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The Algona Upper Des Moines from Algona, Iowa • Page 16

Algona, Iowa
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Pii MdTnii thuridtty, Jan. 26, 196t Urges Study Of Compensatory Payments to Hog Producers i i i Jiifi ni-aat deal of Interest your guaranteed prices for the.main agricultural pro- ed'ito'iaT on 7he fact 9 that Governor Sf in" his ducts anU to'afford security of tenured tenant Inaugural address, advocates lower tax burdens, i( and yet a higher spending program all at the It seems odd that many lowtms would ad- same time. "I'm sure it will be admitted that taxes on property and sales tax are pretty heavy riow. It will also be admitted that inflation (or rising costs) makes difficult or impossible the kind of vdeafe leaving tKe hog producers out in the cold "when lrt ever-increasing amounts compensatory payments arei accorded other groups. For any Iowa business man who depends on the farmer's buying power to oppose pro- services "in'rnany areas that our people need, tectlon to the hog industry is pretty short-sighted, without sofhe 'remedy." can easily be control of compensatory iTo me'it seems absurd that in such a pre- payments so that excessive output is discourag- dicdment people of.

our state overlook, entirely d. A brake can easily be ap'plied by some another "solution. If Is to Increase the tax-pdylng nn A capacity of our citizens. I give one illustration: Iowa is the greatest hog and corn producing state in the union. Corn is the' natural basic food of a hog.

Our Federal government now Intercedes in many ways to guarantee adequate limitation on payments to any one producer, and experience and not theory could be the guide Irt that field. This brings us. back to the tax situation Iowa now collects nearly 69 million a year in sales fax. The Federal government gets compensation for other groups why not tpe revenue from income tax, despite the many hog Nowadays a slight increase in hog production in excess of normal demand results in a big decrease in price. From July 1955 to Dec.

30, 1956, the price of hogs averaged only legal loop holes which allow many wealthy people to pay less than appears on the surface. If a fair compensatory payment for pork production could be worked out, to take effect when pork prices below certain levels if it of parity (or a just price). This in turn lowered jhe did, the income adjustment that would be return- capacity of'Iowa by hundreds of 1J t. millions of dollars. And, strange as it may seem, all the hogs produced and slaughtered were eaten, during that period had anything to do with hogs except the producer benefitted.

During this same period the Interstate Commerce Commission approved a transportation cost increase thus insuring fair compensation for the transportation companies, or a form "of compensation payment from raised rates. There is a guaranteed minimum Wage, unemployment compensation for many types of workers, and a percent for oil companies before What is that but a compensation guarantee? It is absurd for anyone to cry "socialism" everytime someone urges protection of income for hog producers. But it would protect Iowa's greatest, Industry the production of pork. Nearly every civilized, non-Communistic nation on earth has long since found it, necessary to effect some sort of a government guarantee to assure justice for food, producers. a 1957 bulletin issued by the government of Great Britain, it says with reference to food producers: "To secure a stable and efficient agrucltur- ed to 'farmers would immediately be such, that Iowa's own sales and income tax would be maintained or increased, and in turn would get some of it back through higher tax, totals.

The Federal government's budget spends only about of the total on agriculture or associated items, including all present.suppbrts and so-called as well as all services of the U.S.D.A. Compensatory payments to hog producers are worth consideration. And the writer is a farmer, not a hog producer, so there is no per- soficd axe involved here. Yours very truly, GEORGE W. PATTERSON Burt, Iowa BENSON GETS NEW JOB what do you know! Ezra Benson, heretofore described as anxious to get back to his Sduties as-an elder in the -Mbrmon 1 rfas how "accepted a position as director of Corn Products Co.

He says this "will 'enable me to continue my efforts to expand markets for farm products throughout the world." stsiSTOi 4 Hell -1 Mill Iftr'' 1 was tsome, i WHJJ Theater 9 A 1 under with' wl Id'elpliia. Ctomei-v banquet and', meeting T. 'I- a't, Aijtaha Wg-h ill Quite" feV mea'tt were 1 stfpved. Votf ntt'-less 1 'thaft' 14'Oj) hungry-men, women, ehil- drefifi'epoHddly. satisfied by the esii Ijv' "Missed his quoia thli Fittal reading of Anna's jfo ocv beritf slcveM bicycle licensing "ordinahce JJjfofeV wrio'-c Mf'Dobcy under' b'e-madlr- Thursday medical treatment aridithey co'uricil meetihg.

