably accompanied by a satellite nearly as large as Itself. This wua first pointed out by Dr.

Oppolzer, who detected a variability of about magnitude In luminosity of the planet In the period of a few hours. It has since been confirmed by the observations of two French astronomers. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Svrnn. I For children tepthlnir, nortfntt the Kiimn, rtitnrpi In csmnwiiun.

allay. pain.curotwiuucuiic. ie.oaoutii A poor dinner, like i better than none. poor excuse, is "This air is very familiar," remarked the musician as the wind took oft his hat. I am sure Flso's Cure for Convumptlon saved my lire three years uo.

Mrs. Taos. Knuuiua, Maple Street, N'orwiob, N. Feb. 17, 1WW.

You can take a lazy man to task but you can't make him work. A man's house may be his castle, but that doesn't make him a nobleman. HEAD KIDHra THROAT BLADDER LUNGS FEMALE STOMACH, ORGANS ya of Perunai "I Join ScaatorM Sullivan, Roach and McEnery In their good opinion otPeruna as an ct tectlve catarrh remedy." Nature's Prirsle in Rprnndv DK.O. PHtLPS SHOWN Rheumatism, Neursl-1s. Wesk Buck, Sprains, 3urns, Sums and all Pain.

PRECIOUS HERBAL et It your OUCUal CS MM, II h. 1im. not 111 It, smiiI 11. III. n.m..

ano f'r ftu win OINTMENT It cum through Ihr Pores I Bmiil Vo" a Trial IBB. ailim li o. liiuwii.lie a wsy.N.wliuian.H.X. ilia many year a bottle Made by JOc. 25c.

50c. NEVER SOLD IN BULK. DRUGGISTS II PEN. JOB WtiPELr-R Ml During periodical aickneas, change Try Oraln-Ot Try (Irnin-Ot Ak yeur t)rocer to-dnv to you a. A(-kRge of Ult.MN-O, the new food drink bitt tokes the place of entree.

The children nisv drink it without iupirv aw well rh the adiilt. All who try it. like If. UHAINObns that rich seal brown of Mnehrt or Java, but it is made from pure graiiiH, nud the most delk'Ate stomach receives it without din-trees. lie price ol enrt'ee.

1.V nud liG ct. per package, bold by all grocers. If ignorance is bliss, the average man certainly has no kick coining. Cl'RkS ECZEMA ITCMINu HI MORS, Botanic Hlooil Halm cH. It.

U). hy giving fl Inrtltliy blood supply to the skin, heals nil the scat's, rruptluns. watery Mis ters, ulcers, pimples, luul all Itching- diseases. Cures uuftrnutced luuKHlsts free Mtnl pti'tn1it by writing Hlooil Halm I'c. t2 Mlii-licll Atlanta, H.

H. cures after till pse fails. Truthful men frequently lie at point of death. th: Hall's Catarrh Cure Is a constitutional cure. Trice, Pessimism sours the kindness.

milk of human HOI Vtllt (IMAIIIIMA! 'ntKl ii Hi'itiul. nt I'Miiinmllit L'luinnl Inn iiihj. Ii. lent-, i HrM. Si 1 1.

I ein. I A AK ots i.iLie.l. 1 1 1 1 MiUH.AS. I. nv.

You cant always chopper by bis ax. jmlK1 ft wood- Save money- liny lied Cross Hall Blue. Large 2-oz. cents. Worth makes the man independent if he is worth enough.

FITS rermnnrnttv Oirvtl. t.i fit, nr ni'rvoiipnr. aftr flint Any 'i 1' Klt'ie i.rt'Nl Si-rvi- lit-rsliurr. Hfiid KHKK Itlnl nntl rent. tie.

lilt. K. H. KLisit, l.Ui., v.u Arvti Hi I hilsuU li'hla, New brooms sweep elenn-Htid old ones, too, if properly manipulated. tor weakness, stltTneRR nnd florenwa in ftRed people use Wizard 1)11.

Your druggist knows this and sells the oil. Only a fool talks nauelly to a man before he has taken his measure. Throw physic (o the (lops- If you rlen't want the (lops tint If you wunl (iltfestluu eltew lJKeunau'H PepNiQ Guui. One half the world doesn't know how the other half lies about it. 1 1 wsw.

at-' i- 3 Atchison -are, a. a- kevsa. salla s.Mrt saTIOVal reaTU I an eutwe will I daartBAet by constltsstloo twenty lu neserfound I am entirely of life, pregnancy, and for all the which afflict womankind, the use of Southerners Doing a 1'rofltable Holiness In Thalr Manuractura. There is an organized system of imposition in Indian relics. Very few of those found In the cities were ever seen by redskins; they are made by wholesale for purpose of deceiving the credulous.

One firm In North Carolina does a large business in this line. The fraud they practice is almost impossible to detect so thoroughly have they mastered the art. Recently this firm tried to palm off on Rev. J. H.

Frazee, D. of Knoxville, who is a collector, some of their goods, but without success. Dr. Frazee received a letter from the firm which mentioned that his name had been recommended by a prominent physician of Knoxville as a person who would likely wish to buy some relics. They represented that they had been making extensive collections of all kinds of relics and hud disposed of some, but wished to go out of the business, and therefore would sell relics on hand cheap.