Besides re-' cn $, ew flfririn'g the' city's'60 fawners' 1 fq purchase Id ftpuld require volrfigh hbur after Rundown until onej C0hie home Tuesday. He will go Half hour before red to'Fort'D6dge a 1 couple of times reflector, at'least ihches in" a 'week or i treatments his diameter to be required ort and the rear fender, as well as a' bell i washintotj. the rear lender, as wen as a oeu i i- horn, good brakes ahd Fall Riding on streets the, rs jjelue Lupifi fell, in frprtt business district W3S Drobitied. )t, 0 riffirp recent- CMAttLBS TRtJSSELk andTh6 AIRLINERS, A Weekly Report HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT of the McNeriney dffice recently, injuring back, which was Heavy' snows over the. week Dac bruised.

She is' under 'a end' resulted in woes for area doctor's care. drivers as highways, roads and streets remained dangerously Mrs Rose Murphy went to slippery. Tomperature readings Wav.erly Sunday for a visit with dining the'period weren't J. Murphy'and took the with a high-of 30, degrees Jan. train from Waterloo Monday'for hand.

The same applies to 28 and a low of ero jj sanle chlcago Attend highlights i Capital by When it comes to building re- families who dislike unpacking dfly recor d. Thieves jimmied a door lock while there CtUineal rti-niri at. of her nephew. She will als6 visit and a brother viewing stands we've done it up cars for one-night stops. brown for Ihe 1961 Presidential Inauguration.

It costs $50,000 to A FOND FAREWELL Re- a the Schinsel elevator at rjwrence' Bergman, employed build the, stands in front of the gardless of one's politics the White Kennedy can watch ral Parade. The statistics tell the jiower after eight years in thq late Sunday night or at thc Wel hatchery farm, step- story rathpr well. Nearly 10 White HoUse. He has now miles of two-by-four framing farewell to Congress, to in tnq ho- investigated, the thieves Mr and cietus Dorr enter- iw said carried the Jot to a truck parked ir cd theh Saturday his be- ar the bulldirfg, There had' favenmg at.fh'elr! lumber was used. The stand is loved Army and to his party.

We been no arrestfc but, in- Johnson took their unique from the stand-point of dan argue t.ntil we are blue in yestigation i. cons'truction. It consists of four 'ehe face whether Mr Eisenhower frames, each composed of one was an able or weak President. girder and four columns. The Only history will decide, For IKI1M Wl girders are the largest plywood those of us wlio have observed ball teams racked up wins dur Thursday at Holy Family hospi- the matter con- sev ar bid son -to Iowa pity Saturday rrie'dic'al treatment.

i Mr and Mrs Donald are Both local high school basket- rcnts of a daru ghter born and timber composite members the President at close hand for ng the week. Algona high belted ever erected in Washington and. sight "years it would not be hon- Hnmpton, 30-7, thatte right, of three-quarter-inch ply- est to say we are. not touched by Hampton came up with seven Esthervijle, and Mrs J. are trie grandparents, wood nailed and glued to the leaving.

But change is inevit- points in 32 minutes, as Bob ACCIDENT' structure timber. Each nail in the able and so it is that we must Wray led Algona in scoring with girders is accurately spaced jjow turn our attention to the 13 points. St Cecelia's came back Randy Thomson, son of Mr and one and a quarter inches apart, new President and chronicle his to post a 26-23 win over Presen- Mrs Max Thomson, of Kingsley, To drive these nails the contrac- in history. tation Academy of Whittemore. recently suffered, a tor had to buy a newly-developed, compressed-air 'driven, auto- tation with 10 points each.

operations, his mitten got caught Hood's. IGA store had these grocery listed in the i fr UDM -1 matic feed nailing machine. One girder and its four Columns weighs four tons. They contain 27,000 sixtcen-penny hails and bolts on the al industry, capable of producing necessary food Ezra mjght have a dded "and to continue I xi trif at minimum prices, consistent with proper re muneration and living conditions for farmers and workers in agriculture, there must be an adequate return on capital invested to Ihis end the government is empowered to provide Algomt Upper Entered aa second class matter at the postofflce at Algona. Iowa, under Act of Congress of March 3, 1879.

Issued Thursday in 1961 By THE UPPER DES MOINES PUBLISHING CO. R. B. WALLER, Editor Publisher DON SMITH, News Editor MERLE PRATT, Advertising Mgr. JACK PURCELL, Foreman on the theory that if you keep form products priced low and the processed goods priced high, you can't help doing alright yourself." INTERESTING PROPOSALS Two of the numerous bills now introduced in the state legislature greatly interest us.

One proposes that Iowa repeal its present 111 E. Call CY Iowa aws which mQ coun ti es responsible for the cost of caring for patients from their counties in state mental institutions, and shift this burden to the state. What this change might do is a good subject for discussion. Making the state pay the bill means the state would have to find more revenue to do it. Also, it might make it easier for counties to send more people to already ever- crowded places.

The second bill proposes that the state appropriate $2.2 million dollars of state funds to build a high school and elementary school at Ames. Basis for this request is that many Ames students are children of faculty members or employees of state agencies at Ames. Why the sponsor figures the state should financially solve an Ames problem is not explained any further. Yes, it's a great show, the meeting of the legislature. We don't think President Kennedy has made many mistakes, thus far.

Our only criticism would be that Frank Sinatra could have stayed in Hollywood, without doing Mr, JFK any harm. And we might add for the benefit of the scribes who have found something sinister in JKF's desire to be left alone on the golf course, that he has been playing his golf BEFORE he was sworn into office. Plastic surgeons can do most anything with a nose except keep it out of other people's business. The only thing more disturbing than a neighbor with.a new car is the other neighbor with quiet running new one. NATION A EDITORIAL three-quarter-inch 'Miougrr ptuni was used stands to, paint IJj average-sized frame houses.

Arid the -whole business will became scrap lumber on Jan. 21. Whlltemore, JAN. 29 HENRY CHARLES FEB. 5 DON HOY WED.

FEB. 8 Come ypju, are.Nite. FRANK BUHR SUNDAY; FEBRUARY "Big tiny Lfttle, Jr." I 1 11 1 Marv Reedstrom brch. No Dances During Lent Except iSt. Patrick's Dance Don Hoy (Doors Open Early) No Booth Reservations Doors 8:30 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHllllUIIIII FROM THE FILES OF THE HOLD BACK THE CLOCK ALGONA UPPER DES MOINES We hope the plan works but we have our doubts.

But credit is JAN. 30. 1941 due the Nation's billboard owners cans of grapefruit juice, 25 cents; Fine granulated sugar, 10 47 cents; Red Rooster coffee, 3 39 cents; round steak, 25 cents and sliced bacon, 10 cents. Up at Titonka, the tractor Jim- INSURANCE i A total of 90 tons of steel for mie Rippentrop was driving Fri- for to help. They new electric light plant, failed to make a grade' ana have arranged with Civil Dcfen- slated for construction, arrived pliel in a ditch where it tipped E.

State se officials to put up warnings during, the week. City officials over. The driver 'was uninjured in event the Nation is about to Had been wondering for some and Frank Fisher put the tractor be attacked. These would be Ipne if the material would be back on thr; road with his wrec- (Arnie) Ricklefs Hospitalization Health Accident jjife CY 4-452U placed on nearly 1,2,000 key 'billboards, visible to 130,000,000 people. The big hitch, of course, is will the billboard crews have enough time to hoist a warning.

Some military experts say we would have only a few minutes' warning, if the Russian's launch a missile attack on this country, NUMBERP GAME An interesting document crossed our desk the ot'nor duy. It's entitled Long Program for thc You Can Questions Him At i BOX 66 KALISPELL, MONTANA 21 A By Don Holllgon Dear Dan: Without a doubt I've got two of the most wonderful Barents in 'the world. The only thing troubles me is their lack n. 8t interest in my school work. I always make better than average Improvement of Federal Stalls- grades, ail of it through hard work and studying, but.rny efforts go.

tis or tics" Naturally, one is was so NATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE Weekly Newspaper Representatives, Inc. 404 Fifth New York 18, N. Y. SUBSCRIPTION SATES IN KOSSUTH CO. Oruj Year, in advance J3.00 Both Algona papers, in combination, per year $5.00 single Copies 10c SUBSCRIPTION RATES OUTSIDE KOSSUTH One Year, in advance S4.00 Both Algona papers in combination, one year No subscription less Hum 6 inumhs.

OFFICIAL CITY AND COUNTY NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING RATES ON REQUEST Could You Reach 5,300 Families for 59c? AlOONA UPPiR PES MOINiS CLASSIFIED ADS DO JUST THAT Word Classified Ads, Paid In Advance, 50c) overlooked. Wc-ll, it doesn't turn out that way. A group of adding taken unnoticed at home. Mom and Dad never attend school meetings or aback when he was so certain narent-teacher conferences. Also, always say they're too busy our fedcr-il stati---'ics couldn't be to serve as chaperones at our canteen when it's their, turn, nroved At lea- we felt they Outside of their tack of interest, they're wonderful and we get were ground out "in suchi volume 4long better than any other family in town.

What I want to know that nothinp possibly could be ho nc understanding Needed. 6 Understanding Needed: Your mother and father may be won- neglecting some of their basic duties and just missing out on some events itha't will only occur' es for them. Perhaps you've never told your parents exactly how you feel, ff you haven't talked over, the beginning of this new year is about as good a time as any to get this settled. If they're as means they're understanding. Good luck.

ou! federal statistics. For one thii.g, by thr; time they are compiled they are of no further value to some most interested in them. Or they don't give enough geographical detail. The list of complaints is but we feel sure ALGONA INSURANCE i J. H.