The letter said a box of samples would be sent, which was done. Dr. Frazee examined the contents of the box and finding nothing that he did not already have returned them. Shortly afterward a man In the west who had heard of Dr. Frazee as a collector of Indian relics, wrote him, asking that he might put him in the way of getting some Tennessee relics.

Dr. Frazee, having given little atten tion to the specimens from North Carolina, and not detecting the fraud, recommended to his western friend this firm as having represented that it had some relics for sale, in a short time the western man answered and branded the North Carolina firm as flagrant frauds. He had already fallen into their trap. He said the relics he had secured from the bogus dealers of North Carolina were difficult to detect from the real. He had the relics investigated by prominent collectors in the west, who could not determine accurately as to the fraud.

The relics were then sent to government experts, who Bald the whole collection was bogus. The North Carolina tricksters have probably done au extensive business. Chicago Chronicle. HIS MATRIMONIAL RECORD. Seventeenth Wife Shook Anderson VTheti She Connted Her Predecessor.

George Washington Anderson, the confessed husband of seventeen wives, most of whom are Btlll living, has Just been sent by the seventeenth to the Pleasants county poorhouse. West Virginia, while she attempts to recover a little of the wealth that she gave up to marry him, and sues for a divorce. Anderson was 68 years old and his bride 71 when they eloped to Parkers-burg bust month and were married there. They had known each other only two days, but In that time he had learned the leBson he had so often and so easily learned before, and she, seeing in him, no doubt, the realization of a lifetime's longing, accepted him as soon as he proposed. He represented that ho was drawing a pension.

She was also receiving a pension, but as he whh Hrowlnir tunnort frnm thn government she willingly gave up hers for him. After the honevmrmn wua over the old man fell ill. and the wife's devotion to him was remarkable. But as time wore on she began to suspect that he was not all he represented himself to be. The time to fill out vouchers for his pension came an! went and he neglocted to attend to his.

She began a search through his pockets after the papers, and the first thing she found was his written confession that he had been married 16 tlmea before he saw her. That took all the glamor of the married life which she had hoped would bring her happiness, and when he added that nearly all of the preceding 16 are nlive and well she bundled him bodily out of the house and had him taken to the poorhouse, where she would no longer have to support him. She then Instructed her lawyer to bring suit tor divorce. Chicago Journal. lntoslrmtlng: OltlelsnM of Two Men.

Writing In the Critic of certain qualities of Brandar Matthews and Harry Thurston Peck, "A Professor of Ijat-In" says: "Professor Blander Matthews and Harry Thurston Peck possess all the properties of a high-grade intellectual intoxicant. One reads them to the points of dizziness, gets quarrelsome as the draughts go down, and suffers the inevitable headache after it is all over; nor has any Keeley yet appeared with an effective remedy. And so when these two authorities fall upon one another, one feels an lmm-dite desire to have a hand in the scrimmage. In favor of one or the other, both or neither, as the case may be. Vanderbllt Found tile Coin.

While out with a coaching pnrty a few days ago Alfred (i. Vanderbllt drew forth a handful of money to pay for something in a hotel at Vonkers. One of the coins dropped to the floor and the millionaire spent several minutes looking for It. He finally found the coin, which proved to be a red cent. "Take care of the pennies," muttered a bystander.

Kasy Way to Get Ice. A Woolwich (Me.) man ha filled his ice house with cakes which have floated down with a freshet. All the crew has had to do has been to watch for the fine, blue cakes and then float them into the ice house. Foor Sisters Afed 21 Years. Four sisters, according to the Balina (Kas.) Union, registered from one ward at the city clerk's office, pres'nt-ing themselves separately.

Kach gave her age as twenty-one. To the Editor: Thomas Regnn and C. Collins of Eden Valley. Minnesota, went out to Western Canada last December as delegates to look over the grazing and grain lands that are being offered at such low prices and reasonable terms. This is what they say: "Wearrived In Calgary about the 20th of December and although we had left winter In Minnesota and Manitoba, we were surprised to find beautiful warm weather at this point, quite equal to what we have In May in Minnesota.

There was no snow nor winter to be seen, and the climate was really splendid. Horses, cattle and sheep were running out. In prime condition, with plenty of feed on the prairie, and really better than that of our3 stabled in the south. We are Impressed with this country as cie of the finest mixed farming countries we have ever seen. The immense tracts of fertile lands well sheltered and abundantly watered leave nothing to be desired.

"Leaving Alberta we returned east and visited the Yorkton district in Assinlbota. We drove out about ten miles at this point and were highly pleased with the splendid samples of grain we were able to see wheat yielding 25 bushels, oats 60 bushels. Roots were also good specimens. Krom what we have seen, we have decided to throw In our lot with the York-toners- satisfied that this part of tlio country will furnish good opportunities for anyone anxious to make the best of a really good country." "Any agent of the Canadian government, whose advertisement appears elsewhere In the columns of your paper will give you full particulars of the new districts being opened out this year In Asslnlboia and Saskatchewan. Yours truly, Old Reader.