(Jim) KOLP Surety'Bonds All Lines of Insurance CY "4-3176 206 E. State BLOSSOM INSURANCE AGENCY All Lines of Insurance Automobile Furniture Loan 7 N. Dodge. Phone CY 4-2733 BOHANNON INSURANCE SERVICE N. Dodge St.

Ph. CY 4-444S Home Automobile Farm Polio Insurance PAXSON Dwelling; Auto, jr- Life, General Phone CY 4-4512 MUTUAi ASSOCIATION Over worth in 'force. CY 4-3T56. Scuffhanv derful as 1HEHBST INS. AGENCY for Auto, House, Household Other D'drrna Farm AffiJiate'djwJtb Auto (with $10 -Deductible) Life Hail Tractor 9f Dam I'm only 14, still too young to date but not toq, young baby-sit and that's what I do at least two evenings a I all these wiongs win be righted, I should watch my two younger brothers in evenings when my parents ask me to but how about other kids? NO SILVER LIKING My mother and-father go out quite a lot with this other man and Newspaper headlines screamed wife and they always bring their son and daughter to our house to (or weeks about the "flight" of stay because we've got a big rumpus joom in the basement, I haven Don from the United States, said anything to my parents but I'm getting pretty disgusted.

My Now it develops we're having Inhere mind me all right but the other two kids drive me to the liV TI CI I don't mind but I do mind doing all this sitting for the "able silver "have dro PP Bother and father for nothing. What do you think about this? Co. ly to less Uian 125 million oun- and aro expected to drop HAROLD SUNDBT State Farm Ins. Co, hate to put a tag on Ugpna friendship but nay 'you the standard rate in your city but they should at least offer The Jgi he rninuig ol- silver is tailing off. they'd have to i cur alone vvc used 44 mil- lion ounces for new coins, industry uses about 90 million ounces annually.

As one -might suspect, a lot more silver coins art in cir- culution today because of parking mclcvs and the 100 and 1 coin-operated machines that sprew out everything cigarettes to perfmju-, fV J.UIp^JiJ' fwyir "j-g ff- 1 Then: will bo mow in-town mo- ou yow parenls, Jlieft you don't haye an argument. On- tolK roplacins liotels. according to hand, $20.000 a week room and js a fair figure for both panties. the Urban Land Institute. One You're not paying too much, conaijeruig you gel and laundry, of Hie reasons given for this is and ur parents aren't getting.

giuch. that motels are catering more .1 and more to commercial travelers THE -a- wrw use their cars as offices and Iff faff banquet ft on a Fwlay bit yon-" looms and want them clote renaion and it prohibits uating ol uwat on something. After all, if you baby-sjtter. bring up this subject shpuld Burt, Iowa otildn't b'e made the patsy eacfv and every I'm a 19 year ottd high schfioj graduate and chang-, I've been paying $20.00 a week at Jjome ipr roa und boai-d but now just because my gone up nearly $15,00, pyer nw fermej: job, my father- -J should pay an extra I 4opH an4 we've argue.d about if. Now we'ye vQ(i E.

The basjc ppint to consider whether or fipt tne'extra $5.00 a week. Jf the fS.QO oi- All Types Of Insurance Phone CY 4-3279 PINTiSTS DB, J. B. HARRIS, JR. Chiropractor D.

Arnold' Chiropractor Over Penriey-'s Office Phone CY 4-3373 r- .5:00 Open Friday Night Dr, Wllliahi Clegg Chiropractor .521 E. State St. Hours: 8:00 thru Sat 9:00 Friday Ph. Off. CY 4-4677 Reg.

CY 4-34H DOCTORS MELVjtf G. BOURNE, 0. Physician Surgeon 1 118 N. Moore St Office phone CY 4-2349 Resident phone 4-2277 J. N.

KENEFICK. M. D. Physician Surgeon 218 W. State Street phone, CY Resident phope CY CAROL L.

PLOTT, M.D, 110 N. Moore Street Practicie Litnlted- -Surgery Appoi Office Hours by Appointment CYpress 4-4884 Of ice CYprest 4-4331 'Residence JOHN M. 8CHUTTER, MJ), Physician Surgeon 220 No. Dpdjge, Algona Optometrist 113 State 113 State Algona Telephone QY 4-2715 Closed. Aftemoons Drs.

SAWYER and ERICK80W Eyes 5xamine4 Contact Lensep Hearing AW 9 Bast State Aigona, Iowa Phpne pypresa Hours; a.m. to 5:00 p.m, Visual Analysisfcisual Tr J08 South HarlanSt (Home Federal Bldg.) Farm CY.

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