NEW FAST TRAIN TO COLORADO VIA MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILWAY. The Missouri Pacific Railway Is now operating double daily service from Bt. Louis and Kansas City to points in Colorado, Utah and the Pacific coast. Trains leave St. Louis 9:00 a.

m. and 10:10 p. Kansas City 6:00 p. m. and 10:00 a.

carrying through sleeping cars between St. Louis and San Francisco without change. Excursion tickets now on sale. For further address Company's agents. II.


Agent, St. Louis, Mo. Oar Vngrnteful World. This is an ungrateful world. It not Infrequently happens that the man who laughs the loudest at the mother-in-law Jokes at the vaudeville show is the man who lives at the expense of Lis wife's mother and depends upon her to supervise the cooking, perhaps to do it.

Boston Transcript. Automobiles C.rry Wounded Hitmen. The automobile is put to a curious use at Auteull. When a horse has been injured in the steeplechases, If it unable to rise, a specially constructed motor car is brought up and the wounded animal deposited in it and transported thereby to the care of the Veterinary surgeons. Surety Law Disregarded.

Chicago has an ordinance requiring that the windows in tall buildings shal. be so adjusted as to be washable from the inside, but the Chicago builders have disregarded it in thousands of structures, and nobody seems to feel called upon to impose the penalties. Tramp' Necret Fraternity. The chief of police of Bethlehem, claims that there is a tramps' se cret fraternity. He discovered that a dozen "hoboes" In the lockup the other night were performing an elaborate initiation and were working the first degree upon a new candidate.

department Store Manager's Exaction. The manager of a retail store in Chicago pays a reward of )1 for every mistake, misrepresentation or inac curacy pointed out in the newspaper advertisements of that firm, and the clerks and other employes are alert to secure the money. Higher Mathematics. The story writer who figures out that there has been 121 generations of the human family beginning with Adam has done something that ought to discourage the most enthusiastic genealogist. Roston Globe.

FRAGRANT a perfect liquid dentifrice for the Teifh and Mouth New Size S0Z0D0NT LIQUID, 25c fc S0Z0DONTT00TH POWDER, 25c j9 WW Urge LIQUID and POWDER, 75c mM At all Stores, or by Mail for the price. HALL A RUCKEU New York. Kansas City to San Antonio Without Change via the 5anta Fe Route Throuph Pullman Talnce Sleepers ami free Kecliiiiutr Chair' Cars to Fort Worth, Austin and San Antonio, Iiaily ai 10 p. tu. from Kan-bus City.

Absolutely no change of cars. Hound trip tickets on sale t-t greatly reduced rates. The A. T. S.


P. D. ItaBfea City. Mo. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm bring relief, and benefit every woman.

It It unsurpassed In all troubles affecting the liver and kidneys; for Rheumatism, Lame Back, Lumbago, etc. Its efficacy has been proved for in thousands of homes. Better buy to day, and have it in the house. $1.00 at druggiata. The J.

H. McLCAN -i St. Louie. Mo. lobe.

ffl. not do be BTVrnal (be lortoree of te wlla protruding piles brought on wtku wulcb I was afflicted for years. I ran across your Uie town of Newell, and anything' to equal Utena. Tn-dey Piles Cured While You Sleep You are costive, and nature Is under a constant strain to relieve the condition. This causes a rush of blood to the rectum, and before long congested lumps appear, Itching, painful, bleeding.

Then you have plies. There are many kinds and many cures, but piles are not curable unless you assist nature in removing the cause. CASCARETS make effort easy, regulate and solten the stools, relieving the tension, and giving nature a chance to use her healing power. Piles, hemorrhoids, fistula, and other rectal troubles yield to the treatment, and Cabarets quickly and surely remove them forever. Don't be persuaded to experiment with anything (JASCA-KBTfJ tree Irom piles end.

feel like a mV a m. if nmm man." U. II VT new tats." tj- '1 I I. eTeu A I X. -Jti Woman'.

iolt. fen- Jj'j BEST FOR BOWELS AND LIVER. 1411 Jones St, Rloui City, la THIS IS THE TABLET Fl.e. eg. BtTA'KAXTEEn TO rriltll Wwal trw a.piodlels Mllooiin, hex of OA a.

beses a year. t. abenlul I I I aril I i 7. ion are tay today, t.a Klve CA liT we. I I.

.1 li mii.1.. I world. Tht. i onr best tttuonl- We have rallS, V. r.1 Ji.

one tYriindng. pirklo a an 4 tJlzs I new. sVk. gtlaai. la a ata.rtr V.TwIll cr Ml well tm-s-Mle to car m9 aflrr aJTui "lure Ik abused ed Ih. bos to o. by or tfc. tVoai wboa. you It. and gel your -oiiey baek lor ipitb VL.v our ed s.tfrv,bat all.

td Iloallb will qul.air fellow and you will ble.e the it.f yi.n thei use Auoa freely asall. Addi Insulin alasiit Us. well Rll live Bntll you put yur bowttla rWl..

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